
Marriage to the Wolf




To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts Tome 6

L'armée a triomphé du Centaure qui l'empêchait d'accéder à la forteresse de Bold Creek. Elle s'apprête à en prendre le contrôle mais c'est sans compter l'intervention de Kane Madhouse, le chef de l'armée rebelle ! Hank se retrouve à nouveau face à son ancien compagnon d'armes, et Claude à ce frère qui a trahi son pays. Mais aujourd'hui, chacun doit faire face à son destin !




Universalism according to the Gospel of Matthew

This work studies the theme of universalism, namely the sharing of the gentile nations in salvation according to the gospel of Matthew. The method being employed is synchronic. All the texts that are relevant to the theme are interpreted, taking into account their context and their synoptic parallels. The study reveals that the theme of universalism is well organized and gradually developed in the gospel of Matthew. It constitutes one important theme.




Reborn to Master the Blade Tome 1

Le vieux roi-héros se réincarne en la plus jolie des jeunes filles ! Au crépuscule d'une vie dédiée à son peuple et à sa patrie, le roi-héros Inglis émet le souhait de vivre librement sa prochaine vie et de pouvoir s'entraîner au combat autant que possible... Son voeu arrive jusqu'aux oreilles de la déesse Alistia qui lui permet de se réincarner dans un futur lointain ! Mais Inglis va vite réaliser... qu'il est une fille ? ! Ainsi commence la légende de celle qui deviendra la plus forte des écuyères ! Une réincarnation sous le signe de l'épée. Avec son roi-héros réincarné en jeune fille et obsédé par l'idée de devenir toujours plus fort, Reborn to Master The Blade propose une aventure toute en nuance, portée par une galerie de personnages bien moins clichés qu'on pourrait le croire de prime abord. Derrière l'apparente simplicité de cette épopée se cache en fait un univers complexe, tissé de relations diplomatiques aussi tendues que passionnantes !




Reborn to Master the Blade Tome 2

L'ex-roi-héros se réincarne en une invincible et belle jeune fille !! Après s'être réincarné en souhaitant vivre sa prochaine existence librement et pouvoir s'entraîner au combat autant qu'il le désire, le roi-héros Inglis coule des jours paisibles sous l'apparence d'une jeune fille. A l'âge de six ans, Inglis est baptisée mais ne reçoit aucune rune, ce qui la libère de toute obligation sociale... Le temps s'écoule au rythme des entraînements, et la petite Inglis devient une belle jeune fille... Le jour de ses douze ans, une délégation royale est de passage dans sa ville natale d'Ymir... Mais en plein milieu des festivités, l'émissaire du roi est réduit en cendres par un célestien prénommé Rahl ? !




Reborn to Master the Blade Tome 3

L'ex-roi-héros part en voyage et devient une mercenaire invincible !! Après s'être réincarné en souhaitant vivre sa prochaine existence librement et pouvoir s'entraîner au combat autant qu'il le désire, le roi-héros Inglis coule des jours paisibles sous l'apparence d'une jeune fille. A l'âge de six ans, Inglis est baptisée mais ne reçoit aucune rune, ce qui la libère de toute obligation sociale... Le temps s'écoule au rythme des entraînements, et la petite Inglis devient une belle jeune femme... Maintenant âgée de quinze ans, elle part pour l'académie des chevaliers en compagnie de Raphinia, son amie d'enfance... Mais rien ne se passe comme prévu !!




To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts Tome 5

Hank a accepté de collaborer avec "coup de grâce", le bataillon de répression des divins, dirigé par le commandant Claude Weezers. Les voilà confrontés au divin protecteur de la forteresse de Bold Creek : le centaure ! C'est là qu'aurait été aperçu Kane... Hank et le bataillon doivent éliminer le centaure, mais finalement, le cadre de la mission est rapidement dépassé lorsqu'ils se joignent à l'armée gouvernementale pour attaquer la forteresse. Cette fois, c'est la guerre !




To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts Tome 12

Hank a enfin retrouvé Kane, mais il n'est pas parvenu à le battre. Pire encore, ce dernier a enlevé Charlotte car il est persuadé qu'elle entend la voix du somnium et représente la digne héritière d'Elaine, la jeune femme sacrée. Kane révèle alors à Charlotte son véritable objectif. S'engagent-ils sur la route de la perdition ?




To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts Tome 11

Hank et Charlotte font route vers le Nouveau Patria afin de contrer les plans de Kane. C'est alors qu'Arachné apparaît devant eux. D'ordinaire inséparable de Kane la voici seule face à eux. Que cherche-t-elle ? De son côté, Kane parvient à retrouver une personne clé du projet des divins mimétiques qui connaîtrait l'élément indispensable à la création de ces monstres. Le Nouveau Patria devient le lieu de rassemblement des personnes concernées par l'avenir des divins.




