




The reincarnation of the strongest exorcist in another world Tome 5

Pendant les vacances d'été, Seika est envoyé au royaume d'Astéria à la place de son père pour enquêter sur un dragon. Après avoir établi une première hypothèse, il entreprend de descendre sous la montagne dans laquelle le monstre a élu domicile. Yifa, qui est restée au château, reçoit de son côté une demande en mariage enflammée de la part du prince Cécilio... Et voilà qu'en plus, il se met en tête de l'affranchir de son statut d'esclave ? !



Comics divers


Ce grand barbu au regard perçant est l'auteur de comics le plus célèbre au monde. Vous connaissez ses oeuvres : Watchmen, From Hell, The Killing Joke, V pour Vendetta, Providence ou La Ligue des Gentlemen Extraordinaires. Découvrez trois récits inédits : Another Suburban Romance, Light of Thy Countenance, Writing for Comics réunis dans Visions.





Synapses is a collection of short stories by Ivo Puipo. You can jump from story to story, there is a strong ever-changing voice that leads through this graphically sophisticated and refreshing narrative book. "It's truly a book made of people, communicating, unfolding and touching one another, transposing bridges, connecting yet unknown possibilities". - Fabio Zimbres



Sciences politiques

Politique européenne N° 76/2022 : Les asymétries de la guerre froide

Au sommaire de ce numéro : Containement, European oil asymmetry, and American Middle East Policy / Connaître ses ennemis plutôt que ses amis / Another Europe, rather than the other Europe ? / S'appuyer sur les asymétries de structures pour réduire les asymétries de système, ou la Détente française en Roumanie / La CSCE, instrument de la confrontation et outil du développement des asymétries européennes / Parallelism, Asymmetry and Convergence in Cold War Europe





Winston Smith lives in a society where the government controls people every second of the day. He fights this world with love. But it's dangerous: love for another person can be punished by death - and Big Brother is always watching. Orwell's classic story shows that there is no freedom unless ideas and beliefs can be questioned. This is as true today as when it was written more than fifty years ago.



12 ans et +

Another story of bad boys Tome 3 : Le final. Avec un bonus inédit et un extrait de Mila

Terminée, l'histoire de Lili, Cameron et de leurs amis ? Pas tout à fait. Cameron et Lili sont enfin réunis, leur happy ending n'est pas encore de mise. Lui est resté à Los Angeles, elle est partie en stage en Australie, et tous deux doivent apprendre à gérer leur relation à distance. En seront-ils capables ? Leur ami et colocataire Evan, lui, a le coeur brisé. Déprimé, il peine à reprendre sa vie en main. Jusqu'au jour où une mystérieuse jeune fille surgit dans sa vie. Alors que tout semblait aller pour le mieux entre Rafael et Elena, cette dernière commence à avoir de sérieux doutes quant à l'avenir de leur relation et leur idylle se retrouve dangereusement menacée...



Non classé

A GB-Related Parser for Norwegian

The book describes a formalised and implemented parser for Norwegian which is related to Government and Binding Theory (GB theory). Particular attention is paid to empirical phenomena which have been problematic for many parsing systems for natural language (e.g. parasitic gaps, crossing dependencies, extractions from relative clauses). The relation between the GB model and theoretical constructs from GB on the one hand and the processing system (the parser) on the other is another issue discussed at length in the book.




Bakemonogatari Tome 10

Vivez la rencontre spectaculaire entre deux monstres sacrés de la pop culture japonaise : Oh ! Great (Air Gear) et NisiOisiN (Death Note - Another Note) ! Malgré ses nouveaux pouvoirs, Koyomi se sent dépassé par la mission que lui a confiée Kiss-Shot. Pourtant, il le sait, ce n'est qu'à cette condition qu'il reviendra humain. Il se résout donc à combattre le premier de leurs ennemis, un vampire qui traque ses congénères : Dramaturgy. Mais lorsque Koyomi se retrouve face à lui, le colosse lui fait une proposition inattendue...




Bakemonogatari Tome 19

Vivez la rencontre spectaculaire entre deux monstres sacrés de la pop culture japonaise : Oh ! Great (Air Gear) et NisiOisiN (DeathNote - Another Note) ! Si le "Sawari-neko" est de retour, c'est à cause de l'amour à sens unique de Tsubasa pour Koyomi, qui la ronge de l'intérieur. Mais pour résoudre ce problème, le chat a une solution toute trouvée : couper le mal à la racine en éliminant purement et simplement Koyomi. Ce dernier est bien décidé à rester en vie, mais parviendra-t-il à demander de l'aide ? Et à qui ?




