
Hokuto no Ken - Fist of the North Star Tome 5




Alice en terre vaine et autres poèmes

Flèche ou faute, livre de poèmes d'Ann Lauterbach écrits et publiés ces 20 dernières années , sera le premier livre en français de cet écrivain et théoricienne majeure. Proche de l'école de New York et du mouvement L=A=N=G=U=A=G=E sans pour autant être exclusivement tributaire de l'un ou l'autre groupe, Ann Lauterbach a publié de nombreux livres de poésie dont Under the Sign (Penguin, 2013) et Or to Begin Again (Penguin, 2009), retenu sur la liste du National Book Award, Hum (2005), If in Time : Selected Poems 1975–2000 (2001), On a Stair (1997), And for Example (1994) entre autres, de même qu'un livre d'essais, The Night Sky : Writings on the Poetics of Experience. Ann Lauterbach a longtemps travaillé dans le milieu de l'art, notamment pour des galeries prestigieuses. Elle enseigne aujourd'hui à Bard College dont elle dirige l'école d'art Milton Avery School of the Arts et où elle occupe la chaire Schwab Professor of Languages and Literature.



Romance sexy

At the end of the tunnel

Une rencontre va bouleverser tout le quotidien de Lawrence. Romancier à succès, Lawrence s'interroge sur ses choix, son identité, sa vie, après avoir fait la connaissance de Carolanne à un moment crucial de leurs vies. Qui est-il vraiment, que désire-t-il ? Entre doutes et douleur de vivre une vie qu'il n'a pas choisie, un changement s'opère et l'espoir renaît. Commence alors le chemin pour retrouver le bonheur. Une romance atypique




Steelrising. The Art of the videogame

Plongez dans les coulisses du fascinant Steelrising à travers ce luxueux artbook réalisé en partenariat avec Nacon et le studio Spiders ! Sur plus de 250 pages, cet ouvrage exclusif grand format regroupe plusieurs centaines de documents et illustrations inédites ayant servis à la création du jeu vidéo français Steelrising : décors, personnages, concept arts, musique...




The Art of Mutafukaz the movie

The Art Of Mutafukaz The Movie vous plonge au cour du long-métrage d'animation Mutafukaz, l'adaptation de la bande dessinée éponyme de Guillaume "RUN" Renard. Découvrez les différentes étapes de création, séquence par séquence, au sein du mythique Studio 4°C (Mind Game, Amer Béton, Genius Party...), accompagnées de nombreux croquis, genga, illustrations, décors, extraits du storyboard et anecdotes. Bienvenue à Dark Meat City, New California !




Islanders. The Making of the Mediterranean

Accompagnant une exposition au Fitzwilliam Museum, à Cambridge, ce livre explore les identités insulaires dans la Méditerranée antique, s'interrogeant sur la façon don't "l'insularité" (caractère propre à une île) affecta et influença la production et la créativité de l'art, l'évolution architecturale, les migrations et le mouvement des gens. Il s'étend au-delà de l'Antiquité, intégrant des discours actuels sur les identités culturelles insulaires par rapport à celles des continents, y compris celle de la Grande-Bretagne, identité insulaire débattue. Throughout history, islands have been treated as distinct places, unlike mainland and continental masses. In geographic terms, islands are merely pieces of land surrounded by water, but the perception of island life has never been neutral. Rather, the term 'insularity' - belonging to/being of an island - has been romanticized and associated with otherness. Islands have often been deemed to have different histories from the mainland and with more readily isolated socio-political, cultural and economic characteristics. Yet connectivity has also been an important feature of island life as the sea can be a linking rather than just a dividing body, motivating and maintaining informal and formal connections. Fifty unique archaeological objects - most never displayed before outside Cyprus, Crete and Sardinia - tell exceptional stories of insular identity, over a period of 4000 years. The movement of people and episodes of migration between islands and their surrounding mainlands is also explored, through architecture, material culture, crafts and technologies present in the Mediterranean islands. Islanders has a broad diachronic scope and applies integrative analytical approach, bringing together research findings from scientific fields within archaeology, as well as a multi-scalar approach to past human interaction within continental and island environments.



Non classé

Margery Kempe

Traditionally, the feminist movement in England is dated at the threshold of the eighteenth century. A close reading of The Book of Margery Kempe has revealed irrefutable evidence of much earlier roots. To her reputation as a minor mystic and the author of the first autobiography in the English language can be added a greater claim. The Book, Margery Kempe's record of her struggle for self-definition, demands inclusion among the serious contributions to feminist literature.