Génération vidéoclub ! Back to the 90's

Michel & Michel te (re)plongent dans 100 films des années 90 ! Les voix les plus iconiques d'AlloCiné te donnent des anecdotes inédites (tu savais que Jim Carrey a fait économiser 1M de dollars d'effets spéciaux pour The Mask grâce à son corps élastique ? Que le père de Jim d'American Pie a improvisé toutes ses répliques ? Que De Niro aurait pu jouer Léon ? ), des secrets de tournage et des infos drôles ou insolites pour te permettre de te la péter auprès de tes copains cinéphiles en soirée. Avec ses 100 fiches film, des focus sur le cinéma des années 90 et des quiz Faux Raccord (pas de Michel & Michel sans Faux Raccord ! ), ce livre va devenir ta nouvelle Bible du cinéma de la décennie ! Sors le popcorn, c'est parti pour une bonne dose de nostalgie !




To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts Tome 14

Les troupes armées du Nouveau Patria sont aux portes de New-Fort et l'Union de Patria du Nord ne peut plus reculer. L'heure de la bataille décisive a enfin sonné. Kane commence à avancer dans la ville avec ses soldats divins, mais Claude et ses hommes sont prêts à leur faire face. De son côté, Hank se déplace seul sur le champ de bataille pour protéger l'héritage d'Elaine... Alors que le combat fait rage, une seule question demeure : à quel futur conduiront tous ces sacrifices ?



Art contemporain

Back to the Light. Brian May Artwork

Lorsque Brian May est tombé sur les oeuvres de l'artiste Sarah Rugg sur Instagram, inspirées par son travail, il a été tellement impressionné qu'il a proposé de les publier sur papier. Le résultat est ce volume de la taille d'un album vinyle (30x30 cm) et dont le titre fait référence à son premier album solo "Back to the Light", remasterisé et réédité en 2021. Une extraordinaire anthologie de portraits de l'artiste qui, avec ses oeuvres, a lancé le phénomène, désormais viral sur Instagram, du "Bri-art" .




To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts Tome 1

Alors que la guerre faisait rage depuis des années, les hommes créèrent des soldats surpuissants appelés "divins mimétiques". Ces guerriers, mi-hommes mi-bêtes, ramenèrent la paix et furent traités en héros par le peuple. Mais leur propre force les fit parfois sombrer dans la folie. Aujourd'hui, ces divins sont craints par la population. Charlotte est la fille de l'un d'eux. Déterminée à comprendre les raisons de la mort de son père, elle suit l'énigmatique Hank dans sa chasse aux dieux devenus monstres.




To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts Tome 15

La capitale New-Fort est en proie aux flammes. Hank et Kane s'affrontent à nouveau dans ce lieu où tant de personnes ont perdu la vie - amis et ennemis confondus - et ils sont déterminés à se battre jusqu'à la mort. La fin est là... Après tant d'années de souffrance, quelle vision triomphera et déterminera le sort des divins et des hommes ? Dernier tome




365 days to the wedding Tome 2

Mariés ou mutés ! Un faux mariage : la solution idéale pour ne rien changer à leurs vies de célibataires. Alors que Takuya et Rika ont mis leur plan à exécution, des sentiments amoureux semblent naître entre eux. Cependant, leur manque d'expérience dans ce domaine les empêche d'y croire. Ce n'est qu'un faux mariage, après tout ! Pour ne rien faciliter, l'un des plus grands obstacles au mariage se dresse devant eux : la famille ! Le garçon à lunettes qui adore son chat et la jeune fille passionnée par les cartes parviendront-ils à surmonter cette nouvelle épreuve ? Série terminée en 11 tomes




365 days to the wedding Tome 1

Rika et Takuya sont agents de voyages chez J.T.C. De nature peu sociable et discrète, ils mènent chacun de leur côté une petite vie solitaire mais épanouie à Tokyo. Cependant, une nouvelle inattendue risque de chambouler leur quotidien : l'agence pour laquelle ils travaillent recherche une personne non mariée pour gérer sa toute nouvelle succursale à Irkoutsk en Sibérie. Heureusement, Rika a un plan... Se marier alors qu'ils se connaissent à peine ? ! Voici le premier tome d'une comédie romantique moderne entre un jeune homme à lunettes aimant les chats et une jeune fille passionnée par la cartographie.



