



Développement personnel

Volume spanish 2022

With Assimil, learning Spanish has never been so easy. Our method, based on intuitive assimilation, has helped millions of users learn a new language. Following the step-by-step lessons, with their lively dialogues, clear notes and practical exercises, you'll acquire the language naturally and progressively, whether you're a complete beginner or just want to brush upon your Spanish. By working steadily through the 100-lesson course, at around 30-40 minutes a day, you'll be able to converse comfortably in Spanish in a variety of everyday and professional situations in line more than a few months. About the Assimil method. Assimil is revolutionary self-study method based on the simple,effective principle of intuitive assimilation, the natural process through which you learned your own language. The lively dialogues, helpful notes and practical exercises in the Assimil course will help you achieve confident conversational command of your new language in very little time.



Aménagement du territoire

L'avenir des Mille Etangs. Une ambition à la hauteur de son exception

Au coeur de paysages féeriques et d'une nature préservée, les Mille Etangs ont la particularité d'être un espace habité que les Hommes ont alimenté au cours du temps de richesses remarquables. Cet ouvrage, fruit d'une collaboration entre le département de Haute-Saône et universitaires, fait découvrir au lecteur ce pays d'étangs à travers plusieurs thématiques. Géomorphologie, Géographie, Biodiversité, Sciences Humaines et Histoire sont autant de portes d'entrée pour découvrir le monde fascinant des Mille Etangs. In the heart of magical landscapes and unspoiled nature, the "Mille Etangs" has the particularity of being an inhabited space that has been nourished over time with remarkable wealth. This book, which is the result of a collaboration between the Haute-Saône department and academics, introduces the reader to this land of ponds through several topics. Geomorphology, Geography, Biodiversity, Human Sciences and History are all entry points to the discovery of the fascinating world of the "Mille Etangs".




The Policies and Politics of Pope Pius XII

The Policies and Politics of Pope Pius XII delves into the diplomacy of the most controversial pope of the twentieth century : Pius XII (pontificate, 1939-1958), "Advocate of Appeasement" to some and "Apostle of Peace" to others. Disagreement prevails on his quest for peace, recourse to impartiality during the Second World War, and relative public silence during the Holocaust. His abandonment of impartiality to play a prominent role in the Cold War has contributed to the charges and counter-charges leading to what has been deemed the "Pius War." Unfortunately, a good deal of the literature published by the defenders and denigrators of this papal diplomacy has shed more heat than light. In this book, Frank J. Coppa, who has written on numerous controversial figures including Pius IX (pontificate,1846-1878), seeks to objectively explore the origins and rationale of Pius XII's diplomacy during the war, the Nazi genocide, and its aftermath.



Non classé

Seeing Jaakob

Despite the considerable amount of scholarship on Mann's work, his tetralogy – composed prior to and during his exile from Nazi Germany – has received less attention and has not been examined from the perspective of the relationship of visuality to narrative. In this study of Mann's reworking of the biblical account of Jacob, father of Joseph, the author examines the ways the novel's protagonists frame their environment through knowledge and meaning gained via specific acts of seeing. While considering Mann's oft-stated intent to refunctionalize myth by means of psychology for humane and progressive purposes, the book explores the lavish narrative attention Mann gives to visual detail, visual stimulation, the protagonists' eyes, ways of seeing, and even to staging and performance in anticipation of another's way of seeing. The results reveal that the plot of the first Joseph novel is carried and propelled by a series of visual encounters during which the narrative draws attention to the protagonists' eyes and acts of looking.



Non classé

The Search for Lyonnesse

Although Mme de Lafayette is acknowledged as the founder of the modern novel, her precise legacy has been understood only in relation to male-authored texts. However, she wrote as a woman, addressing issues that concerned women of her day, particularly the problem of the apparent incompatibility of sexual fulfilment and the institution of marriage. This study seeks to identify how La Princesse de Clèves was interpreted by three of Mme de Lafayette's most talented women successors and to show how their more sombre and subversive view of society was mediated in works of fiction which have strong affinities with the contes de fées for which they are well known. The novels of Mlle Bernard, Mme d'Aulnoy and Mlle de La Force are significant, not simply for what they tell us about themselves as women writers but also for what they reveal about the origins of the eighteenth-century novel.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

