
Number from Ahmes to Cantor



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Number from Ahmes to Cantor

We might take numbers and counting for granted, but we shouldn't. Our number literacy rests upon centuries of human effort, punctuated here and there by strokes of genius. In his successor and companion volume to Gnomon: From Pharaohs to Fractals, Midhat Gazalé takes us on a Journey from the ancient worlds of the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the Mayas, the Greeks, the Hindus, up to the Arab invasion of Europe and the Renaissance. Our guide introduces us to some of the most fascinating and ingenious characters in mathematical history, from Ahmes the Egyptian scribe (whose efforts helped preserve some of the mathematical secrets of the architects of the pyramids) through the modern era of Georg Cantor (the great nineteenth-century inventor of transfinite numbers). As he deftly blends together history, mathematics, and even some computer science in his characteristically compelling style, we discover the fundamental notions underlying the acquisition and recording of "number", and what "number" truly means. Gazalé tackles questions that will stimulate math enthusiasts in a highly accessible and inviting manner. What is a natural number? Are the decimal and binary systems the only legitimate ones? Did the Pythagorean theorem and the discovery of the unspeakable irrationals cost the unfortunate mathematician Hippasus his life? What was the Ladder of Theodorus of Cyrene and how did the ancient Greeks calculate square roots with such extraordinary proficiency? An original generalization of Euler's theorem is offered that explains the pattern of rational number representations. Later on, the field of Continued Fractions paves the way for another original contribution by Gazalé, that of cleavages, which sheds light on the mysterious nature of irrational numbers as it beautifully illustrates Dedekind's famous Schnitt. In the end the author introduces us to the Hilbert Hotel with its infinite number of rooms, guests, and an infinite number of people waiting to check in, where he sets the debate between Aristotle and Cantor about the true nature of infinity. This abundantly illustrated book, remarkable for its coherency and simplicity, will fascinate all those who have an interest in the world of numbers. Number will be indispensable for all those who enjoy mathematical recreations and puzzles, and for those who delight in numeracy.



Mouvements artistiques

From scribble to cartoon. Drawings from Bruegel to Rubens

In this exhibition, the Museum Plantin-Moretus shows the 80 most beautiful old master drawings from Flemish collections. From scribble to cartoon : Drawings from Bruegel to Rubens in Flemish Collections (Van Crabbelinge tot Carton : Tekeningen van Bruegel tot Rubens in Vlaamse Collecties) gives an astonishing and representative overview of the art of drawing in our regions in the 16th and 17th centuries. In 2020, the Flemish government placed a large number of old master drawings on their masterpiece list, including rare artworks by Frans Floris, Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony Van Dyck, Jacques Jordaens, Otto van Veen, Jan Fijt and many more. The majority of these masterpieces are kept in the Museum Plantin-Moretus. The museum takes the official recognition of these drawings as masterpieces as an opportunity to put its unique collection in the spotlight. The exhibition presents an overview that illustrates who, why and how people drew in our regions in the 16th and 17th centuries



Non classé

From Scarcity to Sustainability

For futures studies and environmentalism the late 1960s and early 1970s were a heyday period of great publicity, and much scientific interest was devoted to them. The study 'Limits to Growth', commissioned by the Club of Rome, has played an important role for the further advancement of these fascinating fields. Each of them in its own way deals with the long term prospects of humankind and desirable future paths of humanity and the globe. This investigation illustrates a very important phase in the development of these two areas and writes a history of ideas and a history of impact of the Limits to Growth debate and other activities of the Club of Rome. It includes information that has so far only been known to a very limited number of directly involved individuals and looks into very recent stages of the sustainable development debate and newest developments of more pragmatic and critical futures studies. For the purpose of this study some 100 interviews have been made worldwide with very well known and often influential individuals. Among them are : Sicco Mansholt, Alexander King, Jan Tinbergen, Robert Jungk, Saburo Okita, Lord Kennet, Johan Galtung, Barry Commoner and Philip de Seynes.



