
National and European Law on the Threshold to the Single Market




Marriage to the Wolf

Pour sauver son village de la famine, Kaede, de la tribu des lapins, est envoyé dans la tribu des loups pour se marier avec le fils d'une grande famille influente. Tiraillé entre plusieurs émotions, Kaede décide d'accepter son sort et de construire son propre bonheur au sein de la tribu des loups, mais le courant passe très mal entre lui et son fiancé, Ren, qui se montre très froid avec lui sans aucune explication. Kaede ne se sent pas à son aise, surtout lorsque Ren lui explique (un peu brutalement) que s'il veut devenir son partenaire, il lui faudra passer par une période d'acclimatation appelée le "Kataika"...




Back to the living

Le Printemps 2023 voit arriver son 3ème et meilleur ouvrage nommé " Back to the Living " en référence à ses combats victorieux contre ses addictions, avec pour symbole une somptueuse pochette du tableau "Phoenix Rising from its Ashes" datant du XIIe siècle... Cette fois ci, Bruno multiplie les collaborations de musiciens intervenants (Saxophoniste, Tromboniste, Pianiste et Organiste), qui donnent une bouffée de fraîcheur aux compositions encore plus accomplies et musclées que le précédent, sans conteste son opus le plus Fusion Power Pop Rock et Funk lorgnant même vers le Métal ! Grosse avancée aussi dans la production, puisque ce chapitre voit la création de son propre Label " MFB Productions " pour en gérer la promotion et sortie.




Back to the wall

Etre dos au mur, c'est faire un constat. C'est arriver à la fin d'un cycle, sans échappatoire possible, à moins d'escalader le mur et d'aller voir ce qui se trouve de l'autre côté. Etre dos au mur, c'est aussi un rappel . l'écho d'une époque où, à coups de masses et de volonté, une génération entière montrait au monde que la division ne dure qu'un temps - le temps d'un disque, vous dit Grand March.



Roman d'amour, roman sentiment

The ride to love

Quand la santé de son père se dégrade, Charlotte, une jeune illustratrice et auteure de livres pour enfants, est contrainte de quitter sa ville adorée, New York. Mais ce petit voyage au coeur du Wyoming, son Etat natal, tombe plutôt bien car elle vient de traverser une rupture amoureuse difficile. Elle voit ce retour aux sources comme une aubaine. Pour se retrouver, respirer, revivre. Paisiblement... Sauf que ! C'était sans compter le propriétaire du ranch où elle a décidé, par hasard, de louer son chalet. Elle le connaît. Il s'agit de Jay Cooper et il y a quelques années, il était le quarterback star du lycée où ils ont grandi... Et il est encore plus beau qu'à l'époque ! Mais aussi, beaucoup plus sauvage... Cette rencontre inattendue entre deux êtres que tout oppose, risque bien de faire des étincelles ! Et de bousculer ces âmes pour toujours.



Non classé

Environmentally Sound Waste Management?

This book assembles the revised papers presented to an international working conference on international waste policy convened by the Environmental Law Network International (ELNI) in May 1991 in Germany. The focus is placed on EC, national and regional waste management law, and implementation and practice in 15 countries of Europe. This is supplemented by analyses of relevant organisations and rich statistical material ; thus offers a unique comparative overview. The pan-European perspective shows a serious risk of "eco-dumping", i.e. the export of waste to countries with lower disposal standard. On the EC level, the conference was presented with substantial evidence of non-implementation of existing legislation in Member States. Therefore "global domestic policy" must become the guiding principle of national and international regulation and one of the main tasks of environmental organizations. In this spirit, it was agreed that in future a Europe-wide continued exchange of information and experience shall take place between the NGOs in the field of waste.




Hilma af Klint. The Five Notebook 1

In 1896, Hilma af Klint and four other like-minded women artists left the Edelweiss Society and founded the "Friday Group", also known as "The Five". They met every Friday for spiritual meetings, including prayers, studies of the New Testament, meditation and séances. The medium exercised automatic writing and mediumistic drawing. Eventually they established contact with spiritual beings whom they called "The High Ones". In 1896, the five women began taking meticulous notes of the mediumistic messages conveyed by the spirits. In time, Hilma af Klint felt she had been selected for more important messages. After ten years of esoteric training with "The Five", aged 43, Hilma af Klint accepted a major assignment, the execution of The Paintings for the Temple. This commission, which engaged the artist from 1906 to 1915, changed the course of her life. In 1908, Rudolf Steiner, leader of the German Theosophical Society, held several lectures in Stockholm. He also visited af Klint's studio and saw some of the early Paintings for the Temple. In 1913, Steiner founded the Anthroposophical Society, which af Klint joined in 1920 and remained a member for the rest of her life.



