
Monsters of Verity - Tome 1 This Savage song



Mondes fantastiques

Monsters of Verity - Tome 1 This Savage song

Elle est humaine et se rêve en monstre, lui est un monstre qui se rêve humain La capitale de Verity étouffe, saturée de crimes toujours plus violents. Pire encore, ce mal terrible a commencé à s'incarner dans le monde réel : à chaque nouvelle horreur naît un monstre qui, à son tour, terrorise la population. D'un côté, les Corsai, qui grouillent dans le noir pour dévorer leur proie, de l'autre, les Malchai qui boivent le sang de leur victime au grand jour. Peu à peu, la résistance s'est organisée... Au nord, le cruel Callum Harker règne en maître, ne protégeant les habitants que contre rémunération. Au sud, Henry Flynn a choisi une tactique bien différente. Avec sa femme Emily, il a adopté comme ses propres enfants trois des abominations, trois Sunai - des créatures d'apparence humaine qui utilisent la musique pour dévorer l'âme de leurs adversaires. A la demande de ses parents, August élimine donc sans broncher les monstres comme les criminels qui les ont engendrés, mais il brûle de faire plus pour libérer le monde de cette malédiction. Alors, lorsqu'il a l'occasion de surveiller d'un peu plus près Kate Harker, la fille de leur ennemi juré, il saute sur cette chance et accepte d'intégrer l'établissement huppé où elle a été envoyée, l'académie Colton. Mais la jeune fille ne tarde pas à découvrir son secret : s'il a tout d'un adolescent, il est en fait un prédateur assoiffé de vies humaines... Elle est humaine et se rêve en monstre, lui est un monstre qui se rêve humain. Mensonges et dissimulation, dilemmes moraux d'une grande cruauté, système magique fascinant fondé sur la musique... Ce roman sombre et vénéneux porte la patte unique de V. E. Schwab, l'autrice prodige de Shades of Magic et La Vie invisible d'Addie Larue.



Mondes fantastiques

Monsters of Verity Tome 2 : Our Dark Duet

Monstres, monstres, petits et grands, ils vont te dévorer vivant. Kate Harker est une jeune fille qui n'a pas peur des monstres. Mieux, elle les chasse et elle est douée pour ça. August Flynn, lui, est un monstre qui ne pourra jamais être humain, peu importe à quel point il en rêve. Il fera ce qu'il doit faire, quel qu'en soit le prix. Car près de six mois après la première rencontre entre les deux jeunes gens, la guerre fait rage et les ténèbres gagnent du terrain. A Verity, August est devenu le leader qu'il n'a jamais souhaité être et, à Prosperity, Kate est devenue la chasseuse impitoyable qu'elle savait pouvoir être. Mais lorsqu'un nouvel ennemi surgit de l'ombre - une créature qui se nourrit du chaos et fait ressortir les démons intérieurs de ses victimes -, il pousse la jeune fille à retourner chez elle. Une fois dans la capitale, elle doit faire face à un monstre qu'elle pensait avoir tué, à un garçon qu'elle pensait connaître et à l'un de ses propres cauchemars. Lesquels seront les plus difficiles à vaincre : les monstres qu'ils affrontent ou leurs démons intérieurs ? Mensonges et dissimulation, dilemmes moraux d'une grande cruauté, système magique fascinant fondé sur la musique... Ce roman sombre et vénéneux, qui marque la fin de la duologie Monsters of Verity, porte la patte unique de V. E. Schwab, l'autrice prodige de Shades of Magic et La Vie invisible d'Addie Larue.



