
Letters to Immanuel Bekker from Henriette Herz, S. Pobeheim and Anna Horkel



Non classé

Letters to Immanuel Bekker from Henriette Herz, S. Pobeheim and Anna Horkel

"Letters to Immanuel Bekker" is an edition of forty-three letters written between 1817 and 1825 to the German philologist Immanuel Bekker by three friends. Most of the letters are by Henriette Herz, who had a famous salon in Berlin at the turn of the eighteenth to the nineteenth century. The letters from Italy (1817-1819) discuss the life of the German colony there, especially of the German artists. The correspondence contains references to the social, cultural and political life in Berlin and in Germany during the second decade of the nineteenth century.



Anglais apprentissage

THE CANTERBURY TALES. Avec cassette audio

'In April when the sweet showers fall... then people want to go on pilgrimages.' A group of pilgrims travelling from London to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury decide that each traveller should tell a story. The Knight tells a tale of high romance. The Pardoner tells a story of death. And the Wife of Bath tells the story of her five husbands and her fight to control the men in her life. But The Tales end with the story of the perfect marriage and how, if we are generous to one another, we can find the perfect society. A selection of stories from Chaucer's masterpiece depicting life in fourteenth century England is presented here in modern English. There is a wide range of activities and special informative sections on Chaucer and his times. The accompanying cassette contains the complete story and the extra listening activities.




Houtoumusuko to Koi no Ana

Sôsuke, lycéen, est un Don Juan qui aime un peu trop faire la fête et briser le coeur des filles. Pour le remettre dans le droit chemin, sa mère l'envoie chez son oncle et sa tante, au fin fond de la campagne. Sôsuke ne proteste pas, car il a hâte de revoir son premier amour, sa cousine Minori-chan, mais lorsqu'il arrive là-bas, les retrouvailles après onze ans d'éloignement ne se passent pas exactement comme prévu... Car "Minori-chan" est un homme ! Et en plus, il est professeur au nouveau lycée de Sôsuke ! Pour ne rien arranger, les choses se compliquent encore lorsque Sôsuke découvre Minori, un soir, dans une posture... vraiment très intime !



Anglais apprentissage

The Scarlet Letter

Scarlet is the colour of sin, and the letter " A " stands for " Adultery ". In the 1600s, in Boston, Massachusetts, love was allowed only between a husband and a wife. A child bore outside marriage was a child of sin. Hester Prynne must wear the scarlet letter on her dress for the rest of her tife. How can she ever escape from this public shame? What will happen to her child, growing up in the shadow of the scarlet letter? The future holds no joy for Hester Prynne. And what will happen to her sinful lover - the father of her child?



Mouvements artistiques

From scribble to cartoon. Drawings from Bruegel to Rubens

In this exhibition, the Museum Plantin-Moretus shows the 80 most beautiful old master drawings from Flemish collections. From scribble to cartoon : Drawings from Bruegel to Rubens in Flemish Collections (Van Crabbelinge tot Carton : Tekeningen van Bruegel tot Rubens in Vlaamse Collecties) gives an astonishing and representative overview of the art of drawing in our regions in the 16th and 17th centuries. In 2020, the Flemish government placed a large number of old master drawings on their masterpiece list, including rare artworks by Frans Floris, Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony Van Dyck, Jacques Jordaens, Otto van Veen, Jan Fijt and many more. The majority of these masterpieces are kept in the Museum Plantin-Moretus. The museum takes the official recognition of these drawings as masterpieces as an opportunity to put its unique collection in the spotlight. The exhibition presents an overview that illustrates who, why and how people drew in our regions in the 16th and 17th centuries



Anglais apprentissage

Acacia thorn in my heart

I started writing "Acacia thorn in my heart" after reading the book of a white South African woman about her childhood in the same region as mine but relating a completely different experience. She had maids, her father drove her to school and she played with real toys. I lived in the heart of the country, away from everything and had to walk five miles to go to school. I was born in Natal. My father rented a plot of land from a white owner to do market gardening. Although Indian families tended not to educate daughters, our parents decided that education was a priority for us. Despite financial difficulties, they were able to send us to school. We had to get up at five o'clock in order to catch the school train. In winter, as we were scantily clad, we shivered all the way to the station.