Non classé

Shakespeare's Reception in 18th Century Italy

The history of Shakespeare's reception in 18th century Italy is scanty and fragmentary. The present study attempts to join the scattered fragments of the mosaic together and to interpret the resulting picture in the light of current theories of comparative literature. Hamlet has been chosen as an exemplary case in Shakespearian production because it is associated with the very first milestones in Shakespeare's introduction into the Italian literary system. Hamlet also exemplifies on the one hand Italy's cultural indebtedness to France in the field of Shakespearian translation (the first Italian staging of a Shakespearian play was a Hamlet translated from Ducis' adaptation), and, on the other, the need for Northern European literary works to undergo profound changes before they could be assimilated in Italy. The process of Shakespeares's reception in 18th century Italy was made even more tortuous by a missed opportunity, again concerning Hamlet. The first complete Italian translation of the play by Alessandro Verri has never to this day been staged or published ; its impact on the development of Italian literature was only indirect through its influence on Verri's own creative works, which finally contributed to the birth of the Italian Romantic movement.



Littérature française

Saint Shuddhananda Bharati A visionary

Foreword To my friend, to my guide, to the mahatma of my heart, to the visionary of a united world living in peace and harmony in the earthly paradise that God has given us. Life and destiny is like an iceberg ; most of us is hidden, and for some, this is the start of the long path of questioning... For souls that are searching, the time then comes when the seeker finds what is being sought : the precursor, the one that has opened the path, cleared it out and illuminated the way. Thus in the deepest part of our Selves, at the centre of our soul, Joythi, the Divine Light is revealed and works on meeting all those who seek it. Kavi Yogi Maharshi Shuddhananda Bharati was a scholar, linguist, scientist, seer poet, saint and the sage of the Cosmic Age. He was ever agile and active, writing, singing, doing good and observed silence for 30 continuous years. He was a universalist, who was not bound to caste, religion, colour and race or geographic bounds. He was an apostle of Sama Yoga, which seeks for a synthesis of science and yoga, West and East, the actual and the ideal in life. Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati is the author of creative and literary works with ­diverse writing styles : epic and lyric writings, melodramas, operas, comedies, pastoral theo­logies, novels, short stories, biographies, notes on famous works, essays. Bharata Shakti Kavi Malayam is his magnum opus. Editions ASSA, Christianananda Bharati



Livres 0-3 ans

The discovery of magic

Queen Vispa and King Dungammei are the beloved rulers of their respective kingdoms. The two territories live in harmony, sharing a temple that crosses their mutual border, but they pray to different gods and have little in common outside of geography. The monarchs seem an unlikely pair, but when each violates the rules of the temple - one by entering the temple as a woman, and the other by praying to the other kingdom's god - both find themselves abandoned by their people, deciding soon after to declare the approval and presence of both gods in their hearts, as well as their love for each other. The King and Queen's subjects also abandon the shared temple, leaving it to the disobedient pair and building separate temples in their own territories. The monarchs' happy life together is, however, short-lived, as Queen Vispa dies upon giving birth to their child Delarai. The King is urged to repent and return to his kingdom. He complies, leaving princess Delarai with Magi, a nurse from a remote village, to raise her. Delarai rows up in near isolation, far from other people, spending most of her time among flowers and animals of the beautiful temple garden. Meanwhile, battles rage between the two kingdoms following the King's return. Delaware, a son begotten to the King and his next wife, gets badly wounded some years later in an attempt to stop the fighting. On his deathbed, the Prince insists on being taken to the forbidden temple to be buried there. The King, though ill himself, agrees to fulfill his son's dying wish. It is there where Delarai, having become quite an expert at herbal remedies, comes to their aid, preparing a special potion while praying to the temple's two gods in her nurse Magi's native language. As Delarai completes the life-saving act of curing the Prince, she tries to call for Magi, but the word that leaves her lips is "magic". Those who witness the event soon spread the word, and Delarai becomes recognized across both kingdoms as the creator of magic. The King, however, succumbs to old age, imparting his last kernel of wisdom unto his daughter : the two temple gods are one and the same. With this knowledge and their newfound inner strength, Delarai and Delaware unify the two kingdoms, and live happily ever after.



