
The Michangelo Code



Romans noirs

Santa Coke

«Ca a commencé avec elle. Ca commence toujours avec elle, de toute façon». Avant que Leslie n’entre dans sa vie, Lucien menait une vie plutôt tranquille, aux côtés de son chat obèse. Son activité professionnelle se bornait à des recherches en adultère, des enquêtes de voisinage, des filatures, tout ce qui constitue la banalité du quotidien d’un détective privé. Comme il le résume lui-même dans un moment de lucidité : «Avant cette sordide histoire, je m’étais toujours considéré comme un bloc de granit avec un peu de gras autour des abdominaux.» Mais Leslie a débarqué un soir dans le bureau de Lucien, lui confiant la mission de retrouver son mari et entraînant dans son sillage un mystérieux molosse en costume sombre, un cadavre faisant office de guirlande dans un sapin de Noël, un sac de coke, un doigt de secrétaire hongroise dans une enveloppe, ou encore un nain plus proche de Grincheux que de Dormeur. Malheureusement pour lui, Lucien ne pourra compter que sur le soutien indéfectible de son ami Eddy, sur l’énergique coopération de Clémentine, commissaire de police avec laquelle il a autrefois connu des échanges moins professionnels, et sur l’aimable concours de Gus, cambrioleur à la petite semaine. La fin pourrait-elle être heureuse ? Qui sait. Parfois, le destin a un plan.



Coloriage, gommettes et autoco

Coloriages codés

Es-tu prêt pour un défi ? Alors, amuse-toi à colorier tous les dessins codés dans ce livre. Les codes deviennent de plus en plus difficiles au fil du livre. Un livre qui aide les enfants à se familiariser avec les chiffres, les formes et les lettres et qui stimule leur sens de l'observation de manière ludique !



Théâtre - Pièces

La corde

Dans un pays sous la coupe d'un tyran, alors que la contestation gronde et que la répression fait rage, un médecin et un prêtre s'affrontent sur la question de savoir si le devoir sacré de leurs fonctions respectives prime ou non sur celui des citoyens qu'ils sont aussi l'un comme l'autre. L'enjeu n'étant rien moins que la vie ou la mort du dictateur et par conséquent le maintien du régime ou l'accélération de sa chute...




God's People: Instruments of Healing

The future impact of the churches on the societies in which they are situated depends on how they are experienced as healing and solidarizing communities (concerning their religious and social praxis) within themselves and to the outside. Exactly this is the question of the diaconical dimension of the church : the question of how much love (in terms of mercy and justice) and freedom (to the individual and to society) are being spread by the churches in this world. Theologically this book refers not only to the biblical foundations but also to the latest theology of the II Vatican Council (and of the appropriate understanding of the term "Evangelization") within the Catholic Church, without suggesting that this theological position is something exclusive in the ecumenical sphere. It rather may support similar theologies emerging from other churches, as a kind of offer to solidarize with each other looking for the possibilities of substantiating the Christian faith.



Histoire de l'art

Titian, the Della Rovere Dynasty, and His Portrait of Guidobaldo II and his Son. Edition

