
The Mighty




A Year in the French Style. Interiors & Entertaining by Antoinette Poisson

Maison Lescop, a historic residence in Port-Louis, Brittany, has conserved its original eighteenth-century decor that was conceived for a French importer for the East Indian trading company. Today, it is the home and restoration project for the creative duo behind the Parisian design team Antoinette Poisson. Enchanted by the poetic beauty of hand-painted domino paper prints-from floral and fauna to geometric and ikat-they have appointed their new home with elegant decorative touches : handcrafted lampshades, wallpaper-lined cupboards, assorted table settings, and luxurious textiles. Celebrating a French lifestyle inspired by the charm of the eighteenth century-through its objects, gastronomy, and traditional savoir faire-the authors invite readers to share their art de vivre throughout the seasons- from gathering shellfish on the beach to shopping at the local market, from antiquing to foraging, and from indigo textile dyeing to block-printing on artisanal paper. This book is an ode to timeless pleasures and a life well-lived... à la française.



Littérature française

Willa Cather my Antonia. Unabridged Text with Introduction, Biography and Analysis

Willa Cather My Ántonia : Unabridged Text with Introduction, Biography and Analysis My Ántonia is a novel published in 1918 by American writer Willa Cather, considered one of her best works. It is the final book of her "prairie trilogy" of novels, preceded by O Pioneers ! and The Song of the Lark. The novel tells the stories of an orphaned boy from Virginia, Jim Burden, and the elder daughter in a family of Bohemian immigrants, Ántonia Shimerda, who are each brought as children to be pioneers in Nebraska towards the end of the 19th century. Both the pioneers who first break the prairie sod for farming, as well as of the harsh but fertile land itself, feature in this American novel. The first year in the very new place leaves strong impressions in both children, affecting them lifelong. This novel is considered Cather's first masterpiece. Cather was praised for bringing the American West to life and making it personally interesting. This edition includes the full original version of the Willa Cather's book and provides other valuable features under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, including a commented introduction, helpful bibliography, author's biography, notes, references, and much more.



Droit européen des affaires

Lobbyst. Revelations from the EU Labyrinth, 2e édition

I feel the need to enlighten the public on the way the European Union functions, or rather malfunctions. For most readers, this could come as a great shock : how can one imagine that the legislator no longer legislates and that he delegates his legislative power to obscure cenacles called "trilogues" ? Today, being a lobbyist is considered to be bad. A defender of business, of multinationals, of capitalism, ... and by extension of pesticides, intensive agriculture and junk food. That is the image ! The aim of this book is not to correct this image, but to provide elements of appreciation and to give a form of objectivity to the debate. Daniel Guéguen is the longest serving EU lobbyist. He is the former head of the European sugar lobby and then of the European farmers unions. Now a consultant, he is at the heart of the lobbying issues that make the news. Longtime professor in the United States, notably at Georgetown and Harvard. Now at the College of Europe. Multi-author, editorialist, blogger, Daniel Guéguen remains a convinced pro-European, but fiercely critical of an opaque, bureaucratic and, to put it bluntly, anti-democratic system.



Littérature française

Gardens of Oceania

Oceania, particularly in Vanuatu, gardens are the evidence of an ancestral rural tradition in which food plants are at one and the same time an indispensable resource, the symbols of a community and the objects of baiter or trade. The ni-Vanuatu devote themselves with true passion to their gardens, within which they collect, select and diversify a rich botanical heritage. Perusing this abundantly illustrated work, the reader will discover the full diversity of Oceanian food plants as well as the many exotic species introduced by the great explorers of the 16th century. Each species is the subject of a detailed dossier that describes amongst other things the variability, morphology, mode of cultivation and production of the plant as well as its different uses. The CD-ROM that accompanies the book provides information in greater detail for the specialist : bibliographic references, details and descriptors of yams and taros, photos illustrating the morphological variability, and much more. With the aim of preserving this exceptional plant heritage to the greatest possible extent, this work will draw the attention of a wide public' to the gardens of Vanuatu, and to this Oceanian agriculture that combines a variety of multicultural contributions with great originality.




The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild. La création d'un prodige

Dernier né des célèbres aventures de Link, The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild a fortement marqué les joueurs grâce à son gameplay novateur et son monde ouvert permettant d'arpenter chaque prairie, forêt ou montagne. Au travers de cet ouvrage riche en anecdotes et en illustrations, découvrez tous les secrets inédits dans les oeuvres précédemment publiées. Un complément idéal à Arts & Artefacts et Encyclopedia !



