
Ghislaine Geoffray, Vanessa Genes, Nathalie Genot, Fatiha Merimi, Ana paloma Delfa



Histoire de France

Constance de Bretagne (1161-1201). Une duchesse face à Richard Coeur de Lion et Jean sans Terre

En 1166, le duc de Bretagne Conan IV doit abdiquer après s'être révélé incapable d'endiguer la fronde contre son seigneur, le roi d'Angleterre et duc de Normandie Henri II Plantagenêt, suzerain du duc depuis 1158. Conan lui remet également sa fille, âgée de cinq ans, destinée à lui succéder à sa mort. La petite Constance va donc grandir en Angleterre. A cette époque, la cour anglaise vibre aux récits des exploits du roi Arthur popularisés par le clerc gallois Geoffroy de Monmouth. Son livre, l'Histoire des rois de Bretagne, publié vers 1135, appelle à la renaissance bretonne en évoquant avec Arthur le premier roi légendaire de la Bretagne armoricaine, Conan Mériadec. Ces récits invoquant la gloire de la terre dont elle était l'héritière n'ont pas laissé Constance indifférente, elle dont le père portait le même prénom royal que le compagnon du roi Arthur ! Dans un tel environnement, la jeune fille dut se dire très tôt qu'elle reprendrait le flambeau de la lutte pour l'indépendance bretonne dès que possible. En 1181, Constance épouse Geoffroy Plantagenêt qui, comme sa femme, prendra fait et cause pour l'indépendance du duché. De cette union, en 1187, naîtra un fils que Constance appellera Arthur... Le nouveau-né est vu comme la réincarnation du roi légendaire, appelé à libérer les Bretons de la domination anglaise. Successivement, Henri Il puis, après sa mort en 1189, Richard Coeur de Lion qui lui a succédé, tentent de s'emparer de l'enfant. Leurs tentatives sont vaines en raison de l'opiniâtreté de la duchesse. Après la mort de Richard sans héritier direct en 1199, la duchesse défend les droits de son fils à la couronne anglaise. Constance, dont les historiens s'accordent à dire que son deuxième mariage avec Guy de Thouars (avec qui elle aura trois filles) fut un mariage d'amour, apparaît comme un personnage d'une étonnante modernité et, peut-être, comme la plus grande duchesse bretonne.



Anglais apprentissage

The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman de Ernest J Gaines

Written as the recollection of a 110-year-old woman, "Miss Jane", The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman is the narrative of African-American history from the Declaration of Emancipation to the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s. Gaines's masterpiece is meant to represent the interpretation of the events of a century through the central character's uneducated but street-wise vision. Carefully built on a historical structure, the book relies on a well-mastered stylistic technique that mixes several literary genres, providing the reader with a deep insight into the African American experience. Inevitably, such central issues as "black pride", human dignity, ethics or the nature of freedom are raised and the reader finds himself actively involved in the reconstruction of a black subject whom "history" had relegated in the footnotes of a "Manifest Destiny" written by revisionist ideologues.



Critique littéraire

Études germaniques - N°1/2015. Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi

