
Stranger Things - Darkness on the Edge of Town - version poche



Lecture 6-9 ans

L'énigme du sabre. Edition bilingue français-anglais

C'est dimanche et comme souvent Louise et Arthur viennent rendre visite à leur grand-mère. Ils aiment bien y aller, elle joue avec eux et leur raconte plein d'histoires. Mais aujourd'hui, elle n'a pas le temps et les deux cousins s'ennuient. Alors, ils décident de grimper dans le grenier où sont entreposés de vieux souvenirs et objets abandonnés. Ils y ont déjà été, mais maintenant ils sont plus grands et peut-être trouveront-ils un trésor qu'ils n'avaient pas aperçu, lors de la dernière visite. Après un long moment de recherche, dans un coin, Louise découvre une malle poussiéreuse. Les deux cousins, l'ouvrent et entrevoient un sabre avec une inscription. Une trouvaille qui va les mener jusqu'à l'école militaire de Saint Cyr de Coëtquidan, sur les traces de leur grand père. It's a Sunday and often as not, Louise and Arthur go and visit their grandmother. They like to go there, she plays with them and tells them lots of stories. But this Sunday she does not have the time, so the two cousins are bored. They decide to climb up into the attic, where old memorabilia and abandoned objects are stored. They have been there before, but now that they are taller, maybe they will find a treasure they did not see during their last visit. After a long moment of searching, in a corner, Louise discovers a dusty trunk. The two cousins open it and see a sword with an inscription. A discovery that will lead them to the military school at Saint Cyr de Coëtquidan, in the footsteps of their grandfather.



Anglais apprentissage

THE CANTERBURY TALES. Avec cassette audio

'In April when the sweet showers fall... then people want to go on pilgrimages.' A group of pilgrims travelling from London to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury decide that each traveller should tell a story. The Knight tells a tale of high romance. The Pardoner tells a story of death. And the Wife of Bath tells the story of her five husbands and her fight to control the men in her life. But The Tales end with the story of the perfect marriage and how, if we are generous to one another, we can find the perfect society. A selection of stories from Chaucer's masterpiece depicting life in fourteenth century England is presented here in modern English. There is a wide range of activities and special informative sections on Chaucer and his times. The accompanying cassette contains the complete story and the extra listening activities.



Non classé

The German Effect on D.H. Lawrence and his Works 1885-1912

This study analyzes in depth the German effect upon D.H. Lawrence and his works from his birth in 1885 to his departure from England in 1912. German literary, philosophical and musical works had considerable impact on Lawrence's formation as an artist. They also influenced the creation of his own literary theory, entering his life concurrently with the three problems of class, woman and religion, which evolved into his major literary themes. The German effect is thus demonstrated to be the confirmation of Lawrence's strong tendency toward subjectivism in literary art : it strengthened his conviction that his art set him apart from all classes of society ; it encouraged the development of his view of women as the sexual, not the maternal, mediatrix to art ; and it fortified his denial of traditional Christianity and assisted his creation of his personal vitalistic creed.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie


The year 1897 was marked by two important mathematical events: the publication of the first paper on representations of finite groups by Ferdinand Georg Frobenius ( 1849-1917) and the appearance of the first treatise in English on the theory of finite groups by William Burnside (1852-1927). Burnside soon developed his own approach to representations of finite groups. In the next few years, working independently, Frobenius and Burnside explored the new subject and its applications to finite group theory. They were soon joined in this enterprise by Issai Schur (1875-194 1) and some years later, by Richard Brauer (1901-1977). These mathematicians' pioneering research is the subject of this book. It presents an account of the early history of representation theory through an analysis of the published work of the principals and others with whom the principals' work was interwoven. Also included are biographical sketches and enough mathematics to enable readers to follow the development of the subject. An introductory chapter contains some of the results involving characters of finite abelian groups by Lagrange, Gauss, and Dirichlet, which were part of the mathematical tradition from which Frobenius drew his inspiration. This book presents the early history of an active branch of mathematics. It includes enough detail to enable readers to learn the mathematics along with the history. The volume would be a suitable text for a course on representations of finite groups, particularly one emphasizing an historical point of view.





