
parthenon of books



Art contemporain

Jared Bark Book of Stacks Stack of Books /franCais/anglais

En 2012, l'artiste américain Jared Bark, s'est mis à empiler des livres dans les champs et les bois autour de sa ferme. Il avait cette image en tête d'une colonne de livres dressée au bord d'un champ entouré d'arbres. Après avoir travaillé sur les piles en extérieur, Jared Bark a déplacé le projet dans son atelier, où il a fabriqué toutes sortes de piles de livres : des colorées, des brulées, des effacées...Plus récemment, Bark a construit des piles verticales de livres qui sont ensuite passées dans une scierie pour devenir une "cant", terme désignant une bûche qui a été fraisée sur les quatre côtés. La verticalité élancée de ces sculptures fait référence à la fois aux arbres dont on fait le papier et aux anciennes colonnes autoportantes que Bark a découvertes à Pompéi. Book of Stacks, Stacks of Books rassemble pour la première fois dans un livre une sélection complète des piles que Bark a réalisées au cours de la dernière décennie.




Book of Roy

De 1998 à 2005, Neil Drabble a photographié un adolescent américain, Roy, alors qu'il grandissait de l'adolescence à l'âge adulte. A un certain niveau, ce vaste travail peut être considéré comme un document fascinant d'une transition toujours convaincante. Un examen plus approfondi révèle d'autres nuances ; une collaboration, un partenariat, un portrait personnel et en même temps une image universelle de l'adolescence. Drabble a choisi de ne pas représenter les événements significatifs qui pourraient apparaître dans un album de famille ni les moments définitifs associés à la photographie documentaire. Au lieu de cela, ces photographies se concentrent sur les périodes apathiques et hors scène, les "moments intermédiaires" de la vie quotidienne. Cette focalisation sur les passages marginaux du temps ignoré situe le spectateur au coeur de l'adolescence, définie comme la période entre l'enfance et l'âge adulte, suspendue entre le désir (pour la promesse différée de l'âge adulte) et le regret (pour la perte de l'enfance comme refuge). En photographiant la même personne à plusieurs reprises et intimement au cours de leurs années de formation, un sens de la mise en miroir a commencé à émerger, réveillant quelque chose du soi adolescent de l'artiste, brouillant la frontière entre portrait et autoportrait. Neil Drabble a grandi dans un Manchester gris des années 1970, en regardant des émissions de télévision américaines et en rêvant d'un glamour perçu d'une adolescence vécu dans des endroits où les adolescents mangeaient de la pizza, buvaient le Dr Pepper, discutaient au téléphone avec des amis jusqu'à tard et conduisaient des voitures plutôt que en attente aux arrêts de bus pluvieux. Le processus de représentation de Roy et la collaboration entre le photographe plus âgé et le sujet plus jeune ont permis à Drabble de recadrer d'une certaine manière ses propres années d'adolescence et de s'engager par procuration avec des aspects d'une jeunesse américaine alternative qu'il avait convoitée outre-Atlantique.



Comics divers

Book of Shadows

SHADOWMAN. LE GUERRIER ETERNEL. PUNK MAMBO. DOCTOR MIRAGE. Les protecteurs surnaturels de l'univers Valiant se réunissent pour la première fois pour combattre un ennemi antique : L'Exarque Funèbres. Personne ne sera à l'abri tant que le Book of Shadows sera entre ses mains, surtout qu'il souhaite sacrifier notre monde pour satisfaire sa faim.



Beaux arts

Bourdichon's Boston Hours

This absorbing book explores the crown jewel of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum's collection of rare books and manuscripts : Jean Bourdichon's Boston Hours. As court artist to King François I of France, Bourdichon produced paintings, books and even parade floats for the sovereign and his entourage. This publication accompanies the museum's first ever exhibition dedicated to this spectacular illuminated manuscript. Painter to two kings, Jean Bourdichon remains today one of the most celebrated artists of the French Renaissance. By age twenty-four, he was already serving as "peintre du roy, " a title which Bourdichon held for the rest of his life. His illustrious career at the French royal court led to a wide range of commissions- from portraits to wall maps to stained glass-but he is remembered principally for astonishing illuminated manuscripts. The peerless Grandes Heures for Queen Anne of Brittany remains the touchstone of this group which includes some of the most lavishly painted books of hours ever produced. One of these masterpieces-Bourdichon's Boston Hours-in the collection of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum is the subject of this book. Bourdichon's only intact book of hours in the United States was acquired by Isabella Stewart Gardner in 1890 and became the crown jewel of her collection of rare books and manuscripts. Leading scholars Nicholas Herman and Anne-Marie Eze explore its history in depth, shedding new light on the book's patronage and provenance- from the shelves of a wealthy Catholic landowner in Lincolnshire to the shop of a Venetian art and antiques dealer. This book is the latest in the Gardner's Close Up series, each installment focusing on an individual, outstanding work of art in the collection. This publication is the first dedicated to this rare treasure, and precedes an exhibition opening in summer 2022.



