
Seraph of the end Tome 23



Non classé

Nurses' Medication Errors

The meaning that nurses assign to experiences with medication errors is examined within the framework of an interpretative research design. Nurses' concrete experiences provided the data. Discourse analysis as the nucleus of the analytic tools employed is described and exemplified in the context of this phenomenologically based study. The decisions made in such situations as addressed here have moral implications on personal, institutional, and professional levels. The willingness to be self critical and the readiness to communicate as the two attitudes fundamental to moral decision-making empower nurses to develop a perception of personal and professional integrity. Description, analysis and interpretation of nurses' discourse about medication errors reveal how experiences, when talked about, shapen and influence practice.



Littérature française

Running in the dark

Everything starts when the General de Gaulle is kidnaped during the 1968's events. After that, the humanity will live in the darkness for years. The Markovic case disturbed the Pompidou period ; the assassination of former Chah and Direct Action's leaders marked an Iranian revolution ; the flights of 9/11 in New York ; the treason of Saddam Hussein by a rejected admirer ; the elimination of terrorists by unknown volunteers ; the murder attempts on Russian and American presidents ; the risk of a cataclysm from an attack of a US Navy nuclear aircraft carrier... All those tragic and deadly events, passed through the author's fictional filter, are an opportunity to thousands twists that question and take...



Non classé

Gabrielle Roy and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry:-«Terre des Hommes» - Self and Non-Self

The pivotal work within the literary corpus of both Antoine de Saint-Exupéry and Gabrielle Roy each, significantly, bears the title Terre des hommes. Saint-Exupéry encapsulates the results of a searching existential and humanist enquiry into a récit (1939), and Roy her similar findings into a thirty-page essay commissioned to introduce the 1967 Montréal World Exposition, itself named "Terre des Hommes". These pieces of writing, and the development of their key themes in other texts, lend themselves eminently to comparison for through Roy's essay we learn of her specific attraction to the Exupérian ethos of "l'homme" (self) and man's interaction with "la terre" (non-self). The present study aims principally to detect the presence of these essences in each author's work. In a subsidiary way it also endeavours to situate their rationals within a certain historico-literary context. Finally, an attempt is made to critically assess especially Roy's distinctive representation, through literature, of the self and the exterior world.




Systems as Playgrounds. deValence at kyoto ddd gallery, Edition bilingue français-anglais

deValence is a graphic design studio founded in Paris in 2001. Published on the occasion of its exhibition at kyoto ddd gallery, this book presents a selection of works designed in the field of theater, architecture, design, publishing and contemporary art. deValence pays particular attention to typography and the process of shape forming. In tandem with this prolific activity, the studio has an associated publishing house, B42, which produces works that seek to stimulate reflection on and discussion of visual cultures and design as well as the role of the designer in society. For this first solo exhibition in Japan dedicated to the studio, the kyoto ddd gallery is presenting a selection of the studio's projects illustrating its contribution to the renewal of contemporary graphic design.



Histoire internationale

Ethnicity, Children & Habitus

This book is concerned with the ethnic experience of Chinese secondary school children living in Northern Ireland. The author analyses two sub-groups of Chinese children : those with parents coming from Hong Kong and those with parents coming from Mainland China. The purpose of this study is to investigate how these apparently ‘Chinese' children feel about their ethnic identity. By drawing upon Bourdieu's concepts of habitus, and a cultural studies' approach to ethnicity and identity in general, the author examines the characteristics of cultural specificity and heterogeneity. Methodologically, the author has chosen an ethnographic approach. Prominence is given to the definitions, perspectives and voices of the children themselves by conducting open-ended, indepth and informal interviews and by doing so on an extended basis. The whole process continued for two and half years. Close attention was paid to the children's immediate circumstances, their parental occupations and their general social and cultural conditions.



Littérature française

Bois le vent d'Horizons Lointains - Have a drink of Faraway Winds

J'ai relu "L'Usage du Monde" de N. Bouvier, j'ai pensé que j'avais aussi plein de souvenirs, inspirants, éclairants, éblouissants, de mon voyage en stop vers les Indes en 1969 ; et que je pouvais les faire revivre pour vous. I reread "The Way of the World" of N. Bouvier, I thought I had too a headfull of souvenirs, inspiring, vivid, dazzling, of my 1969 travel, hitchhiking towards the Indies ; and that I could bring them back to life, for you.