Non classé

Metamorphosis of the Administrative Welfare State

The book's conceptual framework is built upon an analysis of different varieties of rationality. A conception of political rationality is elaborated. First, orientations of contemporary administrative theory and research are analysed from the point of view of that rationality. Next, the same viewpoint is applied to an analysis of an entity called the 'administrative welfare state'. This concept is used to cover the typical institutional shape of the leading highly developed countries until the 1980s. The strengths and the weaknesses of the contemporary 'new public management' reforms are also evaluated from the point of view of political rationality. Finally, steps are taken to define elements of actual reform programmes in the terms of the political rationality.




The Impact of Sociology of Law on Government Action

This report focuses upon the relationship between government action and research in the field of Sociology of Law. This topic is treated within a general theoretical framework as well as in respect to a number of specific areas of current legal policies. The book centres upon the function and conception of Sociology of Law in relation to government action. The positions presented in these proceedings range from a technocratic to a critical model. Moreover, due to their origin in different political camps, the contributions represent the current state of international research in this field.



Physique, chimie

Synthesis of Inorganic Materials

The preparation process of inorganic materials is one of the most important aspects of material science. Not only the chemical composition of a particular material plays a crucial role for many applications but also its structure. The proper choice of the chemical precursors and the preparation technique to obtain a material with the desired chemical and physical properties is a challenge for both material scientists and inorganic chemists. This is the first book to give a comprehensive overview of the current methods for chemical synthesis of inorganic materials. The spectrum ranges from solid state reactions, CVD, reactions of aqueous systems, preparation and modification of inorganic polymers to the synthesis of tailored porous materials. With examples of selected technically applied materials for each method the general principles and requirements as well as the material properties and application of the resulting products are discussed. Numerous tables with further examples help to assess the scope and limitation of the various methods and to choose a suitable synthesis for a given problem. First and foremost directed to students in chemistry, material sciences and physics this book will also bc appreciated by advanced scientists in these fields as a valuable reference book for inorganic synthesis.