Livres 0-3 ans

Days of the Week (Little Board Books)

Apprendre les jours de la semaine en suivant la vie quotidienne du petit panda et sa famille dans ce livre charmant, tout carton - adapté aux petites mains. Apprendre les jours de la semaine en suivant la vie quotidienne du petit panda et sa famille dans ce livre charmant, tout carton - adapté aux petites mains.





Whereas many books in this field deal with individual aspects or texts of the study of family laws, Leviticus : The Priestly Laws and Prohibitions from the Perspective of Ancient Near East and Africa examines extensively biblical texts, ancient Near Eastern text, and oral traditions from Africa. Thus, three different cultures converge : the world of the Hebrew Bible, the world of the ancient Near East, and the world of Africa. This volume examines in detail the history of the development of ancient laws in general and family laws in particular, especially the laws relating to marriages between close relatives. Furthermore, Johnson M. Kimuhu looks at prohibitions and taboos in Africa and the problems they pose with regard to the interpretation and translation of difficult biblical concepts into African languages. In that sense, Kimuhu provides an example of how to contextualize or integrate African traditions into the study of biblical Hebrew, and he also offers insights into the current debate on the study of kinship from the point of view of social/cultural anthropology and the Hebrew Bible legal system. Teachers, students, and researchers in biblical studies, ancient Near Eastern studies, African traditions, and social/cultural anthropology will find this book helpful in their quest to understand family laws, prohibitions, and taboos.



Anglais apprentissage

Young Learners

Resource Books for Teachers give guidance on the key aspects of language teaching, and provide examples and discussion of actual classroom materials and techniques. This new primary sub-series, in a larger format, specifically addresses the needs of primary teachers, teacher trainers, and trainee teachers. Each book contains guidance for the teacher, 6o to 100 activities for primary children, and up to 20 photocopiable worksheets. The activities are explained clearly and simply, with aims, age range, and level clearly laid out. Young Learners is based on the principle that primary teachers of English have a much wider responsibility than the simple teaching of the language system. The English class is not only a place where children learn English ; it also forms part of their whole education. This book provides teachers with a rich source of ideas for English lessons. It contains ideas and materials for activities such as making posters, books, and cards ; making and playing with board games and puppets, as well as drama, songs, and stories. It includes helpful hints for teachers new to young Learners, for instance on the use of English in the classroom, and feedback from learners.



Non classé

Bonoure and Buxum

If married in church, medieval women vowed before God and their husbands to be ‘bonoure and buxum', that is, meek and obedient in bed and at table. This book is a study of wives in a variety of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century romance, fabliaux, cycle drama, life-writing, lyrics and hagiography. The volume examines key moments that defined life as a married woman : her eligibility to become a wife, the wedding ceremony, her conjugal rights and duties, childbirth and her contribution to the family economy. The book explores the way in which the literary representation of wives is in dialogue with discourses that strove to construct and regulate the role of ‘wife'; canon and secular law, marriage liturgy, medical treatises on the female body, sermons, manuals of spiritual instruction, biblical paradigms, conduct books and misogamous writings. Moreover, the volume examines the possibilities for subversion of these paradigms by listening to literary wives speak both within and against these discourses. Real women's attitudes, and strategies of subversion, are woven into the volume throughout, as recorded in church and manorial court records, in their wills and in their writing.