Pierre Jean BRUNEL : Oti et dioti. Les enjeux métaphysiques de l'éthique aristotélicienne dans Woldemar de Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi While Aristotle's authority is being challenged by modern philosophy, Jacobi quotes from his Nicomachean Ethics in Woldemar. Daniel Jenisch's edition of the Aristotle Ethics proves to be a major source for the understanding of the novel's "philosophical intent" . What is the significance of such a philosophical revival of Aristotle as the result of the novel ?? To what extent does the variance between the "commercial society" and the ancient doctrine of virtue throw light upon ethical and metaphysical stakes ?? How does the novel handle the philosophical question of immediate knowledge ?? The reading of Nicomachean Ethics does provide us with a model of conversion for the crisis of the modern subject. Während die Autorität des Aristoteles von der modernen Philosophie in Frage gestellt wird, bezieht sich Jacobi in Woldemar auf die Nikomachische Ethik. Daniel Jenischs Übersetzung (1791) stellt eine wichtige Quelle dar, um die "philosophische Absicht" dieses Romanes zu verstehen. Was bedeutet diese Rückkehr des Aristoteles dank des Romans ?? Inwieweit hat der Konflikt zwischen der modernen commercial society und der alten Tugendlehre eine ethische und metaphysische Tragweite ?? Wie wird die philosophische Frage nach der unmittelbaren Erkenntnis im Roman behandelt ?? Bedeutet die Lektüre der Ethik ein Bekehrungsmodell für die Krise des modernen Subjektes ?? Ives Radrizzani : La Destination de l'homme - la réponse de Fichte à la Lettre ouverte de Jacobi ?? The Vocation of Man is Fichte's response to Jacobi. Fichte follows a double strategy : he provides us with his system of defense against the accusations made to the Doctrine of Science in the Letter to Fichte (subjectivism, solipsism, nihilism), on the other part, he tries to build a link to the non-knowledge of Jacobi. With the ternary structure of the work, Fichte shows its commitment to the position that was already his at the time of the Quarrel of pantheism : he still holds necessary a mediation of Knowledge between Doubt and Faith and doesn't agree the Jacobian salto mortale. But the Knowledge and the Faith staged in the last two books of the work are precisely calibrated to demonstrate to Jacobi their agreement in these two areas. The reaction of Jacobi shows the discrepancy between the expectations of Fichte and the result. Die Bestimmung des Menschen bringt Fichtes Antwort auf Jacobi. Fichte verfolgt zwei Ziele : es gilt auf der einen Seite für ihn, sein Verteidigungssystem gegen die im Brief an Fichte entgegen der Wissenschaftslehre geäußerten Anschuldigungen (Subjektivismus, Solipsismus, Nihilismus) darzustellen, auf der anderen Seite einen Übergang zum jacobischen Nichtwissen zu ermitteln. Mit der dreiteiligen Struktur der Schrift zeigt Fichte, daß er der Position, die er schon beim Pantheismusstreit vertrat, treu bleibt : er hält eine Vermittlung durch das Wissen zwischen dem Zweifel und dem Glauben für notwendig und setzt sich dem jacobischen salto mortale entgegen. Aber die in den zwei letzten Büchern der Schrift inszenierten Wissen und Glaube sind genau darauf abgezielt, um Jacobi ihre Übereinstimmung in jenen zwei Bereichen unter Beweis zu stellen. Jacobis Reaktion zeigt die ganze Diskrepanz zwischen Fichtes Erwartungen und dem Ergebnis. Patrick Cerutti : Naître à l'existence "Je me souviens de cet instant plein de joie et de trouble, où je sentis pour la première fois ma singulière existence" . This paper traces the historical evolution of a metaphor, the one of awakening or birth to being, as it appears in Buffon's, then Rousseau's, Jean Paul's and Jacobi's works. Jacobi, after many modifications of meaning, bases his whole conception of a feeling of existence on it, since it depends on the spirit rather than the senses. "Je me souviens de cet instant plein de joie et de trouble, où je sentis pour la première fois ma singulière existence" . Der vorliegende Artikel gibt die Geschichte der Metapher des Erweckens oder der Geburt zur Existenz wieder, wie sie in Werken Buffons, dann Rousseaus, Jean Pauls und Jacobis erscheint. Durch manche Bedeutungsveränderungen baut Jacobi auf diesem Bild seine ganze Konzeption des Gefühls der Existenz auf, insofern als sie eher von einem Gefühl des Geistes als von der Empfindung abhängt. Alain muzelle : Friedrich Schlegel lecteur critique de Jacobi Jacobis Woldemar is a review Friedrich Schlegel wrote in 1796 from the final version of the novel. With this work, the young writer inaugurates the series of his "Charakteristiken" . Under the influence of Fichte's philosophy, he develops a new form of criticism, a genetic method that explains the poetic works from the point of view of their progressive construction, on the basis that "one can understand a book or a mind only through reconstructing its internal dynamics" . After having showed the weakness of the plot and portrayed Woldemar as a vulgar and selfish immoralist, he refuses to acknowledge the work any specifically philosophical value, arguing that he cannot succeed in finding any consistency in the course of the argument. Finally, the profound unity of the book is to be found, for Schlegel, in the individuality of its creator, whom he defines as a "mystical sophist" . Mit Jacobis Woldemar, einer Rezension, die Friedrich Schlegel 1796 über die endgültige Fassung dieses Romans verfasst, entsteht die erste seiner Charakteristiken. Unter dem Einfluß von Fichtes Philosophie entwickelt Schlegel eine neue Art von Kritik, eine genetische Methode, welche die poetischen Werke aus ihrem Werden erklärt, da man erst "ein Werk, einen Geist [versteht], wenn man den Gang und Gliederbau nachkonstruieren kann". Nachdem er auf die innere Brüchigkeit der Romanhandlung hingewiesen und von der Titelgestalt das Porträt eines immoralistischen groben Egoisten entworfen hat, was ihn dazu führt, Jacobis ethische Lehre in Frage zu stellen, spricht er dem Werk jegliche echt philosophische Dimension ab, da es ihm an einer Kontinuität der philosophischen Gedankenführung fehle. Schlegel erkennt schließlich die eigentliche Grundeinheit des Romans in der Persönlichkeit des Schriftstellers selbst, den er als einen mystischen Sophisten definiert. Sylvie LE MOËL : La traduction française de Woldemar, "roman philosophique et sentimental" - une médiation avortée ?? This study proposes to reassess the only translation in French of the novel Woldemar, published soon after it appeared in Germany but which quickly sank into oblivion. As the first attempt of Franco-German mediation by the publicist Charles Vandenbourg, who, at the time, had emigrated to Germany, it represents an enlightening example of the philological and philosophical stakes specific to the Franco-German intellectual transfer around the 1800s. The current article analyses the initial conditions and the publishing