



Littérature française


Le hasard n'existe pas. Je crois fermement au fait que les personnes que nous rencontrons tout au long de notre vie, sont aussi inscrites dans les pages du livre de notre destinée. L'amour n'a pas une définition fixe, il est défini et varie selon le point de vue de chacun mais le mien se définit en trois lettres : toi. Je ne saurais dire mais, tu m'as comme, allumé l'âme et ce qui allume l'âme est exceptionnellement inexplicable car ça se ressent. Nous sommes à deux la définition de notre amour, deux âmes aux essences différentes qui sont parvenues à créer une parfaite harmonie qu'on entendrait même dans les cieux. "Peut-être que je n'aurais dû sauté les pages du livre de ma propre vie, Car dans quelques chapitres étaient écrits que l'on se reverra. Parce que tu méritais un merci. ". .



Littérature érotique et sentim

Something About Her

Toutes les femmes tombent aux pieds de William Nichols... Sauf qu'elle n'est pas comme toutes les femmes. Quand Samia découvre la raison pour laquelle son amie Jo l'a recommandée au poste d'assistante du puissant homme d'affaires William Nichols, elle hésite entre la colère et le rire. Car son nouveau patron souffre d'un problème de taille : toutes ses assistantes finissent inlassablement par tomber amoureuses de lui. Ce qui est sûr, c'est qu'avec elle il n'y a aucun risque : le travail, c'est le travail et, surtout, elle n'est pas prête à se laisser de nouveau approcher par un homme. Pourtant, au fil des réunions tardives, des préparations de dossier et des rendez-vous clients, Samia commence à comprendre pourquoi tant de femmes ont succombé à son patron. Et parfois, elle jurerait même que William Nichols la regarde d'une façon pas tout à fait professionnelle... A propos de l'auteur Mily Black vit en Normandie et aime consacrer son temps libre à l'écriture. La série Something About Us est la première qu'elle publie dans la collection &H.



Lectures graduées

Her Other Life

Lorsque le docteur Lelong arrive à Toulouse pour y soigner une jeune Américaine souffrant d'amnésie, il pense faire face à un cas simple de psychiatrie. Mais rien n'est simple dans le cas de Marilyn Jensen. Elle a endossé une nouvelle personnalité et parle même une nouvelle langue : le français ! Alors que leur relation devient plus intime, le mystère s'épaissit. Thriller psychiatrique dans la meilleure tradition, Her Other Life vous tient en haleine jusqu'à la fin. L'ouvrage est enrichi de ressources pédagogiques et d'une version audio à télécharger.




All Eyes on Her

Ce jour-là, un garçon et une fille sont partis faire une randonnée. Elle, elle portait un panier de pique-nique, et lui, des baskets jaune vif. Seule la fille en est revenue. Tout le monde a un avis sur ce qui s'est passé. La soeur de Tabby. Sa meilleure amie. Son ex. Tout le monde croit connaître les filles mieux qu'elles se connaissent elles-mêmes. Certains soupçonnent Tabby d'avoir poussé Mark du haut de la falaise. Après tout, c'est une fille perturbée et jalouse. D'autres croient à une simple chute accidentelle, car Tabby n'aurait jamais fait de mal à Mark... mais peut-on en dire autant de lui ? Alors à votre avis... que s'est-il vraiment passé ce jour-là sur la falaise ?




All Eyes on Her

Ce jour-là, un garçon et une fille sont partis faire une randonnée. Elle, elle portait un panier de pique-nique, et lui, des baskets jaune vif. Seule la fille en est revenue. Tout le monde a un avis sur ce qui s'est passé. La soeur de Tabby. Sa meilleure amie. Son ex. Tout le monde croit connaître les filles mieux qu'elles se connaissent elles-mêmes. Certains soupçonnent Tabby d'avoir poussé Mark du haut de la falaise. Après tout, c'est une fille perturbée et jalouse. D'autres croient à une simple chute accidentelle, car Tabby n'aurait jamais fait de mal à Mark... mais peut-on en dire autant de lui ? Alors à votre avis... que s'est-il vraiment passé ce jour-là sur la falaise ?



