
The Mighty



Romans, témoignages & Co

Ashes falling for the Sky

- Espérais-tu plus qu'un jeu, Sky ? - Certainement pas. On ne tombe pas amoureuse d'un inconnu. Pour sa première rentrée universitaire, Sky compte bien se délester de son costume de petite fille sage. Elle jette son dévolu sur Ash, attirant mais insupportable bad boy. Prête à assumer cette relation sans lendemain, Sky se jette à corps perdu dans le jeu de la séduction, mais perd lamentablement la partie. Elle fait fuir Ash, non sans avoir entrevu ses blessures. La part d'ombre d'un jeune homme qui a tout connu, même le pire. Surtout le pire... A partir de 16 ans



Roman d'amour, roman sentiment

Love Me in The Highlands

Cameron, futur avocat, et cuisinier à ses heures perdues, déteste l'imprévu. Il planifie tout jusque dans les moindres détails, que ce soit dans sa cuisine, son travail ou sa vie en général. Rien n'échappe à son contrôle ! Il vient passer un dernier été dans les Highlands, auprès de sa famille, avant de lancer sa carrière. Et il a tout prévu. Son organisation millimétrée vole en éclat quand Ruby, une jolie pâtissière, débarque comme une tornade dans sa cuisine. Pour Ruby, personne n'est plus important à ses yeux que sa grand-mère : Elsie, vieille dame fantasque qui a la réputation d'être la meilleure chiromancienne du pays. Aussi, quand celle-ci lui annonce qu'elle quitte Glasgow pour aller s'installer dans un village des Highlands, elle n'hésite pas une seconde à l'accompagner. Elle s'attendait à tout, sauf à tomber sur un cuisinier qui ressemble à s'y méprendre à un dieu viking. Dommage, il n'y a aucune chance qu'elle plaise à un homme aussi craquant... Elle pétille de vie et de créativité. Il contrôle tout et bloque ses émotions. Il a peur d'aimer, elle a peur d'être rejetée. Ils sont à l'opposé l'un de l'autre, et pourtant...



Comics divers

The Silver Coin Tome 2

La malédiction continue à se nourrir…

Un jeune garçon voulant à tout prix devenir le champion d’un jeu d’arcade, un accro aux jeux de casino soudain en veine… La mystérieuse pièce d’argent poursuit son voyage, répandant fatalité et désarroi sur son passage. A travers les siècles et les époques, le schéma reste identique : un même sou, un nouveau propriétaire, un énième malheur. Est-ce qu’un jour la boucle pourra être brisée ?

Dans ce second volume, Michael Walsh, connu et primé pour son travail sur Star Wars et Justice League/Black Hammer, fait une fois encore équipe avec les meilleurs scénaristes du moment : Josh Williamson (Nailbiter, Batman/Superman), Ram V (Blue in Green, Swamp Thing), Matthew Rosenberg (What’s the furthest place from here?, Hawkeye, 4 Kids Walk into a Bank) et Vita Ayala (New Mutants, The Wilds) afin de faire frissonner d’angoisse tous les amateurs d’horreur



Comics divers

The Silver Coin Tome 1

C’est l’histoire d’une mystérieuse pièce d’argent qui passe de main en main depuis des siècles, de la Nouvelle Angleterre puritaine aux terres ravagées de 2467… Ce sont les récits de toute les peines et toutes les horreurs qu’elle a engendrées.
Connu et primé pour son travail sur Star Wars et Justice League/Black Hammer, le scénariste Michael Walsh a donné cette ligne directrice aux
auteurs les plus réputés du moment, de Jeff Lemire à Ed Brisson, pour qu’ils écrivent chacun un chapitre de ce terrifiant anathème.
« L’ouvrage parfait pour tous ceux qui ont soif de cauchemars. » Comic Book Review