Sciences de la terre et de la

Dinosaur imagery. The Science of Lost Worlds and Jurassic Art, The Lanzendorf Collection

"Paleo-art resides in many of the world's great Natural History Museums, but the most notable collection characterizing the present state of dinosaur art is that of John Lanzendorf. It would be impossible to collect all of the dinosaur artwork being produced today; if it could be done, John would be the one to do it. Highly respected by the artists he supports and the scientists he associates with, John has built an awe-inspiring collection that is representative of the genre and is the envy of many museums. As we move into a new millennium, his collection is the most appropriate source for documenting the marriage of the creative talents of artists and scientists." The art of natural history is both compelling and emotive, often emblematic of society's view of our world. This same art also reflects the messages that scientists hope to send to a general audience as a part of their effort to influence how the public view and supports science. Art is both the medium and the message. Dinosaur Imagery is a luxurious testimonial to the public fascination with dinosaurs, enriched by imagery that eloquently illustrates current scientific theories about dinosaur behavior, physiology, locomotion, and reproduction. The evidence for many of these hypotheses of dinosaur life is very good, and thus, the art of dinosaur depiction is rooted in scientific inquiry. The paintings and sculptures that illustrate dinosaur science are powerful, and museums and collectors vie for this art, paying top dollar to acquire it and display it. Dinosaur Imagery is a stunning fusion of superlative scientific inquiry and unparalleled artistic imagination. Regardless of back-ground, no person interested in dinosaurs should be without a copy of this book.




Les Secrets de la Shakti. The Transformative Power of the Goddesses of Yoga

Comment s'ouvrir à l'éveil spirituel et connaître l'abondance et la liberté intérieure ? Sally Kempton vous propose de contacter votre énergie et puissance féminine. Elle vous invite à vous connecter au panthéon des divinités hindoues pour monter en vibration en irradier. Entrez en contact avec Kali, qui apporte la force, l'amour féroce et la liberté indomptée ; Lakshmi, qui confère prospérité et beauté? ; Saraswati, pour la clarté de la communication et l'intuition? ; Radha, qui porte l'énergie divine du désir spirituel ; Bhuvaneshvari, qui crée l'espace pour la transformation sacrée? ; et Parvati, pour éveiller la créativité et la capacité d'aimer.? Grâce aux nombreuses méditations, visualisations, mantras et enseignements, ce livre est un trésor qui vous permet d'honorer votre part sacrée et divine dans tous les aspects de votre vie.




The Functional Prerequisites Generic to the Inception and Institutionalization of Positivistic Sociological Epistemology

Primarily an essay in the Sociology of Knowledge, the major thrust of the discussion focuses upon the interaction of cultural, social structural, and social-psychological elements encouraging the shared perception pertaining to the feasibility of interpreting social behavior and the operation of a social system through the application of a positivistic point of departure.



Vins, alcools, boissons

Le thé au fil des jours. Traditions, légendes et recettes autour du thé

Dans cet agenda perpétuel richement illustré, découvrez la magnifique collection du Musée royal de Mariemont, qui accueille en son sein un véritable pavillon de thé japonais et les cérémonies qui lui sont dédiées. D'autres photos ont été prises par l'auteure, Nathalie Masset, au cours de ses nombreux voyages à travers le monde : paysages, artisans, objets rares ou usuels viendront nourrir votre curiosité et votre sens du beau. L'auteure s'est aussi faite narratrice. Elle vous raconte l'histoire du thé, vous explique les différentes familles de thés, vous livre des conseils pratiques, des citations, des légendes et surtout de délicieuses recettes qui agrémenteront votre vie d'amateur de thé.




Country Girl : Alice in the Country of the Three-Sided Mirror Tome 1

Mikihiko Inaba est un jeune garçon particulièrement doué dans ses études et au sport. Il a trois grandes amies, Keiko Futatsumori, Miya Natsuki et Iyo Hikawa. Il prévoit de rentrer dans un lycée privé de Tokyo, mais échoue aux examens. Depuis, il ne vient plus en classe et ne contacte plus personne. Le temps passe, et toute la bande d'amis finit par se perdre de vue. Lorsque Keiko retrouve Iyo et Miya, bien plus tard, elle décide alors de tout faire pour rétablir les liens que les quatre camarades avaient à l'époque du collège et pour faire sortir Mikihiko de chez lui...



