
Flashpoint Beyond



BD tout public

Doctor Gachet's portrait

A picture named "Doctor Gachet's portrait" has been stolen a night from a museum. Immediately, the news offer the event and our heroes start the research after some clue that leads them to the thief. After travelling across some countries following his trace, they realize that a smuggling network is behind the robbery, led by minister Goring. Among their loot is an enormous amount of pictures stolen from private collectors, with the aim of transporting and hiding them beyond their frontiers.




Power Rangers Mighty Morphin Tome 3 : L'ère de Repulsa

Ensemble, pour affronter le mal ! Tommy et Billy sont perdus dans un monde mystérieux et sans leurs pouvoirs. Alors que le monde peine à se remettre de l'attaque de Rita, Jason, Kimberly, Zack, Trini et Alpha 5 doivent faire tout leur possible pour sauver Zordon et ramener leurs amis en sûreté... Kyle Higgins (Nightwing, Batman Beyond 2. 0) et Hendry Prasetya (Power Girl) réussissent le tour de force d'adapter la licence superstar Power Rangers en une série fraîche et contemporaine.




Superman rebirth Tome 1 : Le fils de Superman

A la mort du Superman de la Renaissance, l'esprit de vérité et de justice qu'il représentait a semblé disparaître avec lui. Mais un Homme d'Acier bien plus aguerri restait à l'affût, opérant dans l'ombre. Et il est grand temps pour ce protecteur d'une Metropolis parallèle de reprendre le flambeau, car l'Eradicator est en route pour la Terre, et aucune forme de vie ne semble pouvoir lui résister... Superman Rebirth ou les nouvelles aventures de l'Homme d'Acier. Dans ce premier tome, qui marque le début d'une nouvelle ère pour le Dernier Fils de Krypton, Peter J. Tomasi (Superman Requiem) s'associe à Patrick Gleason (Robin fils de Batman) pour reprendre les aventures du Superman de la période pré-Flashpoint. Sous le trait rond et subtil de Gleason, et la colorisation explosive de John Kalisz, c'est entouré de parents aimants et attentionnés que le fils du couple originel va apprendre à maîtriser ses nouveaux pouvoirs, et il risque d'en avoir rapidement besoin...



Poches Littérature internation

Le rapport de Brodie

"En 1885 Kipling avait commencé, à Lahore, une série de brefs récits, écrits de façon simple, dont il allait faire un recueil en 1890. Beaucoup d'entre eux - In the House of Sudhoo, Beyond the Pale, The gate of the Hundred Sorrows - sont de laconiques chefs-d'oeuvre ; je me suis dit un jour que ce qu'avait imaginé et réussi un jeune homme de génie pouvait, sans outrecuidance, être imité par un homme au seuil de la vieillesse et qui a du métier. Cette pensée a eu pour résultat le présent volume que mes lecteurs jugeront". J. L. Borges.


Non classé

Proceedings of the International Coastal Congress ICC-Kiel '92

The contributions to this book cover a wide range of subjects from a variety of coastrelated fields, from coastal regions in Europe and beyond. They are mainly aimed at identifying urgent problems within the coastal zones of these regions and at making a contribution to their solution. Future climate-depending risks for coastal areas (e.g. erosion, flooding), their conservation and protection make up a central part of these issues of concern. With respect to the program structure a division was made according to the overall list of proposed topics into both thematic and regional topical sessions.




Goebius' Strange Model

A company elaborates in great secrecy a project, vital to its very survival. As the project develops, it leads the protagonists far beyond the originally envisioned simple business strategy, and brings them close to the forefront of the physical laws governing the behavior of the universe. Two intrigues intertwine... will they meet ? Or do they form the single-sided face of a Möbius strip ? "This novel is as unexpected as a UFO, and refreshing..." Cédric Villani, Fields Medal 2010. "This book is fascinating, I read it all at once..." Etienne Ghys, Perpetual Secretary of the French Academy of Sciences.



Comics Super-héros

Venom Tome 7 : Ailleurs

Voilà des mois que le Créateur, cette version de Reed Richards venue d'un monde parallèle, se passionne pour les symbiotes. Aujourd'hui, nous allons enfin en découvrir la raison. Mais quand cette nouvelle menace risque de détruire tout ce à quoi Eddie Brock tient, y compris son fils, Venom n'a pas l'intention de rester passif ! La saga Venom Beyond ! fait partie des temps forts d'une période qui en compte beaucoup, tant les scénarios de Donny Cates (Thor, King in Black, Silver Surfer : Black) fourmillent d'idées. Elle est recueillie ici dans son intégralité.