Littérature étrangère

By the rivers of Babylon

Augustown, quartier pauvre de Kingston, Jamaïque. En cet après-midi d'avril 1982, assise sur sa véranda, Ma Taffy sent dans l'air une pesanteur très particulière. Kaia, son petit-fils, rentre de l'école. Ma Taffy n'y voit plus mais elle sait reconnaître entre toutes l'odeur entêtante, envahissante, de la calamité qui se prépare. Car aujourd'hui, à l'école, Monsieur Saint-Josephs a commis l'irréparable : il a coupé les dreadlocks de Kaia – sacrilège absolu chez les rastafaris. Et voilà Ma Taffy qui tremble, elle que pourtant rien n'ébranle, pas même le chef du gang Angola ni les descentes des Babylones, toutes sirènes hurlantes. Alors, pour gagner du temps sur la menace qui gronde, Ma Taffy se met à lui raconter comment elle a assisté, petite fille au milieu d'une foule immense, à la véritable ascension d'Alexander Bedward, le Prêcheur volant. Oui, à Augustown, Jamaïque, le jour de l'Autoclapse – calamité aux promesses d'Apocalypse – est une nouvelle fois en train d'advenir. Remarquablement construit, By the rivers of Babylon est un roman puissant – magnifique chant de résistance et de libération. En bref... Augustown, quartier populaire de Kingston, années quatre-vingt. Jour de colère. A travers l'histoire d'un petit garçon rastafari dont le maître d'école vient de couper les dreads (ce qui mettra le ghetto à feu et à sang) et l'histoire parallèle que lui raconte sa grand-mère, celle d'Alexander Bedward, le Prêcheur volant à la source du mouvement rastafari, Kei Miller nous emmène au coeur vibrant de la Jamaïque.




The Alpine Climber Tome 3

Yasushi Yamanoi a tenté l'ascension de l'immense paroi rocheuse El Capitan, au Yosemite, sans succès. Il continue de grimper, travaillant dur et sans relâche afin de combler les lacunes ayant causé son échec. The Alpine Climber retrace le parcours incroyable d'une légende de l'alpinisme par le scénariste Kunihiko Yokomizo et le dessinateur Takuro Yamaji.




Baki the Grappler Tome 17

De l'orgueil des zoku à l'honneur du Kremlin ! Le tsuppari Chiharu Shiba encaisse les lourdes frappes du champion de box Iron Mickael, dont les poings frappent comme des marteaux d'acier. Sa détermination suscite l'admiration de ses pairs, mais sera-t-elle suffisante pour provoquer l'impensable ? Et quelle est donc cette agitation dont Moscou semble être saisi ? Après Taktarov et son sambo, la fière république de Russie disposerait-elle d'un autre champion pour défendre ses couleurs ? Ce tome, plein de bruits, de sang et de fureur, vous offrira une succession de duels aussi féroces qu'épiques, ainsi que des moments émouvants durant lesquels le jeune Baki s'épanchera sur ses propres motivations...



Sciences politiques

An International Bibliography of Computer-Assisted Language Learning with Annotations in German

This bibliography is a sequel to volume I of the International Bibliography of Computer Assisted Language Learning compiled by the Senior Editor and published in 1988. The roughly 2000 entries mainly cover the period from 1987 to 1991. Together, the 3051 entries in volumes I and II constitute a fairly comprehensive picture of CALL around the world. This bibliography is not restricted to English as a first, second or foreign language. The articles indexed - some 600 of them have annotations in German - report on the teaching of Arabic, Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, English, Esperanto, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latin, Polish, Russian, Spanish and Thai as target languages. A German and an English subject index help to locate entries.




Communicating Hope and Resilience Across the Lifespan

From serious illness to natural disasters, humans turn to communication as a major source of strength to help us bounce back and to keep growing and thriving. Communicating Hope and Resilience Across the Lifespan addresses the various ways in which communication plays an important role in fostering hope and resilience. Adopting a lifespan approach and offering a new framework to expand our understanding of the concepts of "hope" and "resilience" from a communication perspective, contributors highlight the variety of "stressors" that people may encounter in their lives. They examine connections between the cognitive dimensions of hope such as self-worth, self-efficacy, and creative problem solving. They look at the variety of messages that can facilitate or inhibit experiencing hope in relationships, groups, and organizations. Other contributors look at how communication that can build strengths, enhance preparation, and model successful adaptation to change has the potential to lessen the negative impact of stress, demonstrating resilience. As an important counterpoint to recent work focusing on what goes wrong in interpersonal relationships, communication that has the potential to uplift and facilitate responses to stressful circumstances is emphasized throughout this volume. By offering a detailed examination of how to communicate hope and resilience, this book presents practical lessons for individuals, marriages, families, relationship experts, as well as a variety of other practitioners.




Conjugal Chastity in Pope Wojtyla

Conjugal Chastity in Pope Wojtyla explains how Karol Wojtyla, philosopher, theologian, and Pope, tried to show how the sexual act, within the context of marriage, is an expression of love. After explaining how love as goodwill is the foundation of conjugal love, the correct relationship between love and justice is clarified. The negative dimension of the personalistic norm of Wojtyla is then critically examined. Conjugal love is explained in terms of conjugal beneficience based on conjugal benevolence. This love leads to total self-giving in each conjugal act. The procreative meaning of the conjugal act seems to be its most formal element (the soul of the act, so to speak); the unitive element is described as an essential property of this act, something which necessarily flows from the conjugal act which is open to life. Chastity is the virtue that allows sexuality to be integrated into a love which is truly personal and reflects Trinitarian Love.



