
From Vine to Wine.. Domaine Ponsot’s Vineyards: 150 Years of History (1872–2022)

Rose-Marie Ponsot

Inspired by the microhistory trend, this book sets out to illustrate how 150 years of the unique history of a family of winegrowers is embedded in-and contributes to-the larger history of Burgundy crus. The book will explore the developments in techniques and knowledge about grapevines and wine that have taken place between 1872 to 2022, providing readers with a better understanding of the issues relating to designations of origin (appellations) and the notion of terroir. Readers will see how things were done in the past and how they are done today, and the approaches that will be adopted in the future by 'climatic' winegrowers, and will conclude that sometimes everything must change in order for everything to remain the same.

Par Rose-Marie Ponsot
Chez Faton

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17/06/2022 128 pages 39,00 €
Scannez le code barre 9782878443264
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