A Passion for DNA. Genes. Genomes, and Society

In 1953, two young scientists sparked a revolution. James Watson and Francis Crick deduced the molecular composition of DNA and immediately realized that the structure implied how genes were copied and passed on from one generation to the next. Their observation had extraordinary consequences; the discovery of a genetic code; the ability to alter an organism's genetic make-up; new ways of fighting disease; and the means of cloning plants and animals. Nobel Prize-winner, James Watson, has long been a commentator on DNA science and its implications for society. In essays and lectures he delivered dispatches from the front lines of the revolution. Collected here is a selection of these outspoken and topical pieces, mingling with memoirs of distinguished former colleagues, advice for young scientists, and a pointed account of Germany's troubled historical relationship with genetics. Augmented by elegant commentaries from the distinguished molecular biologist Walter Gratzer, this volume portrays the thoughts and work of an intellectual leader of the twentieth century.



Physique, chimie


Since physicists introduced supersymmetry in the mid 1970s, there have been great advances in the understanding of supersymmetric quantum field theories and string theories. These advances have had important mathematical consequences as well. The lectures featured in this book treat fundamental concepts necessary for understanding the physics behind these mathematical applications. Freed approaches the topic with the assumption that the basic notions of supersymmetric field theory are unfamiliar to most mathematicians. He presents the material intending to impart a firm grounding in the elementary ideas. The first half of the book offers expository introductions to superalgebras, supermanifolds, classical field theory, free quantum theories, and super Poincaré groups. The second half covers specific models and describes some of their geometric features. The over-all aim is to explain the classical supersymmetric field that are basic for applications in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, thereby providing readers with sufficient background to explore the quantum ideas.



Histoire de France

The External Relations of the European Union

The book analyses the attitudes of non-EU countries towards European integration in historical and contemporary perspectives. The authors study a range of actors in Europe and beyond to explain the impact of the creation of the European Communities on the international system and how the EU is perceived in the world. The book further shows the significance of the institutional interplay within the EU, and between EU institutions, member states and external actors led by their own internal dynamics to explain policy outcomes. It investigates to what extent the perceptions of the international community towards the European Communities and the EU have been influenced by the complexity of their decision-making and the difficulty of reconciling the views of member states on key external relations issues. The authors also study the interplay of non-EU countries and the EU within the broader context of international and regional institutions and forums for international cooperation.




Etudes sur l'histoire et l'archéologie de Lydie de la période proto-lydienne à la fin de l'Antiquité. Textes en français et anglais

Lydia, lying between the Aegean coast and the Anatolian plateau, has been associated since Antiquity with the Pactolus river, which carried gold from the Tmolus mountain, and with the wealth of Croesus. Populated by Lydians and Maeonians, and marked by the presence of Persians, Greeks, Romans, and Byzantines, it has attracted the attention of researchers since the end of the 18th century. This book aims to cover the chronology of Lydian studies from the protohistoric period to the beginning of the Byzantine period and to bring together the contributions of international researchers and scholars from a wide range of disciplines that includes history, archeology, epigraphy, and numismatics, and from different perspectives. The various studies discuss society, social structures, military aspects, economy, religion, arts, architecture, and material culture. This diachronic approach makes it possible in particular to question continuity and discontinuity between the Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine periods, as well as with those that preceded them.



Espagnol apprentissage

Superpack telechargement spanish 2022

With Assimil, learning Spanish has never been so easy. Our method, based on intuitive assimilation, has helped millions of users learn a new language. Following the step-by-step lessons, with their lively dialogues, clear notes and practical exercises, you'll acquire the language naturally and progressively, whether you're a complete beginner or just want to brush upon your Spanish. By working steadily through the 100-lesson course, at around 3040 minutes a day, you'll be able to converse comfortably in Spanish in a variety of everyday and professional situations in little more than a few months. About the Assimil method. Assimil is a revolutionary selfstudy method based on the simple. effective principle of intuitive assimilation, the natural process through which you learned your own Unguage. The lively dialogues, helpful notes and practical exercises in the Assimil course will help you achieve confident conversational command of your new language in very little time.




