
Hokuto no Ken - Fist of the North Star Tome 5



Non classé

Multiple Origins

Based on extensive research this work gives a detailed account and a reappraisal of Edward Westermarck's thought. Westermarck had versatile relations to Victorian evolutionists (Wallace, Tylor, Spencer), and to British social anthropologists (Frazer, Haddon, Rivers, Malinowski) and psychologists (Shand, Sully). Westermarck was a pioneer of anthropological fieldwork, and his writings on the history of marriage and on the origin and development of moral ideas are modern classics. He was a transitional figure between evolutionism, on the one hand, and functionalism and structuralism, on the other hand. Westermarck's theories of exogamy and incest, and his notions of psychological ethics, moral emotions and concepts, and expanding morality were referred to by Durkheim and Freud, as they are referred to by present-day evolutionary theorists. The search for mankind continues to be of current interest.




Differential effects of early and late nocturnal sleep on the consolidation of declarative and nondeclarative memory

Nocturnal sleep apparently promotes the translation of labile short-term memories into more stable long-term memories. The present studies suggest that the sleep-related consolidation of hippocampus-mediated memories benefits primarily from early nocturnal sleep. A reduced activation of hippocampal glucocorticoid receptors and a neocortico-hippocampal 'off-line' mode during this part of sleep may be of particular relevance for this phenomenon. In contrast, non hippocampus-mediated memories benefit primarily from late nocturnal sleep. In addition to a critical amount of REM sleep, other, yet unknown factors may contribute to the consolidation of non hippocampus-mediated memories during late nocturnal sleep.




Astérisque N° 219/1994 : Les paires duales dans les algèbres

In this series of papers, we investigate the relative index theorem from the point of view of algebraic analysis. On a complex manifold X, let M he a coherent Dx-module and F an IR-mnstruc-tible sheaf. The complex RHompx (M, RHom(F, Ox)) is the complex of solutions of the system of PDE represented by M in the sheaf of generalized holomorphic functions associated to F. A natural problem is to find conditions under which such a complex has finite dimensional global cohomology and then to compute the corresponding Euler-Poincaré characteristic. We prove the finiteness theorem when (M, F) has compact support and is "elliptic", i.e. : char(M) n SS(F) C TxX where char(M) is the characteristic variety of M, SS(F) is the micro-support of F and TxX is the zero section of the cotangent bundle. In fact, we give a relative version of this finiteness result together with the associated duality theorem and Künneth formula. Our methods rely upon results of functional analysis over a .sheaf of Fréchet algebras obtained by one of the authors. Next, we attach a "microloeal Order class" µeu(M, F) E H2dx char M+SSF (T X ; D) to any elliptic pair (M, F) and prove that, under natural assumptions, this class is compatible with direct images, inverse images and external products. In particular, we get the index formula : X(RP(X ; RHom(M x F ; Ox))) = f yeu(M, F) T2xx (M) = fTX yeu (M) U yeu (F). When F = CM and X is a complexification of the real analytic manifold M, our salts for the pair (M, F) give an index theorem for elliptic systems and we discuss its relations with the Ariyah-Singer theorem.



Sciences politiques

Organizing after Crisis. The Challenge of Learning

How do actors organize after crisis ? Do they "simply" return to normal ? The post-crisis phase is anything but a linear process. Actors and their practices may be transformed by learning from crises and by implementing the lessons. In this volume, 19 contributors from 7 countries analyse how learning happens after crisis in a dynamic political environment where framings, strategies, discourses, interests and resources interact. Exploring various policy sectors, they ask whether and in what ways organizations in charge of crisis management perform well. Where political responsibility is located ? What changes do lessons trigger at political, organizational and individual levels ? The book answers these questions by addressing issues like blame and responsibility but also the influence of communication, social dynamics and the institutional environment.



Littérature érotique et sentim

Indigenization of Language in the African Francophone Novel

Indigenization of Language in the African Francophone Novel : A New Literary Canon discusses the question of indigenization in the African Francophone novel. Analyzing the prose narratives of Nazi Boni, Ahmadou Kourouma, and Patrice Nganang, this book contends that African literature written in European languages is primarily a creative translation process. Recourse to European languages as a medium of expressing African imagination, worldview, and cultures in fictional writing poses problems of intelligibility. Developed to express and reflect Western worldviews and sensibilities, European languages are employed by African writers to convey messages that seem to be at variance with European imagination. These writers find themselves writing in languages they wish to subvert through the technique of literary indigenization. The significance of this study resides in its raising awareness to the hurdles that literary creativity in a polyglossic context may present to readers and translators. This book provides answers to intriguing questions centering on the problematic of translation in contemporary African literature. It is a contribution to current research aimed at unraveling the conundrum surrounding the language question in African Europhone fiction, particularly the cultural functions of translation in literature. Potential translation problems have to be addressed in order to make African literature written in European languages intelligible to global readership. With the advent of globalization, transcultural communication has become an activity of enormous importance to the international community. It is a subject of great interest to translators, linguists, language instructors, and literary theorists.