Le portrait Klesch, par Titien, de Guidobaldo II avec son fils Francesco Maria représente le duc d'Urbino dans ses pleins pouvoirs de commandant suprême des troupes papales avec son héritier à ses côtés. Ce rare double portrait en pied vient seulement d'être attribué à Titien après avoir entrepris des analyses et une restauration minutieuses qui révèlent une belle peinture au style "non finito" avec de superbes touches d'empâtement totalement typiques au maître. Tout ceci est illustré et développé dans ce nouveau livre. Titian provided portraits for the greatest men and women of Europe, Charles V and Philip II of Spain primary among them. For years the Klesch portrait was dismissed as a workshop product - partly because poor condition hid its true quality, but also because it was not believed that Titian could have deigned to create one for Guidobaldo, whose father Guidobaldo della Rovere (1514-1574) and family had a long history of patronizing the artist. Recent research, however, has thrown Guidobaldo's geopolitical significance into relief. He was supreme commander of Venice, the Papal States and then Spain. He sent thousands of soldiers to the major conflicts of his day, particularly the defense of Malta (1565) and the Battle of Lepanto (1571) and his engineers were sought throughout Europe for their ingenuity. In this volume full of new research, Ian Verstegen reveals that Guidobaldo was not peripheral but central to Italian politics and was regarded at several points in history as a key figure who could bring peace or who could influence major conflicts on the Italian peninsula, particularly the War of Siena, and then Pope Paul IV's offensive war against Spain. Anne-Marie Eze gives the first comprehensive examination of the painting's provenance, outlining the portrait's vicissitudes and reception at different moments in its near 500-year history, reexamining received wisdom about its past ownership, and presenting new documentary evidence to expand on and fill gaps in our knowledge of its whereabouts. Finally, Matthew Hayes and Ian Kennedy reflect on the technique, date, recent conservation, and authorship of the painting, proving it to be a masterpiece that only the great Titian could have created.



Actualité et médias

Performance post-crise

Today's professional environment is dramatically different from that which existed just twenty years ago. The digital revolution is in full swing, and working practices are undergoing some of the biggest changes in history. In addition to this background of change, COVID 19 has had an unprecedented impact on every aspect of modern professional life. This background of change, combined with an additional sudden shock is generating novel challenges, which present difficult questions. What organisational structure is best placed to handle crises such as this ? What are the ingredients of successful remote work ? What is the best way to manage a team remotely ? How should leaders communicate in a crisis ? Beyond these critical issues—and perhaps even more importantly—leaders also need to prepare for the future. How do they ensure the success of an organisation in an uncertain future ? How are they going to secure the talent they need ? To address these questions, this collection brings together contributors from a rich variety of backgrounds, drawing on many combined decades of leadership experience. In addition to sharing answers to many contemporary questions and their personal experience of the recent crisis, they outline their vision of the future of the world of work.




Dirty Panties (English Edition)

Roxane is a young Parisian whose Bohemian life seems stuck in an endless loop of idle afternoons and wine-soaked nights with her roommate. Strapped for cash and novelty, she starts selling her used underwear online. Dirty Panties chronicles her first steps in this marketplace, from the creation of her online persona to the real-life rendezvous with shady customers. This new business soon impacts Roxane's daily life and the people around her. The world she has just stepped into might be much more bizarre than what she expected. Roxane's journey exploring her own appetite for transgression tackles such contemporary themes as sex work, consent and economic domination. How far will she go and where will this end ? Maybelline Skvortzoff's drawing is detailed and vivid and the story is in turn hilarious, awkward, touching and dark. Much like Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character in her TV series Fleabag, Roxane is at the same time completely clueless and determined to make it on her own in this world where everything can be bought and sold. Roxane vend ses culottes -- the original edition of Dirty Panties -- won the 2023 Artemisia award for best humor comic and has been shortlisted for many awards including the official selection of the 2023 Angouleme Festival.



Sciences politiques

Scripture and Midrash in Judaism

The rabbis of late antiquity produced a score of exegesis of the Hebrew Scriptures of Ancient Israel ("the Old Testament"), in which they took various approaches to the study and interpretation of what they called "the written Torah". These exegesis, called collectively "Midrash", form an important part of "the oral Torah", that is, the tradition of Sinai formulated and transmitted for memorization and ultimately written down by the ancient sages in the first six centuries A.D. These three volumes present large selections of the Midrash-documents of ancient Judaism, in the translation of Jacob Neusner, who has now translated into English nearly all of the Rabbinic literature of late antiquity. The selections are organized by type, so that readers see the various ways in which, in form and in intellectual program, the documents of Midrash-compilation were formulated and set forth. In this way, the vast body of biblical exegesis put forth by Judaism in its formative age is made available to the contemporary reader.



