



Non classé

Focusing in English and Korean

English and Korean have various ways of expressing grammatical prominence. While focusing in English has been studied over the past twenty years by a number of generative and functional grammarians, there is as yet no comprehensive treatment of focus phenomena in Korean. This monograph treats five focusing constructions of English and looks at their grammatical and lexical equivalents in Korean. English and Korean are different typologically. Since this difference is important, if one wishes to make sense of the diverging focusing strategies in these two languages, it is necessary to give a typological outline of English and Korean. The follwing two typological approaches figure prominently in this monograph : the basic word order typology developed by Greenberg, and the language typology proposed by Li and Thompson.



Français langue étrangère (FLE

Learn french for beginners A2. Edition bilingue français-anglais. Avec 1 CD audio MP3

26 dialogues ; a varied range of exercises ; coverage of all the competencies described in level A2. Includes an MP3 CD with 80 minutes of recorded dialogues and certain exercises. The audio trucks can also be accessed on YouTube, Apple Music, Spotify, Deezer and other selected platforms. Assimil is the first self-study language specialist to base its course content on the skills described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The grammar and vocabulary contents have been carefully graduated to help learners reach the A2, or "Survival ", level of the CEFRL. The recordings are available free of charge on most streaming platforms and on YouTube. The contents of the MP3 CD can easily be transferred to your phone or portable media player.




Kakushigoto - Tome 11

La vie n'est pas faite que de joies et d'amusement chez les Goto. Suite à un accident, Kakushigoto perd la mémoire, et la situation devient complexe, car il n'a plus de secrets à protéger, puisqu'il n'a pas souvenir de son métier et de son rapport à sa fille Hime. Mais peut-être cette perte de mémoire est-elle advenue, certes, suite à l'accident, mais aussi parce que Kakushi s'est trop mis la pression, de par son travail harassant, son angoisse permanente d'être un auteur has-been, et bien entendu, les gesticulations infinies qu'il s'impose pour cacher la vérité à sa fille. Le temps de la vérité est donc arrivé, pour chacun des protagonistes.



Guides pratiques

The elbe cycle route

This guide describes the Elbe Cycle route which runs from the river's source in the Krkonose mountains on the Czech/Polish border to Cuxhaven, on the German North Sea coast. Possibly the easiest long-distance cycle route in Europe in terms of gradient, it visits a part of the continent that was mostly inaccessible to foreigners before the fall of Communism in 1989 and which has changed dramatically since opening up to visitors. On its gentle descent to the sea, the route passes through many small towns that were ignored during the Communist period but have now reemerged as medieval gems, as well as larger cities such as Prague, Dresden and Magdeburg which have been rebuilt and restored since the fall of the Iron Curtain.



Lecture 9-12 ans

Toujours la même histoire. Bon voyage au Havre

Toujours la même histoire raconte trois fois la même histoire : une histoire vraie, courte et illustrée pour les enfants ; une version plus étoffée pour les jeunes ; une version longue et tourmentée pour les adultes. Car la lecture n'est pas une chute (la fin importe peu finalement) mais un voyage. Ce conte illustré raconte une histoire sur le thème du partage, où le héros est à la fois le méchant et le gentil. Bon voyage au Havre. Always the same story tells the same story in three ways : in short, medium-length and long versions, because we love creating reading experiences. Reading is indeed a journey, not a destination : the end doesn't matter in the end. The short version of the story has been translated into English in this book.



Non classé

The Great Good Place?

Ever since Arthur Conan Doyle's hawk-faced detective Sherlock Holmes and his chronicler Dr Watson followed the advice of Horace, to seek truth "inter silvas Academi", the groves of Academus have been swept by a wave of violence. Judging from the impressive number of bodies discovered on American and British campuses in fiction, it does not seem far-fetched to draw the conclusion that behind the Eden-like façade of the Great Good Place each of the seven Deadly Sins is enjoyed to the full. Looking back on almost nine decades of college mystery novels, the genre has certainly lost none of its appeal. Considering its hybrid nature, the aim of the present anthology is to cover numerous aspects of the productive field of college mystery novels.