Anglais apprentissage

Lettres de Londres (choix) . Letters from London (Selected Letters)

" Au début des années 1990 ; j'étais correspondant à Londres pour le New Yorker Magazine. C'était un travail excitant et quelque peu étrange : être correspondant à l'étranger dans mon propre pays, jeter un regard neuf sur des coutumes établies et essayer de les expliquer à un public éloigné qui partage la même langue et pourtant peu d'usages communs. Dix ans plus tard, dans le nouveau siècle et le nouveau millénaire, les choses ont changé et pourtant -c'est la Grande Bretagne- n'ont pas beaucoup changé. Aurions-nous dû être surpris ? sans doute pas ; la Grande Bretagne est un pays profondément conservateur, peu importe qui le dirige. "



Non classé

From Scarcity to Sustainability

For futures studies and environmentalism the late 1960s and early 1970s were a heyday period of great publicity, and much scientific interest was devoted to them. The study 'Limits to Growth', commissioned by the Club of Rome, has played an important role for the further advancement of these fascinating fields. Each of them in its own way deals with the long term prospects of humankind and desirable future paths of humanity and the globe. This investigation illustrates a very important phase in the development of these two areas and writes a history of ideas and a history of impact of the Limits to Growth debate and other activities of the Club of Rome. It includes information that has so far only been known to a very limited number of directly involved individuals and looks into very recent stages of the sustainable development debate and newest developments of more pragmatic and critical futures studies. For the purpose of this study some 100 interviews have been made worldwide with very well known and often influential individuals. Among them are : Sicco Mansholt, Alexander King, Jan Tinbergen, Robert Jungk, Saburo Okita, Lord Kennet, Johan Galtung, Barry Commoner and Philip de Seynes.



Roman d'amour, roman sentiment

From Hell to Love

Elle est sauvage, insaisissable et solitaire. Il est têtu, insolent... et il adore les défis. Nouveau pays, nouvelle langue, nouveaux potes. On peut dire que c'est l'année du changement pour Ethan... Fini les conneries, il va devoir assurer s'il veut se faire une place dans cette école de cinéma parisienne. Mais, dès le premier cours, il a eu la mauvaise idée de s'asseoir à côté d'elle... Léa. Avec son regard foudroyant, son ton agressif et son allure provocante, cette nana est à la fois un grand bol d'air frais et une claque en pleine figure. Depuis, Ethan ne pense plus qu'à apprivoiser sa bouche pulpeuse et explorer son corps svelte. Car, derrière la colère, il a vu dans les yeux de cette fille une lueur sauvage, puissante. Celle du désir. Alors, même si elle est sans doute une bombe à retardement, Ethan a déjà fait son choix : il mettra tout en oeuvre pour la désamorcer... au risque d'exploser avec elle.



Littérature érotique et sentim

From Aspen to love

Dans sa vie, Lya a une passion, organiser des mariages. Pour autant elle n'arrive pas à trouver l'amour. Durant les fêtes de fin d'année elle part à Aspen pour assister à une cérémonie et y fait la rencontre inattendue de Lorenzo, un bel italien au caractère bien trempé. Entre rapprochements improbables des sentiments naissants, Lya se bat avec elle-même pour ne pas accepter ce qu'elle ressent vraiment. Si Lorenzo à un caractère grincheux, il n'en est pas moins un très bel homme. Ne pouvant retenir son attirance pour Lya, il fera tout pour la conquérir. Que leur réserve ce voyage à Aspen ? se laisseront-ils bercer par la magie de Noel ?



Non classé

From Regularity to Anomaly

This book discusses the removal of i-umlaut alternations from the inflectional system of Middle English. After presenting the scope and nature of the process in Germanic languages, it offers a detailed investigation into its lexicalisation in main dialects of Middle English. The observed developments are viewed as an interplay of four main factors : the degree of optimal patterning, type frequency, language contact and paradigmatic pressure.



