
From Hell to Love



Non classé

Pedagogic Design and Literary Form in the Work of Adalbert Stifter

This investigation brings to light the fundamental significance of literary form as the chief mediator of Stifter's pedagogic endeavour, an aspect so far neglected in Stifter literature. It opposes the widely held view that Stifter's pedagogic incentive is a result of the Austrian revolution of 1848. While Stifter's pedagogic thought stems primarily from his Kremsmünster education in the spirit of Josephinism, it is his increasingly sensitive and respectful involvement of the reader's perceptive powers in conveying the import which, far beyond the expression of pedagogic design in terms of moral and social maxims, reveals Stifter's originality as a pedagogic writer.



Littérature érotique et sentim

Live to love Saison 2 Tome 2 : La puissance de l'argent

Libérés de leurs secrets, Elisa et Thomas s'attendent désormais à devoir livrer un nouveau combat : celui de l'acceptation de leur amour par Jack Andrews, le père psychorigide de ce dernier. Ils sont prêts, du moins, ils le croient. Mais lorsque Thomas se retrouve à assumer plus tôt que prévu la direction française d'"Andrews Corp.", son passé lui saute en plein visage. Tout bascule et il est entraîné dans un tourbillon infernal au cours duquel la pire des surprises risque bien de l'achever. La puissance de l'amour viendra-t-elle à bout de la puissance de l'argent et de toutes ses dérives ?



Romance historique

Love and let spy Tome 2 : One things leads to a lover

Veuve depuis trois ans, lady Amanda étouffe entre le digne lord Dulsworthy, tuteur de ses deux petits garçons, et sa mère qui se croit obligée de tout régenter chez elle. Mais son existence banale va prendre un tournant aussi excitant qu'inattendu le jour où un officier de renseignement la contacte pour qu'elle l'aide à récupérer un livre de codes qui a atterri entre les mains de Dulsworthy. Face au séduisant major Stanhope, la sage Amanda se découvre soudain une âme d'espionne intrépide, prête à déjouer tous les dangers et à braver les diktats de la bienséance...



Romance sexy

I Love You to the Moon

S'aimer leur est interdit. Mais il n'y a rien de plus excitant que d'enfreindre les règles... Une nuit. Comment sa vie a-t-elle pu voler en éclats après une simple nuit ? Lorsque Billie a croisé le regard ténébreux de Moon dans ce club, elle a immédiatement compris qu'il lui serait difficile d'y résister. Et puis, c'était son premier jour à Séoul et le début de sa nouvelle vie ; pourquoi se serait-elle méfiée ? Mais ce matin la réalité la rattrape. Car Moon est bien plus qu'une simple célébrité : c'est le leader d'Alter, le groupe de K-pop le plus en vogue ; et désormais elle a autant d'ennemies qu'il a de fans. Alors, pour sa propre sécurité, elle va devoir rester à l'écart du chanteur. Même si elle ne peut s'empêcher de repenser à la nuit magique et enivrante qu'ils ont partagée. Même si Moon est bien décidé à la voir en secret...





Jesse Liberty's WebClasses from scratch is designed to teach Web database programming in the context of building EmployeeNet, a robust and scalable human resources intranet application. This book is for you if you are a Visual Basic programmer who wants to make the transition to developing Web applications, a database programmer who wants to put his data on the Web, a Web designer and programmer who wants to write the server-side and client-side code to support your increasingly complex and powerful Web sites, or a Web developer who wants to apply object-oriented analysis and design and industry best-practices to your web development. The Concept Web on the inside cover graphically represents the interrelationships between the Windows interNet Application architecture and the various technologies used to create the application. - Design a database to effectively organize tables, create indexes, and support referential integrity - Build a robust, maintainable, and scalable application using COM and ActiveX - Use JavaScript- extensively for data manipulation and validation on the client side - Utilize Microsoft's Distributed interNet Applications architecture (DNA) to build large-scale distributed application - Connect the database and application by using ADO and ODBC