Critique littéraire

Études anglaises - N°2/2015. The British Contemporary Novel: 2008-2015

Catherine BERNARD Writing Capital, or, John Lanchester's Debt to Realism John Lanchester's fourth novel Capital (2012) offers a scathing, satirical denun- ciation of the excesses of capitalism, commodity fetishism and globalisation. The choral structure of the novel also allows the text to function as a world-novel, embracing as it does the criss-crossing lives of protagonists, each embodying a facet of a ramifed present. Reworking the basic principles of realistic representation, it appropriates the language of materialism to bring it to work paradoxically against the reifcation of affects and identity. With Capital, the "credit crunch" novel claims a different form of accountability that emerges through the very "stuff" of fiction. Le quatrième roman de John Lanchester, Capital (2012), offre un portrait satirique des excès du capitalisme, du fétichisme de la marchandise et de la globalisation. La structure chorale du roman transforme aussi le texte en roman-monde. Il embrasse les vies interdépendantes de protagonistes qui, chacun, incarnent une facette d'un présent densément ramifé. Retravaillant les principes de base du réalisme, le roman s'approprie le langage du matérialisme pour l'amener à oeuvrer contre la réifcation des affects et de l'identité. Avec Capital, le roman "de la crise" ("credit crunch fiction") revendique une forme de responsabilité qui s'incarne dans la matière même de la fiction. Vanessa GUIGNERY The Way We Live Now : Jonathan Coe's Re-evaluation of Political Satire This paper examines Jonathan Coe's oeuvre to discuss the evolution of his modes of portraying contemporary Britain. While Coe is well known for his satirical state-of- the-nation novels and for his commitment to political fiction, his recent essays reveal his misgivings about the effectiveness of political satire and Condition-of- England novels in the new millennium. This paper will navigate between Coe's fiction and non-fiction to examine the forms political engagement may take in the contemporary British novel. Cet article parcourt l'oeuvre de Jonathan Coe afin d'analyser l'évolution de ses modes de représentation de la Grande-Bretagne contemporaine. Coe est connu pour ses romans satiriques qui offrent un "état de la nation" et pour son attache- ment à la fiction politique, mais ses essais récents révèlent ses doutes quant à l'efficacité de la satire politique et de romans qui décrivent la condition de l'Angleterre à l'heure du nouveau millénaire. Cet article naviguera entre les écrits fictionnels et non-fictionnels de Coe pour envisager les formes que peut prendre l'engagement politique dans le roman britannique contemporain. Jean-Michel GANTEAU Vistas of the Humble : Jon McGregor's Fiction Jon McGregor's novels are characterised by a constant attention to detail and to the ordinary. They address the realities of individual, social and anthropological vul- nerability through narratives whose frail form countermands any attempt at abstraction and totalisation. In this article, I evoke the forms and modalities of vulnerability through the prism of the characters' and narratives' dependence on trauma, of systematic relationality and of attention to singularities. By throwing light on invisibilities and by giving voice to the inarticulate, McGregor writes ethical and political novels and uses the position of the precarious witness to contribute to the creation of some narrative democracy whose purpose, in Guillaume Le Blanc's terms, is to enlarge our sense of the common. Les romans de Jon McGregor se donnent pour tâche une attention permanente aux détails et à l'ordinaire. Ils s'ordonnent ainsi à l'évocation de la vulnérabilité indivi- duelle, sociale et anthropologique à travers des récits dont la forme vulnérable refuse toute totalisation. Les modalités et visages de la vulnérabilité sont ici évoqués à travers les motifs de la dépendance au trauma, de la mise en relation systématique, et de l'attention aux singularités. En mettant en lumière l'invisible et les invisibles, et en redonnant voix aux inaudibles, Jon McGregor fait oeuvre éthique et politique : il se pose en témoin précaire et contribue à l'élaboration d'une démocratie narrative dont le but est, selon les termes de Guillaume Le Blanc, de "créer du commun" . Peter CHILDS Food Chain : Predatory Links in the Novels of David Mitchell Humans are for David Mitchell predatory animals, whatever their civilized com- plexity. His novels contain numerous examples of individuals and groups who would oppress others in the name of logic, desire, morality, technology, survival or sheer force of will. That people prey on animals, resources and other human beings is only one dimension to Mitchell's fictional world but it is consistent and stark, from the cannibals that appear in Cloud Atlas and The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet through the warring factions in number9dream to the more fantasti- cal parasitic predators of Ghostwritten and The Bone Clocks. In this essay, I review aspects to this theme while analysing Mitchell's fictional world, which increasingly seems to be governed by interlinkages not only within narratives but metaleptically across them. David Mitchell considère les êtres humains comme des prédateurs, quel que soit leur degré de civilisation. Ses romans comportent de nombreux exemples d'individus et de groupes qui oppriment autrui en invoquant pour cela la logique, le désir, la morale, la technologie, l'instinct de survie ou leur volonté de puissance. Le fait que des hommes s'en prennent à des animaux, à des ressources naturelles ou à d'autres êtres humains n'est qu'un des aspects de l'univers fictionnel de Mitchell, mais il s'agit là d'une dimension structurante, à l'origine de la noirceur de l'oeuvre dans son ensemble - des cannibales de Cloud Atlas et The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet aux prédateurs parasites de type plus fantastique dans Ghostwritten et The Bone Clocks en passant par les factions en guerre dans number9dream. Cet article recense plusieurs composantes de ce motif récurrent dans la fiction de Mitchell, laquelle paraît de plus en plus fortement régie par des liens se tissant non seulement de manière interne aux différents récits, mais aussi de manière externe entre les récits eux-mêmes, sur un mode métaleptique. Marc POREE "What if ?" : The Speculative Turn of Will Self's Fiction "Et si ?" Révélant de lui-même les extravagantes hypothèses de travail dont il aime à procéder, Will Self est friand de spéculation. Une spéculation de type "métaphysique" , rejoignant celle des poètes de la première moitié du dix-septième siècle (cloués au pilori par Johnson avant que d'être réhabilités par T. S. Eliot). Une spéculation, dont le caractère cérébral s'accommode pourtant d'une volonté de faire que le roman s'incorpore et digère ce qui ne relève a priori pas de lui (les sciences, la pensée). Une spéculation, enfin, qui procède à rebours de l'évolution du lectorat et de la technologie, en oeuvrant à renouer avec un mécanisme de "sensibilité unifiée" que Self sait être anachronique, mais qui pose, à nouveaux frais, la question de la nécessaire difficulté en art. "What if ?" Never wary of unveiling the fantastical conceits which he is wont to proceed from, Will Self is (over)fond of speculation. A speculation that is meta- physical in kind, related to that implemented by the poets of the first half of the seventeeenth century (vilified by Johnson before being rehabilitated by T. S. Eliot). A speculation, the cerebral nature of which is found to be more than compatible with the processes of incorporation and digestion, at the hands of the novel, of all that is allegedly foreign to it (the sciences, thought). A speculation, lastly, bent on restoring a mechanism of "unified sensibility" which Self knows to be anachronis- tic, given the average reader's pursuits, but which offers a fresh take on the neces- sary difficulty of art. Camille MANFREDI Tales from the Pigeon-Hole : James Kelman's Migrant Voices This article offers to dwell on James Kelman's concerns with liminality and cultural identity by outlining the dynamics of displacement, dislocation and relocation in his recent novels You Have to be Careful in the Land of the Free (2004), Kieron Smith, Boy (2008) and Mo Said She Was Quirky (2012). While paying attention to Kelman's interest in the potential for subversion of the in-between, the article anal- yses the narrators' strategies of self-preservation and self-transformation with a view to better understand Kelman's own perception of the predicament of the contemporary Scottish writer in the postcolonial and global contexts. Cet article se propose d'éclairer le traitement des motifs de la liminalité et de l'identité culturelle à travers les dynamiques de décentrement, dislocation et délocalisa- tion dans les récents romans de James Kelman, You Have to be Careful in the Land of the Free (2004), Kieron Smith, Boy (2008) et Mo Said She Was Quirky (2012). En gardant à l'esprit l'intérêt de Kelman pour le potentiel subversif de l'entre-deux, cet article analyse les stratégies de préservation et de transformation de soi développées par les narrateurs. Elles permettront d'éclairer la tâche qui, selon Kelman, revient à l'auteur écossais contemporain dans le contexte à la fois du postcolonial et de nos sociétés mondialisées. Christian GUTLEBEN Whither Postmodernism ? Four Tentative Neo-Victorian Answers This paper sets out to examine in what ways recent neo-Victorian fiction illustrates twenty-first-century fiction's quest for new novelistic possibilities. On the basis of David Mitchell's Cloud Atlas (2004), Andrea Levy's The Long Song (2010), Michel Faber's The Crimson Petal and the White (2002) and Rosie Garland's The Palace of Curiosities (2013), it will be argued that neo-Victorianism broadens the scope of postmodernism by conceiving a cosmopoetics in which a referential and an aesthetic globalisation are combined, by imagining alternative forms of fictional historiography, by challenging various forms of orthodoxy and by questioning the limits of the human. Although it suggests evolutions and variations in relation to late twentieth-century historiographic metafiction, the novel of the new millennium nevertheless cannot be said to forsake postmodernism. Cet article se propose d'examiner dans quelle mesure la fiction néo-victorienne récente illustre la tentative de la fiction du vingt-et-unième siècle d'explorer de nouvelles possibilités romanesques. En prenant comme exemples Cloud Atlas de David Mitchell (2004), The Long Song d'Andrea Levy (2010), The Crimson Petal and the White de Michel Faber (2002) et The Palace of Curiosities de Rosie Garland (2013), nous soutiendrons que le néo-victorianisme élargit le spectre du postmodernisme en concevant une cosmopoétique où se mêlent référentialité et esthétique mondialisées, en imaginant d'autres formes d'historiographie fictionnelle, en remettant en cause diverses formes d'orthodoxie et en s'interrogeant sur les limites de l'humain. Bien que le roman du nouveau millénaire suggère des variations et des évolutions par rapport à la métafiction historiographique de la fin du vingtième siècle, on ne peut cependant pas considérer qu'il renonce au postmodernisme.