modes of the transfer, the translation strategy of Charles Vandenbourg as well as the revealing role played by the text in resetting the intellectual fields under the Directoire. Although it was a failure, this translation lead up to the penetration of Jacobi's philosophy in France, in a context of the philosophical debates opposing the Idealists and the Ideologists, later echoed by Madame de Staël. Vorliegender Beitrag untersucht die einzige französische Übersetzung von Jacobis Roman Woldemar, die zwar kurz nach der deutschen Originalfassung erschien, dafür aber schnell in Vergessenheit geriet. Als erster Versuch deutsch-französischer Vermittlung durch den nach Deutschland emigrierten französischen Publizisten Charles Vanderbourg stellt sie ein einleuchtendes Beispiel für den philologischen und philosophischen deutsch-französischen Transfer um 1800 dar. Die Studie befasst sich mit den Ausgangsbedingungen und den verlegerischen Modi des Transfers sowie mit Vanderbourgs Übersetzungsstrategien, wobei der französische Text die Neugestaltung des französischen intellektuellen Feldes zur Zeit des Direktoriums erkennen lässt. Dieser scheinbar gescheiterte Transfer nimmt also doch die Einführung von Jacobis Philosophie in Frankreich vorweg, und zwar im Kontext von Debatten zwischen Idealisten und Ideologen, an die Madame de Staël kurz darauf anknüpft. Norbert WASZEK : La référence à Adam Ferguson dans Woldemar de Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi At the centre of this article is an analysis of the presence of Adam Ferguson, a leading member of the Scottish Enlightenment, in Jacobi's philosophical "novel" Woldemar. Although often neglected by Jacobi scholarship, Ferguson is mentioned and quoted approvingly on several occasions in Woldemar, and his implicit impact might reach even further. Initially, the ground for such an analysis is prepared by recalling the empirical evidence for Jacobi's reading of Ferguson as is to be found in the catalogue of his personal library and in his voluminous correspondence. Then, standing back from details of the reception, the wider question is opened, whether an appropriate appreciation of Jacobi's indebtedness to Ferguson might contribute to a correction of certain older images and clichés of Jacobi's thought. Der Beitrag geht einem noch zu wenig beachteten Bezugspunkt von Jacobis Woldemar nach, dem schottischen Philosophen Adam Ferguson, welcher in Jacobis Buch mehrfach ausdrücklich und zustimmend erwähnt und zitiert wird und dessen Einfluss implizit vermutlich noch weiter reicht. Vor dieser zentralen Analyse werden einleitend noch weitere Belege für Jacobis Beschäftigung mit Ferguson aus seinem Briefwechsel und seinen Bibliotheksbeständen vorgestellt und eine kurze Charakterisierung von Fergusons Werk geboten. Ein Ausblick nimmt ein wenig Abstand von den Einzelheiten der Rezeption und eröffnet die weiterführende Frage, ob eine angemessene Würdigung seiner Lektüre von Ferguson dazu beitragen kann, noch immer verbreitete Klischees über Jacobis Denken zu korrigieren. Niall Bond : Ferdinand Tönnies und seine Wechselwirkungen mit der französischsprachigen Welt Research on the institutional establishment of sociology in Europe has for the most part ignored exchanges between the earliest leading French and German sociologists. Yet our research in Ferdinand Tönnies' estate in Kiel has shown us that there were fruitful exchanges and mutual effects between Tönnies and Emile Durkheim, René Worms, Gabriel Tarde and other French-speaking sociologists and philosophers. At the same time, constructions and representations of national traits were obstacles to the fluid transfer of scientific interests and knowledge even across the borders of Europe. This becomes particularly clear when we read Tönnies' and Durkheim's writings during the Great War. Nevertheless, the transposing of Tönnies, who had resisted National Socialism, to other cultural contexts such as the French-speaking world made it possible to deal with his thought in a more neutral and objective fashion than was possible in post-war Germany, which had been traumatised by the recuperation of the term "Volksgemeinschaft" by the Nazis. Dans une grande mesure, la recherche sur la mise en place institutionnelle de la sociologie en Europe a fait jusqu'alors abstraction des échanges entre les premiers sociologues français et allemands. En puisant dans les archives de Ferdinand Tönnies à Kiel, nous constatons toutefois des échanges fructueux et des actions réciproques entre Tönnies et Emile Durkheim, René Worms, Gabriel Tarde et d'autres sociologues et philosophes de langue française. En même temps, les constructions et les représentations de traits nationaux représentaient autant d'obstacles à un passage fluide d'interrogations scientifiques et de savoirs même à travers les frontières de l'Europe. Cela devient surtout clair à la lumière des écrits de Tönnies et de Durkheim sous l'influence de la Grande Guerre. Cependant la transposition de Tönnies, résistant au nazisme, à d'autres aires culturelles comme l'aire francophone a permis un traitement davantage neutre et objectif que celui qui a été possible dans une culture allemande de l'après-guerre traumatisée par l'exploitation du terme de "Volksgemeinschaft" par les nazis. Sonja VANDERLINDEN : Journal fictif, vie romancée, roman, mémoires, confession. Le cas de Tine of de dalen waar het leven woont (1987) de Nelleke Noordervliet The central theme of this contribution is the interaction between fiction and reality in Noordervliet's novel about Multatuli's wife. Speaking is Everdine van Wijnbergen during the last months of her life ?; in a fictional diary she looks back on episodes out of her whole life, with or without Douwes Dekker at her side. This fictional (auto)biography of a historical person is also a confession, an introspection, a self-examination. In this novel three "Tines" appear side by side : the real Everdine, Multatuli's and Max Havelaar's idealized Tine, and Noordervliet's Tine. Nelleke Noordervliet gives a voice to this writer's wife ?; she brings her out of the shadows and offers a nuanced and complex image of her personality. De rode draad in deze bijdrage is het spel met fictie en realiteit in Noordervliets roman over de vrouw van Multatuli. De auteur laat Everdine van Wijnbergen aan het woord tijdens haar laatste levensmaanden ?; in een fictief dagboek kijkt zij terug op episodes uit haar gehele leven, met of zonder Douwes Dekker aan haar zij. Deze fictieve (auto)biografie van een historisch personage is tegelijkertijd ook een biecht, een introspectie, een gewetensonderzoek. In deze roman komen drie "Tines" naast elkaar te staan : de werkelijke Everdine, de geïdealiseerde Tine van Multatuli en van Max Havelaar, en de Tine van Noordervliet. Nelleke Noordervliet geeft een stem aan deze schrijversvrouw, haalt haar uit de schaduw en biedt een genuanceerd en complex beeld van haar persoonlijkheid.