The geometry of the hyperbolic plane has been an active and fascinating field of mathematical inquiry for most of the past two centuries. This book provides a self-contained introduction to the subject, taking the approach that hyperbolic geometry consists of the study of those quantities invariant under the action of a natural group of transformations. Topics covered include the upper half-space model of the hyperbolic plane, Möbius transformations, the general Möbius group and the subgroup preserving path length in the upper half-space model, arc-length and distance, the Poincaré disc model, convex subsets of the hyperbolic plane, the Gauss-Bonnet formula for the area of a hyperbolic polygon and its applications. The style and level of the book, which assumes few mathematical prerequisites, make it an ideal introduction to this subject and provide the reader with a firm grasp of the concepts and techniques of this beautiful area of mathematics. The Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series (SUMS) is a new series for undergraduates in the mathematical sciences. From core foundational material to final year topics, SUMS books take a fresh and modern approach and are ideal for self-study or for a one- or two-semester course. Each book includes numerous examples, problems and fully-worked solutions.



12 ans et +

The Book of Ivy Tome 1

Au nom de quoi seriez-vous prêt à tuer ? A la suite d'une guerre nucléaire dévastatrice, la population des Etats-Unis s'est retrouvée décimée. Un groupe de survivants a fini par se former, mais en son sein s'est joué une lutte de pouvoir entre deux familles pour la présidence de la petite nation. Les Westfall ont perdu. Cinquante ans plus tard, les fils et les filles des adversaires d'autrefois sont contraints de s'épouser, chaque année, dans une cérémonie censée assurer l'unité du peuple. Cette année, mon tour est venu. Je m'appelle Ivy Westfall, et je n'ai qu'une seule et unique mission dans la vie : tuer le fils du président que je suis destinée à épouser. L'objectif, c'est la révolution, et le retour au pouvoir des miens. Peu importe qu'un coeur de chair et de sang batte dans sa poitrine, peu importe qu'un innocent soit sacrifié pour des raisons politiques. Peu importe qu'en apprenant à le connaître, je fasse une rencontre qui change ma vie. Mon destin est scellé depuis l'enfance. Bishop doit mourir. Et je serai celle qui le tuera. Née pour trahir et faite pour tuer... Sera-t-elle à la hauteur ? Book of Ivy est le premier roman d'Amy Engel, à la fois suspense insoutenable, dystopie cruelle et histoire d'amour torturée.



Documentaires jeunesse

Quentin Blake and the Demoiselles des Bords de Seine

Quentin Blake is one of the best-known illustrators of our time. He was Roald Dahl's regular illustrator, and their books have enjoyed world popularity with generations of children. Blake has collaborated with many other well-known authors and also created his own picture-books such as Clown and Zagazoo. Quentin Blake was born in England in 1932. For more than 20 years he taught in and then led the illustration department of the Royal College of Art. In 1999 he became the first Children's Laureate and in 2005 was appointed CBE for his services to children's literature. In France, where he spends a great deal of his time and where he has been published by Gallimard for the past 30 years, Quentin Blake has the same huge reputation as in Great Britain. His work has been exhibited there, and he has produced several books especially for French readers. In 2002 he was made a Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres. It was on account of this reputation that he was invited by the Petit Palais to select and present the exhibition Quentin Blake et les Demoiselles des Bords de Seine, and in the exhibition and this book he displays his enthusiasm for 19th century French art with a perceptiveness and liveliness which will speak to readers of all ages.




Clashing Cultures. Annang Not(with)standing Christianity – An Ethnography

Clashing Cultures is an anthropological study of the Annang, an ethnic people of Southern Nigeria. The book provides a succinct historical and ethnographic description of the impacts of various cultural and religious influences upon the Annang people and the transformations that have taken place as a result. The consideration of Christianity's influence on the Annang is part of the broader historical and anthropological picture. Although it is an academic work, Clashing Cultures is also a living text. It reflects the evolving culture of the Annang regarding issues such as marriage, male/female roles and supernatural beliefs. The book deals with ritual as a practice that produces meaning, by means of images and metaphors in an unfolding drama. It looks at how the Annang extract meaning from themselves, their bodies, their gestures, their actions in social, spatial and historical contexts. The book creates a "time-oriented anthropology" in which local processes are mirrored in the context of larger ones.