Non classé

A Culture of Tough Jews

From brutal Nazi killers to Hanukkah heroes in the 'hood, tough Jews refute images of doomed Holocaust victims, wandering Jews of exile before them, and the post-war ‘nice Jewish boys' who followed. They foster belligerent responses to polemics of fear and self-hatred, and as such, materialize as a challenge for postmodern cultural identity. A Culture of Tough Jews reframes the tough Jew as an enduring act of rhetorical regeneration by reifying a related figure, the vital Jew. As corrective to the tough Jew, the vital Jew encourages robust cultural production and dialogue. For audiences of rhetoric and cultural studies, the book offers critical and theoretical study of rhetorical regeneration, including original constructs of postmodern blackface and transformative performativity, as a resource for contemporary rhetorical invention. It also constitutes a case study for the postmodern critique of identity by invoking concerns of (post)assimilation, gender and power, and the social construction of race, ethnicity, class, and power to advance conversations on fractious cultural exigencies. A Culture of Tough Jews is a spirited call for postmodern cultural vitality that responds to contemporary politics of identity and memory.




Full-Color Floral Designs in the Art Nouveau Style

E. A. Seguy was one of the foremost French designers of the first third of the twentieth century. He produced many splendid albums of designs over a long and distinguished career. This book reproduces in full color 40 plates from the two color portfolios called Les fleurs et leurs applications décoratives [c. 1902] - one of the high points in Art Nouveau design. The 40 plates included here contain 166 decorative Art Nouveau patterns. Lacy and delicate interpretations of flowers ranging from arum and arrowhead to water lily and wisteria, these patterns offer such color combinations as a blue-petaled flower with green leaves on a mustard background, salmon-colored flower with robin's-egg-blue leaves on a beige field, and royal-blue flowers with golden leaves on golden stems silhouetted in light blue-green on a deep blue-green field. The colors in this volume are strong and bold, prefiguring such later influences as Persian art and the Ballets Russes. Twenty of the plates in the original portfolios contained ordinary realistic renderings of 30 plants, and they have been omitted from this volume. The wide variety of flat designs are perfect for textiles, wallpapers, and packaging, and offer many ideas for mosaics, stained glass, rugs and bookbindings. Containing borders, circular designs, repeats, allovers, and "spots," this collection has something to interest everyone in the graphics field.