Lycée parascolaire

The problem of kamerun, le mal. The problem of kamerun, le mal camerounais

Il s'agit d'éclairer les camerounais sur les manipulations dont ils font l'objet et en prenant leur pays le Cameroun ; il s'agit de la balkanisation physique, linguistique et les mots abstraits que les colons nous ont imposé pour leurs intérêts et non les nôtres. C'est pour dire qu'en réalité il n'y a pas de tribu entre camerounais et même la race humaine. La tribu se trouvant entre les animaux. Que si les colons n'avaient pas bloqué les groupes sur des territoires, les camerounais parleraient aujourd'hui presque la même langue. Que ce qu'on appelle aujourd'hui le Béti est constitué d'un peuple parti du plateau de l'Adamaoua et dans leur marche à travers la nature sauvage, ont pressé et brisé les arbustes pour marquer leur itinéraire, passant par Bati ou Pehtih par Batibo ou Petibôh jusqu'au Sud du Cameroun et même jusqu'en Afrique du Sud. Que les camerounais ne doivent pas par cette manipulation se détruire et détruire leur pays ; car ils sont un même peuple avec des chefs de groupes différents.



Comics Indépendants

Something is killing the children Tome 1 : The angel of archer's peak

Lorsque les enfants de la petite ville d'Archer's Peak se mettent à disparaître les uns après les autres - certains sans laisser la moindre trace, d'autres dans des circonstances extrêmement violentes - la peur, la colère et la suspicion envahissent l'entourage des victimes et laissent la police locale dans le plus grand désarroi. Aussi, quand le jeune James, seul témoin oculaire du massacre de ses trois camarades, sort de son mutisme pour parler de créatures terrifiantes vivant dans la pénombre, le coupable semble tout trouvé. Son seul espoir viendra d'une étrange inconnue, Erica Slaughter, tueuse de monstres capable de voir l'impensable, ce que l'inconscient des adultes a depuis longtemps préférer occulter.



Mondes fantastiques

The Prison Healer Tome 3 : The Blood Traitor. Le sang de la trahison

Il n'allait jamais lui pardonner. Pas plus qu'elle-même ne se pardonnerait. Les gens comme elle ne méritaient pas le pardon. Ils méritaient la mort. Après les événements survenus au palais, Kiva n'a plus qu'une envie : savoir si ses amis et sa famille sont en sécurité, et si ses torts pourront un jour lui être pardonnés. Mais alors que la guerre menace d'éclater entre les royaumes, Kiva se retrouve éloignée du conflit et en prise à des enjeux plus importants qu'un coeur brisé. Ennemis mortels et alliés incertains se voient entraînés dans une quête aussi périlleuse que pressante, pour sauver non seulement Evalon, mais Wenderall tout entier. Maintenant que Kiva a choisi son champ, elle ne peut plus se contenter de survivre et doit se battre pour ses convictions. Mais cernée de toutes parts par le danger, et avec la vie des siens en péril, aura-t-elle la force d'aller jusqu'au bout ?



Non classé

In Another Tongue

This collection of essays brings together some of the most perceptive of Devy's essays on Indian English Literature, literary criticism, translation theory and Commonwealth criticism. They offer a historical perspective on the literary culture of Indian literature written in English. The areas of Indian English literature discussed in this volume range from fiction, poetry, criticism to travelogue, autobiography and translation. It pays special attention to literary historiography and literary criticism.




My Hero Academia Tome 6 : Frémissements

Pris pour cible par un super-vilain, Izuku est secouru de main de maître par son idole en personne ! Il découvre alors qu'All Might, très diminué par une ancienne blessure, ne peut plus utiliser son alter que trois heures par jour... Aussi, lorsque son camarade Katsuki est attaqué quelques instants plus tard, son sang ne fait qu'un tour : malgré sa terreur, il se précipite à la rescousse du jeune garçon ! Témoin de cet acte de bravoure, All Might décide de faire d'Izuku son successeur. Après un entraînement drastique, notre apprenti héros réussit à intégrer le prestigieux lycée Yuei, mais il y a un hic : impossible pour lui de maîtriser le One for All, le pouvoir hérité d'All Might... La nouvelle génération de super-héros du Shonen Jump débarque enfin !