Paris - The Place to be

From Montmartre to Montparnasse, from the Elysée to the Trocadéro, from the Louvre Museum to the Orsay Museum, from the Latin Quarter to the Butte aux Cailles and the Monceau plain, each district of Paris conceals unsuspected treasures ! This Paris off the beaten track can be discovered along the alleys, parks, bridges and great monuments... Discover the small and the great history of these high places.



Sciences de la terre et de la

Mauvaises herbes des Petites Antilles

Les 150 mauvaises herbes les plus importantes des Petites Antilles sont décrites avec précision et illustrées de 75 planches couleur. Leurs préférences écologiques, leurs modes de dissémination et les cultures qu'elles infestent principalement, sont indiqués. Une aide à la détermination est fournie sous forme d'une clef dichotomique très simple d'emploi. The 150 major weeds of the Lesser Antilles are described in detail and illustrated with 75 colour plates. Their ecological preferences, modes of dissemination, and main host crops are indicated. Aid to identification is provided in the form of a clear and easy-to-use dichotomous key.





This one-of-a-kind, class-tested textbook introduces the possibilities arising from the convergence of computing and communications technologies to students who don't have an information technology background. By combining the appropriate technical detail with illustrative examples, nontechnical issues, review sections, discussion items, and exercises, it empowers students to envision how networked computing applications con support individuals, groups, and organizations. Whether students are preparing for careers in business, information management, education, low, or public policy, no other book equips them with the broad understanding needed to effectively exploit these powerful technologies. Features. Thoroughly explains the use of networked computing in collaboration, information retrieval, education, business, and e-commerce. Covers a brood range of subjects including applications - their acquisition, the supporting technical infrastructures (architecture, security, databases, middleware, network, and communications), and performance - as well as important industry, economic, and policy issues. Provides supplementary materials via a companion Web site, links to other relevant Web sites, and additional resources for instructors.



Non classé

The Intruder in Modern Drama

The Intruder is a dramatic character who appears suddenly on stage, seemingly from nowhere, unknown to the other characters, thrusting himself upon them and upsetting the status quo. The study compares twelve plays by ten major modern dramatists (Arden, Betti, Bond, Brecht, Dürrenmatt, Frisch, Gombrowicz, Ionesco, Pinter, Williams). In all the plays, as a result of the intrusion, there is a mood of uneasiness, impending social change which disturbs the socio-political equilibrium.




The Rising of the Shield Hero Tome 18 : Avec un porte-clés exclusif offert

Trahison, monstres et rivalités : comment survivre dans un RPG avec juste un bouclier ? Accompagnés de Kizuna, une héroïne sacrée du monde dans lequel ils ont été propulsés, Naofumi et Liscia sont toujours à la recherche de Raphtalia et Filo. Ils décident de se rendre dans un pays voisin sur les indications du shikigami Raph, qui les guide sur la trace de Raphtalia. Mais en chemin, ils entendent parler d'une nymphe ailée qui fait les beaux jours d'un théâtre forain... Quelle n'est pas leur surprise en reconnaissant sur la scène Filo, capturée et exploitée comme un vulgaire phénomène de foire !



Anglais apprentissage

Agrégation anglais. Howards End (E. M. Forster, J. Ivory) : Beyond Heritage. Edition 2021

Reading Forster's novel and Ivory's film together gives a stunning opportunity to re-assess the representation of Pre-World War One modernity. Far from presenting Edwardian England as a golden period, Howards End explores social structures, social mobility, real estate, the ambivalent relation to culture and new technological modes of communication and transport. Stylistically, the novel breaks new ground with its Protean narrative voice, and transitions towards Modernism with its mythic, musical method. The eponymous house becomes a metaphor for ecological balance, a new kind of extended family structure, a network of connections and a new sense of community. If Howards End as a novel reinvents literary legacy and redefines personal and national heritage, Ivory's adaptation must also be reassessed as so-called heritage cinema, far from the clichés of a purely aesthetic approach. It is no period piece or marketable commodity meant to toe a conservative line, but a carefully woven creative transposition, which also raises social and gendered questions.