Aux limites de l'étrange

- des chaussures qui obligent celui qui les porte à agir contre son gré - un cauchemar qui devient réalité - un crayon capable de modifier le passé - une justice à laquelle nul ne peut échapper - une antique machine à écrire qui se révèle diabolique, - un astrologue en contact avec l'au-delà, - une plongée dans un univers inquiétant, - une vengeance que n'aurait pas pu imaginer celui qui en est victime... Huit histoires dans lesquelles des gens ordinaires se trouvent confrontés au fantastique.




Le coeur des zobs

Bobika est un homme contracepté depuis 2016 : un parcours jalonné de doutes, de déconstruction sur sa propre virilité, d'interrogations sur les schémas hétéronormés, de gêne physique, mais aussi de fragilité face à un entourage parfois moqueur de sa démarche. Il raconte avec humour son cheminement, ses rencontres avec des sociologues, médecins et féministes. Il relate des anecdotes farfelues, parfois touchantes, souvent édifiantes, et nous montre qu'au-delà d'une démarche personnelle, la contraception masculine est avant tout un sujet de société.



Histoire internationale

Bomb N : ressources, mysteries and opportunities of the Congo basin. Advocacy of Denis Sassou N'Guesso for the protection of the planet

This book of Michel Innocent Peya is devoted to the Congo Basin, the second largest reserve in the world : its natural ressources, its mysteries, legal and institutional frameworks, national, subregional and international levels that protect it. The basin of Congo is an African opportunity for the whole world. Its preservation and its protection over time are an action of conscience, will, commitment, determination and sacrifices for the benefit of humanity. Nature cannot be defending alone ; the Congo Basin finds among his children in love with nature a spokesperson or a soulmate in the person of the President of the Republic of Congo, Denis Sassou N'Guesso. He is one with nature. This is why, time and time again, he cries out against the abusive and irrational exploitation of the Earth, which is the source of delayed natural disasters, irreversible, and mass destruction : the Bomb "N". This saving son of the world demonstrates his involvement by his career and his advocacy at several international, subregional and national summits on protection of the global environment. This book puts in the world place the intrinsic qualities of its international environmental policy, an arduous fight for thirty years for the preservation of nature, the balance of global climate. It plays the role of a climatoecological pivot in the Congo Basin subregion. His climate leadership is the result of coordinated sectoral planned policies, implemented, objectives clearly defined and adapted, credible and effective diplomacy. His sacrifices for humanity, its dedication to the cause of our planet and its management for the future of humanity and future generations give it the status of patrimonium of mankind. Protector as well as defender of the Congo Basin, he receives the blows and the backlash from mafia networks who wish to illegally exploit the huge ressources of this part of the Earth. It reveals to the donor community climatic conditions and to all human civilization the opportunities offered by the Congo (ecotourism, development of the pharmaceutical industry and the market Common Forest of Central African Countries). Peat bogs constitute for the Congo Basin the largest terrestrial reserve of organic carbon. They store twice as much carbon as other forests in the world. He calls on the conscience of climate hinders, because the peat bog is an essential source of ecological stability, a precious reserve of carbon and the cradle of unique flora and fauna to the world and its survival also requires the integration of local communities' indigenous peoples through sustainable projects. This book is a reference tool for understanding and analyzing the basin of Congo, its natural wealth, its legal and institutional framework, in the dynamics of climate-political leadership and its myriad opportunities for the planet. As a result, the author believes that the achievement of these objectives is dependent on climate-political leadership that the Congo Basin space exerts in the concert nations. As it is said in Africa, one finger cannot wash the whole face.