My Hero Academia Tome 5 : Shoto Todoroki : les origines

Pris pour cible par un super-vilain, Izuku est secouru de main de maître par son idole en personne ! Il découvre alors qu'All Might, très diminué par une ancienne blessure, ne peut plus utiliser son alter que trois heures par jour... Aussi, lorsque son camarade Katsuki est attaqué quelques instants plus tard, son sang ne fait qu'un tour : malgré sa terreur, il se précipite à la rescousse du jeune garçon ! Témoin de cet acte de bravoure, All Might décide de faire d'Izuku son successeur. Après un entraînement drastique, notre apprenti héros réussit à intégrer le prestigieux lycée Yuei, mais il y a un hic : impossible pour lui de maîtriser le One for All, le pouvoir hérité d'All Might... La nouvelle génération de super-héros du Shonen Jump débarque enfin !



Histoire internationale

Flavius Josephus, the Zealots and Yavne

The historiography concerning The War of the Jews by Flavius Josephus has underlined the various aspects (economic, social, political, religious) of the Roman-Jewish conflict from 66 to 73 AD. A study of the Jew's vision of himself and the Other, the Roman, makes it possible to see this conflict from the point of view of the conquered. Analysis of the events which, from 6 to 66 AD, resulted in the opening of hostilities, suggests that the Jewish-Roman conflict was also a conflict of mentalities. The Jewish mentality implies a concept of war which contributed to the development of the divisions and schisms between the supporters of full-scale war against Rome (the Zealots) and the non-belligerents (Rabbi Yohanan ben Zaccaï and the Yavne School, Flavius Josephus). Furthermore, the discourse of Flavius Josephus is Jewish discourse. So far as certain options are concerned, such as his rejection of the war against Rome on the one hand, and his hatred of the Zealots on the other, a literal reading of that discourse shows that they are in the direct line of Jewish tradition as represented by RYBZ and his Yavne School. Josephus can be taken literally ; the interest of his writing lies in its presentation of an internal cohesion and in the light that throws on the points of convergence and divergence in the same Pharisaic options. Finally, Josephus' text leads us to reconsider the problem of his 'betrayal'.



Non classé

Decision-Making and Limited Resources

What happens when advanced students of English for general purposes suddenly find themselves as beginning students of English for special purposes ? What happens in interlanguage when such students are faced with the obligation of constructing a viable currency for the market ? What happens when the learner-actor attempts to understand for meaning in texts for the professions ? What happens at the point where interlanguage and reality meet ? Such encounters constitute genuine moments of opportunity. They are essentially the moments of truth that will determine the actual potential of the learner-interlocutor as interactor with the text - and with reality itself. Literacy is at stake - and professional competence. Actor performance cannot be seen as a simple function of resources alone, but is to be seen as a function of a complexity of factors such as mother-tongue and linguistic distance, bilingualism and market competition, acquisition and learning, language used in the operations, and lexical currency status. The book is an empirical study against the background of the new competition of today's service economy and the requirements of the interaction imperative in the business world of today. And it is set in a dual linguistic environment.



Vins, alcools, boissons

Coffret Un thé à l'abbaye. Le livre de recettes avec 1 boîte à thé hermétique et 1 boule à thé

Célébrez l'heure du thé comme il se doit et réalisez de délicieuses recettes pour un goûter So British ! Scones, Millionaire's, shortbread, carrot cake, blondies... Ce coffret contient : Une boîte à thé hermétique en métal, Une boule à thé, 1 livre de recettes originales.



12 ans et +

The Book of Ivy Tomes 1 et 2 : Coffret collector en 2 volumes. The Book of Ivy ; The Revolution of Ivy

Il y a cinquante ans, une guerre nucléaire a décimé la population mondiale. Un groupe de survivants a fini par se former, et ce qui reste des Etats-Unis d'Amérique s'est choisi un président. Mais des deux familles qui se sont affrontées pour le pouvoir, la mienne a perdu. Aujourd'hui, les enfants des adversaires d'autrefois sont contraints de s'épouser lors d'une cérémonie censée assurer la paix. J'ai seize ans cette année, et mon tour est venu. Je m'appelle Ivy Westfall. Ma mission ? Tuer l'homme que je suis destinée à épouser... le fils du président.



Non classé

Shakespeare's Reception in 18th Century Italy

The history of Shakespeare's reception in 18th century Italy is scanty and fragmentary. The present study attempts to join the scattered fragments of the mosaic together and to interpret the resulting picture in the light of current theories of comparative literature. Hamlet has been chosen as an exemplary case in Shakespearian production because it is associated with the very first milestones in Shakespeare's introduction into the Italian literary system. Hamlet also exemplifies on the one hand Italy's cultural indebtedness to France in the field of Shakespearian translation (the first Italian staging of a Shakespearian play was a Hamlet translated from Ducis' adaptation), and, on the other, the need for Northern European literary works to undergo profound changes before they could be assimilated in Italy. The process of Shakespeares's reception in 18th century Italy was made even more tortuous by a missed opportunity, again concerning Hamlet. The first complete Italian translation of the play by Alessandro Verri has never to this day been staged or published ; its impact on the development of Italian literature was only indirect through its influence on Verri's own creative works, which finally contributed to the birth of the Italian Romantic movement.