Non classé

On Deixis in English and Polish

Deixis verges on the borderline of philosophy, semantics and pragmatics. Since no satisfactory theory of deixis has been proposed so far, this book gives a critical examination of the state of the art and suggests a solution within the framework of discourse analysis. The deictic systems of English and Polish are compared in termes of algorithms, which determine the distribution of demonstrative pronouns in the two languages. Many difficulties found in other approaches can be escaped through the application of algorithms accounting for the speaker's choices in his use of demonstratives during the discourse flow.



Non classé

The Dictionary of Acronyms and Abbreviations in Applied Linguistics and Language Learning

This dictionary is two things in one : an alphabetical compilation of acronyms and abbreviations together with their full forms and an inverted index, which gives the user thematic access to the information contained in the data base. The more than 13.000 entries are an attempt to lighten the burden of language teachers and applied linguists, translators and interpreters, librarians and administrators, whose job it is to mediate in and between language communities in daily or intermittent contact with the scourge of acronyms and abbreviations. A range of additional features distinguishes this dictionary from its competitors : More than 1200 addresses (if the acronym stands for an organization/institution); more than 3000 bibliographic references to the concepts behind the short forms ; ample crossreferencing to related entries ; a listing of new word coinages on the basis of acronyms.




Development Program Monitoring and Evaluation System Effectiveness

This book is a contribution to the building of a knowledge base for the effectiveness of M&E-Systems in the field of development management. The primary focus is to contribute to the clarification of what rigorous frameworks would apply to understand and meaningfully measure M&E-System effectiveness. The book has the aim of translating outcomes from Dr. Ba's thesis research on M&E-System effectiveness into an actionable contribution to better reach development practitioners and managers. The book is mainly devoted to development managers and M&E experts who wish to find superior ways of managing M&ESystems for improved decision-making and measured risk-taking in moving development policies and programs towards the greater freedom and welfare of people mainly in Africa. The book focuses on M&E-System effectiveness and how it influences the dynamic capabilities of development organizations and institutions in managing development programs and projects. The book presents the challenges in seeking an effective M&E-System, examines the gaps and limits in assessing it, and finally proposes ways to rigorously measure its effectiveness. The book may also contribute to the scientific and professional discussions on what would be the meaningful framework to better understand the success factors that underlie an effective M&E-System and also how they help improve development management.




ORACLE8i. Database Administration

Here's a practical book based on the authors long experience managing Oracle systems. It runs the gamut from the important details of database administration to advanced topics like Oracle replication and the standby database. It shows you how to implement a host of new features offered by Oracle8i. Written for intermediate and advanced database administrators, Oracle8i Database Administration is also a great resource for database users, application programmers, systems analysts, project managers, system administrators and data warehousing professionals. If you've had any questions about Oracle8i, the answer is probably right here. This book shows you solutions, teaches you workarounds, and provides you with tips that will save you time. What's inside - Detalled solutions to, common database problems - How to, implement range, hash and composite partitioning - Steps to, implement a standby database environment - Details on installation, tablespaces, objects, triggers, stored procedures, PL/SQL, backup and recovery - Real-world examples for OLTP and data warehousing applications - New features of Oracle8i such as online index creation, transportable tablespaces, function-based index and more - Advanced topics like performance and timing, parallel execution, advanced replication - Hundreds of tested scripts for UNIX, LINUX and Windows NT




La lutte contre le terrorisme : ses acquis et ses défis. Liber Amicorum Gilles de Kerchove, Textes en français et anglais

