
Eastern blocks. Concrete Landscapes of the Former Eastern Bloc



Beaux arts

Eastern blocks. Concrete Landscapes of the Former Eastern Bloc

Les "Zones de sommeil" de Moscou, Plattenbauten de Berlin-Est, les quartiers modernistes de Varsovie, Brezhnevki de Kiev : bien qu'ils abritent la grande majorité des citadins, les banlieues d'après-guerre de l'Europe centrale et orientale sont invisibles depuis des décennies. Eastern Blocks est un voyage photographique à travers les périphéries en béton de l'ancien bloc de l'Est, invitant les lecteurs à explorer les quartiers devenus un terrain de jeu pour le développement immobilier de masse après la Seconde Guerre mondiale, notamment des objets comme des maisons "sur des cuisses de poulet" , des "soucoupes volantes" ou un marteau tours en forme de tour. Présentant l'architecture moderniste et brutaliste dispersée autour des villes de Moscou, Berlin, Varsovie, Budapest, Kiev et Saint-Pétersbourg, le livre contient plus de 100 photographies prises par Zupagrafika au cours des dix dernières années en tant qu'archives de référence pour leurs livres illustrés et leurs kits, avec des contributions spéciales de photographes locaux. Divisé en 6 chapitres, Eastern Blocks comprend une préface de l'auteur et journaliste Christopher Beanland, des cartes d'orientation, un index d'architectes et des textes informatifs sur les villes et les constructions présentées.



Littérature française


Martin, danseur et chorégraphe à Paris, revient dans son village slovaque pour revoir son grand-père mourant. Gabriela, une amie de jeunesse, l'accompagne, qu'il présente comme sa fiancée. Elle l'aidera à affronter, en même temps que son passé, son père et ses oncles, ces héros d'un "eastern" déboussolé depuis la chute du communisme. Eux pensent qu'ils ont tout raté et sont sans courage, humiliés, honteux, tandis qu'alentour la richesse s'exhibe, et l'argent facile. Martin voudrait les réconcilier avec eux-mêmes. Il dansera pour eux avec une grâce qui rendra à chacun son honneur et sa dignité. Eastern est le premier livre d'Andrea Salajova, auteur et cinéaste d'origine slovaque. Ecrit directement en français, il mêle la force du témoignage et de la vision à la riche palette d'émotions du roman.



Beaux arts

The Eastern Portal of the North Transept at Chartres

There exist greater differences of opinion with regard to the content and style of the Eastern Portal of the North Transept than any other transept portal at Chartres. Its archivolts have caused controversy and some remain unidentified. Katzenellenbogen (The Sculptural Programs of Chartres Cathedral) pays little attention to many elements of the portal and hence his interpretation of the portal as "Mariological" does not hold up in light of newly discovered iconographic relationships.



Littérature anglo-saxonne

Easter Parade

Un double itinéraire de femme, avec des résonances singulièrement contemporaines. Décrire " la vie comme elle va " : on pourrait résumer ainsi l'ambition et la morale de ce roman que Richard Yates, l'auteur de La Fenêtre panoramique et de Onze histoires de solitude, a consacré à son thème favori, l'" American way of life ", et à ses héros favoris, les gens ordinaires. On y suit l'existence de deux soeurs, Emily et Sarah, depuis leur plus tendre enfance jusqu'à l'âge mûr. Tandis que leurs parents, deux excentriques, vieilliront avant de disparaître, elles connaîtront des moments de joie et parfois de plaisir, d'autres malheureux, se marieront, divorceront, auront des aventures... Avec le style plein de retenue et de simplicité qui a fait de lui l'un des " grands " des lettres américaines de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, Richard Yates atteint à une profondeur bouleversante en évitant tout pathos. Avec un brio hors pair, il entraîne le lecteur dans une passionnante réflexion sur l'existence. " Richard Yates dépouille [des] trajectoires dont la fugacité, parcourue par une écriture aussi rapide que le temps qui passe, est l'ultime et bouleversante élégance. " Libération