Beaux arts

Autodidacts. From Van Gogh to Pirosmani, 1e édition

The symposium will focus on two examples of autodidacts from the nineteenth century, Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) and Niko Pirosmani (1862-1918), as well as on the issues surrounding this notion today. The model of the autodidact appears as a figure that sheds light on our value systems and our patterns of recognition and learning in a world where different conceptions of culture coexist. Over two days, art historians, critics, writers, artists and teachers will gather to discuss autodidacticism through multiple perspectives. The term "autodidact" is generally used to describe someone who has acquired knowledge or skills through their own reading, observations and practice - an approach that is radically different from academic study in the arts, for example, that is validated by institutions. Yet what can we possibly learn if we sacrifice brilliant cultural values on the altar of all- round relativism, where everything is equally valid ? Faced with this relativism, what does one make of the canonical in a globalised and fragmented world ? What to make of an unlearning that cripples the authority of the keepers of knowledge ? These different "cultures of knowledge" presuppose diverse geopolitical realities that are worth interrogating.




Grasse, From Flower to Fragrance. Édition en anglais

"Chacun est essentiel dans cette longue chaîne qui va du producteur de plante au créateur en passant par le chercheur et le transformateur, mais le parfumeur donne le tempo".



Comédie romantique et humorist

Rebel University Tome 4 : From shadow to light

Que se passe-t-il quand toutes les certitudes volent en éclat ? Pour Zeke cette année à Rebel University est déterminante. C'est sa dernière chance d'attirer les recruteurs pour jouer en tant qu'hockeyeur professionnel, son rêve ultime. Il donne tout depuis des années pour y parvenir et il ne compte pas échouer si près du but. Alors pas question de se laisser distraire, ni par les filles, ni par les mecs et encore moins par le retour de Connor dans l'équipe des Grizzlys. Rien ne le détournera de son objectif... Connor vit pour le hockey, il a ce sport gravé dans son ADN. Alors qu'il devrait être concentré à cent pour cent sur son objectif, il fait face à un léger problème. Un problème nommé Zeke. Il n'a toujours pas digéré ce qu'il s'est passé entre eux l'année précédente et il compte bien avoir des explications maintenant ! De son côté, Zeke est bien décidé à faire tout ce qu'il peut pour éviter celui que l'on surnomme Hadès sur la glace. Mais comment fuir un coéquipier que l'on voit tous les jours sur la glace, ou les vestiaires ? Entre désirs, rêves et sentiments refoulés, Zeke et Connor se cherchent et jouent à un jeu dangereux qui pourrait tout faire basculer.



Non classé

Chronobiology & Chronomedicine- Basic Research and Applications

The time structure of living systems, which rules the autonomous temporal order of organisms as well as their coherence with the outer environment, has aroused considerable attention in biology and medicine since 1937, when a few European scientists gathered to establish this new field of research. This volume contains the Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Meeting of the European Society for Chronobiology, held in Marburg in 1986. It mirrors the great advances of chronobiology and chronomedicine in theory and practice up to the present. Distinguished scientists from European and other countries report on recent results in basic research and medical applications.




Biodiversity and strategy.. Subtle equilibriums

Biodiversity conservation calls for a revolutionary approach to our relationship with nature and the living world. But it also requires completely rethinking the way we develop international policies and strategies. While these instruments must deal with a highly complex reality, they are too often viewed as simple action plans. Measures and initiatives that are focused on mainly technical solutions eventually result in unfortunate setbacks when the often unpredictable and ever-changing dynamics of life come into play. The United Nations Biodiversity Conference (COP15) was held in 2022, and despite the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, it failed to produce a truly innovative approach to international 'strategy'. It is therefore more necessary than ever to reconsider the official diagnosis that underpins international action. Although certainly difficult, this can be done by mobilising a wide range of expertise from different scientific communities. Drawing on numerous examples and a wealth of research from the humanities, social sciences and conservation sciences, this book offers a profoundly renewed strategic diagnosis as well as levers for activating regenerative processes to benefit the living world.



