




150 traductions foireuses

Des traductions du niveau de Google Traduction, comprenant erreurs et traductions automatiques et littérales ponctuées de jeux de mots savoureux. Vous rêvez d'améliorer votre maîtrise des langues étrangères et de devenir le Nelson Monfort des temps modernes ? Ce petit livre ne vous y aidera sûrement pas, mais il vous apprendra à foirer vos traductions avec humour ! Glad to meet you. Heureux de vous viander. I don't care about English food. Je m'en fiche and chips. They choose Trump for president. Ils ont choisi de se tromper de président. I made a trip to Caen. J'ai préparé des tripes de Caen. It's party time. C'est l'heure de partir. Un homme à tout faire Iron Man Grâce à ce petit livre, n'ayez plus peur des langues étrangères ! Découvrez plus de 150 traductions foireuses, drôles et décalées !



Anglais apprentissage

THE CANTERBURY TALES. Avec cassette audio

'In April when the sweet showers fall... then people want to go on pilgrimages.' A group of pilgrims travelling from London to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury decide that each traveller should tell a story. The Knight tells a tale of high romance. The Pardoner tells a story of death. And the Wife of Bath tells the story of her five husbands and her fight to control the men in her life. But The Tales end with the story of the perfect marriage and how, if we are generous to one another, we can find the perfect society. A selection of stories from Chaucer's masterpiece depicting life in fourteenth century England is presented here in modern English. There is a wide range of activities and special informative sections on Chaucer and his times. The accompanying cassette contains the complete story and the extra listening activities.




Le tarot divinatoire. L'histoire et le symbolisme de plus de 50 tarots

Cet ouvrage ravira les collectionneurs, cartomanciens, dessinateurs, tatoueurs, et toute personne qui s'intéresse à l'art et au mystère du tarot. Le tarot est un trésor de divination et de connaissance de soi. Mais qui sont les créateurs de ses mystérieuses illustrations et significations, et quel était leur but ? Le tarot plonge-t-il ses racines dans la sagesse ésotérique ancienne ou est-il sorti de l'imagination des occultistes ? Comment l'interprétation des lames a-t-elle évolué ? Découvrez dans ce livre l'histoire et le symbolisme de 56 jeux de tarot : depuis le Visconti-Sforza, le jeu du xve siècle qui révèle le destin de deux dynasties italiennes, jusqu'au tarot de Sola Busca, dont l'imagerie serait inspirée de l'alchimie de la Renaissance, en passant par le célèbre et original Rider-Waite-Smith et les énigmes occultes de l'English Magic Tarot.



Anglais apprentissage

L'anglais business pas à pas. 2e édition

Vous êtes amené à échanger en anglais dans votre quotidien professionnel — par courrier, mail ou téléphone : lors d'une réunion, avec un partenaire étranger pour une négociation, pour traduire un mémo technique... Comment être bien compris de vos interlocuteurs et donner ainsi une image positive de votre activité ou de votre entreprise ? Pour acquérir sans peine un perfect business English, un vocabulaire précis et des tournures de langage adaptées au monde des affaires, cet ouvrage fournit une méthode efficace en 10 thèmes relevant du monde de l'entreprise. Step by step, vous allez : Réviser les bases et le vocabulaire technique ; Enrichir votre pratique de la langue avec quelques points grammaticaux spécifiques ; Apprendre à rédiger une lettre, un mail, un mémo, un rapport... ; Vous entraîner à traduire des phrases techniques. Grâce à ces compétences acquises, vous n'hésiterez plus à vous exprimer, ni à correspondre en anglais avec vos interlocuteurs professionnels.



Non classé

Métissage in New France and Canada 1508 to 1886

This book deals with métissage in New France and Canada in the period 1508 to 1886. Métissage is understood as a syncretistic process of cultural, social and political encounter and mixture of ethnic groups that resulted from mixed marriages and relationships. Those led to the rise of the Métis people in North America, which were distinguished as French-speaking Métis and English-speaking Halfbreeds. The process of mixture began in 1508, when first Indians were shipped to France with the intention to use them as multipliers of French culture on their return to the colony. In 1886, the Act of Savages legally distinguished between "Indians" and "Metis", thus marking the beginning of a mixed-blood identity in Canada that was differentiated from neighbouring Whites, Indians and Inuit. The theoretical approach of the history of concepts is employed in the longue durée to show the variance throughout four centuries.



