
Indigenization of Language in the African Francophone Novel




Objectif cadeaux de Nöel en cinq ouvrages

Noël approche doucement, il est donc temps de s’arrêter aux futurs présents que l’on offrira à ses proches. Si cette activité doit rester dans le plaisir de donner, on ne va pas se le cacher, il peut également être facteur d’un stress plus ou moins grand. Est-ce le bon cadeau ? Va-t-il plaire à la personne ciblée ? Pas d’inquiétude, les éditions de la Martinière ont sélectionné cinq ouvrages, pour tous les goûts. De quoi rendre heureux ce que vous aimez.



30 livres pour donner un “avent” goût de Noël

Le temps en librairie est compté, aussi faut-il savoir où trouver les bons conseils pour réaliser ses cadeaux. Voici une liste de 30 ouvrages, extrêmement diversifiée, qui fait aller de la littérature au polar, et de la jeunesse aux bandes dessinées, afin de mettre la main sur le présent idéal.



Livres, actualités : tout sur Andrée Chedid

Née le 20 mars 1920 au Caire, en Égypte, sous le nom Andrée Saab, Andrée Chedid y mène ses études, apprenant le français et l'anglais, et utilisant de manière ponctuelle l'arabe. Avec son mari Louis Selim Chedid, qu'elle épouse en 1942, elle part au Liban l'année suivante, où elle publie son premier recueil poétique, On the Trails of My Fancy, sous le pseudonyme A. Lake.



Cinq livres à offrir pour Noël

« Sans les cadeaux, Noël ne serait pas Noël. » On ne peut qu’être d’accord avec la romancière Louisa May Alcott, c’est pourquoi on vous propose nos conseils de lecture, avec Actes Sud, afin de gâter vos proches, et pourquoi pas, de leur donner des idées...



En série ou en film, les adaptations de livres crèvent l'écran

Le Parrain, Les Dents de la merRaisons et sentiments, Le Seigneur des Anneaux, la saga Harry Potter, Le Nom de la Rose, Orange mécaniqueVol au-dessus d'un nid de coucou, Le GuépardLettre d'une inconnue... Tous ces films ont un point commun, celui d'être des adaptations de romans ou de sagas littéraires...



Game of Thrones, des livres de George R.R. Martin à la série HBO

Né en 1948 aux États-Unis, George R.R. Martin écrit au départ pour créer de nouvelles histoires mettant en scène les super-héros Marvel, puis pour tuer le temps, alors qu'il peine à trouver un emploi dans le secteur du journalisme. Petit à petit, il devient un auteur confirmé de nouvelles de science-fiction. Après avoir commencé une carrière comme scénariste de séries télévisées, il commence, au début des années 1990, à rédiger une saga de type fantasy, intitulée A Song of Ice and Fire et traduite en français sous le titre Le Trône de Fer.



Littérature érotique et sentim

Indigenization of Language in the African Francophone Novel

Indigenization of Language in the African Francophone Novel : A New Literary Canon discusses the question of indigenization in the African Francophone novel. Analyzing the prose narratives of Nazi Boni, Ahmadou Kourouma, and Patrice Nganang, this book contends that African literature written in European languages is primarily a creative translation process. Recourse to European languages as a medium of expressing African imagination, worldview, and cultures in fictional writing poses problems of intelligibility. Developed to express and reflect Western worldviews and sensibilities, European languages are employed by African writers to convey messages that seem to be at variance with European imagination. These writers find themselves writing in languages they wish to subvert through the technique of literary indigenization. The significance of this study resides in its raising awareness to the hurdles that literary creativity in a polyglossic context may present to readers and translators. This book provides answers to intriguing questions centering on the problematic of translation in contemporary African literature. It is a contribution to current research aimed at unraveling the conundrum surrounding the language question in African Europhone fiction, particularly the cultural functions of translation in literature. Potential translation problems have to be addressed in order to make African literature written in European languages intelligible to global readership. With the advent of globalization, transcultural communication has become an activity of enormous importance to the international community. It is a subject of great interest to translators, linguists, language instructors, and literary theorists.





Whereas many books in this field deal with individual aspects or texts of the study of family laws, Leviticus : The Priestly Laws and Prohibitions from the Perspective of Ancient Near East and Africa examines extensively biblical texts, ancient Near Eastern text, and oral traditions from Africa. Thus, three different cultures converge : the world of the Hebrew Bible, the world of the ancient Near East, and the world of Africa. This volume examines in detail the history of the development of ancient laws in general and family laws in particular, especially the laws relating to marriages between close relatives. Furthermore, Johnson M. Kimuhu looks at prohibitions and taboos in Africa and the problems they pose with regard to the interpretation and translation of difficult biblical concepts into African languages. In that sense, Kimuhu provides an example of how to contextualize or integrate African traditions into the study of biblical Hebrew, and he also offers insights into the current debate on the study of kinship from the point of view of social/cultural anthropology and the Hebrew Bible legal system. Teachers, students, and researchers in biblical studies, ancient Near Eastern studies, African traditions, and social/cultural anthropology will find this book helpful in their quest to understand family laws, prohibitions, and taboos.