BD tout public

From black to white

Curtis grandit à Harlem avec sa famille dans l'Amérique noire des années 1970. Dans ce coin ravagé de New York rien n'est donné, tout se gagne durement ou s'acquiert violemment. Fasciné par Michael Jackson, Curtis développe un don pour la danse qui l'amène bientôt à considérer une autre vie. Mais la star peut-elle rester son unique modèle alors que le hip hop prête sa voix au mécontentement des noirs ? Tiraillé entre ses idoles, sa carrière et son combat pour les droits des noirs, Curtis doit choisir : ignorer sa différence ou l'affirmer pour exister. Tandis que l'époque brise les barrières des discriminations et que la jeunesse lutte pour de nouvelles valeurs, son histoire se rythme sur fond de bandes son rageuses et subversives.




From Eggman to Eggman

Eggman repeint le paysage afin qu'il soit conforme au tableau. Eggman se cogne au plafond de la case. Eggman laisse sa place à une mouche sur un banc public. L'oiseau laisse sa branche à Eggman. Les dés à jouer perdent leurs points. Eggman change sa fenêtre de place pour profiter d'une autre vue. Les chaises se déplacent, et des branchages poussent du bois dont elles sont constituées... Après I am the Eggman, l'attachant petit bonhomme à la forme d'oeuf revient pour de nouvelles facéties visuelles, à la fois douces et absurdes. Entre les dessins à la ligne claire, s'intercalent d'énigmatiques peintures bleutées dont Eggman est, là encore et à son insu, le héros. A mettre dans toutes les poches et entre toutes les mains !




Edward Burtynsky. Mounds and voids: from human to global scale

L'exposition de Edward Burtynsky, Mounds and Voids : From Human to Global Scale, propose un regard percutant mais également paradoxal sur les coulisses de notre monde, nous invitant à prendre la mesure des enjeux locaux et globaux de l'exploitation des ressources. C'est aussi une réflexion sur la construction de l'image et sa puissance propre. Le regard que porte Burtynsky sur notre monde interpelle notre conscience et notre raison jusqu'aux plus sceptiques et jusqu'aux moins convaincus. De très belles images, témoignages très fortsâ : plus éloquentes que tous les meilleurs discours.




Orion Recall - Version anglaise

"Greetings, beloved peoples of the One. Welcome to the sacred and consecrated space from which I now address you : the space where the 12 An Master Crystals of Orion reside. The time has come for you to remember who you are and learn about your galactic heritage. Many of you have fought in the great wars that began on Orion. That's why you need to learn the truth-so you can free yourselves from the past and turn your full attention to the Plan that brought you here to this planet called Earth. These Memoirs will help you understand". Are you one of the volunteers living on this magnificent planet working to bring an end to the great conflicts between the evolved and devolved forces-conflicts that originated in Orion's solar systems and converged to Earth millenniums ago ? Find out how it all began, from when a Messenger from the 24 Elders first gave instructions to the High Council of Sirius to the moment when Plan Earth Rising was put into action. The path you take matters now more than ever because your conscious choices determine how your individual and collective solar beings are integrated. This integration is the key to activating your beloved planet as one of the twelve galactic libraries, the one on which everything depends. This book is a summons to the volunteer souls : Remember Mintaka. Remember the reason you are here at the start of a major new evolutionary cycle-for your sphere of life and for the entire Galactic Federation.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Number from Ahmes to Cantor