12 ans et +

Genius squad

Un an après son passage à l’Institut Axis, Cadel Piggott ne va pas tarder à découvrir que plusieurs génies valent souvent mieux qu’un seul ! Après avoir mis sous les verrous le menaçant Prosper English et abandonné ses activités de hacker surdoué, Cadel a du mal à rebondir. Il ignore qui il est vraiment, le lieu de sa naissance et le nom de son père ; il a atterri dans une famille d’accueil qui le surveille constamment. Alors qu’un an plus tôt il s’efforçait de dominer le monde, il se retrouve maintenant coincé par l’heure du dîner ou les jours de lessive. L’union fait-elle la force ? En rejoignant GENIUS SQUAD, un groupe de jeunes génies de sa trempe, Cadel est peut-être entré dans le seul système capable de défier son QI exceptionnel.Traduit de l’anglais (Australie) par Florence Bellot




Third World Tourism Research 1950-1984

Since the early fifties tourism to developing countries has dramatically increased and in many a developing country it is now a sector of vital importance. This increase has been reflected in an equally impressive rate of growth in scholarly output. Despite this, there are as yet no indexed guides providing in a single volume easy access to the rapidly expanding body of knowledge. This bibliography seeks to fill the gap. It covers a period of 35 years and comprises more than 2000 titles in English, French, German and Dutch, on tourism in the Third World and in richer countries such as Greece, Yugoslavia, Portugal and Spain. The titles are chronologically arranged according to the year of publication, and for each year in alphabetical order. To assist readers the titles are catalogued by three indexes : an author and editor index, a geographical index and a subject index.



Anglais apprentissage

Grammaire pratique de l'anglais

La grammaire pratique de l'anglais accompagne les étudiants des classes préparatoires, des grandes écoles et des universités, ainsi que les candidats aux tests d'anglais internationaux (TOEFL, TOEIC, IELTS, Cambridge English...). Dans cette nouvelle édition, l'étudiant trouvera toujours : une richesse d'explication des points de grammaire à maîtriser, avec de nombreux exemples qui illustrent les différences d'expression et de syntaxe entre les deux langues ; une prise en compte des expressions idiomatiques, des termes d'usage et des différents niveaux de langue parlée et écrite, en anglais britannique et en anglais américain ; des exercices à la suite de chaque leçon, pour permettre à l'étudiant de vérifier la compréhension des règles et s'entraîner à l'expression écrite en appliquant ses acquis ; des programmes de révision hebdomadaires, et des conseils de travail personnel, afin de consolider les bases essentielles de la grammaire.



Développement personnel - Orie

Where to study in the UK. A guide to British schools and universities for parents abroad

This book is for parents living outside of the UK who are considering a UK education for their children. As English has come to be the language of the global economy and as UK schools are accepted to be amongst the best in the world, a British education is widely regarded as an invaluable asset. Consequently, competition for places in both schools and colleges is extremely competitive. Where to Study in the UK provides a clear and accessible description of the UK education and exam system and gives authoritative advice on how to choose the right school or college and how to secure a place for your child. The book, which also includes a series of illustrated profiles of over 50 of the UK's top educational establishments, has been complied by educational consultants Mentor ISC, with contributions from both expert educationalists and practitioners in preparatory, secondary and higher education.