Non classé

A Life of Her Own

This study reconstructs Brittain's feminist theory, which mainly refutes assumptions made about women, supports companionate marriage, and demands the communal reorganization of child care and domestic work to enable a married woman to work outside her home. It compares her theory to her five novels. Doing so, it uncovers revealing feminist 'flaws', above all that marriage remains, the sine qua non for a woman's happiness. The study describes Brittain's way to the top as a formidable obstacle race, in which she constantly had to fight the men she loved, her children, her parents, and resulting domesticity in order to find time to write "the book of the decade". She reached her goal with the publication of Testament of Youth in 1933.



Roman d'amour, roman sentiment

Toxic Biker 1. Break Her

Nos démons ne sont pas forcément là où nous les croyons... A l'aube de ses 30 ans, la vie d'April prend un virage à 180 degrés. Sa routine, son compagnon Warren, son travail dans l'entreprise familiale... Tout vole en éclats lorsqu'elle croise un regard. Son regard. Tox n'est pas n'importe quel motard. Il est sombre, caractériel et terriblement séduisant. Mais il ne jure plus que par la vengeance... Et la sienne sera terrible. Peu importe qui tombera sur son passage. Peu importe ce qu'il doit sacrifier. Le jeune homme n'est animé que par la sécurité des siens, cette communauté qui compte sur lui. Un poids énorme sur ses épaules. Ces deux-là n'ont rien en commun, ils ne devaient même pas se croiser. Pourtant, une unique seconde suffit pour sceller leurs destins. Mais le prix à payer ne sera-t-il pas trop élevé ?



Littérature érotique et sentim

Consolation Tome 1 : Saving Her

Ils avaient tout pour être heureux... c'était un mensonge. Liam n'aurait pas dû être sa seconde chance. L'homme qu'elle était censée aimer pour toujours, c'était Aaron, son mari. Bien sûr, pour les femmes de militaires, "toujours" n'existe pas. Natalie savait qu'être veuve si jeune - à vingt-sept ans à peine - était une possibilité. En revanche, qu'il n'ait suffi que de quelques instants avec Liam pour remettre en question toute son histoire avec Aaron... ça, elle ne l'aurait jamais imaginé. Elle qui pensait avoir déjà vécu le grand amour, la voilà confrontée pour la première fois à des émotions qui la dépassent : la douleur, le désir, la culpabilité... Et impossible d'y échapper. Désormais une seule chose est sûre : les sentiments qu'elle éprouve envers Liam sont si intenses et puissants que soit ils la sauveront... soit ils la perdront.



Romance sexy

Liaison Secrète Tome 1 : Leave Her

Pénélope Jolival, fraîchement diplômée, n'a qu'un rêve : conquérir le milieu de l'événementiel parisien. Alors qu'elle fait ses débuts dans une grande agence de la capitale, elle se heurte à Tony, un patron froid, autoritaire et... incroyablement sexy. Au fil des semaines, la jeune femme qui le méprisait se sent irrésistiblement attirée vers lui. Le hic ? Tony est marié et est bien plus vieux qu'elle ! Partagée entre un petit-ami qui l'aime mais qui l'ennuie et une passion dévorante et interdite, Penny devra prendre une décision, quitte à perdre tout ce qui lui est cher.



Littérature française

Passage Piéton

"A la maison, on n'écoutait que les Beatles ! " Début des années 70, Paul est élevé seul par Michel, fan inconditionnel des Beatles. Alors qu'il souffle sa septième bougie, son père lui remet le 33 tour de l'album "Please Please Me". Il découvrira désormais un disque des quatre garçons dans le vent à chacun de ses anniversaires. Bercé aux mélodies du groupe légendaire, Paul grandit, Paul vieillit. Entre expérience spirituelle et dictature paternelle, l'omniprésence de la musique influencera son destin, sa vie amoureuse et sa santé mentale. Avec humour et gravité, Passage Piéton nous plonge dans l'histoire mouvementée d'un personnage émouvant et attachant, au rythme des chansons des Beatles. Comment Paul finira-t-il par traverser son "Abbey Road" ?