Histoire internationale

National Heroes and National Identities. Scotland, Norway and Lithuania

This book investigates the concept of the heroic, questions what it is that makes the national hero an indispensable appendage to any possible interpretation of national identity, and asks why scholars stop short before coming to terms with this elusive phenomenon. It finds answers by following heroic traditions in Scotland, Norway and Lithuania from the early modern period to the twentieth century. The book argues that heroic traditions – prevailing trends in situating heroes in national history – owe much to the early modern state. Both national heroes and the nation state had been conceived with a similar moral political mindset that looked for new ways to identify sources for commonality. The confluence of political theory and Realpolitik attested to three classical types of polities, i.e. civitas popularis (democracy), regnum (kingship), and optimatium (aristocracy), as found at that time in Scotland, Norway and Lithuania respectively. The author shows the varied impact these patterns had on heroic traditions. The long record of national heroes in Scotland is explained as a vestige of the legacy of civic humanism, the continuing traditions of the heroic king-lines in Norway are seen as a result of long-standing absolutism, while the belated arrival of national heroes in Lithuania is excused by the country's aristocratic if at times oligarchic past.




God's People: Instruments of Healing

The future impact of the churches on the societies in which they are situated depends on how they are experienced as healing and solidarizing communities (concerning their religious and social praxis) within themselves and to the outside. Exactly this is the question of the diaconical dimension of the church : the question of how much love (in terms of mercy and justice) and freedom (to the individual and to society) are being spread by the churches in this world. Theologically this book refers not only to the biblical foundations but also to the latest theology of the II Vatican Council (and of the appropriate understanding of the term "Evangelization") within the Catholic Church, without suggesting that this theological position is something exclusive in the ecumenical sphere. It rather may support similar theologies emerging from other churches, as a kind of offer to solidarize with each other looking for the possibilities of substantiating the Christian faith.




Impossible lovers

CLAIRE is in charge of a jewelry store. FRANK is a small time hood. A jeweler, who dreams of prince charming, holds up as hostage the man who attempted to break her jewelry. CLAIRE, head of jewelry who has just been let down by a lover she hardly knew, believes that work is her one and only way out. Disappointed, despite the late hour, and after a few drinks, she returns to her jewelry, breaking a store policy, she has disabled security and the guards by pretending that she wants to take advantage of the quiet of the night to update her work. At the same moment, a young ex-con who just got thrown out of a bistro and is passing in front of the jewelry store and decides to break in. Rather than call the police or security, CLAIRE let him in.




Living in Mexico. Edition français-anglais-allemand

Barbara & René Stoeltie both began their careers as artists and gallery owners. With René as photographer and Barbara as writer, they have been collaborating on interior design articles since 1984, contributing to such influential magazines as Vogue, The World of Interiors, AD, Elle, House and Garden, Country Living and House Beautiful. The editor : Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN from 1987 to 2010, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel and lifestyle.



Non classé

Chronobiology & Chronomedicine- Basic Research and Applications

The time structure of living systems, which rules the autonomous temporal order of organisms as well as their coherence with the outer environment, has aroused considerable attention in biology and medicine since 1937, when a few European scientists gathered to establish this new field of research. This volume contains the Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Chronobiology, held in Marburg in 1986. It mirrors the great advances of chronobiology and chronomedicine in theory and practice up to the present. Distinguished scientists from European and other countries report on recent results in basic research and medical applications.




The Fakir's Travels

Advising people to take this attitude or that are a waste of time. Those who see or/and are aware realise also that it is none of their business to goad and advise others. Our job at best can be to answer questions by the light of our knowledge but in no way can anyone be dogmatic about it. Let us all be first aware of - Do we know ? What do we know ? How do we know that we know ? To me it is the part where we first accept that there is room for change for the better in us. Then we observe ourselves. And finally we try to bring in the change in ourselves with our will with sincerity and objectivity.