Do you like to learn by doing? Do manuals leave you craving for real-world examples? Are you looking for concrete training that goes beyond theory and reference materials? Learn Dreamweaver by following classroom-proven exercises that will teach you to build sophisticated web pages. This book is geared toward people who have never written HTML or those who would like to switch from coding by hand to a visual HTML editor. Complete with insider tips, illustrated with detailed graphics, and accompanied by a CD-ROM that's loaded with guided exercises, demo software and QuickTime movies, this book ensures that you'll learn all the key features of Dreamweaver 2.





The Unleashed series takes you beyond the average discussions of the technology, giving you practical advice and in-depth coverage. With these extensive guides, you'll obtain the skills, understanding, and breadth of knowledge to unleash the full potential of TCP/IP. Detailed information on how to... • Configure Windows, UNIX, Macintosh, and Linux machines to use TCP/IP • Access the Internet using PPP and SLIP • Manage networks with SNMP and MIBs • Secure your TCP/IP applications • Use TCP/IP with other network operating systems such as NetWare • Use TCP/IP utilities such as Telnet and FTP • Configure local area networks • Troubleshoot network problems • Use DHCP, WINS, DNS, and NFS



Non classé

Pedagogic Design and Literary Form in the Work of Adalbert Stifter

This investigation brings to light the fundamental significance of literary form as the chief mediator of Stifter's pedagogic endeavour, an aspect so far neglected in Stifter literature. It opposes the widely held view that Stifter's pedagogic incentive is a result of the Austrian revolution of 1848. While Stifter's pedagogic thought stems primarily from his Kremsmünster education in the spirit of Josephinism, it is his increasingly sensitive and respectful involvement of the reader's perceptive powers in conveying the import which, far beyond the expression of pedagogic design in terms of moral and social maxims, reveals Stifter's originality as a pedagogic writer.



Comics Super-héros

Marvel Comics (II) Tome 7

Le Beyonder est de nouveau parmi nous ! Mais que veut-il aux Avengers ? Spider-Boy se lance dans ses propres aventures tandis que le Spider-Man Supérieur fait son grand retour ! Comment Tony Stark peut-il se racheter envers les mutants, maintenant que les Sentinelles sont équipées de sa technologie ? Et pour affronter Toranos, Thor rassemble toute une équipe ! Le vent de la nouveauté ne cesse de souffler sur le mensuel parfaitement en raccord avec l'actualité des comics Marvel aux U. S. Pas moins de trois nouvelles séries font leurs débuts avec Avengers Beyond (la suite directe d'All-Out Avengers) mais aussi Spider-Boy et Superior Spider-Man !



Comics Super-héros

Marvel Comics (II) Tome 7 . Edition collector

Le Beyonder est de nouveau parmi nous ! Mais que veut-il aux Avengers ? Spider-Boy se lance dans ses propres aventures tandis que le Spider-Man Supérieur fait son grand retour ! Comment Tony Stark peut-il se racheter envers les mutants, maintenant que les Sentinelles sont équipées de sa technologie ? Et pour affronter Toranos, Thor rassemble toute une équipe ! Le vent de la nouveauté ne cesse de souffler sur le mensuel parfaitement en raccord avec l'actualité des comics Marvel aux U. S. Pas moins de trois nouvelles séries font leurs débuts avec Avengers Beyond (la suite directe d'All-Out Avengers) mais aussi Spider-Boy et Superior Spider-Man !



Critique littéraire

Etudes anglaises N° 3/2022 : Revisiting 1922

ARTICLES Laurent FOLLIOT : Foreword. 1922 And All That ; or, Modernism After All Amélie DUCROUX : T. S. Eliot's "Significance" Aurore CLAVIER : "The Past is the Present" : Marianne Moore's Historiographical Observations Olivier HERCEND : Agency beyond Action : Modernist Characters as Interpreters and Readers Christine REYNIER : Rethinking Modernism with Sylvia Townsend Warner's Lolly Willowes (1926) Valérie FAVRE : The Token Woman of 1922 ? Virginia Woolf and the Gendered Battles of Anglo-American Modernist Criticism Diane DROUIN : "Mine was a dislocated journey" : Reflexivity and Fragmentation in Mina Loy's Autobiographies and Archives VARIA Ronald LESSENS : Un chevalier dans la tourmente révolutionnaire : les ancêtres français de Virginia Woolf et de Julia Margaret Cameron Notes on contributors