La situation démographique en 2001. Mouvement de la population, avec 1 CD-ROM

En 2001, les naissances se maintiennent au niveau élevé atteint en 2000. La fécondité progresse légèrement. Les mariages retrouvent leur niveau d'avant l'an 2000. Le nombre de divorces diminue, comme en 2000. La mortalité recule encore cette année, faisant progresser l'espérance de vie à la naissance de deux mois pour les hommes et d'un mois pour les femmes. Le solde migratoire augmente tout en étant, par rapport à la population, le plus faible de l'Union européenne. La Situation démographique en 2001 permet de cerner en détail la situation actuelle et les évolutions de la population, des naissances, des mariages, des divorces, des décès et des reconnaissances d'enfants. Elle comporte également des éléments d'information sur les interruptions volontaires de grossesse, les Pacs, les mouvements migratoires et la situation des autres pays européens. Le cédérom remplace désormais la publication traditionnelle réalisée jusqu'à l'année 1999. II fournit les mêmes informations que celle-ci et de nombreuses données supplémentaires. Cette édition fournit les résultats détaillés jusqu'en 2001 ainsi que les estimations provisoires des principaux indicateurs démographiques pour 2002 et la population au 1er janvier 2003. De nombreuses données rétrospectives permettent d'étudier les évolutions démographiques sur l'ensemble du vingtième siècle. The French demographic situation - population changes publication is one of thé principal information sources on the movements of the French population. This document, produced annually by Insee (the French National Institute of Economic and Statistical Information), lists the définitive results of the civil status system, as well as population estimates and numerous demographic rates. It provides a very precise assessment of the current situation, as well as population changes, births, recognitions of children, marriages, divorces and deaths in France. It also includes information on legally induced abortions, the PA CS, migratory movements and the situation in other European countries. This edition is based on the detailed results of 2001, and includes provisional estimations for 2002. There is a great deal of information listed over 50 years or more. The French demographic situation has been translated for English speakers most charts and texts of the CD-ROM are available in English.



Anglais apprentissage

Commercially speaking. Workbook

Commercially Speaking is an elementary to pre-intermediate level course in language and communication skills for students on vocational courses. It will be especially useful to those working towards a qualification to help them find work in a commercial environment where they will need to use some English. There is a strong focus on commercial correspondence and telephoning skills, which are practised within a realistic framework designed to reflect the situations students will meet on entering the workplace. This Workbookfollows the syllabus of the Student's Book, with greater emphasis on reading and writing tesks, and activities which can be carried out for homework or as extension activities in the classroom. Material from authentic sources is included where appropriate. Answers to Workbook exercises are included at the end of the corresponding unit in the Teacher's Book. The complete course comprises the Student's Book, this Workbook, a Teacher's Bookwith a complimentary diskand photocopiable progress tests, and one audio cassette.



Littérature française


Cette nuit, la forme que mon récit doit adopter m'a été révélée par un rêve. Davantage qu'un livre-amphibie, il me faut inventer un roman vortex, dansant comme un tourbillon d'écume, un roman aux pages-branchies, aux phrases ciselées comme des écailles, un roman qui se lance à la mer et nage vers le paléolithique. Tout à la fois roman des cétacés et récit des amours d'Anaïs, Ecume se place dans le sillage de Moby Dick, le chef-d'oeuvre d'Herman Melville, pour transformer le récit d'une chasse en ode à la vie et à la liberté. Véronique Bergen est romancière, poète et philosophe. Parmi ses derniers ouvrages parus, on trouve Marianne Faithfull. Broken English (Ed. Densité) ou encore Marolles. La Cour des chats chez CFC Editions. Elle a publié plusieurs romans chez ONLIT dont Tous doivent être sauvés ou aucun, récompensé par le prix Scam Littérature.



Anglais apprentissage

Drama with children

Resource Books for Teachers give guidance on the key aspects of language teaching, and provide examples and discussion of actual classroom materials and techniques. This new primary sub-series, in a larger format, specifically addresses the needs of primary teachers, teacher trainers, and trainee teachers. Each book contains guidance for the teacher, 60 to 100 activities for primary children, and up to 20 photocopiable worksheets. The activities are explained clearly and simply, with aims, age range, and level clearly laid out. Drama with Children provides practical ideas for introducing drama activities into the English class, including role play, mime, chants, puppets, and short plays. As well as developing speaking and pronunciation, drama helps children to develop self-confidence and express their imagination, personalities, and creativity. The book shows how activities can be integrated into day-to-day teaching, as well as providing inspiration for performances at open days or end-of-term shows.



