
I Know This Much Is True



Non classé

Southern Sudan

Southern Sudan is little known to the world - especially in terms of its economic development. This book fills that gap of knowledge to some extent. Due to the persistence of war conditions (since 1955), economic analysis has been done together with the resultant dictates of war and destruction in the area. The sources of data and methodology have of necessity transcended conventional economics embracing political, social, etc. aspects. This multidisciplinarity in approach has enabled the author to provide the foundations for future development of Southern Sudan. The book thus offers a state of the art analysis of the war consequences on society, subsistence and their accompanying economic structures.



Non classé

Revolution's Urban Landscape

What are the implications of "change" as assessed from a Revolution's discourse point of view ? Did Revolution in its Eastern European mode "happen" only to make its once heroic agents "vulgar banana eaters" (Slavoj Zizek)? To what extent is/was Revolution part of the globalization process (Americanization)? The answer of this book is that it constituted a series of occurrences of both contingency and continuation. It is Romanian Revolution as a metonymic and creative space, incorporating the Event (here the city of Bucharest, December 1989-1990), the Memory (refiguration of identities), the Contact zone (the street as a public place), and the Local-Global (the East-West dialectics) that Revolution's Urban Landscape discusses in much detail. Through combining and analysing materials from both the local cultural field and the international press (witness reports, journalistic documentation, travelogues, fiction, academic publishing, graffiti, etc.), Raoul Granqvist demonstrates a number of aspects of Revolution's self-reflexivity, vitality and amorphousness. The Romanian book industry, through its absorption and introduction of new areas of popular reading (such as the American romance), embodies, this book explains, the basic instincts of Revolution towards openness and interaction.



Documentaires jeunesse

Quentin Blake and the Demoiselles des Bords de Seine

Quentin Blake is one of the best-known illustrators of our time. He was Roald Dahl's regular illustrator, and their books have enjoyed world popularity with generations of children. Blake has collaborated with many other well-known authors and also created his own picture-books such as Clown and Zagazoo. Quentin Blake was born in England in 1932. For more than 20 years he taught in and then led the illustration department of the Royal College of Art. In 1999 he became the first Children's Laureate and in 2005 was appointed CBE for his services to children's literature. In France, where he spends a great deal of his time and where he has been published by Gallimard for the past 30 years, Quentin Blake has the same huge reputation as in Great Britain. His work has been exhibited there, and he has produced several books especially for French readers. In 2002 he was made a Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres. It was on account of this reputation that he was invited by the Petit Palais to select and present the exhibition Quentin Blake et les Demoiselles des Bords de Seine, and in the exhibition and this book he displays his enthusiasm for 19th century French art with a perceptiveness and liveliness which will speak to readers of all ages.



Jazz, Blues, Soul, Rap, Reggae

Know What I Mean. Réflexions sur le Hip Hop

"C'est une chose que la jeunesse puisse voir des rappeurs passer à la télé et arriver en tête des ventes. Mais c'en est une autre pour un jeune de quartier populaire d'entrer dans une bibliothèque et de feuilleter un livre lui expliquant l'importance de sa propre culture. Ce livre vous le tenez entre vos mains". Jay-Z Enfin traduit, ce New York Times best-seller est un classique de la littérature hip hop. Il fait éclater tout le talent de l'intellectuel noir-américain Michael Dyson : une réflexion politique mise au service d'une culture issue des bas-fonds mais qui s'est imposée contre toute attente comme un phénomène international. Préface de Jay-Z, postface de Nas.



Anglais apprentissage

Young Learners

Resource Books for Teachers give guidance on the key aspects of language teaching, and provide examples and discussion of actual classroom materials and techniques. This new primary sub-series, in a larger format, specifically addresses the needs of primary teachers, teacher trainers, and trainee teachers. Each book contains guidance for the teacher, 6o to 100 activities for primary children, and up to 20 photocopiable worksheets. The activities are explained clearly and simply, with aims, age range, and level clearly laid out. Young Learners is based on the principle that primary teachers of English have a much wider responsibility than the simple teaching of the language system. The English class is not only a place where children learn English ; it also forms part of their whole education. This book provides teachers with a rich source of ideas for English lessons. It contains ideas and materials for activities such as making posters, books, and cards ; making and playing with board games and puppets, as well as drama, songs, and stories. It includes helpful hints for teachers new to young Learners, for instance on the use of English in the classroom, and feedback from learners.