Critique littéraire

Etudes anglaises N° 1/2023 : No Future. Poetry of the Current British Crisis

Daniel Katz, No Future : Poetry of the Current British Crisis David Grundy, "The Arc of Struggle" : Poetry and Defeat in the Work of Sean Bonney Malachi McIntosh, Images of Transcendence : "Crisis Always" and the New Black British Poets Andrea Brady, The Anti-Austerity Poetics of the Archive : Jay Bernard's Surge and Holly Pester's go to reception and ask for Sara in red felt-tip Stephen Collis, "Things to address directly" : Border Politics and Contemporary British Poetry Michael Gardiner, Independence and Extinction in Scottish Wilderness Writing Shalini Sengupta, "Is the poet / An imperial dissident" : Migration and the Limits of Care in Bhanu Kapil's How to Wash a Heart Comptes rendus Notes on Contributors Guidelines for Authors



Non classé

German-Irish Corporate Relationships

The book addresses the question of whether, in an age of internationalisation and globalisation, cultural differences are still relevant to German-Irish corporate relationships ? The first three chapters establish the theoretical framework for the analysis by exploring the notion of culture, profiling the business cultures of both countries, and examining existing approaches to the study of parent company-foreign subsidiary relationships. In the following three chapters, using interviews carried out with two sample groups (fifteen German parent companies and fourteen of their Irish operations ; seven Irish parent companies and nine of their German operations), the parent companies in both groups are examined to see whether they demonstrate characteristics which are in keeping with their national business cultures. Their foreign operations are then analysed as is the parent company-foreign subsidiary relationship to determine whether any parent company influences are visible. The general approaches adopted by the two groups of parent companies to their foreign operations are compared and contrasted. Finally differences in national attitudes and values are identified and their impact assessed.



Non classé

Polygyny in Pre-christian Bafut and New Moral Theological Perspectives

Polygyny, commonly called polygamy, has been one of the main obstacles to evangelisation in Africa. After Vatican II many theologians began to question the traditional church policy towards polygamists and their wives who, after receiving the faith, asked for baptism. The two main solutions proposed were the baptism and the life catechumenate solutions. The present work studies polygyny in pre-christian Bafut and traces the history of the problem of polygynous converts from 1201. It suggests that the real obstacle to their baptism is polysex, not poly-marriage. In the concluding chapter, a solution is offered to polysex, according to which the polygamist, after baptism, becomes a special kind of monogamist.




Secret Mexico City

An indispensable guide for those who thought they knew the city well or who would like to discover its many other facets. The forgotten café where Fidel Castro and Che Guevara used to meet, a tribute to the city's ghosts, a mammoth in the metro, a cave transformed into a shrine, an underground parking lot with mosaics dating from 1930, a Baroque altarpiece made from papier mâché, a village based on the principles of Thomas More's Utopia, secret masterpieces of colonial art in rooms only open around two hours a week, the largest roof garden in Latin America, the photo on which the Oscar statuette is modelled, the first building in the world faced with a material that can trap urban smog, a road surface designed for praying as you walk ...




Sandinista. Tome 3

"There is a train at Version City Waiting for the rhythm mail If you can jump then jump right now She can pull you through to better days."



Non classé

Literary Marriages

A series of intertextual short stories by Joyce Carol Oates, published in 1972, constitutes the subject-matter of the present work. Having entered into ‘literary marriages' with beloved masters, such as Kafka, Joyce, Thoreau, Flaubert, James and Chekhov, Oates has ‘re-imagined' their classic masterpieces. This study aims at finding out whether Oates remains ‘faithful' to the original versions. What elements besides the titles are retained, or added ? Why does a young American woman writer undertake a dialogue with deceased authors and their texts ? Why the short story genre ? What is Oates's relationship to intertextuality, literary tradition, or the very aesthetics of her own art ? Grounded in theories of intertextuality, comparative analyses show that Oates remains ‘faithful' in some of her spiritual unions, while committing ‘infidelities' in others. For a woman writer in the 1970s transgression was a necessity for survival ; these stories thus belong to the revisionary movement. While assimilating and engendering a strongly Eurocentred male literary tradition, Oates manages to unlock energy from the original stories transforming them into expressions of her very own distinct literary voice.