Romance sexy

Not this time Tome 1

Quand les opposés s'attirent... "Après une année passée sur les routes américaines avec sa mère Ella revient en Californie dans sa ville natale, où elle doit faire face aux raisons qui l'ont poussée à fuir. Entre l'infidélité de son père et les harcèlement qu'elle a subit de la part de ses camarades de lycée, ses doutes et complexes refont surface. Et quand elle découvre que son nouveau voisin n'est autre que Nick, le garçon dont elle était secrètement amoureuse et qui la harcelait, le retour s'annonce encore plus compliqué... Mais en un an, Ella a beaucoup changé, et Nick aussi. Alors qu'elle s'était juré de le détester, Ella ne peut ignorer l'attirance qu'elle ressent pour lui... Mais pourra-t-elle lui faire confiance ? "



Comics divers

Savage : Etat sauvage

IDOLE DES JEUNES. INFLUENCEUR. CHASSEUR DE DINOSAURES. Ayant grandi sur une île inexplorée pleine de dangers préhistoriques, Kevin Sauvage a du mal à s'adapter à sa nouvelle vie de célébrité londonienne. La nature lui manque. Heureusement, son ancienne viele rattrape lorsque des dinos mutants débarquent et menacent d'envahir l'Angleterre ? !



Comics divers

Savage Sword of Conan Tome 1

Roy Thomas a adapté les aventures de Conan le Barbare de Robert E. Howard dans de longues épopées en noir & blanc. Pour la première fois, Panini Comics offre aux fans du Cimmérien, une nouvelle édition de la série culte Savage Sword of Conan dans un Omnibus. N'est-ce pas le format idéal pour profiter des magnifiques dessins de John Buscema, Walter Simonson ou Barry Windsor-Smith ? De début 2008 à 2023, Panini Comics a publié la série Savage Sword of Conan dans des albums au format comics d'environ 300 pages. De nombreux tomes étant épuisés, nous avons décidé de faire plaisir aux fans qui demandaient une réimpression, ainsi qu'à ceux qui souhaitaient un plus grand format. Voici donc une nouvelle édition de toute la série dans des Omnibus de plus de 1000 pages.



Coloriages adultes

Savane sauvage

Voyagez à travers la savane avec ces illustrations à colorier pour libérer votre esprit et créer de belles compositions. Faites du coloriage un rituel personnel et partagez vos créations grâce aux pages détachables !



Littérature française

Sri Krishna and His Gospel, Sri Krishna’s flute calls you to love

Sri Krishna and His Gospel We dedicate this Book to Sri Krishna the World teacher whose Gita is the World-Gospel. This was written during a long Yogic communion with the Lord Krishna, by his fervent devotee Yogi Shuddhananda Bharati who lives and loves the Gita. Saint Shuddhananda Bharati invoked Sri Krishna in his meditation and took inspiration from that Supreme Grace for every line of the Holy Book. Thus this is Sri Krishna's treatise on His Gita. This is a book for all. We have not put any picture of Krishna in the book for who can paint his universal beauty ? The Nature-universe is his Visvarupa. So dear readers, see him in Nature's beauty and contemplate upon each line of this book. This book teaches you how to live in God-consciousness. It is a real pleasure and a great privilege for me to present this treatise on Sri Krishna and His Gospel to you. Thank you, Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati for having transmitted Sri Krishna and His Gospel to us. The first edition of this book is dated on 24th November 1943. Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget



Non classé

Chaos, Control, and Consistency:- The Narrative Vision of Wolfgang Koeppen

Wolfgang Koeppen's critical and popular reputations stem largely from his literary success in the 1950s, a success which has overshadowed the author's activities in the earlier years of his career. It is in the interest of redressing this imbalance that the present study has been undertaken. It traces a consistent line of development from Koeppen's journalistic activities in the Berlin of the 1930s, through his earliest creative writing, and on, in this light, to the post-war publications for which he is most famous. It is thus possible to place the whole of Koeppen's career within the social and literary context of sixty years of German history.



Littérature française

This is not a love song

" Le temps s'étire et se contracte. Deux journées en une. Deux, cent, mille. Mon corps se dédouble. Franco-Anglais. Entrepreneur SDF. Fidèle adultère. Sauveur coupable. Frère et faux. Faux frère. Ma main voudrait caresser - mais elle s'agrippe, ripe, s'accroche - les doigts sont des griffes, elle est ma proie - la déchiqueter, la réduire en pièces, un amas de chair, des cheveux qui se détachent, des dents qui se déboîtent. La phrase lancinante, entre les tempes. This is not a love song. Je veux l'entendre crier - pas gémir. Des hurlements de louve à qui l'on prend ses petits. Il y a une heure. Il y a deux heures. Je n'ai pas voulu me laisser entraîner. J'ai refusé la rencontre avec Étienne. J'ai refusé que nous nous rendions à l'endroit exact. Là où. J'ai refusé en bloc les souvenirs et les regrets. Je ne plongerai pas dans un février où je n'étais pas. " Vincent a la quarantaine conquérante de ceux qui ont su se faire une place au soleil, loin de la "lose" de leurs années de jeunesse. Jusqu'à ce mois de juillet où il revient dans sa ville natale, dix ans après l'avoir fuie sans un regard pour ceux qu'il laissait derrière lui.