Beaux arts

California concrete: a landscape of skateparks

La Californie est le berceau de la culture du skateboard et même si les skateparks se trouvent aujourd'hui dans le monde entier, ces parcs continuent de prospérer à mesure que le sport évolue et que des architectes, des ingénieurs et des skateurs collaborent pour peaufiner leurs conceptions. L'artiste Amir Zaki a grandi en skate, il comprend donc bien ces espaces et depuis des années, il photographie le paysage bâti et naturel de la Californie et se passionne pour les grandes structures en béton. Non seulement sous des formes sculpturales, mais aussi comme des éléments significatifs du paysage contemporain, appartenant à une tradition de l'art public et de l'architecture brutaliste. Pour créer les images de ce livre, Zaki a photographié à la lumière de l'aube, grimpant à l'intérieur des bols et des pipes en l'absence de patineurs. Chaque photographie est composée de dizaines de photos prises avec un appareil photo numérique monté sur une tête de trépied motorisée. L'aspect des images obtenues est inhabituel dans la mesure où l'objectif de Zaki est plutôt un téléobjectif, ce qui a pour effet d'aplatir l'espace, mais l'angle de prise de vue est souvent assez large, ce qui exagère la profondeur spatiale. La technologie permet également à Zaki de photographier certaines zones à partir de positions difficiles qui seraient autrement impossibles à capturer. Dans son texte, Tony Hawk - l'un des skateurs professionnels les plus connus au monde - décrit comment les photographies de Zaki de skateparks vides et à ciel ouvert évoquent les souvenirs de la liberté idyllique qu'il ressentait lorsqu'il a visité un skatepark comme un enfant dans des piscines et des bols en béton. Dans son essai, l'architecte Peter Zellner, basé à Los Angeles, décrit les débuts du skateboard vertical moderne au milieu des années 1970 et la prolifération des skateparks construits à cet effet. Il établit un parallèle avec la réinvention presque simultanée de la photographie de paysage américaine, lorsque les photographes détournaient les yeux de la nature et se concentraient sur le paysage créé par l'homme. Les remarquables photographies de Zaki représentant des skateparks étrangement surnaturels, dépourvues de leurs utilisateurs, héritent de cette tradition réinventée en trouvant la beauté dans une banlieue en béton apparemment dénaturée.



Non classé

Education and the Values Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe

Fundamental educational reform is one of the central elements of the social transformation taking place in the former socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. In this volume selected experts and eye witnesses of the radical change taking place in the region provide detailed and graphic presentation of the problems and controversies surrounding reform. They explore how the educational systems have responded to the collapse, and they explain the source of new models, ideas, and values on the part of educational policy makers, researchers and teachers. A focus of attention is the values crisis among the youth. The authors explore the values the socialist systems attempted to convey, the manner in which the youth have responded to the collapse, and the possible sources of new values and ideals.





Whereas many books in this field deal with individual aspects or texts of the study of family laws, Leviticus : The Priestly Laws and Prohibitions from the Perspective of Ancient Near East and Africa examines extensively biblical texts, ancient Near Eastern text, and oral traditions from Africa. Thus, three different cultures converge : the world of the Hebrew Bible, the world of the ancient Near East, and the world of Africa. This volume examines in detail the history of the development of ancient laws in general and family laws in particular, especially the laws relating to marriages between close relatives. Furthermore, Johnson M. Kimuhu looks at prohibitions and taboos in Africa and the problems they pose with regard to the interpretation and translation of difficult biblical concepts into African languages. In that sense, Kimuhu provides an example of how to contextualize or integrate African traditions into the study of biblical Hebrew, and he also offers insights into the current debate on the study of kinship from the point of view of social/cultural anthropology and the Hebrew Bible legal system. Teachers, students, and researchers in biblical studies, ancient Near Eastern studies, African traditions, and social/cultural anthropology will find this book helpful in their quest to understand family laws, prohibitions, and taboos.



Non classé

Central and Eastern Europe on its way to European Union

The transition of the Eastern Central European countries from centrally planned economies to developed market economies has been one of the major structural changes in Europe. It started a new stage of enlargement of the European Union. The monograph presents the results of an international research effort aimed at the analysis of macroeconomic aspects of joining the European Union by the Central European countries. This analysis was based on country and world economy models and rests on a series of alternative scenarios of economic development up to the year 2010. It provides the reader with a broad historical background and a discussion of recent trends of Central Europe. It summarises the experience of the new members of the European Union. The scenario simulations show the likely path of future economic development for the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, analysing the pros and contras of joining the European Union.



Non classé

Revolution's Urban Landscape

What are the implications of "change" as assessed from a Revolution's discourse point of view ? Did Revolution in its Eastern European mode "happen" only to make its once heroic agents "vulgar banana eaters" (Slavoj Zizek)? To what extent is/was Revolution part of the globalization process (Americanization)? The answer of this book is that it constituted a series of occurrences of both contingency and continuation. It is Romanian Revolution as a metonymic and creative space, incorporating the Event (here the city of Bucharest, December 1989-1990), the Memory (refiguration of identities), the Contact zone (the street as a public place), and the Local-Global (the East-West dialectics) that Revolution's Urban Landscape discusses in much detail. Through combining and analysing materials from both the local cultural field and the international press (witness reports, journalistic documentation, travelogues, fiction, academic publishing, graffiti, etc.), Raoul Granqvist demonstrates a number of aspects of Revolution's self-reflexivity, vitality and amorphousness. The Romanian book industry, through its absorption and introduction of new areas of popular reading (such as the American romance), embodies, this book explains, the basic instincts of Revolution towards openness and interaction.