Bakemonogatari Tome 5

Vivez la rencontre spectaculaire entre deux monstres sacrés de la pop culture japonaise : Oh ! Great (Air Gear) et Nisioisin (Death Note - Another Note) ! Persuadé qu'il existe un lien entre son mystérieux agresseur et Suruga Kanbaru, qui formait autrefois avec Hitagi le célèbre "binôme Valhalla", Koyomi se rend au domicile de la superstar du lycée. Mais rien ne pourrait le préparer à ce qu'il va découvrir à l'occasion de cette visite à sa cadette, car derrière son sourire d'ange, c'est bien plus d'un secret que dissimule l'étoile montante de l'équipe de basket...



Physique, Chimie

Méthodes pratiques pour la Physique et la Chimie - Toute la Terminale... et avant

Ce livre n'est pas yet another cours de Physique-Chimie, ni un livre d'exercices supplémentaire. Il constitue plutôt une synthèse de méthodes pratiques que l'on peut utiliser dans la compréhension du cours et la résolution des problèmes de Physique et de Chimie, agrémentée de conseils au-delà des aspects techniques pour mettre tous les atouts de son côté lors du passage d'un examen. Il représente ce que raconterait un bon prof à ses élèves pour leur faire comprendre le cours et leur donner le bagage nécessaire pour réussir leur examen, et, accessoirement, leur faire prendre goût aux disciplines scientifiques.




Méthodes pratiques pour les Mathématiques - Toute la Terminale... et avant

Ce livre n'est pas yet another cours de Maths, ni un livre d'exercices supplémentaire. Il constitue plutôt une synthèse de méthodes pratiques que l'on peut utiliser dans la compréhension du cours et la résolution des problèmes de Mathématiques, agrémentée de conseils au-delà des aspects techniques pour mettre tous les atouts de son côté lors du passage d'un examen. Il représente ce que raconterait un bon prof à ses élèves pour leur faire comprendre le cours et leur donner le bagage nécessaire pour réussir leur examen, et, accessoirement, leur faire prendre goût aux disciplines scientifiques.



Romans graphiques

Abigail. Une aventure d'Edward, le héros super

Another day for ass-kicking Edward Pickle a 8 ans. Grand fan de Superboy, il participe à un concours de dessin et gagne l'incroyable premier prix : le pouvoir de voler. Edward Pickle n'a plus du tout 8 ans mais a beaucoup gardé du monde de l'enfance, à commencer par sa taille. Le héros qui vole, au nom de Superboy, rend la justice sauve les petits chats de Baltimore, derrière son masque bleu de héros super. Mais un cambriolage mystérieux va le sortir de son quotidien pour l'emmener à Irkoutsk affronter les Balaclavas et leur terrible chef, ressurgi du passé.




Idées pratiques pour petits espaces

Various factors have contributed to the proliferation of small homes. One is the high price of land. Another reason is the change in family types. Throughout history it has been considered normal for various generations of the same family to share the family home all their lives. Today family models have changed. Nuclear families are usually reduced to just two generations, i.e., parents and children, and often homes are occupied only by couples or even sole individuals. The reduction in the home's surface area has led to a need to develop ways to integrate all of a space's necessary functions in a practical and cozy fashion. Design aspects can be considered when a home is still being planned, prior to the building and distribution of the rooms. This makes it possible to fit it out to make the mort of each of its features and apply optimal spatial solutions that match the need of the person who will inhabit it. Furniture is vital when it comes to small dwellings. Many manufacturers have now added a large number of items to their furniture collections that address space problems or combine various functions. The décor, which also includes the wall color as well as the flooring and ceiling, is another basic element that should be carefully considered in small spaces. Decorative elements are just as important, as they can be used to create a personal feel that responds to your own particular aesthetic taste. What you must remember is that, even though a home is small, there are many solutions and tricks to maximize its possibilities and achieve a modern, welcoming look.