Romance sexy

Not this time tome 2

Quand les opposés s'attirent... Ella lutte difficilement contre son anxiété et son trouble du comportement alimentaire. Aidée de Jason, elle arrive néanmoins à se relever, retourne au lycée et laisse une autre chance à Nick. Malheureusement, Ella va vite se sentir dépassée, surtout lorsqu'un drame familial vient tout compliquer. Cette fois, c'est la goutte de trop, Ella ne peut pas rester à Ocean Bay et prend des décisions désespérées. Elle accepte de partir en tournée avec son groupe de musique et laisse sa famille, ses amis et un Nick dévasté derrière elle. Nick et Ella vont-ils réussir à se faire confiance et se découvrir à nouveau ?



Littérature française

Sons of Fantasy

When we were children, we believed anything was possible... This book is a fantasy novel originally written for children. But, if you are a father or a mother, a teacher or a writer, if you still have some bits of fantasy in your soul... then, this novel is for you too. We all know how geniuses changed the world with their childlike Imagination, and how people use creative thinking to solve problems. This is a story about hope ; "Sons of Fantasy" shares the story of M. Alger, a father grieving for the loss of his dear wife, who left him with two beautiful kids. Norris and Socrates were adjusting to life without Mom... But things got more complicated when one of them was paralyzed because of a severe psychological trauma due to an overdose of fantasy... This family has a very interesting neighbor who lives a few feet away. He has a weird little hobby, reading books in the most unlikely places... He for example travelled to Romania and read "Dracula" by Bram Stoker in the Castelul Bran Castle, because it's said that the main character Dracula lived in it. And then all of a sudden he stopped travelling... He got a month ago a big long hat that belongs to the greatest witch that lived during the middle ages, "Moje Gayla". In fact, after being burned by the church, one of her relatives kept her belongings inside a wooden box... and in the twentieth century one of her grandchildren donated the box to "The Magic Square Museum" in London. Genius bought the hat at a public auction as an art relic to decorate one of his rooms. Could this weird neighbor be the reason of Socrates' psychological trauma ? Or maybe he is the one who will cure him ? And what has the hat to do with all this ?



Anglais apprentissage

Mark SaFranko: The Creative Itineraries of a "Renaissance Man". Textes en français et anglais

From October 2018 to January 2019, Mark SaFranko, an American writer, painter and musician from New Jersey, was the first author in residence at Université de Lorraine in Nancy. During his four-month residence, Mark took part in numerous academic, public and media events in Nancy and the Grand Est region. This volume provides insights into some of these events and displays various aspects of the work carried out during this very active period - from interviews about his literary creation and its critical reception, to personal or collective translation projects around his works, and an exhibition of his pictorial self-portraits. These variegated fragments of creative endeavours will allow readers of this volume to grasp the warm and open personality of a multitalented artist, a jack of all trades who offers first-hand testimony and candid reflections on the practice of his arts.




This teacher is mine ! Tome 1

Son professeur lui a conseillé de se battre pour l'homme qu'elle aime et elle va le prendre au mot ! Dans le restaurant où elle travaille, An assiste à une demande en mariage qui se solde par le rejet du jeune homme, dévasté. Emue, elle ignore qu'elle vient de rencontrer son futur professeur ! Ce dernier affiche pourtant devant sa classe une grande confiance en lui. Commence alors une relation amicale inattendue et tendre et An prend une décision ferme : le professeur Furuya est à elle !