Histoire ancienne

Her-Bak "disciple" de la sagesse égyptienne

Her-Bak "Pois Chiche", Her-Bak "disciple", ou la vie d'un jeune garçon de l'Egypte ancienne, à la manière d'un conte initiatique. "Le Sage eut une lueur d'ironie dans les yeux, il murmura : "Dis-moi, Her-Bak, connais-tu une mère qui puisse ne pas mourir ? Comment serait-ce possible ? Tout ce qui naît ne doit-il pas subir la mort ? C'est pourquoi une telle mère ne doit ni née, ni avoir forme corporelle ; car c'est sur le corps que la mort exerce son pouvoi. Et cette mère, nourrice de la Vie, sera nécessairement de la nature de ce qui donne la Vie, et que nous appelons âme." Le Sage émit une conclusion provisoire : "Ainsi le problème de la Vie n'est pas encore approfondi ; mais la possibilité de la Mère-qui-ne-meurt-pas l'approche de la solution, car elle te révèle le sens de la mort : cette mort n'est alors qu'un passage de l'être dans le ventre de la grande Mère Nout qui provoque toutes les transformations. Si la mort est un moment de transformation, Il doit rester, en dehors du corps inerte, quelque chose qui continue à vivre..." Le Sage rectifia : "qui est la Vie." Her-Bak s'efforçait de retenir chaque parole. Enfin, il posa "la question" : "Le problème fondamental serait donc : Qu'est-ce que la Vie? Qu'est-ce que la Vie si elle est autre chose qu'apparence passagère, maturation de semence et transition entre naissance et mort ?''"




Proje yönetimi. Her projede ekibinizi başarıya götürün

Bu pratik ve özlü kitapla sadece 50 dakikada nasil etkili bir proje yöneticisi olunacagini ögrenin. Proje yöneticileri bir projenin basarisi için hayati önem tasir çünkü yürütülecek tüm faaliyetlerin planlanmasindan ve bütçe ile son teslim tarihlerine uyulmasini saglamaktan sorumludurlar. Bir projeyi yönetmek size liderlik becerilerinizi göstermeniz ve ekibinizi ellerinden gelenin en iyisini yapmalari için motive etmeniz için mükemmel bir firsat sunar. Bu kitapta, proje yönetiminin mesleki gelisiminizde nasil önemli bir rol oynayabilecegini ögreneceksiniz. Ayrica, projenizi nasil hazirlayip planlayacaginiza dair faydali ipuçlari ve hem insanlari hem de kaynaklari denetleme konusunda tavsiyeler içeriyor ve ekibinizi basariya götürmek için ihtiyaciniz olan her seyi size sunuyor !



Histoire ancienne

Her-Bak "Pois Chiche". Visage vivant de l'ancienne Egypte

Her-Bak "Pois Chiche", Her-Bak "disciple", ou la vie d'un jeune garçon de l'Egypte ancienne, à la manière d'un conte initiatique. "Pois Chiche fait le bilan de son savoir : "j'ai connu le fleuve, j'ai cultivé la terre, j'ai observé quelques bêtes, pas assez ! J'ai travaillé la pierre..." Et soudain, Pois Chiche comprend l'intention du son Maître: "Sans doute il ne s'agit point de choisir un métier, mais d'apprendre, avec chaque technique, les lois de la Nature qu'elle peut enseigner ! Voilç qui me plaît davantage ! Allons, il n'y a pas de temps à pendre !" Or, ayant aperçu l'intendant qui dormait sous un palmier doum, il le réveilla et lui dit : "Je désire apprendre à travailler le bois ; conduis-moi." Sans se déranger, l'intendant demanda : "Quel bois: les cannes ? Les charpentes ? Les vantaux de portes ? Les meubles ? Par lequel de ces spécialistes le 'Chéri-de-son-Maître' préfère-t-il être rossé ? Je ne sais pas encore ; que chacun d'eux me montre son travail : ensuite je choisirai.""




Her durumda ikna edici. İkna becerisi kariyerinizi geliştirmenize nasıl yardımcı olabilir?

Bu pratik ve özlü kitapla sadece 50 dakika içinde baskalarini ikna etme sanatinda nasil ustalasacaginizi ögrenin. Ikna edici iletisim, profesyonel hayatinizdaki birçok durumda size yardimci olabilir ; müzakerelerde, çatisma yönetiminde ve kisiler arasi iliskilerde hayati bir rol oynar. Diger insanlari kendi bakis açiniza nasil kazanacaginizi bilmek, kariyerinizde ilerlemenize ve is arkadaslariniz, yöneticileriniz ve müsterilerinizle etkili bir sekilde etkilesim kurmaniza yardimci olacak çok önemli bir profesyonel beceridir. Bu kitapta, baskalarini ikna etme sanatinin ürün sunumlarinda, pazarlamada ve is aramada size nasil yardimci olabilecegini ögreneceksiniz. Ayrica, güçlü argümanlarin nasil olusturulacagi ve sunulacagi ve baskalarini ikna etmeye çalisirken kaçinilmasi gereken tuzaklar hakkinda yararli ipuçlari içerir ve iletisim ve müzakere becerilerinizi gelistirmek için ihtiyaciniz olan her seyi size sunar.