Bakemonogatari Tome 6

Vivez la rencontre spectaculaire entre deux monstres sacrés de la pop culture japonaise : Oh ! Great (Air Gear) et NisiOisiN (Death Note - Another Note) ! Envers et endroit. Conscient et inconscient. Etre aux côtés de Hitagi... et tuer Koyomi. Voilà le voeu que Suruga Kanbaru, la star du lycée, a confié au Rainy Devil qui a pris possession d'elle. Koyomi est face à un dilemme : comment extirper Suruga des griffes du démon sans y laisser la vie ? ! S'engage alors un violent combat entre les deux adversaires, dont l'issue s'annonce funeste. Mais l'arrivée inopinée de Hitagi sur le champ de bataille va tout faire basculer. Jaquette réversible avec un dessin exclusif de OH ! Great au verso



Histoire ancienne

Rock and Ritual

This book is the outcome of the analysis and discussion of the links between ritual practices and some natural spaces, particularly caves, but also rockshelters and stones. The articles gathered in this volume show very diverse contexts and researches, mainly from Bronze Age to Roman times. They offer new perspectives about religious landscapes as well as the role of these spaces in territorial organisation. Several contributions try to reconstruct ritual movements, regulated religious itineraries and social practices, whereas others focus on the circulation inside caves and rockshelters, considering the multi-sensoriality of these natural spaces, linked also with the material offerings. Rock & Ritual volume is another evidence of the complexity and variability of ritual practices linked to natural spaces.



Histoire internationale

Knowledge and Symbolization in Saint John of the Cross

The works of Juan de la Cruz contains numerous passages dealing with human cognition both ordinary and mystical. This study traces San Juan's examination of the mystic's knowledge in and through God. The sixteenth-century Spanish thinker stresses that conditionality is a fundamental character of all human knowledge, and brings to light a complex movement of contiguity between one and another mode of cognitive activity. Also discussed is the expression, through the instruments of prose and poetry, of the mystic's supereminent and therefore ineffable experience of knowledge and love. Relying upon Juan de la Cruz's own texts, it is shown how a relative communication can be effected despite the barriers separating mystical from ordinary cognition.



Histoire internationale

'Eine untergeordnete Meisterschaft?'

This study represents an attempt to assess the critical impact of Dickens' work in Germany from the appearance of The Pickwick Papers till his death in 1870. Its main aim is to place the ongoing engagement of German critics with the English novelist in the context of the social and literary-critical tensions of the time and to bring about a new, more differentiated and penetrating understanding of his influence in these decades. The author argues that all the significant attempts to define the function and possibilities of the contemporary novel in German in this period were linked in one way or another with critical attitudes to the hugely popular, but always intractably controversial work of the English novelist.





Peter Norton's Complete Guide to Linux is yet another comprehensive, user-friendly guide in the highly acclaimed Norton style. Its unique, hands-on, step-by-step approach teaches the features of the most popular distributions of Linux. Norton and Griffith pave the way to a better understanding of Linux. Learn about all the newest technologies available for increasing your operating system capabilities-such as the Gnome and KDE user interfaces, networking with Samba and NFS, and installing the many built-in servers. You will find Peter's Principles, communications, networking, printing, performance, troubleshooting, and compatibility tips throughout the book. Whether you're just starting out or have years of experience, Peter Norton's Complete Guide to Linux has the answers, explanations, and examples you need.



Autres langues

If I didn't have you. Avec 1 CD audio MP3

Xiaoming is a pickpocket. He is really good at stealing. But he only steals from rich people. He never touches those who are poor, and doesn't let other thieves steal from poor people either. Xia Yu is a college freshman. She lost her purse at a railway station. Xiaoming got the purse back for her from the thief. Another time, a thief stole an old woman's wallet on a bus. Xiaoming stole the wallet back from the thief and put into the lady's jacket unobserved. More surprisingly, when Xiaoming is falling in love with Xia Yu, he lands into a big trouble alter stealing a wallet from a very rich man. Will Xiaoming the pickpocket win the love of Xia Yu, a pretty college student ?.




Lürzer's Int'l Archive N° 5-6/2020, décembre 2020

Lürzer's Archive 5+6/2020, the final issue for 2020, is out now. It comprises a total of 131 print, 36 film campaigns and 15 examples of outstanding new digital work selected by the curator of this issue's Digital selection, Tiffany Rolfe, EVP Chief Creative Officer US at R/GA. The interview with her has the heading "I can't help but stay busy". For our main interview, we're talking to one of the most respected British creatives and currently D&AD President, Naresh Ramchandani. The interview with him is titled The chance to make the world more progressive. Finally, the cover of this issue is another masterpiece of the Bangkok based digital wizzards from Illusion, for agency Dentsu Redder and client Ho Chi Minh City.




