



Non classé

Thackeray and the Problem of Realism

Although it is traditional to see a certain kind of "realism" as the essence of fiction, in practice novels of course offer not a simple reproduction of experience but a throughgoing organization of it. The novel is, after all, a bourgeois genre and it reflects that bourgeois view of life according to which the world is there merely to be dominated and controlled by man. This study examines both Thackeray's early fiction, in which both the novel form and the manipulative society to which it belongs are attacked, and his later works, in which they are defended, and tries to determine the reasons for this change.



Littérature française

It's too bad I have to kill you. C'est dommage d'être obligé de vous tuer

Je m'appelle Duty Sunay, mon monde a été contaminé. Appréhension, peur, tyrannie, il est chargé de blessures, d'atteintes et d'offenses. Mon âme souffrante est cernée par des pensées angoissantes, interminables, des regards foudroyants, une noirceur indélébile. Mes yeux sont remplis de haine, mon coeur est en violence permanente. Je suis l'étrangère misanthrope, mes pics de détresse affolent, mon allure troublante est source de moqueries. Seuls mes rêves me donnent de l'espoir, ils sont ma vie, un aller sans retour. La rage incommensurable qui enveloppe tout mon être me donne cette force étrangement incroyable d'avancer. Car ils ont conduit ma vie vers un ciel ombragé, vers un vide infini. Ils osent maintenant occuper mon présent au passage d'une joie fugace. Alors, je les tuerais....tous !



Histoire de la musique

Play it fuckin' loud ! 1965-1970, de la pop au heavy metal - Une histoire musicale, sociale et politique

Comment, en l'espace de seulement cinq ans, la musique a pu évoluer de la pop des Beatles au heavy metal de Black Sabbath ? L'intensification de la pop music, jusqu'à la création de sous-genres extrêmes est un processus ample, protéiforme qui superpose passé, présent et futur. Le rock'n'roll est né au milieu des années cinquante de la rencontre des styles musicaux noirs et blancs dans une Amérique toute puissante mais qui n'avait rien à offrir à ses adolescents. Dix ans plus tard, c'est l'interaction entre un bouillonnant contexte politique et culturel, les nouveautés artistiques et technologiques britanniques en termes d'enregistrement et d'ampli cation et les stratégies commerciales de l'industrie musicale qui déclenche la mise en orbite du hard rock et du heavy metal. Ce livre se propose de faire la synthèse de cette histoire, jalonnée de concerts historiques (Newport, Monterey, Woodstock, Altamont), de bouleversements sociaux et politiques majeurs (mouvement hippie, guerre du Vietnam, Mai 68) et de celle des artistes qui ont pris part à cette tectonique des plaques musicales. On y croisera, entre autres, les envahisseurs britanniques (The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who), les tenants du San Francisco Sound (Grateful Dead, Jefferson Airplane), les guitar heros (Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Je Beck, Peter Green, Jimi Hendrix) et les précurseurs des sonorités hard et heavy (Vanilla Fudge, Iron Butter y, Blue Cheer, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath).



Non classé

Fast Darkness III: Moonwords. Sextet for flute, clarinet, piano and string trio. flute, clarinet, piano, violin, viola, cello. Partition et parties.

Fast Darkness III is the last part of the trilogy Fast Darkness, 2020-2022. Written in 2022, it is a 16 minutes long virtuosic, wild, and overgrown exploration. Fast gestures, drawn by a sharp pen and loaded with excited energy inform the listener of a large universe that they are enveloping. Just like an entangled climbing branch may give a sense of the house it is climbing on, the energy-laden gestures in Fast Darkness III, reveal the presence of the universe they are enveloping. This revelation never comes to be heard in the piece, but hopefully, it is an after-effect of it. Chaya Czernowin Instrumentation : flute, clarinet, piano, violin, viola, cello



Généralités médicales

How I stopped snoring.. Exercises to treat snoring and sleep apnea

We don't talk about it and avoid the tension generating subject. Snoring makes us laugh or even cry. We very much want to get rid of it. There are ways to fight it. You will find an inventory of them herein, complete with advice on how to improve them, but that's not all ! This book sets forth a natural and original manner of curing snoring and sleep apnea. It's an actively engaging method as opposed to others which confine the snorer to a passive role (drugs, surgery, etc.), proposing exercises by which the snorer strengthens and activates his oral cavity and refines its sensations. Validated by numerous doctors, physical therapists and practitioners of alternative medicine, this book can be read on different levels : by those who are just discovering their snoring problem as well as by those who are well aware of it but haven't yet found a satisfactory solution.