Autres éditeurs (A à E)

Le clown qui avait perdu ses couleurs. Edition bilingue français-anglais

Livre jeunesse illustré, texte bi-lingue Français-Anglais. Le clown Arturo a perdu toutes ses couleurs ! Et il ne fait plus rire les enfants. Il demande alors au lion, mais le lion qui tricote une jolie écharpe de laine bleue ne les a pas vues. Peut être qu'elles sont chez le caméléon ? Et si l'amitié était la plus belle des couleurs ? ---- Illustrated children book, bi-lingual text French-English Arturo the clown had lost all his colors ! And he doesn't make the children laugh anymore... He asks the lion, but the lion who is knitting a pretty scarf of blue wool has not seen them. Maybe they are with the chameleon ? What if friendship was the most beautiful color ?




Sôten No Ken Tome 4

Pan Guangling revient à la tête du Syndicat de Jade, bien décidé à reprendre en main la ville de Shanghai. Kenshirô, quant à lui, a vaincu Lingwang, le roi des spectres, où ce dernier lui a révélé que sa chère et tendre Yuling est toujours vivante, mais amnésique ! Le Roi des enfers part alors, avec Pan, combattre Zhang Taiyan, numéro deux de l'Union et disciple du Hokuto Sôkaken... Tetsuo Hara et Buronson reviennent plus de dix ans après la fin du cultissime Hokuto No Ken, vendu à plus de 100 millions d'exemplaires dans le monde, dans une préquelle centrée sur l'oncle de Kenshirô, Kenshirô Kasumi, 62e successeur de la légendaire technique du Hokuto Shinken. Cette réédition de Soten No Ken, vivement attendue par les lecteurs de la toute première série, est le deuxième titre d'une collection dédiée à Tetsuo Hara. Au plus proche de la version originale (sens de lecture japonais, onomatopées sous-titrées), elle bénéficie d'une nouvelle traduction, d'un nouveau lettrage et d'une fabrication soignée.



Non classé

Puritan Attitudes towards Recreation in early Seventeenth-Century New England

The interdisciplinary approach of this study tries to bridge a gap in the field of Puritan Studies, the one between the two camps of intellectual and social science historians. Focusing on the attitudes of the early Puritan church members in New England towards sport and recreation in general, the book attemps to show the differences between Puritan theory and New England reality. At no point in their history were the Puritan leaders able to enforce their secular and ecclesiastical laws. Even within the leadership itself a wide spectrum of opinions on recreation existed. The Puritan preachers reacted to this dilemma in their hortatory sermons, the jeremiads, which were employed to shame the younger generations into comformity by inventing the myth of the godly founding fathers. But the Puritan utopia was condemned to failure from the very start : the church members could not resist temptation.



Littérature française


Carla déteste la routine et change de vie tous les six mois. Nouvelle maison, nouveaux amis, nouveaux collègues, rien ne reste mais rien ne part vraiment. Elle n'oublie aucun lieu ni aucune âme. Partout où elle passe, elle raconte des histoires nourries de sa riche expérience. Carla est douée mais paresseuse. Alors elle a mis au point une technique infaillible. Régulièrement, elle fait des promesses à son entourage et comme elle est très fière, elle arrive toujours à les tenir. Carla hates routine and changes her life every six months. A new house, new friends, new colleagues, nothing stays the same but then nothing is really left behind either. She doesn't forget any of the places or people she has known. Wherever she goes, she tells stories based on her rich experience. Carla is gifted but somewhat lazy, so she has developed a technique that never fails. She regularly makes promises to those around her, that, because of her pride in herself, she always somehow manages to keep. Ouvrage de fiction conçu, annoté et commenté avec le concours de collaborateurs d'une entreprise de logistique. This is a work of fiction designed, annotated and commented with the contribution of supply chain professionals.



Non classé

East Tennessee Folk Speech

Based on the Idiolect Synopses of the basic materials of the linguistic atlas of the gulf states, this summary offers the first interpretation of evidence gathered in southeastern United States, 1968-80. The phonological, morphological and lexical data outlines a principal source of the speech of the Upper South. Although primarily a South Midland dialect, East Tennessee folk speech shows a complex regional and social structure that includes relics and innovations with patterns that distinguish this subregion from the dominant forms of American English spoken in the South and elsewhere.