Littérature étrangère

La guerre d'hiver. Roman conjugal

A presque soixante ans, c’est l’heure du bilan pour Max Paul. Après avoir connu la célébrité dans les années 1990 lors de la parution de son étude sur la vie sexuelle des Finlandais, le professeur de sociologie a l’impression d’être un has-been qui n’arrive plus à écrire. Sa vie familiale lui donne tout autant de soucis, entre sa femme, Katriina, éternelle insatisfaite qui cherche à tout régenter, et ses filles, l’aînée Helen, enseignante passablement lassée, maman un peu dépassée, et la cadette Eva, étudiante en art rêveuse et désinvolte, plongée en pleine crise existentielle. Reste la jeune et jolie Laura, son ancienne élève venue l’interviewer à l’occasion de son anniversaire, dont la présence n’est pas pour lui déplaire, mais qui pourrait bien semer la zizanie.




Metaphor and God-talk

This volume contains a selection of the papers originally delivered at the 25th LAUD-symposium on 'Metaphor and Religion'. The essays in this volume analyse the metaphorical nature of religious language from a variety of perspectives. The concept of metaphor has been developed by the sustained attention of theologians, philosophers, linguists and literary theorists for more than two millennia. The last twenty years have witnessed a renewed and intensified interest in this powerful dynamism of thought. The present contributions offer a survey of the most adhered-to theories of metaphor. They elaborate on their significance for religious language : next to analogy as a philosophical and theological tool, interactionist, pragmatist and cognitivist theories are used to shed light on the peculiarity of human efforts to talk and think about the transcendent.



Non classé

Portraits of Women in Selected Works of Gabriele Reuter

Known primarily for the novel, Aus guter Familie, Gabriele Reuter has not yet been accorded the attention she deserves for her contribution to German literature in general and women's writing in particular. The precisely observed portraits of women in the novels discussed in this volume allow us to experience the complex interplay of societal norms and individual needs which shape feminine existence. Among the themes treated are misguided motherhood, the virtue of the unwed mother, the conflict between the will to be and the need to love and be loved, woman's role in the political sphere and a comparison of womanhood in two generations. One of the enduring pleasures of reading Reuter is the rich variety of female characters from the early part of the twentieth century.




Gustave Moreau. The Fables

Gustave Moreau (1826-1898) is one of the most brilliant and enigmatic artists associated with the French Symbolist movement. This book accompanies an exhibition of some of the most extraordinary works he ever made, unseen in public for over a century. Moreau's watercolours of the Fables of Jean de La Fontaine (1621-1695) were created between 1879 and 1885 for the art collector Antony Roux and their stylistic range encompasses historicism and the picturesque, orientalist fantasies and near-abstract chromatic experiments. They were exhibited to great acclaim in Paris in the 1880s and in London in 1886, where critics compared the artist to Edward Burne-Jones. One critic commented on Moreau's ' keen apprehension of the weird. ' There were originally 64 works in the series, which was subsequently acquired by Miriam Alexandrine de Rothschild (1884-1965), but nearly half were lost during the Nazi era. The surviving works have not been exhibited since 1906 and they have only ever been published in black and white. This book is the first to reproduce them in colour - many shown actual size. Created at the height of the French 19th-century revival of watercolour, the variety of subject matter and technique, their colouristic effects and the sophistication of Moreau's storytelling, will be a revelation to readers. Preparatory drawings for the Fables, including animal studies made from life in the Jardin des Plantes demonstrate the wide-ranging research that informed Moreau's visions. Prints after Moreau's Fables by Félix Bracquemond (1833-1914) translate the jewel-like colours into monochrome in some of the most innovative etchings of the age, while the most delicate effects of the watercolours were also transformed into vitreous enamels. In-depth accounts of each watercolour, explaining the story and exploring Moreau's response to it. The introduction will place the series in the long history of illustrations of La Fontaine's canonical work, whose sources include Aesop's fables and traditional European and Asian tales, as well as considering Moreau in the context of his own, turbulent, times.