Learn ActiveX Development Using Visual C++ 6.0 presents the basics of the Component Object Model, the ActiveX Template Library, and the Microsoft Foundation Classes, and explains how these technologies all work together to create cutting-edge components for modem applications and web pages. The text then covers the creation of several types of ActiveX controls in both ATL and MFC, and how to support Property Pages and events in both ATL and MFC. Finally, the author explores the mechanics of using ActiveX on the Internet. Learn ActiveX Development Using Visual C++ 6.0 is the first in Wordware's series of ActiveX/COM-oriented books for Visual C++ programmers. While some of the information within these books overlaps to ensure that each book stands alone, each does focus on a specific ActiveX/COM-related technology. Look for these other titles: Learn OLE DB Development with Visual C++ 6.0 (1-55622634-9), Learn ActiveX Template Library Development with Visual C++ 6.0 (1-55622-633-0), and Learn Microsoft Transaction Server Development Using Visual C++ 6.0 (1-55622-629-2). This book: > Presents the basics of COM, ATL, and MFC. > Shows how to create several types of controls in both ATL and MFC. > Demonstrates Property Page and event support in ATL and MFC. > Explores the use of ActiveX on the Internet. > Includes a CD containing complete source code and projects; several third-party applications and utilities for creating HTML, CDF, OSD, and ASP files; and trial versions of Borland tools.



Littérature française

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba)

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba) This book is dedicated to the unique One who has assumed a form and name to lead the play of universal existence. He throbs in our loving heart ; He breathes in our living soul. He sings in our fervent spirit and he thinks in our purified mind. That infinite Ancient One from his supernal height, bends towards us to embrace us in his love, and to feed our soul with the nectar of his bliss. Blessed are they that have the mind to know him, the heart to feel him and the love to live in his consciousness ! He may have been born to human parents in Poona, studied in a college, played cricket, left home, have seen great souls, sat alone silent, spoken in gestures, written books - but that is not his history. Many live such a life ; many scholars write books ; many saints sit in contemplation ; many monks leave home for mountain resorts ; but they cannot be one like him. Millions of bulbs challenge in vain the darkness of night. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. We have seen monks, yogins and saints. Some live alone for peace. Some open Ashrams and collect donations to run them. Some comercialise their name and form. Some display miracles to surprise human minds ; some offer boons ; some predict the future ; some curse you when you do not offer them what they want. Some seek pleasure and treasure. But who seeks God and finds God in the self to awaken God-awareness in other men and women ? Who says "I am God and you are God too"? Who rises above the prattle of words, the rattle of weapons and battle of ideologies to the lofty peace of supersonic silence and pours his blessings from the dizzy height of the soul in tune with God ? Who is he that embraces all in the heart and awakens the soul which has none of the human creations of caste, religion, race, pedigree nor colour ? Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget



Documentaires jeunesse

Paris au fil du temps

Who made Paris the way it is ? What were the major phases of its construction ? How did Paris adapt to modern times and its growing population ? Discover the Gallo-Roman city of Lutetia, explore the filthy alleys of medieval Paris, admire the royal squares classical era, join the crowds in the Belly of Paris, stroll down the spacious Haussmanian boulevards... This book is an invitation to wander through the different eras that have made Paris the city it is today. With flaps that fold down, panels that open up, wheels to turn, mini-books to flip through, and panoramas to behold on every page !



Livres 0-3 ans

We are shapes

This clever board book teaches a dual lesson : as children are introduced to shapes, they are also taught interpersonal development. An adorable cast of characters - square, rectangle, triangle, circle, but also squiggly and lumpy - come together to build a house. Each shape contributes its unique quality, and collectively they achieve something that they could not do alone. Visually inspired by the children's books created by Russian Constructivists, this charming book teaches young readers everywhere that we are far stronger together than alone




De historia animalium. Translatio Guillelmi de Morbeka, Pars altera: lib. VI-X. Edition bilingue anglais-latin

This book forms the complement to the first volume published in 2000. The preface contains some remarks about the transmission of the text as a supplement to the first volume. Then follow the critical edition of books VI-X, and the indices for the whole text. The complete edition gives access to the longest and most important work from Aristotle's zoology, De historia animalium, in the Latin translation by William of Moerbeke. This version was part of the standard university curriculum in the late-medieval West. The bilingual indices give access to the richness of the translator's vocabulary and provide an indispensable tool for the study of his translation method. Except for De partibus animalium, all of Moerbeke's translations from the Aristotelian zoological corpus are now available in critical editions.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie


