
Listen, play & learn french

Okidokid, Anna Forgue, Félix Rousseau

Want to have fun while learning French ? Meet Ludivine and Antoine. She's a soccer fan and he's a guitarist. You'll discover their daily lives as children living in France - their friends, their school, their hobbies - and you'll pick up the language as you follow their adventures. As you advance through the book, you'll meet Zouzou le hibou, a wily owl who'll provide instructions and explanations, give you challenges to solve, and introduce you to classic French poems and songs. You'll also meet Léon le dragon, who'll give you some great games to play. Last but not least, Kiki la chauve-souris is a brainy bat who'll translate the dialogues for you and give you the answers to our puzzles. With the help of this tip-top trio, you'll progress without difficulty - and, above all, without getting bored.

Par Okidokid, Anna Forgue, Félix Rousseau
Chez Assimil France

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21/09/2023 93 pages 16,90 €
Scannez le code barre 9782700509403
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