Romans, témoignages & Co

I fell in love with hope

Un groupe de patients en phase terminale. Un serment, vivre pleinement le reste de leur vie. Un amour qui transforme et transcende. Dans l'univers impitoyable d'un hôpital, un groupe de patients en phase terminale profite des joies à portée de main : l'amitié, la liberté, la rébellion. Chacun, à sa manière, est brisé ; chacun, à sa manière, en devient plus fort. Au milieu de la douleur et de la perte, ils trouvent une communauté, des miracles... Ensemble, ils sont déterminés à reprendre à la vie ce que la maladie leur a volé. Mais un chagrin d'amour singulier a conduit l'un·e d'entre eux à renoncer à l'amour pour toujours. Le risque de connaître une nouvelle tragédie est trop grand. Pourtant, dans cet endroit désolé où il semble impossible d'aimer, une porte s'ouvre - et avec elle, les coeurs LANCALI est un pseudonyme pour Lou-Andrea Callewaert. Née en France, elle a ensuite grandi aux Etats-Unis. Mais peu importe l'endroit, Lou se perdait dans son imagination. Dès qu'elle a su lire, sa passion pour la littérature l'a aidée à développer ses talents d'écrivaine. I FELL IN LOVE WITH HOPE est son premier roman, elle travaille actuellement sur son deuxième. Elle étudie la littérature à l'université de Floride. LE PHENOMENE TIK TOK TRADUIT EN 14 LANGUES



Sciences de la terre et de la

Les Serpents de la Guyane française

Ce travail est une mise à jour de la systématique des ophidiens de Guyane française. 91 formes, toutes récoltées en Guyane française, appartenant à 90 espèces, 49 genres et 7 familles sont décrites. La tête de la plupart de ces espèces . est dessinée ainsi que le maxillaire de bon nombre d'entre elles. Pour chaque forme, il est précisé l'ensemble des caractères confirmant son identification. Les variations morphologiques rencontrées sont signalées, et les particularités proprement guyanaises soulignées. Plus de 20 espèces guyano-amazoniennes, susceptibles d'être rencontrées en Guyane française sont également mentionnées. 25 clés, toutes traduites en anglais, permettent de reconnaître les serpents non seulement de Guyane française, mais aussi des territoires limitrophes. Une étude écologique succincte, essentiellement sous forme de figures et de tableaux synoptiques, rassemble nos connaissances actuelles sur les espèces guyanaises. Un index de 3 pages et une bibliographie de 178 références sélectionnées complètent cette étude. This work is an up to date study on the taxonomy of Ophidians from French Guiana. Ninety one forms, all collected in French Guiana, belonging to 90 species, 49 genera and 7 families are described. The head for most of species has been drawn as well as the jaw for Many of them. For each form, the characters necessary for their identification are given. Morphological variations are noted and those pertaining to specimens from French Guiana listed. More than 20 species from the Amazon basin, which could also be collected in French Guiana, are described. Twenty five keys, both in French and English, enable snakes to be recognized not only from French Guiana but also from neighbouring territories. A brief ecological study, mainly in the form of figures and tables, gather together our knowledge of the guianese species. A 3 pages index and a bibliography with 178 selected references complete this study.



Roman d'amour, roman sentiment

Hell's Demons Tome 3 - In love with dark

Kate Kowalski aime son métier d'infirmière aux urgences de l'O. S. H. U. de Portland plus que tout. Lorsque le destin met sa meilleure amie sur la route d'un groupe de bikers, elle est loin de se douter que sa propre vie va aussi être bouleversée. John "Dark" Lance Lewis est le vice-président des Hell's Demons. Il lui suffit d'un regard posé sur la belle Kate et son coeur s'enflamme pour elle. Est-ce le début d'une nouvelle idylle au sein du MC ? Alors qu'un nouveau drame frappe le club, la solidarité ne fait pas défaut. Le soutien indéfectible de Kate rend le VP encore plus accro. Qui a dit que les bikers n'avaient pas de coeur ?



