
Takeo Kawabe



Réussite personnelle

En toute bienveillance. Des clés pour vivre vraiment des relations sincères et apaisées

Etre bienveillant, est-ce être gentil ? Etre bienveillant, est-ce scientifique ? Etre bienveillant, est-ce que cela commence par soi ? Etre bienveillant, est-ce bon pour mon karma ? Etre bienveillant... et quand ça déborde ? Etre bienveillant, est-ce parler vrai ? Etre bienveillant, est-ce tout le temps ? Etre bienveillant, est-ce transmissible ? Etre bienveillant, est-ce politiquement incorrect ? Etre bienveillant, est-ce marrant ? Riches de leurs expériences et de leurs rencontres, Solange Hémery et Nathalie De Meyer vous proposent un chemin de développement de la bienveillance, le CARE (Conscience, Acceptation, Responsabilisation, Expérience) ainsi que des TAKE CARE, pratiques de coaching activables pour vous emmener, au fil des questions, découvrir les différentes facettes de la bienveillance et les déployer dans votre vie. Bienvenue dans cette exploration où vous découvrirez le pouvoir des bonnes questions pour trouver les bonnes réponses et passer à l'action !



Etudes IFSI

Diagnostics infirmiers. Définitions et classification. Edition 2021-2023

Le guide par excellence des diagnostics infirmiers des expert(e)s de NANDA-I dans une nouvelle édition mise à jour Entièrement mise à jour et révisée par les éditrices T. Heather Herdman Shigemi Kamitsuru et Camila Takáo Lopes la 12e édition de Diagnostics infirmiers de NANDA-International : définitions et classification 2021-2023 est le guide complet des diagnostics infirmiers tel qu'il a été révisé et approuvé par le Comité de développement des diagnostics (CDD) de NANDA International (NANDA-I). Dans la nouvelle édition de cet ouvrage de référence les éditrices ont révisé tous les chapitres d'introduction fournissant les renseignements essentiels dont les infirmier(e)s ont besoin pour comprendre l'évaluation infirmière son lien avec le diagnostic infirmier et le raisonnement clinique ainsi que l'objectif et l'utilisation de la structure taxonomique pour les infirmier(e)s au chevet du patient. Les chercheur(e)s trouveront également de nouvelles recommandations pour améliorer la terminologie. Principales mises à jour - 46 nouveaux diagnostics infirmiers et 67 diagnostics révisés - la modification de 17 titres de diagnostics infirmiers pour garantir qu'ils soient conformes à la littérature actuelle et reflètent bien une réaction humaine - une amélioration de la grande majorité des facteurs favorisants/de risque des diagnostics infirmiers - la standardisation des termes des indicateurs diagnostiques (caractéristiques facteurs favorisants facteurs de risque) pour clarifier davantage la situation pour les étudiant(e)s et les clinicien(ne)s - la codification de tous ces termes pour ceux (celles) qui utilisent des versions électroniques de la terminologie - un nouveau chapitre concernant les critères déterminant le niveau de preuve pour la soumission d'un diagnostic infirmier Rigoureusement mise à jour et révisée la nouvelle édition de cet ouvrage reconnu est une ressource incontournable pour tous(tes) les étudiant(e)s infirmier(e)s les infirmier(e)s professionnel(le)s les cadres formateurs les infirmier(e)s informaticien(ne)s les chercheur(e)s en soins infirmiers et les directeur(trice)s de soins.




Odilon Redon

Peintre et graveur relativement méconnu de la fin du XIXe siècle, Odilon Redon est pourtant un grand nom parmi les symbolistes français, au même titre que Gustave Moreau, dont il s'estimait néanmoins très différent. Ce qui est certain, c'est que Redon fut très tôt réfractaire au Naturalisme qui triomphait alors. Odilon Redon vous emmènera "aux confins du monde imperceptible", aux frontières du rêve et de l'ésotérisme. Languages : Fr. En. ---------- A relatively unknown painter and engraver at the end of the 19th century, Odilon Redon is nevertheless a great name among the French symbolists, in the same way as Gustave Moreau, from whom he nevertheless felt very different. What is certain is that Redon was very early on resistant to the Naturalism that was triumphant at the time. Odilon Redon will take you "to the borders of the imperceptible world", to the borders of dreams and esotericism.




