
Laurier The Fox



Critique littéraire

L'assiette anglaise, lectures anglophones. A bâtons rompus dans des lectures-souvenirs de la langue anglaise

Partant du livre de John Lancaster The debt to Pleasure (1996), un roman "gastronomique" initiant la cuisine comme métaphore conductrice, cet essai vagabond pose en chemin les problèmes exégétiques récurrents tels que la vérité, le jeu auteur/lecteur, l'usage de la langue et des langues, les rapports de la rationalité et de l'étrangeté, la place de la métafiction, de la satire et de l'utopie ou de la contre-utopie. On y mêlera le dialogue implicite des oeuvres et des créateurs d'une époque et d'une autre, d'un continent à l'autre. On s'arrêtera longuement sur des oeuvres centrales comme The opium eater de De Quincey ou The remains of the day d'Ishiguro et même la nouvelle de Daphné Du Maurier "The way of the cross" et, plus rapidement, sur The defense Luzhin de Nabokov, "The dead" des Dubliners de Joyce, The Handmaid's tale de Margaret Artwood ou celui de McCormac The road, certains textes de Paul Aster et aussi de Millhauser et son lanceur de couteaux The knife-thrower... ou celui d'Ian McEwan, On chesil beach. Mais beaucoup d'autres entrent dans ce menu composite, Bram Stoker, Malcolm Lowry, Virginia Woolf, Dylan Thomas ou Paul Bowes. Des "menus plus frivoles" permettront de revenir aux fabuleuses satires d'Evelyn Waugh avant David Lodges, en remontant aux maîtres d'antan Fielding et Trollope. Comme chez John Lancaster la profusion de mets conduit à une certaine satiété, à une anorexie qui renvoie à des textes atones sous l'égide du "Bartleby" de Melville ou de la "terreur" de Nabokov un peu en écho de la nausée de Sartre... La thématique du comestible se fondera sur The old boys de Trevor et les repas chagrins de sa maison de retraite pour déboucher sur les schémas répétitifs du Waterland de Graham Swift. Mais c'est avant tout les morceaux indigestes qui clôturent le parcours, le "Bartleby" de Melville et celui, extraordinaire, d'Ambrose Bierce "The death of Halpin Frazer" .




Sources and Dynamics of Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Switzerland: Evidence from a Structural Vector Autoregressive Approach

The economic stagnation experienced in Switzerland in the 1990s has intensified the debate about the primary causes of economic fluctuations in small-open-economies. However, conclusive empirical evidence on the relative importance of real vs. nominal and domestic vs. foreign influences is scarce. A lack of identification often prevents the unveiling of underlying fundamental shocks and causes empirical puzzles in applied work. In a model for the Swiss economy these problems can be overcome with a correct specification of the open-economy setting and the identification of monetary policy. Structural vector autoregressions provide an effective tool to incorporate these structural aspects into modeling, without restricting dynamic interactions among the variables. This model can be applied to assess the transmission channels and the relative importance of different sources of shocks for the Swiss business cycle. The evidence is clear-cut : real domestic shocks and foreign shocks by far dominate economic activity in Switzerland. Exchange rates emerge as an important transmission channel for foreign shocks in the Swiss economy. Therefore, even though monetary policy does not seem to be a major source of fluctuations by itself, it still has a potentially important role to play in macroeconomic stabilization. The model is applied to study the specific situation of the Swiss economy in the nineties. During that period it can be shown, that Switzerland witnessed two mini cycles with substantially different sources.



Guides pratiques

Cycling the ruta via de la plata

2 weeks from Seville to Gijón ; 6-day option along Camino Sanabrés to Santiago ; road and off-road routes ; 8 UNESCO world heritage sites. The Ruta Via de la Plata is one of Spain's most important pilgrim routes. This 930km ride from the southern coarta plain, across the central plateau and over the Cantabrian Mountains to the north coast is the perfect way to sample the country. Along the way there is the chance to visit notable towns an, cities – such as Seville, Mérida, Cáceres Salamanca, Leon, Zamora, Oviedo an Santiago de Compostela. Mainly empty roads and gentle climbs make this rout accessible for a wide range of cyclists. With fantastic cycling, cultura and historic interest and great food, the Ruta Via de la Plata is sure to delight. This guidebook describes both road and off-road routes and how to combine the two for a perfect touring, hybrid or gravel cycling trip. Best cycled in spring and autumn ; suitable for touring, hybrid or gravel bikes ; advice on equipment, travel and transporting your bike.