Histoire internationale

Dealing with the Devil

When Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union, Moscow officials expected the British Navy to appear on the shore of Leningrad, fulfilling the Bolshevik nightmare of a concerted Capitalist plot. Instead, Prime Minister Winston Churchill reached out to promise support to the Kremlin and collaborate with Britain's former archenemy. Fighting the Nazi menace together became the new priority, leading to unprecedented levels of cooperation between the two governments. In order to defeat the Nazis, Britain and the USSR shared intelligence and revealed operative secrets to each other, including those of the secretive security services. They helped with the dispatch of agents and even ran agents together, attempting to foil German counter-intelligence strategies. For much of the Cold War, crucial facts of this collaboration remained top secret. Based on recently declassified files, Dealing with the Devil explores this little known chapter of the Second World War. This study underscores the willingness of the USSR and Britain to join forces and disclose many of their closely guarded secrets. The book uses personnel files and other historical sources to reveal for the first time the activities of officers and agents on this "invisible front", recounting the actions of many brave men and women who risked their lives to defeat the Nazis.




Knowing and teaching elementary mathematics. Teachers' understanding of fundamental mathematics in China and the United States

This book describes the nature and development of the "profound understanding of fundamental mathematics" that elementary teachers need to become accomplished mathematics teachers, and suggests why such teaching knowledge is much more common in China than in the United States, despite the fact that Chinese teachers have less formal education than their U.S. counterparts. The studies described in this volume suggest that Chinese teachers begin their teaching careers with a better understanding of elementary mathematics than mat of most U.S. elementary teachers. Their understanding of the mathematics they teach and-equally important-of the ways that elementary mathematics can be presented to students, continues to grow throughout their professional lives. Teaching conditions in the United States, unlike those in China, militate against the development of elementary teachers' mathematical knowledge and its organization for teaching. The concluding chapter of the book suggests changes in teacher preparation, teacher support, and mathematics education research that might allow teachers in the United States to attain profound understanding of fundamental mathematics.



Littérature française

Gardens of Oceania

Oceania, particularly in Vanuatu, gardens are the evidence of an ancestral rural tradition in which food plants are at one and the same time an indispensable resource, the symbols of a community and the objects of baiter or trade. The ni-Vanuatu devote themselves with true passion to their gardens, within which they collect, select and diversify a rich botanical heritage. Perusing this abundantly illustrated work, the reader will discover the full diversity of Oceanian food plants as well as the many exotic species introduced by the great explorers of the 16th century. Each species is the subject of a detailed dossier that describes amongst other things the variability, morphology, mode of cultivation and production of the plant as well as its different uses. The CD-ROM that accompanies the book provides information in greater detail for the specialist : bibliographic references, details and descriptors of yams and taros, photos illustrating the morphological variability, and much more. With the aim of preserving this exceptional plant heritage to the greatest possible extent, this work will draw the attention of a wide public' to the gardens of Vanuatu, and to this Oceanian agriculture that combines a variety of multicultural contributions with great originality.



Light novel

Even if this love disappears from the world tonight

Poussé par ses camarades de classe, le jeune Toru Kamiya fait une fausse déclaration d'amour à Maori. Cette dernière accepte de faire semblant de sortir avec lui à une seule condition : interdiction formelle de tomber amoureux ! Mais tout change lorsqu'il apprend que la jeune fille, atteinte d'amnésie antérograde, oublie durant son sommeil tout ce qu'elle a vécu dans la journée...




The Fakir's Travels

Advising people to take this attitude or that are a waste of time. Those who see or/and are aware realise also that it is none of their business to goad and advise others. Our job at best can be to answer questions by the light of our knowledge but in no way can anyone be dogmatic about it. Let us all be first aware of - Do we know ? What do we know ? How do we know that we know ? To me it is the part where we first accept that there is room for change for the better in us. Then we observe ourselves. And finally we try to bring in the change in ourselves with our will with sincerity and objectivity.