Language and Transcendence

This study provides, in the notion of transcendence, a framework for interpreting Heidegger's thinking in regard to language, one of his major preoccupations. It both locates his thinking in its historical context, and, while still remaining faithful to it, frees it for discussion and evaluation in a horizon beyond Heidegger's own, by showing how heideggerian insights are crucial to the development of Karl-Otto Apel's linguistically-based transcendental philosophy. The full import of Heidegger's thinking for the central concerns and problems of philosophy is thus revealed by tracing how, in Apel's work, it is made both ethically relevant and capable of fruitful dialogue with Anglo-American philosophical discourse, represented by such thinkers as Wittgenstein and Peirce.



Beaux arts

Préhistoire, une énigme moderne. Edition bilingue français-anglais

"Le jour va naître. C'est l'heure de l'énigme. C'est l'heure aussi de la préhistoire." "Day is dawning. It is the hour of the enigma. It is also the hour of prehistory." Giorgio De Chirico




Blue Haïku. ... in the green spring

A book of Haikus to rest and relax... Haiku captures the present moment, evokes without describing, is humble and watchful. Take a haiku, let it melt in your mind and enjoy it in all serenity... Smile ! ... The spring sun is here...




Horizons of Humanity

This collection of essays represents an interdisciplinary approach to some contemporary issues in the philosophy of science and the theory of knowledge. It is also an attempt to place art in the context of human cognition in general and also to relate it to science and philosophy. Its conception is such that it accords with the view that our creativity is not separable from a humanistic orientation. Within such a humanistic framework, aiming at a stable form of peace becomes the moral responsibility of both the scientist and the philosopher.



Agendas adulte

L'agenda officiel Cookeo. De septembre 2023 à décembre 2024, avec 1 crayon et des post-it, Edition 2024

Ouvrez votre agenda, allumez votre Cookeo et suivez les recettes ! - Des doubles pages hebdomadaires avec 1 recette au Cookeo pour chaque jour pour manger équilibré et ne plus chercher d'idées de repas. - Une liste de courses détachable pour toutes les recettes de la semaine, à compléter avec vos autres achats courants. - Des pages mensuelles pour visualiser les semaines à venir, noter les rendez-vous, les anniversaires et d'autres dates importantes. Et aussi : - Une pochette zippée pour ranger vos bons d'achats et tickets de caisse - Un stylo 150 recettes à découvrir au fil des saisons pour vous régaler avec de bons petits plats maison !



Mouvements artistiques

The Artist Helen Coombe (1864–1937). The Tragedy of Roger Fry's Wife

This fascinating book presents the ? rst biography of Helen Coombe, a woman admired not only for her artistic skill, but also for her intellect, personality and wit. It reveals her family background and education, her place in the Arts and Crafts Movement and her outstanding artistic output. Helen Coombe was married to Roger Fry, an artist who was to achieve most fame as an art critic, historian and protagonist of the Bloomsbury Group. Soon after their marriage in 1896, she displayed symptoms of schizophrenia. After the ? rst episode, she temporarily resumed her career and had two children with Fry, but for the last thirty years of her life she was sectioned under the Lunacy Act and committed to an institution. This thoroughly researched book makes full use of archival material, including correspondence, diaries and medical records. It illuminates late Victorian and Edwardian society and culture. It throws new light, by no means all of it favourable, on Roger Fry. It is a 'must' for all interested in the Bloomsbury Group, art history, and the handling of mental illness at a time before ef ? cacious antipsychotic drugs were available.



Non classé

Willibald Alexis' Zeitroman «Das Haus Düsterweg» and the «Vormärz»

On publication in 1835 Willibald Alexis' Zeitroman Das Haus Düsterweg sparked controversy only to be subsequently ignored by specialists on the Vormärz (1815-48). It has been viewed as an anomaly in Alexis' literary production, but in fact lies at the core of the intellectual interests and formal experimentation of Alexis, the prominent Vormärz author, theorist, critic and journalist. Based on techniques derived from Walter Scott, it anticipates the theory and practice of Gutzkow's "Roman des Nebeneinander". Under the aspect of Zerrissenheit it records and analyzes the psychological and political agony of the contemporary scene.