Today's PC games look better, sound better, and play better than ever before. But, they can also push your PC to its performance limits-and beyond. Take a trip down technology road with Computer Gaming World Contributing Editor Loyd Case as he shows you how to wring out the maximum gaming performance from your PC. Along the way, you'll learn a little about the inner workings of computer games, become a smart shopper when upgrading your PC, and become adept at building a souped up gaming system with. the components of your choosing. • Learn the ins and outs of 3D graphics technology, positional audio, and DirectX • Get help choosing that new 3D graphics card, CPU, or other hardware • Discover how to build or upgrade your own hot rod gaming rig • Tune up your PC for maximum gaming punch • Learn how to use the Internet for adrenaline-pumping, multi-player games • See how to set up your own local area network for LAN gaming parties




Arrival of Mira, Love story between Bhojan and Mira

Arrival of Mira Foreword Arrival of Mira tells the story of a beautiful young woman who held true to her faith despite many severe hardships. Mira was still only a child when she decided that Ginidhara Gopal (Lord Krishna) was her 'husband' and that she wanted to devote her life to serving and worshipping him. Later, the now orphaned Mira was married to Bhojan, the prince of Mewar and son of Rana, the king of Chittoor. Bhojan fell in love at first sight but found it hard to understand Mira's utter devotion to Ginidhara. Mira suffered at the hands of her in-laws who could not understand the depth of her love for Ginidhara and wanted her to follow their worship of Kali (in the form of Durga). Mira suffered imprisonment in a haunted palace and then exile for her beliefs. Even her friends were persecuted because of her uncompromising love for Lord Krishna. Eventually Bhojan came to understand his wife's piety. The story is told in the form of a musical play where the love story is interwoven with delightful songs and dances. The character of Mira is one to win the hearts of all who read of her. Her gentle devotion and steadfast belief are an inspiration to everyone. Thank you, Dr Shuddhananda Bharati for having made this beautiful story available to us. Daye Craddock Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget



Non classé

Thomas Carlyle 1981

Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881), essayist, biographer, historian, philosopher, translator, literary and social critic, was one of the great intellectual forces of his period, indispensable to our understanding of Victorian Britain and the 19th century in general. Scholars from Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Sweden and the United States assembled at the Scottish Studies Centre of the University of Mainz in Germersheim for the International Thomas Carlyle Centenary Symposium 1981. Their papers, published in this volume, open up a new - European - dimension of Carlyle's personality, work and thought. They offer evidence that the subject is not exhausted, quite the reverse, and that in many aspects Carlyle is as topical today as in his own time.





La pêche en eau douce, c'est dans la poche ! Compact, facile à consulter et abondamment illustré. Que vous soyez un pêcheur expérimenté, débutant ou occasionnel qui désire connaître un peu plus de succès, vous trouverez dans ce guide des explications et des renseignements qui vous aideront à prendre plus de poissons, des prises plus grosses, et plus souvent.



Mouvements artistiques

The Artist Helen Coombe (1864–1937). The Tragedy of Roger Fry's Wife

This fascinating book presents the ? rst biography of Helen Coombe, a woman admired not only for her artistic skill, but also for her intellect, personality and wit. It reveals her family background and education, her place in the Arts and Crafts Movement and her outstanding artistic output. Helen Coombe was married to Roger Fry, an artist who was to achieve most fame as an art critic, historian and protagonist of the Bloomsbury Group. Soon after their marriage in 1896, she displayed symptoms of schizophrenia. After the ? rst episode, she temporarily resumed her career and had two children with Fry, but for the last thirty years of her life she was sectioned under the Lunacy Act and committed to an institution. This thoroughly researched book makes full use of archival material, including correspondence, diaries and medical records. It illuminates late Victorian and Edwardian society and culture. It throws new light, by no means all of it favourable, on Roger Fry. It is a 'must' for all interested in the Bloomsbury Group, art history, and the handling of mental illness at a time before ef ? cacious antipsychotic drugs were available.




Venice. A Private Invitation

Venice of a thousand reflections ; Venice of mirror and glass, of silk and gold ; Venice of light and lace, of transparency and porcelain. With her expert knowledge and insight, Servane Giol takes us to the heart of the Venetian art de vivre, a warm and private invitation to meet some of the most creative people living in the city today. Accompanying us into historic private palazzi as well as more recently restored houses and apartments, she introduces us to a new generation of artists and designers who are attracted by the radiant beauty, energy, and lifestyle of the Serenissima-a charmed circle of talented friends who are bringing a fresh dynamism and elegance to the city, shining a new light on some of its rarest and most exquisite traditional crafts, and lovingly safeguarding them for future generations. This love letter to the hidden beauties of Venice and to the skills for which the city is famed is brilliantly complemented by the photography of Mattia Aquila. It offers both a revelation and an everlasting memory for all those who will never forget their dazzling first sight of the domes, the campaniles, and the shimmering golden silence of this legendary city that floats between sea and sky.