Long-term Final Energy Demand Analysis for Chile

After the oil price crises of the 1970s and 1980s, the role of energy in the nations' socio-economic process has become important. Energy and environmental planning tools are necessary to manage both primary and final energy flows of a region and to control their corresponding air pollutant emissions. The basic goal of this study is to develop and to apply appropriate planning instruments for forecasting the future long-term final energy demand of Chile in order to answer elementary questions related to long-range energy and environmental planning. Two energy demand models with different methodological characteristics were developed and the Chilean final energy demand forecasted up to 2020.



Non classé

The Whitman-Hartmann Controversy

The facts in the relationship of Sadakichi Hartmann and Walt Whitman have never been clarified, particularly Hartmann's controversial interview with the poet and its publication in the "New York Herald", April 14, 1889. Of more importance was Hartmann's attempt to found a Whitman Society and the opposition of jealous Whitman associates who frustrated his efforts, although a Whitman Society was founded as the result of his initial work. Further, Hartmann's life-long interest in the poet and his various publications are not generally known. The introduction and edition of his writings will elucidate this literary association.



Non classé

Willibald Alexis' Zeitroman «Das Haus Düsterweg» and the «Vormärz»

On publication in 1835 Willibald Alexis' Zeitroman Das Haus Düsterweg sparked controversy only to be subsequently ignored by specialists on the Vormärz (1815-48). It has been viewed as an anomaly in Alexis' literary production, but in fact lies at the core of the intellectual interests and formal experimentation of Alexis, the prominent Vormärz author, theorist, critic and journalist. Based on techniques derived from Walter Scott, it anticipates the theory and practice of Gutzkow's "Roman des Nebeneinander". Under the aspect of Zerrissenheit it records and analyzes the psychological and political agony of the contemporary scene.




Peace - A Topic in European History Text-Books?

War and violence are of eminent importance in the accounts of history in our school text-books. The author examines whether efforts to mitigate violence and to strengthen peace are given similar weight in standard history books used in the schools of the Federal Republic of Germany and other European countries such as England, France, Switzerland, the German Democratic Republic, and Poland.



Non classé

The German Literary Achievements of Ola Hansson 1888-1893

As a member of the Berlin-Friedrichshagen writers' colony, the Swede Ola Hansson both stimulated and guided creative literary thought among the German authors of the 1890's. Hansson's role as an essayist, short story writer, and as a mediator of Scandinavian and wider European influences upon German literature of the times, particularly in its struggle with Naturalism, is documented and assessed.



Histoire internationale

Violence and Atonement

Following the violence of Amritsar in 1919, Gandhi emerged as the leader of the Indian nationalist movement, and the missionary situation in India changed forever. Whilst most European missionaries lamented the loss of a friendly spirit between Englishman and Indian, a few took up Gandhi's challenge to make atonement for the wrongs of British imperialism. An American, Samuel Stokes, became a leading figure in the Indian National Congress and was imprisoned because of his pro-Gandhian activities. An Englishman, Verrier Elwin rankled officialdom with anti-British activities and was deported. This study repatriates Stokes and Elwin. It observes a continuity between their earlier missionary activities and their later careers as horticulturist and anthropologist respectively. It discerns in Stokes and Elwin and in other missionaries such as C.F. Andrews, Edward Thompson and Jack Winslow, a distinct strand of missionary thought and practice in the troubled inter-war years.




TCL/TK. CD-ROM included

In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, you will be up and programming in Tcl/Tk. Using a straightforward, step-bystep approach, each lesson builds upon the previous one, enabling you to learn the essentials of Tcl/Tk from the ground up. Find your answers to... * Exploring Tcl/Tk for GUI developrrient * Understanding events, callbacks, and resources * Building Tcl expressions, control structures, lists, and arrays * Using WISH * Interacting with the operating system * Creating Widgets * Building your own user interfaces * Using Tcl/Tk to interface to legacy programs and systems * Creating Web applications with Tcl/Tk * Using Tk with Perl and C




Fra Angelico. Painter, Friar, Mystic, Edition français-anglais-italien

Fra Angelico offers a unique encounter with the celebrated painter, seen through the eyes of Monsignor Timothy Verdon. As an art historian and (like Angelico) a Catholic priest, Monsignor Verdon approaches the work of the only artist ever beatified through the theological lens it deserves, bringing together Fra Angelico's art and his faith. Praised by his contemporaries, by later art historians, and by generations of viewers, Fra Angelico's art is known for its exceptional combination of piety and painterly skill. In this book, Monsignor Verdon explores the spiritual and mystical foundations of the friar-painter's work, and traces his artistic evolution from his early work, to the frescoes for the covent of San Marco in Florence, his Annunciations, and the chapel for Pope Niccolò V.Lavishly illustrated with over 200 high-quality images, Beato Angelico illuminates Fra Angelico's art and his faith.



