
National and European Law on the Threshold to the Single Market





La Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF)

La Bibliothèque nationale de France, abrégée en BnF, est un établissement patrimonial français des plus importants : c'est par exemple cette institution qui assume le dépôt légal des livres, et qui conserve un exemplaire de tous les ouvrages publiés en France. À l'origine bibliothèque du roi au moment de sa création, au XIVe siècle, elle est naturellement devenue la bibliothèque de l'ensemble du peuple français.



Foire du Livre de Francfort 2019 : la Norvège à l'honneur

La Foire du Livre de Francfort 2019, 71e édition, se déroulera du 16 au 20 octobre. L'un des plus importants salons du monde du livre européen fera cette fois une place d'honneur à la Norvège. « The dream we carry », ou le « Le rêve que nous faisons », titre du programme mis en œuvre par le pays, promet beaucoup, et notamment des focus sur la liberté d'expression et sur les auteurs et livres féministes.



Le Syndicat national de l'édition (SNE)

Créé en 1874, le syndicat rassemblant les éditeurs de livres français devient le Syndicat national de l'édition à la sortie de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en 1947, et réunit rapidement plusieurs centaines de maisons d'édition. La structure permet d'organiser l'action collective, notamment auprès des pouvoirs publics, mais aussi de mettre en œuvre des campagnes de promotion du livre et de la lecture au niveau national.



Livres, actualités : tout sur Andrée Chedid

Née le 20 mars 1920 au Caire, en Égypte, sous le nom Andrée Saab, Andrée Chedid y mène ses études, apprenant le français et l'anglais, et utilisant de manière ponctuelle l'arabe. Avec son mari Louis Selim Chedid, qu'elle épouse en 1942, elle part au Liban l'année suivante, où elle publie son premier recueil poétique, On the Trails of My Fancy, sous le pseudonyme A. Lake.



L'oiseau moqueur de Harper Lee, un chef d'oeuvre à la peau dure

L’histoire que raconte Jean Louise Finch, alors âgée de six ans, est devenue l’un des plus grands classiques de la littérature américaine. To Kill a Mockingbird, prix Pulitzer Littérature 1961, un an après sa sortie, est réputé pour son humour et sa chaleur, alors qu’il traite de viol et d’inégalité raciale.



Livres, actualités : tout sur Virginia Woolf

Née Adeline Virginia Alexandra Stephen en 1882, Virginia Woolf grandit dans une famille aisée, où elle dispose d'un accès facilité à l'art et à la culture de son époque. Les disparitions de sa mère, en 1895, de sa demi-sœur puis de son père fragilisent toutefois son état émotionnel : elle devient sujette aux dépressions nerveuses. En 1915, elle publie son premier roman, The Voyage Out, après quelques années d'activité au sein du supplément littéraire du Times. 




National and European Law on the Threshold to the Single Market

The volume contains the reports and discussion papers presented at an English-German Colloquium in May 1992. Scholars and practicing lawyers from the United Kingdom and Germany deal with seven important fields of law : History of Environmental Law - Current Issues of Local Government - Immigration and Asylum - Towards European Private Law Principles - Product Safety and Product Liability - Social Security - The Single Market and the Legal Profession.




Western European Integration in the 1980s

The Single European Act was formally approved by the European Council in February 1986. When Maastricht hit the headlines in the early 1990s, the Single European Act instantly became history. However, it was the Single Market programme - the main content of the Single European Act - and the years of preparation leading up to it which really gave new momentum to European integration after the "Eurosclerosis" of the 1970s. The process which led to the Single European Act was never publicly discussed. The architects and initiators of the Single Market have not become household names, however, it is these protagonists and their efforts which are the subject of this book. With information gathered from extensive interviews with key players and EC documentation, the author reviews the forces behind the acceleration of European integration.



Non classé

Border and Border Experience

This interdisciplinary study aims to understand the complex experience of what is an essentially German debate on a philosophical and literary motif. It suggests Karl Jaspers' Existenzerhellung as a distinctive way of thinking about borders and thresholds. The threshold analogy, in particular, lends itself to the analysis of German literature on border and border experience in the second half of the twentieth century.




Activation Policies for the Unemployed, the Right to Work and the Duty to Work

Since the 1990s and the 2000s, Western social protection systems have experienced a turn towards activation. This turn consists of the multiplication of measures aimed at bringing those who are unemployed closer to participation in the labour market. These measures often induce a strengthening of the conditions that must be met in order to receive social benefits. It is in this well known context that the authors gathered in this book decided to take a closer look at the relationship between activation policies for the unemployed and the right and the duty to work. If activation measures are likely to increase transitions towards the labour market, we can also make the assumption that they may, particularly when they are marked with the seal of coercion, hinder or dramatically reduce the right to freely chosen work. In such circumstances, the realisation of the "right to work", which is often stated to be the aim of those who promote activation, tends in practice to be reduced to an increasing pressure being exerted on the unemployed. In this case, isn't it actually the duty to work that is particularly reinforced ? After an historical and philosophical perspective on the issue, this assumption is confronted with the developments observed in the United States and in France, and then with the guidelines laid down in international human rights instruments. What follows is a discussion of two alternatives to the dominant activation model : the basic income guarantee and the employment guarantee.



Non classé

Waste Management in Poland and Germany

Poland attracts foreign investment. This holds also true for foreign enterprises involved in waste management. In order to do efficiently and successfully waste management-related business in Poland, it is of great importance to get acquainted with the following issues : general waste management situation, market conditions and business openings for waste management firms, and the legal framework governing waste management in Poland. Given that Poland hopes to be admitted to the European Union by the turn of the coming century, co-ordination and harmonization of the different national waste management programs are imperative. Therefore, for comparative reasons, the German waste management system and the waste management policies in the European Union are discussed as well.



Anglais apprentissage

Acacia thorn in my heart

I started writing "Acacia thorn in my heart" after reading the book of a white South African woman about her childhood in the same region as mine but relating a completely different experience. She had maids, her father drove her to school and she played with real toys. I lived in the heart of the country, away from everything and had to walk five miles to go to school. I was born in Natal. My father rented a plot of land from a white owner to do market gardening. Although Indian families tended not to educate daughters, our parents decided that education was a priority for us. Despite financial difficulties, they were able to send us to school. We had to get up at five o'clock in order to catch the school train. In winter, as we were scantily clad, we shivered all the way to the station.


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