Defaced! Money, Conflict, Protest

This fully illustrated catalogue is the first of its kind to examine the relationship between money, power, resistance and dissent. It accompanies major exhibitions at The Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge and the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto. War, revolution and protest are defining themes in all periods of world history, shaping national identities and influencing material and visual culture in myriad ways. The ubiquity of money makes it a powerful vehicle for diseminating the messages of the state to the public, but the symbolic and nationalistic iconography of currency could also be subverted or mutilated in powerful acts of defiance, rebellion and propaganda. Beginning in Britain in the wake of the American and French Revolutions, the exhibition explores the political and social tensions present in society, and communicated through the production or defacement of money, over the past 200 years. It contrasts the use of money by the radicals of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, such as Thomas Spence, and the Suffragette movement, with the money produced by European empires as they scrambled to dominate the rest of the world. The currency histories of the two World Wars reveal the subversion of the very nature of what money is, and highlight the role of money as the tool of occupation, imprisonment, resistance and remembrance. The coins countermarked during the Troubles in Northern Ireland hint at the polarised nature of political discourse and sectarian violence. The exhibition culminates with the work of contemporary artists and activists who use money to highlight the challenges of the modern world, both locally and globally - as a canvas, as a raw material, or as a powerful means of communication. From a unique coin commemorating the Peterloo Massacre of 1819 to a Syrian banknote refashioned to raise awareness of the refugee crisis, this publication showcases many newly acquired objects from the Fitzwilliam Museum collection, alongside materials from the Archive of Modern Conflict. These objects are enhanced by a number of important loans from museums and private collections, including the cannon used at the Battle of Mafeking, an exploded transit van and contemporary art works that take money, its authority and destruction as their theme. Each object constitutes a witness statement to its time and its conflict, and each section has its own story to tell. The chapters - by archaeologists, historians, curators, and artists - create a rich context for the more than 130 objects in the catalogue, most of which have never been studied in depth or published before.



Anglais apprentissage

THE CANTERBURY TALES. Avec cassette audio

'In April when the sweet showers fall... then people want to go on pilgrimages.' A group of pilgrims travelling from London to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury decide that each traveller should tell a story. The Knight tells a tale of high romance. The Pardoner tells a story of death. And the Wife of Bath tells the story of her five husbands and her fight to control the men in her life. But The Tales end with the story of the perfect marriage and how, if we are generous to one another, we can find the perfect society. A selection of stories from Chaucer's masterpiece depicting life in fourteenth century England is presented here in modern English. There is a wide range of activities and special informative sections on Chaucer and his times. The accompanying cassette contains the complete story and the extra listening activities.




The Witch and the Beast T05

La créature qui apparaît devant les yeux de Guido n'est autre qu'Angela, la sorcière qui lui est liée par le destin ! Déjà surpris par la tournure des événements, sa colère monte en flèche quand celle qui lui a jeté la malédiction vient ajouter son grain de sel ! Guido sombre alors dans une colère bestiale poussant Ashaf, acculé, à se remémorer leur toute première rencontre...




The Witch and the Beast T08

Après l'attaque de la Reine de la Nuit, les deux héros sont séparés. Guido est en captivité mais réussit à s'évader et s'empare d'une arme particulièrement efficace contre les vampires. Pendant ce temps, après avoir échappé de justesse à la mort, Ashaf est résolu à retrouver son partenaire et tente d'obtenir une audience auprès de la Reine aux côtés de Danword. Ce dernier parviendra-t-il à maîtriser ses ardeurs, alors qu'il ne rêve que de vengeance depuis de longues années ? Une rivalité de près d'un siècle s'apprête à resurgir entre la cruelle Reine de Gunir et l'ancien Roi de la Nuit !



Albums 3 ans et +

The Little Mouse and the pirates

On the Mont Saint-Michel, sinister rascals have stolen the milk teeth lost by the children. With the help of privateers from Saint-Malo, the Little Mouse and his companion will try to unmask them and set out to get these unscrupulous pirates.




The Vampire and the Rose T05

Chiyu est une lycéenne qui croit au grand amour. Dans sa classe, Yomiya fait tourner toutes les têtes. Il est séduisant, intelligent, sportif et... c'est un vampire ! Malgré tout, elle lui propose son sang lorsqu'un beau jour, elle le trouve en train de faire un malaise. Il découvre alors son goût délicieux et n'a pas l'intention de renoncer à d'autres rations...