Non classé

Peter Altenberg

This study offers a revaluation of the works of Peter Altenberg, a neglected writer of the Viennese "Jahrhundertwende", who influenced such diverse figures as Karl Kraus, Robert Musil, Rainer Maria Rilke, Franz Kafka and Georg Kaiser. Presenting Altenberg within the context of Vienna at the turn of the century, it provides a comprehensive analysis of his thought, literary theory and practice. It examines : his socio-cultural critique ; his blueprint for a new society ; the principle of aesthetic reductionism which he pioneered ; his conception of woman ; and his presentation of modern man's existential crisis.



Non classé


The essays on "semiogenesis" written by 17 participants of a seminar on the "Evolution of Culture" deal with recent research on the genesis of language, art, and literature. Genesis here implies both the phylogeny and the ontogeny of sign systems. Work on this increasingly popular topic avails itself of interdisciplinary support from linguistics, semiotics, cognitive psychology, neurobiology, and systems theory.



Beaux arts

Anna & the Jester dans La Fenêtre d'opportunité. Edition bilingue français-anglais

In her animated film Anna & the Jester in Window of Opportunity (2019), Julie Béna relates the curious encounter between a series of characters both existing and imagined. A critique of the concept of transparency current in architecture and society, this exhibition has been conceived as a series of real and virtual layers, which create a space of opacity and indeterminacy. This publication explores the principles and ideas that underpin these works through a conversation between Julie Béna and Laura Herman, together with an essay by Irene Sunwoo, an architectural historian and exhibition curator.



Mondes fantastiques

The Remnant Chronicles Tome 1 : The Kiss of Deception

La princesse Lia, première fille de la Maison Morrighan, est promise au prince de Dalbreck, un homme qu'elle n'a jamais rencontré. Une union aussi cruciale pour son royaume que terrifiante pour Lia. Pour échapper à ce destin tout tracé, la jeune fille s'enfuit le matin de ses noces. Aux confins de Morrighan, là où personne ne devrait la reconnaître, Lia croit avoir mis assez de distance entre elle et les intrigues de la cour. Alors, quand deux hommes font irruption dans sa nouvelle vie, elle ne se doute pas un instant que l'un deux est le prince éconduit et l'autre, un assassin envoyé pour la tuer. Car on n'humilie pas deux royaumes impunément, et la fugue de Lia a déclenché une crise qui pourrait bien s'étendre au-delà de Morrighan... Lia réussira-t-elle à éviter le pire sans y perdre son âme ?



Mondes fantastiques

The Remnant Chronicles Tome 3 : The Beauty of Darkness

Retenus prisonniers de Venda, Lia et Rafe ont réussi à s'échapper. Il leur faut désormais rejoindre Morrighan au plus vite afin de prévenir le royaume de la menace qui se profile. Car durant sa captivité, Lia a vu de ses propres yeux l'armée que rassemblait le Komizar pour envahir les terres de son peuple. Et elle sait aussi que des traîtres se cachent à la cour de son père... Mais Lia a été gravement blessée durant leur fuite, Kaden s'est lancé à leurs trousses et Rafe est rattrapé par ses devoirs de prince de Dalbreck... Marquée par les épreuves mais consciente du cataclysme qui s'annonce, Lia n'a plus le choix et va devoir endosser le rôle qu'elle a si longtemps fui : celui de Première Fille, de guerrière, de meneuse. Le dénouement de la trilogie épique et flamboyante de Mary E. Pearson !



Mondes fantastiques

The Remnant Chronicles Tome 2 : The Heart Of Betrayal

Pour échapper à un mariage arrangé qui l'aurait privée de sa liberté, Lia s'était enfuie le matin de ses noces. La voici rattrapée par son destin de princesse et incarcérée à Venda, territoire de redoutables barbares. Loin de chez elle et sans aucun espoir de s'échapper, Lia ne sait à qui faire confiance. Rafe, le garçon qu'elle aime, lui a menti, mais il a aussi sacrifié sa liberté pour elle. Quant à Kaden, elle a découvert qu'il était en réalité un assassin envoyé pour la tuer. Il lui a pourtant sauvé la vie en faisant croire au Komizar, le tyran qui règne sur Venda, qu'elle avait le don de seconde vue. Et ce mensonge a pris une ampleur qui la dépasse complètement, car aux yeux du peuple de Venda, elle pourrait incarner la sauveuse d'une très ancienne légende. . . Tiraillée entre deux hommes, contrainte de jouer la comédie, Lia devra faire des choix qui détermineront son avenir, mais aussi le destin de tout le continent.