Livres 0-3 ans

The discovery of magic

Queen Vispa and King Dungammei are the beloved rulers of their respective kingdoms. The two territories live in harmony, sharing a temple that crosses their mutual border, but they pray to different gods and have little in common outside of geography. The monarchs seem an unlikely pair, but when each violates the rules of the temple - one by entering the temple as a woman, and the other by praying to the other kingdom's god - both find themselves abandoned by their people, deciding soon after to declare the approval and presence of both gods in their hearts, as well as their love for each other. The King and Queen's subjects also abandon the shared temple, leaving it to the disobedient pair and building separate temples in their own territories. The monarchs' happy life together is, however, short-lived, as Queen Vispa dies upon giving birth to their child Delarai. The King is urged to repent and return to his kingdom. He complies, leaving princess Delarai with Magi, a nurse from a remote village, to raise her. Delarai rows up in near isolation, far from other people, spending most of her time among flowers and animals of the beautiful temple garden. Meanwhile, battles rage between the two kingdoms following the King's return. Delaware, a son begotten to the King and his next wife, gets badly wounded some years later in an attempt to stop the fighting. On his deathbed, the Prince insists on being taken to the forbidden temple to be buried there. The King, though ill himself, agrees to fulfill his son's dying wish. It is there where Delarai, having become quite an expert at herbal remedies, comes to their aid, preparing a special potion while praying to the temple's two gods in her nurse Magi's native language. As Delarai completes the life-saving act of curing the Prince, she tries to call for Magi, but the word that leaves her lips is "magic". Those who witness the event soon spread the word, and Delarai becomes recognized across both kingdoms as the creator of magic. The King, however, succumbs to old age, imparting his last kernel of wisdom unto his daughter : the two temple gods are one and the same. With this knowledge and their newfound inner strength, Delarai and Delaware unify the two kingdoms, and live happily ever after.




Communicating Hope and Resilience Across the Lifespan

From serious illness to natural disasters, humans turn to communication as a major source of strength to help us bounce back and to keep growing and thriving. Communicating Hope and Resilience Across the Lifespan addresses the various ways in which communication plays an important role in fostering hope and resilience. Adopting a lifespan approach and offering a new framework to expand our understanding of the concepts of "hope" and "resilience" from a communication perspective, contributors highlight the variety of "stressors" that people may encounter in their lives. They examine connections between the cognitive dimensions of hope such as self-worth, self-efficacy, and creative problem solving. They look at the variety of messages that can facilitate or inhibit experiencing hope in relationships, groups, and organizations. Other contributors look at how communication that can build strengths, enhance preparation, and model successful adaptation to change has the potential to lessen the negative impact of stress, demonstrating resilience. As an important counterpoint to recent work focusing on what goes wrong in interpersonal relationships, communication that has the potential to uplift and facilitate responses to stressful circumstances is emphasized throughout this volume. By offering a detailed examination of how to communicate hope and resilience, this book presents practical lessons for individuals, marriages, families, relationship experts, as well as a variety of other practitioners.



Critique littéraire

Ancient Greek by Its Translators

When not familiar with the language itself, most readers over the centuries have had access to the ancient Greek texts only or mostly through (Latin or vernacular) translations. Such an approach is not only indirect and mediated, but also distorted and even impoverishing : meaning then prevails over the linguistic form and substance of the texts themselves. What do later or modern readers read when they read translated texts written in an ancient so-called dead language ? They read a given meaning - sometimes unfaithful, often inaccurate - dictated by a genuine understanding, the blind continuation of tradition, or an untold hidden intention. The complex range of significances conveyed by meaning simultaneously reflects the time and space (called synchrony) of when and where a text has been translated, the historical learning and linguistic skills of the translators, as well as their ideas and style. As a contribution to the perennial debate about translation (mere literary transliteration vs. creative transposition), this volume aims at analyzing some striking cases of various (literary or not) texts translated from ancient Greek showing how much for the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries aesthetics and ideology matter as much as - and often even more than - rigorous philology.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

