
CARDANO'S COSMOS. The Worlds and Works of a Renaissance Astrologer





Le trône de fer : les livres de la saga A Song of Ice and Fire de George RR Martin

Le trône de fer est une immense saga d’héroïque fantasy qui s’inspire de la série des Rois maudits de Maurice Druon. C’est au début des années 1990 que Georges R.R. Martin commence à écrire Le trône de fer, le premier volume est publié en 1996. En 2007, la chaine de télévision HBO acquiert les droits d’adaptations. L’auteur lui-même participe à sa production et écrit le scénario d’un épisode par saison. 



Game of Thrones, des livres de George R.R. Martin à la série HBO

Né en 1948 aux États-Unis, George R.R. Martin écrit au départ pour créer de nouvelles histoires mettant en scène les super-héros Marvel, puis pour tuer le temps, alors qu'il peine à trouver un emploi dans le secteur du journalisme. Petit à petit, il devient un auteur confirmé de nouvelles de science-fiction. Après avoir commencé une carrière comme scénariste de séries télévisées, il commence, au début des années 1990, à rédiger une saga de type fantasy, intitulée A Song of Ice and Fire et traduite en français sous le titre Le Trône de Fer.



Festival Un week-end à l'Est : 2022, Odessa de l'espace

Un week-end à l’Est a été initié par Vera Michalski et Brigitte Bouchard en 2016 avec deux objectifs : raviver la vie culturelle dans le Quartier Latin et créer des passerelles entre les cultures. Cette année, il place la ville d’Odessa au cœur des rencontres, qui se dérouleront à Paris, du 23 au 28 novembre — littérature, cinéma, arts visuels, débats et concerts sont au programme.



Une sélection des livres pour les vacances, de 9 à 12 ans

Durant les vacances, la lecture offre l'occasion d'apprendre et découvrir, en dehors de l'école. En partenariat avec l'association Lire et Faire Lire, ActuaLitté propose une sélection d'ouvrages pour les enfants de 9 à 12 ans. En puisant dans les différentes sélections que le Comité de lecture a réalisées entre 2017 et 2022, voici huit ouvrages pour embellir la période de Pâques.



Livres, actualités : tout sur Andrée Chedid

Née le 20 mars 1920 au Caire, en Égypte, sous le nom Andrée Saab, Andrée Chedid y mène ses études, apprenant le français et l'anglais, et utilisant de manière ponctuelle l'arabe. Avec son mari Louis Selim Chedid, qu'elle épouse en 1942, elle part au Liban l'année suivante, où elle publie son premier recueil poétique, On the Trails of My Fancy, sous le pseudonyme A. Lake.



Des lectures pour les vacances, pour les enfants de 6 à 8 ans

Durant les vacances, la lecture offre l'occasion d'apprendre et découvrir, en dehors de l'école. En partenariat avec l'association Lire et Faire Lire, ActuaLitté propose une sélection d'ouvrages pour les enfants de 6 à 8 ans. En puisant dans les différentes sélections que le Comité de lecture a réalisées entre 2017 et 2022, voici huit ouvrages pour embellir la période de Pâques.



Sciences de la terre et de la

CARDANO'S COSMOS. The Worlds and Works of a Renaissance Astrologer

GIROLAMO CARDANO was an Italian doctor, natural philosopher, and mathematician who became a best-selling author in Renaissance Europe. He was also a leading astrologer of his day, whose predictions won him access to some of the most powerful people in sixteenth-century Europe. In Cardano's Cosmos, Anthony Grafton invites readers to follow this astrologer's extraordinary career and explore the art and discipline of astrology in the hands of a brilliant practitioner. Renaissance astrologers predicted everything from the course of the future of humankind to the risks of a single investment, or even the weather. They analyzed the bodies and characters of countless clients, from rulers to criminals, and enjoyed widespread respect and patronage. This book traces Cardano's contentions career from his first astrological pamphlet through his rise to high-level consulting and his remarkable autobiographical works. Delving into astrological principles and practices, Grafton shows how Cardano and his contemporaries adapted the ancient art for publication and marketing in a new era of print media and changing science. He maps the context of market and human forces that shaped Cardano's practices-and the maneuvering that kept him at the top of a world rife with patronage, politics, and vengeful rivals. Cardano's astrology, argues Grafton, was a profoundly empirical and highly influential art, one that was integral to the attempts of sixteenth-century scholars to understand their universe and themselves.