Lettres à Loulou dit Pasteur

Mon cher Loulou, Ton aura mondiale, scientifique, voire idéologique et, bien sûr, l'intérêt de ta personnalité, justifient ce bouquet de lettres, toutes écrites en 2021. Attention : tout est permis ! On peut même prendre un pseudo pour tromper l'ennemi, genre "un anti-antivax qui te veut du bien". Tu as donc reçu vingt-trois lettres, plus la mienne. Des femmes, des hommes, des médecins, des historiens, des philosophes, des chercheurs, des pas-chercheurs, bref des gens qui ont croisé ton chemin, toujours pour une bonne raison. Il m'a fallu les classer, pour faire science. Ainsi, on va d'abord te suivre dans ta maison puis dans ton laboratoire. Après, on ira dans le monde et, enfin, au-delà – je veux dire carrément dans l'au-delà ! Tu seras très surpris. D.R.



Instruments de musique

Simply4Strings : An American Suite. Four pieces for elementary string orchestra. Strings (violins I-III and cellos I+II, violas I+II and double bass ad libitum) and piano. Partition et partie.

Simply 4 Strings - Ensemble music for elementary string players from Katherine and Hugh Colledge, composers of Stepping Stones, Waggon Wheels, Fast Forward and Shooting Stars. A complete suite of pieces - ideal for group teaching, perfect for concerts Based on well-known melodies from around the world Optional piano accompaniments Rewarding parts for everyone - even absolute beginners Instrumentation : strings (violins I-III and cellos I+II, violas I+II and double bass ad libitum) and piano



Littérature française

L'addiction au Smartphone dans le milieu universitaire au Maroc

Malgré l'accroissement fulgurant d'utilisateurs du smartphone et les problèmes liés à son utilisation excessive, cette dernière a fait l'objet d'un nombre restreint d'études. Il s'agit d'une étude transversale ; qualitative quantifiée, via une enquête en ligne. L'évaluation de l'addiction n'était possible qu'à l'aide de l'échelle de mesure SAS/SAV. 165 étudiants sont interviewés. 50% des étudiants ont un score d'addiction de 32 ou plus et 50% d'eux ont un score de 32 ou moins. Le score moyen de l'addiction était de 33, 10% avec une variation du niveau d'addiction selon l'âge, étant donné que les étudiants entre 18 ans et 25 ans sont les plus addicts. La durée de possession (0, 097, [0, 012 ; 0, 775], p=0, 28), le trouble de sommeil (0, 333, [0, 175 ; 0, 636], p=0, 001), la nervosité (0, 366, [0, 195 ; 0, 689], p=0, 002), l'usage quotidien (3, 246, [1, 226 ; 8, 596], p=0, 018) et le signe fantôme (0, 421, [0, 214 ; 0, 827], p=0, 012) ont été associés à l'addiction au smartphone chez ces étudiants. L'étude a révélé une prédominance féminine d'addiction du fait que les femmes sont des êtres communicatifs, qui emploient surtout le smartphone pour stimuler leurs interactions sociales et pour se divertir.