Histoires de famille et littérature de jeunesse. Filiation, transmission, réinvention ? Textes en français et anglais

Ce livre réexamine la représentation de la famille dans des romans, albums ou pièces de théâtre pour la jeunesse relevant de différentes aires géographiques, culturelles et linguistiques. Bienveillants ou aliénants, les liens tissés entre générations ou au sein de la fratrie conditionnent la construction des jeunes protagonistes. La littérature de jeunesse reflète la diversité de la famille et sa capacité à évoluer, voire à se réinventer (familles monoparentales ou homoparentales, recomposées, adoptives...). En proposant des modèles parfois éloignés des réalités connues des lecteurs, elle les invite à réévaluer leur propre expérience mais témoigne aussi d'une certaine constance des attentes et des interrogations que l'institution suscite. This book re-examines the representation of the family in novels, picture books or theatre plays for young people, belonging to various geographical, cultural and linguistic areas. The bonds between generations or among siblings, whether benevolent or destructive, play a decisive part in the young protagonists' development. Children's literature is shown to reflect the diversity of the family as an institution and its ability to change or even to reinvent itself (single-parent, same-sex-parent, blended or adoptive families...). Its fictional representations of the family may differ from the realities experienced by the readers, and invites them to reconsider their own experiences, yet show expectations and questions related to family life to remain fairly constant.



Non classé

Continuous Selections for Metric Projections and Interpolating Subspaces

The existence of continuous selections for metric projections is the theoretical foundation of the existence of stable algorithms for computing best approximation elements. In this monograph we will give various intrinsic characterizations of subspaces of C o(T) which ensure the existence of continuous metric selections. Since the Chebyshev approximation is a special case of semi-infinite optimization, we hope that our study will give some insight to stability problems in semi-infinite optimization as well as parametric optimizations.




Theatre Now N° 4 : Youth Theatre

The Theatre Now collection provides a varied and representative picture of the vitality and extreme diversity of contemporary playwriting in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. It is aimed at stage directors, actors and cultural officers keen to discover new writing and wanting to work on recent plays, as well as students, teachers, translators, and other readers curious about what's new in the world of theatre. This fourth volume, which is devoted to youth theatre, is the result of a collaboration between the Chamber of theatres for Children and Youth (CTEF) and the Wallonia-Brussels Centre for dramatic Writing.



Eco-gestes, éco-citoyenneté

Consommez moins, consommez mieux. Cahier d’activités pour passer à l’action

Un cahier à remplir soi-même, riche de 60 actions faciles pour repenser, pas à pas, sa consommation, dans tous les domaines de la vie quotidienne. Un petit cahier pratique et ludique bourré d'infos et d'exercices, avec 60 actions concrètes pour consommer moins, donc mieux, pour notre plus grand bien et celui de la planète : alimentation, vêtements, produits d'hygiène et pour la maison, mobilité, énergie, pratiques numériques... Prêt à relever le défi de l'écologie au quotidien ? C'est parti !




Pokémon - Activités et coloriages cherche-et-trouve Bienvenue à Paldea

Pars à l'aventure avec le nouveau coloriage cherche-et-trouve ! Pikachu t'emmène à la rencontre de ses amis ! Dans ce livre d'activités, retrouve une multitude de cherche-et-trouve, de jeux de différences et d'observation, et de vrai ou faux, puis amuse-toi en coloriant de magnifiques scènes ! Développe aussi tes capacités de Dresseur en complétant plein d'informations sur tes Pokémon préférés ! A toi de jouer ! En plus, 150 stickers sont offerts dans ton livre ! Dans la même collection, découvre aussi les Jeux et Cherche-et-trouve à Galar et Pikachu et ses amis de Galar.