Sciences politiques

Socialismes en Afrique

Ce volume est un état de la recherche internationale sur les socialismes africains. Y sont rassemblés des articles traitant de débats théoriques autour de ce thème et de ses sources intellectuelles mais aussi d'expériences très concrètes de socialisme, tant dans les villes que dans les campagnes : coopératives, comités de quartier, camps de rééducation... La situation de l'Afrique lusophone, parent pauvre des études africaines en France, et dont l'ensemble des pays ont justement fait l'expérience de régimes socialistes, a fait l'objet d'une attention particulière. Les rapports de l'Afrique avec l'URSS, les démocraties populaires, Cuba, la Chine, ou encore Israël sont également abordés. Les communications faites dans les colloques ont été repensées, avec pour résultat un fructueux dialogue avec les auteur. e. s et des articles complémentaires. Les auteurs espèrent ainsi donner à l'étude des socialismes africains une légitimité dans le champ plus général de l'histoire des socialismes, de même que dans celui de celle de la guerre froide. This volume is intended to be a state of international research on African socialisms. It brings together articles dealing with theoretical debates about socialism in Africa and its intellectual sources, but also very concrete experiences of socialism, both in cities and in the countryside : cooperatives, neighborhood committees, re-education camps, etc... Particular attention was paid to the situation of Portuguese-speaking Africa, the poor relation of African studies in France, and whose countries as a whole have precisely experienced socialist regimes. Africa's relations with the USSR, the People's Democracies, Cuba, China, and Israel were also discussed. For the sake of coherence, the papers given in the colloquia have been rethought in a fruitful dialogue with the authors and complementary articles have been requested... In this way, it is hoped to give legitimacy to the study of African socialisms in the more general field of the history of socialism, as well as in that of the Cold War.



Histoire de France

Christian Democrat Internationalism. Its Action in Europe and Worldwide from post World War II until the 1990s- Volume III: The European People’s Party- Continental and Social Cooperation

From September 2011 to December 2013 the Luigi Sturzo Institute in Rome along with the Centre of European Studies planned a series of international scientific meetings to study one highly important political subject : the commitment of Christian Democrats on an international level. This project has been organised thanks to the support of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, and the International Labour Organisation. Internationalism is a Key Element for the Christian Democrat Identity. In fact, CD is a political movement of thought and action whose roots lie in a specific ideology : to use the German word Weltanschauung, it is based on a particular framework of ideas and beliefs that leads the party to interpret the relationship between men and nations from an international point of view, ensuring the human being a central place in every social policy. The Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel, wrote in a Message to these Meetings : "We can consider ourselves very lucky that 50 years ago forward-thinking personalities founded the World Union of Christian Democrats. From then on, the world, through globalisation, has been deeply changed. Events that take place in other continents immediately impact on our lives. We will be able to protect ourselves from terrorism, achieve economic and social security, and defend our environment only through common global action. This is the task of our generation : to overcome these global challenges. [...] Our parties and our political organisations share a common Christian ideal of man. This ideal, grounded on the inalienability of human dignity, is at the core of one important value : to this man has linked a social and economic model that combines economic success and social responsibility." Her message clearly shows the need to use historical knowledge, to return to and explore a rich and challenging past as well as to develop a reflection on and a course of action for the present and the future.



Mouvements artistiques

Frank Auerbach. The Charcoal Heads

Accompanying an exhibition at the Courtauld Gallery, London, Frank Auerbach : The Charcoal Heads presents a remarkable series of hauntingly beautiful largescale drawings by the artist. The catalogue includes a new piece of writing on one of the drawings from critically acclaimed novelist Colm Tóibín. This catalogue explores one of Frank Auerbach's most remarkable bodies of work - a series of large-scale portrait heads made in charcoal, produced during his early years as a young artist in postwar London. Auerbach (b. 1931) spent months on each drawing, working and reworking them during numerous sessions with his sitters. This prolonged and vigorous process of creation is evident in the finished drawings, which are richly textured and layered. Auerbach would sometimes even break through the paper and patch it up before carrying on. His heads thus emerge from the darkness of the charcoal with burning vitality, born of an artistic as well as a physical struggle with the medium. The process of repeated creation and destruction, of which these images bear the visible scars, speaks profoundly of their times, as people rebuilt their lives after the ruination and upending of the war. The exhibition will be the first time Auerbach's extraordinary drawings, made in the 1950s and early 1960s, have been brought together as a comprehensive group. They will be shown together with a selection of paintings he made of the same sitters ; for the artist, painting and drawing have always been deeply entwined. The accompanying catalogue - by Deputy Head of The Courtauld Gallery, Barnaby Wright, and with an essay by one of the greatest contemporary voices in the English language, Colm Tóibín - is the first publication to explore in depth this magnificent series. Tóibín spent several hours one afternoon in front of Auerbach's Self-Portrait (1958), which features on the front cover of the book, looking closely and taking notes. His essay is an account of his experience and offers new insights into the work and the nature of self-portaiture.