Ethnicity, Structured Inequality, and the State in Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany

This volume focuses on the reshaping of ethnicity in Berlin and Toronto that resulted from the economic stagnation, industrial restructuring, and return to conservative government in Canada and the Federal Republic of Germany in the 1980s. It addresses a broad range of issues crystalizing around ethnicity, inequality, and the state. It approaches these problems using such diverse methods as systems theory, questionnaires, interviews, various quantitative measures, and historical analysis. Ethnicity is discussed as it functions at the workplace, in the family, in neighborhoods, in immigrant and other organizations, and in the immigrants' relation to the state through its mediating bureaucracies.




Marital Separation in Contemporary Ireland

This book is based on detailed interviews with a group of Irish women who have experienced marital separation. It links the women's accounts with literature on the values and beliefs about marriage, women and family which were prevalent when they were growing up in Ireland in the 1950s and 1960s. The book chronicles their young adult years, the early stages of their marriages and the events and processes which led to their separations. It explores the women's emotional reactions at the time of separating, the types of support which they found beneficial and the personal, social and financial consequences of having separated. Although the book is written from a sociological perspective, the combination of theory and practical insights make it accessible to a wide variety of readers. It aims to generate discussion and deepen understanding of an area into which there has been minimal research in Ireland and which poses a range of important questions for future researchers, practitioners and policy-makers.



Littérature française


Just read it.



Non classé

Chaos, Control, and Consistency:- The Narrative Vision of Wolfgang Koeppen

Wolfgang Koeppen's critical and popular reputations stem largely from his literary success in the 1950s, a success which has overshadowed the author's activities in the earlier years of his career. It is in the interest of redressing this imbalance that the present study has been undertaken. It traces a consistent line of development from Koeppen's journalistic activities in the Berlin of the 1930s, through his earliest creative writing, and on, in this light, to the post-war publications for which he is most famous. It is thus possible to place the whole of Koeppen's career within the social and literary context of sixty years of German history.



Santé, diététique, beauté

Quitting Smoking

Are you ready to commit to quitting smoking? That's half the battle. Now that you're taking this big step, we have lots of help available.Quitting smoking is not easy, but it's worth it! Quitting offers practical tips to help you break your nicotine addiction and kick the cigarette habit for good.




Glimpses of african cultures. Echos des cultures africaines, Edition bilingue français-anglais

This book covers various aspects of African traditional cultures that include: communication, marriage ceremonies, funerals, traditional rites, witchcraft, traditional cultural activities, and traditional beliefs. It will undoubtedly appeal to anyone who wants to understand better our African cultures. The reading of some of the stories will certainly raise existential questions about the nature of spirits, truth, and the place of God in the collective mind of the Africans. Some of the questions are the following: how is it possible that a human being has his double in an animal known as his totem ? How corne that, for people who do not believe in reincarnation, it is the chief who determines the future of the soul of the deceased ? In "Mourning habits in the West province of Cameroon," it appears that, if the soul is not taken care of, it will cause physical havoc in the society. Could there be a link between our souls and the physical elements of nature ? Is skull worshiping among the Bamileke merely a traditional practice or are they really able to communicate with their ancestors through the skulls ? What has led the Aghem people to firmly believe that lakes can physically move, that the dead live in their lakes, that children live in their pre-human state as caterpillars and may transform into reptiles when they are still babies ? What makes it possible for the human mind to communicate with animais, exchange messages as is shown in "How animais and things can speak and communicate in the Yambassa culture" ? Apart from the physical world as we know it, could there truly be a spiritual world that witches and wizards have access to and which system of values could this spiritual world be subjected to ? Every single paper of the more than 80 papers and squibs this book comprises is truly an invitation to explore further the untapped richness of African cultures.



BD tout public

The 5000-year-long civilizationcomic-4 (manga en chinois)

This book is based on the 5, 000-year-long civilization, which is written in comics. It depicts many cute and individual figures in this book, which shows the evolution process of Chinese history. It is written in a humorous and interesting style with funny dialogues. Readers will learn history and have fun at the same time.