Bricolage et création

Pokémon, Cartes à gratter. Avec 10 cartes et 1 bâtonnet

Une pochette de cartes à gratter sur les nouveaux Pokémon de Paldea ! Dans cette pochette, découvre un bâtonnet et dix cartes à gratter : tout pour réaliser dix tableaux des nouveaux Pokémon de la région de Paldea ! A l'aide de ton bâtonnet, il te suffit de gratter l'encre noire en suivant les modèles pour faire apparaître de jolies illustrations à décorer et des infos Pokédex. Révèle les Pokémon, dessine de jolis motifs et deviens un véritable Dresseur Pokémon !



Coloriage, gommettes et autoco

Pokémon. 30 stickers épais repositionnables, 4 décors à compléter

Des stickers épais et repositionnables pour créer ton propre cherche-et-trouve Pokémon dans la nouvelle région de Paldea ! Dans cette pochette, découvre 30 stickers épais repositionnables inédits, 4 décors différents et des jeux ! Amuse-toi à coller, décoller et recoller les stickers des Pokémon de Paldea sur les décors, puis réponds aux questions et défis pour devenir un véritable Dresseur Pokémon ! Dans la même collection, découvre aussi les trois autres pochettes de stickers épais repositionnables Pokémon !



Non classé

The Christology of Mark

In our world of research, logics and measurement many of the ideas of (the New Testament and of) the Fathers (pre-existence, incarnation, Virgin Birth, demons,etc.) are today no longer acceptable. For those people who, like the author, see in the Chalcedonian Jesus Christ a mythological creature, Markus' christology is an alternative which at present will surely be more welcome. "Jesus could be, ontologically speaking, nothing more than a man and, nevertheless, he could have been used by God... in a unique way for the sake of our salvation".



Anglais apprentissage

English for aircraft Tome 2 : System maintenance

English for Aircraft is a course designed for users of aircraft documentation, notably ground mechanics and technicians, who already have a minimum grasp of aircraft technology. The two volumes may be used for classroom teaching or for self-study. The Maintenance volum consists of a large number of short extracts taken from documents such as maintenance manuals and service bulletins. Each axtract is accompanied by comprehension and vocabulary exercises ranging from "scanning" activities to more detailed analysis of the technical content.



Littérature française

Letters of Kavi Yogi, Volume 1, Correspondence of Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati

Preface Letters of Kaviyogi is a book which is an inspiration to any reader. This giant of a man was the author of the epic Bharata Shakti but remained a humble seeker after truth and God's grace. During his lifetime, Kaviyogi wrote many letters to his family, fellow poets, fighters for Indian independence and other great thinkers he met during his travels. In these letters he sets out his philosophy and beliefs, describing the struggles he had to overcome in order to live according to his principles. He offers many wise words of guidance on important matters ; including the correct education of young men and women, and the need for justice and fairness in society. We cannot fail to be touched by the insights he offers and his generosity in sharing his thoughts with us. Daye Craddock Editor's Notes A warm thank you to Daye Craddock for her help in careful editing of this book. It is a real pleasure for me to present Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to you. Thank you, Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati for having transmitted Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to us. With the blessing of Aum Shuddha Shakti Aum. Christian Piaget



Littérature française

Letters of Kavi Yogi, Volume 2, Correspondence of Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati

Preface Letters of Kaviyogi is a book which is an inspiration to any reader. This giant of a man was the author of the epic Bharata Shakti but remained a humble seeker after truth and God's grace. During his lifetime, Kaviyogi wrote many letters to his family, fellow poets, fighters for Indian independence and other great thinkers he met during his travels. In these letters he sets out his philosophy and beliefs, describing the struggles he had to overcome in order to live according to his principles. He offers many wise words of guidance on important matters ; including the correct education of young men and women, and the need for justice and fairness in society. We cannot fail to be touched by the insights he offers and his generosity in sharing his thoughts with us. Daye Craddock Editor's Notes A warm thank you to Daye Craddock for her help in careful editing of this book. It is a real pleasure for me to present Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to you. Thank you, Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati for having transmitted Letters of Kavi, Volume 1 to us. With the blessing of Aum Shuddha Shakti Aum. Christian Piaget