Littérature française

Les chroniques insensées d'un romantique dérangé

Si tu cherches à retrouver un descendant des romantiques has been et compagnie, passe ton chemin, jette le livre, brûle-le, donne-le à une association d'enfants défavorisés (je ne le ferais pas si j'étais toi…) […] je ne raconterai pas d'histoires tragiques, je ne tuerai personne, je ne violerai personne, et ne me suiciderai pas à la fin de ce livre. Non, ma vie est bien plus banale et classique que ça. […] J'introduis le sujet si tu le veux bien, et je vais passer au moment le plus important de cet ouvrage : … Le père Noël n'existe pas ! (C'était la dédicace aux enfants défavorisés, et si, comme ci-dessus, tu as suivi mon conseil… tu n'as pas de coeur… !) Si la tendance était de se balader à poil, Paris serait devenue nudiste. Ames insensibles, s'abstenir.



Variété internationale

Elton John @75

Retracer la vie et la carrière de la star mondiale à travers 75 événements De son premier album " I've Been Loving You ", en passant par " Crocodile Rock ", son hit Don't Go Breaking My Heart, ou encore " The Look Down Sessions ", Elton John est l'un des artistes les plus admirés de ces dernières décennies. Gillian G. Gaar vous propose de revivre la carrière et la vie de cette superstar à travers 75 moments-clés : son duo avec Bernie Taupin, ses plus grands albums, ses spectacles grandioses, ses rôles-clés sur les écrans, son engagement indéfectible en faveur de la recherche sur le sida, ou encore son statut de trésor national pour la royauté britannique. Un hommage éblouissant à ce maître du spectacle, richement illustré, accompagné d'un poster et d'une carte postale inédite.



Non classé

Beyond the Zeus Principle

Patriarchal rule, termed "Zeus Principle" by Günter Grass, has always been resisted and transcended. A central area for this resistance is the continual change in gender roles. Most notedly, around 1800 the notion of equality revolutionized the concept of love, a process that can be best understood as a complex interrelationship between literature and society. By illustrating the rise and fall of Romantic Love from Romanticism via Realism to Modernism, this book provides the foundation for an examination of how German novels between 1959 and 1989 respond in form and content to "familial allegiances" in a fatherless society. The comprehensive survey of almost one hundred novels, including an in-depth analysis of twelve key novels, is founded in a Critical Social Psychology and supports the central hypothesis of a (re)turn of Romantic Love in contemporary literature.



Sciences politiques

Educational Assistance and School Development in Sierra Leone

The subject of foreign assistance in education for developing countries has gained increasing importance in the last twenty years. The fact that the efforts of both donors and recipients of assistance have not been entirely satisfying has resulted in repeated appeals for intensified scientific investigation into this area. This study represents a response to those appeals from the point of view of an educationist from a recipient country (Sierra Leone).Using historical and field investigations, case studies of three representative agencies were conducted between 1988 and 1989 : a multilateral (UNESCO), a bilateral (British) and a private (Baptist Church).The results indicate that both the approach and goals of aid agencies as well as the degree of involvement of target groups leave a lot to be desired. On the basis of these results, recommendations are made for future cooperation.



Littérature française

La Mère Coupable vide son sac ! Tout ce qui vous attend quand vous devenez maman...