More than ever before Japan is committed to becoming a science and technology-oriented nation. With the challenge of the Asian economic crisis in the late 1 990s, there is pressure on the Japanese economy to change. Japan continues to turn to science and technology to safeguard its future, but there is more than one path to follow. A team of three leading scholars in the field explore the dynamic relationship between science, technology and Japanese society, examining how it has contributed to economic growth and the well-being of the Japanese people. They ask if there is anything distinctively Japanese about Japanese science, in terms of both its development and application. This book presents a synthesis of recent debates by juxtaposing competing views about the role and direction of science, technology and medical care in Japan. Much of the book looks at government policy, the role of the private sector, and the response of concerned citizens. Other topics discussed include computers and communication, quality control and the automobile industry, the aerospace industry, the environment, consumer electronics, changes in medical care, and the role of gender. Part I explores the features of the Japanese model of research and development. It differentiates between basic and applied research and considers the question of cooperation versus competition in national R&D projects. Part 2 focuses on the relevance of science and technology to economic growth, and Part 3 examines the impact of globalisation on the flow of science and technology in and out of Japan. Part 4 critiques the concept of 'national interest', arguing that supposed national goals are often determined by powerful institutional or corporate groups with particular vested interests. This book is an ideal introductory text for students in the sociology of science and technology, the history and philosophy of science, and Japanese studies. Up-to-date research and contemporary case studies make this an invaluable resource for readers interested in the nature of science and technology in the twenty-first century.



12 ans et +

The Book of Ivy Tome 2 : The Revolution of Ivy

Condamnée à l’exil pour ses crimes, Ivy se retrouve seule au-delà de la barrière qui protège les siens d’un monde hostile, dévasté par l’arme atomique des décennies plus tôt. Trahie par sa famille, abandonnée par Bishop, elle doit quitter Westfall et s’enfonce dans la nature sauvage et découvre qu’elle est habitée. Cette année, mon tour est venu. Mais la ville où elle est née se tord dans les convulsions d’un coup d’Etat, et le chaos ne tarde pas à régner. C’est un Bishop différent qui débarque dans le camp où Ivy s’est réfugiée, un Bishop qui a découvert, entretemps, plus d’une vérité. Il est temps pour la jeune fille de décider ce qu’elle compte faire : se venger ou faire la révolution ? Le deuxième et dernier tome de la série The Book of Ivy clôt une saga dystopique où survie en milieu hostile, complots meurtrier et manipulations politiques se mettent en travers du chemin d’un duo à l’alchimie saisissante. Découvrez l’aventure finale d’Ivy, assassin devenue survivante !



Sciences de la terre et de la

Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Sciences. 2nd edition

Modern studies of atmospheres, oceans, and Earth and planetary systems require a good knowledge of basic chemical principles. This book provides a clear, concise grounding in these principles. Undergraduate and graduate students with little formal training in chemistry can work through the chapters, and the numerous exercises, within this book before accessing more advanced texts in atmospheric chemistry, geochemistry, and the environmental sciences. Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Sciences covers the fundamental concepts of chemical equilibria, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, solution chemistry, acid and base chemistry, oxidation-reduction reactions, and photochemistry. This new edition has been updated and revised from the first edition. In a companion volume entitled Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry (2000, Cambridge University Press) Peter Hobbs provides an introduction to atmospheric chemistry itself, including its applications to air pollution, acid rain, the ozone hole, and climate change. Together these two books provide on ideal introduction to atmospheric chemistry for a variety of disciplines.



Anglais apprentissage

Drama with children

Resource Books for Teachers give guidance on the key aspects of language teaching, and provide examples and discussion of actual classroom materials and techniques. This new primary sub-series, in a larger format, specifically addresses the needs of primary teachers, teacher trainers, and trainee teachers. Each book contains guidance for the teacher, 60 to 100 activities for primary children, and up to 20 photocopiable worksheets. The activities are explained clearly and simply, with aims, age range, and level clearly laid out. Drama with Children provides practical ideas for introducing drama activities into the English class, including role play, mime, chants, puppets, and short plays. As well as developing speaking and pronunciation, drama helps children to develop self-confidence and express their imagination, personalities, and creativity. The book shows how activities can be integrated into day-to-day teaching, as well as providing inspiration for performances at open days or end-of-term shows.



Non classé

Black Butler Book Of Atlantic - Edition DVD

Angleterre, 19ème Siècle. Ciel, héritier de la famille Phantomhive et fidèle limier de la Reine, est chargé par cette dernière d enquêter sur une société secrète appelée Aurore. Afin d en savoir plus sur cette organisation qui proclame avoir rendu possible la résurrection des morts, Ciel et son diable de majordome embarquent à bord du paquebot "Campania" où un rassemblement d Aurore doit avoir lieu. Cependant, la petite croisière va très vite virer au cauchemar ...