A Census of Rabelais Copies (1532-1626) with some Additions and Corrections to the New Rabelais Bibliography. Etudes rabelaisiennes, tome LXII

This Census of Rabelais Copies reflects the digital revolution in library cataloguing, incorporating a complete rechecking for early Rabelais copies, notably in the Worldcat database. Every copy recorded has been further verified in the catalogues of the individual libraries concerned. Alongside numerous corrections and additions to the 1987 publication, based on excellent bibliographical and more general scholarship, this Census increases the total number of known copies of Rabelais, dated between 1532 and 1626, and in public hands, from about 750 to nearly 1100, of which well over 100 are available for consultation online. Of particular interest are the discovery of nine copies of the Almanach pour l'an 1535 (NRB 095), the discovery of a previously un-recorded edition by Rabelais of Hippocrates's Prognostikon (NRB 109.5), and the re-emergence in Moscow of the Pantagruel of 1533 (NRB 007), with the Chonicques du grant Roy Gargantua (NRB 122) and the Pantagrueline prognostication (NRB 016) previously recorded in Dresden.




Kim et les papys braqueurs. Main basse sur les bijoux de la Kardashian

C'est l'incroyable histoire vraie du braquage de Kim Kardashian, la star de téléréalité américaine de passage à Paris pour la Fashion Week, détroussée par une équipe de voleurs seniors. La nuit du 2 au 3 octobre 2016, cinq filous venus dans son hôtel de luxe, dérobent sa bague de fiançailles et une flopée de bijoux, un butin de neuf millions d'euros, avant de repartir à vélo en gilets fluo. Les pieds-nickelés viennent de réussir le casse du XXIe siècle. Mais avec la vidéosurveillance et les traces ADN, pas facile de garder le magot. Le télescopage entre ces " artistes " has been âgés de 60 à 72 ans et la Queen mondiale des réseaux sociaux, c'est la rencontre de la bicyclette et du jet privé, du patiné et du bling-bling. C'est le choc des cultures entre des gangsters pépères tout droit sortis des films d'Audiardet l'influenceuse planétaire.



Histoire de France

CRASH IN BAYEUX - The Last Flight of Sergeant Ferguson

Normandy, France, January 15, 1943. The weather is clear, the sun is shining. Two Royal Canadian Air Force aircraft fly over the Bayeux-Caen railroad. The target is a German freight train - and its locomotive. Aboard the first Spitfire, Sergeant Ferguson is aligning his gun sights on the target. It is 02 : 30 p. m. This will be his very last flight... HARASSING THE OCCUPYING FORCES TO PREPARE THE INVASION The RAF and RCAF had been flying hundreds of similar sorties over France for months, in order to weaken the German forces, particularly the Luftwaffe. The pilots of No. 401 Squadron were among those who took part in this patient work, made up of constant patrols and attacks. Among the 63 men mentioned in this book, 25 were killed in action between 1942 and 1944. A CRASH THAT AWOKE THE SPIRIT OF RESISTANCE Touched by William Ferguson's sacrifice, some French citizens decided to bury the young Canadian flier with dignity, honour and respect. The Germans took this as a provocation. A few weeks later, the Sipo-SD (the "Gestapo") arrested a dozen of them. They were sent to concentration camps - some of them later died in Büchenwald, Dachau and Mauthausen. Others did survive, including Paul Le Caër. He is the one who has supported the author and told him what happened. Today, he is signing the preface of this book. UNPUBLISHED DOCUMENTS AND TESTIMONIES Based on an in-depth analysis of unpublished documents, including the Fergusons' archives and No. 401 Squadron Operation Record Book, this work depicts the very last flight of the young Canadian pilot in detail. With a striking truthfulness, you will relive the squadron's daily life, the faith of the pilots, as well as the beginning of the sortie and "Bill" Ferguson's last minutes. FIVE YEARS OF RESEARCH AND EMOTION A young and talented historian involved in the field of remembrance in Normandy, François Oxéant has spent over five years fitting the pieces of the puzzle together. This book will help you discover all aspects of his fascinating investigation with a methodical and rigorous approach. He has met some of the last witnesses of the events and has been in touch with the pilot's family for a few years, making us share his emotion and admiration for Bill, who was barely younger than himself.