Bijouterie, horlogerie

Le Guide de la joaillerie. Pour les vrais amateurs

With the promise of eternity, jewels bestow gifts of adornment and beauty on those who wear them. Their value is multifaceted : intrinsic, sentimental, magical, human. Since the dawn of time, these few grams of precious metals and gems have acted as distillations of the highest sentiments and catalysts of the lowest passions. Through its power and grandeur, jewelry has mirrored the human journey through the centuries, and French author and editor Fabienne Reybaud walks readers through all its facets while highlighting the world's most mythical stones and magnificent pieces, from the Hope Diamond to Elizabeth Taylor's La Peregrina pearl. Extensively illustrated with atelier images, original sketches and colorful photography, this volume covers everything jewelry enthusiasts need to know, including the club of five and the four Cs. It is accompanied by an essential glossary, the best museum collections to visit around the world as well as the budding designers to follow and a buyer's guide to investing in antique and vintage pieces.



Non classé

Experimental Social Dilemmas

Most of the papers on social dilemmas were presented at a conference on social dilemmas that was held at the University of Groningen in the spring of 1984. Social dilemmas are interpersonal situations that are characterized by a conflict between private and collective interest, i.e. in attempting to further their private interests, participants may end up worser off than if they had abandonned self-interest and worked for the good of the community. The chapters in this book describe efforts made by social psychologists, sociologists, and political scientists to advance our understanding of the psychological processes that influence people's behavior in social dilemmas. It is assumed that understanding of these processes can help our search for solutions.



Thèmes photo

Michael Kenna. Arbres, Edition bilingue français-anglais

For almost fifty years, trees have marked the career of Michael Kenna, a photographer known and recognised for the virtuosity of his technique. An essential link with the earth, sky, air, light, silence, and reflections, Kenna pays tribute to them by taking their portrait. Pictorial, dreamlike, graphic, romantic, hazy, poetic, the artist celebrates these great lords of nature. The photographer, a tireless wanderer, travels the world, from France to New Zealand, to the United States, criss-crossing Japan, to immortalise trees and forests. From dense woods to light-filled canopies, to tiny trees isolated in majesty within idyllic white landscapes, beauty is offered to us in the range of species photographed as much as in the variation of compositions. Exclusively in black and white, these photographs unfurl through the seasons, giving rhythm and emphasis to time.




My hero academia Tome 2 : Déchaîne-toi, maudit nerd !

Pris pour cible par un super-vilain, Izuku est secouru de main de maître par son idole en personne ! Il découvre alors qu'All Might, très diminué par une ancienne blessure, ne peut plus utiliser son alter que trois heures par jour... Aussi, lorsque son camarade Katsuki est attaqué quelques instants plus tard, son sang ne fait qu'un tour : malgré sa terreur, il se précipite à la rescousse du jeune garçon ! Témoin de cet acte de bravoure, All Might décide de faire d'Izuku son successeur. Après un entraînement drastique, notre apprenti héros réussit à intégrer le prestigieux lycée Yuei, mais il y a un hic : impossible pour lui de maîtriser le One for All, le pouvoir hérité d'All Might...



Non classé

Modern Mathematical Methods in Diffraction Theory and its Applications in Engineering

In 1896 A. Sommerfeld published his famous paper "Zur Theorie der Diffraktion" in vol. 47 of the "Mathematische Annalen". His investigations initiated the study of boundary value problems in scattering theory. A long series of research works on general mixed boundary value problems sprang up then. Boundary integral equations together with the Wiener-Hopf method have been generalized and are now a basis for analytical and numerical studies by many mathematicians and engineers working on wave diffraction problems. Commemorating the centenary of Sommerfeld's paper, the aim of this conference is to join the experts and young researchers to present surveys and new results.



Non classé

Thackeray and the Problem of Realism

Although it is traditional to see a certain kind of "realism" as the essence of fiction, in practice novels of course offer not a simple reproduction of experience but a throughgoing organization of it. The novel is, after all, a bourgeois genre and it reflects that bourgeois view of life according to which the world is there merely to be dominated and controlled by man. This study examines both Thackeray's early fiction, in which both the novel form and the manipulative society to which it belongs are attacked, and his later works, in which they are defended, and tries to determine the reasons for this change.