LA MERE COUPABLE VIDE SON SAC ! La Mère coupable, c'est cet individu volcanique qui râle sur son ado rivé à son téléphone, mais qui menace d'appeler la police lorsque ce dernier ne lui envoie pas de texto ; cette créature infatigable qui va répéter mille fois "c'est la dernière fois que je te le dis ! " ; cette personne survoltée dont la patience atteint vite ses limites auprès de ses enfants, mais qui est pourtant toujours impatiente de les retrouver chaque soir... Souriez en lisant les commandements de l'ado, en découvrant la Méthode de Yoga du rire spécial mamans, en vous reconnaissant dans les définitions de cette mère tantôt mutante, tantôt has been, souvent paradoxale, et parfois au bord du burn out... La Mère coupable vide son sac et nous livre ses meilleures expressions cultes et jubilatoires dans ce recueil plein d'humour #etdemojitobiensûr_ !




Impossible lovers

CLAIRE is in charge of a jewelry store. FRANK is a small time hood. A jeweler, who dreams of prince charming, holds up as hostage the man who attempted to break her jewelry. CLAIRE, head of jewelry who has just been let down by a lover she hardly knew, believes that work is her one and only way out. Disappointed, despite the late hour, and after a few drinks, she returns to her jewelry, breaking a store policy, she has disabled security and the guards by pretending that she wants to take advantage of the quiet of the night to update her work. At the same moment, a young ex-con who just got thrown out of a bistro and is passing in front of the jewelry store and decides to break in. Rather than call the police or security, CLAIRE let him in.



Non classé

Central and Eastern Europe on its way to European Union

The transition of the Eastern Central European countries from centrally planned economies to developed market economies has been one of the major structural changes in Europe. It started a new stage of enlargement of the European Union. The monograph presents the results of an international research effort aimed at the analysis of macroeconomic aspects of joining the European Union by the Central European countries. This analysis was based on country and world economy models and rests on a series of alternative scenarios of economic development up to the year 2010. It provides the reader with a broad historical background and a discussion of recent trends of Central Europe. It summarises the experience of the new members of the European Union. The scenario simulations show the likely path of future economic development for the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, analysing the pros and contras of joining the European Union.



Non classé

Hymns: The Making and Shaping of a Theology for the Whole People of God

The theological potential of hymns has never been fully exploited. This study shows how hymns communicate theology and enable those without a formal theological education to enter into theological debate. A nineteenth century collection of English hymns and some contemporary Bemba hymns from the Zambian Copperbelt are examined and compared, within their theological, cultural and social contexts, to discover their response to death, judgement, heaven and hell. From this comparison and a study of how hymns are used in these churches, a model emerges whereby hymns can be used to make and shape theology. This model is observed in a Zambian parish and is also shown in practice in an English parish. Finally, there is a reflection on the implications of this model for Missiology and Ecclesiology showing, among other things, the need for a radical reassessment of the relationship between professional theologians and the rest of the Church.




Third World Tourism Research 1950-1984

Since the early fifties tourism to developing countries has dramatically increased and in many a developing country it is now a sector of vital importance. This increase has been reflected in an equally impressive rate of growth in scholarly output. Despite this, there are as yet no indexed guides providing in a single volume easy access to the rapidly expanding body of knowledge. This bibliography seeks to fill the gap. It covers a period of 35 years and comprises more than 2000 titles in English, French, German and Dutch, on tourism in the Third World and in richer countries such as Greece, Yugoslavia, Portugal and Spain. The titles are chronologically arranged according to the year of publication, and for each year in alphabetical order. To assist readers the titles are catalogued by three indexes : an author and editor index, a geographical index and a subject index.



Non classé

Brecht and France

The present study Brecht and France, (as distinct from "Brecht in France") addresses an area in Brecht Studies which has been rather unjustly neglected. The author attempts to assess Brecht's relationship with France, its impact on his creativity and the image of France as reflected in his works. A thorough examination of Brecht's own writings (including minor and lesser-known works), his private library, published as well as unpublished biographical, autobiographical and contemporary records reveals that France was an intellectual treasure-house from which he could derive great benefit in terms of source-materials, socio-political ideas, dramaturgical principles and, above all, artistic inspirations. Particularly those works based on what the author calls the "Matière de France" and dealing with France in crisis are vested with artistic conviction, emotional poignancy and universal message that well merit the pronouncement made by Jean-Paul Sartre that "Brecht est nôtre".