Comics Super-héros

Marvel Comics Tome 6

Impossible de raconter ce qui arrive à Spider-Man dans cet album sans dévoiler l'intrigue ! Sachez simplement que vous allez découvrir la conclusion de plusieurs années d'aventures. Vous lirez que Deathlok cherche à prévenir les Avengers d'un danger. Vous assisterez à un affrontement divin entre... Iron Man et Korvac ! ? Quant à Thor, il traque la personne qui a volé Mjolnir ! Cet album est à marquer d'une pierre blanche puisqu'il signe la fin du long séjour de Nick Spencer sur la série Amazing Spider-Man, avant le lancement de Spider-Man Beyond le mois prochain ! Sans oublier que les Avengers entament une nouvelle aventure et que Nic Klein revient au dessin de la série Thor !



Comics Super-héros

Miles Morales: Spider-Man Tome 2 : Mauvais sang

Les pires vilains semblent s'être donné le mot pour faire la peau à Miles Morales, alias Spider-Man ! Après Carnage, c'est au tour du Super-Bouffon de le prendre pour cible. Mais aussi étonnant que cela puisse paraître, ce n'est pas le plus gros problème de Miles ! Il a un autre souci : quels sont ces nouveaux pouvoirs qu'il se découvre ? Il faudra attendre plus longtemps que prévu pour déguster le troisième volet des aventures animées de Miles Morales, puisque la sortie de Spider-Man : Beyond the Spider-Verse a été repoussée. Raison de plus pour que les fans du personnage se tournent vers les aventures les plus récentes du héros !





With PowerBuilder 7 you have a powerful tool for distributed applications! Jaguar Development with PowerBuilder 7 will leverage your current PowerBuilder knowledge to a broad, new level of usefulness. Packed with code samples and step-by-step explanations including useful screen shots, this book gives you a quick way to learn Jaguar CTS. If you have any experience with PowerBuilder and want to move beyond two-tier computing, this book is for you. What's inside * An overview of distributed computing * How to set up and install Jaguar * Overview of Jaguar CTS and how it handles components, databases and transactions * PB as a component model * How to build jaguar clients with PB * Keys to DataWindow sychronization * How to build a multi-threaded PB application * Overview of CORBA




The Search for Meaning in the Australian Novel

This thesis grew out of an epistemological interest centered on the search for meaning in literature, and out of a reading of Australian novels. Reaching beyond signification, the creation of meaning in literature refers to the significance a text acquires for the recipient's existence. The potential of this meaningfulness fluctuates between a process of explanation, of uncovering hidden meaning, and deception. Assuming that this range is best demonstrated in the literary treatment of negative experiences in human existence, of pain and suffering, we analyse how Australian novelists and critics set paradigms of meaning against the "Non-Sense" in experienced reality, who and what the agents of meaningfulness in Australian literature are, how they relate to each other and how they affect our reading experience.




Language and Transcendence

This study provides, in the notion of transcendence, a framework for interpreting Heidegger's thinking in regard to language, one of his major preoccupations. It both locates his thinking in its historical context, and, while still remaining faithful to it, frees it for discussion and evaluation in a horizon beyond Heidegger's own, by showing how heideggerian insights are crucial to the development of Karl-Otto Apel's linguistically-based transcendental philosophy. The full import of Heidegger's thinking for the central concerns and problems of philosophy is thus revealed by tracing how, in Apel's work, it is made both ethically relevant and capable of fruitful dialogue with Anglo-American philosophical discourse, represented by such thinkers as Wittgenstein and Peirce.



Littérature française

My Ulster haven

1989, a 23-year-old French woman, an English student with a burdensome family background, leaves for Northern Ireland. She's on her way to start her French assistant job. She discovers this unknown part of Ireland, so underestimated and still plunged into civil war. There, she settles down and blossoms until she decides she actually wants to live there. An unexpected event will bring her back to France in 1991, but the link with this country will carry on until the Brexit announcement in 2016, and well beyond. An intimate journey to the core of Irish History, that reaches the depths of its wars, its men, its women, a journey at the very heart of the past. "A page of history - and of my history - is turning and it throws me off."