Anesthésie, réanimation

Manuel d'anesthésie loco-régionale

Complet, clair, pratique et synthétique, le Manuel d'Anesthésie Loco-Régionale du Collège national des enseignants d'anesthésie et de réanimation fournit aux internes et médecins anesthésistes les connaissances indispensables en anesthésie loco-régionale pour leur pratique quotidienne. élaboré par 12 experts, cet outil didactique, illustré de figures, tableaux, et algorithmes décisionnels propose 12 chapitres : - Généralités (pharmacologie des anesthésiques locaux, sécurité, principes d'échoguidage, indications des blocs) - Membres supérieurs (anatomie du plexus brachial, interscalénique, supraclaviculaire, infraclaviculaire, axillaire, blocs du coude et du poignet) - Membre inférieur (anatomie du plexus lombaire et sacré, sciatique, fémoral, ilio-fascial, PENG, cutané latéral de cuisse, obturateur, saphène, iPack, blocs du pied) - Tête et cou (blocs du scalp, blocs de la face, blocs cervicaux, ophtalmo) - Blocs périphériques du tronc (para-vertébral, serratus, PECs blocks, TAP block, bloc des grands droits, bloc pudendal, ilio/hypo-inguinal, blocs para-spinaux dont érecteur) - Anesthésie neuraxiale hors obstétrique (péridurale thoracique et rachianesthésie) Un manuel amené à devenir une référence dans la discipline.




Hardy's Wessex. The landscapes that inspired a writer

This fascinating book tells the story of Thomas Hardy's Wessex. Accompanying a multi-venue exhibition, it explores Hardy's life and work. Internationally-acclaimed writer Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) is best known for his evocative depictions of the West Country landscape and its people, a region that he called 'Wessex'. What is less well-known is that this landscape also inspired him in many other aspects of his life, from campaigning for animal welfare to questioning the way society viewed women. This publication accompanies a blockbuster, multi-venue exhibition of the largest collection of Thomas Hardy memorabilia ever to be displayed at once. Hardy was born in the West Country, a few years after Queen Victoria came to the throne, and spent most of the rest of his life among its landscapes and people. When he turned writer, these landscapes and people re-emerged as his 'partly-real, partlydream country' of Wessex, in novels like Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Far from the Madding Crowd and Jude the Obscure. 'Hardy's Wessex' now conjures up a range of mental images : from raging seas on the coast to haunting ancient monuments, Victorian towns packed with life to peaceful hillsides grazed by sheep. However, through Hardy's 87-year life span, the West Country changed dramatically. Ideas of the role of women, humans' responsibility to animals, the realities of war, love and courtship, superstition, social structure, religion and how people related to the world around them altered fundamentally. Through his stories and campaigning, Hardy was keen to show not only the rural idyll, but also the tensions and diffi culties that lay beneath these views. These dramatic landscapes were the lens through which Hardy presented his worldview to his readership. From the tragedy of a woman saying farewell to her sailorlover on the end of Portland Bill, to a shepherd losing his flock and facing ultimate ruin on the chalky hills. The landscapes shape his characters, whose stories in turn convey his messages of social change to his readers. This publication will explore the impact that Wessex had on Hardy's works, and how living there shaped his views on the often divisive social issues of the period. Uniting beautiful landscape imagery with a selection of personal items from Hardy's life, this book will show you the man behind the literature.



Antiquité - Généralités

The Italians on Delos

During the second century and into the early first century BC, the island of Delos was home to the largest port of transit in the eastern Mediterranean. As such, it welcomed many Italian traders who prospered among its cosmopolitan population for some fifty or so years. The many buildings, statues, paintings and inscriptions unearthed since 1873 by the French School at Athens have made it possible to trace out the life of this disparate yet influential community.



Histoire mondiale

Operation Al-Aqsa flood. 75 years of war between Israel and Palestine

Why is the conflict between Israel and Palestine still unresolved ? What are the Israeli and Palestinian strategies and how have they evolved over the past 75 years ? What are the relations between Israel, Palestine and its neighbors ? Why did Operation Deluge Al Aqsa take place ? What has happened on the ground since October 7 ? What is the impact of this conflict on our security ? What are the possible options for Israel and Palestine in the coming years ? Following on from his best-selling books Putin, the Master of the Game, Operation Z and Ukraine Between War and Peace, which won international acclaim for their analysis, Jacques Baud revisits the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from its origins, analyzes the "Deluge Al Aqsa" operation of October 7, 2023, and in particular its impact on the region and Western countries, and explains the workings of Israeli intelligence services in matters of terrorism. Colonial Jacques Baud is a former member of the Swiss Strategic Intelligence, a specialist in Eastern Europe and former head of Doctrine of the United Nations Peace Operations. Within NATO, hewas involved in programs in Ukraine, including after the Maidan Revolution of 2014 and 2017. He is the author of several books on intelligence, war and terrorism, including Putin, Game master ? , Governing by Fake News and The Navalny Affair, all published by Max Milo.