Intersection Theory. 2nd edition

1996 Steele Prize Winner for Mathematical Exposition " Intersection Theory... introduced a new order into a field that had been in disarray, by introducing a new and simpler approach that gave all the old results and more. Moreover it gave clarifying expositions of many classical computations in intersection theory, often reducing lengthy old arguments to a few lucid paragraphs. By its very clear exposition and the high quality of its content, this book has had an enormous impact on the field. " - Citation for the Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition August 1996



Non classé

Fast Darkness III: Moonwords. Sextet for flute, clarinet, piano and string trio. flute, clarinet, piano, violin, viola, cello. Partition et parties.

Fast Darkness III is the last part of the trilogy Fast Darkness, 2020-2022. Written in 2022, it is a 16 minutes long virtuosic, wild, and overgrown exploration. Fast gestures, drawn by a sharp pen and loaded with excited energy inform the listener of a large universe that they are enveloping. Just like an entangled climbing branch may give a sense of the house it is climbing on, the energy-laden gestures in Fast Darkness III, reveal the presence of the universe they are enveloping. This revelation never comes to be heard in the piece, but hopefully, it is an after-effect of it. Chaya Czernowin Instrumentation : flute, clarinet, piano, violin, viola, cello




Issues in the Philosophy of Language Past and Present

In the light of contemporary perspectives a good deal of traditional philosophical thought can be read as relating to the issue of 'Language versus Reality'. The chapters of this book vindicate this claim ; bringing together thinkers different both in temperament and interests like Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Aquinas, Heidegger and Gadamer they suggest that some of their major tenets reflect conceptual assumptions concerning linguistic meaning and reference. In trying to both identify and elucidate the assumptions at stake the author shows, both historically and systematically, that some of the problems experienced in the past as well as much of our contemporary concern with the same issue form a continuous line and a common endeavour ; and they have not yet come to an end.



Sciences de la terre et de la

Ultrasonography and reproduction in swine. Principles and practical applications

Ouvrage en anglais Ultrasonography is a method used to examine the genital tract, without causing any trauma to the animal, and to characterize the animal's reproductive state. This book is the first compilation of the techniques used to examine sows and the interpretation of the ultrasonographic images. The principles of ultrasonography, artifacts, a description of the reproductive system and its topography form the basis for the subsequent examination of the different physiological (oestrous cycle, gestation and postpartum) and pathological (cystic follicles, cystitis, etc.) situations. The final section deals with the diagnosis of gestation ; the factors which determine the accuracy of this test and the advantages for breeders are presented. Many illustrations and annotated drawings help the reader clearly understand these techniques ; a summary at the end of each chapter highlights the essential points. This book is intended for all those, teachers, professionals, technicians and breeders, who would like to learn about this method, enhance their skills, and consider other applications of ultrasonography in sows. Cet ouvrage regroupe les connaissances nécessaires pour réaliser l'exploration fonctionnelle de la sphère génitale chez la truie par échographie d'ultrasons et pour interpréter les images. Principe de l'échographie, artefacts, description de l'appareil génital et de sa topographie préparent à l'étude de diverses situations physiologiques et pathologiques. Un chapitre met l'accent sur l'utilisation de l'échographie pour contrôler la gestation. Abondamment illustré, ce livre s'adresse à tous, enseignants, praticiens, techniciens et éleveurs.




Mediation - A Necessary Element in Family Dispute Resolution?

Mediation as a method of alternative dispute resolution is gaining increased attention in a growing number of legal areas. In Australian law family counselling was developed to deal with issues related to family disputes. It is brought in prior to court settlement of disputes and thus integrated into the system of conflict resolution. The characteristics and use of alternative dispute resolution call into question the role of the court as the sole forum for institutionalised conflict resolution. For this reason the transferability of the concept of mediation into the German legal system needs to be examined. In particular, it needs to be measured against the yardstick of the German Constitution, which by granting basic substantive and procedural rights, sets out the demands a modern state of law makes on a method of conflict resolution.