Romans policiers

The tears of the mysterious forest

At the start of the school year in Massata, Galia, an enticing young lady showed up in one of the university classes. Her homeric intelligence and her magical beauty would make her the focus, the subject of monologues and desire. Her allure enticed lecturers and mates, the brightest of the class included. They found her interesting and desirable but mysterious and reluctant about her life. The day before her birthday, the young lady decided to open up to the one she was already falling for. That night, something heart-rending happened.




Hikaye anlatma sanatında ustalaşmak. Dikkat çekme ve her kitleyle etkili iletişim kurma

Bu pratik ve özlü kitapla sadece 50 dakikada hikaye anlatma tekniklerinde nasil ustalasacaginizi ögrenin. Hikaye anlatimi veya bir sirket, hizmet veya ürün etrafinda ilgi çekici bir hikaye olusturmak, güçlü bir iletisim araci ve is dünyasinda degerli bir varliktir. Hikaye anlatiminin temel ilkelerini anlamak, hedef kitlenizin dikkatini çekmenize ve fikirlerinize daha açik olmalarini saglamaniza yardimci olacaktir ; bu da müsterileri çekmek, is arkadaslarinizi kazanmak veya büyük bir sözlesme kazanmak istiyorsaniz hayati önem tasir. Bu kitapta, hikaye anlatiminin is arama, ürün sunumlari, kurumsal iletisim ve pazarlama konularinda size nasil yardimci olabilecegini ögreneceksiniz. Ayrica, güçlü hikayeler olusturmak ve sunmak için faydali ipuçlari ve çevrenizdeki dünyada hikayeleriniz için ilham bulmaya yönelik tavsiyeler de içerir, böylece kisa sürede ikna edici bir iletisimci olabilirsiniz !



Réussite personnelle

Topluluk önünde konuşma ve dinleyicileri etkileme. Her kitleyi kazanmak için basit adımlar

Bu pratik ve özlü kitapla sadece 50 dakikada topluluk önünde konusma sanatinda nasil ustalasacaginizi ögrenin. 21. yüzyil is dünyasinda topluluk önünde konusma becerileri çogu zaman sadece bir avantaj degil, hatta bazen bir gerekliliktir. Sonuç olarak, bu önemli aktarilabilir beceriyi gelistirmek stresi yönetmenize ve is hayatinda yükselmenize yardimci olabilir. Topluluk önünde konusmanin temel ilkelerini anlayarak, hedef kitlenizin dikkatini çekebilir ve fikirlerinize daha açik olmalarini saglayabilirsiniz ; bu da bir ürün satmak, bir fikir ortaya koymak veya üstlerinizi etkilemek istediginizde hayati önem tasir. Bu kitapta, topluluk önünde konusmanin profesyonel konusmalarda, is yerindeki sunumlarda, ekip çalismasinda ve pazarlamada size nasil yardimci olabilecegini ögreneceksiniz. Ayrica güçlü konusmalar yapmak için faydali ipuçlari ve topluluk önünde konusma korkunuzu azaltacak tavsiyeler de içeriyor, böylece kisa sürede kendinize güvenen bir konusmaci olabilirsiniz !




Tartışma sanatı. Her zaman son sözü söylemek için cevap verme duygunuzu geliştirin

Siz de o anin sicakligiyla dogru cevabi bulamayanlardan misiniz ? Sözlü atisma bitene kadar dogru kelimeleri bulamadiginizi ve kendinizi savunamadiginiz için hayal kirikligina ugradiginizi mi fark ediyorsunuz ? Bazi insanlarin düsündügünün aksine, mizah duygusuyla dogmazsiniz. Alay veya utanç verici bir soru karsisinda artik suskun kalmamak için tartisma sanatinin sirlarini ögrenmek sizin elinizde. Isteyen herkes, örnegin duygularini kontrol etmeyi ögrenerek, dogaçlama yapmayi ögrenerek veya kelime dagarcigini ve metin repertuarini genisleterek topluluk önünde konusma becerilerini gelistirebilir. Bu kitapçik tam da bunu yapmaniza yardimci olacaktir.