We might take numbers and counting for granted, but we shouldn't. Our number literacy rests upon centuries of human effort, punctuated here and there by strokes of genius. In his successor and companion volume to Gnomon: From Pharaohs to Fractals, Midhat Gazalé takes us on a Journey from the ancient worlds of the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the Mayas, the Greeks, the Hindus, up to the Arab invasion of Europe and the Renaissance. Our guide introduces us to some of the most fascinating and ingenious characters in mathematical history, from Ahmes the Egyptian scribe (whose efforts helped preserve some of the mathematical secrets of the architects of the pyramids) through the modern era of Georg Cantor (the great nineteenth-century inventor of transfinite numbers). As he deftly blends together history, mathematics, and even some computer science in his characteristically compelling style, we discover the fundamental notions underlying the acquisition and recording of "number", and what "number" truly means. Gazalé tackles questions that will stimulate math enthusiasts in a highly accessible and inviting manner. What is a natural number? Are the decimal and binary systems the only legitimate ones? Did the Pythagorean theorem and the discovery of the unspeakable irrationals cost the unfortunate mathematician Hippasus his life? What was the Ladder of Theodorus of Cyrene and how did the ancient Greeks calculate square roots with such extraordinary proficiency? An original generalization of Euler's theorem is offered that explains the pattern of rational number representations. Later on, the field of Continued Fractions paves the way for another original contribution by Gazalé, that of cleavages, which sheds light on the mysterious nature of irrational numbers as it beautifully illustrates Dedekind's famous Schnitt. In the end the author introduces us to the Hilbert Hotel with its infinite number of rooms, guests, and an infinite number of people waiting to check in, where he sets the debate between Aristotle and Cantor about the true nature of infinity. This abundantly illustrated book, remarkable for its coherency and simplicity, will fascinate all those who have an interest in the world of numbers. Number will be indispensable for all those who enjoy mathematical recreations and puzzles, and for those who delight in numeracy.



Littérature française


Jeremy Kay was left heartbroken when his sweetheart from college betrayed him the day he was going to propose to her. However he turned a new page and little did he know what destiny had planned for him... Iris, a carefree wild soul who only believed in her freedom is left mystified when she falls for her best friend. Roy, the 'Casanova' grows fed up of his lavish lifestyle ; suddenly everything becomes so meaningless and he craves for something greater...



Physique, chimie

Radiation chemistry. From basics to applications in material and life sciences

This book gives a progress report on the many and original contributions of radiation chemistry to the fundamental knowledge of the vast domain of chemical reactions and its applications. Radiation chemistry techniques indeed make it possible to elucidate detailed physicochemical mechanisms in inorganic and organic chemistry (including in space) and in biochemistry. Moreover, this comprehension is applied in materials science to precisely control syntheses by radiation, such as radiopolymerisation, radiografting, specific treatment of surfaces (textiles, paintings, inks, etc.), synthesis of complex nanomaterials, degradation of environmental pollutants and radioresistance of materials for nuclear reactors. In life sciences, the study of the effects of radiation on biomacromolecules (DNA, proteins, lipids) not only permits the comprehension of normal or pathological biological mechanisms, but also the improvement of our health. In particular, many advances in cancer radiotherapy, in the radioprotection of nuclear workers and the general population, as well as in the treatment of diseases and the radiosterilization of drugs, could be obtained thanks to this research. Abundantly illustrated and written in English by top international specialists who have taken care to render the subjects accessible, this work will greatly interest those curious about a scientific field that is new to them and students attracted by the original and multidisciplinary aspects of the field. At a time when radiation chemistry research is experiencing spectacular development in numerous countries, this book will attract many newcomers to the field.



Littérature française

Roza the amazon. Roza l'amazone

Rosine Dubois est une mère célibataire de quarante-sept ans qui a survécu à un cancer du sein et qui a été abandonnée par son mari pendant le traitement. Les médecins ont été obligés de lui enlever la totalité du sein droit pour éviter qu'elle meure. Deux ans plus tard, elle tente de retrouver une vie normale, mais elle a du mal à supporter la pression que son entourage et la société font peser sur elle pour qu'elle ait de nouveau un corps normal. Son quotidien est chamboulé lorsqu'elle vient en aide à une jeune fille détenant un objet magique qui est poursuivie par une créature dangereuse. L'artefact choisit Rosine et la transforme en super-héroïne en lui donnant la force et les armes d'une guerrière amazone. Rosine Dubois is a forty-seven-year-old single mother who survived breast cancer and was dumped by her husband during treatment. Doctors were forced to remove her entire right breast to prevent her from dying. Two years later, she is trying to get her life back to normal, but she finds it difficult to cope with the pressure from people around her and from society to have a normal body again. Her life is turned upside down when she rescues a young girl with a magical object who is being chased by a dangerous creature. The artifact chooses Rosine and transforms her into a superhero, giving her the strength and weapons of an Amazon warrior.