Roman d'amour, roman sentiment

From Hell to Love

Elle est sauvage, insaisissable et solitaire. Il est têtu, insolent... et il adore les défis. Nouveau pays, nouvelle langue, nouveaux potes. On peut dire que c'est l'année du changement pour Ethan... Fini les conneries, il va devoir assurer s'il veut se faire une place dans cette école de cinéma parisienne. Mais, dès le premier cours, il a eu la mauvaise idée de s'asseoir à côté d'elle... Léa. Avec son regard foudroyant, son ton agressif et son allure provocante, cette nana est à la fois un grand bol d'air frais et une claque en pleine figure. Depuis, Ethan ne pense plus qu'à apprivoiser sa bouche pulpeuse et explorer son corps svelte. Car, derrière la colère, il a vu dans les yeux de cette fille une lueur sauvage, puissante. Celle du désir. Alors, même si elle est sans doute une bombe à retardement, Ethan a déjà fait son choix : il mettra tout en oeuvre pour la désamorcer... au risque d'exploser avec elle.



Littérature érotique et sentim

From Aspen to love

Dans sa vie, Lya a une passion, organiser des mariages. Pour autant elle n'arrive pas à trouver l'amour. Durant les fêtes de fin d'année elle part à Aspen pour assister à une cérémonie et y fait la rencontre inattendue de Lorenzo, un bel italien au caractère bien trempé. Entre rapprochements improbables des sentiments naissants, Lya se bat avec elle-même pour ne pas accepter ce qu'elle ressent vraiment. Si Lorenzo à un caractère grincheux, il n'en est pas moins un très bel homme. Ne pouvant retenir son attirance pour Lya, il fera tout pour la conquérir. Que leur réserve ce voyage à Aspen ? se laisseront-ils bercer par la magie de Noel ?



Non classé

From Regularity to Anomaly

This book discusses the removal of i-umlaut alternations from the inflectional system of Middle English. After presenting the scope and nature of the process in Germanic languages, it offers a detailed investigation into its lexicalisation in main dialects of Middle English. The observed developments are viewed as an interplay of four main factors : the degree of optimal patterning, type frequency, language contact and paradigmatic pressure.



BD tout public

From black to white

Curtis grandit à Harlem avec sa famille dans l'Amérique noire des années 1970. Dans ce coin ravagé de New York rien n'est donné, tout se gagne durement ou s'acquiert violemment. Fasciné par Michael Jackson, Curtis développe un don pour la danse qui l'amène bientôt à considérer une autre vie. Mais la star peut-elle rester son unique modèle alors que le hip hop prête sa voix au mécontentement des noirs ? Tiraillé entre ses idoles, sa carrière et son combat pour les droits des noirs, Curtis doit choisir : ignorer sa différence ou l'affirmer pour exister. Tandis que l'époque brise les barrières des discriminations et que la jeunesse lutte pour de nouvelles valeurs, son histoire se rythme sur fond de bandes son rageuses et subversives.




From Eggman to Eggman

Eggman repeint le paysage afin qu'il soit conforme au tableau. Eggman se cogne au plafond de la case. Eggman laisse sa place à une mouche sur un banc public. L'oiseau laisse sa branche à Eggman. Les dés à jouer perdent leurs points. Eggman change sa fenêtre de place pour profiter d'une autre vue. Les chaises se déplacent, et des branchages poussent du bois dont elles sont constituées... Après I am the Eggman, l'attachant petit bonhomme à la forme d'oeuf revient pour de nouvelles facéties visuelles, à la fois douces et absurdes. Entre les dessins à la ligne claire, s'intercalent d'énigmatiques peintures bleutées dont Eggman est, là encore et à son insu, le héros. A mettre dans toutes les poches et entre toutes les mains !



Non classé

Cognitive Perspectives on Language

The papers collected in the present volume show that the terms cognitivism and cognitive, so common in present day linguistic discourse, do not refer to a single theoretical mode or approach to language. Firstly, the papers show that cognitivism is a lively research area accommodating a wide spectrum of approaches. Secondly, they address a number of issues ranging from grammaticalization, event structure, semantic representation, equivalence, image schematic representations and lexicography to poetry, metaphor, metonymy, and national mentality. Some of the contributions deal with the linguistic phenomena in one language, while others take up a cross-linguistic approach.





This book is intended to serve as a one-semester introductory course in number theory. Throughout the book a historical perspective has been adopted and emphasis is given to some of the subject's applied aspects; in particular die field of cryptography is highlighted. At the heart of the book arc the major number theoretic accomplishments of Euclid, Fermat, Gauss, Legendre, and Euler, and to fully illustrate the properties of numbers and concepts developed in the text, a wealth of exercises has been included. It is assumed that the reader will have 'pencil in hand' and ready access to a computer. For students new to number theory, whatever their background, this is a stimulating and entertaining introduction to the subject.