Non classé

Bonoure and Buxum

If married in church, medieval women vowed before God and their husbands to be ‘bonoure and buxum', that is, meek and obedient in bed and at table. This book is a study of wives in a variety of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century romance, fabliaux, cycle drama, life-writing, lyrics and hagiography. The volume examines key moments that defined life as a married woman : her eligibility to become a wife, the wedding ceremony, her conjugal rights and duties, childbirth and her contribution to the family economy. The book explores the way in which the literary representation of wives is in dialogue with discourses that strove to construct and regulate the role of ‘wife'; canon and secular law, marriage liturgy, medical treatises on the female body, sermons, manuals of spiritual instruction, biblical paradigms, conduct books and misogamous writings. Moreover, the volume examines the possibilities for subversion of these paradigms by listening to literary wives speak both within and against these discourses. Real women's attitudes, and strategies of subversion, are woven into the volume throughout, as recorded in church and manorial court records, in their wills and in their writing.




Titian : Sources and Documents

Hugely ambitious, Titian : Sources and Documents includes all known documents about Titian and his work dating from his lifetime, and all known references to him in contemporary publications. The relevant section of each text is transcribed in full, preceded by a short summary in English, with extensive annotation and, where necessary, a commentary. The intention of this incredible work of scholarship is to provide a comprehensive survey of the surviving historical evidence about Titian and his career. Titian was one of the most famous, successful and long-lived of Renaissance painters. Much of his output was for rulers or institutions whose archives have been in large part preserved, and many of his family papers have also survived. In addition, he was mentioned in more than a hundred and sixty different publications in his lifetime. Although hundreds of the documents about him and his work have been published, usually in specialised publications based on material in a single archive, there have only been two attempts to provide an overview of the entire body of documents and early published references to him, the first by Crowe and Cavalcaselle in 1877, the second by Adolfo Venturi in 1928. These publications were necessarily selective and included transcriptions of only a small part of the material which was used. The collection, amounting to over two thousand nine hundred items, includes not only texts specifically about Titian himself, but also those concerning his siblings and children, his principal assistants and the other members of the Vecellio family already active as painters before his death, as well as inscriptions on paintings and prints. In addition to texts dating from Titian's lifetime, the collection includes all biographical material published before 1700 and all other texts that could realistically be thought to reflect first- or second-hand anecdotal information about him. The particular strengths and limitations of the principal early printed sources and the circumstances in which they were produced are discussed in a substantial introduction, which also includes an overview of the main archival collections consulted in the preparation of the book. Most of these are in Italy, but others are in Spain, Austria and Germany. New transcriptions are provided for the great majority of the documents that have previously been published, and many hitherto unknown documents have been included. Consideration is given also to documents now known only via secondary sources, and to fake documents, of which a significant number were produced in the past two centuries.



Instruments de musique

Simply4Strings : An American Suite. Four pieces for elementary string orchestra. Strings (violins I-III and cellos I+II, violas I+II and double bass ad libitum) and piano. Partition et partie.

Simply 4 Strings - Ensemble music for elementary string players from Katherine and Hugh Colledge, composers of Stepping Stones, Waggon Wheels, Fast Forward and Shooting Stars. A complete suite of pieces - ideal for group teaching, perfect for concerts Based on well-known melodies from around the world Optional piano accompaniments Rewarding parts for everyone - even absolute beginners Instrumentation : strings (violins I-III and cellos I+II, violas I+II and double bass ad libitum) and piano



Maurice, Seychelles

Mauritius, Reunion & Seychelles. 11th edition

Lonely Planet's Mauritius, Reunion and Seychelles is our most comprehensive guide that extensively covers all the country has to offer, with recommendations for both popular and lesser-known experiences. Hike through Cirque de Mafate, relax in the waters of Denis Island, dive to the rock formations off Mauritius ; all with your trusted travel companion. Inside Lonely Planet's Mauritius, Reunion and Seychelles Travel Guide : Lonely Planet's Top Picks - a visually inspiring collection of the destination's best experiences and where to have them Itineraries help you build the ultimate trip based on your personal needs and interests Local insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience - whether it's history, people, music, landscapes, wildlife, politics Eating and drinking - get the most out of your gastronomic experience as we reveal the regional dishes and drinks you have to try Diving and Hiking in Réunion Toolkit - all of the planning tools for solo travellers, LGBTQIA+ travellers, family travellers and accessible travel Colour maps and images throughout Language - essential phrases and language tips Insider tips to save time and money and get around like a local, avoiding crowds and trouble spots Covers ort Louis, Central Plateau, Grand Baie, Flic en Flac, Rodrigues, St-Denis, the Cirques, St-Pierre, Mahe, Praslin, La Digue and more