Sexymol Tome 1 : The Dark Side of the Loose

Quatre jeunes crétins dans le vent décident de fonder un groupe de rock avec la ferme ambition de devenir mondialement célèbres. Mais le vent en question souffle tellement fort que tout ne va pas aller si simplement, d'autant plus que nos joyeux compères n'ont jamais joué d'un seul instrument de musique de leur vie ! Du nom du groupe au choix du manager, du type de musique aux costumes de scène, les membres de Sexymol vont s'ébattre dans une cocasse tornade qui les mènera à la gloire... Ou pas. Bref, une BD qui décoiffe !



Sciences politiques

Chroniques électorales. Tome 2, La cinquième république du général de Gaulle

Here, at last collected in three volumes, are the classic analyses of each of the French postwar elections and referenda which François Goguel had published in various journals and symposia. The three volumes - Volume I deals with the Fourth Republic, Volume II with the Fifth from 1958 to 1969 and Volume III with the Fifth after de Gaulle - are an indispensable référence tool, the only work which provides full data on elections and voting behavior in postwar France. But François Goguel does not only present data : in his double role as political scientist and practitioner, he considers the effects of voting Systems, political cleavages, and voting behavior factors, that is, the contradiction between the effects of immediate political conditions and political culture for each élection and its relation to the other élections. Thus through and beyond elections, François Goguel présents a genuine political history of France under the Fourth and the Fifth Republics.



Non classé

Aurier, Symbolism and the Visual Arts

This is the first fully comprehensive study on the 19th-century poet and art critic, Albert Aurier (1865-1892), in the context of his age. Focusing on Aurier's pivotal role in the development of French Symbolist art and aesthetics, the book explores his contribution to contemporary and subsequent perceptions of Symbolism in art during a period which saw the rise of art criticism as a genre in its own right. Taking Aurier's writings on lesser-known artists such as Henry de Groux, Eugène Carrière and Jean-Jacques Henner, as well as those on Impressionism, and Van Gogh and Gauguin, the study shows how Aurier laid the foundation for the interpretation of Modernist art.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Climbing the Mountain. The Scientific Biography of Julian Schwinger

Julian Schwinger was one of the leading theoretical physicists of the twentieth century. His contributions are as important, and as pervasive, as those of Richard Feymnan, with whom (and with Sin-itiro Tomonaga) he shared the 1965 Nobel Prize for Physics. Yet, while Feynman is universally recognized as a cultural icon, Schwinger is little known even to many within the physics community. This biography aims to describe Schwinger's life and research contributions to a wider audience. As a youth, Julian Schwinger began as a nuclear physicist, turning to classical electrodynamics after World War II. In the years after the war, he was the first to renormalize quantum electrodynamics. Subsequently, he presented the most complete formulation of quantum field theory and laid the foundations for the electroweak synthesis of Glashow, Weinberg, and Salam, and he made fundamental contributions to the theory of nuclear magnetic resonance, to many-body theory, and to quantum optics. He developed a unique approach to quantum mechanics, measurement algebra, and a general quantum action principle. His discoveries include, Feynman's, parameters and 'Glauber's' coherent states; in later years he also developed an alternative to operator field theory, which he called Source Theory, which reflected his profound phenomenological bent. His late work on the Thomas-Fermi model of atoms and on the Casimir effect continues to be an inspiration to a new generation of physicists. This biography describes the many strands of his research life, while tracing the personal life of this private and gentle genius.




Western European Integration in the 1980s

The Single European Act was formally approved by the European Council in February 1986. When Maastricht hit the headlines in the early 1990s, the Single European Act instantly became history. However, it was the Single Market programme - the main content of the Single European Act - and the years of preparation leading up to it which really gave new momentum to European integration after the "Eurosclerosis" of the 1970s. The process which led to the Single European Act was never publicly discussed. The architects and initiators of the Single Market have not become household names, however, it is these protagonists and their efforts which are the subject of this book. With information gathered from extensive interviews with key players and EC documentation, the author reviews the forces behind the acceleration of European integration.