Oriented matroids are a very natural mathematical concept which prescrits itself in many different guises and which has connections and applications to many different areas. These include discrete and computational geometry, combinatorics, convexity, topology, algebraic geometry, operations research, computer science and theoretical chemistry. This is the first comprehensive, accessible account of the subject. It is intended for a diverse audience: graduate students who wish to learn the subject from scratch, researchers in the various fields of application who want to concentrate on certain aspects of the theory; specialists who need a thorough reference work; and others at points in between. A list of exercises and open problems ends each chapter. For the second edition, the authors have expanded the bibliography greatly to ensure that it remains comprehensive and up-to-date, and they have also added an appendix surveying research since the work was first published.




Luigi Pericle : A Rediscovery

This important book presents the work of the fascinating and singular artist Luigi Pericle (1916-2001). Pericle was a painter, illustrator and scholar, as well as a leading figure in the story of art in the second half of the twentieth century. The artist initially found fame as an illustrator, gaining widespread renown in the 1950s as the inventor of the character Max the Marmot. But his intense, enigmatic and multi-layered paintings increasingly drew the attention of the art world, with works that reflect his personal, metaphysical take on post-war abstraction exhibited at numerous venues in Britain during the 1960s. Pericle then abruptly retreated from the art system, and for the rest of his life continued to paint, write and to study esoteric philosophy in the secluded house he shared with his wife Orsolina on Monte Verit in the Ticino region of Switzerland. The artist's work was dramatically rediscovered in 2016 when the contents of his former residence were revealed. The process of restoring, cataloguing and researching his vast oeuvre is ongoing, and is overseen by Ascona's Archivio Luigi Pericle, with which the exhibition has been organised. This beautifully illustrated publication, which accompanies an exhibition at the Estorick Collection, London, includes a full catalogue of the works, as well as essays by noted scholars.



Histoire internationale

Early Soviet Postmodernism

Soviet postmodernism is part of a long-term cultural development that began with the death of Stalin in 1953 and has continued on up to the present day. The book treats the early phase of Soviet postmodernism, which began to emerge in the late 1950's and lasted until the mid-1970's. Early Soviet postmodernism agrees with later, neoavantgardist postmodernism in that it distrusts modernist figures of thought such as utopianism, dialectical argumentation, and mythopoetic "grand narratives." Unlike late postmodernism, which appropriates these figures ironically, early Soviet postmodernism is still involved in a serious, agonized attempt to "correct" or rework them in a serious way. The epistemological failure of these efforts marks this literature as specifically postmodern. The book charts the development of this epoch in four important "genres" of postwar Soviet literature : in village prose (Nagibin, Solženicyn, Belov, Rasputin); in Vasilij Suksin's short stories about eccentric characters ; in Jurij Trifonov's urban prose ; and in the lyric poetry of Evgenij Evtusenko and Andrej Voznesenskij.



Instruments de musique

Miniaturen. für Klarinett und Akkordeon. clarinet in Bb and accordion. Partition d'exécution.

Note by the composer : "In my youth I was a great Schumann fan, works such as Carnaval, Kreisleriana or also Papillions were (and still are ! ) among my favourite pieces. One of the things that fascinated me was their form, these short expressive pieces strung together, which belong together after all. The Miniatures are inspired by this 'old love'. They were commissioned by Klangwerkstatt Kreuzberg (Berlin) and were originally written for clarinet and accordion for the duo Nancy Laufer and Jürgen Kupke. - Iris ter Schiphorst - Instrumentation : clarinet in Bb and accordion



Non classé

The German Effect on D.H. Lawrence and his Works 1885-1912

This study analyzes in depth the German effect upon D.H. Lawrence and his works from his birth in 1885 to his departure from England in 1912. German literary, philosophical and musical works had considerable impact on Lawrence's formation as an artist. They also influenced the creation of his own literary theory, entering his life concurrently with the three problems of class, woman and religion, which evolved into his major literary themes. The German effect is thus demonstrated to be the confirmation of Lawrence's strong tendency toward subjectivism in literary art : it strengthened his conviction that his art set him apart from all classes of society ; it encouraged the development of his view of women as the sexual, not the maternal, mediatrix to art ; and it fortified his denial of traditional Christianity and assisted his creation of his personal vitalistic creed.



