
The Fix Tome 1 : De l'or pour les banques





Banquet pour tout le monde : Astérix et Obélix ont 60 ans

Les deux Gaulois les plus célèbres du 9e art fêtent, en 2019, leur 60e anniversaire : le 29 octobre 1959, le scénariste René Goscinny et le dessinateur Albert Uderzo présentent au monde un petit Gaulois, accompagné par son ami, plus... enveloppé. Rapidement, les deux héros deviennent les figures majeures du journal Pilote.



Dix poètes pour entretenir le goût de la poésie

Du 7 au 23 mars, le Printemps des poètes ouvre le bal aux vers, en vers, et contre tout. Parce que le goût pour la poésie dépasse amplement le seul plaisir solitaire d’une lecture intime, voici neuf auteurs à redécouvrir, neuf textes, traduits ou en français, dont les échos restent puissants aujourd’hui encore. 



Dix textes, pour voyager, avec soi, vers les autres

Le poète Horace nous l’a dit voilà bien longtemps : « Nul ne peut se fuir soi, en quittant sa patrie. » On lui opposerait tout de même que les voyages forment la jeunesse et qu’il ne cause aucun tort de partir à la découverte du vaste monde. Quitte à n’y trouver que soi. Alors, justement, voici quelques titres sélectionnés pour les périples qu’ils proposent.



Avant de parler d'écologie, dix livres pour en explorer les facettes

Il n’y a résolument pas de Planète B, et plutôt que de mettre des pansements partout, mieux vaudrait, résolument, changer d’optique quant à notre relation avec l’environnement. Écologie, écoresponsabilité, protection de la Terre, autant de messages qui portent leur voix dans de nombreux livres. Voici une sélection de dix ouvrages, depuis la jeunesse jusqu’au théâtre, pour explorer les mondes par les mots.



Des lectures pour les vacances, pour les enfants de 6 à 8 ans

Durant les vacances, la lecture offre l'occasion d'apprendre et découvrir, en dehors de l'école. En partenariat avec l'association Lire et Faire Lire, ActuaLitté propose une sélection d'ouvrages pour les enfants de 6 à 8 ans. En puisant dans les différentes sélections que le Comité de lecture a réalisées entre 2017 et 2022, voici huit ouvrages pour embellir la période de Pâques.



Présidentielle 2022 : les propositions des candidats pour le livre

L'élection présidentielle française, dont les deux tours se dérouleront le 10 et le 24 avril 2022, désignera l'homme ou la femme qui prendra la tête de l'État français pour les cinq années à venir. La profusion de prétendants et prétendantes signifie aussi un certain nombre de propositions pour convaincre, notamment dans le domaine de la culture et en particulier pour le livre.




The Fix Tome 1 : De l'or pour les banques

Ripoux jusqu'à l'os, Roy et Mac ont pour habitude de troquer leurs respectables insignes de flic contre quelques mallettes de billets verts. Jusqu'au jour où une dette contractée auprès d'un caïd particulièrement sadique les pousse à trouver des solutions inattendues à leur problème. Au menu : braquages de maisons de retraites, paris sur des matchs de robots clandestins, vente de scripts de leurs aventures et baby-sitting de starlettes d'Hollywood.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

The Undergrowth of Science. Delusion, self-deception and human frailty

Walter Gratzer's themes in the stories he relates in The Undergrowth of Science are collective delusion and human folly. Science is generally seen as a process bound by rigorous rules, which its practitioners must not transgress. Deliberate fraud occasionally intrudes, but it is soon detected, the perpetrators cast out and the course of discovery barely disturbed. Far more interesting are the outbreaks of self-delusion that from time to time afflict upright and competent researchers, and then spread like an epidemic or mass-hysteria through a sober and respectable scientific community. When this happens the rules by which scientists normally govern their working lives are suddenly suspended. Sometimes these episodes are provoked by personal vanity, an unwillingness to acknowledge error or even contemplate the possibility that a hard-won success is a will o' the wisp; at other times they stem from loyalty to a respected and trusted guru, or even from patriotic pride; and, worst of ail, they may be a consequence of a political ideology which imposes its own interpretation on scientists' observations of the natural world. Unreason and credulity supervene, illusory phenomena are described and measured, and theories are developed to explain them - until suddenly, often for no single reason, the bubble bursts, leaving behind it a residue of acrimony, recrimination, embarrassment and ruined reputations. Here, then, are radiations, measured with high precision yet existing only in the minds of those who observed them; the Russian water, which some thought might congeal the oceans: phantom diseases which called for heroic surgery; monkey testis implants that restored the sexual powers of ageing roués and of tired sheep; truths about genetics and about the nature of matter, perceptible only to Aryan scientists in the Third Reich or Marxist ideologues in the Soviet Union; and much more. The Undergrowth of Science explores, in terms accessible to the lay reader, the history of such episodes, up to our own time, in ail their absurdity, tragedy and pathos.




«Phädon», or «On the Immortality of the Soul»

This is the first modern translation of Moses Mendelssohn's classic work of 1767, the Phädon. It includes Mendelssohn's own introduction and appendix, as well as footnotes and explanatory introduction by David Shavin. (Charles Cullen's translation of 1789 is the only other extant translation.) The "modern Socrates" of the German classical period, Mendelssohn has created a beautiful translation and elaboration of Plato's Phädo led to a revolution in thought, and a subsequent renaissance in Germany. The debt of the German classical period to ancient Greece is embodied in Mendelssohn's Phädon, as is the promise of the American Revolution. The translation and accompanying notes recapture Mendelssohn's unique marriage of depth of thought and breadth of appeal.



Critique littéraire

Ancient Greek by Its Translators

When not familiar with the language itself, most readers over the centuries have had access to the ancient Greek texts only or mostly through (Latin or vernacular) translations. Such an approach is not only indirect and mediated, but also distorted and even impoverishing : meaning then prevails over the linguistic form and substance of the texts themselves. What do later or modern readers read when they read translated texts written in an ancient so-called dead language ? They read a given meaning - sometimes unfaithful, often inaccurate - dictated by a genuine understanding, the blind continuation of tradition, or an untold hidden intention. The complex range of significances conveyed by meaning simultaneously reflects the time and space (called synchrony) of when and where a text has been translated, the historical learning and linguistic skills of the translators, as well as their ideas and style. As a contribution to the perennial debate about translation (mere literary transliteration vs. creative transposition), this volume aims at analyzing some striking cases of various (literary or not) texts translated from ancient Greek showing how much for the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries aesthetics and ideology matter as much as - and often even more than - rigorous philology.



Non classé

Fiction, or the language of our discontent

This study concentrates on metafictional novels by Angus Wilson, Lawrence Durrell and Doris Lessing. The various methods and degrees of the built-in novelists' attempts to transform autobiographical experience into fiction are surveyed and followed by a discussion of the validity of mimetic presuppositions about fiction. The alternatives to realism are then discussed against the background of recent narratological theories.



Sciences politiques

The Structure of Political Communication in the United Kingdom, the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany

Political Communication in The United Kingdom, the United States and the Federal Republic of Germany differs in terms of what the peoples expect to take issue with, how they are prepared to talk about them, which choices they can make to solve problems and, finally, whom or which organizations they delegate to resolve them. This comparative media study of The Economist, Time and Der Spiegel attempts to extract the differences in politics of the three societies.


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