Orion Recall - Version anglaise

"Greetings, beloved peoples of the One. Welcome to the sacred and consecrated space from which I now address you : the space where the 12 An Master Crystals of Orion reside. The time has come for you to remember who you are and learn about your galactic heritage. Many of you have fought in the great wars that began on Orion. That's why you need to learn the truth-so you can free yourselves from the past and turn your full attention to the Plan that brought you here to this planet called Earth. These Memoirs will help you understand". Are you one of the volunteers living on this magnificent planet working to bring an end to the great conflicts between the evolved and devolved forces-conflicts that originated in Orion's solar systems and converged to Earth millenniums ago ? Find out how it all began, from when a Messenger from the 24 Elders first gave instructions to the High Council of Sirius to the moment when Plan Earth Rising was put into action. The path you take matters now more than ever because your conscious choices determine how your individual and collective solar beings are integrated. This integration is the key to activating your beloved planet as one of the twelve galactic libraries, the one on which everything depends. This book is a summons to the volunteer souls : Remember Mintaka. Remember the reason you are here at the start of a major new evolutionary cycle-for your sphere of life and for the entire Galactic Federation.




BREAKING THE ICE, GRENOBLE. Tips on adjusting to life abroad and becoming more French than the French

"Breaking the Ice, Grenoble" is the first of a series of Ice Breaker guides published by No Man's Land designed to help expatriates feel at home anywhere in France. It is the first time that a guidebook in English local information about daily life in a French town (Grenoble) with hints for developing intercultural skills. The book will help you understand how values, attitudes and behaviour are important for making the most of your stay in France both professionally and socially.




Idées pratiques pour petits espaces

Various factors have contributed to the proliferation of small homes. One is the high price of land. Another reason is the change in family types. Throughout history it has been considered normal for various generations of the same family to share the family home all their lives. Today family models have changed. Nuclear families are usually reduced to just two generations, i.e., parents and children, and often homes are occupied only by couples or even sole individuals. The reduction in the home's surface area has led to a need to develop ways to integrate all of a space's necessary functions in a practical and cozy fashion. Design aspects can be considered when a home is still being planned, prior to the building and distribution of the rooms. This makes it possible to fit it out to make the mort of each of its features and apply optimal spatial solutions that match the need of the person who will inhabit it. Furniture is vital when it comes to small dwellings. Many manufacturers have now added a large number of items to their furniture collections that address space problems or combine various functions. The décor, which also includes the wall color as well as the flooring and ceiling, is another basic element that should be carefully considered in small spaces. Decorative elements are just as important, as they can be used to create a personal feel that responds to your own particular aesthetic taste. What you must remember is that, even though a home is small, there are many solutions and tricks to maximize its possibilities and achieve a modern, welcoming look.



Littérature française

Sapeur-pompier. Éteindre un feu non allumé

La femme éteint un feu qu'elle n'a pas allumée dans la famille et dans la société, surtout en Afrique. The woman extinguishes a fire that she did not light in the family and in society, especially in Africa. A mulher apaga um fogo que não acendeu na família e na sociedade, especialmente na África. La mujer apaga un fuego que ella no encendió en la familia y en la sociedad, especialmente en África. La donna spegne un fuoco che non ha acceso in famiglia e nella società, soprattutto in Africa. Die Frau löscht ein Feuer, das sie in der Familie und in der Gesellschaft, besonders in Afrika, nicht angezundet hat. ,