Eco-gestes, éco-citoyenneté

Consommez moins, consommez mieux. Cahier d’activités pour passer à l’action

Un cahier à remplir soi-même, riche de 60 actions faciles pour repenser, pas à pas, sa consommation, dans tous les domaines de la vie quotidienne. Un petit cahier pratique et ludique bourré d'infos et d'exercices, avec 60 actions concrètes pour consommer moins, donc mieux, pour notre plus grand bien et celui de la planète : alimentation, vêtements, produits d'hygiène et pour la maison, mobilité, énergie, pratiques numériques... Prêt à relever le défi de l'écologie au quotidien ? C'est parti !




Pokémon - Activités et coloriages cherche-et-trouve Bienvenue à Paldea

Pars à l'aventure avec le nouveau coloriage cherche-et-trouve ! Pikachu t'emmène à la rencontre de ses amis ! Dans ce livre d'activités, retrouve une multitude de cherche-et-trouve, de jeux de différences et d'observation, et de vrai ou faux, puis amuse-toi en coloriant de magnifiques scènes ! Développe aussi tes capacités de Dresseur en complétant plein d'informations sur tes Pokémon préférés ! A toi de jouer ! En plus, 150 stickers sont offerts dans ton livre ! Dans la même collection, découvre aussi les Jeux et Cherche-et-trouve à Galar et Pikachu et ses amis de Galar.



Bricolage et création

Pokémon, Cartes à gratter. Avec 10 cartes et 1 bâtonnet

Une pochette de cartes à gratter sur les nouveaux Pokémon de Paldea ! Dans cette pochette, découvre un bâtonnet et dix cartes à gratter : tout pour réaliser dix tableaux des nouveaux Pokémon de la région de Paldea ! A l'aide de ton bâtonnet, il te suffit de gratter l'encre noire en suivant les modèles pour faire apparaître de jolies illustrations à décorer et des infos Pokédex. Révèle les Pokémon, dessine de jolis motifs et deviens un véritable Dresseur Pokémon !



Coloriage, gommettes et autoco

Pokémon. 30 stickers épais repositionnables, 4 décors à compléter

Des stickers épais et repositionnables pour créer ton propre cherche-et-trouve Pokémon dans la nouvelle région de Paldea ! Dans cette pochette, découvre 30 stickers épais repositionnables inédits, 4 décors différents et des jeux ! Amuse-toi à coller, décoller et recoller les stickers des Pokémon de Paldea sur les décors, puis réponds aux questions et défis pour devenir un véritable Dresseur Pokémon ! Dans la même collection, découvre aussi les trois autres pochettes de stickers épais repositionnables Pokémon !



Non classé

Fast Darkness III: Moonwords. Sextet for flute, clarinet, piano and string trio. flute, clarinet, piano, violin, viola, cello. Partition et parties.

Fast Darkness III is the last part of the trilogy Fast Darkness, 2020-2022. Written in 2022, it is a 16 minutes long virtuosic, wild, and overgrown exploration. Fast gestures, drawn by a sharp pen and loaded with excited energy inform the listener of a large universe that they are enveloping. Just like an entangled climbing branch may give a sense of the house it is climbing on, the energy-laden gestures in Fast Darkness III, reveal the presence of the universe they are enveloping. This revelation never comes to be heard in the piece, but hopefully, it is an after-effect of it. Chaya Czernowin Instrumentation : flute, clarinet, piano, violin, viola, cello