Musique, danse

Benjamin Britten

Originaire de la région du Suffolk, Benjamin Britten (1913-1976) est élève de Frank Bridge puis boursier au Royal College of Music de Londres. D'abord compositeur pour le cinéma, il rencontre le ténor Peter Pears (1910-1986, son futur compagnon et interprè-te) en 1937 avec qui il s'exilera trois ans aux USA pendant la guerre. Ses premiers opéras, Peter Grimes (1945) et Le viol de Lucrèce (1946), le poussent à créer sa compagnie, English Opera Group, privilégiant ensuite des formes réduites pour en faciliter les productions, comme Albert Herring (1947), Le tour d'écrou (1954) ou les Paraboles d'église (1964-68), tout en composant encore des pièces imposantes comme Billy Budd (1951), Le Songe d'une nuit d'été (1960) ou son testamentaire Mort à Venise (1973). Pacifiste et ami de Rostropovitch et Chos-takovitch en pleine Guerre froide, il est anobli en 1973 par Elisabeth II. Parmi ses Åuvres orchestrales, le public affectionne toujours son Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra...



Non classé

Language Contact

Areal linguistics is having its "Golden Age", but its doleful problems as well. Its theory of language contact and linguistic interference is full of controversies which can be resolved only by a thorough analysis of the essentials of language interrelations and the results of their interactions. The monograph is based on a large corpus of linguistic and extralinguistic material collected during the last few decades (including field-work in different countries of Europe, Asia and North America) on the results of language contacts between English, German and other Teutonic languages, between Romance, Slavic and other Indo-European vernaculars, between Uralic, Turkic, Tungusic-Manchurian and Palaeo-Asian, and other languages. An attempt is made to gain an insight into the "mechanism" of language contact, to single out its types and subtypes and to project the "curve" of the dynamism of their linguistic interference (the receptor-language levels' penetrability). Special attention is paid to different varieties of plurilingualism.



Sciences politiques

Scripture and Midrash in Judaism

The rabbis of late antiquity produced a score of exegesis of the Hebrew Scriptures of Ancient Israel ("the Old Testament"), in which they took various approaches to the study and interpretation of what they called "the written Torah". These exegesis, called collectively "Midrash", form an important part of "the oral Torah", that is, the tradition of Sinai formulated and transmitted for memorization and ultimately written down by the ancient sages in the first six centuries A.D. These three volumes present large selections of the Midrash-documents of ancient Judaism, in the translation of Jacob Neusner, who has now translated into English nearly all of the Rabbinic literature of late antiquity. The selections are organized by type, so that readers see the various ways in which, in form and in intellectual program, the documents of Midrash-compilation were formulated and set forth. In this way, the vast body of biblical exegesis put forth by Judaism in its formative age is made available to the contemporary reader.




A Tale of Two Monkeys. Adventures in the Art World

Anthony Speelman is the doyen of English art dealers specializing in Dutch Golden Age art. Vividly written and handsomely illustrated, his memoirs offer fascinating insight into the sometimes secretive world of Old Masters. This book will appeal not only to dealers, collectors and others in the fine art world, but also to would-be collectors eager for a glimpse behind the curtain. These memoirs cover a lifetime of dealing in Old Masters at the very highest level. Speelman's career started under the guidance of his father Edward, whose own biography has much to tell. Over the years, Speelman has sold paintings to many of the world's greatest collectors, including Norton Simon, Paul Mellon, Baron Thyssen, Harold Samuel, Charles Clore and the Wrightsmans in New York, along with world renowned museums such as the Getty, the Louvre and the National Gallery, London, among many others. He writes about his encounters with these eminent bodies in a light-hearted style, sometimes amusing, always extremely interesting - including an anecdote about a recent meeting with a Chinese billionaire with a penchant for fine wine. The two monkeys in the title refer to two paintings of a monkey holding a peach by George Stubbs, the outstanding English animal painter. Anthony describes how he discovered one of these masterpieces as a 'sleeper' in a Sotheby's sale. Early in his career Anthony's rooms in Piccadilly were broken into and a number of paintings stolen, including a George Stubbs painting of a spaniel. An intriguing tale follows, ending with the paintings recovered some eighteen months later after a failed blackmail attempt on the part of the thieves. Amongst his accomplishments, Speelman was for many years chairman of the vetting committee at the annual Maastricht art fair. He describes the working of the committees which ensure that all works exhibited are correctly described. Still active in the art world, he is currently chairman of the vetting committee of the prestigious annual Masterpiece art fair in London. Other chapters detail Speelman's travels to California, New York and Paris, his interest in gastronomy and his thrilling adventures in the world of horseracing. The book is beautifully illustrated with examples of works that have passed through the author's hands. The wide range of illustrations is not limited to Dutch art and includes works by Canaletto, Stubbs, Raphael, Tiepolo, Melendez and other Old Masters.