Littérature française

The Star of snows

Written during the black decade of Algeria, this narrative of apprenticeship is freely inspired by a real fact arisen in Kabylia during the childhood of the author. Its electrical wire is the friendship of a child and an eccentric whom some tolerate and whom others would want to send to the asylum. By his side, the child is going to learn to listen to the music of trees and to look at the world with the eyes of the heart. This tale, at the same time naive and grave, invites us to wonder about the cogs of the mechanics of the scapegoat. It is dedicated to all the children of the world who closely or remotely were next to the rejection and to the intolerance.



Littérature érotique et sentim

Verity Long Tome 1 : Esprits du sud

Rien ne va plus pour Verity Long : elle est au chômage, son ex petit ami lui rend la vie impossible, et elle est couverte de dettes. En plus, elle découvre un fantôme dans sa maison, qui lui ouvre la porte du monde des esprits : elle peut désormais les voir et leur parler. Son univers déjà bancal, est complètement bouleversé. Et comme si ça ne suffisait pas, c'est le moment que choisit Ellis Wydell, le frère de son ex, pour frapper à sa porte et lui proposer un job très spécial. Ce policier musclé déteste Verity. Mais elle a besoin d'argent et il lui fait une offre qu'elle ne peut pas se permettre de refuser. Ellis possède une magnifique propriété chargée d'histoire et hantée par d'anciens habitants du coin. Certains d'entre eux sont de plus en plus agités et destructeurs. Il veut que Verity mette fin à ce chaos. Très vite, elle découvre que cette affaire va au-delà d'une simple histoire de fantômes : derrière tout ça se cache un mystère bien ancré dans le présent et lié à un meurtre vieux de plusieurs décennies. Verity va devoir mener de front une enquête dans le monde des vivants et dans celui des morts. Avec en plus, un tueur aux basques et un ex beau-frère bien trop sexy !



Mouvements artistiques

Frank Auerbach. The Charcoal Heads

Accompanying an exhibition at the Courtauld Gallery, London, Frank Auerbach : The Charcoal Heads presents a remarkable series of hauntingly beautiful largescale drawings by the artist. The catalogue includes a new piece of writing on one of the drawings from critically acclaimed novelist Colm Tóibín. This catalogue explores one of Frank Auerbach's most remarkable bodies of work - a series of large-scale portrait heads made in charcoal, produced during his early years as a young artist in postwar London. Auerbach (b. 1931) spent months on each drawing, working and reworking them during numerous sessions with his sitters. This prolonged and vigorous process of creation is evident in the finished drawings, which are richly textured and layered. Auerbach would sometimes even break through the paper and patch it up before carrying on. His heads thus emerge from the darkness of the charcoal with burning vitality, born of an artistic as well as a physical struggle with the medium. The process of repeated creation and destruction, of which these images bear the visible scars, speaks profoundly of their times, as people rebuilt their lives after the ruination and upending of the war. The exhibition will be the first time Auerbach's extraordinary drawings, made in the 1950s and early 1960s, have been brought together as a comprehensive group. They will be shown together with a selection of paintings he made of the same sitters ; for the artist, painting and drawing have always been deeply entwined. The accompanying catalogue - by Deputy Head of The Courtauld Gallery, Barnaby Wright, and with an essay by one of the greatest contemporary voices in the English language, Colm Tóibín - is the first publication to explore in depth this magnificent series. Tóibín spent several hours one afternoon in front of Auerbach's Self-Portrait (1958), which features on the front cover of the book, looking closely and taking notes. His essay is an account of his experience and offers new insights into the work and the nature of self-portaiture.



Non classé

The German Effect on D.H. Lawrence and his Works 1885-1912

This study analyzes in depth the German effect upon D.H. Lawrence and his works from his birth in 1885 to his departure from England in 1912. German literary, philosophical and musical works had considerable impact on Lawrence's formation as an artist. They also influenced the creation of his own literary theory, entering his life concurrently with the three problems of class, woman and religion, which evolved into his major literary themes. The German effect is thus demonstrated to be the confirmation of Lawrence's strong tendency toward subjectivism in literary art : it strengthened his conviction that his art set him apart from all classes of society ; it encouraged the development of his view of women as the sexual, not the maternal, mediatrix to art ; and it fortified his denial of traditional Christianity and assisted his creation of his personal vitalistic creed.