Thèmes photo

The Big Book of Breasts. Volume 2, Edition français-anglais-allemand

The Big Book of Breasts was an immediate best seller when it debuted in 2006. Its 396 pages introduced readers to the top naturally bountiful nude models of the 1950s, '60s and '70s, amazingly mammiferous beauties including Joan Brinkman, Virginia Bell, Roberta Pedon, Mary Waters, Margaret Middleton, Keli Stewart and many more. The one and only complaint was that there was no biographical information on these curvaceous cuties, no lists of their magazines and films to give readers a more intimate connection. We listened, and The Bigger Book of Breasts answers ! Not only are there more pages with all new photos of your favorite big breast models of the '50s through '70s, there are also personal profiles for each and every one. Which model married comedian Richard Pryor ? Who inspired Russ Meyer's first film ? Where are those free Mary Waters loops ? And yes, Roberta Pedon is alive and well ! Further updating the "Bigger" theme, we added the 12 most incredible, natural, and provocative breast models of today, gathered from across the world by Berlin-based photographer, Bernd Daktari Lorenz. Nadine Jansen, Milena Velba, Luna Amor, Valory Irene, Miosotis Claribel and the incredible Hitomi Tanaka prove breasts are bigger than ever, and bigger is beautiful, for both breasts and books. Wrap it up with stunning photos of our original cover girl Kelly Madison and The Bigger Book of Breasts is a bigger treat for all.




Flash .Net. Dynamic content for designers with Flash remoting MX and ASP.NET

Flash.NET is the book which is your ticket to the future of application design. Two cutting-edge technologies, joined in union to provide the perfect marriage. Macromedia Flash MX really excels when it comes to presenting graphical, interactive content. It's a superb tool for building user interfaces and for presenting content that changes over time. Microsoft's NET Framework is a suite of tools for building powerful applications, both on and off the Web. Put them together, and a whole raft of new possibilities opens up for both: powerful logic and functionality with a rich, flexible interface on the front. Put them together, and you get Flash.NET. In this book, a team of expert designers and developers show you how to add dynamic NET content and turbocharged server-side functionality to your Flash MX projects. In short, you need this book if you're a Flash designer who wants a cutting-edge advantage and doesn't want to get left behind when ail the cool people have started utilizing the power of NET with their applications. To run the examples in this book for yourself, you'll need: • Microsoft Windows 2000/XP • Macromedia Flash MX • Microsoft NET Framework SDK (free download from Microsoft) The book also covers Macromedia Flash Remoting MX



Développement durable-Ecologie


Learning GLIM will almost certainly change the way you do statistics. The flexibility and generality of the GLIM language encourage a different approach to statistical analysis, which stresses parameter estimation and model criticism rather than hypothesis testing. The GLIM package can handle most of the models that ecologists are likely to fit to their data, including log-linear models of count data using Poisson errors, logistic regression of proportion data using binomial errors, and a wide variety of models for the analysis of survival data. It also allows an extremely general approach to more familiar procedures such as analysis of variance, multiple regression and the analysis of contingency tables. The book provides a practical approach to learning the rationale and methods of linear modelling, starting from absolute basics and progressing in simple steps to cover the critical analysis of experimental and observational data. Minimal background in mathematics or statistical theory is assumed, and the book is aimed at all ecologists front students to experienced researchers. Statistical modelling in GLIM is introduced through an extensive series of ecological examples, where graphical display, model criticism, model simplification, plots of residuals and tests of assumptions about error specification are explained in full. The reader is encouraged to work through examples while sitting at a computer, and all of the necessary data, along with numerous exercises and fully worked answers, are provided on a disk supplied at the back of the book. GLIM for Ecologists is not a statistical recipe book; it informs and educates on the proper use of statistics in ecology, on experimental design and on how to get the most out of your data. Learning GLIM Will certainly bc worth the effort. It's not a question of finding out how to do the same old tests in yet another new statistics package. On the contrary, it involves mastering a powerful set of tools that were originally developed for professional statisticians, but which are now accessible to ecologists through the simple step-by-step approach adopted in this book. The Methods in Ecology Series The aim of this series is to provide ecologists with concise and authoritative books that will guide them in choosing and applying an appropriate methodology to their problem. New technologies are a feature of the series.



