
Rage against the machisme



Histoire des mentalités

Rage against the machisme

Les femmes ont une histoire de luttes pour leurs droits, conquis, arrachés, défendus. Sur les pas de Louise Michel, de Gisèle Halimi, mais aussi de tant d'autres invisibilisées, comme Pauline Léon, Malika El Fassi ou encore les colleuses de Stop féminicides, Mathilde Larrère, historienne, retrace les combats féministes de la Révolution française jusqu'au mouvement #MeToo. A l'histoire, le livre mêle des récits, des documents, des chansons et des slogans, reflétant l'ardeur et la détermination de celles qui n'acceptent pas l'inégalité des sexes, les discriminations, montrant combien elles se tiennent la main au-delà des siècles.



Jazz, Blues, Soul, Rap, Reggae

Rage Against The Machine

Début novembre 1992 paraît le premier album d'un groupe du nom de Rage Against The Machine. Il contient dix titres et figure en pochette une image emblématique de la résistance contre l'oppression politique : la photographie de l'immolation du bronze Thích Quang Duc au Vietnam en 1963.



Littérature française

Against the odds

Sam Alonso était un jeune garçon renfermé, pessimiste, discret avec ses rares amis et secret avec sa famille. Jusqu'au jour où il fit Sa rencontre. Les vingt années suivantes seront mouvementées. Sam y côtoiera l'amour puis la mort, le bonheur puis la violence, la haine puis la peine. Il connaîtra des jours heureux et des jours plus sombres. Il apprendra de ses erreurs et surmontera des épreuves. Sa vie sera influencée par les expériences de ses proches. Certains partiront se battre sur les champs de bataille, d'autres affronteront des traumatismes personnels ou assumeront leur homosexualité. La vie suivra son cours. Des années 1970 à 2018, du Kamtchatka russe à Santiago du Chili, de Chicago au nord de la France, des dizaines d'évènements sans lien apparent influeront sur sa vie, jusqu'à l'épilogue offrant une révélation des plus inattendues.



Romance sexy

Against you

Entre un passé torturé, un présent instable et un futur incertain, il est parfois difficile de se laisser aller au plus prompt des sentiments. Et pourtant, un regard peut tout changer, un effleurement nous dévaster jusqu'à la plus petite particule composant notre organisme. Quand Nirvana, aussi sombre que tumultueux, et Savanah, secrète et déterminée, se rencontrent, leurs armures se fissurent. Des sentiments interdits naissent. Nirvana, pourra-t-il lutter contre ses démons ? Savanah, saura-t-elle y échapper ?




Against extremisms

Quelque sept siècles après sa mort en prison à Damas (728/1328), Ibn Taymiyya demeure un des penseurs musulmans classiques les plus influents. Ce recueil de textes rigoureusement traduits et annotés est une première en langue anglaise et c’est la voix même du Shaykh al-Islam qu’on y entend. Elle vibre de l’émotion qui anime toute sa pensée religieuse, qu’il explique l’adoration de Dieu ou la vénération du Prophète, explore le labyrinthe des vains désirs ou celui de l’amour véritable, se montre compréhensif vis-à-vis des manquements des croyants (collectivités et individus), ou se positionne face aux autorités et à autrui, Musulmans et non-Musulmans. Son souci constant est d’expliquer comment enrichir notre vie de tous les jours en rendant Dieu plus important, pour nous, « que l’eau l’est pour un poisson ». Ayant lui-même savouré cette « douceur de la foi », il témoigne d’expérience : un tel objectif n’est pas inaccessible. Il invite au voyage, balise la route et tend la main à quiconque s’y engage. Quoi qu’il ait parfois été dit à son sujet, il est manifeste qu’Ibn Taymiyya fut toujours un grand maître spirituel de la via media, la voie médiane au cœur de l’Islam traditionnel. Un an après le Printemps Arabe, la manière harmonieuse dont il comprend comment mener en musulman une vie responsable est plus actuelle que jamais. « Pour ceux qui veulent se plonger dans les mystères et les motivations, les déclarations et les limites du théologien et juriste hanbalite le plus éminent de son temps, Ibn Taymiyya, méditez »