Ce Liber Amicorum, qui rend hommage à Gilles de Kerchove, coordinateur de l'Union européenne pour la lutte contre le terrorisme de 2007 à 2021, dresse le bilan de ce qui a été mené dans ce secteur ces dernières années et se penche également sur les défis à venir. Après une introduction retraçant le parcours du récipiendaire, la première partie se penche sur différents aspects de la coopération au sein de l'Union européenne, allant du mandat d'arrêt européen, à la protection des droits fondamentaux en passant par le rôle de certaines institutions ou agences de l'UE. La deuxième partie traite de la coopération entre l'UE et le reste du monde, qu'il s'agisse d'organisations mondiales ou de certains Etats en particulier, comme les Etats-Unis. La troisième partie, plus transversale, rassemble des contributions diverses touchant notamment à l'Etat islamique, au financement du terrorisme, aux victimes et aux nouvelles technologies. L'ouvrage se clôt par une quatrième partie relative à la prévention, à la lutte contre la radicalisation, aux valeurs, à la liberté de la presse et à la littérature. Les auteurs, issus de diverses parties du monde, présentent des profils très divers, parmi lesquels d'éminentes figures politiques, des fonctionnaires européens, des académiques, des magistrats et des journalistes. L'ouvrage a été coordonné par Dr. Christiane Höhn, Conseillère principale de Gilles de Kerchove, Isabel Saavedra, son Assistante personnelle et Prof. Anne Weyembergh, Professeur ordinaire à l'Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB). This Liber Amicorum, which pays tribute to Gilles de Kerchove, EU counter-terrorism coordinator from 2007 to 2021, takes stock of what has been achieved in this field in recent years and looks at the challenges ahead. After an introduction tracing the recipient's background, the first part looks at different aspects of cooperation within the European Union, ranging from the European arrest warrant, to the protection of fundamental rights and the role of certain EU institutions or agencies. The second part deals with cooperation between the EU and the rest of the world, both with global organisations and with specific States, such as the United States. The third, cross-cutting part brings together various contributions relating to the Islamic State, the financing of terrorism, victims and new technologies. The book concludes with a fourth part on prevention, the fight against radicalisation, values, freedom of the press and literature. The authors come from various parts of the world and present a wide range of profiles, including prominent political figures, EU officials, academics, magistrates and journalists. The book was coordinated by Dr. Christiane Höhn, Principal Advisor to Gilles de Kerchove, Isabel Saavedra, his Personal Assistant and Prof. Anne Weyembergh, Professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).



Non classé

Hymns: The Making and Shaping of a Theology for the Whole People of God

The theological potential of hymns has never been fully exploited. This study shows how hymns communicate theology and enable those without a formal theological education to enter into theological debate. A nineteenth century collection of English hymns and some contemporary Bemba hymns from the Zambian Copperbelt are examined and compared, within their theological, cultural and social contexts, to discover their response to death, judgement, heaven and hell. From this comparison and a study of how hymns are used in these churches, a model emerges whereby hymns can be used to make and shape theology. This model is observed in a Zambian parish and is also shown in practice in an English parish. Finally, there is a reflection on the implications of this model for Missiology and Ecclesiology showing, among other things, the need for a radical reassessment of the relationship between professional theologians and the rest of the Church.



Allemagne - Berlin

Soul of Berlin. A guide to 30 exceptional experiences

Berlin. We tried 1, 000 places and kept only 30. The 'Soul of ' collection is a new approach to travel that's all about vagabonding around town, chance encounters and unforgettable experiences. Guides for those who want to unlock the hidden doors of a city, feel out its heartbeat and plumb every last nook and cranny to reveal its soul. The world's smallest nightclub, an exceptional private collection of ancient Asian art, Berlin's best beaches, the most beautiful bike ride, a fabulous spa that'll make you feel like you're in Bali, exploring the city's underground spots, an ice cream shop that makes its own cones right in front of you, the city's best restaurants (not necessarily the ones you'd think), where to go kayaking just like in Venice, the best places to have lunch by the water, an outstanding burger, spending a night in a mattress workshop, some unique architectural curiosities and psychedelic metro stations . . .



Sciences de la terre et de la

Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Sciences. 2nd edition

Modern studies of atmospheres, oceans, and Earth and planetary systems require a good knowledge of basic chemical principles. This book provides a clear, concise grounding in these principles. Undergraduate and graduate students with little formal training in chemistry can work through the chapters, and the numerous exercises, within this book before accessing more advanced texts in atmospheric chemistry, geochemistry, and the environmental sciences. Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Sciences covers the fundamental concepts of chemical equilibria, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, solution chemistry, acid and base chemistry, oxidation-reduction reactions, and photochemistry. This new edition has been updated and revised from the first edition. In a companion volume entitled Introduction to Atmospheric Chemistry (2000, Cambridge University Press) Peter Hobbs provides an introduction to atmospheric chemistry itself, including its applications to air pollution, acid rain, the ozone hole, and climate change. Together these two books provide on ideal introduction to atmospheric chemistry for a variety of disciplines.



Littérature française

Bois le vent d'Horizons Lointains - Have a drink of Faraway Winds

J'ai relu "L'Usage du Monde" de N. Bouvier, j'ai pensé que j'avais aussi plein de souvenirs, inspirants, éclairants, éblouissants, de mon voyage en stop vers les Indes en 1969 ; et que je pouvais les faire revivre pour vous. I reread "The Way of the World" of N. Bouvier, I thought I had too a headfull of souvenirs, inspiring, vivid, dazzling, of my 1969 travel, hitchhiking towards the Indies ; and that I could bring them back to life, for you.