Burmese Silver from the Colonial Period

This stunning catalogue presents an exceptional collection of rare Burmese silver. Accompanied by detailed photographs and explanatory texts, this ground-breaking book proposes a new way of looking at Burmese silver. Names, dates, places, and stories - identifying the who, when, where, and what of Burmese silver has been the focus of publications on the topic. Are these questions the best way to understand silver, however ? Alexandra Green argues that they are not. Too few pieces provide reliable information about silversmiths, production locations, and dates to allow for a comprehensive understanding of the subject. Instead, a close examination of silver patterns reveals strong links with Burmese art history reaching as far back as the Bagan period (11th to 13th centuries), connections with contemporary artistic trends, and participation within the wider world of silversmithing. The first European to write about Burmese silver was H L Tilly, a colonial official from the late 19th into the early 20th century. Tasked with collecting objects for various fairs and exhibitions, he took an interest in Burmese art, publishing articles and books from the 1880s onwards. While much of what he wrote was factually inaccurate and coloured by the prejudices and stereotypes common at the time, his two volumes on Burmese silver published in 1902 and 1904 contain pictures of pieces from the early to mid 19th century. These enable a reconstruction of how silver designs evolved as the country was absorbed into the Indian Raj, and British and other Westerners became consumers of local silver products. Tilly was also correct in his interest in silver designs. Green uses the visual information from his books to describe the continuities and innovations of designs found on silver from the mid 19th through the mid 20th century, and she places these trends within local, regional, and global flows of ideas. Many studies of Burmese silver have been plagued by a lack of understanding of the Burmese context. In contrast, Green examines silver from a local perspective, drawing on Burmese texts and information that allows for a nuanced view of the motifs, designs, and patterns that appear repetitively on silver pieces. Using Graham Honeybill's collection, formed over many years, as a basis, she explores how designs and patterns circulated around the country and were innovatively combined and recombined on pieces by silversmiths producing objects for Burmese, Western, and commercial clients.



Physique, chimie

Statistics and Chemometrics for Analytical Chemistry. 4th edition

This popular textbook gives a clear and lucid account of the underlying principles of statistical methods. The fourth edition has been revised and updated to reflect the growing popularity of statistics and chemometric methods and new approaches in optimisation and experimental design. The authors have also addressed the quality of analytical chemistry data and experimental results, an area of increasing concern to chemists testing the safety of food and medicines. Key features of the new edition: - Expanded material to create new chapters on "Experimental Design and Optimisation" and "Multivariate Analysis" - Completely new chapter on "The Quality of Analytical Measurements" - Revised questions with complete solutions throughout the text - Updated worked examples including calculations performed using Microsoft Excel and Minitab - Glossary and a flow chart to guide readers in their choice of significance tests - Instructors' manual and companion website available. This book will suit undergraduate, M.Sc. and graduate courses in Analytical Chemistry and related topics, and will also be valuable for researchers and chemists working in analytical chemistry everywhere.




Purple Fashion N° 39 : The New York Issue

The next issue is all about New York. After a few years in Los Angeles and in Mexico City, the magazine is coming back to New York City to explore the vibrant intellectual and artistic capital of the US. New York City has historically been a magnet : the center of contemporary art and the heart of underground culture in America. The magazine will explore the city who has always inspired Purple through its creativity, as well as generations of artists, talents, and designers attracted by its relentless energy. What's new in NYC today ? What's going on now in the music scene, in the artworld, in fashion ? What is the New York style today ? What are the new places, faces, and designers ? And who are the people that today shape the city as a progressive and creative megalopolis ? What is the mythology of the city, its true spirit ? What about the sexual and queer revolution that the city ushered in since the 70s ? What possibilities can New York provide for the world today ?




Vaux-le-Vicomte. A Private Invitation

A masterpiece of French seventeenthcentury art and architecture, the Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte is the largest privately owned historic monument in France. The man who commissioned it, Nicolas Fouquet, who was Louis XIV ? s Superintendent of Finances, surrounded himself with the most brilliant artists of his time-the architect Louis Le Vau, garden designer André Le Nôtre, and artist Charles Le Brun-to create a perfect fusion of architecture and landscape that would soon be celebrated as a model of the artistic genius of the Grand Siècle. Protected and restored by a succession of owners over the centuries, Vaux is now owned by the de Vogüé family, who are passionate in their pursuit of ambitious strategies for the conservation of this outstanding legacy. Illustrated with breathtaking photography by Bruno Ehrs, this volume is a private invitation to experience the wonders of a unique French estate. Christian Lacroix, whose definition of elegance and haute-couture design have been inspired by eighteenth-century culture and court dress, shares his passion for Vaux-le-Vicomte in the foreword.