Everyday Men

This study is about everyday men. They are approached through a unique marriage of biblical theology and empirical research which gives birth to a missionary challenge. Part One attempts to build a theological foundation for looking at people from the aspect of belief and unbelief. It sees this distinction as a crucial theme in the biblical material which remains relevant to men everywhere. The author discovers five elements of Christian belief in the biblical material while unbelief spans the five elements by its void, denial, or choice of an alternative. Part Two starts with a random sample, in-depth interview of fifty men in a "working-class" area of Birmingham, England. The interviews attempt to discover the nature and saliency of the men's belief and unbelief in the Christian faith. The analysis stresses the qualitative response with the emphasis on listening to the men describe their lives, values, beliefs, and lack of beliefs in their own words. The findings are also compared to other related studies, prompting some conclusions regarding the meaning of these findings. The author attempts to bring the biblical material to bear on the findings about ordinary people and asks whether they can be described as believers or unbelievers. From this starting point, it becomes obvious that the scope of unbelief is very broad. Part Three takes the understanding of God's Word and men's words and moves toward a missiological goal of approaching unbelievers with a gospel for today. It sees both the content and context of the gospel as important. The cultural problem is briefly considered and specific approaches are suggested in relation to the climate of unbelief in "working-class" English culture.



Littérature étrangère

The unparalleled invasion / Une invasion sans précédent / La invasión sin paralelo. A political anticipation short story from Jack London (1910) / Une nouvelle d'anticipation politique de Jack London (1910), Edition français-anglais-espagnol

The Unparalleled Invasion is a rare political anticipation short story written by Jack London and first published in McClure's in July 1910 and later in the book The Strength of the Strong (New York, Macmillan, 1914). The story begins in 1910s China. Under the influence of Japan, China modernizes and has its own Meiji Reforms. In 1922, China breaks away from Japan and fights a brief war that culminates in the Chinese annexation of the Japanese possessions of Korea, Formosa, and Manchuria. Over the next half century, China's population steadily grows, and eventually migration overwhelms European colonies in Asia. The United States of America and the other Western powers launch a biological warfare campaign against China, resulting in the decimation of China's population. China is then colonized by the Western powers.




Astérisque N° 219/1994 : Les paires duales dans les algèbres

In this series of papers, we investigate the relative index theorem from the point of view of algebraic analysis. On a complex manifold X, let M he a coherent Dx-module and F an IR-mnstruc-tible sheaf. The complex RHompx (M, RHom(F, Ox)) is the complex of solutions of the system of PDE represented by M in the sheaf of generalized holomorphic functions associated to F. A natural problem is to find conditions under which such a complex has finite dimensional global cohomology and then to compute the corresponding Euler-Poincaré characteristic. We prove the finiteness theorem when (M, F) has compact support and is "elliptic", i.e. : char(M) n SS(F) C TxX where char(M) is the characteristic variety of M, SS(F) is the micro-support of F and TxX is the zero section of the cotangent bundle. In fact, we give a relative version of this finiteness result together with the associated duality theorem and Künneth formula. Our methods rely upon results of functional analysis over a .sheaf of Fréchet algebras obtained by one of the authors. Next, we attach a "microloeal Order class" µeu(M, F) E H2dx char M+SSF (T X ; D) to any elliptic pair (M, F) and prove that, under natural assumptions, this class is compatible with direct images, inverse images and external products. In particular, we get the index formula : X(RP(X ; RHom(M x F ; Ox))) = f yeu(M, F) T2xx (M) = fTX yeu (M) U yeu (F). When F = CM and X is a complexification of the real analytic manifold M, our salts for the pair (M, F) give an index theorem for elliptic systems and we discuss its relations with the Ariyah-Singer theorem.