Non classé

Islam in the West

This book studies the historical, religious and political concerns of the Iraqi Shi‘i community as interpreted by the members of that community who now live in the United Kingdom and Ireland, following the 2003-2010 war and occupation in Iraq. It opens up a creative space to explore dialogue between Islam and the West, looking at issues such as intra-Muslim conflict, Muslim-Christian relations, the changing face of Arab Islam and the experience of Iraq in the crossfire of violence and terrorism – all themes which are currently emerging in preaching and in discussion among Iraqi Shi‘a in exile. The book's aim is to explore possibilities for dialogue with Iraqi Shi‘i communities who wish, in the midst of political, social and religious transition, to engage with elements of Christian theology such as pastoral and liberation theology.



Littérature française


Paphnuce est un abbé d'un groupe de moines cénobites égyptiens fondamentalistes (IVe siècle après J-C). Il s'est retiré dans le désert pour se repentir de sa jeunesse frivole. Après des années de vie monacale, une vision le pousse à revenir sur les lieux de son adolescence. Illuminé, il se donne pour mission de "sauver l'âme" de Thaïs, courtisane de la ville d'Alexandrie, célèbre pour les qualités de son esprit autant que pour sa beauté éblouissante. Paphnuce va parvenir à convaincre la belle Thaïs de rejoindre la vie religieuse afin de trouver le chemin du Ciel et la vie éternelle. Cependant, Paphnuce tombe éperdument amoureux et dès lors, il est dévoré par la jalousie sexuelle en imaginant tous les hommes que Thaïs a accueillis dans son lit. Toute une vie de prières et d'ascétisme, ne réussira pas à éteindre le feu que la seule vue de Thaïs a engendré dans son coeur. Il finira par renier Dieu en recueillant le dernier souffle de Thaïs.


Roman d'amour, roman sentiment


Paphnuce est un abbé d'un groupe de moines cénobites égyptiens fondamentalistes (IVe siècle après J-C). Il s'est retiré dans le désert pour se repentir de sa jeunesse frivole. Après des années de vie monacale, une vision le pousse à revenir sur les lieux de son adolescence. Illuminé, il se donne pour mission de "sauver l'âme" de Thaïs, courtisane de la ville d'Alexandrie, célèbre pour les qualités de son esprit autant que pour sa beauté éblouissante. Paphnuce va parvenir à convaincre la belle Thaïs de rejoindre la vie religieuse afin de trouver le chemin du Ciel et la vie éternelle. Cependant, Paphnuce tombe éperdument amoureux et dès lors, il est dévoré par la jalousie sexuelle en imaginant tous les hommes que Thaïs a accueillis dans son lit. Toute une vie de prières et d'ascétisme, ne réussira pas à éteindre le feu que la seule vue de Thaïs a engendré dans son coeur. Il finira par renier Dieu en recueillant le dernier souffle de Thaïs.



Romance sexy

Not this time tome 2

Quand les opposés s'attirent... Ella lutte difficilement contre son anxiété et son trouble du comportement alimentaire. Aidée de Jason, elle arrive néanmoins à se relever, retourne au lycée et laisse une autre chance à Nick. Malheureusement, Ella va vite se sentir dépassée, surtout lorsqu'un drame familial vient tout compliquer. Cette fois, c'est la goutte de trop, Ella ne peut pas rester à Ocean Bay et prend des décisions désespérées. Elle accepte de partir en tournée avec son groupe de musique et laisse sa famille, ses amis et un Nick dévasté derrière elle. Nick et Ella vont-ils réussir à se faire confiance et se découvrir à nouveau ?