Non classé

Migrant Memories

Migrant Memories provides an innovative perspective on the power of cultural memory and the influence of cinema on the Italian diaspora in Britain. Based on extensive interviews with Southern Italian migrants and their children, this study offers a fresh understanding of the migrants' journey from Italy to Britain since the early 1950s. The volume examines how the experience of contemporary Italian identity has been mediated through film, photography and popular culture through the generations. Beginning with an analysis of the films of Frank Capra and Anthony Minghella, the book goes on to address the popular melodramas of Raffaello Matarazzo and ultimately argues that cinema, and the memory of it, had a significant influence on the identity formation of first-generation Italians in Britain. Coupled with this analysis of cinema's relationship to migration, the cultural memory of the Italian diaspora is explored through traditions of education, religion, marriage and cuisine. The volume highlights the complexities of cultural history and migration at a time when debates about immigration in Britain have become politically and culturally urgent.



Non classé

The Church of Constantinople in the Nineteenth Century

Ivan Sokolov's work, first published in 1904, begins with a balanced overview of the situation of the Orthodox Church under Ottoman rule from the fall of Constantinople (1453) to the beginning of the nineteenth century. The author then gives a detailed description of the external situation of the Patriarchate of Constantinople from 1789 to 1900. This is followed by a discussion of the career and activity of each patriarch during this period, their relations with the bishops, their initiatives in the field of education, their regulations concerning marriage, and their work with parishes and monasteries. The book concludes with a thorough analysis of the administration of the Patriarchate during these years. Although written over a hundred years ago, this classic work has not been superseded. It is based on original sources, particularly on the patriarchal archives, to which few scholars have had access. No other existing study deals with the nineteenth-century Ecumenical Patriarchate in such a systematic and specific way. It constitutes an invaluable tool of reference. Translated from the Russian.



Beaux arts

Klee. Edition en langue anglaise

Few artists of this century have exercised so wide an influence as Paul Klee (1879-1940). He was one of the most inventive and prolific of the modern masters, working in a dozen different styles, each of which he made uniquely his own, so that a work from his brush is unmistakable in any style. The forty-eight full-page colour plates in this book illustrate the unparalleled way in which he combined unrivalled imaginative gifts with supreme technical and formal proficiency, from the playfulness of such early pictures as Red and White Domes to the more threatening, bitter satire of the later work. Accompanying the plates are extensive notes and an authoritative introduction, which discusses Klee's life and the development of his thought and achievement. Douglas Hall is the former Director of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh and an acknowledged expert on the art of Paul Klee. His essay on the artist, first published in 1977, bas here been revised, expanded and updated, to make this an invaluable introduction to an extraordinary painter.



Non classé

Health Research in Developing Countries

The health of the people in the developing world is a major concern of Tropical Medical Societies of the temperate zones. Tropical medicine as an applied science has been dealing mainly with "tropical diseases." But health and diseases have many dimensions, some of which so far have not found sufficient attention of the scientific world, e.g. planning of adequate health care, medical-anthropological and socio-cultural factors operating between a health care system and the populations to be served, or the very basic problem of nutrition and its interaction with health and development. Therefore, it was felt that European tropical societies should once join forces and organize a meeting for the discussion of particularly those issues. The topics were : Health care utilization, coverage and cost of primary care, medical pluralism and concepts of diseases in traditional societies, which all are linked at the level of the provider of primary care and his clientel. Concepts of nutrition particularly during child bearing are the root of many health problems and interact with certain diarroeal and other infectious diseases.



Littérature Italienne

L'irrésistible appel de la vengeance

Amanda n'est pas au mieux de sa forme : auteur de polar has been, malheureuse en amour et un peu trop portée sur le gin, elle s'aperçoit avec dépit qu'il est difficile de se remettre en selle à cinquante ans. En attendant des jours meilleurs, elle anime un atelier d'écriture. Sous sa direction, un petit groupe de prétendants à la gloire littéraire s'exerce à l'art du crime parfait. Parmi eux, Rutger, le beau tennisman, Vanessa, la MILF tirée à quatre épingles, Giovanni, le romantique octogénaire, et Ludovica, l'insupportable agent littéraire d'Amanda. Chapitre après chapitre, professeur et élèves se plongent dans les mécanismes subtils d'une intrigue romanesque, mais aussi dans ceux, plus insidieux, des passions qui les lient les uns aux autres. L'ironie irrévérencieuse de Rosa Mogliasso fait mouche. Et tandis qu'elle nous montre les règles de construction du plus infaillible des polars, elle s'amuse à les saboter. Jusqu'à l'imprévisible coup de théâtre final. Mais attention, un roman peut parfois en cacher un autre...