Coffret brunch therapy pour un réveil en douceur. AVec 2 coquetiers, 2 mugs

La meilleure solution pour égayer les matins gris ? C'est la Brunch Therapy ! Retrouvez dans ce magnifique coffret, tout ce qu'il faut pour partager en tête à tête, de délicieux brunch ! Composé de 2 tasses et 2 coquetiers élégants en céramique embossés et d'un livre de 20 recettes, vous ne vous passerez plus de ces délicieuses pauses gourmandes ! Le coffret Brunch Therapy est composé de 2 tasses et de 2 coquetiers en céramique haute qualité embossés, aux doux coloris crème et bleu nuit, soulignés d'un élégant liseré doré (compatible avec le micro-ondes) et d'un livre de 20 recettes. Profitez pleinement d'un agréable tête à tête autour de succulentes recettes, comme une omelette au Tabasco parsemée de graines, tomates cerises et zaatar ou d'un english egg muffin accompagné d'une tasse de café ou de thé... Grâce aux recettes originales et faciles à réaliser, vous ne manquerez pas d'inspiration ! Vous voici transporté, le temps d'un brunch, dans un endroit cocooning pour un moment de bonheur et de sérénité !




Fantômes post-coloniaux

As liminal beings, ghosts seem particularly appropriate to define, question or challenge hybrid cultures where several, seemingly irreconcilable, identities coexist. The present volume wonders how they manifest themselves in the English-speaking world, and whether there is a specifically postcolonial kind of haunting. The twenty-two articles deal with textual, translational or historical ghosts, and take us to Canada, Australia, Africa, India or the Caribbean. Poems by Gerry Turcotte literally haunt the volume, which thus juxtaposes theory and practice in a dynamic and fruitful way. De par leur liminalité, les fantômes semblent particulièrement adaptés pour définir, interroger ou remettre en question des cultures hybrides où coexistent plusieurs identités apparemment inconciliables. Ce volume explore leurs diverses manifestations dans le monde anglophone, se demandant s'il existe une hantise proprement postcoloniale. Les vingt-deux articles nous présentent des fantômes historiques ou textuels, et nous emmènent du Canada à l'Australie, de l'Afrique à l'Inde ou à la Caraïbe. Des poèmes de Gerry Turcotte hantent littéralement le volume, qui juxtapose ainsi théorie et pratique de façon dynamique et féconde.



Non classé

She’s Leaving Home

This collection of essays, written by scholars from all over Europe, explores the cultural meanings of women leaving home. Although all the chapters analyse writings in English, the volume aims to put the narrative element of home-leaving into a European context by investigating travel in various directions : from England to somewhere abroad, from the (former) colonies to the (former) imperial centre or simply within a psychic space. The female figures discussed in the volume leave home for various reasons – to go into exile, to challenge orthodox conceptions of femininity, to travel for pleasure or out of curiosity – but ultimately each of them has to face questions of the definitions of home, belonging and otherness. Consequently, the essays in this collection focus on how the cross-cultural encounters implicated in discourses of race, gender, nation and religion affect female identity. The ‘protagonists' of these narratives range from mythical heroines to early modern Protestant refugees to fictitious and historical figures from the past 200 years. The discussion throughout is informed by contemporary theories of gender, literary and cultural studies.



Non classé

Empirical Issues in Formal Syntax and Semantics

The present volume is a collection of studies devoted to major issues in contemporary syntax and semantics : in particular, argument structure, ellipsis, negation and scope. The papers included, which represent a number of formally rigorous contemporary frameworks, bring out new facts from a large variety of languages as well as novel solutions to a broad range of analytic puzzles. Part One illustrates the major ways in which argument structure is used and conceptualized. Part Two provides new perspectives on ellipsis, applying concepts and tools developed for focus, questions and quantification. Part Three introduces a number of novel proposals for the representation of scope, considerably enlarging the empirical domain of scope relations. These studies are unusual in that they combine an enthusiasm for detailed syntactic and semantic data and a serious concern for formal rigor. They discuss data from a wide variety of languages, including Japanese, Bulgarian, French, Greek, English, Italian, German, Hungarian, Inuit and Western Austronesian languages. The main themes of the book include negation, argument structure, ellipsis, indefinites, telicity, presuppositions, modality and quantification.