Impossible lovers

CLAIRE is in charge of a jewelry store. FRANK is a small time hood. A jeweler, who dreams of prince charming, holds up as hostage the man who attempted to break her jewelry. CLAIRE, head of jewelry who has just been let down by a lover she hardly knew, believes that work is her one and only way out. Disappointed, despite the late hour, and after a few drinks, she returns to her jewelry, breaking a store policy, she has disabled security and the guards by pretending that she wants to take advantage of the quiet of the night to update her work. At the same moment, a young ex-con who just got thrown out of a bistro and is passing in front of the jewelry store and decides to break in. Rather than call the police or security, CLAIRE let him in.




Chen Tome 1 : Les enfants perdus

Protéger les siens. Lâchez les chiens. Chine, 2089. La politique chinoise de l'enfant unique a eu des conséquences catastrophiques : les femmes ne représentent dorénavant plus qu'un pourcentage inférieur à 1% de la population. Devenues marchandises inestimables, elles sont la proie de milices clandestines qui organisent des rapts sur l'ensemble du territoire. Piao, la soeur de Chen, est l'une des nombreuses victimes de ces expéditions. Chen assiste impuissant à l'enlèvement de sa petite soeur et garde de cet événement une colère vive qui ne demande qu'à être consumée. C'est le début d'une enquête à couteaux tirés, brutale et fulgurante, la course désespérée d'un homme qui n'a plus rien à perdre. Dans une Chine mise en péril par des membres dégénérés et parasites, Chen invoque la puissance d'un récit d'action comme Taken dans une fable dystopique et sociale. C'est le combat d'un homme motivé par l'amour des siens face aux vices et à la corruption.



Ethnologie et anthropologie

The Wolves Rise Again. New elites born out of chaos

The successive shocks that strike our time have acted as an indicator of men : the bland elites of yesteryear, suddenly rejected by the masses, went back silently into the void where they had first come from. This opportunist plutarchy, that maintained itself so far, thanks to the industry of lying, the targeted elimination of creative people, will soon be engulfed. Around these illusionists with no audience, the hidden alphas will begin to rise. Within a few months, alphas, forged in a new metal, invaded public space. How can it be explained ? In troubled times, the hierarchies of peacetime had left, suddenly, a place to the atomisation of individuals. Chaos then allows the individual alphas to rise to power. Like a pack of wolves, these alphas quickly take the lead of small human groups organising themselves into rival packs. The French Revolution is a striking example of this evolution : the masters of yesterday were relegated because of their unsuitability.



Sports de glisse

J'apprends à surfer

Voici le guide idéal pour vous accompagner pendant vos premiers mois de surf. Savoir lire l'océan, comprendre les vagues et les courants, c'est la base, et nous vous donnons des indices de lecture dans la première partie. Puis le coach vous accompagne dans ce moment si délicat : le take-off. C'est lui qui conditionne toute la qualité du surf. Exercices sur le sable, dans les mousses, puis dans le creux des vagues, vous trouverez les clés pour le placement de vos pieds et les trucs pour gagner du temps. Vient l'heure de prendre la vague dans le sens de son déferlement : le coach vous donne des conseils d'observation, de placement et de positionnement du corps pour effectuer au mieux ce grand voyage. Alors les premiers virages pourront voir le jour. Le livre est là pour vous épauler dans vos prises d'appui et pour vous aider à conserver la vitesse, qui est toujours donnée au départ parla vague.