Sciences politiques

Scripture and Midrash in Judaism

The rabbis of late antiquity produced a score of exegesis of the Hebrew Scriptures of Ancient Israel ("the Old Testament"), in which they took various approaches to the study and interpretation of what they called "the written Torah". These exegesis, called collectively "Midrash", form an important part of "the oral Torah", that is, the tradition of Sinai formulated and transmitted for memorization and ultimately written down by the ancient sages in the first six centuries A.D. These three volumes present large selections of the Midrash-documents of ancient Judaism, in the translation of Jacob Neusner, who has now translated into English nearly all of the Rabbinic literature of late antiquity. The selections are organized by type, so that readers see the various ways in which, in form and in intellectual program, the documents of Midrash-compilation were formulated and set forth. In this way, the vast body of biblical exegesis put forth by Judaism in its formative age is made available to the contemporary reader.



Non classé

Education and the Values Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe

Fundamental educational reform is one of the central elements of the social transformation taking place in the former socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. In this volume selected experts and eye witnesses of the radical change taking place in the region provide detailed and graphic presentation of the problems and controversies surrounding reform. They explore how the educational systems have responded to the collapse, and they explain the source of new models, ideas, and values on the part of educational policy makers, researchers and teachers. A focus of attention is the values crisis among the youth. The authors explore the values the socialist systems attempted to convey, the manner in which the youth have responded to the collapse, and the possible sources of new values and ideals.




Conjugal Chastity in Pope Wojtyla

Conjugal Chastity in Pope Wojtyla explains how Karol Wojtyla, philosopher, theologian, and Pope, tried to show how the sexual act, within the context of marriage, is an expression of love. After explaining how love as goodwill is the foundation of conjugal love, the correct relationship between love and justice is clarified. The negative dimension of the personalistic norm of Wojtyla is then critically examined. Conjugal love is explained in terms of conjugal beneficience based on conjugal benevolence. This love leads to total self-giving in each conjugal act. The procreative meaning of the conjugal act seems to be its most formal element (the soul of the act, so to speak); the unitive element is described as an essential property of this act, something which necessarily flows from the conjugal act which is open to life. Chastity is the virtue that allows sexuality to be integrated into a love which is truly personal and reflects Trinitarian Love.




Histoires de famille et littérature de jeunesse. Filiation, transmission, réinvention ? Textes en français et anglais

Ce livre réexamine la représentation de la famille dans des romans, albums ou pièces de théâtre pour la jeunesse relevant de différentes aires géographiques, culturelles et linguistiques. Bienveillants ou aliénants, les liens tissés entre générations ou au sein de la fratrie conditionnent la construction des jeunes protagonistes. La littérature de jeunesse reflète la diversité de la famille et sa capacité à évoluer, voire à se réinventer (familles monoparentales ou homoparentales, recomposées, adoptives...). En proposant des modèles parfois éloignés des réalités connues des lecteurs, elle les invite à réévaluer leur propre expérience mais témoigne aussi d'une certaine constance des attentes et des interrogations que l'institution suscite. This book re-examines the representation of the family in novels, picture books or theatre plays for young people, belonging to various geographical, cultural and linguistic areas. The bonds between generations or among siblings, whether benevolent or destructive, play a decisive part in the young protagonists' development. Children's literature is shown to reflect the diversity of the family as an institution and its ability to change or even to reinvent itself (single-parent, same-sex-parent, blended or adoptive families...). Its fictional representations of the family may differ from the realities experienced by the readers, and invites them to reconsider their own experiences, yet show expectations and questions related to family life to remain fairly constant.





With its simplicity in presentation, this new book makes the difficult concepts of soil mechanics and foundations much easier to understand! The author explains basic concepts and fundamental principles in the context of basic mechanics, physics, and mathematics. From Practical Situations and Essential Points to Practical Examples and Questions to Guide Your Reading the book is packed with helpful hints and pedagogy that make the material crystal clear. This book also includes a CD-ROM that offers readers hands-on learning. The CD contains interactive animations of basic concepts, interactive problem solving, electronic quizzes, interactive computer programs for special topics, virtual labs and much more. With the help of this CD and text, anyone can quickly master the key principles behind soil mechanics and foundations. KEY FEATURES * A What you should be able to do list at the beginning of each chapter alerts readers to what they should learn after studying each chapter. * The author maintains a solid level of technical rigor despite the simplicity in presentation. * A large number of examples are worked out step-by-step to illustrate problem-solving techniques. * The CD-ROM includes The Virtual Soils Laboratory, which allows readers to do sophisticated soil testing at their own convenience.