Histoire antique

Ktèma N° 47/2022

Ce volume propose des approches inédites sur les rapports entre le monde grec et "l'Orient" avant et après les conquêtes d'Alexandre. Ktèma est une revue annuelle de recherche consacrée à l'histoire, l'archéologie et la littérature de la Grèce, de Rome, de l'Egypte et du Proche-Orient antiques. Fondée en 1976 par Edmond Frézouls et Edmond Lévy, elle est publiée par l'Université de Strasbourg. Elle accueille des dossiers thématiques ainsi que des varia qui proposent des articles originaux en français, en anglais, en italien, en allemand et en espagnol. Elle jouit d'une solide réputation internationale et ses articles sont abondamment cités. Ktèma is an annual peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the history, archaeology and literature of the ancient civilizations of Greece, Rome, Egypt and the Near East. Established in 1976 by Edmond Frézouls and Edmond Lévy, it is published by the University of Strasbourg. Each issue consists of thematic dossiers as well as varia, which offer original articles in French, English, Italian, German and Spanish. It enjoys a solid international reputation, and its articles are widely cited.



Littérature française

Adjectifs &adverbes Similaires en Français & en Anglais

Ce recueil intitulé Adjectifs & Adverbes Similaires Français & Anglais (Adjectives & Adverbs Common in French & English) contient des adjectifs et des adverbes identiques en français et en anglais. D'une part, il contient une liste bilingue des adjectifs identiques en français et en Anglais. D'autre part, il comporte une autre liste des adverbes similaires en français et en anglais. Cette première version du lexique n'a pas la prétention d'etre complète, elle demeure encore perfectible et progressive. Ce livre inclut ces deux listes suivantes expliquées ci-dessous : La première liste des adjectifs communs en français et en anglais comporte ces elements suivants : - Le nom en français ; - Son équivalent en Anglais ; - Phrase en Français et ; - Traduction de cette même phrase en Anglais. La deuxième liste des adverbes similaires en français et en anglais contient ces elements suivants : - Le verbe en français ; - Son équivalent en Anglais ; - Phrase en Français et ; - Traduction de cette même phrase en Anglais. Cette oeuvre a été publiée dans le cadre des travaux méthodologiques du département de FLE à l'Université de Marmara à Istanbul en Turquie.



Sciences politiques

L'État-providence- The Welfare State. Un débat philosophique- A Philosophical Debate

Le présent livre rassemble un certain nombre de communications qui ont été présentées au colloque annuel de l'Institut International de Philosophie Politique, qui s'est tenu à Maastricht en 1984. Présentée par Guus J.M. van Weers, professeur à l'Université Erasmus de Rotterdam, cette collection donne une idée de la réflexion difficile et complexe dans laquelle la philosophie s'engage pour expliciter à la fois la nature profonde et la crise actuelle d'une fonction très contestée de l'Etat, celle par laquelle il se doit de garantir le bien être humains. La "Providence" est-elle la voie détournée vers la "Toute-Puissance", ou simplement le chemin hésitant d'une charité sociale dépersonnalisée ? Les textes rassemblés ici ne donnent pas de réponse, mais ils révèlent l'existence d'une interrogation légitime chez ceux dont la tâche n'est pas seulement de faire comprendre le fonctionnement d'une institution sociale, mais de s'interroger sur son sens. Le livre contient des contributions en français et en anglais. The book contains contributions in French and in English.