Comics divers

Savage Sword of Conan Tome3

Les histoires de ce volume vont des exploits du jeune Cimmérien en tant que mercenaire, à ses derniers jours en tant que roi d'Aquilonia dans l'emblématique Citadelle Ecarlate. On y retrouvera également l'adaptation de 160 pages de Roy Thomas et John Buscema de Conan le boucanier. C'est un chef-d'oeuvre en haute mer qui mêle Conan, un vil pirate et une belle princesse, aux forces de Thoth-Amon. Le scénariste emblématique Roy Thomas et l'artiste suprême de Conan, John Buscema, sont rejoints par une foule de talents de premier plan (Frank Brunner, Gene Colan, Sal Buscema, Ernie Chan et Carmine Infantino) pour raconter les histoires les plus sauvages de Conan.




Little Monsters Tome 1

Eru est l'unique responsable du club animalier de son lycée. Chiens, lapins, tortues, méduses, autruches,... tous sont les bienvenus. Ou presque... car bientôt elle se retrouve entourée de toutes sortes de créatures dont elle ne soupçonnait même pas l'existence ! En effet, Ichirô, le nouvel élève de la classe se révèle être un Dracula des temps modernes, et Chiaki, le responsable du club, s'avère lui aussi moins humain qu'il n'y paraît... Et comble de malchance pour Eru, ils ont tous deux jeté leur dévolu sur elle !



Comics Indépendants

Little Monsters Tome 1

Ils sont les derniers "enfants" en vie de notre planète... Ou, devrions-nous dire, les derniers jeunes vampires. D'aussi loin qu'ils s'en souviennent, ils ont vécu une vie d'éternel émerveillement parmi les ruines de l'humanité. Mais des événements d'une brutalité sans précédent viennent bientôt fracturer le groupe, les mettant sur la voie d'une découverte qui brisera leur innocence à jamais.



Romans, témoignages & Co

All this time

Kyle et Kimberly forment le couple phare du lycée. Le jour où Kimberly annonce à Kyle sa décision de rompre, le monde du jeune homme s'effondre. Bouleversé, il perd le contrôle de sa voiture et se réveille le lendemain, à l'hôpital. Kimberly est morte. Il a tout perdu, même le goût de vivre. Jusqu'à rencontrer Marley, dans les couloirs de l'hôpital. La jeune fille est également en deuil, et porte une culpabilité qui l'écrase. Ensemble, les deux adolescents tentent de se reconstruire. Mais les apparences sont trompeuses, et le nouvel équilibre de Kyle pourrait bien ne pas résister à l'ouragan qui s'annonce...



Beaux arts

SISLEY. Edition en anglais

Alfred Sisley is now recognized as one of the great landscape painters of the nineteenth century, and a leading figure in the Impressionist movement. He divided his time between France and England, and the 55 colour illustrations in this book include the celebrated snow scenes of the Paris suburbs, his views of the flooded Seine at Port-Marly and his paintings of the colourful regattas on the Thames which Kenneth Clark described as embodying 'the perfect moment of Impressionism'. Richard Shone has completely updated his essay, first published in 1979, and selected new colour plates and added extensive commentaries on the illustrations to make this book an ideal introduction to the work of Alfred Sisley. Richard Shone is Associate Editor of The Burlinglon Magazine. His publications include Bloomsbury Portraits (1976, revised 1993), Walter Sickert (1988) and Sisley (1992), all published by Phaidon.