Littérature française


" — Lâche prise ! — Je comprends pas... — On n'est pas encore à l'Olympia. On va y arriver un jour, mais c'est pas ce soir donc... relax take it easy, comme dit Mika ! Abandonne-toi ! Fais comme quand tu es avec les enfants dans les concerts à la MJC. La qualité, mais sans pression. Détends les muscles de ton visage. Et oublie pas ce que je t'ai déjà dit : la connexion. Crée la connexion avec eux ! " Platine est une invitation romancée dans les backstages du monde de la culture urbaine. L'histoire d'Idriss, un manager d'artiste comme on en voit peu : autodidacte, indépendant, mais ingénieux. Ce dernier, anéanti par une déception amoureuse, perd sa rage de vivre auparavant nourrie par sa passion pour la musique et délaisse peu à peu ses proches. Sa rencontre avec une chanteuse de pop urbaine déroutante et ingérable se présente alors à lui comme une seconde chance...



Thèmes photo

Les belles moissons de nos grands-parents

Les fêtes des moissons à l'ancienne, qui fleurissent au mois d'août, nous font redécouvrir l'histoire de nos campagnes, celle de nos grands-parents, les années 40-50-60. Epoque d'une vie intense dans les fermes, il fallait beaucoup de bras pour moissonner une parcelle avec les outils de ces années-là, les paysans s'entraidaient dans la chaleur de l'été, de manière à terminer avant le retour de la pluie. The old-fashioned harvest festivals, which take place in August, give us a chance to rediscover the history of our countryside, that of our grandparents in the 40s, 50s and 60s. It was a time of intense life on the farms, when many hands were needed to harvest a plot of land with the tools of those years, and the farmers helped each other in the heat of the summer, so as to finish before the rains returned.



Histoire internationale

After The Last Ship

After the Last Ship illustrates the author's own history, as well as its connection to the history of other women and children who left India and made the journey across the Kala Pani, the Indian Ocean, and lived as migrants in other countries. In this book the author brings greater understanding of how subjectivities are shaped through embodied experiences of ‘mixed race'. She bears witness to the oppressive policies of the fascist government in Portugal in the 1960's and 1970's and the effects of displacement and exile, by reconstructing her own passage from India to Mozambique and finally to Australia. Further, the author shows the devastation that labels such as ‘half-caste', ‘canecos' and ‘monhe' can cause, when they eat at your flesh, your being, and your body. She sheds light on how identity and culture can serve as vehicles of empowerment, how experiences of belonging can germinate and take root post-diaspora.




Object oriented PERL. A comprehensive guide to concepts and programming techniques

Perl is a great language for throw-away programming hacking quick solutions to urgent tasks. It can also be a great language for developing large, robust and reusable solutions to real-life problems. The object-oriented techniques taught in this book will help you write cleaner, more readable and more maintainable Perl programs. Whether you're a complete newcomer to object orientation, a refugee from C ++, or just another Perl hacker looking to extend your skills, this book will take you from first principles to practical techniques, and on to the deepest mysteries of object orientation. What's inside : building objects from hashes, arrays, scalars, pseudo hashes, subroutines, regular expressions, or typeglobs ; mastering encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism ; advanced topics : operator overloading, tied variables, generic programming, multiple dispatch, and persistence ; practical examples : databases, pattern matching, source code manipulation, multiprocessing, encryption, search trees, filtering 1/0 streams, debugging ; transition guides from C ++, Java, Eiffel, and Smalltalk.





Today's PC games look better, sound better, and play better than ever before. But, they can also push your PC to its performance limits-and beyond. Take a trip down technology road with Computer Gaming World Contributing Editor Loyd Case as he shows you how to wring out the maximum gaming performance from your PC. Along the way, you'll learn a little about the inner workings of computer games, become a smart shopper when upgrading your PC, and become adept at building a souped up gaming system with. the components of your choosing. • Learn the ins and outs of 3D graphics technology, positional audio, and DirectX • Get help choosing that new 3D graphics card, CPU, or other hardware • Discover how to build or upgrade your own hot rod gaming rig • Tune up your PC for maximum gaming punch • Learn how to use the Internet for adrenaline-pumping, multi-player games • See how to set up your own local area network for LAN gaming parties



Non classé

Environmentally Sound Waste Management?