Critique littéraire

Études chinoises XXXI-2 (2012). Art et mémoire en Chine et à Taïwan

Muriel Peytavin, La courtisane en peinture : portraits idéalisés, portraits du réel Résumé - Cet article se propose d'examiner quelques portraits de courtisanes des dynasties Ming ? (1368-1644) et Qing ? (1644-1911), dans une tradition de la peinture chinoise où le portrait n'est pas réalisé d'après nature ou d'après un modèle mais envisagé selon les textes littéraires qui prescrivent les principales directives en matière de représentation humaine, et notamment, féminine. Communément, la femme est avant tout traitée comme un type général et non comme une personne singulière ; l'image représentée est par conséquent une construction idéologique avant d'être une construction psychologique. Il s'agit d'apprécier la manière dont les artistes se sont servis de l'individualité de certaines courtisanes et de leur histoire, envisagée comme un thème à part entière, au moyen d'un traitement pictural éloigné de la peinture de beautés (meiren hua ???), pour exprimer de nouveaux idéaux, des singularités inédites, qui ont pourtant échoué à construire une mémoire pérenne de l'identité féminine chinoise. Chan Tsai-yun, Mémoire d'un empire. La longue marche des collections du Musée du Palais dans un contexte de guerre Résumé - Le Musée du Palais, depuis sa création jusqu'à nos jours, est en étroite corrélation avec l'évolution politique du monde chinois. Il reflète l'époque impériale chinoise, la transformation du système politique de la jeune République de Chine et la division du monde chinois. Il témoigne également d'un passé extrêmement tumultueux marqué par la guerre sino-japonaise et la guerre civile. Ce legs impérial, partagé entre la Chine et Taïwan, permet de faire émerger toutes sortes de mémoires parmi les populations chez qui la sinité est profondément enracinée. Sandrine Marchand, Nostalgie du poème : réticence à l'image dans la poésie mémorielle Résumé - Les multiples mémoires à Taïwan, mémoires des insulaires, des aborigènes et des continentaux, se sont exprimées dans la poésie, qui échappe au devoir descriptif du langage narratif. La poésie apparaît alors comme le genre le plus adéquat pour souligner la part fluctuante de la mémoire, sa saisie incertaine comme son évolution imprévisible. En se demandant ce que le langage poétique révèle de la question de la mémoire, nous interrogeons des poèmes des années 1960-1980, d'auteurs ayant à coeur de soulever un passé douloureux, en Chine ou à Taïwan. Nous nous interrogeons sur les images, leur registre, leur rôle et leur valeur dans la tentative de garder le passé et de faire revivre le souvenir tout en se défiant de l'imaginaire. Anne Kerlan, Filmer pour la Nation : le cinéma d'actualité et la constitution d'une mémoire visuelle en Chine, 1911-1941 Résumé - Cet article revient sur les premiers développements du cinéma d'actualité jusqu'en 1941 à travers le travail du réalisateur d'origine hongkongaise Li Minwei. Celui-ci filma à diverses reprises les événements politiques autour de la figure de Sun Yat-sen puis de Chiang Kai-shek. Il participa en 1930 à la constitution d'une compagnie cinématographique, la Lianhua, qui accorda une importance toute particulière à la réalisation de films d'actualités. Nous nous interrogeons sur les objectifs visés par les producteurs, qu'ils travaillent en association avec le Guomindang ou pour d'autres types de projet. Ces films d'actualité, dans la diversité de leur contenu, constituent certes des archives pour l'histoire de la Chine, mais révèlent aussi des conceptions différentes de la mémoire nationale alors en construction. Samia Ferhat, Mémoire collective et images du passé en Chine et à Taïwan : débats autour de la représentation cinématographique de l'ennemi ou du colonisateur japonais Résumé - Depuis la capitulation du Japon en août 1945 s'est cristallisée dans la mémoire collective une vision particulière de ce pays et de son rôle dans la guerre qui en Asie orientale l'a opposé à la Chine et ses alliés, alors que depuis la fin du xixe siècle son destin était lié à celui de Taïwan. A travers l'analyse de films chinois et taïwanais, mis en perspective par un détour vers le cinéma américain, nous discutons de la façon dont la cinématographie explore ces moments du passé et en propose une nouvelle lecture par le regard attentif posé sur ses protagonistes, le plus souvent restitués dans leur singularité au-delà de toute fixation stéréotypée. Corrado Neri, L'Histoire n'est qu'un souvenir : mémoire et processus créatif chez Hou Hsiao-hsien et Wu Nien-jen Résumé - Hou Hsiao-hsien et Wu Nien-jen comptent parmi les intellectuels contemporains les plus influents à Taïwan ; ils s'aventurent tous les deux dans une évocation de l'époque coloniale japonaise, son héritage, son influence et sa mémoire. Cet article situe dans un premier temps les auteurs dans le contexte politique et social taïwanais par une analyse de leur oeuvre, de leurs textes et de la littérature qui s'est développée à leur sujet. Ensuite sont étudiés deux films traitant de l'époque de la domination japonaise et de ses conséquences sur la culture et l'imaginaire de Taïwan : Le Maître des marionnettes et A Borrowed Life. Danielle Elisseeff, Excursion dans le monde troublant des images photographiques Résumé - L'historiographie change à mesure qu'évoluent les techniques de production et de conservation de documents toujours plus nombreux et diversifiés. La note qui suit explore quelques pistes de recherche d'images relatives au début du xxe siècle en Chine. On y évoque au passage l'impact technique et social de la photographie sur la représentation du souverain à la fin de l'empire. Emmanuel Lincot, Ai Weiwei : entre engagement et mémoire Résumé - De par sa posture intellectuelle, l'artiste Ai Weiwei s'inscrit dans une tradition mémorielle. Celle de la contestation en milieu lettré tout d'abord. Mais aussi de par son attachement à des valeurs transnationales. En cela Ai Weiwei est une figure de dérangement à valeur exploratoire. Sa démarche bouscule les représentations et la mémoire. Cette dernière est mue par l'expérience. Elle ne peut pas faire l'unanimité quant à son interprétation, ne cesse de nous dire l'artiste