BD tout public

Pas de talent ? Réussir dans la musique sans aucune aptitude avec un minimum d'effort

Qu'est-ce que le music business ? Vous ne savez pas ce qu'est la music ni le business ? Il y a dans le music business une double complication, un rapprochement des termes générateur de problèmes métaphysiques et moraux pour le jeune Occidental branché de gauche du XXIe siècle que vous êtes. La Marwanny Corporation se donne ici pour mission de glisser l'esprit léger sur ce qui vous apparaît comme une contradiction insurmontable dans vos valeurs, de libérer vos pulsions néo-libérales et de laisser aux intellos has been les réflexions politiques moyenâgeuses. Que la musique soit expressive et inexpressive, sérieuse et frivole, profonde et superficielle, un divertissement naïf ou encore un langage complexe, l'important reste de savoir combien tout ça peut rapporter. Imposture ou sagesse ? Un seul mot d'ordre : être vu et écouté c'est bien, être liké c'est mieux.



Développement personnel - Orie

Where to study in the UK. A guide to British schools and universities for parents abroad

This book is for parents living outside of the UK who are considering a UK education for their children. As English has come to be the language of the global economy and as UK schools are accepted to be amongst the best in the world, a British education is widely regarded as an invaluable asset. Consequently, competition for places in both schools and colleges is extremely competitive. Where to Study in the UK provides a clear and accessible description of the UK education and exam system and gives authoritative advice on how to choose the right school or college and how to secure a place for your child. The book, which also includes a series of illustrated profiles of over 50 of the UK's top educational establishments, has been complied by educational consultants Mentor ISC, with contributions from both expert educationalists and practitioners in preparatory, secondary and higher education.



Beaux arts

Capturing the British Landscape. Alfred Augustus Glendening (1840–1921)

This book presents the life and work of the Victorian landscape painter Alfred Augustus Glendening (1840-1921). With beautiful illustrations of his pictures, showing a timeless countryside, it explores Glendening's rapid rise from railway clerk to acclaimed artist. Whilst critics often reviewed his exhibited works, very little has been written about the artist himself. Here, new and extensive research removes layers of mystery and misinformation about his life, family and career, accurately placing him in the midst of the British art world during much of the nineteenth and into the twentieth century. Glendening was a man from humble origins, working fulltime as a railway clerk, yet was able to make his London exhibition debut at the age of twenty. This would have been almost impossible before the Victorian era, an extraordinary period when social mobility was a real possibility. Although his paintings show a tranquil and unspoiled landscape, his environment was rapidly being transformed by social, scientific and industrial developments, while advances in transport, photography and other technical discoveries undoubtedly influenced him and his fellow painters. Celebrating his uniquely Victorian story, the book places Glendening within his historical context. Running alongside the main text is a timeline outlining significant landmarks, from political and social events to artistic and technical innovations. Thoroughly researched over many years, the narrative explores why and for whom he painted, his artistic training and inspirations. Painting at Hampton and Greenwich, beside the River Thames, Glendening soon discovered the Welsh hills and became a member of the Bettws-y-Coed Artists' Colony, founded by David Cox. His masterful landscapes also include views of the Scottish Highlands, the Lake District, the Norfolk Broads, the South Downs and the Isle of Wight. The book uncovers new information about the Victorian art world and embraces such aspects as Royal Academy prejudices, the popularity of Glendening's work at home and abroad, especially Australia and America, his use of photography, and the sourcing of his art materials. Family trees are included, and other artistic family members discussed, notably his son and pupil Alfred Illman Glendening (1861-1907). There is a comprehensive list of their exhibited works at the Royal Academy and other major institutions, and details of their paintings in public collections.