WHY SEX MATTERS. A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior

Why are men, like other primate usually the aggressors and risk takers? Why do women typically have fewer sexual partners? Why is killing infants routine in some cultures, but forbidden in others? Why is incest everywhere taboo? Bobbi Low ranges from ancient Rome to modern America, from the Amazon to the Arctic, and from single-celled organisms to international politics to show that these and many other questions about human behavior largely come down to evolution and sex. More precisely, as she shows in this uniquely comprehensive and accessible survey of behavioral and evolutionary ecology, they come down to the basic principle that all organisms evolved to maximize their reproductive success and seek resources to do so. Low begins by reviewing the fundamental arguments and assumptions of behavioral ecology: selfish genes, conflicts of interest, and the tendency for sexes to reproduce through different behaviors. She explains why in primate species-from chimpanzees and apes to humans-males seek to spread their genes by devoting extraordinary efforts to finding mates, while females find it profitable to expend more effort on parenting. Low illustrates these sexual differences among humans by showing that in places as diverse as the parishes of nineteenth-century Sweden, the villages of seventeenth-century China, and the forests of twentieth-century Brasil, men have tended to seek power and resources, from cattle to money, to attract mates, while women have sought a secure environment for raising children. She makes it clear, however, they have not done so simply through individual efforts or in a vacuum, but that men and women act in complex ways that involve cooperation and coalition building and that are shaped by culture, technology, tradition, and the availability of resources. Low also considers how file evolutionary drive to acquire resources leads to environmental degradation and warfare and asks whether our behavior could be channeled in more constructive ways. Why Sex Matters is a compelling work of biology, sociology, and anthropology and a penetrating study of the deep motivations that underlie individual and social behavior.



Non classé

The Painful Chrysalis

This collection of 12 essays offers detailed and varied studies of the unique problematic construction of contemporary identities from a literary and cultural perspective. The Painful Chrysalis covers transcendental, relevant and polemic topics like the difficulty of growing up, classist and interracial struggles, narratives of displacement and exile, queering the world, power politics and the individual, troubling poetics of the self, politically contesting documentaries, or boredom and male anorexia. It ranges from British authors of very different origin (such as David Lodge, Radclyffe Hall, Paul Golding, Zadie Smith or Abdulrazak Gurnah) to Canadian and American women writers (such as P.K. Page, Lalitha Gandbhir, Anita Rau Badami, Chitra Bannerji Divakaruni, Denise Levertov, Audre Lorde, Linda Hogan, Janice Mirikitani, or Gloria AnzaldGloria Anzaldúa). The heterodoxy in the critical approaches, together with the diversity of the contents offered, serve to trace an ample mosaic of the urges and drives of artists living in modern multicultural societies and suffering from specific traumatic experiences. Ultimately, their disturbances and fractures help us elucidate the way in which human fragility is transformed into cathartic creativity.




Orion Recall - Version anglaise

"Greetings, beloved peoples of the One. Welcome to the sacred and consecrated space from which I now address you : the space where the 12 An Master Crystals of Orion reside. The time has come for you to remember who you are and learn about your galactic heritage. Many of you have fought in the great wars that began on Orion. That's why you need to learn the truth-so you can free yourselves from the past and turn your full attention to the Plan that brought you here to this planet called Earth. These Memoirs will help you understand". Are you one of the volunteers living on this magnificent planet working to bring an end to the great conflicts between the evolved and devolved forces-conflicts that originated in Orion's solar systems and converged to Earth millenniums ago ? Find out how it all began, from when a Messenger from the 24 Elders first gave instructions to the High Council of Sirius to the moment when Plan Earth Rising was put into action. The path you take matters now more than ever because your conscious choices determine how your individual and collective solar beings are integrated. This integration is the key to activating your beloved planet as one of the twelve galactic libraries, the one on which everything depends. This book is a summons to the volunteer souls : Remember Mintaka. Remember the reason you are here at the start of a major new evolutionary cycle-for your sphere of life and for the entire Galactic Federation.




Blue and White Done Right. The Classic Color Combination for Every Decorating Style

The legendary Schumacher design house presents an inspiring interiors survey exploring the versatile and transformative use of blue and white Divided by style (charming, modern, boho, traditional, etc.), Schumacher will take you on a tour of the best of blue and white decorating, featuring interiors that show just how versatile this color combination can be. The book features a guide to iconic blue and white colors (from robin's egg to sky, to cerulean and oyster, to alabaster to porcelain) as well as a roundup of best-in-class product from tabletop to fabrics and wallcoverings.



Non classé

Portraits of Women in Selected Works of Gabriele Reuter

Known primarily for the novel, Aus guter Familie, Gabriele Reuter has not yet been accorded the attention she deserves for her contribution to German literature in general and women's writing in particular. The precisely observed portraits of women in the novels discussed in this volume allow us to experience the complex interplay of societal norms and individual needs which shape feminine existence. Among the themes treated are misguided motherhood, the virtue of the unwed mother, the conflict between the will to be and the need to love and be loved, woman's role in the political sphere and a comparison of womanhood in two generations. One of the enduring pleasures of reading Reuter is the rich variety of female characters from the early part of the twentieth century.