Actualité et médias

Si tu meurs, je te tue

Dans le hall, j'ai hurlé. Un cri à l'envers, tout l'univers aspiré par ma bouche. J'ai hurlé et je n'entends plus rien. Mon cerveau se déconnecte brutalement. Black-out. Cela fait des heures que je demande la vérité. Que je réclame de savoir auprès de gens compétents, policiers, médecins urgentistes, infirmiers. "Il est mort...". Personne n'a eu le courage de le verbaliser. Cette phrase terrible, c'est moi qui la prononce. Moi seule. Le 7 janvier 2015, tout vole en éclats. De la journée de l'attentat de Charlie Hebdo à la vie d'après, pleine de belles solidarités et de petites lâchetés, Chloé Verlhac n'esquive rien. Elle en dévoile les coulisses, parfois drôles, souvent absurdes, toujours poignantes. Par fragments, sensations, souvenirs morcelés, elle reconstitue le puzzle d'une vie fracassée, sans Tignous, une vie qui n'est plus pareille, mais qui continue malgré tout, âpre, belle, mordante.



Littérature érotique et sentim

Ce qui ne te tue pas

Le bac en poche, les années lycée et leur lot de terribles souvenirs derrière elle, Violette se réjouit de pouvoir enfin tourner la page. C'est par un déménagement et l'intégration d'une école de graphisme de renom que débute sa nouvelle vie. Artiste dans l'âme, Violette espère se révéler et s'épanouir à Arte-Sup. Or, son bonheur a un prix : Adam, le fils de son nouveau beau-père. Car le jeune homme, aussi ombrageux qu'insaisissable, avec lequel elle va devoir désormais partager un couloir, semble la haïr par-dessus tout. Et lui aussi étudie les arts graphiques au sein de la même formation...



Non classé

Raising Children Bilingually through the ‘One Parent-One Language’ Approach

Parents who come from different language backgrounds often hope that their children will be able to speak the languages of both their parents. In families where this is the goal, the ‘one parent-one language' approach (Ronjat, 1913) is widely used. The ‘one parent-one language' approach is relatively effective in promoting active bilingualism among young children in a society where there is little support for the minority language. However, there is a general perception that maintenance of the minority language into middle childhood and beyond is difficult as during this period children's contacts with the outside world expand and the input in the majority language increases. This book examines the sociolinguistic environment and the nature of parental input for children from Japanese-Australian families, who have been exposed to Japanese and English through the ‘one parent-one language' approach in Australia. The research on which the book is based identifies factors which account for successful and unsuccessful cases of Japanese language maintenance of children from those families. The major part of this study involves discourse analysis of the conversations between four Japanese mothers and their primary school aged children based on audio-recordings over a period of 21 months. This qualitative approach is complemented by a quantitative study interviewing 25 Japanese mothers about their children's language experience.



Art du XXe siècle

Alberto Giacometti / Salvador Dalí - Jardins de rêves

"Jardins de rêves" associe de manière inédite le travail d'Alberto Giacometti et de Salvador Dalí autour de l'idée d'un jardin imaginaire. Ce livre met en lumière leur amitié ainsi que leur goût commun pour l'exploration d'espaces rêvés. Giacometti et Dalí, membres du groupe surréaliste, fréquentent alors les mêmes cercles. L'échange entre eux est vif, intellectuel, créatif, et leurs oeuvres entrent dans un dialogue fécond. Au début des années 1930, Giacometti et Dalí imaginent en commun un jardin extraordinaire pour le vicomte et la vicomtesse de Noailles. Ce projet à quatre mains, connu par des dessins, intègre des oeuvres surréalistes de Giacometti dans un vaste paysage onirique caractéristique du style de Dalí. Ce paysage fantasmé intègre aussi un environnement sculptural conçu par Giacometti pour un espace en plein air, le Projet pour une place, reconstitué pour la première fois à l'Institut Giacometti. Ce chef-d'oeuvre élaboré en 1931 illustre la conception du jardin que partagent Giacometti et Dalí et leur intérêt pour les formes ainsi que les images ambiguës. "Gardens of Dreams" brings together in a new and original fashion the works of Alberto Giacometti and Salvador Dalí around the idea of an imaginary garden. This book highlights their friendship as well as their common taste for the exploration of dreamed spaces. Giacometti and Dalí, members of the Surrealist group, have the same frequentations. Their conversation is bright, intellectual, creative and their works engage in a fruitful dialogue. At the beginning of the thirties, Giacometti and Dalí imagine together an extraordinary garden for the Vicomte and Vicomtesse De Noailles. This four-handed project, known through drawings, includes surrealist artworks by Albert Giacometti within a vast dreamlike landscape typical of Dalí's style. This phantasmatic landscape includes a sculptural environment conceived by Giacometti for an open-air space : the Project for a square, reconstructed for the rst time at the Institut Giacometti. This work illustrates the concept of the garden shared by Giacometti and Dalí and their taste for ambiguous forms and images.