A Handbook of Global Citizenship Education. The Belgian perspective

Presented as a response to contemporary global issues (such as sustainable development, interculturality or democracy), Global Citizenship Education (GCE) aims to "open people's eyes and minds to the realities of the world and awaken them to bring about a world of greater justice, equity and human rights for all". Given that GCE is now perceived as a means of bringing contemporary world issues into classrooms, teachers and school principals are increasingly encouraged to adopt it. Indeed, new skills frameworks require students to develop knowledge on global issues, while students themselves are demanding this education because they seek the means to play a greater role in the world. Often addressed in the form of social or environmental issues perceived as being of serious concern, GCE is expected to feature increasingly in the curricula of schools and universities in the future. But in Belgium and around the world, Global Citizenship Education (GCE) has been the subject of debate in recent years. This handbook reflects these various debates. Initially published in French, it is, above all, an attempt to compensate for the absence of texts on the subject from the French-speaking world, notably from the Belgian research and practice world. This English version enhances the international visibility of the vital academic, institutional, and professional sectors addressing GCE in Belgium, and highlights the specific features of GCE in this country. It will be particularly useful for students, teachers and practitioners, and everyone who wants to understand the challenges of Global Citizenship Education today.



BD tout public

Doctor Gachet's portrait

A picture named "Doctor Gachet's portrait" has been stolen a night from a museum. Immediately, the news offer the event and our heroes start the research after some clue that leads them to the thief. After travelling across some countries following his trace, they realize that a smuggling network is behind the robbery, led by minister Goring. Among their loot is an enormous amount of pictures stolen from private collectors, with the aim of transporting and hiding them beyond their frontiers.



Instruments de musique

Afterwards. for bassoon and piano. bassoon and piano.

Elena Kats-Chernin wrote Afterwards for the 18th birthday of a young acquaintance, Guy Knopke, who had just started playing the bassoon. The title refers to "the new adventures and changes that can lie ahead after a significant milestone", according to the composer. She created a solo [also duo] piano version for herself, which is published in the anthology Piano Village (BB 3409). The final version of the original for bassoon and piano, which is no longer quite suitable for beginners, was recorded on CD by Elena Kats-Chernin together with the soloist Lorelei Dowling on Chromart Classics in 2017. Instrumentation : bassoon and piano




Venice. A Private Invitation

Venice of a thousand reflections ; Venice of mirror and glass, of silk and gold ; Venice of light and lace, of transparency and porcelain. With her expert knowledge and insight, Servane Giol takes us to the heart of the Venetian art de vivre, a warm and private invitation to meet some of the most creative people living in the city today. Accompanying us into historic private palazzi as well as more recently restored houses and apartments, she introduces us to a new generation of artists and designers who are attracted by the radiant beauty, energy, and lifestyle of the Serenissima-a charmed circle of talented friends who are bringing a fresh dynamism and elegance to the city, shining a new light on some of its rarest and most exquisite traditional crafts, and lovingly safeguarding them for future generations. This love letter to the hidden beauties of Venice and to the skills for which the city is famed is brilliantly complemented by the photography of Mattia Aquila. It offers both a revelation and an everlasting memory for all those who will never forget their dazzling first sight of the domes, the campaniles, and the shimmering golden silence of this legendary city that floats between sea and sky.



BD tout public

No way out. Version anglaise

" The stock market crash in '29 and the Dust Bowl left us with nothing, out on the streets, our youth our only asset. We were to reduced to wandering from place to place- no work, no future. What we were yet to realize, was that our only hope of saving our skins would be to risk our lives".



Histoire de France

CRASH IN BAYEUX - The Last Flight of Sergeant Ferguson

Normandy, France, January 15, 1943. The weather is clear, the sun is shining. Two Royal Canadian Air Force aircraft fly over the Bayeux-Caen railroad. The target is a German freight train - and its locomotive. Aboard the first Spitfire, Sergeant Ferguson is aligning his gun sights on the target. It is 02 : 30 p. m. This will be his very last flight... HARASSING THE OCCUPYING FORCES TO PREPARE THE INVASION The RAF and RCAF had been flying hundreds of similar sorties over France for months, in order to weaken the German forces, particularly the Luftwaffe. The pilots of No. 401 Squadron were among those who took part in this patient work, made up of constant patrols and attacks. Among the 63 men mentioned in this book, 25 were killed in action between 1942 and 1944. A CRASH THAT AWOKE THE SPIRIT OF RESISTANCE Touched by William Ferguson's sacrifice, some French citizens decided to bury the young Canadian flier with dignity, honour and respect. The Germans took this as a provocation. A few weeks later, the Sipo-SD (the "Gestapo") arrested a dozen of them. They were sent to concentration camps - some of them later died in Büchenwald, Dachau and Mauthausen. Others did survive, including Paul Le Caër. He is the one who has supported the author and told him what happened. Today, he is signing the preface of this book. UNPUBLISHED DOCUMENTS AND TESTIMONIES Based on an in-depth analysis of unpublished documents, including the Fergusons' archives and No. 401 Squadron Operation Record Book, this work depicts the very last flight of the young Canadian pilot in detail. With a striking truthfulness, you will relive the squadron's daily life, the faith of the pilots, as well as the beginning of the sortie and "Bill" Ferguson's last minutes. FIVE YEARS OF RESEARCH AND EMOTION A young and talented historian involved in the field of remembrance in Normandy, François Oxéant has spent over five years fitting the pieces of the puzzle together. This book will help you discover all aspects of his fascinating investigation with a methodical and rigorous approach. He has met some of the last witnesses of the events and has been in touch with the pilot's family for a few years, making us share his emotion and admiration for Bill, who was barely younger than himself.