Black Blocs

Pour la police, les Black Blocs sont des casseurs - ces types qui, en fin de manif, mettent un foulard sur leur visage et prennent une batte de base-ball pour défoncer les vitrines et les CRS. Eux-mêmes se considèrent comme des individus isolés qui, parfois, s'agrègent spontanément pour lutter contre la violence capitaliste. Des anonymes, sans visage. N'importe qui. Un ami à vous, un collègue. Vous-même. Pour Swann Ladoux, les Black Blocs n'étaient rien. Jusqu'au jour où elle trouve son conjoint, Samuel, assassiné dans leur appartement. Et découvre que celui-ci menait une double vie : prof de socio le jour, soldat anarchiste la nuit. Prête à tout pour retrouver le meurtrier, Swann plonge dans un monde inconnu, quitte à basculer corps et âme dans les profondeurs clandestines...



Théorie, doctrine économique

Theory and Empirical Performance. Economic Paradigm and performance in the long run (18th to 21st century), Textes en français et anglais

How industrialization happened and how economic development started ? This book approaches industrialization and economic development globally, taking into account the emerging economies represented by BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) and MIST (Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, and Turkey), together with emerging nations in Latin America and Africa. The experiences of the Western European forerunners, along with the paths taken by the United States, Canada, Japan, and Central and Eastern European countries, are revisited under a new light of historical studies.



Mondes futuristes

The Loop Tome 2 : The Block

Après s'être échappé du Loop, prison ultra-sécurisée pour adolescents, Luka a fait une découverte macabre : Happy, l'intelligence artificielle qui dirige le monde, est responsable de la diffusion d'un virus qui a décimé la population. Et manifestement, elle ne compte pas s'arrêter là. Désormais, Luka n'a plus qu'un objectif : retrouver ses amis résistants et, avec eux, détruire Happy avant qu'elle n'étende encore son pouvoir. Mais dans une société ultra-connectée où une intelligence artificielle peut s'immiscer dans chaque cerveau, comment être sûr que ses pensées lui appartiennent ? Et si Happy se jouait de lui dans le seul but de débusquer et détruire les derniers membres de la résistance ? Ses amis, son courage et son amour profond de la liberté seront les seules armes de Luka. Lui suffiront-elles à déjouer les plans d'une machine devenue folle ?




Domitianè - Kaiè Latomia (Umm Balad). Le praesidium et les carrières

Un fortin romain du désert Oriental d'Egypte au coeur de l'exploitation de la diorite verte. Les fouilles (ministère des Affaires étrangères/Ifao) menées à Domitianè/Kainè Latomia (Umm Balad) en 2001-2003 viennent préciser nos connaissances sur l'occupation du désert Oriental d'Egypte à l'époque romaine. Ce site, implanté dans le massif du Porphyritès, possède un gisement de "granito verde fiorito di bigio " (diorite), dont la tentative d'exploitation a entraîné, sous Domitien, la construction par l'armée d'un petit fortin qui a servi de base de vie aux ouvriers des carrières. Quoique très mutilée, l'inscription de la porte indique une date de construction vers 88-92. Ce premier état ne semble pas pouvoir aller au-delà du début du règne de Trajan. Le praesidium fut sans doute abandonné par la suite, jusque vers 146. Il ne fut réoccupé alors que pour une brève période de temps, avant d'être de nouveau abandonné. L'examen des deux carrières apporte quantité d'enseignements quant à l'organisation des travaux d'exploitation mais les scénarios que nous pouvons établir sur leur histoire respective restent en grande partie spéculatifs. La mise en service de Kainè Latomia se solda finalement par un échec, dû probablement à une mauvaise qualité de la pierre. Toutefois quelques blocs furent envoyés à Rome où ils furent d'abord employés pour la décoration de la domus Flavia sur le Palatin. -- The excavations (French Ministry of Foreign Affairs/IFAO) carried out at Domitianè/Kainè Latomia (Umm Balad) in 2001-2003 have added to our knowledge of the occupation of the Eastern Desert of Egypt in Roman times. This site, located in the Porphyrites massif, has a rock deposit of "granito verde fiorito di bigio" (diorite), the attempted exploitation of which led to the construction of a fortlet by the army under Domitian. It served as a base for the quarry workers. Although very mutilated, the gate inscription indicates a date of construction around 88-92. This early state does not seem to go beyond the beginning of Trajan's reign. The praesidium was probably abandoned thereafter, until around 146, when it was reoccupied only for a short period of time, before being abandoned again. The examination of the two quarries provides a lot of information about the organisation of the exploitation works, but the scenarios that we can establish about their respective histories remain largely speculative. The commissioning of Kainè Latomia finally ended in failure, probably due to the poor quality of the stone. However, some blocks were sent to Rome where they were first used for the decoration of the Domus Flavia on the Palatine.