Non classé

Raising Children Bilingually through the ‘One Parent-One Language’ Approach

Parents who come from different language backgrounds often hope that their children will be able to speak the languages of both their parents. In families where this is the goal, the ‘one parent-one language' approach (Ronjat, 1913) is widely used. The ‘one parent-one language' approach is relatively effective in promoting active bilingualism among young children in a society where there is little support for the minority language. However, there is a general perception that maintenance of the minority language into middle childhood and beyond is difficult as during this period children's contacts with the outside world expand and the input in the majority language increases. This book examines the sociolinguistic environment and the nature of parental input for children from Japanese-Australian families, who have been exposed to Japanese and English through the ‘one parent-one language' approach in Australia. The research on which the book is based identifies factors which account for successful and unsuccessful cases of Japanese language maintenance of children from those families. The major part of this study involves discourse analysis of the conversations between four Japanese mothers and their primary school aged children based on audio-recordings over a period of 21 months. This qualitative approach is complemented by a quantitative study interviewing 25 Japanese mothers about their children's language experience.



Guides pratiques

Fast Talk French 5ed -anglais

Although you can get by in France without speaking the language, knowing just a few essential phrases can help you make friends, enjoy service with a smile, and discover richer, more rewarding travel experiences. Fast Talk French is the concise language guide that is guaranteed to get you talking with confidence. Taste your way around the cellars of Champagne, explore the sights of Paris, or grab that great shopping bargain. Essential phrases to meet all your travel needs How to get local recommendations Easy-to-use pronunciation guides Expert tips to boost your confidence



Beaux arts

Karem Arrieta. Edition bilingue français-anglais

Le temps ne s'égrène pas linéairement dans les toiles de Karem Arrieta. Il est cyclique ou revient comme un boomerang. Les époques se mêlent et s'effacent. Des spectres de l'Histoire de l'art passent, tout droit sortis de la Renaissance italienne ou flamande. Chérubins joufflus et moqueurs et autres putti à l'air goguenard. Femmes à la chevelure flamboyante et aux robes de velours échappées d'un Cranach. Ils sont les anges gardiens qui auréolent les bambins. Avec ces références, Karem Arrieta brise la chronologie et se place dans l'Histoire de l'art. Une histoire écrite par et pour l'Europe, dont les références ont infusé les cultures autochtones de l'Amérique latine, dans un syncrétisme parfois anachronique. "Notre appartenance au monde des images est plus forte, plus constitutive de notre être que notre appartenance au monde des idées." (Gaston Bachelard) / Time does not pass linearily in Karem Arrieta's artwork. It works in cycles, or comes back like a boomerang. Eras mingle and fade. Ghosts from the history of Art are passing by, coming straight out of the Italian or Flemish Renaissance. Chubby cherubins and classical "putti" with mocking eyes. Women with flamboyant hair in their velvet dresses, coming out of a Cranach. They're the guardian angels that crown their children. With these references, Karem Arrieta breaks free from the chronology and places herself in the history of Art—history written by and for Europe, and whose references influenced native cultures in Latin America, in a syncretism that can sometimes be anachronical. "Our belonging to the world of Images is stronger, more constituent to our being, than our belonging to the world of Ideas." (Gaston Bachelard) Barbara Tissier.



Non classé

On 'Nominal Non-Predicating' Adjectives in English

The study tries to show - on the basis of a large collection of data - that the labelling of adjectives such as environmental, nuclear, linguistic, urban as 'nominal, non-preicating' does not adequately account for observable language behaviour. 'Lexicalized' terms such as polar bear behave like unitary nouns, but otherwise these adjectives can well be found in predicative position ; they may also accept adverbial modification. Various syntactic tests demonstrate that attempts to explain predicative occurrences as resulting from ellipsis, from Head Noun Deletion, fail in a large number of cases. The conclusion reached in this thesis is that the adjectives in question cannot generally be considered 'attributive-only'.