Religion jeunesse

The beautiful dolls of Julia are getting married. Numéro 22

"The LORD defends the rights of orphans and widows. The LORD cares for foreigners and gives them food and clothing". "You have to love the foreigner, because you were foreigners in the land of Egypt". Deuteronomy 10 : 18 - 19 HISTORY OF THE FRENCH AND INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY "CROIRE - SAVOIR - VOULOIR" " Julia's Beautiful Dolls - Holy Paris " represents the Universal name of a new linguistic and pedagogic method, to teach English, French and Spanish, to the children of the Kindergarten and Elementary school. The Collection of Multimedia Books, notebooks of writing, cultural and educational articles are to develop an education of PEACE, to teach the catholic faith with the Catholic History of Art and testimony of Julia. The Collection " JULIA'S BEAUTIFUL'S DOLLS- HOLY PARIS " is an INVENTION created by the Writer and Translator Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ Widow of RUIZ, after nine years of "SCIENCES RESEARCES", since the creation of the company, in 2008, in Paris. Julia created this Linguistic Method in French and she make the translation to English and Spanish. The Pedagogical Method of this Collection is to develop the Peace in the World, to make a transfer of the Catholic Faith, to teach the different Cultures, the Moral Universal values, the Interreligious Cooperation and the Harmony between the United Nations. This Collection has been realized religiously, intellectually and manually for Mrs. Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ ARELLANO Widow of RUIZ. Julia makes this Collection of Beautiful Dolls, since 1986, the year that she arrived to Paris, to study the French Civilization in the University "La Sorbonne". To have a Collection of Dolls from many countries of the world, was a dream that she has since she was a little girl of 5 years old. Mrs. Julia SANCHEZ works in Research since nine years ago, to develop, to create her Publishing International Company in Paris, she has never received a Subvention of the French Government, not either of the European Commission, or of the Mayor of Paris. In the year 2010, Mrs. Julia Sanchez appeared to the prize " The Don of Science " organized by the Department of the National Education, of the Higher Education and Researches of France and for not communication, she didn't obtain the Prize. In November, 2013, Mrs. Julia Sanchez has deposited the name of her trademark and in November, 2014, she deposited the Patent of her invention to the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to distinguish her invention from other inventions.



Religion jeunesse

The beautiful dolls of Julia are celebrating the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary. Numéro 15

"The LORD defends the rights of orphans and widows. The LORD cares for foreigners and gives them food and clothing". "You have to love the foreigner, because you were foreigners in the land of Egypt". Deuteronomy 10 : 18 - 19 HISTORY OF THE FRENCH AND INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY "CROIRE - SAVOIR - VOULOIR" " Julia's Beautiful Dolls - Holy Paris " represents the Universal name of a new linguistic and pedagogic method, to teach English, French and Spanish, to the children of the Kindergarten and Elementary school. The Collection of Multimedia Books, notebooks of writing, cultural and educational articles are to develop an education of PEACE, to teach the catholic faith with the Catholic History of Art and testimony of Julia. The Collection " JULIA'S BEAUTIFUL'S DOLLS- HOLY PARIS " is an INVENTION created by the Writer and Translator Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ Widow of RUIZ, after nine years of "SCIENCES RESEARCES", since the creation of the company, in 2008, in Paris. Julia created this Linguistic Method in French and she make the translation to English and Spanish. The Pedagogical Method of this Collection is to develop the Peace in the World, to make a transfer of the Catholic Faith, to teach the different Cultures, the Moral Universal values, the Interreligious Cooperation and the Harmony between the United Nations. This Collection has been realized religiously, intellectually and manually for Mrs. Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ ARELLANO Widow of RUIZ. Julia makes this Collection of Beautiful Dolls, since 1986, the year that she arrived to Paris, to study the French Civilization in the University "La Sorbonne". To have a Collection of Dolls from many countries of the world, was a dream that she has since she was a little girl of 5 years old. Mrs. Julia SANCHEZ works in Research since nine years ago, to develop, to create her Publishing International Company in Paris, she has never received a Subvention of the French Government, not either of the European Commission, or of the Mayor of Paris. In the year 2010, Mrs. Julia Sanchez appeared to the prize " The Don of Science " organized by the Department of the National Education, of the Higher Education and Researches of France and for not communication, she didn't obtain the Prize. In November, 2013, Mrs. Julia Sanchez has deposited the name of her trademark and in November, 2014, she deposited the Patent of her invention to the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to distinguish her invention from other inventions.