Mouvements artistiques

Hockney's Eye. The Art and Technology of Depiction

David Hockney is the best known and most widely admired painter in the world. This vibrant catalogue accompanies a major exhibition at the The Fitzwilliam Museum and the Heong Gallery in Cambridge, as well as the Teylers Museum in Haarlem, Netherlands. Throughout his long career, David Hockney has insistently explored diverse ways of depicting the visible world. He has scrutinised the methods of the old masters, and explored radical departures from their cherished assumptions The exhibition and accompanying book are the first to focus on this central theme in his art. "Western art" from the Renaissance until at least the late 19th century has been dominated by the depiction of nature. Was this to be accomplished by direct looking (called "eyeballing" by Hockney) or with the assistance of optical theory and devices, such as cameras ? Hockney has experimented with the full range of existing strategies, overtly using perspective in some of his classic pictures and rigorously investigating optical aids for the imitation of nature, including the camera obscura and camera lucida. Yet he has come to reject the photograph as the definitive image of what we see. Along the way, he has identified a "camera culture'' in European painting from 1400, arguing very controversially that the supreme naturalism of painters like Jan van Eyck are the product of optical devices. His book, Secret Knowledge (2001), with its majestic panorama of paintings over the course of five centuries, claims that art historians have missed the central aspect of painters' practice. The "Hockney thesis" has been received more favourably outside the professional world of art history than in it. His own artistic practice has been in vigorous dialogue with his radical thesis, and he has progressively demonstrated new and dynamic ways of characterising the visual world without perspective and other conventional techniques. This quest results a series of joyous challenges to our ways of seeing in the major exhibition in Cambridge at the Fitzwilliam Museum and in the Heong Gallery (Downing College). It will look at the whole span of Hockney's varied career and at the nature of the optical devices he has tested. His vision will be explored in the setting of traditional masterpieces of naturalistic observation, and in the context of modern sciences and technologies of seeing. The first section of the book looks at his thrilling experiments in seeing and representing in broad historical and contemporary contexts. This is followed by discussions of pre-photographic devices for capturing the appearances of things by optical means. The third section includes essays on Hockney's experiments from the perspectives of neuroscience and computer vision. In short, it reveals in a new way the working of Hockney's unique eye.



Non classé

Style and Rhetoric in Bertrand Russels's Work

A thorough examination of Bertrand Russell's language is the object of this study. Since this is the first major analysis of his writing style, examples taken from a wide spectrum of his writings are examined. Structurally the investigation begins by treating individual vocabulary and then moves on to larger structural units, covering such areas as figurative language and description. The final chapter deals with his rhetoric, discussing his methods of persuasion and the logic of his arguments. This careful analysis of his writings is significant in that it sheds new light on interesting aspects of Russell's character.



Beaux arts

Bourdichon's Boston Hours

This absorbing book explores the crown jewel of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum's collection of rare books and manuscripts : Jean Bourdichon's Boston Hours. As court artist to King François I of France, Bourdichon produced paintings, books and even parade floats for the sovereign and his entourage. This publication accompanies the museum's first ever exhibition dedicated to this spectacular illuminated manuscript. Painter to two kings, Jean Bourdichon remains today one of the most celebrated artists of the French Renaissance. By age twenty-four, he was already serving as "peintre du roy, " a title which Bourdichon held for the rest of his life. His illustrious career at the French royal court led to a wide range of commissions- from portraits to wall maps to stained glass-but he is remembered principally for astonishing illuminated manuscripts. The peerless Grandes Heures for Queen Anne of Brittany remains the touchstone of this group which includes some of the most lavishly painted books of hours ever produced. One of these masterpieces-Bourdichon's Boston Hours-in the collection of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum is the subject of this book. Bourdichon's only intact book of hours in the United States was acquired by Isabella Stewart Gardner in 1890 and became the crown jewel of her collection of rare books and manuscripts. Leading scholars Nicholas Herman and Anne-Marie Eze explore its history in depth, shedding new light on the book's patronage and provenance- from the shelves of a wealthy Catholic landowner in Lincolnshire to the shop of a Venetian art and antiques dealer. This book is the latest in the Gardner's Close Up series, each installment focusing on an individual, outstanding work of art in the collection. This publication is the first dedicated to this rare treasure, and precedes an exhibition opening in summer 2022.



Comics divers

Savage Sword of Conan Tome 2

Les aventures de Conan le Barbare en grand format continuent ici ! Retrouvez plus de 900 pages tirées de Savage Sword of Conan, sa série en Noir & Blanc réputée pour sa violence barbare ! La série en noir & blanc Savage Sword of Conan a été publiée au travers d'une quarantaine d'albums dans l'édition Les Chroniques de Conan (de 2008 à 2023). La majorité des albums étant indisponibles, la série est désormais rééditée dans de copieux Omnibus ! On retrouve ici deux des auteurs les plus emblématiques du Cimmérien : Roy Thomas au scénario et John Buscema au dessin.