This book assembles the revised papers presented to an international working conference on international waste policy convened by the Environmental Law Network International (ELNI) in May 1991 in Germany. The focus is placed on EC, national and regional waste management law, and implementation and practice in 15 countries of Europe. This is supplemented by analyses of relevant organisations and rich statistical material ; thus offers a unique comparative overview. The pan-European perspective shows a serious risk of "eco-dumping", i.e. the export of waste to countries with lower disposal standard. On the EC level, the conference was presented with substantial evidence of non-implementation of existing legislation in Member States. Therefore "global domestic policy" must become the guiding principle of national and international regulation and one of the main tasks of environmental organizations. In this spirit, it was agreed that in future a Europe-wide continued exchange of information and experience shall take place between the NGOs in the field of waste.



Guides pratiques

Camping road trips. France & Germany

Fancy a scenic meander along the Seine or braving the vertiginous mountain passes of the Pyrenees ? Or perhaps you would rather island hop along the German coast or delve deep into the Black Forest ? In this inspiring book, ardent campervanner Caroline Mills has selected 30 of her favourite routes across France and Germany. Along the way, stop in some of the region's most beautiful towns and villages, sample l&al delicacies, cycle forgotten lanes or take a wander through some of the finest countryside. These are journeys to be savoured. Packed with practical information on recommended roads, campsites and more, this book will satisfy seasoned road trippers and absolute novices alike - whether you're i a solo adventurer, making memories as a family, or planning a romantic getaway, you'll find these self-guided tours will provide all the inspiration you need to set out and explore a locale or region of France and Germany slowly.



Arts décoratifs - Traditions

Extraordinary Collections. French Interiors, Flea Markets, Ateliers

Marin Montagut has always collected objects imbued with a poetic soul that sparks the imagination. In his travels across France, he has met remarkable antique dealers and passionate amateurs ; here, he takes us into the magical world of their extraordinary collections. Before embarking on this enchanted voyage, Marin welcomes us into his home and his studio-a lyrical mix of colors and styles where every object has a story to tell. He invites us to stroll through Paris's Saint-Ouen flea market on an exhilarating treasure hunt. We discover folk art and antique glassware in the Perche and rare Provençal ceramics and basketry in an hôtel particulier. An unusual museum of shops from another century allows us to travel back in time. We marvel at sculptures from antiquity in a plaster cast workshop and admire the ethereal beauty of articulated artists' mannequins in a Parisian apartment. Following in the footsteps of a set designer, we search for a film prop, before getting lost in a thousand-book maze inside a writer's realm. This book is an invitation to rediscover childhood memories that will enhance each day.



Non classé

The Inculturation of Christianity in Africa

This book demonstrates that the encounter between Christianity and various African cultures gives rise to a number of problems for Africans who become Christians. It draws attention to certain traditional African beliefs and practices that seem to be incompatible with Christianity and create problems for Africans who embrace Christianity. Against this background it argues for the need to inculturate Christianity. It contends that in this exercise African Christianity can learn from the attempts at inculturation found in the New Testament times and in the early church. It offers examples of how the early church sought to make use of non-Christian categories of thought and elements in its articulation of the Christian message and in worship. It suggests a few areas of Ghanaian and African life where inculturation could and should take place. These include funeral rites, widowhood rites, child-naming rites, the rites of marriage, libation and christology. It concludes by offering some guidelines for use in the process of the inculturation of Christianity in Africa today.