Do you like to learn by doing? Do manuals leave you craving for real-world examples? Are you looking for concrete training that goes beyond theory and reference materials? Learn Dreamweaver by following classroom-proven exercises that will teach you to build sophisticated web pages. This book is geared toward people who have never written HTML or those who would like to switch from coding by hand to a visual HTML editor. Complete with insider tips, illustrated with detailed graphics, and accompanied by a CD-ROM that's loaded with guided exercises, demo software and QuickTime movies, this book ensures that you'll learn all the key features of Dreamweaver 2.



Non classé

From the village to presidential suite, my life journey

I did not intend to write a scholarly book, for I did not want to intellectualize my life. Nor did I wish to romanticize it. I wanted to describe it as I lived it, with emphasis on people. I wanted to express in this book the joy I experienced in giving generously of myself, my time, and my modest material possessions, to make others happy and to share the many gifts of life. I wanted also to share with those who aspire to become academic leaders the myriad lessons my upbringing, education, and professional life have taught me. I thought they might find these lessons learned useful, as they strive for successful careers and, more importantly, for rewarding personal and professional lives. Again, this book is a story, the story of my life, wherein the personal and the professional have intermingled and strengthened each other, making a better whole of my person, personality, aspirations, and talents. This unique alliance between the professional and the personal dimensions of my life, I am happy to say, always triumphed and accounted for the successes that so many good people helped me achieve. Without the guidance, advice, cooperation, and support of others, I am sure my life would not have been as fulfilling.



Beaux arts

Tino Zervudachi. Interiors Around the World

Over the past forty years, interior designer Tino Zervudachi has forged an impressive reputation internationally ; his portfolio spans sumptuous homes all over the world, from Paris, London, and New York, to Los Angeles, Tokyo, and Rio de Janeiro. Having honed his craft under British interiors legend David Mlinaric, Zervudachi designed his first house at age twenty-one. Since moving to Paris in 1990, he has continued to refine his bold yet elegant approach, revealing a rare sensitivity to texture and historical detail, as well as a love of artisanal excellence. In Zervudachi's hands, even the most spectacular room gains a subtle, lived-in quality, while humbler rooms grow grand : a sleight of hand that has led to an illustrious client list including art collectors, business titans, and bohemian aristocrats. Featuring previously unpublished photographs, and insightful texts and interviews by author Natasha A. Fraser, this new book captures the designer's sublime and singular world. Each project bears witness to the passion, precision, and curiosity that Zervudachi brings to his craft. From a reimagined family château in France, an elegant beach house in the Bahamas, or a breathtaking ski chalet in the Alps, to a vintage motor yacht or a rustic Spanish finca transformed into an island retreat, this volume charts Zervudachi's inimitable ability to magically transform his clients' homes, enhancing their collections with his original color choices, mastery of light, and daring selection of furniture and textiles.



Littérature française (poches)


" Je suis une pétasse. Je suis un pur produit de la Think Pink génération, mon credo : sois belle et consomme. " Hell a dix-huit ans, vit à Paris Ouest, se défonce à la coke, est griffée de la tête aux pieds, ne fréquente que des filles et des fils de, dépense chaque semaine l'équivalent de votre revenu mensuel, fait l'amour comme vous faites vos courses. Sans oublier l'essentiel : elle vous méprise profondément... Jusqu'au soir où elle tombe amoureuse d'Andréa, son double masculin, séducteur comme elle, et comme elle désabusé. Ensemble, coupés du monde, dans un corps à corps passionnel, ils s'affranchissent du malaise qu'ils partagent. Mais les démons sont toujours là, qui veillent dans la nuit blanche de ces chasseurs du plaisir. Entre romantisme et cynisme, voici les débuts d'un " adorable monstre " de dix-neuf ans.