Georges troubat

Le jeu, toujours recommencé, est donc infini. Assemblages, recouvrements, juxtapositions. Bleus, rouges, jaunes. Lignes, surfaces, figures. Une exposition de Georges Troubat est toujours une expérience singulière : comme un musicien avec un ensemble limité de notes, l'artiste multiplie les variations, les improvisions, offrant l'étonnante impression d'un ruissellement permanent. Cet homme a toujours été très actif dans sa vie ; rien n'est définitif, le courant nous emporte et il nous faut nager avec lui. L'acte créatif n'existe que répété puisqu'il est lié à la marche, aux mouvements du temps, aux passages des saisons, aux rythmes du monde. La peinture de Georges Troubat est vivante, au sens plein : elle régie son pas sur les impulsions du vivant. Son animation procède de la vie elle-même, à laquelle elle retourne comme un acquiescement permanent. Cet homme que l'on croit pressé est un nageur ébloui, et sa peinture témoigne pour un monde qui ne serait qu'éblouissement. The game that is started over and over, is then infinite. Assemblages, collections, juxtapositions. Blus, reds, yellows. Lines, textures, shapes. An exhibition of Georges Troubat is always a peculiar experience : just like a musician with a few limited notes, the artist multiplies the variations, improvisations, offering the astonishing feeling of an on-going flow. This man was always very active in his life, but nothing lasts forever, the flow takes us with it and we have to swim with it. The creative act only exists by repetition as it's tied to the pace, to the mouvements of time, to the passing seasons, to the world's rhythms. George Troubat's painting is alive, taking on the whole meaning of the word : it regulates its pace on the impulsion of the living. Its animation begins from life itself, to whom it goes back to, like a perpetual approbation. This man, who we think in a hurry, is a dazzling swimmer and his painting attests for a world which would only be dazzling.



Histoire internationale

Manufactories in Germany

In eighteenth century Germany goods were produced in manufactories as well as by independent craftsmen and artisans employed by capitalists. The manufactories using tools and manually operated machines foreshadowed in many respects the factories of the nineteenth century. State and local support for the manufactories was aimed at reducing unemployment, maintaining military strength and securing foreign currency. Although not all manufactories were successful they provided a valuable heritage of industrial and commercial skills which were profitable to later entrepreneurs. However, those who - like Karl Marx - considered the manufactories to be a stage in the process of industrialisation have been proved wrong.




Alderamin on the Sky Tome 1

Alors que l'empire de Katjvarna est en guerre, un jeune homme s'apprête à passer l'examen d'officier à contrecoeur. Son nom est Ikta Solork et sa réputation de flemmard n'est plus à faire, mais un marché avec son amie Yatorishino Igsem le pousse à se prêter au jeu. En échange de son aide, Yatori lui trouvera un poste à la bibliothèque impériale. Mais contre toute attente, cet examen ébranlera la roue de son destin !




Alderamin on the Sky Tome 2

L'empire de Katjvarna est en guerre avec son voisin, la république de Kioka. C'est pendant cette période que commence la légende d'Ikta Solork, un cadet connu pour sa fainéantise. En route vers le lieu d'examen pour devenir officier, son bateau sombre et il échoue en territoire ennemi. Grâce au soutien de Yatorishino Igsem, une amie de longue date, il doit donc trouver le moyen de rejoindre son pays tout en protégeant la princesse. Quel plan audacieux a concocté Ikta ? Parviendra-t-il à créer un miracle et sauver Chamille ?




The Ride-on King Tome 9

Alexandre Ploutinov, Président à vie de la Prussie, pensait avoir tout dompté... jusqu'à ce qu'il débarque dans un monde fantastique peuplé de centaures et de dragons ! Alexandre Ploutinov est maître des arts martiaux et président de la République de Prussie, à vie. Son désir insatiable de chevaucher et de conquérir toutes sortes de choses - des bêtes, des machines et même une nation - l'a conduit vers le triomphe et la gloire. Mais un jour, victime d'une attaque terroriste, il est écrasé par la tête de sa propre statue. Quand il se réveille enfin, il se retrouve dans un monde magique peuplé de créatures fantastiques !




The Ride-on King Tome 3

Alexandre Ploutinov, Président à vie de la Prussie, pensait avoir tout dompté... jusqu'à ce qu'il débarque dans un monde fantastique peuplé de centaures et de dragons ! Le président Ploutinov rentre de son premier donjon. Pendant son absence, le village a été attaqué par les chevaliers de Dame Géralié. Les enfants se font souffler par l'explosion d'une puissante arme magique. Le président regrette profondément de les avoir armés et poussés à aller sur le champ de bataille même si son but était de leur apprendre à se défendre. Il décide d'entamer des négociations avec Dame Géralié. Il veut que le village Ploutinov soit reconnu en tant qu'Etat souverain et déclare son indépendance en se détachant du royaume...