Beaux arts

Magritte. Edition en langue anglaise

The paintings of the Belgian Surrealist René Magritte (1898-1967) have exerted an extraordinary fascination, particularly since the enormous increase in awareness and popularity of his work during the 1960s. Magritte shows us a world of silence and isolation in which familiar objects are altered or juxtaposed in 'impossible' combinations in order to create a sense of disorientation and the absurd. Many of his most memorable paintings date from his three prolific years 1927-30, when he lived near Paris and was in close touch with the writer André Breton and other French Surrealists. In his pre-war painting, stylistic concerns were of secondary importance to Magritte, and for the most part he concentrated on the relation between objects and words or between the image of an object and the object itself. He deliberately cultivated a cold, unemotive, 'style-less' style. This quality renders the violence and macabre sexuality of some of his works all the more disturbing. His own 'impressionist' and critics keenly responsive to the later work of other masters of parody and allusion such as Picabia and de Chirico.



Non classé

Living in Two Worlds

This is a study of Singapore pastors' worldview & understanding of the epidemiology, symptomatology and management of possession behaviour. The pastors' accounts are compared with those from the scientific disciplines, and convergences and divergences noted. Factors shaping both the pastors' and the scientific discourses are examined. The pastors are shown to respond to competing scientific paradigms by reinforcing their two-worlds worldview. They either live mainly in the other world, or in each world at a time, or between the two worlds. Based on theological reflection focusing on epistemology, theodicy & cosmology, the author shows that the paradigm of living in both worlds simultaneously is the most appropriate pastoral response. The theological vision of the coexisting worlds and the pastoral task of unmasking and resisting evil in all its varieties and depths are then discussed.



Non classé

The Concept of Man in Igbo Myths

In the vast silence of their isolation, the traditional Igbos have learnt the ways of living in harmony with nature. From their origin in distant time, they have kept a sacred perspective on the natural world. In our age, there is the need for traditional wisdoms to retain their validity and be intrinsic to our philosophic and scientific perceptions of the cosmos. We cannot do without their knowledge, their spiritual perspective, and their deep faith in the harmony of all nature. Ignoring these qualities has profound environmental implications. Global warming, environmental pollution, and the exhaustion of nature's resources are but a few of the symptoms of the nature's experiences as we continue to mistreat it in order to satisfy our own ends. This work helps us to realise that wherever we are, we are a part of nature. All the things around us are as presences, representing forces and powers of life that are not ours and yet are all part of us. Then we find them reflecting in ourselves, because we are nature, though not identical with it.



Anglais apprentissage

"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain (S.L. Clemens)

A central work in the national canon, an inspiration for some of the greatest American writers of our century, and the first literary masterpiece in multi-voiced, regional vernacular, Huckleberry Finn is, as Walter Blair observed, unique in being held in the highest esteem by critics and at the same time prodigiously popular in the United States and throughout the world . This study explores the peculiar dynamics of space and time in Huck Finn before shifting to an analysis of the fate of illusion, one of the enduring themes in Twain. Emphasis is placed throughout on the subtlety and complexity of Twain's artistic vision, which projects a world of doublings, reversals, instability, and paradox, drawing all the while on the tremendous evocative force of the river, which, like Huck himself in T. S. Eliot's words, has no beginning and no end .



Fer forgé

Ancient Bronzes

This beautiful publication presents a collection of exquisite ancient bronzes from the Wadsworth Atheneum that were collected by John Pierpont Morgan. It accompanies aspecial exhibition of the bronzes at Bowdoin College. This fully illustrated catalogue presents highlights of the ancient bronzes that were collected by J. Pierpont Morgan and are currently in the collection of the Wadsworth Atheneum. Purchased between 1904 and 1916, the bronzes were given to the museum by Morgan's son in 1917. Morgan was a passionate collector and spent years of his life acquiring exquisite works of art. He had a discerning eye and discriminating taste, and his driving motivation was to find works of quality and beauty. His Greek and Roman bronzes include a range of figure and vessel types : males and females, gods and mortals, humans and animals and hybrid mythological creatures, free-standing statuettes, and furniture embellishments. This is the first exhibition and publication to consider the bronzes as a group. Morgan chose each work of art for its exquisite craftsmanship, its quality of composition and execution, and its preservation. These objects represent the very best of ancient Mediterranean bronze sculpture, with carefully rendered clothing, hair, and fur, and adorned with inlays of silver and other luxury materials. Showcasing different types of objects and figures that were made in bronze in the ancient world, this exhibition and book demonstrate the high level of quality that these works of art could achieve. The bronzes are important not only for their provenance and place in America's 'Gilded Age', but also as highly significant individual works of art that represent the best of ancient bronzeworking. New high-resolution photography of each work of art will allow readers to appreciate their intricate details of craftsmanship, including copper and silver inlay. This focused publication will also present current research on these exceptional objects to help readers better understand how they were made and what they represented in an ancient context.


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