Critique littéraire

To catch the sun in the water

Marie was born around the end of World War II in a small village near Chaveniac-Lafayette where General Lafayette lived. It is the mountainous region of Auvergne known as the heart of France. Take Marie's hand and she will guide you through her humble childhood. Through her eyes you will see what it was like to live in the country in France. With Marie's many brothers end sisters you will participate in hay making, harvesting... At this time, they used traditional methods and tools. Her parents will demonstrate the making of bread, butter and cheese... It's here that you meet Mathias, a boy her age, who becomes her best friend. Later, their love story unfolds... Just after the war, it was a time when the French countryside was populated with farmers that still lived in economic self-sufficiency. In the story, the author makes these peasants from depths of France come alive. The feeling, the candor, and the authenticity of the book will remind you of the Little House on the Prairie




Fantômes post-coloniaux

As liminal beings, ghosts seem particularly appropriate to define, question or challenge hybrid cultures where several, seemingly irreconcilable, identities coexist. The present volume wonders how they manifest themselves in the English-speaking world, and whether there is a specifically postcolonial kind of haunting. The twenty-two articles deal with textual, translational or historical ghosts, and take us to Canada, Australia, Africa, India or the Caribbean. Poems by Gerry Turcotte literally haunt the volume, which thus juxtaposes theory and practice in a dynamic and fruitful way. De par leur liminalité, les fantômes semblent particulièrement adaptés pour définir, interroger ou remettre en question des cultures hybrides où coexistent plusieurs identités apparemment inconciliables. Ce volume explore leurs diverses manifestations dans le monde anglophone, se demandant s'il existe une hantise proprement postcoloniale. Les vingt-deux articles nous présentent des fantômes historiques ou textuels, et nous emmènent du Canada à l'Australie, de l'Afrique à l'Inde ou à la Caraïbe. Des poèmes de Gerry Turcotte hantent littéralement le volume, qui juxtapose ainsi théorie et pratique de façon dynamique et féconde.



Cuisine bio, diététique, équil

Cuisine ta ligne

Avec Take the power July, découvrez 100 recettes saines, légères et gourmandes pour cuisiner sa ligne au quotidien. Le credo de Julie : une cuisine aussi bien nutritive que gourmande ! Découvrez, dans son premier livre, 100 recettes simples et accessibles, organisées par occasion : - des petits déj', brunchs et goûters : milk-shake à la banane, beurre de cacahuète et cacao, bowlcake aux myrtilles, pâte à tartiner express crunchy, moelleux fraise et citron... - des apéritifs et entrées : tartinade aux radis, thon et chèvre frais, houmous aux poivrons rôtis, fougasse aux champignons des bois, croquettes de chou-fleur... - des plats variés : quiche au potimarron, oignon rouge, chèvre et viande des grisons, risotto d'orzo au pesto de brocoli et oeuf poché, - et des desserts : tarte crémeuse au kiwi et citron vert, clafoutis aux mirabelles et à la fève tonka, fondant au chocolat coeur coulant... Julie propose de retrouver quelques-unes des recettes emblématiques de son blog, mais aussi de nombreuses inédites, toujours enrichies de repères essentiels (sans lactose, sans gluten, végé...), de focus produits, zooms santé, variantes et astuces. Tout pour allier plaisir et équilibre !




Antoine et Cléopâtre

ATTENDANT News, my good Lord, from Rome. ANTONY Grates me ! The sum. CLEOPATRA Nay, hear them, Antony : Fulvia perchance is angry ; or, who knows If the scarce-bearded Cæsar have not sent His powerful mandate to you, "Do this, or this ; Take in that kingdom, and enfranchise that ; Perform't or else we damn thee". ANTONY How, my love ? CLEOPATRA Perchance ? nay, and most like : You must not stay here longer, your dismission Is come from Cæsar, therefore hear it, Antony. LE SERVITEUR Des nouvelles, monseigneur, de Rome. ANTOINE C'est fâcheux ! Résume. CLEOPÂTRE Non, écoute-les, Antoine : Fulvie peut-être est irritée, ou qui sait Si ce César presqu'imberbe ne t'envoie pas Ses puissants commandements : " Fais ceci ou cela ; Saisis ce royaume, et affranchis cet autre ; Exécute, ou sinon nous sévissons ". Antoine Comment, mon amour ? CLEOPÂTRE Peut-être, ai-je dit ? C'est bien plutôt certain : Tu ne dois pas t'attarder ici plus longtemps ; ta révocation Est là, qui vient de César, c'est pourquoi prête l'oreille, Antoine.