Autres collections (9 à 12 ans

Les enquêtes de Tom et Lola : Le mystère du voleur de Noël. Edition bilingue français-anglais

Quelques jours avant Noël, les enfants Pancake, Alice et Arthur découvrent que leur maison a été cambriolée. Tous les cadeaux déposés au pied du sapin ont disparu. A l'aide de nos héros Tom, Lola et Pepsy, vont-ils réussir à retrouver le voleur ? - Some days before Christmas, the Pancake children discover that their house has been burgled. All the Christmas presents are gone. With the help of our heroes Tom, Lola and Pepsy, will they manage to find the thief ?



Non classé

Nietzsche and the End of Freedom

Nietzsche's writing is not some game of 'freeplay' and terms like 'intertextuality' are useless in discussing its influence. This study takes Nietzsche, then Kafka's Trial, Thomas Mann's Death in Venice, Heinrich Mann's Man of Straw, Rilke's Malte Laurids Brigge and Musil's Törless. It argues that Nietzsche mediates and modernises the dilemmas of Romanticism and that a properly differentiated account of his literary reception can illuminate the dynamics of German culture on the eve of the Great War.




Quatre ans d'études aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique. L'expérience d'une jeune malienne, Edition bilingue français-anglais

Cet ouvrage retrace l'histoire d'une jeune malienne de 17 ans partie étudier à Richmond, en Virginie. Le long de son récit autobiographique, l'autrice décrit les difficultés qu'elle a rencontrées aux USA ainsi que les belles expériences vécues sur place. This autobiographical work retraces the story of a 17 years-old Malian girl who went to study in Richmond, Virginia. Throughout her story, the author describes the difficulties she encountered living in the USA as well as her beautiful experiences.



Histoire internationale

Direct and Inverse Boundary Value Problems

This volume contains papers presented to the 12th conference on "Methods and Techniques of Mathematical Physics" held on November 26 - December 2, 1989 at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach.The papers mainly focus at direct and inverse boundary value problems arising in classical scattering theory, fluid mechanics, magnetohydrodynamics, and potential theory and they aim at interchanging mathematical tools and ideas among mathematicians, physicists, and engineers.



Critique littéraire

My Fight

February 1997, a native of Italy patient is repatriated emergency in the intensive care unit where Claie works. This is a family reunion is the first cause of his transfer. Letting themselves be overwhelmed by his feelings, Claie she will live a fairy tale ? ... You will discover more of this story by browsing through the pages of this book. Love, passion, delusion, betrayal ... So many emotions !



Autres collections (9 à 12 ans

Le jardin partagé. Edition bilingue français-anglais

Tarentelle veut empêcher les habitants de Fontaine-sans-Eau d'avoir un jardin partagé. Réussira-t-elle à faire capoter le projet ? Tarantella doesn't want the inhabitants of Fountain-without-Water to share a garden. How will she manage to derail the project ?



Sciences de la terre et de la

Stars and Stellar Evolution

The diverse forms that stars assume in the course of their lives can all be derives from the initial conditions : the mass and the original chemical composition. In this textbook the basic concepts of stellar structure and the main roads of stellar evolution are described. First, the observable parameters are presented, which are based on the radiation emerging from a stellar atmosphere. Then the bascphysics is described, such as the physics of gases, radiation transport, and nuclear processes, followed by essential aspects of modelling the structure of stars. After a chapter on star formation, the various steps in the evolution of stars are presented. This leads us to brown dwarfs, to the way of star changes into the red-giant state and numerous other stages of evolution and ultimately to the stellar ashes such as white dwarfs, supernovae and neutron stars. Stellar winds, stellar rotation and convection all influence the way a star evolves. The evolution of binary stars is included by using several canonical examples in which interactive processes lead to X-Ray binaries and supernovae of type la. Finally, the consequence of the study of stellar evolution are tied to observed mass ans luminosity functions and to the overall evolution of matter in the universe.



Non classé

Style and Rhetoric in Bertrand Russels's Work

A thorough examination of Bertrand Russell's language is the object of this study. Since this is the first major analysis of his writing style, examples taken from a wide spectrum of his writings are examined. Structurally the investigation begins by treating individual vocabulary and then moves on to larger structural units, covering such areas as figurative language and description. The final chapter deals with his rhetoric, discussing his methods of persuasion and the logic of his arguments. This careful analysis of his writings is significant in that it sheds new light on interesting aspects of Russell's character.