Histoire de France

CRASH IN BAYEUX - The Last Flight of Sergeant Ferguson

Normandy, France, January 15, 1943. The weather is clear, the sun is shining. Two Royal Canadian Air Force aircraft fly over the Bayeux-Caen railroad. The target is a German freight train - and its locomotive. Aboard the first Spitfire, Sergeant Ferguson is aligning his gun sights on the target. It is 02 : 30 p. m. This will be his very last flight... HARASSING THE OCCUPYING FORCES TO PREPARE THE INVASION The RAF and RCAF had been flying hundreds of similar sorties over France for months, in order to weaken the German forces, particularly the Luftwaffe. The pilots of No. 401 Squadron were among those who took part in this patient work, made up of constant patrols and attacks. Among the 63 men mentioned in this book, 25 were killed in action between 1942 and 1944. A CRASH THAT AWOKE THE SPIRIT OF RESISTANCE Touched by William Ferguson's sacrifice, some French citizens decided to bury the young Canadian flier with dignity, honour and respect. The Germans took this as a provocation. A few weeks later, the Sipo-SD (the "Gestapo") arrested a dozen of them. They were sent to concentration camps - some of them later died in Büchenwald, Dachau and Mauthausen. Others did survive, including Paul Le Caër. He is the one who has supported the author and told him what happened. Today, he is signing the preface of this book. UNPUBLISHED DOCUMENTS AND TESTIMONIES Based on an in-depth analysis of unpublished documents, including the Fergusons' archives and No. 401 Squadron Operation Record Book, this work depicts the very last flight of the young Canadian pilot in detail. With a striking truthfulness, you will relive the squadron's daily life, the faith of the pilots, as well as the beginning of the sortie and "Bill" Ferguson's last minutes. FIVE YEARS OF RESEARCH AND EMOTION A young and talented historian involved in the field of remembrance in Normandy, François Oxéant has spent over five years fitting the pieces of the puzzle together. This book will help you discover all aspects of his fascinating investigation with a methodical and rigorous approach. He has met some of the last witnesses of the events and has been in touch with the pilot's family for a few years, making us share his emotion and admiration for Bill, who was barely younger than himself.



Histoire internationale

'Eine untergeordnete Meisterschaft?'

This study represents an attempt to assess the critical impact of Dickens' work in Germany from the appearance of The Pickwick Papers till his death in 1870. Its main aim is to place the ongoing engagement of German critics with the English novelist in the context of the social and literary-critical tensions of the time and to bring about a new, more differentiated and penetrating understanding of his influence in these decades. The author argues that all the significant attempts to define the function and possibilities of the contemporary novel in German in this period were linked in one way or another with critical attitudes to the hugely popular, but always intractably controversial work of the English novelist.



12 ans et +

Monster Tome 1

Imaginez... La Zone a disparu depuis quatre ans. Tant bien que mal, les survivants ont retrouvé un monde normal, où les adultes sont de retour. Mais à la suite de violentes pluies de météorites, un virus extraterrestre se répand dans le monde entier, provoquant des mutations chez les humains. Tandis que certains adolescents se changent en monstres incontrôlables, d'autres, désormais dotés de superpouvoirs, jouent les héros. C'est une terrifiante bataille entre le bien et le mal qui commence...



Non classé

Sir Charles Sedley’s «The Mulberry-Garden» (1668) and «Bellamira: or, The Mistress» (1687)

In his own time, the court wit Sir Charles Sedley (1639-1701) was praised for his poetic skill rather than for his dramatic talent. Yet, as this old-spelling critical edition of his two comedies shows, Sedley was also a satirist whose plays are worth reading along with the ones of his more celebrated fellow-artists Etherege, Wycherley, and Shadwell. After a biographical introduction, a detailed analysis of the plays and characters concentrates on Sedley's satiric strategies which lambaste the marriage of convenience as well as the conduct of a hypocritical and materialistic society.