Guides étrangers

Fabuleux Japon

Voici une odyssée visuelle dans un pays fascinant où coexistent modernité et traditions ancestrales, mégapoles branchées et régions aux splendides paysages naturels. Fabuleux Japon vous invite à vivre pleinement toute l'effervescence de la capitale Tôkyô et à en explorer les environs, dont Kamakura et ses sanctuaires, la ville de pèlerinage de Nikkô, la région de villégiature de Hakoné et le mont Takao. Il vous conduit dans le Chûbu, où s'élèvent le célèbre mont Fuji et les Alpes japonaises, avant de vous faire découvrir le Kansai, ses villes historiques comme Kyôto et ses trépidantes métropoles Osaka et Kôbé. Il parcourt ensuite le Chûgoku, en passant par sa capitale Hiroshima, puis vous mène à la découverte des îles de Shikoku, de Kyûshû, avec ses villes de Nagasaki et Fukuoka, et de Hokkaidô, avec sa métropole Sapporo et ses stations thermales et de ski. Il s'attarde enfin dans la région de Tôhoku et dans l'archipel d'Okinawa. Un guide pour planifier votre itinéraire et qui vous accompagnera tout au long du voyage. Un ouvrage pour revivre votre séjour ou pour succomber aux charmes du Japon. De magnifiques photographies. Des textes fouillés pour mieux comprendre. Des encadrés pour en apprendre davantage. Des cartes détaillées pour mieux s'y retrouver.




The Second Story of Creation (Gen 2:4-3:24)

The two creation stories in Genesis 1-3 have been subject of intense study since the beginning of critical research on the Pentateuch in the eighteenth century. Even today, they continue to vex the biblical commentators. This work attempts to study one of these creation stories, namely the Eden Story narrated in Gen 2 : 4-3 : 24. This story graphically describes the first couple's installation in the Garden of Eden and their expulsion from it. These two themes have prompted some scholars to consider this story as a summary of Israel's history until the tragedy of exile and a prologue to the literary composition commonly called Enneateuch (Genesis - 2 Kings). Such a hypothesis is based on the premise that both Eden story and Israel's history have the same end : expulsion. The reason for such an end in both is disobedience. The study takes up this hypothesis and examines its viability. Furthermore, this work attempts to bring out the biblical message of this story. Gen 2-3 is an expression of Israel's faith resulting from its history with Yahweh and from its encounter with the surrounding cultures, and it intends to articulate a religious and anthropological identity for Israel.



Sciences de la terre et de la

The Biomechanics of Insect Flight. Form, Function, Evolution

From the rain forests of Borneo to the tenements of Manhattan, winged insects are a conspicuous and abundant feature of life on earth. Here, Robert Dudley presents the first comprehensive explanation of how insects fly. The author relates the biomechanics of flight to insect ecology and evolution in a major new work of synthesis. The book begins with an overview of insect flight biomechanics. Dudley explains insect morphology, wing motions, aerodynamics, flight energetics, and flight metabolism within a modern phylogenetic setting. Drawing on biomechanical principles, he describes and evaluates flight behavior and the limits to flight performance. The author then takes the next step by developing evolutionary explanations of insect flight. He analyzes the origins of flight in insects, the roles of natural and sexual selection in determining how insects fly, and the relationship between flight and insect size, pollination, predation, dispersal, and migration. Dudley ranges widely - from basic aerodynamics to muscle physiology and swarming behavior - but his focus is the explanation of functional design from evolutionary and ecological perspectives. The importance of flight in the lives of insects has long been recognized but never systematically evaluated. This book addresses that shortcoming. Robert Dudley provides an introduction to insect flight that will be welcomed by students and researchers in biomechanics, entomology, evolution, ecology, and behavior.