Littérature française

Tina shot me between the eyes and other stories

"Tidjani Alou's writing sketches the commonplace and the metaphysical, with heft, honesty, and audacity. The range is compelling, as she takes us through lives in places as diverse as Accra and Niamey. The prose is deft, her metaphors sting with accuracy. This is a writer to think and feel with". - Emmanuel Iduma, editor, Saraba Magazine. In fifteen formidable lyrical prose, Tina Shot Me Between the Eyes explores how the self is shaped and transformed by the knots we yearn to tie around ourselves : familial, spousal, parental, and societal. It tackles how we struggle in relationships for nourishment and fulfilment, and how connections could kill us and how we could kill to survive - a potent force for understanding humanity and the nuances of acts of violence, tolerance, faith and love.



Non classé

She’s Leaving Home

This collection of essays, written by scholars from all over Europe, explores the cultural meanings of women leaving home. Although all the chapters analyse writings in English, the volume aims to put the narrative element of home-leaving into a European context by investigating travel in various directions : from England to somewhere abroad, from the (former) colonies to the (former) imperial centre or simply within a psychic space. The female figures discussed in the volume leave home for various reasons – to go into exile, to challenge orthodox conceptions of femininity, to travel for pleasure or out of curiosity – but ultimately each of them has to face questions of the definitions of home, belonging and otherness. Consequently, the essays in this collection focus on how the cross-cultural encounters implicated in discourses of race, gender, nation and religion affect female identity. The ‘protagonists' of these narratives range from mythical heroines to early modern Protestant refugees to fictitious and historical figures from the past 200 years. The discussion throughout is informed by contemporary theories of gender, literary and cultural studies.



Ecrits sur l'art

Discovering the Impressionists. Memoirs of Paul Durand-Ruel

Paul Durand-Ruel redefined the role of the art dealer. An exceptional entrepreneur and precursor of the international art market scene, he established a network of galleries between Paris, London, Brussels, and New York, and organized international traveling exhibitions. The first to recognize the talent of the Barbizon School artists and then the impressionists, and confident in his role championing their art, Paul Durand-Ruel established the careers of visionary artists including Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley, Berthe Morisot, and Mary Cassatt. This book-fully revised and updated by the Durand-Ruel estate-is an indispensable reference for understanding the artistic circles and the art market of the nineteenth century. Retracing the dealer's life from 1831 to 1922, it features more than sixty illustrations including archival documents and reproductions of works of art, a selection of articles and letters, a list of the principal exhibitions and paintings he displayed, as well as a biographical timeline, family tree, and indexes to key figures, artists, and artworks.



Littérature française

Understanding human nature the psychology of personality

"Understanding Human Nature : The Psychology of Personality" is a seminal work by Alfred Adler, an Austrian psychiatrist and psychotherapist. Published in 1927, this book presents Adler's theories on personality and human behavior, which laid the foundation for the school of individual psychology. In the book, Adler explores the fundamental aspects of human nature, including the dynamics of personality development, the influence of social factors, and the significance of individual experiences and perceptions. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the subjective experiences of individuals and how they shape their behavior and worldview. One of Adler's key concepts is the "inferiority complex, " which he argues is a driving force behind human behavior. He suggests that individuals strive for superiority to overcome feelings of inferiority, and that these efforts shape their personality and motivations. "Understanding Human Nature" offers insights into various aspects of human psychology, including the formation of personality traits, the role of early childhood experiences, and the impact of societal influences. Adler's holistic approach to understanding human behavior continues to influence psychology and psychotherapy to this day.



Physique, chimie

Neutron Physics

Originally just an offshoot of nuclear physics, neutron physics soon became a branch of physics in its own right. It deals with the movement of neutrons in nuclear reactors and all the nuclear reactions they trigger there, particularly the fission of heavy nuclei which starts a chain reaction to produce energy. Neutron Physics covers the whole range of knowledge of this complex science, discussing the basics of neutron physics and some principles of neutron physics calculations. Because neutron physics is the essential part of reactor physics, it is the main subject taught to students of Nuclear Engineering. This book takes an instructional approach for that purpose. Neutron Physics is also intended for all physicists and engineers involved in development or operational aspects of nuclear power.



Autres collections (9 à 12 ans

Les enquêtes de Tom et Lola : Le mystère du trésor du château. Edition bilingue français-anglais

Tom, Lola et Pepsy visitent le Pays de Galles. C'est le pays du roi Arthur, de Merlin et des chevaliers de la Table Ronde. Nos trois héros découvrent le vol d'un trésor dans un vieux château. Vont-ils une fois encore élucider ce mystère ? - Tom, Lola and Pepsy visit Wales, country of King Arthur, Merlin and the Knights of the Round Table. Our 3 heroes discover the theft of a treasure in an old castle. Will they manage to find the thief ?