Aux pays du machisme ordinaire

Ghada Hatem-Gantzer n'a jamais accepté la terrible comptabilité de l'outrage et de la violence infligés aux femmes (plus de deux cents millions de femmes sont excisées dans le monde — dont environ soixante mille en France —, quatre millions de femmes sont vendues chaque année, les deux tiers des analphabètes sont des femmes, plus de 30 % des femmes sont confrontées à la violence conjugale, une femme meurt chaque minute en accouchant...). C'est pourquoi elle a créé en 2016 la Maison des femmes à Saint-Denis, c'est pourquoi elle oeuvre pour le droit d'asile des femmes homosexuelles ou encore l'éducation des enfants. Inlassablement, ce médecin engagé répare, alerte, accompagne, soigne, propose. Pour la première fois, Ghada Hatem-Gantzer raconte son parcours dans un livre. Poignant et nécessaire.



Littérature étrangère

The Age

Nous sommes en 1984, en pleine guerre froide, et alors qu'un navire de guerre soviétique sillonne l'Atlantique Nord, la jeune Gerry cherche sa place dans le monde et chez elle : sa mère entame une nouvelle vie amoureuse avec un drôle de type et l'adolescente ne se remet pas du départ de son père qu'elle tente vainement de remplacer en fréquentant assidûment son grand-père paternel, un ancien présentateur de télé un brin excentrique. Alors que la menace nucléaire grandit, Gerry s'engage corps et âme auprès d'un charismatique groupe d'activistes. Des actions violentes sont prévues lors d'une manifestation pacifique : entre rêveries postapocalyptiques et réalité, la tension monte et poussera bientôt Gerry à confronter les démons qui la tenaillent. Un beau roman d'apprentissage qui saisit la fragilité de la condition adolescente, ce point de basculement vers tous les possibles, y compris les plus effroyables.




The Search for Meaning in the Australian Novel

This thesis grew out of an epistemological interest centered on the search for meaning in literature, and out of a reading of Australian novels. Reaching beyond signification, the creation of meaning in literature refers to the significance a text acquires for the recipient's existence. The potential of this meaningfulness fluctuates between a process of explanation, of uncovering hidden meaning, and deception. Assuming that this range is best demonstrated in the literary treatment of negative experiences in human existence, of pain and suffering, we analyse how Australian novelists and critics set paradigms of meaning against the "Non-Sense" in experienced reality, who and what the agents of meaningfulness in Australian literature are, how they relate to each other and how they affect our reading experience.



12 ans et +

Les 8 royaumes mortels Tome 1 : La cité de Pierre-de-Vie

Raised as a slave in the Darkoath camps of Aqshy, Kiri dreams of a better life. Of a city of wonders, the place of her birth… Lifestone ! She despairs of ever reaching it until a fateful day arrives when her barbarian captors are attacked by Sigmar's noblest warriors, the Stormcast Eternals. Seizing her chance, Kiri flees through a mysterious realmgate that takes her far from the fiery lands of Aqshy. She arrives in the realm of Ghyran and finds the city of Lifestone. But a curse lies on this place, withering its noble spirit. Her path leads her to a special group of children who, like her, are realm-marked the prophecised saviours of Lifestone. There's Thanis, the fighter ; Alish, the inventor ; Kaspar ; the sneak and Elio, the healer. But dark forces are allying against the children and will do anything to stop them achieving their destiny.



Littérature étrangère

The unparalleled invasion / Une invasion sans précédent / La invasión sin paralelo. A political anticipation short story from Jack London (1910) / Une nouvelle d'anticipation politique de Jack London (1910), Edition français-anglais-espagnol

The Unparalleled Invasion is a rare political anticipation short story written by Jack London and first published in McClure's in July 1910 and later in the book The Strength of the Strong (New York, Macmillan, 1914). The story begins in 1910s China. Under the influence of Japan, China modernizes and has its own Meiji Reforms. In 1922, China breaks away from Japan and fights a brief war that culminates in the Chinese annexation of the Japanese possessions of Korea, Formosa, and Manchuria. Over the next half century, China's population steadily grows, and eventually migration overwhelms European colonies in Asia. The United States of America and the other Western powers launch a biological warfare campaign against China, resulting in the decimation of China's population. China is then colonized by the Western powers.