Translation, Reduction and Equivalence

Contemporary epistemology and philosophy of science devote a central place to questions of the following sort : When are two conceptual frameworks equivalent ? Under what conditions is one scientific theory reducible to another ? This essay attempts to reach a clearer grasp of these issues by providing a logical analysis of intertheory translation and reduction. Taking first order logic as a starting point, several classical theorems on definability and interpolation are generalised so as to obtain a model-theoretic characterisation of some basic types of reductive relations between theories. This account is later extended by adopting a very general and powerful semantical framework inspired by abstract logic. In this setting it is shown how a richer class of intertheoretic relations can be defined, and how the structuralist approach to reduction, developed by Sneed and Stegmüller, can be critically evaluated.




The Art of Positive Communication

How we communicate with each other matters greatly. Our identity, our friendships and marriages, our families, and our culture are the product of how we speak to one another. Our words affect our hopes and dreams, as well as those of our children. We insult, complain, or criticize. We compliment, offer support, and inspire. These are choices that take place in the crevices of our most private and public conversations with others. This book bridges communication theory and practice to foreground an important message : positive communication matters. By examining closely how people talk to each other at home or at work, this book enables undergraduate and graduate students to communicate more positively. The Art of Positive Communication is an ideal text for undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in interpersonal communication courses and as a supplemental text to inspire all students to communicate better.



Anglais apprentissage

THE CANTERBURY TALES. Avec cassette audio

'In April when the sweet showers fall... then people want to go on pilgrimages.' A group of pilgrims travelling from London to the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury decide that each traveller should tell a story. The Knight tells a tale of high romance. The Pardoner tells a story of death. And the Wife of Bath tells the story of her five husbands and her fight to control the men in her life. But The Tales end with the story of the perfect marriage and how, if we are generous to one another, we can find the perfect society. A selection of stories from Chaucer's masterpiece depicting life in fourteenth century England is presented here in modern English. There is a wide range of activities and special informative sections on Chaucer and his times. The accompanying cassette contains the complete story and the extra listening activities.



Light novel

Last Memory

Eté 1999. Shingo Hatano, étudiant en doctorat, voit sa vie basculer lorsqu'il apprend que sa mère est atteinte d'une maladie neurologique à la progression fulgurante altérant sa mémoire. Craignant que cette démence ne soit héréditaire, le jeune homme décide de mener l'enquête auprès de sa famille pour faire la lumière sur ses causes. Mais tandis qu'il s'évertue à remonter le fil du passé tortueux de sa mère, d'étranges hallucinations l'assaillent. Un éclair immaculé, le bruit d'une sauterelle qui bondit, puis les hurlements d'innombrables enfants... Auraient-elles un lien avec l'ultime souvenir qui tourmente sa mère ? Après l'effroyable trilogie Another, Yukito Ayatsuji tisse avec maestria un récit labyrinthique et hallucinatoire. Ce maître de l'horreur vous invite à plonger dans une intrigue familiale nébuleuse, à la frontière entre rêve et réalité, dont le souvenir hantera vos nuits.



12 ans et +

Bakemonogatari - Légendes chimériques Tome 2

Vofan, de son vrai nom Dai Yuan Heng, est un artiste et illustrateur taïwanais. Tout d'abord tenté par le métier de mangaka, il se dirige finalement vers celui d'illustrateur dès l'université, où son talent lui vaut d'être repéré par des entreprises qui lui passent de nombreuses commandes. Inspiré par l'univers coloré du réalisateur Makoto Shinkai (Voyage vers Agartha, Your Name., Weathering with You, etc.), Vofan est principalement connu pour ses somptueuses illustrations caractérisées par une abondance de couleurs pastel, une absence de contours et des jeux d'ombre et de lumière très doux. C'est avec ce style unique qu'il décide de devenir chara designer et, dès 2008, marque de sa patte graphique inimitable la saga des Monogatari de Nisioisin. Nishio Ishin, plus connu sous le nom de plume et palindrome "NISIOISIN"", est un auteur de romans et scénariste de mangas japonais né en 1981. En 2002, il remporte à seulement 20 ans le 23' Prix Méphisto grâce à son premier roman : Kubikiri Cycle. Puis, il rédige deux suites à ce roman : la série Zaregoto et celle de Bakemonogatari, premier opus de la série Monoga-tari qui deviendra un tel succès qu'elle sera finalement adaptée en anime. Nisho Ishin est aussi l'auteur de The Memorandum of Kyoko Okitegami, premier titre de la série The Forgetful Detective, ainsi que de nombreux autres ouvrages. En 2006, Nishio Ishin enrichit les univers de mangas mondialement connus tels que xxxHolic (des CLAMP, les reines du manga) ou Death Note (de Tsugumi Oho et Takeshi Obata) par le biais de deux autres romans : Death Note Another Note : The Los Angeles BB Murder Cases et xxxHolic, Another Holic — Landolt-Ring Aerosol. Et, depuis 2008, la série Bakemonogatari a été adaptée en manga par Oh ! Great et a remporté un franc succès, Aujourd'hui inscrit comme une figure majeure du roman japonais, Nishio Ishin se dédie à présent plus que jamais à sa passion pour l'écriture. Son dernier titre en date, Veiledman Hypothesis, publié chez Kôdansha, marque la centième publication de sa carrière.