Critique littéraire

Exorcismes spirituels. Tome 2, Les mutins de Panurge

La posture Book émissaire Désaccord parfait Pourquoi y a-t-il du Céline plutôt que rien ? Aragon ou le roman comme objection de conscience Georges Bataille ou l'art à l'épreuve du rire Le Zimzoum de Borges Dieu est un artiste Homo festivus Les habits neufs duXXe siècle In vitro veritas Rubens profané par sa sépulture même Delacroix en son royaume Daumier le bienheureux La religion sexuelle de Marcel Duchamp Louis-Ferdinand Soutine La peinture mise à nu Le spectacle est mort A la niche les approuveurs du monde Critique de la télé pure Sous l'oeil des vigilants Martine Aubry fait concurrence à l'état civil L'an 2000 tombe mal Etc. Posture "Scape-book" Perfect disagreement Why some Celine rather than nothing ? Aragon, or the novel as a conscientious objection Georges Bataille, or art-confronting-laughter Borges' zimzoom God is an artist Homo festivus The 20th century's new clothes In vitro veritas Rubens profaned by his own grave Delacroix in his kingdom Blessed Daumier Marcel Duchamp's sexual religion Louis-Ferdinand Soutine Painting bared Show business is dead Down with world-approvers Critique of pure television Under the vigilants' scrutiny Martine Aubry takes on the French civil service The year 2000 is coming at a bad time Etc.




Venice. A Private Invitation

Venice of a thousand reflections ; Venice of mirror and glass, of silk and gold ; Venice of light and lace, of transparency and porcelain. With her expert knowledge and insight, Servane Giol takes us to the heart of the Venetian art de vivre, a warm and private invitation to meet some of the most creative people living in the city today. Accompanying us into historic private palazzi as well as more recently restored houses and apartments, she introduces us to a new generation of artists and designers who are attracted by the radiant beauty, energy, and lifestyle of the Serenissima-a charmed circle of talented friends who are bringing a fresh dynamism and elegance to the city, shining a new light on some of its rarest and most exquisite traditional crafts, and lovingly safeguarding them for future generations. This love letter to the hidden beauties of Venice and to the skills for which the city is famed is brilliantly complemented by the photography of Mattia Aquila. It offers both a revelation and an everlasting memory for all those who will never forget their dazzling first sight of the domes, the campaniles, and the shimmering golden silence of this legendary city that floats between sea and sky.




Théâtre public n°249. (Re)Play it again

"Re-enacter" , mais aussi reprendre, recréer, reconvoquer, ré-inventer... (Re)play. Si les arts de la scène se plaisent à affirmer leur dimension d'arts du "pur" présent, ils peuvent aussi mettre en oeuvre de singuliers agencements de temporalités. C'est ainsi le cas du reenactment (reconstitution ? ré-activation ? ) : participant de l'économie culturelle et de la circulation des connaissances comme de la constitution d'un répertoire de formes performancielles qui entendaient à l'origine échapper complètement à toute logique de conservation, cette actualisation du passé par le corps en action interroge les régimes d'historicité et de temporalité. C'est aussi le cas, plus largement, de nombreux autres "re-" que peut mettre en oeuvre le théâtre, suscitant alors d'autres formes d'agentivité, et des jeux divers entre mémoire et oubli, référentialité et actualité, passé, présent et futur... C'est sur l'interrogation de telles perturbations scéniques de la conception d'un temps linéaire que ce dossier de Théâtre/Public se penche, par des études tant globales que sur des pratiques particulières (Milo Rau, Takao Kawaguchi, Anatoli Vassiliev et Valérie Dréville...), comme par la convocation d'expériences d'artistes (Gerard Byrne, Laetitia Delafontaine et Grégory Niel, la compagnie Dodescaden...).