Non classé

Fiction, or the language of our discontent

This study concentrates on metafictional novels by Angus Wilson, Lawrence Durrell and Doris Lessing. The various methods and degrees of the built-in novelists' attempts to transform autobiographical experience into fiction are surveyed and followed by a discussion of the validity of mimetic presuppositions about fiction. The alternatives to realism are then discussed against the background of recent narratological theories.



Bijouterie, horlogerie

TAG Heuer Carrera. The Race Never Stops. The Race Never Stops

Référence ultime en matière de montres chronographes de luxe, les innovations de TAG Heuer suivent l'évolution du sport depuis 1860. Saisissant chaque fraction de seconde d'une performance sur les poignets des pilotes qui ont marqué l'histoire de la course automobile, les montres TAG Heuer ont toujours eu un impact sur leur temps et leur époque. Ce livre célèbre la TAG Heuer Carrera, chronographe emblématique née sur les circuits automobiles en 1963. L'histoire se déroule décennie par décennie : une saga extraordinaire illustrée par 60 ans d'images inédites et incarnée dans un format prestigieux. Plusieurs points de vue d'experts répartis dans le livre seront autant de rencontres thématiques avec la TAG Heuer Carrera. Elles laissent la parole à des spécialistes de l'horlogerie : Nick Foulkes et Marc Newson, Simon de Burton, Jason Barlow, Robin Swithinbank, Judikael Hirel et Jeff Stein.



Non classé

Temporal Logic, Omniscience, Human Freedom - Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy

The work shows the usefulness and limitation of modern logic in the study of traditional metaphysical problems. As is the usual case in all criticism of analytic philosophers against traditional philosophy, word usage must be limited to what the human mind can know. The notion of timeless knowledge for example contradicts our normal mode of word usage and cannot serve as adequate in reference to knowledge be it that of man or of God. If timeless knowledge applied to divine mode of knowing then there cannot be human freedom.



Histoire internationale


This volume asserts that there was tacit cooperation in the Nazi extermination of the Jewish population of Europe by British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and American President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Second World War. Although the Allies publicly recognized the Nazi massacre of the Jews in the London Declaration of December 17, 1942, the policies they pursued allowed the genocide to continue. They did so, the author claims, in three ways : (1) refusal to publicly and personally speak about and against the Nazi extermination of the Jews ; (2) refusal to commit even one soldier, one plane, or one warship to any forcible opposition to the "Final Solution" throughout the Second World War ; and (3) obstruction of Jewish escape from Hitler's Europe. This book explores the motivation for the policies Churchill and Roosevelt pursued.



Non classé

The Reception of Grabbe's Hannibal in the German Theatre

After publication in 1835, Grabbe's Hannibal was overlooked by the theatre until this century. Because the drama does not lend itself easily to stage production, a number of adaptations were printed : these are analysed and their merits and shortcomings evaluated. The history of all productions is then viewed against the background of Germany's political and cultural history from 1918 to 1958, examining in detail the approaches of such producers as Jessner, Martin, Schmitt and Schalla and their audience impact. This analysis in turn sheds light on essential qualities of Hannibal.



Mondes fantastiques

The Prison Healer Tome 2 : The Gilded Cage

Kiva Meridan est une survivante. Elle a survécu non seulement à la prison de Zalindov mais aussi aux terribles épreuves du Supplice. Et à présent, l'heure de la vengeance a sonné. Mais si, durant dix ans, son unique objectif a été de retrouver sa famille et de faire payer les responsables de leurs malheurs, sa mission est désormais plus compliquée que jamais... Alors que Kiva s'habitue à sa nouvelle vie dans la capitale, elle découvre qu'elle n'est pas la seule à avoir souffert pendant son séjour en prison - son frère et sa soeur ont changé eux aussi, de même que leurs convictions. Bientôt, Kiva se retrouve à devoir cacher des choses aussi bien à sa famille qu'à ses ennemis. Hors des murs de la ville, tandis que les rebelles s'agitent et que les tensions grondent, la rumeur d'une nouvelle menace venue des royaumes du nord se répand. En ces temps incertains, les allégeances comptent plus que tout, mais tiraillée de tous côtés, Kiva ne sait plus à qui accorder sa loyauté. Cette fois, pour survivre, elle devra dénouer un enchevêtrement de mensonges avant que les deux camps ne se retournent contre elle et qu'elle ne perde tout.