Statistical and Data Handling Skills in Biology

All biologists need to be able to handle numbers, yet students of biology often approach this topic fearfully. This guide helps to, develop key skills for the study of biology in the minimum time through guided practise. Statistical and Data Handling Skills in Biology is an easy-to-use handbook which concentrates on essentials. It explains why certain mathematical concepts can help in biology and describes them in simple language and pictures with few equations. Numerous worked examples and problems from real biological situations are provided. The book first shows how to handle numbers and S.I. units. It then explains why variation is such a problem in biology and shows how to use statistical tests to separate real effects from the background variation. Finally it explains how to choose appropriate statistical tests to, analyse data and how to improve the design of experiments. Students will develop confidence in dealing with numbers by working through the problems provided. Key features include: - takes a biological viewpoint; - clear, concise coverage of essential concepts; - helpful explanations and pictures with a minimum of equations; - step-by-step guides to statistical tests; - guidance on using computer-based statistical packages; - decision charts for choosing statistical tests; - worked examples and problems, with solutions provided. This book makes an ideal companion for biologists at all levels, as a text for elementary courses for sixth form and first year undergraduate students, a self-study guide, or as a laboratory handbook for the working biologist.





With its simplicity in presentation, this new book makes the difficult concepts of soil mechanics and foundations much easier to understand! The author explains basic concepts and fundamental principles in the context of basic mechanics, physics, and mathematics. From Practical Situations and Essential Points to Practical Examples and Questions to Guide Your Reading the book is packed with helpful hints and pedagogy that make the material crystal clear. This book also includes a CD-ROM that offers readers hands-on learning. The CD contains interactive animations of basic concepts, interactive problem solving, electronic quizzes, interactive computer programs for special topics, virtual labs and much more. With the help of this CD and text, anyone can quickly master the key principles behind soil mechanics and foundations. KEY FEATURES * A What you should be able to do list at the beginning of each chapter alerts readers to what they should learn after studying each chapter. * The author maintains a solid level of technical rigor despite the simplicity in presentation. * A large number of examples are worked out step-by-step to illustrate problem-solving techniques. * The CD-ROM includes The Virtual Soils Laboratory, which allows readers to do sophisticated soil testing at their own convenience.



Physique, chimie

Organic Synthesis on Solid Phase. Supports, Linkers, Reactions

Organic synthesis on solid supports is a rapidly developing methodology, which offers several advantages if compared to traditional synthesis in solution. In recent years the number of substance classes that can be synthesised on solid phase has quickly increased, and solid-phase synthesis is becoming a valuable alternative to traditional synthesis - in particular when large numbers of different compounds in small quantities are needed for screening. This exhaustive and systematically organised reference work gives an in-depth view on organic syntheses on insoluble polymers from the basic principles to the newest developments. The work quickly guides the reader to any particular type of reaction and to the best method for preparing a given class of compounds on solid support. Many tables with clear presentations collect valuable information about the feasibility of a given reaction on solid support, and a wealth of information is opened up to the reader through a thoroughly worked out and comprehensive reference list. This makes the book the first stop when it comes to synthesising your compounds on solid support.



Histoire internationale

From Revolutionary Theater to Reactionary Litanies

Gustave Hervé (1871–1944) seemed to have traditional Breton roots and a typical republican education. As a young socialist journalist and professor, he gained notoriety following a 1901 article which appeared to plant the tricolor in a dung pile. When French socialists unified in 1905, the Hervéistes were an influential minority. The antimilitarist movement called Hervéism gradually emerged as a quixotic crusade to unite revolutionaries against war and for socialism. Hervé soon founded a weekly newspaper, La Guerre Sociale. Over the next six years, press campaigns, trials, prison, demonstrations, strikes, and conspiratorial organizations maintained Hervé's profile and sold newspapers. Ironically, Hervé advertised conspiracies, which suggests revolutionary theater more than practical politics. Among Hervé's rivals, such theatrics often generated resentment. While Hervé's movement succeeded as a media experience, his leftist competitors became jealous and skeptical. As revolutionary theater Hervéism might have been entertaining, but the actors and some of the audience often confused revolutionary art with political reality. By 1911 the ingenuous Hervé felt betrayed. His failure to unite revolutionaries began an evolution toward the nation and its traditional Catholic faith. Besides the international situation, one crucial determinant in Hervé's evolution toward French national socialism sympathetic to fascism involved ongoing rivalries within the French Left. Hervé's marginal interwar national socialist parties sought to employ patriotism and religion to solve French problems. By 1935 he attempted to draft Pétain to lead an authoritarian republic. Gradually losing hope in Pétain after the fall of France, the aging Hervé put his faith in Christian socialism.