12 ans et +

The Book of Ivy Tomes 1 et 2 : Coffret collector en 2 volumes. The Book of Ivy ; The Revolution of Ivy

Il y a cinquante ans, une guerre nucléaire a décimé la population mondiale. Un groupe de survivants a fini par se former, et ce qui reste des Etats-Unis d'Amérique s'est choisi un président. Mais des deux familles qui se sont affrontées pour le pouvoir, la mienne a perdu. Aujourd'hui, les enfants des adversaires d'autrefois sont contraints de s'épouser lors d'une cérémonie censée assurer la paix. J'ai seize ans cette année, et mon tour est venu. Je m'appelle Ivy Westfall. Ma mission ? Tuer l'homme que je suis destinée à épouser... le fils du président.



Non classé

Experimental Social Dilemmas

Most of the papers on social dilemmas were presented at a conference on social dilemmas that was held at the University of Groningen in the spring of 1984. Social dilemmas are interpersonal situations that are characterized by a conflict between private and collective interest, i.e. in attempting to further their private interests, participants may end up worser off than if they had abandonned self-interest and worked for the good of the community. The chapters in this book describe efforts made by social psychologists, sociologists, and political scientists to advance our understanding of the psychological processes that influence people's behavior in social dilemmas. It is assumed that understanding of these processes can help our search for solutions.



Non classé

Desert Isles & Pirate Islands

Desert Isles & Pirate Islands examines the development of the island theme in nineteenth-century English juvenile fiction. The earliest island stories, Robinsonnades designed to teach both piety and natural history, gave way in mid-century to adventure stories with their primary emphasis on excitement and entertainment. By the end of the Victorian era, while elements of the Robinsonnade still featured in adventure fiction, the island story accommodated other traditions. It was particularly in the periodicals known as 'penny dreadfuls' that the island story became a lively and often lurid tale of pirates and their buried treasure. The book contains a detailed 505-item bibliography of stories on the island theme appearing in England from 1788 to 1910. Sixty-five illustrations reproduced from contemporary children's books and periodicals depict typical characters, situations and motifs in this fiction.



Beaux arts

Oliver Byrne. The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid, Edition français-anglais-allemand

Près de 100 ans avant que Mondrian ne rende célèbres les lignes et formes géométriques rouges, jaunes et bleues, le mathématicien Oliver Byrne a utilisé un système chromatique similaire pour son édition de 1847 du traité de mathématique et de géométrie d'Euclide, Éléments. L'idée de Byrne était d'utiliser la couleur pour faciliter l'apprentissage et "diffuser un savoir permanent" . Le résultat a été décrit comme l'un des livres les plus étranges et les plus beaux du XIXe siècle. Le fac-similé de l'impressionnant ouvrage de Byrne est désormais disponible dans une magnifique édition XL. La beauté de ce chef-d'oeuvre artistique et scientifique vient autant de l'audace de ses calculs et diagrammes rouges, jaunes et bleus que de la précision mathématique et didactique des théories qu'il expose. La simplicité des formes et des couleurs annonce la vigueur future du Stijl et du Bauhaus. En rendant accessibles et esthétiquement plaisantes des informations complexes, ces graphiques sont aussi les précurseurs des infographies qui forment aujourd'hui largement les données que nous consommons.



Histoire de France

Protestant resistance (version poche)

Strategically located between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean, criss crossed by major communication axis joining north to South ant east to West, the South of France has always been a melting pot of people and ideas... No wonder then that as soon as the Reformation started, it received and enthusiastic welcome in many of the towns and villages and soon swept most of the Southern half of France. In many of these villages, the descendants of the Cathars and the Vaudois had been living quietly and were among the first to join the new churches. However, challenging the spiritual, and in some cases the secular, power of Rome wasn't without danger ; soon the "heretics" were being persecuted, harassed and burned with their seditious books. As the French Kings (with the notable exception of Henry IV), sided with the Pope, a culture of resistance developed and has remained to this day. This book shows the clear link and shared ideas between the Huguenots who fought Louis XIVth and their descendants who hid Jewish children and fought nazi occupation forces. Richar Maltby, retired Professor of History at King's School in Canterbury and the author of a successful illustrated history of Canterbury takes us through the villages, towns and hideouts of the Huguenots and follows the Renaissance to WWII. His well-researched and well-illustrated book describes how the influence of the Bible and protestant theology permeated a whole civilization with a strong love for freedom and rejection of oppression.