Les graines du monde

His knowledge, tenacity and eloquence still resound in the corridors of the Institute which bears his name in Saint Petersburg and his spirit continues to inspire the hundreds of researchers pursuing his work. He had anticipated the disappearance of plant diversity, and, within the space of a few decades, he studied and travelled throughout the world and found the means of saving it. For political and idealogical reasons, Nikolai Vavilov was condemned to death and left to starve in the dungeon of a Soviet prison. Gradually, on both sides of the iron curtain, his memory began to fade. One hundred years after Vavilov's first expedition, the photographer Mario Del Curto retraced his footsteps. For four years he has been meeting those who, despite overwhelming obstacles, perpetuate Vavilov's seed prospec- tion, selection, and conservation work in order to save the planet's staple food crops. This book is the unprecedented story of his journey to the heart of the Vavilov Institute and its twelve research stations. International special- ists bring light to the huge scope of the work undertaken by Vavilov and his successors.



Littérature étrangère

Dernière Journée sur Terre

Voici neuf histoires courtes, et autant d'angles pour célébrer cette entité complexe et parfois surréaliste qu'est la famille. Ici, un adolescent suspecte sa mère d'être un robot ; là, un jeune homme récemment séparé de sa compagne emmène leur nouveau-né à une fête où la cocaïne coule à flots. On croise aussi un enfant prêt à tout pour empêcher sa mère de faire piquer le chien de son père, et une famille qui s'interroge sur ses nouveaux voisins, dont le fils de douze ans est convaincu qu'il existe un "univers parallèle" à même de résoudre miraculeusement les problèmes de chacun... Ces nouvelles, formidablement originales et pleines d'humour, flirtant ici et là avec l'absurde et le surnaturel, nous entraînent tour à tour dans un camp de vacances pour artistes en herbe, sur la route aux côtés d'un vieux groupe punk has-been, dans un futur dystopique où les parents n'existent plus, ou encore dans une librairie férocement indépendante. Réunis en un recueil décapant, elles imposent définitivement l'auteur de Famille modèle comme l'un des chroniqueurs les plus justes, les plus émouvants et les plus drôles de la vie sur terre.




Le point de bascule. Comment faire une grande différence avec de très petites choses

Comment New York, capitale du crime, est-elle devenue une ville sécuritaire en quelques mois au milieu des années 1990 ? Comment une marque de chaussures has been a-t-elle reconquis le marché mondial de la mode à partir de quelques clubs branchés de Manhattan ? Comment expliquer les "épidémies" de suicides en Micronésie ?... Le Point de bascule est l'histoire d'une idée toute simple : la meilleure façon de comprendre l'émergence des modes, la baisse de la criminalité, la naissance des best-sellers, l'augmentation du tabagisme chez les adolescents, le phénomène du bouche à oreille, ou tout autre changement a priori mystérieux, consiste à les concevoir comme des épidémies. Et rien ne résiste à l'analyse de Malcolm Gladwell : mode, marketing, idéologie religieuse, société de haute technologie... pas même la Révolution américaine ! Retraçant la genèse de quelques succès retentissants, il montre que des changements mineurs, minutieusement planifiés, peuvent provoquer de véritables épidémies sociales. Dans tous les cas, un oiseau rare, un principe d'adhérence qui rende un message "contagieux", et un contexte favorable suffisent à déclencher l'épidémie. Quel que soit le domaine : comment provoquer un effet boule de neige.



Critique littéraire

Ancient Greek by Its Translators

When not familiar with the language itself, most readers over the centuries have had access to the ancient Greek texts only or mostly through (Latin or vernacular) translations. Such an approach is not only indirect and mediated, but also distorted and even impoverishing : meaning then prevails over the linguistic form and substance of the texts themselves. What do later or modern readers read when they read translated texts written in an ancient so-called dead language ? They read a given meaning - sometimes unfaithful, often inaccurate - dictated by a genuine understanding, the blind continuation of tradition, or an untold hidden intention. The complex range of significances conveyed by meaning simultaneously reflects the time and space (called synchrony) of when and where a text has been translated, the historical learning and linguistic skills of the translators, as well as their ideas and style. As a contribution to the perennial debate about translation (mere literary transliteration vs. creative transposition), this volume aims at analyzing some striking cases of various (literary or not) texts translated from ancient Greek showing how much for the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries aesthetics and ideology matter as much as - and often even more than - rigorous philology.