Conjugal Love and the Ends of Marriage

The importance of conjugal love in marriage, allegedly overlooked by pre-conciliar marriage doctrine, is strikingly emphasized by present-day Catholic Church documents. The stable incorporation of conjugal love into Catholic marriage doctrine finds its roots in the Second Vatican Council's Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the modern world, Gaudium et spes. During the elaboration of the chapter on marriage and the family in Gaudium et spes, it was observed that its third conciliar draft, textus recognitus, contained ideas which are similar to what Dietrich von Hildebrand and Herbert Doms had pronounced during the 1930s. Some theologians and canonists, in fact, have opined that these authors paved the way for the personalist treatment of marriage in this century by underlining the importance of conjugal love. Others have even asserted that the Gaudium et spes doctrine on marriage is the confirmation of Doms's thought. What accounts for the shift towards an emphasis on conjugal love in the theological presentation of marriage ? What did these two authors understand by it and how did they articulate the matrimonial ends ? How were their ideas received by the theologians and by the Church ? To what extent and in what ways are their ideas reflected in the conciliar document ? This book probes these questions which are fundamental to understanding the evolution of the Catholic doctrinal presentation of marriage.



Non classé

From the village to presidential suite, my life journey

I did not intend to write a scholarly book, for I did not want to intellectualize my life. Nor did I wish to romanticize it. I wanted to describe it as I lived it, with emphasis on people. I wanted to express in this book the joy I experienced in giving generously of myself, my time, and my modest material possessions, to make others happy and to share the many gifts of life. I wanted also to share with those who aspire to become academic leaders the myriad lessons my upbringing, education, and professional life have taught me. I thought they might find these lessons learned useful, as they strive for successful careers and, more importantly, for rewarding personal and professional lives. Again, this book is a story, the story of my life, wherein the personal and the professional have intermingled and strengthened each other, making a better whole of my person, personality, aspirations, and talents. This unique alliance between the professional and the personal dimensions of my life, I am happy to say, always triumphed and accounted for the successes that so many good people helped me achieve. Without the guidance, advice, cooperation, and support of others, I am sure my life would not have been as fulfilling.




Soul of Barcelona. A guide to 30 exceptional experiences

Soul of Barcelona brings together the 30 best experiences the city has to offer - which alone make it well worth the trip. Groove to jazz on Gaudi's rooftops, taste tapas prepared by a grandmother who is inspiring all the young Spanish chefs, discover how to get to a secret beach, sink your teeth into the ultimate churros, take a hot bath at a spa beneath the city ...



Couple, famille

Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Addiction

The concept of sexual addiction has gained increasing recognition in the academic and healthcare communities since the 1990s. It has also captured the attention of the media, where there has been much debate over whether it can truly be described as an addiction. What is certain is that many people struggle with out of control sexual behaviour, which takes over their lives and has harmful consequences for their relationships, careers and finances. The Routledge International Handbook of Sexual Addiction brings together a comprehensive range of perspectives on sexual addiction from a worldwide selection of scholars and therapists. It sets out to define sexual addiction and to study its causes from a range of different psychological perspectives. A series of presentations of sexual addiction are outlined, including internet sexual addiction and the relationship between paraphilias and sex addiction. The handbook considers both individual and group treatment strategies, drawing on a wide range of approaches, including cognitive behavioural therapy, mindfulness and 12-step programmes. The book studies sex addiction in specific populations including women, adolescents and men who have sex with men. Finally, it considers some of the alternative discourses surrounding the concept of sexual addiction. This is the first comprehensive reference book to bring together global viewpoints on advances in research, theory and practice in one volume. This handbook provides an essential guide for academics and students of psychotherapy, counselling, nursing, addiction, sexualities, social work and health and social care, as well as professionals in practice and in training working with sexual addiction and related issues.




Moral Talk Across the Lifespan

Grounded in path-breaking research but written in an accessible, engaging style Moral Talk Across the Lifespan explores how our most fundamental moral commitments are shaped by crucial conversations with family members, romantic partners, and friends. Taking a lifespan approach, the authors demonstrate that moral growth is a continual process, one stimulated by transitions (e.g., leaving home for university) and disruptive events (serious illness). With chapters penned by leading relationship scholars, the volume contributes original thinking, data, and innovative theoretical pathways for researchers. For instructors it explores pressing moral questions encountered by students in their own relationships with romantic partners, friends, parents, and other family members. When is revealing a secret the right thing to do ? Is revenge ever a worthy response to an insult or sleight ? Why are young adults persuaded to accept some of their parents' values but not others ? Is there a right (or wrong) way to support a parent facing a terminal illness ? Moral Talk Across the Lifespan offers a stimulating blend of social science research and moral reflection. It is a key text for courses in Relational Communication, Family Communication, Interpersonal Communication, and Communication Ethics.