Yaoi/homosexualité masculine

Our Love Will Last till the End of Time

Hiroto est un jeune étudiant tout ce qu'il y a de plus normal, à ceci près qu'il se souvient de sa vie antérieure, et de l'amour qu'il éprouvait sous l'identité du prince Luke pour un roturier du nom de Mika. Conscient que ce dernier a certainement dù se réincarner lui aussi, il a passé son enfance à le chercher sans succès. Jusqu'au jour où il fait la rencontre de Kô, un autre étudiant de sa fac. Pour lui, aucun doute, Kô est le Mika des temps anciens...



12 ans et +

The rest of the story

Emma Saylor regarde son père danser sur la piste, un peu désabusée : elle assiste à son mariage avec une femme adorable, qui leur permet d'échapper enfin aux difficultés qui les poursuivent depuis la mort de sa mère, cinq ans plus tôt, d'une overdose. La jeune fille ne sait pas grand-chose de ce qui est vraiment arrivé. Et, pour pouvoir aller de l'avant, elle aussi, elle aimerait bien connaître... la fin de l'histoire. Or elle n'a plus revu sa grand-mère maternelle ou ses cousins depuis un séjour chez eux quand elle était toute petite. Mais le destin va lui donner un coup de pouce : pendant la lune de miel de son père, elle doit justement passer un mois au bord du lac où vit cette énigmatique famille. Car si, pour son père, elle est Emma, aux yeux de sa mère, de ses cousins et des amis d'autrefois, en revanche, elle était quelqu'un d'autre - elle était la petite Saylor, même si ce ne fut que le temps d'un été. Et c'est ce passé enfoui qu'elle va redécouvrir comme un trésor. Un parquet qui grince sous ses pas, une odeur familière... Elle qui ne se rappelle pas même le visage de sa grand-mère se rend compte qu'elle connaît cet endroit. Elle retrouve sa cousine, qui joue avec le feu comme la mère d'Emma avant elle, et Roo, le garçon dont elle était inséparable enfant. Tel un détective, elle va remonter le temps en arrière, pour découvrir non seulement qui elle est, mais aussi quelle adolescente a été sa mère. Car avant de tomber amoureuse d'un fils de famille privilégié, celle-ci a perdu son meilleur ami dans un étrange accident de bateau à moteur... Un roman de Sarah Dessen n'est jamais, jamais une déception. La reine de la fiction young adult observe les mouvements du coeur d'un adolescente dans la tourmente avec une justesse stupéfiante - ce qui fait dire à tout le milieu littéraire aux Etats-Unis qu'elle est, ni plus ni moins, une rock star. Emotion à fleur de peau et regard acéré sur les choses : venez savourer en sa compagnie une gourmandise à nulle autre pareille...



Lectures graduées

The Turn of the Screw

Plongez en VO dans ce livre incroyable. Pour vous aider, des traductions en marge vous permettront de bien comprendre le texte original. Ces textes en VO font partie des lectures imposées pour les classes de Première dans le cadre du nouveau bac de 2022.



Non classé

The best Approximation and Optimization in Locally Convex Spaces

This book presents several new results on the best simultaneous approximation in locally convex spaces. The concept of nuclear cone is systematically used to establish some interesting relations with Pareto optimization and the duality for vectorial optimization programs with multifunctions.



Sciences politiques

When Cultural Policies Change. Comparing Mexico and Argentina

How can change in cultural Policy be explained ? Through a comparative and historical analysis, this research sheds new light on the emergence, institutionalization and transformation of the cultural policies of two major Latin American countries : Mexico and Argentina. Elodie Bordat-Chauvin's investigation is based on the material gathered in ethnographic fieldwork conducted between 2008 and 2010. It gathers observations, unique archive material and more than ninety semi-directive interviews with the majority of Secretaries of Culture in office between 1983 and 2010, several intellectuals, interest groups leaders, cultural managers and members of unions who all played a role in these countries' cultural policies in the last thirty years. This work challenges the common assertions that Mexican cultural policy is characterized by inertia and Argentinean cultural policy by instability. It analyses factors of changes – such as the neo-liberal turn, transnationalization, decentralization and politico-institutional changes – and their consequences – including reductions in cultural budgets, transformations in cultural industries and modifications in the balance of power between national, subnational, public and private actors.