Comics divers

The Dark Age T02

Et si d'un seul coup tout le métal du monde devenait un immense tas de rouille poussiereux et inutilisable ? La technologie, les armes, les ordinateurs, tout est abandonné. Une nouvelle ère féodale émerge avec des chevaliers de bois, de plastique et de pierre dans l'empire américain et les Etats-Unis du Canada...




Agencies of the Good in the Work of Iris Murdoch

In part one Iris Murdoch's work is set against its contemporary background. Her concept of Man, as seen both in her fiction and in her philosophical work, is discussed with special attention being paid to the influence of Plato, J.P. Sartre, Simone Weil, Gabriel Marcel and the linguistic philosophers. Murdoch's views on the Good, and on Love, Death and Art, her main agencies of the Good, are then dealt with in greater detail. In part two five novels, which are representative of her literary output, are examined in greater depth.



Histoire internationale

Flavius Josephus, the Zealots and Yavne

The historiography concerning The War of the Jews by Flavius Josephus has underlined the various aspects (economic, social, political, religious) of the Roman-Jewish conflict from 66 to 73 AD. A study of the Jew's vision of himself and the Other, the Roman, makes it possible to see this conflict from the point of view of the conquered. Analysis of the events which, from 6 to 66 AD, resulted in the opening of hostilities, suggests that the Jewish-Roman conflict was also a conflict of mentalities. The Jewish mentality implies a concept of war which contributed to the development of the divisions and schisms between the supporters of full-scale war against Rome (the Zealots) and the non-belligerents (Rabbi Yohanan ben Zaccaï and the Yavne School, Flavius Josephus). Furthermore, the discourse of Flavius Josephus is Jewish discourse. So far as certain options are concerned, such as his rejection of the war against Rome on the one hand, and his hatred of the Zealots on the other, a literal reading of that discourse shows that they are in the direct line of Jewish tradition as represented by RYBZ and his Yavne School. Josephus can be taken literally ; the interest of his writing lies in its presentation of an internal cohesion and in the light that throws on the points of convergence and divergence in the same Pharisaic options. Finally, Josephus' text leads us to reconsider the problem of his 'betrayal'.



Littérature française

France US UK

The new French anticorruption law on transparency, fight against corruption and the modernisation of the economy ("Sapin II") promises to bring significant changes in French domestic law and imposes new obligations on large French and foreign businesses. Sapin II clearly follows an international trend towards tougher and more transparent anticorruption laws and a large part of Sapin II provisions have obviously been influenced by other anticorruption standards such as notably the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the UK Bribery Act. This publication describes these three regulations allowing the reader to understand the major factors and provisions within these laws that are now governing the fight against corruption in the world of globalisation.



Alsace, Lorraine

Age d'orage

Elle a vingt ans et déjà sa vie est un désastre : trahison amoureuse, avortement, ses études dans l'impasse, sa place au sein de la famille qui ne va plus de soi. La boxe est un exutoire à sa rage mais son premier combat en compétition se conclut par une défaite. Lutxia (on prononce Loutchia) est à terre. Elle part seule bivouaquer dans la forêt vosgienne : pour y chercher des réponses, un refuge, ou braver sa peur de l'inconnu. Au matin d'une nuit éprouvante, une étrange femme veille sur elle. Elle semble ici chez elle, au milieu des bois. Elle accueille Lutxia dans sa masure, un ancien chalet d'estive. Entre les deux femmes, l'une à l'automne de sa vie, l'autre empêtrée dans les commencements, un dialogue silencieux s'engage. Peu à peu, Lutxia va trouver un équilibre. Mais peut-on fuir le monde indéfiniment ?




The Threat of Logical Mathematism

The present survey of the critique of mathematical logic in Germany at the turn of the 20th century attempts to answer several interesting questions : How did the contemporary German philosophers see the role and significance of logic ? What kind of relationships did they claim to exist between logic, mathematics, linguistics and psychology ? Pulkkinen starts by giving a historical survey of the development of German logic 1830-1920 as it appears against the background of German academic philosophy. Next he studies the interrelationships between logic and psychology, logic and linguistics, and logic and mathematics. After this the author presents the general features of the reception of mathematical logic in Germany between 1880 and 1920. This is followed by a more detailed account of the arguments of three individual critics : Fritz Mauthner, Heinrich Rickert, and Theodor Ziehen.