Non classé

Stages of Exile

This book brings together twelve specially commissioned essays that showcase current research on Spanish Republican exile theatre and performance, including work by some of the foremost scholars in the field. Covering a range of periods, geographical locations and theatrical phenomena, the essays are united by the common question of what it means to ‘stage exile', exploring the relationship between space, identity and performance in order to excavate the place of theatre in Spanish Republican exile production. Each chapter takes a particular case study as a starting point in order to assess the place of a particular text, practitioner or performance within Hispanic theatre tradition and then goes on to examine the case study's relationship with the specific sociocultural context in which it was located and/or produced. The authors investigate wider issues concerning the recovery and performability of these documentary traces, addressing their position within the contemporary debate over historical and cultural memory, their relationship to the contemporary stage, the insights they offer into the experience and performance of exile, and their contribution to contemporary configurations of identity and community in the Hispanic world. Through this commitment to interdisciplinary debate, the volume offers a new and invigorating reimagination of twentieth-century Hispanic theatre from the margins.



Psychologie, psychanalyse

Research methods. Fifth Edition, avec 1 CD-ROM

Research Methods: A Process of Inquiry explores the entire range of research methodologies in psychology, using a programmatic approach to introduce topics and build on earlier presentations to increase student understanding. The authors emphasize research concepts, rather than simply presenting cookbook-like strategies, to help students develop an understanding of scientific research. Review exercises at the end of each chapter (with answers to select exercises in an appendix) provide students with examples for self-review. Expanded treatment of research ethics gives students an early introduction to considerations vital in research design, and involves them in later discussions of the ethics of human and animal research. A unique decision-tree flowchart takes students step-by-step through the characteristics of any basic research design to the choice of appropriate statistical procedures and allows instructors to pick statistical procedures based on already-learned course material. Every copy of the text comes packaged with a free student tutorial CD-ROM. This free CD is an integrated package of pedagogical features in a cross-platform format. It includes an Interactive Study Guide, a Lab Manual, and tutorials on statistical analysis, library research, and APA writing style. Coverage of advanced topics render this a resource for future use.



Milieux naturels

The Giant Clam - A priceless emblem of the Pacific. A priceless emblem of the pacific

Emblematic and mysterious, the giant clam has always inspired the curiosity of peoples ever since the first humans settled on the tropical shores of the Pacific and Indian oceans. A representation of the sacred or of power, but also, of course, a major food resource for many island communities, the giant clam is a token of influence in the culture of the peoples of the Pacific, a matrix for making tools, a currency ! Apart from its beauty and its role in art or beliefs, which have inspired human beings over the centuries, this group of species now interests the world of science in many of its aspects, whether in biology, ecology or its place in society : the giant clam still has a wealth of surprises in store. It is well worth being brought under the spotlights. The aim of the present work is precisely to describe the specificities of this outstanding group of species, and the broad range of issues that must be taken into account to ensure its conservation. We hope that once you have come to the end of these pages, which celebrate the giant clam in all its aspects, you will be convinced, as we are, that it is indeed... "a priceless emblem of the Pacific ! "



Beaux arts

Mark Tobey. Tobey or not to be ? Edition bilingue français-anglais

"Sur les pavés des rues et sur les écorces des arbres, j'ai découvert des univers entiers. Je suis très peu au fait de ce que l'on appelle généralement "abstrait". L'abstraction pure serait pour moi une peinture dans laquelle on ne trouverait aucune affinité avec la vie, une chose pour moi impossible. J'ai cherché un monde "un" dans mes peintures mais pour le réaliser j'ai utilisé comme une masse tourbillonnante. Je n'assume aucune position définie. Peut-être que ceci explique la remarque faite par quelqu'un qui regardait une de mes peintures : Où est le centre ? " Mark Tobey, 1955 "I have discovered many a universe on paving stones and tree barks. I know very little about what is generally called "abstract" painting. Pure abstraction would mean a type of painting completely unrelated to life, which is unacceptable to me. I have sought to make my painting "whole" but to attain this I have used a whirling mass. I take up no definite position. Maybe this explains someone's remark while looking at one of my paintings : Where is the center ? " Mark Tobey, 1955