Les possédés. L'ailleurs est ici

Les mini-romans ou nouvelles de format roman sont des récits courts et musclés, possédant un univers et des personnages fouillés, afin de garantir l'intérêt du lecteur et lui offrir un voyage inoubliable vers l'ailleurs. La reine de Zangalar (E. Querbalec). Haine et folie dansent dans le coeur abîmé de la Reine de Zangalar qui découvre une réplique d'elle, adolescente, fabriquée secrètement par son époux. Au même moment, celui-ci combat dans l'arène. Le sang répandu sera-t-il celui du roi jusqu'alors invaincu ? La dernière Houri (O. Lusetti) : En Chine ancienne, à la six cent soixante-sixième année de la Dynastie Zhou, le monde devient fou. Un mal frappe les femmes de stérilité. Une communauté de religieuses — les servantes de Guanyin — survit dans un monastère, prisonnière d'un souffle magique. Sombre-mort (Foenidis). Un cavalier noir fauche la fine fleur de la chevalerie. Courent les rumeurs les plus folles : son heaume cache une tête sans visage ! La déesse des sables (A. Genêt). Un prêtre lave sa faute dans le désert. Très vite sa foi semble bâtie sur du sable... d'où lui viennent ses idées sur les anciennes croyances ? Il se sent épié ! Quelque chose... ondule sous les dunes. Les épées de la colère (O. Lusetti) En Chine ancienne, le jeune et fougueux Bourcrane, prince du peuple des Fils de la Montagne, est prisonnier d'une folie meurtrière. Sous les yeux de sa mère, la reine, un combat va le mesurer au plus puissant des guerriers. Les yeux (A. Genêt) : "J'ai l'impression de me mouvoir dans un monde de métal et de coton. La neige étouffe les bruits. Elle n'est plus un refuge. Elle me trahit. Les yeux d'ambre sont fixés sur moi."



Ethnologie et anthropologie

Tulen Di Muna Dangan di Malbulen. Kite Blaan (Mindanao, Philippines)

This publication is the volume 10 of a series dealing with the culture, the history and the traditions of the Blaan of Malbulen (Little Baguio, Mindanao, Philippines). It is available in Blaan and in English. Elders share their stories to a group of youngsters who ask them questions on a variety of topics such as life of the ancestors, cosmogony, conflicts and social rules, spirits and animals, hunting, childbirth and marriage, burial practices, signs, dreams and religion. The book provides the verbatim accounts of these discussions recorded during a workshop that took place in Malbulen in 2015.




Blue and White Done Right. The Classic Color Combination for Every Decorating Style

The legendary Schumacher design house presents an inspiring interiors survey exploring the versatile and transformative use of blue and white Divided by style (charming, modern, boho, traditional, etc.), Schumacher will take you on a tour of the best of blue and white decorating, featuring interiors that show just how versatile this color combination can be. The book features a guide to iconic blue and white colors (from robin's egg to sky, to cerulean and oyster, to alabaster to porcelain) as well as a roundup of best-in-class product from tabletop to fabrics and wallcoverings.




Narratives of the Past in Malbulen. Blaan Perspectives (Mindanao, Philippines)

This publication is the volume 10 of a series dealing with the culture, the history and the traditions of the Blaan of Malbulen (Little Baguio, Mindanao, Philippines). It is available in Blaan and in English. Elders share their stories to a group of youngsters who ask them questions on a variety of topics such as life of the ancestors, cosmogony, conflicts and social rules, spirits and animals, hunting, childbirth and marriage, burial practices, signs, dreams and religion. The book provides the verbatim accounts of these discussions recorded during a workshop that took place in Malbulen in 2015.



Non classé

«America's my Home»- Interviews with Young Blacks from Georgia

This book presents six interviews with young, upwardly mobile blacks from the state of Georgia, USA, as a contribution to American oral history and culture. The time span covered comprises the years 1960 to 1975, a period which marked a transitional phase in race relations. The interviewees state their experiences with and feelings on desegregation, their political and ethnic loyalties, their aspirations in life, and their value systems. Despite a varied socio-economic background, they show a heightened sense of racial and cultural identity and an integrationist orientation with Martin Luther King as a culture hero.




The Poetics of Intimacy and the Problem of Sexual Abstinence- Revised Edition

This bold work asks whether traditional Christian sexual morality, with its emphasis on sexual abstinence outside of heterosexual marriage, is harmful. Appealing to sociological studies, anthropological theories, and contemporary theological ethics, Hartwig develops a model of sexual virtue around the concept of a poetics of intimacy and applies this model to particular challenges faced by the divorced, married couples, gay men and lesbians, single adults, and people with mental and developmental disabilities. He concludes that mandated long-term and lifelong sexual abstinence for those outside heterosexual marriage is not only harmful, but compromises many features of Christian morality.



Thèmes photo

Michel Bönan. Signature Details

An architect and interior designer, Michele Bönan translates and transmits the Italian lifestyle in a very specific way, with strong cosmopolitan connotations. His ability to create refined, timeless environments using exquisite materials-always treated and often transformed in an unconventional way-makes him unique both in Italy and on the international scene. Designed to showcase the architect's latest projects, Michele Bönan : Signature Details features an array of exclusive interiors, from Milan to Paris and from London to Forte Dei Marmi, highlighting Bönan's signature interior-design concepts based on a passion for heritage, innovation and his beloved, native Florence.