TAGE-MAGE, le mémento

Découvrez la Bible du Tage Mage édition 2020 : - Des méthodes éprouvées par des milliers de candidats. - Cours complets conformes aux programmes officiels. - Fiches de synthèse + vidéos YouTube'". - Plus de 2 500 questions. 15 tests blancs complets.



Sciences de la terre et de la

Cuckoos, Cowbirds and Other Cheats

Cuckoos and cowbirds are amongst the select bird groups renowned as professional parasites, who always lay their eggs in the nests of other species. Occasional parasitic laying is also widespread in many other birds, who gladly parasitise the nests of their own kind when the opportunity arises. In this fascinating new book, Nick Davies describes the natural histories of all the brood parasites and examines the exciting questions they raise about the evolution of cheating and the arms race between parasites and their hosts. Brood parasites fill their armoury with adaptations including exquisite egg mimicry, rapid laying, ejection of host eggs, murder of host young, chick mimicry and manipulative begging behaviour: ploys shown by recent research to have evolved in response to host defence behaviour or through competition among the parasites themselves. While many host species appear defenceless, accepting parasite eggs quite unlike their own, others are more discriminating against odd-looking eggs and some have evolved the ability to discriminate against odd-looking chicks as well. How does this arms race proceed? Will defenceless hosts improve their armoury in time, or are there sometimes constraints on hosts which allow the parasites to gain the upper hand? And why are so few species obliged only to lay eggs in host nests? Have host defences limited the success of brood parasitism, or is it in fact much commoner than we suspect, but occurring mainly when birds parasitise the nests of their own kind? All of these puzzles are examined in descriptions of the natural history of each of the groups of parasites in turn. Here is a book with wide appeal, both to amateur naturalists fascinated by this most singular and macabre of behaviours and to ornithologists and ecologists interested in the evolution of ecology and behaviour. The story takes us from the strange tales of folklore to the classic field work earlier this century by pioneer ornithologists such as Edgar Chance, Stuart Baker, Herbert Friedmann and others, through to the recent experimental field work and molecular techniques of today's leading scientists. We visit brood parasites in Europe, Asia, Japan, Africa, Australasia, and North and South America, to look at some of the world's most interesting birds and sortie of biology's most interesting questions, many of which still beg answers from ornithologists in the future. Brilliant illustrations by David Quinn depict many behaviours for the first time and convey the thrill of watching these astonishing birds in the wild.



Beaux arts

GOYA. Edition en anglais

Goya (1746-1828) is one of Spain's most famous artists and is widely acknowledged as an outstanding painter in the European tradition, often called the last of the Old Masters and the first of the Modems. He is appreciated as a portrait painter; a creator of menacing and melancholy images in oils; a master of enigmatic, satirical and revolutionary drawing and etching; the champion of the Spanish people in their struggle against oppression and the recorder of their life and sufferings in war. This book brings out many of Goya's moods, from the gaiety and tenderness of the tapestry cartoons to the mysterious ferocity of the Black Paintings made in his old age. Enriqueta Harris, former Curator of the Photographic Collection of the Warburg Institute. University of London, is a world-renowned expert on Spanish art. She has curated numerous exhibitions and is the author of Velazquez (Phaidon, 1982).



Histoire de l'art

Titian, the Della Rovere Dynasty, and His Portrait of Guidobaldo II and his Son. Edition