Guides gastronomiques

Alain Ducasse (édition en anglais). The Art of Manufacture

Discover the artistry that begins with a craftsman's hand-be it a roaster, chocolatier, ice-cream maker, or pastry chef. It's a delicate, beautiful gesture that embodies the philosophy of "A l'origine, le goût" or "Taste, from inception". Since Chef Alain Ducasse's first Manufacture opened in 2013, he has breathed new life into artisanal techniques and exceptional craftsmanship dating back to the nineteenth century. His mission ? To create the world's finest products. Embracing raw ingredients and artisanal creation, Chef Ducasse's Manufactures adhere to a simple principle : the pursuit of the highest quality and a distinctive taste. Whether it's crafting chocolate, coffee, gelato, or biscuits, control and mastery are ever-present. The Manufactures prioritize quality over quantity, blending craftsmanship with carefully selected ingredients. Here, machinery and gesture come together to elevate tradition into a contemporary masterpiece. This volume offers an exclusive look behind the scenes of each Parisian Manufacture-Le Chocolat, Le Café, La Glace, and Le Biscuit. Illustrated with exclusive imagery by Laziz Hamani, it immerses readers in the remarkable process of creating some of today's most coveted delicacies. Enriched by insights from each Manufacture's chef, The Art of Manufacture : Alain Ducasse is a testament to the unique beauty and refinement that French craftsmanship represents. Explore it today and savor the essence of culinary excellence.



Critique littéraire

To catch the sun in the water

Marie was born around the end of World War II in a small village near Chaveniac-Lafayette where General Lafayette lived. It is the mountainous region of Auvergne known as the heart of France. Take Marie's hand and she will guide you through her humble childhood. Through her eyes you will see what it was like to live in the country in France. With Marie's many brothers end sisters you will participate in hay making, harvesting... At this time, they used traditional methods and tools. Her parents will demonstrate the making of bread, butter and cheese... It's here that you meet Mathias, a boy her age, who becomes her best friend. Later, their love story unfolds... Just after the war, it was a time when the French countryside was populated with farmers that still lived in economic self-sufficiency. In the story, the author makes these peasants from depths of France come alive. The feeling, the candor, and the authenticity of the book will remind you of the Little House on the Prairie



Non classé

Exchange Marriages in South Punjab, Pakistan

This book deals with the system of exchange marriages in South Punjab, Pakistan. This system does not only regulate mate selection, but it is also an institutional guarantee of reciprocity, welfare and social cohesion. It connects families by means of one marriage, and also creates a double bond between two (or sometimes more) couples. This establishes specific conditions for stability and possible changes in marriage pattern. Valuation and stigmatization as social mechanisms are used to maintain the system of the exchange. It also shows to what degree new forms of cultural values and new patterns of social exchange come into play, create contradictions and undermine the traditional cultural norms. The study focuses on the interplay between structure, culture, and agency (Archer 1996). Thereby, not only the functions and dysfunctions of the system come into view, but also the conditions under which the system is actively being maintained by different actors ; the tensions that it produces between individual and collective perspectives ; as well as the cultural and structural conditions under which marriage practices and concepts are gradually being transformed.



Non classé

The Image of the Woman in the Works of Ingeborg Bachmann

In this study an analysis of the women characters, who play a dominant part in Bachmann's prose writings, was presented. The results suggested a complex but coherent image. It was found that although the characteristics of this image deserved the appellation "sex-specific" and "traditional" they were infused with new values : the values of individualism, of a specifically female identity and of particular intense personal freedom. It was also found that the theme of personal freedom underlies all motivations, conflicts and situations of tragedy of Bachmann's heroines. Finally, it was found that the image of the woman is not only part of a distinct female-male antithesis, which often assumes violent dimensions, but has a redeeming function for a de-humanized world.




The Fakir's Travels

Advising people to take this attitude or that are a waste of time. Those who see or/and are aware realise also that it is none of their business to goad and advise others. Our job at best can be to answer questions by the light of our knowledge but in no way can anyone be dogmatic about it. Let us all be first aware of - Do we know ? What do we know ? How do we know that we know ? To me it is the part where we first accept that there is room for change for the better in us. Then we observe ourselves. And finally we try to bring in the change in ourselves with our will with sincerity and objectivity.




Corporatism and the Stability of Capitalist Democracies

This dissertation treats a problem which originally stems from Marxist political economic thinking : why do representatives of the working-class compromise with representatives of the capitalist class on major socio-economic topics on a national level, and what do such compromises look like ? The author establishes the claim that macro-economic compromises between organized classes are both likely to result and unstable in their nature. It is shown how the state may act as an actor supporting the establishment of an institutionalized class compromise and how it may try to prevent the breakdown of it. After elaborating these claims in a dynamic macro-economic model, the author describes developments of class compromises in post World War II Sweden, Austria and the Netherlands to illustrate the theory.