Tourisme étranger

Moroccan tracks Volume 11. The sagho djebel

The Sagho djebel is the eastern extension of the Anti-Atlas, a volcanic mountain with granitic mamelons, basaltic organs, chaos of black shales, pink sandstones... at the gates of the Sahara. As far as the eye can see, large wild, arid spaces. A desolate land made for the lonely DPM. And for a thousand miles around, silence is the only companion. Absolute plenitude and the desire to take to the track. From flat expanses to rolling hills, from sharp relief to steep canyons : pure, original nature. The character is strong, rustic but the heart is soft. The colours are soft and gentle. Ochre, pink, brown, violet, the colour chart stretches in a gradation of shimmering pastels, sometimes accompanied by an overwhelming heat. Eldorado in the heart of the desert, rare are the oases ; modest green spots in the infinitely large, they are the reminders that we are on African soil. The wild charm of the Sagho is due to its exceptional geology : high cliffs and steep peaks, tabular escarpments and deep canyons in the middle of which caravans of camels and mules circulate. When you arrive on these immense plateaus, the lunar horizon is so vast that you want to go everywhere at once to see if it is really as beautiful elsewhere ! The Sagho also surprises by the richness of its lights : limpid like those of the nearby Sahara, or sometimes in half-tone, as in the neighbouring Dades valley. The Sagho is also the Morocco of the last Berber nomads, descendants of the ancient lords Aït Atta. In autumn, after leaving the snows of the High Atlas, they set up their dark wool tents on the slopes of the jebel until spring. They can neither read nor write, but they are sure of their way through the Atlas Mountains and the Moroccan desert. In the Sagho, they have built houses of unbaked stone, dug wells, planted almond trees, grown wheat, barley and various vegetables. Others built herds of goats and sheep, and caravans of camels. Most of them are now sedentary, semi-nomadic or nomadic...



Histoire internationale

Republicanism and Socialism in Ireland

The subject of this work is the development of ideas - their origin, content and function within social movements and phenomena of social protests - from the Jacobinism of the early republican movement in Ireland at the end of the eighteenth century to the alliance of the forces of socialism and republicanism culminating in the Easter Rising, 1916. Special emphasis has been placed on the ideas of James Connolly within the context of the Second International and the particular problematic of socialism and the national question.



Sciences politiques

Putin, game master?

Has Vladimir Putin become the master of the game ? Why and how did the Russian President decide to attack Ukraine ? Did he seek to prevent Ukraine from associating with Europe ? Does he seek to reconstitute the USSR ? Did NATO promise not to expand east after 1990 ? Is the Nord Stream 2 project the sinews of war ? Is Ukraine's neutrality the only solution ? Has Russia ever lost or won the war ? ... Based on the files of the intelligence services and official reports, Jacques Baud thus reviews the events of the recent history of Russia, which led to the war with Ukraine ; it analyzes the various disputes between the West and Russia, and sheds light on the role that Putin plays today on the international scene. Jacques Baud is a former member of Swiss strategic intelligence, a specialist in Eastern European countries and head of United Nations peace operations doctrine. He was engaged in negotiations with top Russian military and intelligence officials right after the fall of the USSR. Within NATO, he participated in programs in Ukraine and in particular after the Maidan revolution in 2014 and 2017. He is the author of several books on intelligence, war and terrorism, and in particular Governing by fake news and The Navalny affair, published by Max Milo.



12 ans et +

7 secondes

Partie chercher une vie meilleure dans ce qu'on appelle désormais les Îles, au Nord d'une Europe ravagée par la guerre, Mila est capturée par des agents du gouvernement qui implantent dans sa tête, comme à tous les citoyens du pays, un téléphone destiné à leur transmettre quasiment en temps réel le moindre de ses mouvements. Le hic ? Au cours de l'opération, ils découvrent un autre appareil suspect dans son crâne, un objet qui ressemble beaucoup à une bombe. Qui a placé cet engin là et pourquoi ? Elle-même l'ignore. Mila n'a plus le choix… Elle doit fuir. Et pour sauver sa vie, c'est peu de dire que le temps lui manque. Afin d'échapper aux soldats d'élite lancés à ses trousses, elle ne dispose que d'un seul minuscule avantage : 7 petites secondes d'avance sur ses poursuivants, pas une de plus ! C'est le temps que mettent les informations saisies par le téléphone à parvenir aux autorités. Une impitoyable course contre la montre commence, qui pousse peu à peu Mila dans ses retranchements… Contrainte de faire preuve d'une inventivité permanente, elle doit exploiter toutes les failles du système et rivaliser de sang-froid, de réactivité et de ruse pour survivre ! Découvrez une chasse à l'homme haletante où s'exprime le talent d'un écrivain passionné de comédies jeunesse et de thrillers young adult, le talentueux Tom Easton.