Romance sexy


Est-ce le début d'une nouvelle vie pour Jessie ? La voilà qui vient s'installer chez la soeur de sa mère, loin de chez elle, bien décidée à échapper aux démons de son passé. Jessie est une rebelle , mal dans sa peau. Elle tranche dans la famille bourgeoise de sa tante, mais peu importe si elle n'y trouve pas sa place, elle a l'habitude. Elle a bien l'intention de conserver cette attitude également dans son établissement scolaire. Mais au fil du temps, Jessie va se découvrir de nouveaux amis. Ses cousins déjà, qui la découvrent et l'apprécient sincèrement. Mais aussi ce garçon, au lycée, qui semble la comprendre mieux qu'elle-même et fait preuve d'une grande patience avec elle. Et puis, il y a ce local, Hell, une salle de spectacle qui accueille des groupes de musique, qu'il faut aménager et relancer. Est-ce que ça pourrait être aussi le lieu où commencera sa nouvelle vie ?



Littérature étrangère


Un yakuza présomptueux assassiné par un clan rival, un infirme carriériste et séducteur, un homme marié fou amoureux d'une jeune starlette, un fringant acteur de kabuki qui suscite les jalousies, un couple de sans-abri morts de froid dans un parc : tous ces personnages, qui un jour se sont croisés dans leur vie, se retrouvent en Enfer. Errant dans une ville indéterminée, les fantômes, désormais détachés de toute émotion, dévident l'écheveau de leurs existences passées dont ils revivent sans colère ni haine les songes, les trahisons et les erreurs, jusqu'aux circonstances tragicomiques de leurs morts. Au fond, chacun n'avait-il pas créé de son vivant les conditions de son propre enfer ? Mais, à mesure que des bribes du passé resurgissent, les fantômes reviennent se mêler ; aux vivants. L'Enfer est-il réel, ou le simple fruit du rêve collectif de ses protagonistes ? Et si cet Enfer-là n'était qu'une sorte de purgatoire, une transition vers un Au-delà encore à découvrir ? Construit sur un savant jeu de flash-back, ce roman polyphonique propose une étonnante 'variation aux accents métaphysiques, sombre et parfois cocasse, sur nos relations aux autres.



Anglais apprentissage

THE CANTERBURY TALES. Avec cassette audio

'In April when the sweet showers fall... then people want to go on pilgrimages.' A group of pilgrims travelling from London to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury decide that each traveller should tell a story. The Knight tells a tale of high romance. The Pardoner tells a story of death. And the Wife of Bath tells the story of her five husbands and her fight to control the men in her life. But The Tales end with the story of the perfect marriage and how, if we are generous to one another, we can find the perfect society. A selection of stories from Chaucer's masterpiece depicting life in fourteenth century England is presented here in modern English. There is a wide range of activities and special informative sections on Chaucer and his times. The accompanying cassette contains the complete story and the extra listening activities.



Livres 0-3 ans


YAOUNDE BABA SCARED ? ... ME ? ... NO WAY ! YAOUNDE goes off in search of his little goat, BEEE, who, in spite of the young boy's watchful eye, has gone missing. On the way he meets ZOULÏA, a friendly mouse, and ARWANE, a little ant, who help him to find the little goat. Their search will lead them to an isolated hill where a very strange creature lives - a creature capable of transforming itself into unimaginably frightening shapes and forms to scare away anybody who dares to set foot on its steep hill. In order to find BEEE, YAOUNDE and his two friends will have little choice. They will have to cross its territory and confront this incredible and terrifying creature. 6 to 10 Years.



Littérature érotique et sentim

Lawyers & Associates Tome 2 : Love to Offices

Un patron, jamais plus ! C'était la promesse que Dylane Marloow s'était faite depuis des mois, après sa rupture avec son ex-patron, un vrai pervers narcissique ! Et pourtant... Désespérée de retrouver un job au plus vite, la jeune femme, insouciante et impulsive, n'hésite pas à se rendre chez Lawyers & Associates ; le cabinet propose un poste d'assistante alléchant. Ce serait pour Dylane le moyen de réunir le plus d'informations possibles afin de se venger de son ex en toute légalité. Cependant, elle ne s'attendait pas à ce que Jason Lawyers soit si exaspérant, envoûtant... et très attirant. Face à un choix difficile et entre désir et quiproquos, la nouvelle vie de Dylane ne sera pas plus simple...