Romance sexy

Captive in darkness

"Cher Journal, Mon seul crime a été ma solitude. Ma gentillesse... Parce que je me suis arrêtée devant l'ange, pour découvrir le démon... Un démon qui m'a menée en Enfer sous vos yeux. Il a su me détruire de l'intérieur, et j'ai oublié... Je suis un esprit faible... Je suis une autre... Je suis sa femme". Adam. Un regard échangé avec cet homme et plus rien ne sera comme avant pour Leila. L'amour avec un grand A, elle ne l'avait encore jamais rencontré. Jusqu'à lui. Jusqu'à ses fêlures. Jusqu'à sa tendresse. Jusqu'à son corps qui la fait frissonner de plaisir... Jusqu'à ce que le démon, tapi derrière son regard scintillant, ne se réveille...



Non classé

Shakespeare's Reception in 18th Century Italy

The history of Shakespeare's reception in 18th century Italy is scanty and fragmentary. The present study attempts to join the scattered fragments of the mosaic together and to interpret the resulting picture in the light of current theories of comparative literature. Hamlet has been chosen as an exemplary case in Shakespearian production because it is associated with the very first milestones in Shakespeare's introduction into the Italian literary system. Hamlet also exemplifies on the one hand Italy's cultural indebtedness to France in the field of Shakespearian translation (the first Italian staging of a Shakespearian play was a Hamlet translated from Ducis' adaptation), and, on the other, the need for Northern European literary works to undergo profound changes before they could be assimilated in Italy. The process of Shakespeares's reception in 18th century Italy was made even more tortuous by a missed opportunity, again concerning Hamlet. The first complete Italian translation of the play by Alessandro Verri has never to this day been staged or published ; its impact on the development of Italian literature was only indirect through its influence on Verri's own creative works, which finally contributed to the birth of the Italian Romantic movement.




Dirty Panties (English Edition)

Roxane is a young Parisian whose Bohemian life seems stuck in an endless loop of idle afternoons and wine-soaked nights with her roommate. Strapped for cash and novelty, she starts selling her used underwear online. Dirty Panties chronicles her first steps in this marketplace, from the creation of her online persona to the real-life rendezvous with shady customers. This new business soon impacts Roxane's daily life and the people around her. The world she has just stepped into might be much more bizarre than what she expected. Roxane's journey exploring her own appetite for transgression tackles such contemporary themes as sex work, consent and economic domination. How far will she go and where will this end ? Maybelline Skvortzoff's drawing is detailed and vivid and the story is in turn hilarious, awkward, touching and dark. Much like Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character in her TV series Fleabag, Roxane is at the same time completely clueless and determined to make it on her own in this world where everything can be bought and sold. Roxane vend ses culottes -- the original edition of Dirty Panties -- won the 2023 Artemisia award for best humor comic and has been shortlisted for many awards including the official selection of the 2023 Angouleme Festival.



Histoire internationale

Strange Adventures

Strange Adventures examines portrayals of womanhood in the works of prize-winning French author Pierrette Fleutiaux. Fleutiaux's refreshing pictures of womanhood offer insights into how women can become more whole, substantial and free in themselves and in their relationships, as well as how they can contribute to the external world through their creativity and leadership. The study demonstrates how Fleutiaux's heroines navigate the external, bodily and inner situations of adolescence, early adult life, marriage, motherhood, maturity, leadership and death, in the process developing greater inner resources of wisdom, compassion and resilience. This volume considers selections from Fleutiaux's oeuvre, from her first short fiction Histoire de la chauve-souris to her recent Loli le temps venu, including Métamorphoses de la reine (Goncourt de la nouvelle) and Nous sommes éternels (Prix Femina). Using a theoretical framework which draws on Jungian concepts and the philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir, the study analyses women's individuation trajectories at each stage of life. Throughout, Fleutiaux's depictions are shown to pose a challenge to existing conceptions of womanhood and individuality, thus opening up new understandings of what it means to be a woman, and to be human.



Non classé

A Culture of Tough Jews

From brutal Nazi killers to Hanukkah heroes in the 'hood, tough Jews refute images of doomed Holocaust victims, wandering Jews of exile before them, and the post-war ‘nice Jewish boys' who followed. They foster belligerent responses to polemics of fear and self-hatred, and as such, materialize as a challenge for postmodern cultural identity. A Culture of Tough Jews reframes the tough Jew as an enduring act of rhetorical regeneration by reifying a related figure, the vital Jew. As corrective to the tough Jew, the vital Jew encourages robust cultural production and dialogue. For audiences of rhetoric and cultural studies, the book offers critical and theoretical study of rhetorical regeneration, including original constructs of postmodern blackface and transformative performativity, as a resource for contemporary rhetorical invention. It also constitutes a case study for the postmodern critique of identity by invoking concerns of (post)assimilation, gender and power, and the social construction of race, ethnicity, class, and power to advance conversations on fractious cultural exigencies. A Culture of Tough Jews is a spirited call for postmodern cultural vitality that responds to contemporary politics of identity and memory.