Non classé

Iàsyr Shivaza: The Life and Works of a Soviet Dungan Poet

The Dungans are Chinese Muslims, living mainly in the Kirghiz and Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republics, whose ancestors migrated to Russia more than a hundred years ago. They speak the Kansu and Shensi dialects, but write their Chinese speech with the Cyrillic alphabet. Iàsyr Shivaza (1906-1988) is the most celebrated poet of the Dungans. He wrote numerous poems and many novels, he translated works from Russian and Kirghiz into Dungan, he compiled school textbooks for Dungan children and he helped in the creation of the present Dungan alphabet. Iàsyr Shivaza worked in the Kirghiz State Publishing House, edited a Dungan newspaper, and served in the Second World War as a war correspondent. The present work discusses his life and achievements.



Littérature française

The Secrets of Shiva, Aum Namah Shivaya, unquestioned deity of human knowledge

The Secrets of Shiva A gorgeous presentation written by Shuddhananda Bharati on Shiva, unquestioned deity of human knowledge. Lord Shiva has the gift and power to unite us to his spiritual strength, cleanse our past, to teach us and guide us in our evolution and personal development. His creative and destructive energy of the ego leads us into the light. As the alchemist according to our progress, He heals our wounds, removes our worries and sows in us the joy and happiness of being, while leading us in our inner quest for the divine in us. He offers us the chance to find out. Second part is a work about Sri Muthuswami Dikshitar and Rishi Dayananda. Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget



Non classé


This book on macrodynamic theories of growth, (in-)stability and cycles shows that the debate between Keynesians, Monetarists and New Classical economists can be reformulated from the perspective of a further and quite different approach to macroeconomic model building. Basis of this reformulation is the growth cycle model of Goodwin which is extended in various ways in the pursuit of this aim. Besides this central theme, the book also introduces into Keynesian, Marxian and Neoclassical models of short-, medium- and long-run macroeconomics in its part I, II. Models which synthesize these approaches and which thus provide a (deterministic) framework for the investigation of the adequateness of the various explanations of cyclical growth and inflation are considered in part III.




The Influence of Communication on Physiology and Health

There is a significant amount of research that substantiates the connection between social support/relationships and the development, onset, and/or recovery of several physical diseases/illnesses. Research has shown, for example, that an unhappy marriage can increase the likelihood of becoming ill by 35% while stressful communication can lead to an increase in cardiovascular reactivity which in turn increases the risk of coronary heart disease and premature mortality. This volume provides a comprehensive overview of the influences of communication on physiology and physical health status occurring in a variety of contexts, from families, interpersonal relationships, and public speaking to sport fandom, affection, fear, and the escalation of conflict. It offers a broad and up-to-date review of the relevant literature in this area of study.




Issues in the Philosophy of Language Past and Present

In the light of contemporary perspectives a good deal of traditional philosophical thought can be read as relating to the issue of 'Language versus Reality'. The chapters of this book vindicate this claim ; bringing together thinkers different both in temperament and interests like Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Aquinas, Heidegger and Gadamer they suggest that some of their major tenets reflect conceptual assumptions concerning linguistic meaning and reference. In trying to both identify and elucidate the assumptions at stake the author shows, both historically and systematically, that some of the problems experienced in the past as well as much of our contemporary concern with the same issue form a continuous line and a common endeavour ; and they have not yet come to an end.




Infidels, Turks, and Women: The South Slavs in the German Mind, ca. 1400-1600

This study examines the way in which late medieval and early modern Germans envisioned the Balkan Slavic peoples. It deals with mental categories, such as images, perceptions, and attitudes, which the German-speaking subjects of the Holy Empire gradually developed during their increasingly frequent contacts with the Balkans in the period between 1400 and 1600. During that time span the Germans were constructing their own type of negative self-identification that served as a grid through which information about other peoples was processed. The closer definition of that grid and the types of images and attitudes produced by the encounter and bequeathed to modern Germans and, indeed, to the rest of Western Europe is one of the main goals of the book.



Sciences politiques

Organizing after Crisis. The Challenge of Learning

How do actors organize after crisis ? Do they "simply" return to normal ? The post-crisis phase is anything but a linear process. Actors and their practices may be transformed by learning from crises and by implementing the lessons. In this volume, 19 contributors from 7 countries analyse how learning happens after crisis in a dynamic political environment where framings, strategies, discourses, interests and resources interact. Exploring various policy sectors, they ask whether and in what ways organizations in charge of crisis management perform well. Where political responsibility is located ? What changes do lessons trigger at political, organizational and individual levels ? The book answers these questions by addressing issues like blame and responsibility but also the influence of communication, social dynamics and the institutional environment.