Mouvements artistiques

Frank Auerbach. The Charcoal Heads

Accompanying an exhibition at the Courtauld Gallery, London, Frank Auerbach : The Charcoal Heads presents a remarkable series of hauntingly beautiful largescale drawings by the artist. The catalogue includes a new piece of writing on one of the drawings from critically acclaimed novelist Colm Tóibín. This catalogue explores one of Frank Auerbach's most remarkable bodies of work - a series of large-scale portrait heads made in charcoal, produced during his early years as a young artist in postwar London. Auerbach (b. 1931) spent months on each drawing, working and reworking them during numerous sessions with his sitters. This prolonged and vigorous process of creation is evident in the finished drawings, which are richly textured and layered. Auerbach would sometimes even break through the paper and patch it up before carrying on. His heads thus emerge from the darkness of the charcoal with burning vitality, born of an artistic as well as a physical struggle with the medium. The process of repeated creation and destruction, of which these images bear the visible scars, speaks profoundly of their times, as people rebuilt their lives after the ruination and upending of the war. The exhibition will be the first time Auerbach's extraordinary drawings, made in the 1950s and early 1960s, have been brought together as a comprehensive group. They will be shown together with a selection of paintings he made of the same sitters ; for the artist, painting and drawing have always been deeply entwined. The accompanying catalogue - by Deputy Head of The Courtauld Gallery, Barnaby Wright, and with an essay by one of the greatest contemporary voices in the English language, Colm Tóibín - is the first publication to explore in depth this magnificent series. Tóibín spent several hours one afternoon in front of Auerbach's Self-Portrait (1958), which features on the front cover of the book, looking closely and taking notes. His essay is an account of his experience and offers new insights into the work and the nature of self-portaiture.



Non classé

From Scarcity to Sustainability

For futures studies and environmentalism the late 1960s and early 1970s were a heyday period of great publicity, and much scientific interest was devoted to them. The study 'Limits to Growth', commissioned by the Club of Rome, has played an important role for the further advancement of these fascinating fields. Each of them in its own way deals with the long term prospects of humankind and desirable future paths of humanity and the globe. This investigation illustrates a very important phase in the development of these two areas and writes a history of ideas and a history of impact of the Limits to Growth debate and other activities of the Club of Rome. It includes information that has so far only been known to a very limited number of directly involved individuals and looks into very recent stages of the sustainable development debate and newest developments of more pragmatic and critical futures studies. For the purpose of this study some 100 interviews have been made worldwide with very well known and often influential individuals. Among them are : Sicco Mansholt, Alexander King, Jan Tinbergen, Robert Jungk, Saburo Okita, Lord Kennet, Johan Galtung, Barry Commoner and Philip de Seynes.



Vitraux, enluminures

Holy Hoaxes. A Beautiful Deception

Ce livre fascinant raconte l'histoire de la construction de la collection de faux et de contrefaçons de manuscrits enluminés appartenant à William M. Voelkle. A travers des essais approfondis et de belles illustrations, Voelkle retrace l'histoire de près de soixante-dix faux et contrefaçons. The book takes the reader on a journey that sheds light on the nature and detection of forgery of manuscript illumination. An engaging introduction by Christopher de Hamel raises tantalizing questions that touch on the very meaning of authenticity and our continuing fascination with forgery. Scientific analysis of pigments, the identification of sources, and the scrutiny of the materials all come into play in the unfolding story of the collection. An illustrated catalogue presents the group of nearly seventy fakes and forgeries that display astonishing breadth. They include not only the Spanish Forger and other Western European miniatures by Ernesto Sprega, Caleb William Wing, and Germano Prosdocimi, and others, but fascinating examples from the Christian East, from Ethiopia, from Mexico, and from Persia and India. Published here in its entirety for the first time, the Voelkle Collection is the only comprehensive one of fakes and forgeries of manuscript painting in private hands. Voelkle's fifty-year career at the Morgan Library & Museum was inextricably interwoven with the construction of the collection, which is detailed in the foreword. The personal narrative reveals the author as a collector and a scholar. As an enthusiastic collector, he pursues examples of forgery, marveling at the range of skills of deception. As a scholar, he disentangles the sources that served forgers and the chains of provenance that sometimes led to their exposure. Included also in the book is a comprehensive list of William M. Voelkle's publications.