Beaux arts

900 Years of St Bartholomew's. The History, Art and Architecture of London's Oldest Parish Church

This important book presents a comprehensive history of St Bartholomew the Great, the oldest parish church in London. In 2023, the Priory Church and Hospital will celebrate the 900th anniversary of their foundation. At the heart of the Smithfield area, with its hospital, pubs, restaurants and market, is a church built when Henry I, son of William the Conqueror, was King of England. Overlooking the fields where kings confronted rebellions, knights jousted and heretics were burnt, St Bartholomew's Priory and Hospital played a central role in the history of medieval London. Partially torn down by order of Henry VIII during the Dissolution of the Monasteries, the Priory was reborn as a parish church. It served the City of London through the tumultuous years of the Reformation and the Civil War and has played host to many of London's most famous residents. William Hogarth was baptized in its font. Charles Wesley preached in its pulpit. Benjamin Franklin served as a printer's apprentice in its former Lady Chapel. John Betjeman lived across the street and memorialized it in his poetry. The history of St Bartholomew's is a tale of miraculous survival and continual renewal. It came out unscathed from the Great Fire of 1666 and the bombs dropped in Zeppelin raids in World War I and during the Blitz in World War II. Its splendid Romanesque core has been added to by each successive generation. This volume - the first comprehensive history of the Church since 1921 - will survey the art, architecture and historical significance of the City of London's oldest parish church in a scholarly, yet accessible tone. Richly illustrated, this book will appeal to those interested in the history of the City of London, in medieval and Victorian church architecture, in funerary monuments, and in the history of the Church of England.



Beaux arts

Machines de ville. Edition bilingue français-anglais

François Delaroziere, diplômé de l'Ecole des beaux-arts de Marseille, est le directeur artistique de la compagnie La Machine, dont les ateliers sont installés à Nantes et Tournefeuille. Depuis toujours, il explore l'univers de l'objet en mouvement et sa théàtralité, redessine les manèges et participe au développement de projets urbains. Constructeur de décors et d'inventions pour le théâtre de rue, il conçoit et dirige la fabrication, depuis plus de vingt ans, de grandes machines de spectacle. Parmi les plus emblématiques des pièces maîtresses de ces scénographies urbaines : le Géant, le Rhinocéros, le Petit Géant, les Girafes, la Petite Géante, le Grand Eléphant, les Araignées géantes... Il réalise de fascinants carrousels qui voyagent de ville en ville et font tourner les têtes, comme le Manège magique, le Beau Manège à Toulouse, le Manège d'Andréa, le Manège Carré Sénart et celui des Mondes marins. Il a aussi été scénographe associé pour la réhabilitation du Channel, Scène nationale de Calais. Il est l'auteur avec Pierre Orefice des Machines de l'île à Nantes. A La Roche-sur-Yon, il accompagne avec les Animaux de la place, le réaménagement de la place Napoléon mené par l'architecte Alexandre Chemetoff. Il crée à Toulouse la Halle de La Machine, une écurie de machines de spectacle notamment habitée par le Minotaure, et construit pour la ville de Calais : un Dragon des mers. Enfin, il continue de développer, avec sa compagnie, la création de spectacles dans les grandes villes du monde. François Delaroziere, a graduate of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Marseille, is the artistic director of the company La Machine, with workshops situated in Nantes and Tournefeuille. His work has always explored the world of moving objects and their theatricality, designing carousels and taking part in the development of urban projects. As a maker of sets and inventions for street theatre, he has been conceiving and overseeing the construction of large-scale theatre machines for over twenty years. Among the most iconic of the urban theatre performances are the Giant, the Rhinoceros, the Little Giants, the Giraffes, the Great Elephant, and the Giant Spiders. He is the figure behind wonderful carousels that turn heads as they travel from one town or city to the next, such as the Magic Roundabout, the Beau Manège in Toulouse, Andrea's Carousel, the Carré Sénart Square Carousel and the Marine Worlds Carousel. He was also the associate designer for the renovation of Le Channel, Scène Nationale de Calais. He is the creator, with Pierre Orefice, of Les Machines de l'lle in Nantes. In La Roche-sur-Yon, with Animals of the Square, he was part of architect Alexandre Chemetoff's renovation of Place Napoléon. In Toulouse he created La Machine's Hall, a stable of performance machines notably inhabited by the Minotaur, and he built a Sea Dragon for the city of Calais. He and his company continue to create performances in the world's great cities.




