
How I stopped snoring.. Exercises to treat snoring and sleep apnea

Cazan Jacques

We don't talk about it and avoid the tension generating subject. Snoring makes us laugh or even cry. We very much want to get rid of it. There are ways to fight it. You will find an inventory of them herein, complete with advice on how to improve them, but that's not all ! This book sets forth a natural and original manner of curing snoring and sleep apnea. It's an actively engaging method as opposed to others which confine the snorer to a passive role (drugs, surgery, etc.), proposing exercises by which the snorer strengthens and activates his oral cavity and refines its sensations. Validated by numerous doctors, physical therapists and practitioners of alternative medicine, this book can be read on different levels : by those who are just discovering their snoring problem as well as by those who are well aware of it but haven't yet found a satisfactory solution.

Par Cazan Jacques
Chez Les Editions du Net

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12/08/2016 146 pages 14,00 €
Scannez le code barre 9782312046228
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