Security and human aspects. Educational resources

This book embodies the curriculum taught by Bruno Ciroussel at the 'Institute for the Fight against Economic Crime' (ILCE in french) in Neuchâtel from 2001 to 2006, with a subsequent technical refresh in 2024. The course taught catered primarily to students from the realms of justice, police, finance, and to a lesser extent, journalism. The book is divided into two, the first part delves into the human aspects of computer security, offering insights on managing these elements to mitigate their impact as effectively as possible. The second part introduces the concept of a Security Operating Center (SoC) for cybersecurity and discusses the application of artificial intel-ligence in developing a smart SoC, supplemented by tangible examples of existing market solutions.




Intra-Group Arrangements under Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community

The theory of enterprise unity is of particular importance to multinational enterprises with many affiliates. The law pertaining to the relationship of the various entities within such a group has to address itself to a whole array of problems. The comparison of the approaches taken by the legal systems surveyed is concerned with the antitrust perspective as discernible from the enforcement practice. The possible application of the Competition Rules to such intra-group arrangements involves an examination of conspiratorial situations in which corporate personnel, agents, unincorporated divisions and incorporated subsidiaries as well as corporations owned by the same person(s) take part.



Histoire de France

Christian Democrat Internationalism. Its Action in Europe and Worldwide from post World War II until the 1990s- Volume III: The European People’s Party- Continental and Social Cooperation

From September 2011 to December 2013 the Luigi Sturzo Institute in Rome along with the Centre of European Studies planned a series of international scientific meetings to study one highly important political subject : the commitment of Christian Democrats on an international level. This project has been organised thanks to the support of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, and the International Labour Organisation. Internationalism is a Key Element for the Christian Democrat Identity. In fact, CD is a political movement of thought and action whose roots lie in a specific ideology : to use the German word Weltanschauung, it is based on a particular framework of ideas and beliefs that leads the party to interpret the relationship between men and nations from an international point of view, ensuring the human being a central place in every social policy. The Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, wrote in a Message to these Meetings : "We can consider ourselves very lucky that 50 years ago forward-thinking personalities founded the World Union of Christian Democrats. From then on, the world, through globalisation, has been deeply changed. Events that take place in other continents immediately impact on our lives. We will be able to protect ourselves from terrorism, achieve economic and social security, and defend our environment only through common global action. This is the task of our generation : to overcome these global challenges. [...] Our parties and our political organisations share a common Christian ideal of man. This ideal, grounded on the inalienability of human dignity, is at the core of one important value : to this man has linked a social and economic model that combines economic success and social responsibility." Her message clearly shows the need to use historical knowledge, to return to and explore a rich and challenging past as well as to develop a reflection on and a course of action for the present and the future.




Statistical and Data Handling Skills in Biology

All biologists need to be able to handle numbers, yet students of biology often approach this topic fearfully. This guide helps to, develop key skills for the study of biology in the minimum time through guided practise. Statistical and Data Handling Skills in Biology is an easy-to-use handbook which concentrates on essentials. It explains why certain mathematical concepts can help in biology and describes them in simple language and pictures with few equations. Numerous worked examples and problems from real biological situations are provided. The book first shows how to handle numbers and S.I. units. It then explains why variation is such a problem in biology and shows how to use statistical tests to separate real effects from the background variation. Finally it explains how to choose appropriate statistical tests to, analyse data and how to improve the design of experiments. Students will develop confidence in dealing with numbers by working through the problems provided. Key features include: - takes a biological viewpoint; - clear, concise coverage of essential concepts; - helpful explanations and pictures with a minimum of equations; - step-by-step guides to statistical tests; - guidance on using computer-based statistical packages; - decision charts for choosing statistical tests; - worked examples and problems, with solutions provided. This book makes an ideal companion for biologists at all levels, as a text for elementary courses for sixth form and first year undergraduate students, a self-study guide, or as a laboratory handbook for the working biologist.