Arguing about justice. Essays for Philippe Van Parijs

"A book of quick and sharp thoughts on a grand theme is a novel way of paying tribute to a leading philosopher. But it has worked beautifully here, both as a stimulating book of ideas on justice, and as a fitting recognition of the intellectual contributions of Philippe Van Parijs, who is one of the most original and most creative thinkers of our time". Amartya Sen, Harvard University, 1998 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences This book brings together fifty of today's finest thinkers. They were asked to let their imaginations run free to advance new ideas on a wide range of social and political issues. They did so as friends, on the occasion of Philippe Van Parijs's sixtieth birthday. Rather than restricting themselves to comments on his numerous writings, the authors engage with the topics on which he has focused his attention over the years, especially with the various dimensions of justice, its scope, and its demands. They discuss issues ranging from the fair distribution of marriage opportunities to the limits of argumentation in a democracy, the deep roots of inequality, the challenges to basic income and the requirements of linguistic justice. They provide ample food for thought for both academic and general readers.




The triangle mystery

A man is brutally murdered in a dark alley of the oldest part of Perpignan, a sleepy town of Southern France near the Spanish border. He has the bloody mark of a triangle, carved on his cheek, a symbol that intrigues the police especially young Dominique d’Astié, recently promoted Lieutenant on the force. A mysterious coded note and a brochure about the Holy Thorns of Christ are found in the victim’s pockets. These clues lead the criminal investigation on an esoteric trail, which will involve Freemasons and other secret Brotherhoods.




Cobra The Space Pirate Tome 13 : Darkness God

Manga tout en couleurs Cobra profite d'un repos bien mérité sur le Queen Love, un vaisseau temporairement arrêté dans le Triangle des Surfeurs, un nuage de poussières d'étoile. Il en profite pour faire connaissance avec Nathalie, une professeure de tennis. A peine ont-ils fait connaissance que le vaisseau est attaqué par des maraudeurs qui fuient devant un vaisseau immense qui avale le Queen Love. Il s'agit en fait d'un vaisseau piégeur, créer par le Peuple d'Elbow il y a 30000 ans, au sein duquel l'atmosphère est respirable et où vit une véritable société. Pour en sortir, il faut suivre la "Route du Dragon" qui mène au château du maître des lieux. C'est un tyran maléfique qui se nourrit de la terreur qu'il inspire à ses victimes. Pour s'échapper, il faut le vaincre. Et pour cela, Cobra va devoir affronter ses propres peurs et ses souvenirs les plus terribles â¦




The Search for Meaning in the Australian Novel

This thesis grew out of an epistemological interest centered on the search for meaning in literature, and out of a reading of Australian novels. Reaching beyond signification, the creation of meaning in literature refers to the significance a text acquires for the recipient's existence. The potential of this meaningfulness fluctuates between a process of explanation, of uncovering hidden meaning, and deception. Assuming that this range is best demonstrated in the literary treatment of negative experiences in human existence, of pain and suffering, we analyse how Australian novelists and critics set paradigms of meaning against the "Non-Sense" in experienced reality, who and what the agents of meaningfulness in Australian literature are, how they relate to each other and how they affect our reading experience.



Beaux arts

New worlds

"New Worlds" presents a selection of five outstanding nautical atlases known as portolan charts, or "portalans".These historic documents are the work of eminent scholars from Majorca, Lisbon, Le Havre, and Amsterdam. Cartographers by trade, and sometimes also skilled illuminators, they mapped what was the most probable imago mundi for their time, each exemplar crafting a fascinating visual chronicle. Jean-Yves Sarazin, head of Charts and Maps at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, scrutinizes thèse charts or atlases, and situates them in the great history of European discoveries and voyages from the early 14th to the late 17th century, from the Portuguese reconnaissance of the coasts of Africa, through the adventures of Columbus,Vespucci, and Magellan, to the Dutch voyages in the Pacific and Australia.The book's many colour reproductions are alive with picturesque details: camel caravans in the heart ofAsia, Portuguese andArab ships sailing in the Indian Ocean, wild beasts or chimaera, countless exotic plants, naval battles, and not least the frequent strangeness of the indigenous people.