Romance sexy

Not this time Tome 1

Quand les opposés s'attirent... "Après une année passée sur les routes américaines avec sa mère Ella revient en Californie dans sa ville natale, où elle doit faire face aux raisons qui l'ont poussée à fuir. Entre l'infidélité de son père et les harcèlement qu'elle a subit de la part de ses camarades de lycée, ses doutes et complexes refont surface. Et quand elle découvre que son nouveau voisin n'est autre que Nick, le garçon dont elle était secrètement amoureuse et qui la harcelait, le retour s'annonce encore plus compliqué... Mais en un an, Ella a beaucoup changé, et Nick aussi. Alors qu'elle s'était juré de le détester, Ella ne peut ignorer l'attirance qu'elle ressent pour lui... Mais pourra-t-elle lui faire confiance ? "



Sciences de la terre et de la

A thin cosmic rain : particles from outer space

Enigmatic for many years, cosmic rays are now known to be not rays at all, but particles, the nuclei of atoms, raining down continually on the earth, where they can be detected throughout the atmosphere and sometimes even thousands of feet underground. This book tells the long-running detective story behind the discovery and study of cosmic rays, a story that stretches from the early days of subatomic particle physics in the 1890s to the frontiers of high-energy astrophysics today.




Father, I don't want this marriage Tome 1

Vivre dans l'univers d'un roman, qui n'en a jamais rêvé ? Notre héroïne, elle, s'en serait bien passé... Victime d'un accident mortel, elle se retrouve propulsée dans l'histoire du livre qu'elle a lu ! Réincarnée dans la peau de Juvelian, fille de duc odieuse, elle mettra fin à ses jours après avoir été accusée à tort de meurtre... Sauf que ce rôle de méchante condamnée ne lui convient pas ! Notre héroïne décide de réécrire l'histoire et de changer la destinée du personnage qu'elle incarne. Mais prise entre la rancune de son ex-fiancé de prince et le désamour de son duc de père, Juvelian peut-elle seulement espérer échapper à une fin tragique ?



Sciences de la terre et de la

Green Plants. Their Origin and Diversity, 2nd Edition

The central theme of Green Plants is the astonishing diversity of forms found in the plant kingdom, from the simplicity of prokaryotic algae to the myriad complexities of flowering plants. To help the reader appreciate this remarkable diversity, the book is arranged according to generally accepted classification schemes, beginning with algae (both prokaryotic and eukaryotic) and moving through liverworts, hornworts, mosses, fern allies, ferns and gymnosperms to flowering plants. Copiously illustrated throughout with clear line diagrams and instructive photographs, Green Plants provides a concise account of all algae and land plants, with information on topics from cellular structure to life cycles and reproduction. The authors maintain a refreshingly cautious and objective approach in discussions of possible phylogenetic relationships. Newly emerging information on features of plants known only as fossils is included, providing as complete a history as possible of the plant kingdom. Throughout the book there are many references to ultrastructural and physiological features which relate growth and form to current concepts in the study of plant development. This new edition has been completely updated to reflect current views on the origin of the major groups of plants and includes information arising from more recently developed techniques such as cladistic analyses. As such, it provides an up-to-date and timely resource for students of botany, and also for researchers needing a comprehensive reference to the plant kingdom.



Romans, témoignages & Co

This is not a love letter. Les 10 règles du sexe et du surf

Salut ma Josée, Je sais que je t'ai déjà écrit aujourd'hui, mais il s'est passé un truc de dingue. Tu vas être fière de moi. Tu sais, le nouveau ? Le fils de la Lqnpp (La locataire qui ne paie pas) ? Il veut prendre des cours de surf. Il s'est pointé à l'heure du déjeuner et j'ai pas pu dire non devant tout le monde, Gramboise et tout ça. Du coup, quand il est revenu à la charge, j'ai dit OK mais c'est 35 euros. Il s'appelle Inigo. Par contre, me demande pas s'il est mignon, je n'ai pas d'avis sur la question. De toutes les façons, les mecs, pour moi, c'est mort. Tu le sais. Ce matin, je suis allée surfer. Entre loups et chiens. C'était bien. Je n'ai croisé personne. C'était le but, d'ailleurs. Les autres, je les évite, depuis l'année dernière. Et toi, ça va ? Tu me manques. Sans toi, je ne sais pas quoi faire. Ta Loue PS : Inigo m'a aussi demandé de lui donner des conseils sur le sexe. Oui, je sais... N'importe quoi. PPS : Le pire, c'est que je commence à y réfléchir...



