
Chroniques électorales. Tome 2, La cinquième république du général de Gaulle

François Goguel

Here, at last collected in three volumes, are the classic analyses of each of the French postwar elections and referenda which François Goguel had published in various journals and symposia. The three volumes - Volume I deals with the Fourth Republic, Volume II with the Fifth from 1958 to 1969 and Volume III with the Fifth after de Gaulle - are an indispensable référence tool, the only work which provides full data on elections and voting behavior in postwar France. But François Goguel does not only present data : in his double role as political scientist and practitioner, he considers the effects of voting Systems, political cleavages, and voting behavior factors, that is, the contradiction between the effects of immediate political conditions and political culture for each élection and its relation to the other élections. Thus through and beyond elections, François Goguel présents a genuine political history of France under the Fourth and the Fifth Republics.

Par François Goguel
Chez Les Presses de Sciences Po

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01/01/1983 526 pages 36,00 €
Scannez le code barre 9782724604641
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