Non classé

The Anglo-Welsh Dialects of North Wales

This book is the first major study of the English spoken in North Wales. It presents a full description of the English speech of the native 60-plus age group in the counties of Gwynedd and Clwyd. It includes a comprehensive analysis of the vowel sounds and non-standard consonant sounds of northern Anglo-Welsh, together with exhaustive descriptions of non-standard lexis and morphology and syntax. It forms part of the survey of Anglo-Welsh Dialects and can be seen as a companion to Volumes 1 and 2 of that survey. The book also contains a short atlas section, etymologies of non-standard lexis, and cross-references to the main national surveys of regional spoken English and Welsh in England and Wales.



Sciences de la terre et de la

VARIATION IN LEAF STRUCTURE. An Ecophysiological Perspective

Leaf structure is central to plant function, and the implications of this, both to the plant itself and beyond, at the ecosystem level, are now becoming fully realized. This book addresses variation in leaf structure in detail, with reviews and analyses on specific aspects, and in so doing it encapsulates the state of current knowledge in this important area. The impact of leaf structure on plant furiction is certainly far-reaching - it is intimately connected with the rate at which the leaf fixes carbon dioxide, the rate at which the plant can grow and the efficiency with which the plant conserves nutrients. It is therefore related to plant performance in different habitats, and can be used to characterize species, to define functional groups and even to predict the response of species to varying environmental conditions. The impact of variation in leaf structure of component species on community productivity and nutrient cycling is an area of intense current research. The synergy created through the various approaches to leaf structure discussed in this book has produced a unique resource, from which it is possible to identify those issues and challenges that will be the most vital for the future.




Western European Integration in the 1980s

The Single European Act was formally approved by the European Council in February 1986. When Maastricht hit the headlines in the early 1990s, the Single European Act instantly became history. However, it was the Single Market programme - the main content of the Single European Act - and the years of preparation leading up to it which really gave new momentum to European integration after the "Eurosclerosis" of the 1970s. The process which led to the Single European Act was never publicly discussed. The architects and initiators of the Single Market have not become household names, however, it is these protagonists and their efforts which are the subject of this book. With information gathered from extensive interviews with key players and EC documentation, the author reviews the forces behind the acceleration of European integration.



Non classé

Classics in Cultural Criticism

This collection of essays, to be followed by a companion volume on the classics of American cultural criticism, traces the historical development of cultural criticism in Britain from the early eighteenth to the mid-twentieth century. It devotes separate essays to representative cultural critics whose work is surveyed by scholars from America, Britain and Germany. It ranges from Augustan writers like Swift and Pope through the tradition of British cultural criticism canonized by Raymond Wiliams' seminal Culture and Society. It will be followed by a sequel, Contemporaries in Cultural Criticism, where an overview of the concerns of the immediate present will be attempted. Contributions by Michael Gassenmeier, Dietmar Schloss, Ingrid von Rosenberg, Nigel Leask, Bernd-Peter Lange, David Lathem, Felix Semmelroth, Wolfgang Wicht, Irmgard Maaßen, Rüdiger Hillgärtner, David Margolies, Jürgen Kramer and Christoph Bode.



Anglais apprentissage

A multitude of Sins. Richard Ford

A sequel to Rock Springs and Women with Men, the collection of short stories entitled A Multitude of Sins was published in 2001 and immediately achieved worldwide recognition. If this series of ten short stories seems to feature adultery, it would be a major mistake to believe that the stories can be reduced to what is actually a side issue or a pretext to something else, sometimes of much greater importance. As often with great writers, Richard Ford tackles several other topics along with the sin of unfaithfulness which is a base camp from which to go further up into the knowledge of human deficiency, lack and want. Pondering these sins, Richard Ford lays them all bare while often unveiling the issue of the story right from the beginning, instead of cautiously preserving it as a last chance literary trick to pull it off at the fast moment. Showing insight through observation, his writing is deceptive in as much as it seems natural and easygoing when it requires close analysis and several successive readings to yield up its literary and humane secrets. The comparison some critics have made to Chekhov is not overblown and Agregation students, certainly among the most perceptive readers in the world, should naturally enjoy both reading and studying A Multitude of Sins, pleasure and scholarship being complementary, not antagonistic. The exclusive interview of Richard Ford at the end of the book will certainly be appreciated by Agregation students, who will thus be able to finish off their knowledge of Ford's works.