dont on abordera ici les différentes réalisations dans des domaines aussi divers que sont l'architecture, la photographie ou l'édition. English abstracts Muriel Peytavin , The Courtesan in Painting : Idealized Portraits, Portraits of Reality This article proposes to examine a number of portraits of courtesans from the Ming ? (1368-1644) and Qing ? (1644- 1911) dynasties, within a tradition of Chinese painting where the portrait is not painted from nature or following a model but imagined according to literary texts that prescribe the principal guidelines in the matter of portraying people, specifically women. In general, a woman is treated as a general type and not as an individual person ; the image depicted is consequently an ideological construction before being a psychological construction. This article seeks to assess the ways in which artists made use of the individuality of certain courtesans and their stories, considered as a subject in their own right, by means of a pictorial treatment distinct from the painting of beauties (meiren hua ???) in order to express new ideals and unique qualities, but which failed, however, to construct a permanent image of Chinese feminine identity. Chan Tsai-yun, Memory of an Empire : The "Long March" of the Collections of the Palace Museum in the Context of War The Palace Museum, from its creation up to the present day, has maintained a close correlation with the political evolution of the Chinese world. It reflects the Chinese imperial period, the transformation of the political system of the young Republic of China and the divisions of the Chinese world. It equally bears witness to an extremely tumultuous past marked by the Sino-Japanese War and the Nationalist-Communist Civil War. This imperial heritage, divided between China and Taiwan, serves to evoke of all manner of memories among the populations for whom "Chineseness" is deeply rooted. Sandrine Marchand , Poetic Longing : Resistance to the Image in Memorial Poetry The multiple memories of Taiwan-memories of the islanders, of the aborigines and the mainlanders-were expressed in poetry, which avoids the descriptive obligations of narrative language. Poetry thus appears as the genre most capable of underlining the shifting parts of memory, its uncertain grasp as well as its unpredictable evolution. In asking ourselves what poetic language reveals about the question of memory, we consider poems from the years 1960 to 1980, from authors who are committed to bringing up a sad past, in China or Taiwan. We reflect upon the images, their tone, their role and their value in the attempt to retain the past and to bring memory to life while mistrusting the imaginative domain. Anne Kerlan , Filming for the Nation : The Newsreel and the Construction of Visual Memory in China, 1911-1941 This article re-examines the first developments of newsreel footage up until 1941 through the work of Li Minwei, a director originally from Hong Kong. Li filmed at various times the political events around Sun Yat-sen and then Chiang Kai-shek. He took part in 1930 in the founding of a film company, Lianhua, which placed a very special emphasis on the production of newsreel films. The article examines the goals of the producers, whether they worked in conjunction with the Guomindang or on other types of projects. These newsreel films, in the diversity of their contents, undoubtedly constitute an archive of the history of China, but they also reveal differing conceptions of the national memory then in the process of construction. Samia Ferhat , Collective Memory and Images of the Past in China and Taiwan : Debates Surrounding the Cinematic Representation of the Japanese Enemy or Coloniser Since the surrender of Japan in August 1945, a particular image of that county and its role in the war in East Asia that pitted Japan against China and its allies has formed in the Chinese collective memory, all the while its destiny has been linked to that of Taiwan since the end of the 19th century. Through the analysis of Chinese and Taiwanese films, put in perspective with a detour by way of American films, this article discusses the manner in which film explores these moments of the past and proposes a new reading by means of a close reading focused on their protagonists, most frequently restored to their individuality above and beyond of any stereotypical view. Corrado Neri , History is Only a Recollection : Memory and the Creative Process of Hou Hsiao-hsien and Wu Nien-jen Hou Hsiao-hsien and Wu Nien-jen are counted among the most influential contemporary intellectuals in Taiwan ; they have both ventured into evocations of the Japanese colonial period, its legacy, its influence and memory. This article first locates the authors in the political and social contexts of Taiwan by means of an analysis of their works, their texts and the writings that have built up around them. Then, two films that deal with the period of Japanese domination and its consequences for the culture and the psyche of Taiwan are examined-The Puppetmaster and A Borrowed Life . Danielle Elisseeff , A Short Excursion into the Troubling World of Photographic Images Historiography changes in relation to the evolution of the techniques of production and conservation of documents that are constantly more numerous and diversified. This research note explores several related avenues of research on images at the beginning of the 20th century in China. It raises in passing the technical and social impact of photography on the representation of the ruler at the end of the empire. Emmanuel Lincot , Ai Weiwei : Between Engagement and Memory By his intellectual stance, the artist Ai Weiwei situates himself with in a memorial tradition-that, first of all, of protest in scholarly circles, but also by means of his commitment to transnational values. In this, Ai Weiwei is a figure of at the forefront of disruption. His approach disturbs representations and memory. This last is driven by experience ; it cannot bring about any consensus in its interpretation, and speaks to us time and again of the artist we will approach here through his different achievements in fields that are as diverse as architecture, photography and publication.