Non classé

Read Ancient African scripts from any current African language. Volume 2

The son of Douaouf, the brilliant, scribe of the early XIIth Dynasty Xty " Khety " said this : "The man continues to subsist after reaching the haven of death and his actions are beside him in a heap. " If regression is the main cause of the alarming situation of Africa and its tails the perceptibles consequences at all levels, the solution to this problem is eminently political. It inevitably involves the constitution of a pan-African State. For men, there is no unity without memory of the past. In fact, the construction of a federal state inevitably involves the restoration of African historical consciousness. There is no national and federal identity without a common language. The unification of Africa will only be possible if it takes the measure of its linguistic unification issue. To a lesser extent but like Cheikh Anta Diop in his book titled the Cultural Unity, I was animated throughout this heuristic by the idea that only the true knowledge of the past can maintain the consciousness and the feeling of a historical continuity essential to the consolidation of a nation for the purpose of building a multinational state in line with its past. Like Cheikh Anta Diop, I build my sureness on the legitimate idea that a people who lost a significant part of their historical memory must engage in the investigation of their past in every possible way. This investigation can take the contours of a reconnection with its past through so-called old languages. But a people can not live only with by merely repeating of what others tell them about themselves. The investigation through its linguistic past allows especially a direct knowledge of oneself. In addition to the fact that this knowledge simply highlights its weaknesses, it allows also to become aware by an introspective and therefore reflective of its real abilities and strengths. It structures being and the consciousness of being to resist any form of servile and degrading ideology. This quest for the past, not founded on blind passion but objectivity, nourishes a healthy ambition for a real universalism. To know one's past is already to project one's future. To know one's past is to give oneself the capacity to be able to bring to others in a perspective of giving and receiving. To know one's past is to refuse intellectual guardianship and wait-and-seeism. To know one's past is to be reborn.



Non classé

Read Ancient African scripts from any current African language. Volume 1

The son of Douaouf, the brilliant, scribe of the early XIIth Dynasty Xty " Khety " said this : "The man continues to subsist after reaching the haven of death and his actions are beside him in a heap. " If regression is the main cause of the alarming situation of Africa and its tails the perceptibles consequences at all levels, the solution to this problem is eminently political. It inevitably involves the constitution of a pan-African State. For men, there is no unity without memory of the past. In fact, the construction of a federal state inevitably involves the restoration of African historical consciousness. There is no national and federal identity without a common language. The unification of Africa will only be possible if it takes the measure of its linguistic unification issue. To a lesser extent but like Cheikh Anta Diop in his book titled the Cultural Unity, I was animated throughout this heuristic by the idea that only the true knowledge of the past can maintain the consciousness and the feeling of a historical continuity essential to the consolidation of a nation for the purpose of building a multinational state in line with its past. Like Cheikh Anta Diop, I build my sureness on the legitimate idea that a people who lost a significant part of their historical memory must engage in the investigation of their past in every possible way. This investigation can take the contours of a reconnection with its past through so-called old languages. But a people can not live only with by merely repeating of what others tell them about themselves. The investigation through its linguistic past allows especially a direct knowledge of oneself. In addition to the fact that this knowledge simply highlights its weaknesses, it allows also to become aware by an introspective and therefore reflective of its real abilities and strengths. It structures being and the consciousness of being to resist any form of servile and degrading ideology. This quest for the past, not founded on blind passion but objectivity, nourishes a healthy ambition for a real universalism. To know one's past is already to project one's future. To know one's past is to give oneself the capacity to be able to bring to others in a perspective of giving and receiving. To know one's past is to refuse intellectual guardianship and wait-and-seeism. To know one's past is to be reborn.



Non classé

The Inculturation of Christianity in Africa

This book demonstrates that the encounter between Christianity and various African cultures gives rise to a number of problems for Africans who become Christians. It draws attention to certain traditional African beliefs and practices that seem to be incompatible with Christianity and create problems for Africans who embrace Christianity. Against this background it argues for the need to inculturate Christianity. It contends that in this exercise African Christianity can learn from the attempts at inculturation found in the New Testament times and in the early church. It offers examples of how the early church sought to make use of non-Christian categories of thought and elements in its articulation of the Christian message and in worship. It suggests a few areas of Ghanaian and African life where inculturation could and should take place. These include funeral rites, widowhood rites, child-naming rites, the rites of marriage, libation and christology. It concludes by offering some guidelines for use in the process of the inculturation of Christianity in Africa today.



Non classé

The Arrest of Ships in German and South African Law

The study compares ship arrest in German and South African law. It shows that in certain fields South African and German provisions do not deviate or are at least substantially similar. This fact makes the application of both laws easier for litigants and lawyers, either for South Africans in Germany or Germans in South Africa. The book contains a selection of articles, forms, paragraphs and sections applicable in the case of ship arrest.


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