Blocs d'amour

Livre d'une jeune femme qui parle avec joie, douceur et vivacité de l'amour, du désir, de l'objet aimé. Ce livre fait du bien, il est lumineux et tendre, et comme le dit si bien la photo de couverture de François Isnard, délicat.




Gladky's Art Deco Patterns and Designs in Full Color

Architect, designer and world traveler, Serge Gladky was a major figure in the rise of the modernist aesthetic and the decorative style known as Art Deco. In that style, he created a series of compositions widely regarded as among the most inspired and innovative in modem design. Among them are intricate lattice works of geometric inspired motifs, bizarre compositions containing surreal animals and images, bold abstracts, mysterious collages of symbolic forms and shapes, whimsical Cubist-flavored constructions resembling heads, and much more. This beautiful volume, faithfully reprinted in glowing full color from rare original French portfolios, contains over 60 of Gladky's finest designs. A landmark achievement in the evolution of a great international design style, the patterns are now available for the first time to artists and craftspeople for copyright-free use in design and craft projects. Because of Gladky's far-ranging travels and studies throughout Asia and Eastern Europe, his designs and use of color brought a new and potent exoticism to the essentially Western European, Paris-centered Art Deco aesthetic. His striking originality and innovative conceptions are on display here, ready to delight and inspire artists, illustrators and craftspeople, who will find Gladky's work one of the most imaginative and beautifully wrought achievements in 20th-century design.




Bleau blocs. 100 des plus beaux blocs de Bleau

Stéphan Denys est l'oeil de la foret de Fontainebleau. Photographe et grimpeur, arpentant les massifs de rochers depuis bientôt 40 ans, il a développé un lien particulier avec ces géants de grès aux formes uniques, tantôt ronds et bosselés, tantôt aigus et ciselés, toujours fascinants. Ses photos couvrent diverses époques et sont accompagnées de textes nous éclairant sur le contexte et les particularités de chaque bloc. Il a pris le parti de présenter non pas les blocs les plus difficiles, mais les plus esthétiques ou remarquables dans une gamme de difficultés assez large. Les 100 beaux blocs choisis sont répertoriés par secteurs : la foret domaniale, les Trois Pignons, Larchant et Nemours, puis Buthiers et l'Essonne. A travers cette sélection l'auteur nous livre sa vision de L'activité et nous invite à mieux considérer les blocs sous tous leurs angles. Un ouvrage inspirant pour tous les grimpeurs, quel que soit leur niveau en escalade !




Game Over : Attack of the blorks

Monstres & Cie. Les Blorks ne sont ni très beaux, ni très intelligents, c'est vrai... Mais on peut tout de même leur reconnaitre une qualité : l'obstination. Ils mettent tant de coeur à l'ouvrage ! Ce sont de vrais passionnés et, face à tant d'acharnement, il est impossible de ne pas succomber. A chaque fois qu'ils parviennent à écraser, mordre, brûler ou éviscérer le Petit Barbare, on tombe sous le charme de leurs sourires béats.
On ne leur en veut même pas de reproduire encore et toujours le même méfait. Parce qu'en plus, ils ont le bon goût de rester imprévisibles et de ne jamais provoquer un Game Over deux fois de la même manière. Retrouvez un florilège des meilleurs gags mettant en scène les Blorks de Game Over, best-seller de Midam déjà vendu à plus d'1 million d'exemplaires !



Histoire et Philosophiesophie


In modern industrial society, the tic between science and technology seems clear, even inevitable. But historically, as James E. McClellan III and Harold Dorn remind us, the connection was far less apparent. For much of human history, technology depended more on the innovation of skilled artisans than it did on the speculation of scientists. Technology as "applied science," the authors argue, emerged relatively recently, as industry and governments began funding scientific research that would lead directly to new or improved technologies. In Science and Technology in World History, McClellan and Dorn offer an introduction to this changing relationship. McClellan and Dorn review the historical record beginning with the thinking and tool making of prehistoric humans. Neolithic people, for example, developed metallurgy of a sort, using naturally occurring raw copper, and kept systematic records of the moon's phases. Neolithic craftsmen possessed practical knowledge of the behavior of clay, fire, and other elements of their environment, but though they may have had explanations for the phenomena of their crafts, they toiled without any systematic science of materials or the self-conscious application of theory to practice. Without neglecting important figures of Western science such as Newton and Einstein, the authors demonstrate the great achievements of non-Western cultures. They remind us that scientific traditions took root in China, India, and Central and South America, as well as in a series of Near Eastern empires, during late antiquity and the Middle Ages, including the vast region that formed the Islamic conquest. From this comparative perspective, the authors explore the emergence of Europe as a scientific and technological power. Continuing their narrative through the Manhattan Project, NASA, and modern medical research, the authors weave the converging histories of science and technology into an integrated, perceptive, and highly readable narrative. "Professors McClellan and Dorn have written a survey that does not present the historical development of science simply as a Western phenomenon but as the result of wide-ranging human curiosity about nature and attempts to harness its powers in order to serve human needs. This is an impressive amount of material to organize in a single textbook." - Paula Findlen, Stanford University