From FPS to RPG Tome 2

Tout commence avec un homme passionné par les FPS. Un jour, en pleine partie, celui-ci dérape malencontreusement et tombe en dehors de la map. Pensant mourir jusqu'aux derniers instants de la plus stupide des façons, Ren Saitô se réveille finalement dans un RPG d'heroic fantasy. Pour survivre dans ce monde peuplé de monstres extrêmement agressifs, il pourra compter sur l'interface du jeu et sur ses armes à feu favorites !




From FPS to RPG Tome 1

Tout commence avec un homme passionné par les FPS. Un jour, en pleine partie, celui-ci dérape malencontreusement et tombe en dehors de la map. Pensant mourir jusqu'aux derniers instants de la plus stupide des façons, Ren Saitô se réveille finalement dans un RPG d'heroic fantasy. Pour survivre dans ce monde peuplé de monstres extrêmement agressifs, il pourra compter sur l'interface du jeu et sur ses armes à feu favorites !



Non classé

Labouring Lives

Labouring Lives unravels the huge changes which have so fundamentally altered the life courses of ordinary women over the past one hundred and fifty years, namely the changes in marriage and fertility patterns. Using dynamic data from Dutch population registers and analytical techniques from the life course approach, the book offers new evidence on women's changing position in the labour market, their role in pre-nuptial sexuality, and their contribution to marriage and fertility change in the Netherlands between 1880 and 1960. The author reconstructs the socio-economic and demographic worlds of different groups of working and non-working women, and by doing so she is able to locate the various groups driving the changes. Advanced statistical tools enable the author to analyse differences in fertility strategies, stopping versus spacing, employed by various social and cultural groups in the Netherlands. This book leads to conclusions which challenge a number of orthodoxies in the field.




Number cakes

Fêtez vos anniversaires de façon gourmande grâce à ces number cakes ! 20 recettes pour fêter le premier anniversaire de votre enfant, la majorité de votre ado, les 25 ans de votre meilleur(e) ami(e) ou les 40 ans de votre moitié ! Préparez une base sablée, génoise ou pâte à choux, découpez-la à l'aide des gabarits en fin d'ouvrage et garnissez-la de crème, de fruits, de bonbons, de meringues ou encore de macarons. DANS CE LIVRE, RETROUVEZ : 20 recettes : chocolat, fruits rouges, licorne, brownie, café... Les gabarits en taille réelle des chiffres de 0 à 9 à découper ou à photocopier.




Number cake

Les gâteaux en forme de chiffres pour fêter les anniversaires. Une même base sablée, et des dizaines de possibilités de garnitures et décors. Une vingtaine de recettes pour des gâteaux pour tous les goûts et tous les looks : spécial fraise, tout chocolat, agrumes, spécial biscuits préférés, spécial bonbons, girly, rigolo, old fashion, un licorne... La méthode de réalisation : découper dans une pâte sablée les chiffres selon les patrons fournis, mettre à cuire les sablés, laisser refroidir, garnir de crème à la poche à douille, puis recouvrir du 2e chiffre sablé, recouvrir encore de "choux" de crème à la poche à douille, décorer selon les idées... fruits frais, fleurs, bonbons, biscuits, copeaux...