Non classé

Languages of Exile

Languages of Exile examines the relationship between geographic and linguistic border crossings in twentieth-century literature. Like no period before it, the last century was marked by the experience of expatriation, forcing exiled writers to confront the fact of linguistic difference. Literary writing can be read as the site where that confrontation is played out aesthetically – at the intersection between native and acquired language, between indigenous and alien, between self and other – in a complex multilingual dynamic specific to exile and migration. The essays collected here explore this dynamic from a comparative perspective, addressing the paragons of modernism as well as less frequently studied authors, from Joseph Conrad and Peter Weiss to Agota Kristof and Malika Mokeddem. The essays are international in their approach ; they deal with the junctions and gaps between English, French, German, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish and other languages. The literary works and practices addressed include modernist poetry and prose, philosophical criticism and autobiography, DADA performance, sound art and experimental music theatre. This volume reveals both the wide range of creative strategies developed in response to the interstitial situation of exile and the crucial role of exile for a renewed understanding of twentieth-century literature.



Histoire internationale

Fiction and Autobiography

Both the postmodern debate about the "death of the author" and cultural debates about constructing identities (national, socio-political, cultural, ethnic, sexual, etc.) have led to multiple attempts at redefining autobiography, traditionally predicated on concepts of identity and truth. By bringing together twenty-seven case studies of autobiographical texts from over four centuries and from a variety of cultural (mainly Anglophone) backgrounds, this book demonstrates how fruitful a critical focus on the interaction between autobiography and fiction proves for understanding the complex strategies by which subject positions are established and communicated. The texts examined include : De Quincey's Confessions of an English Opium Eater, Thomas Hardy's A Pair of Blue Eyes, Anaïs Nin's diaries, General Sherman's Memoirs, Abdelkébir Khatibi's L'Amour bilingue, Nirad Chaudhuri's Autobiography of an Unknown Indian, Helene Deutsch's Confrontations with Myself, Sky Lee's Disappearing Moon Cafe, Mary McCarthy's Memories of a Catholic Girlhood, Graham Swift's The Light of Day, Ian McEwan's Atonement, A.S. Byatt's The Biographer's Tale, Richard Wright's Black Boy, and Zora Neale Hurston's Dust Tracks on a Road.




Symphonies. Chants d'Amour Love Songs

La particularité de ce recueil Symphonies est la musicalité des poèmes en français et en anglais, à travers des vers aux rimes riches ou pauvres. Dans ces Chants d'Amour, les sentiments sont toujours présents et sont une invitation aux voyages à travers les éléments suivants : - La Terre, qui offre un dépaysement où se cultivent les émotions au rythme des saisons. - L'Eau, pour faire vibrer l'esprit et le coeur. - Le Feu ou le Soleil, où brûle la passion. - Le Vent ou le Ciel, à travers la beauté d'un univers où souffle une symphonie de sentiments. The particularity of this collection of poems Symphonies is the musicality of the poems in French and English, through verses with rich or poor rhymes. In these Love Songs, feelings are always present and are an invitation to travel through the following elements : - Earth, which offers a change of scenery where emotions are cultivated to the rhythm of the seasons. - Water, to make the spirit and heart vibrate. - Fire or Sun, where passion burns. - Wind or Sky, through an universe's beauty where blows a symphony of feelings.



Contes et nouvelles

Le répertoire du conteur Félix Modock. Petit planteur antillais (1885-1942)

Le répertoire du conteur martiniquais Félix Modock, enchâssé dans le premier tome du recueil Folk-Lore of the Antilles, French and English publié en 1933 par Elsie Clews Parsons, participe à la vaste entreprise de recension de l'oralité créole menée par la folkloriste américaine à travers l'arc caribéen. Malgré ses rééditions complètes ou partielles, il est longtemps resté méconnu, faute d'avoir été perçu dans sa réalité générique de corpus syntagmatique, émis par un énonciateur unique. Le petit planteur estropié du Morne Rouge, à la réputation sulfureuse, a pourtant composé une oeuvre singulière, en présentant trente-trois contes créolophones dont il a fixé lui-même à l'écrit la majeure partie en 1924. La présente édition critique, donnant à voir le répertoire de Félix Modock dans sa graphie originelle et accompagné d'une traduction systématique en français, poursuit l'ambition de lui rendre sa visibilité et sa lisibilité par le dévoilement de son unité et sa cohérence de ses formes, tonalités, thématiques et enjeux. Elle entend ainsi restituer au patrimoine littéraire antillais une oeuvre originale qui apporte un témoignage inédit sur les phénomènes de passage de l'oralité à la scripturalité.