Histoire ancienne

Paléorient N° 46-2/2020

Paléorient 46. 1-2 - 2020 Sommaire / Contents In Memoriam Henri de Contenson (1926-2019) par E. Coqueugniot... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . 5-7 Robert H. Dyson Jr. (1927-2020) by C. P. Thornton and M. M. Voigt... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 9-11 Olivier Nieuwenhuyse (1966-2020) by R. Bernbeck... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 13-14 Articles K. Bretzke, E. Yousif, S. Jasim, K. Raith, A. Parton and A. Parker, On the diversity of the Palaeolithic record and patterns of Pleistocene palaeoenvironmental conditions in Southeast Arabia ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 15-30 G. Haklay and A. Gopher, Geometry, a measurement unit and rectangular architecture at early Neolithic Jerf el-Ahmar, Syria... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 31-42 M. Birkenfeld, U. Avner, D. E. Bar-Yosef Mayer, L. Scott Cummings, F. Natalio, F. H. Neumann, N. Porat, L. Scott, T. Simmons, M. B. Toffolo and L. K. Horwitz, Hunting in the skies : Dating, paleoenvironment and archaeology at the late Pre-Pottery Neolithic B site of Na ? al Roded 110, Eilat Mountains, Israel ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 43-68 C. A. Makarewicz and H. M. Mahasneh, Animal exploitation at a large late Pre-Pottery Neolithic settlement : The zooarchaeological record from es-Sifiya, Jordan ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 69-82 L. Peyronel and A. Vacca, Socio-economic complexity at the Late Chalcolithic site of Tell Helawa, Kurdistan Region of Iraq... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . 83-107 S. Renette and S. Mohammadi Ghasrian, The central and northern Zagros during the Late Chalcolithic : An updated ceramic chronology based on recent fieldwork results in western Iran... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 109-132 K. Abu Jayyab, A. Glasser, M. Albesso, E. Gibbon, I. Schwartz, A. Taraqji and S. Razzaz Late Chalcolithic occupation at Tell er-Ramadi (Syria) : Results of the 2004-2006 salvage excavations... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 133-160 G. E. Ludvik, J. M. Kenoyer and M. Pieniazek, New evidence for interregional interaction in the 3rd millennium BCE Aegean : Indus-style carnelian beads at Aegina-Kolonna, Greece... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 161-177 O. Barge, W. Abu-Azizeh, J. E. Brochier, R. Crassard, E. Régagnon et C. Noûs, Desert kites et constructions apparentées : découvertes récentes et mise à jour de l'extension géographique... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . 179-200 Recensions Squitieri A. and Eitam D. (eds.) 2019. Stone tools in the Ancient Near East and Egypt. Ground stone tools, rock-cut installations andstone vessels from Prehistory to Late Antiquity. Oxford : Archaeopress (Ancient Near Eastern Archaeology 4). 360 p. By C. Hamon... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 201-203 Rose J. I. , Hilbert Y. H. , Marks A. E. and Usik V. I. 2019. The first peoples of Oman. Palaeolithic archaeology of the Nejd plateau. Oxford : Archaeopress and Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Sultanate of Oman (The Archaeological Heritage of Oman 5). 196 p. By H. S. Groucutt... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 203-208 Venditti F. 2019. Understanding lithic recycling at the Late Lower Palaeolithic Qesem Cave, Israel. A functional and chemical investigation of small flakes. Oxford : Archaeopress. 188 p. Par S. Bonilauri... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 208-210 Purschwitz C. 2017. Die lithische Ökonomie von Feuerstein im Frühneolithikum der Größeren Petra Region. Berlin : ex Oriente (Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 19). 620 p. By E. Ghasidian... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . 210-211 Birkenfeld M. 2018. Changing systems : Pre-Pottery Neolithic B settlement patterns in the Lower Galilee, Israel. Berlin : exOriente (Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence, and Environment 21). 334 p. By E. B. Banning... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 212-214 Schwall C. 2018. Cukuriçi Höyük 2. Das 5. und 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr. im Westanatolien und der Ostägäis (mit einem Beitrag von Barbara Horejs). Vienna : Austrian Academy of Sciences (Oriental and European Archaeology 7). 820 p. Par J. -P. Demoule ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . 214-217 Gernez G. and Giraud J. (eds.) 2019. Taming the Great Desert : Adam in the Prehistory of Oman. Oxford : Archaeopress, Ministry of Heritage and Culture, Sultanate of Oman (The Archaeological Heritage of Oman 3). 128 p. By P. A. Yule 218-220 Hausleiter A. , Eichmann R. et al-Najem M. (dir.) 2018. Tayma' I. Archaeological exploration, palaeoenvironment, cultural contacts. Oxford : Archaeopress, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut Orient-Abteilung et Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage. 267 p. Par G. Charloux... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . 221-226