Fuseli and the Modern Woman. Fashion, Fantasy, Fetishism

This catalogue accompanies the first exhibition devoted to a fascinating group of drawings by the Anglo-Swiss Henry Fuseli (1741-1825), one of eighteenth-century Europe's most idiosyncratic, original and controversial artists. Best known for his notoriously provocative painting The Nightmare, Fuseli energetically cultivated a reputation for eccentricity, with vividly stylised images of supernatural creatures, muscle-bound heroes, and damsels in distress. While these convinced some viewers of the greatness of his genius, others dismissed him as a charlatan, or as completely mad. Fuseli's contemporaries might have thought him even crazier had they been aware that in private he harboured an obsessive preoccupation with the figure of the modern woman, which he pursued almost exclusively in his drawings. Where one might have expected idealised bodies with the grace and proportions of classical statues, here instead we encounter figures whose anatomies have been shaped by stiff bodices, waistbands, puffed sleeves, and pointed shoes, and whose heads are crowned by coiffures of the most bizarre and complicated sort. Often based on the artist's wife Sophia Rawlins, the women who populate Fuseli's graphic work tend to adopt brazenly aggressive attitudes, either fixing their gaze directly on the viewer or ignoring our presence altogether. Usually they appear on their own, in isolation on the page ; sometimes they are grouped together to form disturbing narratives, erotic fantasies that may be mysterious, vaguely menacing, or overtly transgressive, but where women always play a dominant role. Among the many intriguing questions raised by these works is the extent to which his wife Sophia was actively involved in fashioning her appearance for her own pleasure, as well as for the benefit of her husband. By bringing together more than fifty of these studies (roughly a third of the known total), The Courtauld Gallery will give audiences an unprecedented opportunity to see one of the finest Romantic-period draughtsmen at his most innovative and exciting. Visitors to the show and readers of the lavishly illustrated catalogue will further be invited to consider how Fuseli's drawings of women, as products of the turbulent aftermath of the American and French Revolutions, speak to concerns about gender and sexuality that have never been more relevant than they are today. The exhibition showcases drawings brought together from international collections, including the Kunsthaus in Zurich, the Auckland Art Gallery in New Zealand, and from other European and North American institutions.



Beaux arts

Klee. Edition en langue anglaise

Few artists of this century have exercised so wide an influence as Paul Klee (1879-1940). He was one of the most inventive and prolific of the modern masters, working in a dozen different styles, each of which he made uniquely his own, so that a work from his brush is unmistakable in any style. The forty-eight full-page colour plates in this book illustrate the unparalleled way in which he combined unrivalled imaginative gifts with supreme technical and formal proficiency, from the playfulness of such early pictures as Red and White Domes to the more threatening, bitter satire of the later work. Accompanying the plates are extensive notes and an authoritative introduction, which discusses Klee's life and the development of his thought and achievement. Douglas Hall is the former Director of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh and an acknowledged expert on the art of Paul Klee. His essay on the artist, first published in 1977, bas here been revised, expanded and updated, to make this an invaluable introduction to an extraordinary painter.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

ARCHIMEDES. What Did He Do Besides Cry Eureka?

THIS BOOK HAS ONLY ONE PURPOSE: To make the discoveries of Archimedes easily accessible to a wide audience, from anyone with a background in high school algebra to a busy practicing mathematician. Many people have heard two things about Archimedes: He was the greatest mathematician of antiquity and he ran naked from his bath crying, "Eureka, eureka!" Few of us, layperson or mathematician, are familiar with the accomplishments on which his reputation rests. This book describes in detail those astonishing accomplishments: how he developed the theory of the lever and the center of gravity; how he used the center of gravity to study whether a floating object would tip over; how he summed a geometric series and the squares; and how he found the volume and surface area of a sphere. His ability to do so much with the few tools at his disposal is astonishing. He was like a one-person Institute for Advanced Study, making fundamental discoveries in the fields of geometry, mechanics and hydrostatics. The exposition is leisurely and supported by a brief life of Archimedes and some 120 illustrations. Any reader who is aware that the graph of y = x2 is a parabola can follow all the reasoning. Although the book uses only high school mathematics, professional mathematicians will find much here of interest as well.



