Narratives of the Past in Malbulen. Blaan Perspectives (Mindanao, Philippines)

Frédéric Laugrand, Antoine Laugrand

This publication is the volume 10 of a series dealing with the culture, the history and the traditions of the Blaan of Malbulen (Little Baguio, Mindanao, Philippines). It is available in Blaan and in English. Elders share their stories to a group of youngsters who ask them questions on a variety of topics such as life of the ancestors, cosmogony, conflicts and social rules, spirits and animals, hunting, childbirth and marriage, burial practices, signs, dreams and religion. The book provides the verbatim accounts of these discussions recorded during a workshop that took place in Malbulen in 2015.

Par Frédéric Laugrand, Antoine Laugrand
Chez Presses Universitaires de Louvain - UCL

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02/07/2021 166 pages 27,00 €
Scannez le code barre 9782390611448
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