Non classé

Seeing Jaakob

Despite the considerable amount of scholarship on Mann's work, his tetralogy – composed prior to and during his exile from Nazi Germany – has received less attention and has not been examined from the perspective of the relationship of visuality to narrative. In this study of Mann's reworking of the biblical account of Jacob, father of Joseph, the author examines the ways the novel's protagonists frame their environment through knowledge and meaning gained via specific acts of seeing. While considering Mann's oft-stated intent to refunctionalize myth by means of psychology for humane and progressive purposes, the book explores the lavish narrative attention Mann gives to visual detail, visual stimulation, the protagonists' eyes, ways of seeing, and even to staging and performance in anticipation of another's way of seeing. The results reveal that the plot of the first Joseph novel is carried and propelled by a series of visual encounters during which the narrative draws attention to the protagonists' eyes and acts of looking.




Object oriented PERL. A comprehensive guide to concepts and programming techniques

Perl is a great language for throw-away programming hacking quick solutions to urgent tasks. It can also be a great language for developing large, robust and reusable solutions to real-life problems. The object-oriented techniques taught in this book will help you write cleaner, more readable and more maintainable Perl programs. Whether you're a complete newcomer to object orientation, a refugee from C ++, or just another Perl hacker looking to extend your skills, this book will take you from first principles to practical techniques, and on to the deepest mysteries of object orientation. What's inside : building objects from hashes, arrays, scalars, pseudo hashes, subroutines, regular expressions, or typeglobs ; mastering encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism ; advanced topics : operator overloading, tied variables, generic programming, multiple dispatch, and persistence ; practical examples : databases, pattern matching, source code manipulation, multiprocessing, encryption, search trees, filtering 1/0 streams, debugging ; transition guides from C ++, Java, Eiffel, and Smalltalk.



Non classé

Black and White Speech in the Southern United States

This study compares the pronunciation of the stressed vowel nuclei of black and white southerners interviewed for the Linguistic Atlas of the Middle and South Atlantic States. The informants from Maryland (two pairs), Virginia (seven pairs), and North Carolina (seven pairs), were all interviewed in the period 1933-1939 by a single field worker, Guy S. Lowman, Jr., and were matched as closely as possible for age, education, social class, and geographical proximity. The principal findings of the study are that systematic differences exist between black and white speakers in the pronunciation of the stressed vowels, on the phonic or subphonemic level. This is the same type of variation that is used to characterize dialect differences in the United States. The differences in speech, however, while systematic, are not categorical : i.e., there are no speech features examined that exist solely for black or white speakers. Another finding was that regional variation in speech was less apparent for black speakers than for white speakers.




Secret Seville

Far from the crowds and the well-worn clichés, Seville still has many hidden gems it only reveals to locals and visitors who head off the beaten track. An essential guide for those who thought they knew Seville well or are seeking to discover another side of the city. Why is there a stone relief of Grace Kelly on the wall of Seville Town Hall and how can you track down the railway from the Ibero-American Expo of 1929 ? Where might you find the legacy of Christopher Columbus' son, a medieval Jewish cemetery in a car park, the oddest of barbershops, forgotten souvenirs from the Guadalquivir steamboats, Masonic symbols in a church, the last remaining vestiges of the Andalusian pavilions from the '29 Expo, a little-known Modernist electric power station, an example of the Nazi Enigma machine, a collection of Chinese and Japanese art in a Renaissance mansion or the pillars of a medieval synagogue ?