Beaux arts

Chronopoétique. Edition bilingue français-anglais

Né en Sologne en 1962, Olivier Leroi a suivi une formation de forestier à Meymac en Corrèze puis débuté très tôt un parcours artistique autonome avant d’intégrer, une quinzaine d’années plus tard, l’Institut des hautes études en arts plastiques, dirigé par Pontus Hulten. Eclairé par cette nouvelle expérience, il a travaillé le dessin, la sculpture et la vidéo dont le fil rouge est la relation au milieu. L’oeuvre, fondée sur l’économie du geste et sur une observation affinée qui se joue des échelles, s’apparente à une opération de dévoilement de la réalité dans ses dimensions sensibles et cognitives. Au cours de ses voyages, Olivier Leroi réalise des «oeuvres vécues» avec les habitants des lieux traversés et en témoigne par des photographies et des performances filmées : Première neige au pays dogon (Mali), El Zorro blanco (Mexique), La brigade de Chambord ou encore Bruno, l’âne et les papillons. Cet ouvrage a donc été conçu comme un voyage, on pourrait dire un «forage» dans une oeuvre qui se développe depuis une trentaine d’années. Born in Sologne in 1962, Olivier Leroi trained as a forest ranger in Meymac ire Corrèze then began his own artistic research before joining the Institut des hautes études en arts plastiques, under Pontus Hulten, fifteen years later. Enlightened by this new experience, he developed his artistry in drawing, sculpture and video, the common theme of which has always been our relationship to our environment. Founded on economy in application and a refined sense of observation that plays with scale, his work unveils the sensitive, cognitive and emotional dimensions of reality. During his travels, Olivier Leroi has created lived works with the inhabitants of the various places file has visited, and has recorded them in photography and filmed performances : Première neige au pays dogon (First snow in Dogon lands) (Mali). El Zorro blanco (White Zorro) (Mexico). La brigade de Chambord (The Chambord brigade) (Chambord, France), Un drapeau pour l’antarctique, base Dumont d’Urville (A flag for Antarctica, Dumont d’Urville base) (South Pole) Bruno, lune et les papillons (Bruno, thé donkey and the butterflies) (southern France). This work has been de vised as a journey or exploration of his work over the past thirty years.




Marital Separation in Contemporary Ireland

This book is based on detailed interviews with a group of Irish women who have experienced marital separation. It links the women's accounts with literature on the values and beliefs about marriage, women and family which were prevalent when they were growing up in Ireland in the 1950s and 1960s. The book chronicles their young adult years, the early stages of their marriages and the events and processes which led to their separations. It explores the women's emotional reactions at the time of separating, the types of support which they found beneficial and the personal, social and financial consequences of having separated. Although the book is written from a sociological perspective, the combination of theory and practical insights make it accessible to a wide variety of readers. It aims to generate discussion and deepen understanding of an area into which there has been minimal research in Ireland and which poses a range of important questions for future researchers, practitioners and policy-makers.




Relevés de mise en scène (1686-1823). L'Homme à bonne fortune, Le Joueur, Le Distrait (Comédie-Française)

Trois comédies sont éditées dans la présente édition accompagnées de deux relevés de mise en scène : L'Homme à bonne fortune de Michel Baron, Le Joueur et Le Distrait de Jean-François Regnard. Les différentes versions montrent le rapport à un texte ancien ainsi que les enjeux relatifs à la problématique de la remise ? c'est-à-dire d'une pièce entrée dans le répertoire qui n'a pas été jouée depuis un certain temps et qui peut bénéficier ou non d'une modification ou d'une nouvelle mise en scène. La superposition des relevés et les différentes strates de mise en scène formées par celle-ci, laissent apparaître clairement ce que peut être la génétique de la représentation. / This edition gathers three 17th-century comedies and two accounts of their productions by the Comédie-Française. It highlights how 18th-century theatre companies approached plays that had not been produced for a while – revealing the stage as a palimpsest and foreshadowing the inception of "modern" stage production.



Sciences de la terre et de la

Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Sciences. 2nd edition

Modern studies of atmospheres, oceans, and Earth and planetary systems require a good knowledge of basic chemical principles. This book provides a clear, concise grounding in these principles. Undergraduate and graduate students with little formal training in chemistry can work through the chapters, and the numerous exercises, within this book before accessing more advanced texts in atmospheric chemistry, geochemistry, and the environmental sciences. Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Sciences covers the fundamental concepts of chemical equilibria, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, solution chemistry, acid and base chemistry, oxidation-reduction reactions, and photochemistry. This new edition has been updated and revised from the first edition. In a companion volume entitled Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry (2000, Cambridge University Press) Peter Hobbs provides an introduction to atmospheric chemistry itself, including its applications to air pollution, acid rain, the ozone hole, and climate change. Together these two books provide on ideal introduction to atmospheric chemistry for a variety of disciplines.