Cuisine des chefs

French Boulangerie. Recipes and techniques from the Ferrandi School of culinary arts

This complete baking course provides FERRANDI Paris's expertise for preparing delicious breads and viennoiserie-French baked goods traditionally enjoyed for breakfast, including the iconic croissant. This book is the perfect complement to FERRANDI Paris's best-selling French Pâtisserie, which covers baked desserts. Aspiring and confirmed bakers will : Acquire essential kitchen skills for more than 40 culinary techniques, explained in 220 step-by-step photographs, to make homemade poolish ; refresh levain ; knead, shape, and score loaves ; laminate butter ; prepare puff pastry ; or braid brioche dough. Prepare more than 80 sweet and savory recipes for breakfasts and snacks, including French classics and modern creations : brioche, cruffins, babka, kouign-amann, beignets, kougelhopf, baguettes, country bread, grissini, pastrami bagels, croque-monsieurs, and more.




From Vine to Wine.. Domaine Ponsot’s Vineyards: 150 Years of History (1872–2022)

Inspired by the microhistory trend, this book sets out to illustrate how 150 years of the unique history of a family of winegrowers is embedded in-and contributes to-the larger history of Burgundy crus. The book will explore the developments in techniques and knowledge about grapevines and wine that have taken place between 1872 to 2022, providing readers with a better understanding of the issues relating to designations of origin (appellations) and the notion of terroir. Readers will see how things were done in the past and how they are done today, and the approaches that will be adopted in the future by 'climatic' winegrowers, and will conclude that sometimes everything must change in order for everything to remain the same.



Méthodes FLE

Listen, play & learn french

Want to have fun while learning French ? Meet Ludivine and Antoine. She's a soccer fan and he's a guitarist. You'll discover their daily lives as children living in France - their friends, their school, their hobbies - and you'll pick up the language as you follow their adventures. As you advance through the book, you'll meet Zouzou le hibou, a wily owl who'll provide instructions and explanations, give you challenges to solve, and introduce you to classic French poems and songs. You'll also meet Léon le dragon, who'll give you some great games to play. Last but not least, Kiki la chauve-souris is a brainy bat who'll translate the dialogues for you and give you the answers to our puzzles. With the help of this tip-top trio, you'll progress without difficulty - and, above all, without getting bored.



Non classé

Ruling Class Men

What is it like to be a master of the universe ? The authors have researched the desires and fears of the world's most powerful men. The Murdochs, Packers, Kennedys, Agnellis and other men like them, directly determine the fates of thousands and influence the future of the world like no other people. Described as ‘sacred monsters' by one of their own, they are carefully created to be what they are and to enjoy shaping the world in their own likeness. To learn about these often reclusive men, the authors extended the life-history technique to interrogate autobiographies, diaries and biographies and have created a composite picture, a collective portrait, of tycoons over three generations. The book carefully explores the childhoods, schooling, work and play, sexual activities, marriages and deaths of the wealthiest men who have ever lived. It exposes the nature of ruling-class masculinity itself.





Oriented matroids are a very natural mathematical concept which prescrits itself in many different guises and which has connections and applications to many different areas. These include discrete and computational geometry, combinatorics, convexity, topology, algebraic geometry, operations research, computer science and theoretical chemistry. This is the first comprehensive, accessible account of the subject. It is intended for a diverse audience: graduate students who wish to learn the subject from scratch, researchers in the various fields of application who want to concentrate on certain aspects of the theory; specialists who need a thorough reference work; and others at points in between. A list of exercises and open problems ends each chapter. For the second edition, the authors have expanded the bibliography greatly to ensure that it remains comprehensive and up-to-date, and they have also added an appendix surveying research since the work was first published.




Third World Tourism Research 1950-1984

Since the early fifties tourism to developing countries has dramatically increased and in many a developing country it is now a sector of vital importance. This increase has been reflected in an equally impressive rate of growth in scholarly output. Despite this, there are as yet no indexed guides providing in a single volume easy access to the rapidly expanding body of knowledge. This bibliography seeks to fill the gap. It covers a period of 35 years and comprises more than 2000 titles in English, French, German and Dutch, on tourism in the Third World and in richer countries such as Greece, Yugoslavia, Portugal and Spain. The titles are chronologically arranged according to the year of publication, and for each year in alphabetical order. To assist readers the titles are catalogued by three indexes : an author and editor index, a geographical index and a subject index.




Fra Angelico. Painter, Friar, Mystic, Edition français-anglais-italien

Fra Angelico offers a unique encounter with the celebrated painter, seen through the eyes of Monsignor Timothy Verdon. As an art historian and (like Angelico) a Catholic priest, Monsignor Verdon approaches the work of the only artist ever beatified through the theological lens it deserves, bringing together Fra Angelico's art and his faith. Praised by his contemporaries, by later art historians, and by generations of viewers, Fra Angelico's art is known for its exceptional combination of piety and painterly skill. In this book, Monsignor Verdon explores the spiritual and mystical foundations of the friar-painter's work, and traces his artistic evolution from his early work, to the frescoes for the covent of San Marco in Florence, his Annunciations, and the chapel for Pope Niccolò V.Lavishly illustrated with over 200 high-quality images, Beato Angelico illuminates Fra Angelico's art and his faith.