Littérature française

Poème des enfants sages

"Un jour de printemps, le passage du vent se faisait doux, et le Pommier du jardin fleurissait des fleurs bicolores. A l'autre bout du jardin, le soleil étincelait sur les bégonias. Tout renaissait au pied d'un petit Laurier auprès d'un puits ancien". La question que nous pose cette écriture est l'accueil de cette étrangeté, son écoute pour qu'un chemin s'ouvre entre Pommier, Laurier, auteur et lecteur... Que nous dit de nous ce Poème, à première écoute inaudible, discordant ?




RIVIERES DU SUD. Sociétés et mangroves ouest-africaines, 2 volumes

Les mangroves sont bien plus que des palétuviers. Forêts dans la mer, ou encore marais maritimes convertis en rizières, elles constituent l'un des paysages les plus originaux des littoraux intertropicaux. Dès leur découverte par les navigateurs portugais, elles suscitent des discours contradictoires et sont l'objet d'enjeux multiples et souvent conflictuels entre " conservationnistes " et " productivistes ". Cette synthèse régionale dresse un état des connaissances sur la mangrove, met en évidence les interactions variées entre les sociétés et leur environnement littoral, explicite la spécificité des " Rivières du Sud ", littoraux à mangrove compris entre le Sénégal et la Sierra Leone. Elle réunit un ensemble d'informations originales (volume 1) et un recueil bibliographique de plus de 3 000 références (volume 2), et constitue un outil indispensable pour les acteurs, scientifiques comme décideurs, concernés par la gestion des littoraux ouest-africains. Par un dialogue entre sciences de la nature et de la société, cet ouvrage ouvre des perspectives conceptuelles et méthodologiques et contribue ainsi à la réflexion plus générale sur les rapports entre environnement et développement, sciences et société. Mangroves are much more than just mangles. Forests in the sea or sea marshes converted into rice fields, they form one of the most original coastal landscape types in the tropics. Since their discovery by Portuguese navigators, they have generated contradictory statements and have been the centre of many issues often leading to contention between 'conservationists' and those in favour of 'productivity'. This regional synthesis reviews the state of knowledge on mangrove, shows the varied interactions between societies and their coastal environment and explains the specific features of the 'Rivières du Sud' (southern rivers), the coastal mangrove areas from Senegal to Sierra Leone. It consists of a set of original information (Volume 7) and a bibliography of more than 3,000 references (Volume 2), forming an essential tool for all those - both scientists and decision-makers - involved in the management of West African coastal zones. By establishing a dialogue between natural and social sciences, the work opens up conceptual and methodological prospects and contributes to more general reflection on the relations between the environment and development and between science and society.



Physique, chimie


Since physicists introduced supersymmetry in the mid 1970s, there have been great advances in the understanding of supersymmetric quantum field theories and string theories. These advances have had important mathematical consequences as well. The lectures featured in this book treat fundamental concepts necessary for understanding the physics behind these mathematical applications. Freed approaches the topic with the assumption that the basic notions of supersymmetric field theory are unfamiliar to most mathematicians. He presents the material intending to impart a firm grounding in the elementary ideas. The first half of the book offers expository introductions to superalgebras, supermanifolds, classical field theory, free quantum theories, and super Poincaré groups. The second half covers specific models and describes some of their geometric features. The over-all aim is to explain the classical supersymmetric field that are basic for applications in quantum mechanics and quantum field theory, thereby providing readers with sufficient background to explore the quantum ideas.