Antiquité - Généralités

Egyptian Cults and Sanctuaries on Delos

Renowned to this day for its Sanctuary of Apollo, the island of Delos was a flourishing trading port in antiquity that drew both Greeks and foreigners to its shores for commercial purposes. Many exotic deities - some hailing from the east and others, introduced by the Italian community, from the west - were worshipped on the island. Among these foreign divinities, the Egyptian gods figured prominently, and their first appearance can be dated to the 3rd century BC. The spread of Egyptian-Greek cults beyond the Nile Valley favoured the worship of the goddess Isis. While the goddess was the object of great devotion on Delos as elsewhere, it was actually the god Sarapis who was at the centre of a pantheon forming a triad with Isis and Anubis, joined by Harpocrates, Ammon and Osiris.




PURE JAVASCRIPT. A Code-Intensive Premium Reference

Pure JavaScript is a premium reference for experienced JavaScript programmers. It contains concise descriptions of JavaScript forms, cookies, windows, and layers. It also includes an accelerated introduction to JavaScript concepts and components. Beyond the brief descriptions and short syntax snippets found in most references, this book provides real-life, well-commented JavaScript examples for each documented object, property, method, and event handler. This not only helps your understanding of the syntax, but also provides a contextual aid in determining how and why a specific object or method may be used. Pure JavaScript also includes: • A special reference section dedicated to server-side JavaScript • Coverage of JScript and Microsoft's Active Scripting • A complete reference to browser-supported JavaScript, including support for Netscape Navigator, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Opera.





Detailed information on how to... * Learn the latest proven OOA (Object Oriented Analysis) techniques from a leader in the field! * Go beyond the basics and apply advanced design techniques to your applications. * Master all of the development languages available to you in Domino! You'll find three chapters each on the Formula Language, LotusScript, Java and JavaScript, and a chapter on HTML, plus a chapter to help you determine when to use each language. * Analyze your Domino applications using TeamStudio Analyzer. * Use all of the new features in R5: Resources, Outlines, Pages, Framesets and more! * Work effectively with Notes security in your applications. * Take full advantage of the Integrated Development Environment (IDE). * Rev up your Web and intranet applications with Java, JavaScript, HTML and Domino URLs. * The complete book and source code is contained in a searchable Domino database available on the CD.




Glasgow Urban Writing and Postmodernism

Alasdair Gray is one of the most innovative and imaginative writers to have appeared on the Scottish literary scene for many years. Gray radically challenges the vision of Glasgow and Scotland as defined by the traditional Glasgow novel. This study first looks back into the past of Glasgow writing to locate some specific novelistic models which Gray echoes in his fiction. The main part of the study then illustrates that Gray's literary attitude of looking beyond Glasgow (or Scotland) is much more helpful in "imagining Glasgow" than to follow the established and trodden paths of Scottish urban writing. In this sense, Gray proves that the narrative techniques characteristic of postmodernist writing are not only helpful in expressing the often quoted Scottish experience of fragmentation, but also in overcoming the artistic stalemate of the Glasgow novel.




The Most Notorious Talker Tome 2

Noel, le Talker qui avait promis à son grand-père de devenir le plus fort des Seekers, est maintenant le stratège des Blue Beyond, un groupe d'aventuriers qu'il mène de main de maître. Malheureusement, il découvre un jour que deux de ses camarades se sont enfuis avec toute leur fortune ! Ces derniers sont bien loin de se douter de la cruauté du sort qui les attend... Noel se met ensuite à la recherche de nouveaux aventuriers afin de combler le vide laissé par les malheureux traîtres. Dans un premier temps, son annonce n'attire aucun candidat intéressant, jusqu'à ce qu'une mystérieuse jeune femme du nom d'Alma, qui prétend être la descendante d'un assassin légendaire, fasse son apparition !! Ainsi se poursuit la tumultueuse et fantastique épopée du jeune Talker qui dirigera un jour le plus fort des clans !




Annales bergsoniennes. Tome 9, Bergson et les écrivains

Cet ouvrage s'articule autour d'un dossier " Bergson et les écrivains" , réuni par Clément Girardi. Il est lui-même précédé d'un inédit, à savoir les notes prises par l'écrivain américain T. S. Eliot au cours de Bergson au Collège de France de 1910-1911 sur la personnalité. Le volume se termine par une liste de tous les textes de langue allemande (sources de Bergson, textes sur Bergson et traductions de ses livres) présents dans la bibliothèque du philosophe, ou empruntés par lui à la bibliothèque de l'Ecole normale supérieure, ainsi que par une recension du livre de Keith Ansell Pearson, Bergson. Thinking beyond the human condition. Il contient également, dans ses dernières pages, une liste, aussi exhaustive que possible, des travaux publiés et des thèses soutenues, pour la période 2016-2019, par les membres de la Société des amis de Bergson.