Anglais apprentissage

Much Ado About Nothing. Edition bilingue français-anglais

Retrouvez Much Ado About Nothing, une des comédies les plus endiablées de Shakespeare, dans une version entièrement bilingue, avec, en page de droite, le texte anglais jubilatoire et, en regard, sa traduction française intégrale. Le prince don Pedro d'Aragon est rentré victorieux de la guerre. Les jeunes seigneurs de sa suite, Claudio et Bénédict, rentrent certes auréolés de leurs succès, mais vont-ils pour autant gagner le coeur de Béatrice et de la douce Héro ? C'est une constante "escarmouche d'esprit" entre Béatrice et Bénédict, heureux célibataires.




Activation Policies for the Unemployed, the Right to Work and the Duty to Work

Since the 1990s and the 2000s, Western social protection systems have experienced a turn towards activation. This turn consists of the multiplication of measures aimed at bringing those who are unemployed closer to participation in the labour market. These measures often induce a strengthening of the conditions that must be met in order to receive social benefits. It is in this well known context that the authors gathered in this book decided to take a closer look at the relationship between activation policies for the unemployed and the right and the duty to work. If activation measures are likely to increase transitions towards the labour market, we can also make the assumption that they may, particularly when they are marked with the seal of coercion, hinder or dramatically reduce the right to freely chosen work. In such circumstances, the realisation of the "right to work", which is often stated to be the aim of those who promote activation, tends in practice to be reduced to an increasing pressure being exerted on the unemployed. In this case, isn't it actually the duty to work that is particularly reinforced ? After an historical and philosophical perspective on the issue, this assumption is confronted with the developments observed in the United States and in France, and then with the guidelines laid down in international human rights instruments. What follows is a discussion of two alternatives to the dominant activation model : the basic income guarantee and the employment guarantee.




The Rejection of the Humble Messianic King

Although the prominence of Matthew's anti-Jewish polemic has been widely recognized in recent years, curiously little attention has thus far been given to the contribution made by chapters 11 and 12 to this theme. Often dismissed as a loose compendium of controversy-stories, this narrative section actually displays a solid, thematic unity dealing with the tragic fact of Jesus'rejection by the covenant people, Israel. Matthew's usually thoughtful style is evident in these chapters as he proceeds in a quite independent manner to clarify the unexpectedly humble nature of the messianic mission, the consequences of its rejection and the identity of the true people of God.




Interpreting Quebec’s Exile Within the Federation. Selected Political Essays

This book combines the approaches of political theory and of intellectual history to provide a lucid account of Québec's contemporary situation within the Canadian federation. Guy Laforest considers that the province of Québec, and its inhabitants, are exiled within Canada. They are not fully integrated, politically and constitutionally, nor are they leaving the federation, for now and for the foreseeable future. They are in between these two predicaments. Laforest provides insights into the current workings of the Canadian federation, and some of its key figures of the past fifty years, such as Pierre Elliott Trudeau, René Lévesque, Stephen Harper and Claude Ryan. The book also offers thought-provoking studies of thinkers and intellectuals such as James Tully, Michel Seymour and André Burelle. Laforest revisits some key historical documents and events, such as the Durham Report and the 1867 and 1982 constitutional documents. He offers political and constitutional proposals that could contribute to help Québec moving beyond the current predicament of internal exile.




The Gregory Gift

Presenting for the first time the Alexis Gregory Gift to The Frick Collection, this exquisite publication provides illuminating insights into Gregory's magnificently eclectic collection, cataloging his fine and decorative works of art in detail. Twenty-eight works of art bequeathed to the Frick by Alexis Gregory range from Limoges enamels to Saint-Porchaire ware to pastels by the Venetian painter Rosalba Carriera. This remarkable gift has introduced new types of objects to the Frick : works in ivory and rhinoceros horn are the first of their kind to be held in the collection. Gregory's gift includes fifteen Limoges enamels, one of them produced in the workshop of Suzanne de Court, the only woman known to have led an enamel workshop in Limoges. Also part of the gift are a gilt-bronze sculpture, an ivory hilt, a pomander, ewers, saltcellars, and two clocks. Many of Gregory's objects came from such prestigious owners as the French royal collections and the Rothschilds. Included in the publication are commentaries on each gift. This lavishly illustrated publication accompanies an exhibition that will be on view at The Frick Collection February 16 through May 14, 2023.