Roman d'amour, roman sentiment

Number 22

Kayla n'a pas le choix, à vingt ans, elle doit reprendre sa vie en main. Première étape : retourner sur les bancs de la fac, même s'il s'agit de celle de Lowland City, sa ville natale. Oubliée l'ancienne Kayla, celle qui enchaînait les frasques au lycée. Bonjour la Kayla 2. 0, celle qui porte le poids de ses actes sur les épaules. Elle n'a qu'un objectif, obtenir son diplôme pour enfin laisser le passé derrière elle. Et surtout, se tenir loin du Numéro 22, Ace Duncan, le halfback vedette de l'équipe universitaire de football américain, celui qu'elle a abandonné il y a quatre ans. Ace Duncan n'est plus celui qu'il était. Oublié l'adolescent au sourire charmeur. Bonjour le sportif à l'aura dévastatrice. Il est plus séduisant que jamais, plus sombre et mystérieux aussi. Et surtout, il l'attire toujours autant, même s'il lui est interdit... Amour, vengeance, trahisons... Bienvenue à l'université de Lowland City !



Non classé

Brides on Sale

Beginning in the 1990s large numbers of women from Mainland China and Southeast Asia married men in Taiwan. They now number over 400,000, warranting some to call them "Taiwan's Fifth Ethnic Group". This book argues that the rise of these marriages is a gendered and relational phenomenon, linked to the forces of globalization. Traditional ideas of marriage, such as the belief that a woman "marries out" of her natal family to be dependent upon her husband and his family, and the idea that a man should "marry down" to a woman of a lesser social and economic status, have not kept pace with changes in women's educational and career opportunities. How these relationships are formed, how they impact gendered understandings of women and men, how families are constituted and relationships developed, and how they affect the children of these families and their education, are the issues explored in this book. It breaks new ground in our understanding of transnational and cross-border marriages by looking at the long-term effects of such marriages on communities, families, and individuals.




Arts du Nigéria Central revisités. Mumuye et peuples environnants

In previous studies, Jan Strybol pointed out that sculpture in Northern Nigeria - contrary to what is generally assumed - flourished. Wood sculptures could be found just about everywhere, with the exception of a part of the Far North. In this study, the author first examines the sculptural traditions of a number of peoples in Central Nigeria, in particular from the Jos Plateau and from the valley of the Middle Benue to the source area of the Taraba River. These peoples can be described as non-centralized communities where mainly art in perishable materials was produced by part-time specialists, in contrast to the centralized empires in the South (Ife, Benin) where full-time specialists created complex works of art in durable materials (stone, bronze, iron). Perhaps the most well-known ethnic group in the Middle Benue region among aficionados of African art are the Mumuye. Since the end of the last century, the traditional rites of the Mumuye have rapidly disappeared as a result of the advance of the world religions and with them the Mumuye sculpture so much admired in Europe and America. In addition to wood sculpture, Jan Strybol also pays attention to objects in bronze, iron, terracotta and other materials. Until now, these art forms have been very underexposed and have now almost completely disappeared. Finally, the author also elaborates on some artistic achievements of a number of little-known residual groups within the Mumuye territory, which can boast a rich art tradition.




The Impact of Sociology of Law on Government Action

This report focuses upon the relationship between government action and research in the field of Sociology of Law. This topic is treated within a general theoretical framework as well as in respect to a number of specific areas of current legal policies. The book centres upon the function and conception of Sociology of Law in relation to government action. The positions presented in these proceedings range from a technocratic to a critical model. Moreover, due to their origin in different political camps, the contributions represent the current state of international research in this field.




Fantastic Beasts in Antiquity. Looking for the monster, discovering the Human, Textes en français et anglais

Not satisfied with what nature offered, human beings wanted to go beyond reality and invented mysterious and intriguing creatures populating their world. During Antiquity, every culture had its own strange creatures, that mixed the forms of one or more animal, plant and human species in an infinite number of more-or-less fanciful combinations. Griffins, sphinxes, mermaids, centaurs, satyrs, pygmies, werewolves, winged monsters and unspeakable hybrids, fantastic beasts abound in the imagination of many populations throughout Antiquity. Most of them continue to live, sometimes transformed, through fairy tales, literature, movies and videogames. Faced with the abundance and variety of the ancient fantastic bestiary, the questions that come to mind are : Where do fantastic beasts come from ? How do they appear in different cultures ? What is their history, how did they survive until now ? And above all, what are fantastic beasts ? This book will explore these questions through the lens of archaeology, art history, philology and philosophy. The result is a hybrid book, precisely like the fantastic animals that constitute its object, a book which offers different approaches of analysis while being aware that our means are often vain to capture these elusive figures, which ultimately are more like us than they seem. Man, like Oedipus, will often prove to be more monstrous than the Sphinx...