Sôten No Ken Tome 10

"Tu ne le sais pas encore, mais tu es déjà mort". Le combat continue entre Kenshirô et Zongwu, mais ni l'un ni l'autre ne semblent décidés à capituler ! Néanmoins, les deux hommes se voient contraints de faire une trêve, puis de mettre leurs différends de côté lorsque débarque à Shanghaï un certain Du Tienfeng. L'homme, non content d'être l'ennemi juré de Zongwu, projette en effet de bouter hors de la ville le Syndicat de jade. Pour ce faire, ce voleur notoire peut compter sur sa fortune, mais aussi sur l'aide d'un adversaire redoutable, dont la technique pourrait trouver sa source dans les sombres origines du Hokuto Shinken. . Tetsuo Hara et Buronson reviennent plus de dix ans après la fin du cultissime Hokuto No Ken, vendu à plus de 100 millions d'exemplaires dans le monde, dans une préquelle centrée sur l'oncle de Kenshirô, Kenshirô Kasumi, 62e successeur de la légendaire technique du Hokuto Shinken. Cette réédition de Soten No Ken, vivement attendue par les lecteurs de la toute première série, est le deuxième titre d'une collection dédiée à Tetsuo Hara. Au plus proche de la version originale (sens de lecture japonais, onomatopées sous-titrées), elle bénéficie d'une nouvelle traduction, d'un nouveau lettrage et d'une fabrication soignée.



Littérature érotique et sentim

The Price of Life Tome 1 : Dilemma

Elsa vient d'accoucher à l'hôpital de Saint Brieux lès épines. Alors qu'elle attend son amie, un inconnu la supplie de l'embrasser. Il n'en faut pas moins pour que sa vie bascule. Et que celle du multimilliardaire, Loïc Legrand, prenne une autre dimension en embrassant la petite rouquine assise sur le banc. En voulant écarter son ennemie jurée, Juliette Brignard, journaliste du magazine Satisfaction, il déclenchera sans le savoir une cascade de catastrophes. A cause de son impulsivité et de sa tendance au mensonge, Loïc ne mesurera pas les conséquences d'une phrase dite à la légère. Il continuera sur la voie de la déchéance en sombrant dans d'alcool, le sexe illusoire, et les folies pécuniaires. A cela s'ajoutera l'ultime abjection : un marché sordide qu'il passera avec Elsa. Son fils s'est fait enlever, les ravisseurs exigent un million d'euros. La jeune mère sans emploi ne sait plus vers qui se tourner. Mais Loïc Legrand, le multimilliardaire, réapparaît comme magie en lui proposant un échange. Une nuit avec lui contre la somme demandée. L'amour s'invitera dans ce méli-mélo d'enquête policière, mais sera-t-il plus fort que le destin ? Sexe, argent, vengeance ou jalousie, ces sentiments amèneront nos héros à l'excès. Ils entraîneront avec eux leur entourage familial ainsi que leur cercle d'amis dans la tourmente. The price of life se range dans une catégorie à part, un monde de romance, d'érotisme et de suspense. Cette première partie vous livre un kaléidoscope des personnages.



Littérature érotique et sentim

The Price of Life Tome 2 : Revenge

L'heure de la rédemption est passée pour Loïc. Les grands principes qu'il s'est imposés jusque-là et pour lesquels il n'a pas dérogé ont tous volé en éclat le 30 avril. Désormais, son seul et unique but est de retrouver Elsa. Dès le lendemain de sa fuite, une armada de privés s'est mise sur le pied de guerre. Les détectives ont ratissé Saint Brieux lès épines. Tout a été passé au crible, de l'unique hôtel au square en passant par les ruelles, aussi minimes soient-elles. Mais rien de concluant n'a fait avancer les recherches. Au bout du compte, deux hypothèses ont vu le jour. Soit elle est morte, soit elle se trouve à Paris.




The Heroic Legend of Arslân Tome 11

Les premières dissensions se font sentir au sein de la troupe du prince Arslân. Ghîb, le ménestrel, révèle à Isfân qu'il a achevé son frère tombé aux mains des Lusitaniens. Cette rixe est symptomatique des défis que le jeune prince sera obligé de relever : s'il souhaite reconquérir son royaume, il va d'abord devoir unifier son armée derrière lui. Découvrez aujourd'hui The Heroic Legend of Arslân, une série d'heroic fantasy exceptionnelle ! Au programme : des batailles épiques, des stratégies étonnantes et des intrigues de palais. Arslân s'installe à la forteresse de Peshawar et lance un appel au peuple de Parse pour qu'il se soulève contre l'envahisseur. Mais face à l'afflux de soutien, le jeune prince va devoir faire preuve de tact afin de satisfaire tout le monde. Au nord du royaume, Hilmes est toujours aux prises avec Bodin et sa troupe de fanatiques, il est bien décidé à remporter une victoire qui assiéra son autorité en tant qu'héritier légitime de la couronne.