The Confession of Isobel Gowdie. HPS 1800. orchestra. Partition d'étude.

New, corrected edition of MacMillan's breakthrough work, a sensation at the 1990 BBC Proms. The work is now firmly established in the contemporary orchestral repertoire worldwide and championed by leading conductors. Isobel Gowdie, from Nairn, Scotland, was publically executed in 1662 amid scenes of hysterical fright and sadism, one of 4, 500 who perished during the Scottish Reformation because their contemporaries thought they were witches. The composer remarks, "Initially I was drawn by the dramatic and programmatic potential of this insane and terrible story but the work soon developed a far more emotional core as I attempted to draw together various strands in a single, complicated act of contrition. On behalf of the Scottish people the work craves absolution and offers Isobel Gowdie the mercy and humanity that was denied her in the last days of her life. To do this I have tried to capture the soul of Scotland in music, and the outer sections contain a multitude of chants, songs and litanies (real and imagined) coming together in a reflective outpouring - a prayer for the murdered woman. This work is the Requiem that Isobel Gowdie never had". Instrumentation : orchestra



Littérature française

Almost Murder

I almost killed a man once, the most important man there was around. I was to, and then...





Whereas many books in this field deal with individual aspects or texts of the study of family laws, Leviticus : The Priestly Laws and Prohibitions from the Perspective of Ancient Near East and Africa examines extensively biblical texts, ancient Near Eastern text, and oral traditions from Africa. Thus, three different cultures converge : the world of the Hebrew Bible, the world of the ancient Near East, and the world of Africa. This volume examines in detail the history of the development of ancient laws in general and family laws in particular, especially the laws relating to marriages between close relatives. Furthermore, Johnson M. Kimuhu looks at prohibitions and taboos in Africa and the problems they pose with regard to the interpretation and translation of difficult biblical concepts into African languages. In that sense, Kimuhu provides an example of how to contextualize or integrate African traditions into the study of biblical Hebrew, and he also offers insights into the current debate on the study of kinship from the point of view of social/cultural anthropology and the Hebrew Bible legal system. Teachers, students, and researchers in biblical studies, ancient Near Eastern studies, African traditions, and social/cultural anthropology will find this book helpful in their quest to understand family laws, prohibitions, and taboos.