Le portrait Klesch, par Titien, de Guidobaldo II avec son fils Francesco Maria représente le duc d'Urbino dans ses pleins pouvoirs de commandant suprême des troupes papales avec son héritier à ses côtés. Ce rare double portrait en pied vient seulement d'être attribué à Titien après avoir entrepris des analyses et une restauration minutieuses qui révèlent une belle peinture au style "non finito" avec de superbes touches d'empâtement totalement typiques au maître. Tout ceci est illustré et développé dans ce nouveau livre. Titian provided portraits for the greatest men and women of Europe, Charles V and Philip II of Spain primary among them. For years the Klesch portrait was dismissed as a workshop product - partly because poor condition hid its true quality, but also because it was not believed that Titian could have deigned to create one for Guidobaldo, whose father Guidobaldo della Rovere (1514-1574) and family had a long history of patronizing the artist. Recent research, however, has thrown Guidobaldo's geopolitical significance into relief. He was supreme commander of Venice, the Papal States and then Spain. He sent thousands of soldiers to the major conflicts of his day, particularly the defense of Malta (1565) and the Battle of Lepanto (1571) and his engineers were sought throughout Europe for their ingenuity. In this volume full of new research, Ian Verstegen reveals that Guidobaldo was not peripheral but central to Italian politics and was regarded at several points in history as a key figure who could bring peace or who could influence major conflicts on the Italian peninsula, particularly the War of Siena, and then Pope Paul IV's offensive war against Spain. Anne-Marie Eze gives the first comprehensive examination of the painting's provenance, outlining the portrait's vicissitudes and reception at different moments in its near 500-year history, reexamining received wisdom about its past ownership, and presenting new documentary evidence to expand on and fill gaps in our knowledge of its whereabouts. Finally, Matthew Hayes and Ian Kennedy reflect on the technique, date, recent conservation, and authorship of the painting, proving it to be a masterpiece that only the great Titian could have created.



Non classé

Confrontation with Exile: Studies in the German Novel

These studies are linked together by a central theme, namely the state of exile created by the Nazi rise to power. Each novel is examined against the socio-political background of the exile scene. Traditional artistic concepts and ideologies, carried over into the new environment, reveal problems of form and content which are treated in detail through individual analysis.



Non classé

The Church of North India

This book presents historical and theological insight into the Church of North India against the background of the modern missionary movement, Indian nationalism and the church union negotiations. The questions of Christian identity, the nature of the church and the appropriate form of Christianity in India are evaluated with a view to present an ecumenical ecclesiology by interrelating three basic categories of narrative, doctrine and institution.



Roman d'amour, roman sentiment

The elements. The air he breathes

THE AIR HE BREATHESThe Elements livre 1Retrouveront-ils goût à la vie ? Premier volume d'une série de 4 titres de Brittainy Cherry, 4 standalones qui se lisent de manière indépendante, dont chaque volume correspond aux 4 éléments de l'univers : l'air, le feu, l'eau, et la terre. The Air He Breathes #1 (L'air)Fire Between High & Lo #2 (Le Feu)The Silent Waters #3 (L'eau)The Gravity of Us #4 (La terre) Tout le monde m'avait avertie au sujet de Tristan Cole. Garde tes distances avec lui me disait-on. Il est cruel. Il est froid. Il est bousillé. C'est facile de juger un homme sur son passé. De regarder Tristan et de ne voir en lui qu'un monstre. Mais je n'ai pas pu réagir de la sorte. J'ai reconnu la désolation qu'il portait parce qu'elle était comparable à celle qui m'habitait et je l'ai acceptée. Lui et moi nous étions des coquilles vides. Nous étions tous deux à la recherche d'autre chose. De quelque chose de plus. Nous voulions tous deux recoller les morceaux éparpillés de nos passé respectifs. C'était peut-être la condition pour que nous puissions finalement réapprendre à respirer. " Certains auteurs vous murmurent directement au coeur, et leurs mots ne vous quittent plus jamais. Brittainy C. Cherry en fait partie. On ne résiste pas au charme de The Air He Breathes. " San Francisco Chronicle



Sciences politiques

As Others See Us

This collection of articles shows that some media products ought to carry a mental health warning : Some school books still contain simplistic presentations of England and Germany. English and German journalists admit that the entertainment value of their articles sometimes takes precedence over impartial reporting. English children's books may contain a reasonable mixture of good and bad Germans but some wartime films needed more sinister types for propaganda. "Made in Germany" originated in English legislation as a label against German competition but became a German marketing tool. A minister in Margaret Thatcher's cabinet made unprintable remarks about Germany. When they were printed, the Ridley Affair proved to be the beginning of the downfall of Britain's controversial Prime Minister.