Littérature française


Carla déteste la routine et change de vie tous les six mois. Nouvelle maison, nouveaux amis, nouveaux collègues, rien ne reste mais rien ne part vraiment. Elle n'oublie aucun lieu ni aucune âme. Partout où elle passe, elle raconte des histoires nourries de sa riche expérience. Carla est douée mais paresseuse. Alors elle a mis au point une technique infaillible. Régulièrement, elle fait des promesses à son entourage et comme elle est très fière, elle arrive toujours à les tenir. Carla hates routine and changes her life every six months. A new house, new friends, new colleagues, nothing stays the same but then nothing is really left behind either. She doesn't forget any of the places or people she has known. Wherever she goes, she tells stories based on her rich experience. Carla is gifted but somewhat lazy, so she has developed a technique that never fails. She regularly makes promises to those around her, that, because of her pride in herself, she always somehow manages to keep. Ouvrage de fiction conçu, annoté et commenté avec le concours de collaborateurs d'une entreprise de logistique. This is a work of fiction designed, annotated and commented with the contribution of supply chain professionals.



Critique littéraire

Etudes anglaises N° 2/2022 : Contemporary Nigerian literature

ARTICLES Vanessa GUIGNERY : Introduction. Contemporary Nigerian Literature in English : An Orchestra of Pluralities Madhu KRISHNAN : Contemporary Nigerian Literature, Literary Activism and Networks of Production in the Twenty-First Century Moradewun ADEJUNMOBI : Male Waithood and Radical Transformation in A. Igoni Barrett's Blackass Cédric COURTOIS : Visibilizing "Those Who Have No Part" : LGBTQIA+ Representation in Contemporary Nigerian Fiction in English Eleni COUNDOURIOTIS : Unruly Stories : Opening up to History in Helon Habila's Travelers Sule Emmanuel EGYA : The Ecopoetics of Flooding in Contemporary Nigeria Isidore DIALA : Paranoid Messiahs : The Military in Wole Soyinka's Later Satirical Drama COMPTES RENDUS Notes on Contributors Guidelines for Authors



Littérature française


Editor's Choice Nobel Committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the 11th Chinese author Mo Yan 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature. The Commission said that Mo Yan combination of reality and fantasy. historical and social perspective. He created the world reminiscent of the works of Faulkner and Marquez fusion while to find a point of departure in traditional Chinese literature and oral literature. Summary Pu Songling's hometown Zibo and Mo Yan's hometown density very close from. Mo Yan is to listen to the story of Purkinje child grew up. Pu Songling fantasy style to Mo Yan's fiction writing brought a very big impact. but also achievements in the magical style of Mo Yan. Learn Pu Songling is selected from the group consisting of Mo Yan two more than thirty ghost stories. ghost legend. and some weird God God Buddies ghost novels. with high-density the flapping gray Year pictures unique. to bring people look good. magical shock strong visual impact. Mo Yan (1955 catalog learning Pu Songling adventure night fishing genius good doctor iron child flying odor tribe carpenter the dog sandals scenting sub sins the the airship Zaomu stool motorcycle the three horses hype gale five pastry dry river Baekgu Swing frame of February 17 -). formerly known as tube mo. born in Gaomi County. famous contemporary Chinese writers. Honorary Doctor of the Open University of Hong Kong. visiting professor at Qingdao University of Science and Technology. His rise since the mid-1980s to a series of local works. filled with nostalgia and blame Township complex emotional. are classified as Seeking literary writers. The works are influenced by magic realism. to write out a legend in the of Gaomi northeast Township. Mo Yan subjective feeling of the world in his novel structure unique to dream-like narrative. unfamiliar process. shaping the mysterious transcendental object world. with Pioneer color. In August 2011. Mo Yan With novel frog was the eighth Mao Dun. October 11. 2012. won the Nobel Prize for Literature.