Musique classique

Songs of Love. 12 Romances. 12 Lieder. Soprano (tenor) and piano.

Leokadiya Kashperova (1872-1940), hitherto consigned to a footnote in musical history as Stravinsky's piano teacher, is undergoing rediscovery. A double graduate of the St Petersburg Conservatoire, she emerged as a virtuoso pianist and composer in the romantic tradition. She was associated with some of the great musicians of her day, including Balakirev and Auer. She performed in both Germany and the UK in the 1900s, but her career petered out after 1920. Songs of Love was first published in 1904. No evidence survives of any public performance in Kashperova's lifetime although it is very likely that they were performed at her regular 'musical evenings at home on Tuesdays' mentioned in her Memoirs. The transparency of the piano writing strongly suggests that she would accompany herself singing. Kashperova, by all accounts, possessed a fine voice, and in the summer of 1906 she decided 'to learn from the artistry', as she put it, of the tenor Raimond von Zur-Mühlen who was widely celebrated for having developed (with Clara Schumann) the Lieder-Abend tradition. His summer-schools on the Baltic coast were frequented by aspiring singers from all over Europe, even Japan and India. Kashperova herself was responsible for the poetic lyrics of Songs of Love (in both Russian and German), which may well have emerged from her own bittersweet experience of life and love ; she was not to marry until 1916 at the age of forty-four. That Kashperova is the author of both the music and the lyrics of Songs of Love would suggest that they express very personal sentiments. Instrumentation : soprano (tenor) and piano




The Day the Great Flood Came

The Day the Great Flood Came The Saga of the Annunaki, Volume 2 This is the story of Atlantis, of its high culture and of the people who lived there and loved and fought and died. It is a story of bravery and personal courage, of betrayal and of friendship, in the face of a looming cataclysm... Ea Anki, Lord of Ki, and Lady Anta In-Anna, his wife, find themselves lost in Hyperspace -- the Abzu -- with their space ship. They are carried along by a torrent in spacetime, where Anki has a vision of the future : he sees a gigantic flood drowning Atlantis, or Atalantash as the Ancients called it ! So, he sends Anta to warn Ashan, King of Atalantash, of the threat to his beloved city of learning and of knowledge. And he knows that he must find a way to alert the other Annunaki, in spite of the opposition from a hidden power on Ki.




Charlotte Lennox, "The Female Quixote". Agrégation d'anglais, Edition 2024-2025

Picture a resolute heroine from a seventeenth-century French romance who has been unknowingly teleported to mid-eighteenth-century Britain. Equipped with her worldview fashioned by the beliefs and values of those romances, how would she navigate this unfamiliar world ? Would her journey be a seamless progression from one comically ridiculous error to the next ? How would she assess the morals and customs of her newfound society, and how would its members perceive her ? In The Female Quixote, Charlotte Lennox embarks on this imaginative experiment. Her Cervantean parody fosters a dynamic reading experience, swinging between complicity and detachment. It projects an image of the parodied romances but also of the social world of eighteenth-century Britain. Encouraging readers to contemplate the fluid interplay between fiction and the real, the novel prompts reflection on the disparities between the social norms of both realms. This study takes a multifaceted approach to Lennox's novel, situating the work in its literary-historical context and examining the narrative features aligning it both with realist novels and romances. Additionally, it analyses key themes and provides summaries of characters and chapters. The study also offers a selection of texts that shed light on the debates accompanying the transition from an older codification of prose fiction to a new contender : the realist novel. The overarching objective is to showcase The Female Quixote's significance in shaping the modern novel's early history.