Histoire internationale

One Artist on Five Continents

Elisabet Delbrück (1876-1967) was one of a number of Germans who came to New Zealand in the late 1930s. Unlike most, she had not intended to emigrate but was touring the country when World War II broke out. She was at first forbidden to leave and then chose to remain in Wellington. Her thirty years in Mahina Bay on Wellington harbour had a profound effect on all who knew her. This study aims to discover why she was so remarkable. It explores her early life, her marriage into a prominent German family and her qualification as an artist. She turned this into a profession, teaching and exhibiting on five continents in the 1920s and 1930s. She always travelled alone, observing the customs and beliefs of the people she met. In Australia and New Zealand in 1938 and 1939 she was wrongly suspected of spreading Nazi propaganda. Her story is also the story of a heroic group of Wellingtonians who helped her in the 1940s and valued her friendship till her death.



Littérature française

Wheelchair hop on hop off

Clotilde recounts her daily life during her studies with her chronic disease, often flanked by her trustworthy wheelchair. It's not always easy to manage studies, hospitalizations, internships, and outings in a wheelchair, all of which are ­affected by the uncertainties of a chronic disease ! Despite the moments of discouragement and the many obstacles, it is with humour, optimism and determination that the young woman continues to lead her life, which she shares with us through her encounters and days of varying fitness. This book is an ­invitation to change one's view of the wheelchair and disability by discovering its joys and sorrows !




Arrival of Mira, Love story between Bhojan and Mira

Arrival of Mira Foreword Arrival of Mira tells the story of a beautiful young woman who held true to her faith despite many severe hardships. Mira was still only a child when she decided that Ginidhara Gopal (Lord Krishna) was her 'husband' and that she wanted to devote her life to serving and worshipping him. Later, the now orphaned Mira was married to Bhojan, the prince of Mewar and son of Rana, the king of Chittoor. Bhojan fell in love at first sight but found it hard to understand Mira's utter devotion to Ginidhara. Mira suffered at the hands of her in-laws who could not understand the depth of her love for Ginidhara and wanted her to follow their worship of Kali (in the form of Durga). Mira suffered imprisonment in a haunted palace and then exile for her beliefs. Even her friends were persecuted because of her uncompromising love for Lord Krishna. Eventually Bhojan came to understand his wife's piety. The story is told in the form of a musical play where the love story is interwoven with delightful songs and dances. The character of Mira is one to win the hearts of all who read of her. Her gentle devotion and steadfast belief are an inspiration to everyone. Thank you, Dr Shuddhananda Bharati for having made this beautiful story available to us. Daye Craddock Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget




Agencies of the Good in the Work of Iris Murdoch

In part one Iris Murdoch's work is set against its contemporary background. Her concept of Man, as seen both in her fiction and in her philosophical work, is discussed with special attention being paid to the influence of Plato, J.P. Sartre, Simone Weil, Gabriel Marcel and the linguistic philosophers. Murdoch's views on the Good, and on Love, Death and Art, her main agencies of the Good, are then dealt with in greater detail. In part two five novels, which are representative of her literary output, are examined in greater depth.



12 ans et +

Les 8 royaumes mortels Tome 1 : La cité de Pierre-de-Vie

Raised as a slave in the Darkoath camps of Aqshy, Kiri dreams of a better life. Of a city of wonders, the place of her birth… Lifestone ! She despairs of ever reaching it until a fateful day arrives when her barbarian captors are attacked by Sigmar's noblest warriors, the Stormcast Eternals. Seizing her chance, Kiri flees through a mysterious realmgate that takes her far from the fiery lands of Aqshy. She arrives in the realm of Ghyran and finds the city of Lifestone. But a curse lies on this place, withering its noble spirit. Her path leads her to a special group of children who, like her, are realm-marked the prophecised saviours of Lifestone. There's Thanis, the fighter ; Alish, the inventor ; Kaspar ; the sneak and Elio, the healer. But dark forces are allying against the children and will do anything to stop them achieving their destiny.




Clouds and rain

Through words and stones Roualla Daniel carves beauty. Proud mother of two grown up sons, tireless defender of peace across the world, running towards her multiple goals, Mrs. Daniel offers us her first volume of poetry with great delicacy and elegance. Her poems have the taste of her rich life experiment and the melancholy of the dreamers that walk above the Clouds and Rain...