Non classé

On 'Nominal Non-Predicating' Adjectives in English

The study tries to show - on the basis of a large collection of data - that the labelling of adjectives such as environmental, nuclear, linguistic, urban as 'nominal, non-preicating' does not adequately account for observable language behaviour. 'Lexicalized' terms such as polar bear behave like unitary nouns, but otherwise these adjectives can well be found in predicative position ; they may also accept adverbial modification. Various syntactic tests demonstrate that attempts to explain predicative occurrences as resulting from ellipsis, from Head Noun Deletion, fail in a large number of cases. The conclusion reached in this thesis is that the adjectives in question cannot generally be considered 'attributive-only'.



Anglais apprentissage

English for aircraft Tome 2 : System maintenance

English for Aircraft is a course designed for users of aircraft documentation, notably ground mechanics and technicians, who already have a minimum grasp of aircraft technology. The two volumes may be used for classroom teaching or for self-study. The Maintenance volum consists of a large number of short extracts taken from documents such as maintenance manuals and service bulletins. Each axtract is accompanied by comprehension and vocabulary exercises ranging from "scanning" activities to more detailed analysis of the technical content.





Jesse Liberty's WebClasses from scratch is designed to teach Web database programming in the context of building EmployeeNet, a robust and scalable human resources intranet application. This book is for you if you are a Visual Basic programmer who wants to make the transition to developing Web applications, a database programmer who wants to put his data on the Web, a Web designer and programmer who wants to write the server-side and client-side code to support your increasingly complex and powerful Web sites, or a Web developer who wants to apply object-oriented analysis and design and industry best-practices to your web development. The Concept Web on the inside cover graphically represents the interrelationships between the Windows interNet Application architecture and the various technologies used to create the application. - Design a database to effectively organize tables, create indexes, and support referential integrity - Build a robust, maintainable, and scalable application using COM and ActiveX - Use JavaScript- extensively for data manipulation and validation on the client side - Utilize Microsoft's Distributed interNet Applications architecture (DNA) to build large-scale distributed application - Connect the database and application by using ADO and ODBC



Beaux arts

Autodidacts. From Van Gogh to Pirosmani, 1e édition

The symposium will focus on two examples of autodidacts from the nineteenth century, Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) and Niko Pirosmani (1862-1918), as well as on the issues surrounding this notion today. The model of the autodidact appears as a figure that sheds light on our value systems and our patterns of recognition and learning in a world where different conceptions of culture coexist. Over two days, art historians, critics, writers, artists and teachers will gather to discuss autodidacticism through multiple perspectives. The term "autodidact" is generally used to describe someone who has acquired knowledge or skills through their own reading, observations and practice - an approach that is radically different from academic study in the arts, for example, that is validated by institutions. Yet what can we possibly learn if we sacrifice brilliant cultural values on the altar of all- round relativism, where everything is equally valid ? Faced with this relativism, what does one make of the canonical in a globalised and fragmented world ? What to make of an unlearning that cripples the authority of the keepers of knowledge ? These different "cultures of knowledge" presuppose diverse geopolitical realities that are worth interrogating.




Grasse, From Flower to Fragrance. Édition en anglais

"Chacun est essentiel dans cette longue chaîne qui va du producteur de plante au créateur en passant par le chercheur et le transformateur, mais le parfumeur donne le tempo".



12 ans et +


1er septembre 1939. Toni vient de passer la frontière alsacienne. Son père et les emblèmes nazis sont derrière lui, en Autriche. Mais ici à Algolsheim, c'est l'ordre d'évacuation générale, tout le monde fuit. Et très vite, l'adolescent se sait poursuivi. Espions Allemands puis Anglais semblent rechercher quelqu'un ou quelque chose dans les prémisses d'une guerre annoncée. De nos jours, un octogénaire, Séraphin, découvre chez un vieil ami disparu un mystérieux manuscrit, Nummer, écrit en allemand gothique durant la seconde guerre mondiale, ainsi que d'étranges messages, éparpillés dans sa maison... Quel message a voulu laisser son ami ? Aidé de jeunes voisins un peu envahissants, Pauline et Gabriel, il va tenter de résoudre l'énigme de "NUMMER" qui le mènera, entre autre, sur le chemin de son passé et de celui de Toni...