Accessoire de mode

Sneaker Obsession

Hype ? Collabs ? Drops ? Resellers ? Raffles ? Customizations ? Welcome to the sneakerverse ! Discover the evolution of the sneaker, from its origins as a sports shoe to its skyrocketing rise as a cultural phenomenon. Adopted by rappers like Run-DMC and break-dancers, the sneaker transitioned from the athletic field to the street, becoming a must-have statement accessory. Now an essential emblem of streetwear, the sneaker has become a global sensation, a coveted collectible, and a multi-billion-dollar industry. Showcasing the stories and iconic models behind the biggest brands-Nike, Jordan, Adidas, Puma, Reebok, Converse, New Balance, Asics, Vans, and more-this volume features the major collaborations and influential personalities who have sparked incredible hype, from Michael Jordan to Virgil Abloh to Travis Scott. Interviews with sneaker experts and highlights of how leading brands are incorporating sustainability, gender equality, and customization provide insight on the future of sneakers. With a glossary of terms, a sneaker diagram, and an authentication checklist, this indispensable reference covers everything you need to know about sneaker culture and its history, codes, jargon, innovators, and trends.




Idaten Know Only Peace Tome 1

Après plus de 800 ans... la bataille entre divinités, démons et humanité peut commencer ! Il y a bien longtemps, les démons menacèrent de détruire le monde. Démunie, au bord de l'extinction, l'humanité n'avait plus qu'un recours... prier. C'est alors que les Idaten, divinités protectrices, apparurent pour anéantir et sceller la menace. Mais... cette histoire a déjà 800 ans. De nos jours, c'est dans une ère de paix que les jeunes Idaten grandissent... Ils n'ont rien vécu des combats acharnés, des sacrifices, de la guerre et des peines de leurs ancêtres. Si les démons venaient à refaire surface, les nouveaux Idaten sauraient-ils accomplir leur devoir ?



Non classé

Style and Rhetoric in Bertrand Russels's Work

A thorough examination of Bertrand Russell's language is the object of this study. Since this is the first major analysis of his writing style, examples taken from a wide spectrum of his writings are examined. Structurally the investigation begins by treating individual vocabulary and then moves on to larger structural units, covering such areas as figurative language and description. The final chapter deals with his rhetoric, discussing his methods of persuasion and the logic of his arguments. This careful analysis of his writings is significant in that it sheds new light on interesting aspects of Russell's character.



Droit des affaires

Compliance Monumental Goals

This book takes practical topics for using this notion to find new solutions in many sectors and difficult situations, such as Crisis or International Competitive Confrontation.




Language and Transcendence

This study provides, in the notion of transcendence, a framework for interpreting Heidegger's thinking in regard to language, one of his major preoccupations. It both locates his thinking in its historical context, and, while still remaining faithful to it, frees it for discussion and evaluation in a horizon beyond Heidegger's own, by showing how heideggerian insights are crucial to the development of Karl-Otto Apel's linguistically-based transcendental philosophy. The full import of Heidegger's thinking for the central concerns and problems of philosophy is thus revealed by tracing how, in Apel's work, it is made both ethically relevant and capable of fruitful dialogue with Anglo-American philosophical discourse, represented by such thinkers as Wittgenstein and Peirce.




Hamlet in the twenty-first century. Agrégation externe d'anglais 2023

This collection contains new scholarly work on Hamlet, Shakespeare's most famous tragedy. Chapters discuss many of the most debated issues relating to the play, including its textual cruxes, its language and publication history, and its place in literary history. It offers extended analyses of key notions such as poison, nature, gender, and politics, and includes a section devoted to early modern and contemporary performances and adaptations, on stage and on screen, providing a complete picture of what the play has to offer to contemporary critics and thinkers. Hamlet continues to function as a key Shakespearean text of study and analysis : it plays a key role in Western thought and aesthetics, and has influenced our understanding on mankind and modernity. Written by well-known Shakespeare critics, this collection will prove essential for students, scholars, and readers looking for a comprehensive overview and introduction to the key issues, questions and debates that Hamlet inspires.