Autres collections (6 à 9 ans)

Léontine n'aime pas ses cheveux crépus. Edition bilingue français-anglais

Pour Léontine, avoir des cheveux crépus n'est pas chose facile. Moquée en cour de récréation, il est difficile pour la jeune fille de s'accepter. Pourquoi doute-t-elle de sa perfection ? Entourée de ses parents, elle apprend à s'aimer et à embrasser ses origines antillaises. Elle est, comme tout un chacun, unique et spéciale telle qu'elle est. For Léontine, kinky hair is not the easiest trait to carry. Mocked relentlessly by her classmates, it's difficult for her to accept herself. Why is it hard for her to recognise her perfection ? Surrounded by her parents, she learns to love herself and embrace her Caribbean origins. She is, after all, unique and special just the way she is.



Anglais apprentissage

The Scarlet Letter

Scarlet is the colour of sin, and the letter " A " stands for " Adultery ". In the 1600s, in Boston, Massachusetts, love was allowed only between a husband and a wife. A child bore outside marriage was a child of sin. Hester Prynne must wear the scarlet letter on her dress for the rest of her tife. How can she ever escape from this public shame? What will happen to her child, growing up in the shadow of the scarlet letter? The future holds no joy for Hester Prynne. And what will happen to her sinful lover - the father of her child?




Dirty Panties (English Edition)

Roxane is a young Parisian whose Bohemian life seems stuck in an endless loop of idle afternoons and wine-soaked nights with her roommate. Strapped for cash and novelty, she starts selling her used underwear online. Dirty Panties chronicles her first steps in this marketplace, from the creation of her online persona to the real-life rendezvous with shady customers. This new business soon impacts Roxane's daily life and the people around her. The world she has just stepped into might be much more bizarre than what she expected. Roxane's journey exploring her own appetite for transgression tackles such contemporary themes as sex work, consent and economic domination. How far will she go and where will this end ? Maybelline Skvortzoff's drawing is detailed and vivid and the story is in turn hilarious, awkward, touching and dark. Much like Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character in her TV series Fleabag, Roxane is at the same time completely clueless and determined to make it on her own in this world where everything can be bought and sold. Roxane vend ses culottes -- the original edition of Dirty Panties -- won the 2023 Artemisia award for best humor comic and has been shortlisted for many awards including the official selection of the 2023 Angouleme Festival.



Mouvements artistiques

The Artist Helen Coombe (1864–1937). The Tragedy of Roger Fry's Wife

This fascinating book presents the ? rst biography of Helen Coombe, a woman admired not only for her artistic skill, but also for her intellect, personality and wit. It reveals her family background and education, her place in the Arts and Crafts Movement and her outstanding artistic output. Helen Coombe was married to Roger Fry, an artist who was to achieve most fame as an art critic, historian and protagonist of the Bloomsbury Group. Soon after their marriage in 1896, she displayed symptoms of schizophrenia. After the ? rst episode, she temporarily resumed her career and had two children with Fry, but for the last thirty years of her life she was sectioned under the Lunacy Act and committed to an institution. This thoroughly researched book makes full use of archival material, including correspondence, diaries and medical records. It illuminates late Victorian and Edwardian society and culture. It throws new light, by no means all of it favourable, on Roger Fry. It is a 'must' for all interested in the Bloomsbury Group, art history, and the handling of mental illness at a time before ef ? cacious antipsychotic drugs were available.



Littérature étrangère

Life, liberty, luxury, and love ? Part IV

An enticing blonde with long straight hair, wearing black leather trousers, stilettos and a black cashmere pullover revealing fabulous boobs was waiting there. Jean got very nervous. She dropped her sunglasses, and stunning Leanna greeted the father of her son in the coldest possible way. Distant yet more ravishing than ever. He wanted to embrace her.




Tracing the Evidence

Tracing the Evidence : Dinah in Post-Hebrew Bible Literature examines the post-biblical literary developments of Dinah, the daughter of Leah and Jacob. According to Genesis 34, Dinah was sexually violated by Shechem ; however, there are gaps in the biblical narrative and little written about what happened to her after the fateful time. Tracing the Evidence considers how post-Hebrew Bible traditions have filled in some of those gaps. Some traditions give more information about her day-to-day life, how old she was when Shechem met her, and various details about her subsequent marriage(s) and children.