Histoire de France

Les transferts culturels dans les mondes normands médiévaux (VIIIe-XIIe siècle). Objets, acteurs et passeurs, Textes en français et anglais

The objects of cultural transfers are innumerable. Their study is particularly important to understanding the medieval Norman worlds and their multiple interconnections with the Scandinavian world, the British Isles, Eastern Europe, and the Mediterranean. While examining the processes of transmission, reception, adaptation, adoption, or rejection, this book highlights how these dynamics influenced cultures between the eighth and twelfth centuries. Various examples of both material (embroidery ; clothing accessories ; iron artefacts ; coins ; manuscripts ; funeral monuments ; sculptures, etc.) and immaterial objects (craftsmanship ; literary models ; language ; religious and burial practices ; ideology of power ; oath-taking, etc.) are studied, including some emblematic ‘monuments' of the Norman worlds (the Bayeux Tapestry ; the mosaics on the floor of Otranto Cathedral). Particular attention is given to presenting these objects in a context in which their reinterpretation in different socio-cultural environments could be better understood. The book also questions the role and the significance of the actors of cultural transfers (aristocratic elites ; churchmen ; merchants ; craftsmen ; authors ; copyists ; etc.), considering their status or their function, as well as their aptitude to carry transfers. It sheds light on relations and networks that have been thus far relatively unknown, and on the circulation of models that consists of a multitude of objects and productions. Finally, it contributes to the exploration of the contacts between different populations and the construction of their interactions.



Littérature française

La jangada. .

"La Jangada" is a novel written by the renowned French author Jules Verne. This adventure novel is part of Verne's extraordinary voyages series and features the Amazon River as its central setting. The story follows the journey of a Brazilian family aboard the riverboat Jangada. As they navigate the mighty Amazon River, they encounter various adventures, challenges, and mysteries. The novel combines elements of exploration, adventure, and romance as the characters explore the exotic and dangerous landscapes of the Amazon rainforest. "La Jangada" is known for its vivid descriptions of the Amazon River and the surrounding environment, offering readers a captivating and immersive experience of this unique setting.



Beaux arts

Capturing the British Landscape. Alfred Augustus Glendening (1840–1921)

This book presents the life and work of the Victorian landscape painter Alfred Augustus Glendening (1840-1921). With beautiful illustrations of his pictures, showing a timeless countryside, it explores Glendening's rapid rise from railway clerk to acclaimed artist. Whilst critics often reviewed his exhibited works, very little has been written about the artist himself. Here, new and extensive research removes layers of mystery and misinformation about his life, family and career, accurately placing him in the midst of the British art world during much of the nineteenth and into the twentieth century. Glendening was a man from humble origins, working fulltime as a railway clerk, yet was able to make his London exhibition debut at the age of twenty. This would have been almost impossible before the Victorian era, an extraordinary period when social mobility was a real possibility. Although his paintings show a tranquil and unspoiled landscape, his environment was rapidly being transformed by social, scientific and industrial developments, while advances in transport, photography and other technical discoveries undoubtedly influenced him and his fellow painters. Celebrating his uniquely Victorian story, the book places Glendening within his historical context. Running alongside the main text is a timeline outlining significant landmarks, from political and social events to artistic and technical innovations. Thoroughly researched over many years, the narrative explores why and for whom he painted, his artistic training and inspirations. Painting at Hampton and Greenwich, beside the River Thames, Glendening soon discovered the Welsh hills and became a member of the Bettws-y-Coed Artists' Colony, founded by David Cox. His masterful landscapes also include views of the Scottish Highlands, the Lake District, the Norfolk Broads, the South Downs and the Isle of Wight. The book uncovers new information about the Victorian art world and embraces such aspects as Royal Academy prejudices, the popularity of Glendening's work at home and abroad, especially Australia and America, his use of photography, and the sourcing of his art materials. Family trees are included, and other artistic family members discussed, notably his son and pupil Alfred Illman Glendening (1861-1907). There is a comprehensive list of their exhibited works at the Royal Academy and other major institutions, and details of their paintings in public collections.