Comics Super-héros

Marvel Comics Tome 13

Fin de l'ère Beyond ! Qu'est-il arrivé au Lézard ? Monica Rambeau pourra-t-elle aider Ben Reilly ? C'est un final en apothéose avec un combat que vous n'attendiez pas : Spider-Man contre Spider-Man ! Quant aux Avengers, face à Méphisto, ils partent recruter des héros à travers les âges, tandis que nous visitons une prison dimensionnelle où sont enfermées de multiples versions de Steve Rogers ! Quant à Tony Stark, il demande Hellcat en mariage ! ? C'est un grand tournant qui s'opère pour Spider-Man ce mois-ci, puisque la série sera relancée le mois prochain avec de nouveaux auteurs. A noter que les amateurs du rendez-vous mensuel des plus importantes séries Marvel, ne voudront pas manquer le 100% MARVEL : HULK/THOR qui sort ce mois-ci et qui prolonge directement les aventures du Dieu du Tonnerre habituellement publiées ici.



Comics Super-héros

Marvel Comics Tome 13 . Edition collector

Fin de l'ère Beyond ! Qu'est-il arrivé au Lézard ? Monica Rambeau pourra-t-elle aider Ben Reilly ? C'est un final en apothéose avec un combat que vous n'attendiez pas : Spider-Man contre Spider-Man ! Quant aux Avengers, face à Méphisto, ils partent recruter des héros à travers les âges, tandis que nous visitons une prison dimensionnelle où sont enfermées de multiples versions de Steve Rogers ! Quant à Tony Stark, il demande Hellcat en mariage ! ? C'est un grand tournant qui s'opère pour Spider-Man ce mois-ci, puisque la série sera relancée le mois prochain avec de nouveaux auteurs. A noter que les amateurs du rendez-vous mensuel des plus importantes séries Marvel, ne voudront pas manquer le 100% MARVEL : HULK/THOR qui sort ce mois-ci et qui prolonge directement les aventures du Dieu du Tonnerre habituellement publiées ici.



Sciences politiques

Chroniques électorales. Tome 2, La cinquième république du général de Gaulle

Here, at last collected in three volumes, are the classic analyses of each of the French postwar elections and referenda which François Goguel had published in various journals and symposia. The three volumes - Volume I deals with the Fourth Republic, Volume II with the Fifth from 1958 to 1969 and Volume III with the Fifth after de Gaulle - are an indispensable référence tool, the only work which provides full data on elections and voting behavior in postwar France. But François Goguel does not only present data : in his double role as political scientist and practitioner, he considers the effects of voting Systems, political cleavages, and voting behavior factors, that is, the contradiction between the effects of immediate political conditions and political culture for each élection and its relation to the other élections. Thus through and beyond elections, François Goguel présents a genuine political history of France under the Fourth and the Fifth Republics.





Today's PC games look better, sound better, and play better than ever before. But, they can also push your PC to its performance limits-and beyond. Take a trip down technology road with Computer Gaming World Contributing Editor Loyd Case as he shows you how to wring out the maximum gaming performance from your PC. Along the way, you'll learn a little about the inner workings of computer games, become a smart shopper when upgrading your PC, and become adept at building a souped up gaming system with. the components of your choosing. • Learn the ins and outs of 3D graphics technology, positional audio, and DirectX • Get help choosing that new 3D graphics card, CPU, or other hardware • Discover how to build or upgrade your own hot rod gaming rig • Tune up your PC for maximum gaming punch • Learn how to use the Internet for adrenaline-pumping, multi-player games • See how to set up your own local area network for LAN gaming parties




Interpreting Quebec’s Exile Within the Federation. Selected Political Essays

This book combines the approaches of political theory and of intellectual history to provide a lucid account of Québec's contemporary situation within the Canadian federation. Guy Laforest considers that the province of Québec, and its inhabitants, are exiled within Canada. They are not fully integrated, politically and constitutionally, nor are they leaving the federation, for now and for the foreseeable future. They are in between these two predicaments. Laforest provides insights into the current workings of the Canadian federation, and some of its key figures of the past fifty years, such as Pierre Elliott Trudeau, René Lévesque, Stephen Harper and Claude Ryan. The book also offers thought-provoking studies of thinkers and intellectuals such as James Tully, Michel Seymour and André Burelle. Laforest revisits some key historical documents and events, such as the Durham Report and the 1867 and 1982 constitutional documents. He offers political and constitutional proposals that could contribute to help Québec moving beyond the current predicament of internal exile.