Non classé

German-Irish Corporate Relationships

The book addresses the question of whether, in an age of internationalisation and globalisation, cultural differences are still relevant to German-Irish corporate relationships ? The first three chapters establish the theoretical framework for the analysis by exploring the notion of culture, profiling the business cultures of both countries, and examining existing approaches to the study of parent company-foreign subsidiary relationships. In the following three chapters, using interviews carried out with two sample groups (fifteen German parent companies and fourteen of their Irish operations ; seven Irish parent companies and nine of their German operations), the parent companies in both groups are examined to see whether they demonstrate characteristics which are in keeping with their national business cultures. Their foreign operations are then analysed as is the parent company-foreign subsidiary relationship to determine whether any parent company influences are visible. The general approaches adopted by the two groups of parent companies to their foreign operations are compared and contrasted. Finally differences in national attitudes and values are identified and their impact assessed.



BD tout public

Doctor Gachet's portrait

A picture named "Doctor Gachet's portrait" has been stolen a night from a museum. Immediately, the news offer the event and our heroes start the research after some clue that leads them to the thief. After travelling across some countries following his trace, they realize that a smuggling network is behind the robbery, led by minister Goring. Among their loot is an enormous amount of pictures stolen from private collectors, with the aim of transporting and hiding them beyond their frontiers.



Critique littéraire

To catch the sun in the water

Marie was born around the end of World War II in a small village near Chaveniac-Lafayette where General Lafayette lived. It is the mountainous region of Auvergne known as the heart of France. Take Marie's hand and she will guide you through her humble childhood. Through her eyes you will see what it was like to live in the country in France. With Marie's many brothers end sisters you will participate in hay making, harvesting... At this time, they used traditional methods and tools. Her parents will demonstrate the making of bread, butter and cheese... It's here that you meet Mathias, a boy her age, who becomes her best friend. Later, their love story unfolds... Just after the war, it was a time when the French countryside was populated with farmers that still lived in economic self-sufficiency. In the story, the author makes these peasants from depths of France come alive. The feeling, the candor, and the authenticity of the book will remind you of the Little House on the Prairie




Vis ma vie de flic - version enrichie - poche

Juliette Alpha, gardienne de la paix "lambda" , est confrontée à l'ultraviolence des manifestations parisiennes en 2018. Le récit qu'elle en fait sur Twitter bouleverse 700 000 lecteurs et l'encourage à témoigner, dans un livre-vérité qui fera date, sur ce qu'est aujourd'hui le quotidien des flics. Vivre la vie de Juliette Alpha, c'est d'abord faire face, seule, à des difficultés matérielles et psychologiques. C'est ensuite, très vite, traverser l'enfer : Charlie Hebdo et le Bataclan. C'est voir alors s'effondrer ce en quoi l'on croit. Vivre la vie de Juliette Alpha, c'est capter ce senti- ment si particulier qui anime une brigade. C'est assumer le fait que la vie de vos collègues dépend des décisions que vous prendrez en une fraction de seconde. Vivre la vie de Juliette Alpha, c'est apprendre qu'à Paris, en 2022, la détresse et la misère sont partout et que ses missions dépassent souvent le cadre de Police Secours. Vivre la vie de Juliette Alpha, enfin, c'est accepter de mettre, chaque jour ou presque, son existence en danger, parce qu'au fond de vous-même, vous restez convaincu(e) de la grandeur de votre mission. Avec ce récit, Vis ma vie de flic, Juliette Alpha brise ainsi l'omerta avec courage, conviction, humour, lucidité et émotion.



Non classé

Planning as Social Process

Planning in this century has been largely influenced by the appeal of scientific activity on the one hand and by reform movements on the other. As a result of this influence, two roles of planning developed with one predominating : an advisory role which adheres to the scientific canon of deta ched objectivity and which is the prevailing version, and an active role where intervention into the development of society is promoted. This duality creates problems for planning theory and practice, especially since the positivist foundation of planning has proven to be inadequate. An examination of logical positivism indicates that a correct social theory can only be critical. This suggests that planning should use critical theory as new epistemological framework.