Here's a complete introduction to programming using Perl, written so its accessible to those learning Perl as their first programming language. With examples ranging from a useful utility to search the Perl FAQs to a web client for tracking and charting stock quotes to an object-oriented student grading system, this book offers you a practical, hands-on approach to learning programming the Perl way. What's inside • Style and design issues and the software development cycle • Full descriptions of Perl's data types, variables, operators, and control structures In-depth coverage of Perl's regular expressions • References and nested data structures • Documentation and Literate Programming • Text and list manipulation • Debugging techniques • Using and writing modules • Object-oriented programming and abstract data structures




Dr. Paul Wolff & Tritschler. Light and Shadow, Photographs from 1920 to 1950

Cette première publication complète sur le Dr. Paul Wolff (1887-1951) et Alfred Tritschler (1905-1970) marque la redécouverte de deux des plus célèbres photographes allemands de la période des années 1930. A ce jour, Wolff & Tritschler sont des noms connus en tant que pionniers du Leica, précurseurs d'un style vivant dans la photographie d'illustration et le reportage. De plus, leur travail, estimé à 700 000 coups, reflète plusieurs chapitres de l'histoire allemande : de l'éveil culturel des années de la République de Weimar à la Seconde Guerre mondiale en passant par le Troisième Reich. phase finale dont des parties importantes des archives Wolff ont également été détruites. En termes d'esthétique formelle, les deux photographes ont démontré qu'il y avait un écart entre convention et nouvelle objectivité, entre style national et nouvelle vision. Wolff & Tritschler n'a pratiquement pas abordé de sujet. Leur travail photographique façonne notre notion du vieux ou du "nouveau Francfort" , tout autant qu'il suscite notre envie de contrées lointaines, comme en témoignent leurs voyages en voiture, en bateau ou en avion sur le Zeppelin. En résumé, les contradictions qui caractérisent les travaux de Wolff & Tritschler au cours des trois dernières décennies ne manquent pas. Cependant, cela fait précisément de leur oeuvre, qui oscille entre prestation de services et aspiration artistique, entre avant-garde et adaptation, un filon riche pour un large examen historique et critique.



Histoire internationale

From Revolutionary Theater to Reactionary Litanies

Gustave Hervé (1871–1944) seemed to have traditional Breton roots and a typical republican education. As a young socialist journalist and professor, he gained notoriety following a 1901 article which appeared to plant the tricolor in a dung pile. When French socialists unified in 1905, the Hervéistes were an influential minority. The antimilitarist movement called Hervéism gradually emerged as a quixotic crusade to unite revolutionaries against war and for socialism. Hervé soon founded a weekly newspaper, La Guerre Sociale. Over the next six years, press campaigns, trials, prison, demonstrations, strikes, and conspiratorial organizations maintained Hervé's profile and sold newspapers. Ironically, Hervé advertised conspiracies, which suggests revolutionary theater more than practical politics. Among Hervé's rivals, such theatrics often generated resentment. While Hervé's movement succeeded as a media experience, his leftist competitors became jealous and skeptical. As revolutionary theater Hervéism might have been entertaining, but the actors and some of the audience often confused revolutionary art with political reality. By 1911 the ingenuous Hervé felt betrayed. His failure to unite revolutionaries began an evolution toward the nation and its traditional Catholic faith. Besides the international situation, one crucial determinant in Hervé's evolution toward French national socialism sympathetic to fascism involved ongoing rivalries within the French Left. Hervé's marginal interwar national socialist parties sought to employ patriotism and religion to solve French problems. By 1935 he attempted to draft Pétain to lead an authoritarian republic. Gradually losing hope in Pétain after the fall of France, the aging Hervé put his faith in Christian socialism.




From FPS to RPG Tome 2

Tout commence avec un homme passionné par les FPS. Un jour, en pleine partie, celui-ci dérape malencontreusement et tombe en dehors de la map. Pensant mourir jusqu'aux derniers instants de la plus stupide des façons, Ren Saitô se réveille finalement dans un RPG d'heroic fantasy. Pour survivre dans ce monde peuplé de monstres extrêmement agressifs, il pourra compter sur l'interface du jeu et sur ses armes à feu favorites !




From FPS to RPG Tome 1

Tout commence avec un homme passionné par les FPS. Un jour, en pleine partie, celui-ci dérape malencontreusement et tombe en dehors de la map. Pensant mourir jusqu'aux derniers instants de la plus stupide des façons, Ren Saitô se réveille finalement dans un RPG d'heroic fantasy. Pour survivre dans ce monde peuplé de monstres extrêmement agressifs, il pourra compter sur l'interface du jeu et sur ses armes à feu favorites !