Littérature française

Avenir radieux

Un accident de la route, même mortel, c'est banal. Mais voilà, celui-là paraît louche à Gwendall Branig, journaliste à L'Echo des Montagnes Noires. Il suit la piste, mais c'est une piste dangereuse, très dangereuse, il va en faire l'expérience. Et si, en fin de compte, la clef se trouvait au coeur de cette vieille centrale has been plus ou moins démantelée, tapie aux Portes de l'Enfer à Brennilis ? Et si elle n'était pas toute seule concernée ? Beaucoup de monde va s'agiter dans cette histoire... Et pas que du beau monde. C'est après un parcours aussi droit qu'un chemin creux de Bretagne que Louarnig Gwaskell a abordé la littérature par son côté canaille, le polar, et plus précisément le roman noir: on peut distraire ou passionner le lecteur sans que cela soit tout à fait gratuit. Louarnig Gwaskell a été (entre autres) photographe, bouquiniste, restaurateur de peintures, brocanteur et gestionnaire de sites naturels. Après Le Petit Doigt du Grand Architecte et Dope au Paddock, il a publié Mauvaises Graines (Prix 2010 du livre insulaire policier, Ouessant) et enfin Avenir Radieux.



Histoire de France

Italy and Tito’s Yugoslavia in the Age of International Détente

World War II and East-West confrontation redefined borders between Italy and Yugoslavia, reshaped national frontiers and adversely affected political relations. As a result, major quarrels and disputes arose over territorial claims, demarcation of State boundaries, expulsion of national minorities, and diverging visions on international and domestic politics. It was only in the 1960s and 1970s, during the years of Détente, that rapprochement between Rome and Belgrade became possible and normalization of bilateral relations was attained. Long-lasting territorial disputes, such as the Trieste question, were solved and bilateral relationship greatly improved, so much so that Belgrade became an important asset in Italy's Balkan and Adriatic strategy, while Rome was a sort of bridge between Socialist Yugoslavia and Western Europe. This book is intended to shed light on the process of Italian-Yugoslav normalization and rapprochement, which ultimately brought to the Adriatic Détente. Based on a wide collection of primary sources and documentary materials, it aims to contribute to a better understanding of the history of the Adriatic region, a conflicted European space that had been affected by territorial disputes and ethnic strife for decades during the 20th century.



Sciences politiques

Pass or Fail?. Assessing the Quality of Democracy in South Africa

In recent years, growing concerns over the strength of South Africa's democracy appear to indicate a population increasingly disillusioned and dissatisfied with the quality of its implementation. This book assesses the quality of democracy in South Africa after 20 years of democracy in order to ascertain whether or not this growing perception is valid. Since the inception of democracy in 1994 there have been countless procedural and substantive improvements in addressing historically entrenched political, social and economic problems ; however, there are serious issues that have emerged relating to the quality of democratic implementation in South Africa. Two existing analytical frameworks of democracy assessment, International IDEA's State of Democracy framework and Leonardo Morlino's tool for empirical research on democratic qualities, TODEM, are utilised to assess the quality of South Africa's rule of law and institutional capacity ; representative and accountable government ; civil society and popular participation ; and freedom and equality after 20 years of democracy. The book concludes cautiously that while South Africa faces many serious and threatening potholes in the road to a fully successful democracy, there is nevertheless much to applaud.



Dictionnaires divers

Petit dictionnaire à l'usage des boomers

Ce Petit Dictionnaire à l'usage des boomers se veut un ouvrage qui recense, liste, inventorie tous ces éléments de la langue parlée ou écrite qui ont rejoint, envahi, colonisé notre langage culturel, économique, social, politique et médiatique. Jusqu'à devenir viraux. Du plus quotidien, courant usuel jusqu'à l'hypersophistiqué, branché, novateur. Des anglicismes. Des mots générés par la submersion informatique. Des mots qui disent les innovations, les découvertes scientifiques, les progrès techniques : de A comme airpods à Z comme zoonose en passant par food court, iK-pop, même, etc. Des mots politisés, des mots genrés. Ce Petit Dictionnaire à l'usage des boomers se veut un reflet, guide et répertoire de la culture et de la société françaises en ce début de XXIe siècle. Et une approche personnelle du monde présent. L'auteure, Evelyne Malnic, a mis son grain de sel dans chaque définition, ce qui leur donne encore plus de piquant. 497 mots et expressions à adopter, assimiler, intégrer, pour communiquer avec ses enfants et petits-enfants, ne pas paraître out, has been, mais in. En un mot, un seul : CONNECTE(E).