Littérature française

Sapeur-pompier. Éteindre un feu non allumé

La femme éteint un feu qu'elle n'a pas allumée dans la famille et dans la société, surtout en Afrique. The woman extinguishes a fire that she did not light in the family and in society, especially in Africa. A mulher apaga um fogo que não acendeu na família e na sociedade, especialmente na África. La mujer apaga un fuego que ella no encendió en la familia y en la sociedad, especialmente en África. La donna spegne un fuoco che non ha acceso in famiglia e nella società, soprattutto in Africa. Die Frau löscht ein Feuer, das sie in der Familie und in der Gesellschaft, besonders in Afrika, nicht angezundet hat. ,



Actualité et médias

Si tu meurs, je te tue

Dans le hall, j'ai hurlé. Un cri à l'envers, tout l'univers aspiré par ma bouche. J'ai hurlé et je n'entends plus rien. Mon cerveau se déconnecte brutalement. Black-out. Cela fait des heures que je demande la vérité. Que je réclame de savoir auprès de gens compétents, policiers, médecins urgentistes, infirmiers. "Il est mort...". Personne n'a eu le courage de le verbaliser. Cette phrase terrible, c'est moi qui la prononce. Moi seule. Le 7 janvier 2015, tout vole en éclats. De la journée de l'attentat de Charlie Hebdo à la vie d'après, pleine de belles solidarités et de petites lâchetés, Chloé Verlhac n'esquive rien. Elle en dévoile les coulisses, parfois drôles, souvent absurdes, toujours poignantes. Par fragments, sensations, souvenirs morcelés, elle reconstitue le puzzle d'une vie fracassée, sans Tignous, une vie qui n'est plus pareille, mais qui continue malgré tout, âpre, belle, mordante.



Littérature érotique et sentim

Ce qui ne te tue pas

Le bac en poche, les années lycée et leur lot de terribles souvenirs derrière elle, Violette se réjouit de pouvoir enfin tourner la page. C'est par un déménagement et l'intégration d'une école de graphisme de renom que débute sa nouvelle vie. Artiste dans l'âme, Violette espère se révéler et s'épanouir à Arte-Sup. Or, son bonheur a un prix : Adam, le fils de son nouveau beau-père. Car le jeune homme, aussi ombrageux qu'insaisissable, avec lequel elle va devoir désormais partager un couloir, semble la haïr par-dessus tout. Et lui aussi étudie les arts graphiques au sein de la même formation...



Littérature française

Linking OHADA and IFRS standards. The review of the OHADA accounting system symbol of the evolution towards IFRS standards was the foc

The review of the OHADA accounting system symbol of the evolution towards IFRS standards was the focus of this study. It is about understanding how business leaders perceive the evolution from OHADA standards to IFRS standards. To conduct this study, we opted for a qualitative approach. As a result, we did semi-direct interviews with twenty-five business leaders in Cameroun (18 Cameroonian business leaders and 7 multinational business leaders). The data collected was exploited through content analysis via NVivo10 software. However, the results show that the accounting innovations of SYSCOHADA allow the production and communication of more relevant accounting and financial information for users. Likewise, managers of multinational companies believe that OHADA must fully converge towards IFRS. This perception is contrast to that of Cameroonian business leaders who cite the contextual contrast as the main obstacle and therefore taking into account the specificities of this contrast will be an asset for full convergence towards IFRS.



Animaux, nature

D'un continent à l'autre. Portraits animaliers, Edition bilingue français-anglais

Partir en voyage et explorer de nouvelles contrées sauvages, c’est la certitude de vivre des expériences inoubliables. Ce livre est la concrétisation d’un rêve ; il est à notre image …. Tel un Conte de Fées, d’un Continent à l’Autre, une aventure au milieu des grands espaces naturels de notre Planète. Dans les airs, sur la terre, sur les océans, partout la vie animale ne cesse de nous surprendre et de nous émerveiller, mais il faut prendre le temps de s’arrêter, de contempler, et il faut être là au bon moment pour en photographier chaque instant. Loin de la frénésie des hommes, les Grues, les Oies, les Cygnes, sillonnent le ciel de notre Planète depuis des millions d’années, répétant inlassablement leurs longues migrations, parfois d’un pôle à l’autre, comme les Sternes Arctiques qui traversent chaque année le globe, du Nord au Sud (32.000 km aller-retour). Sur les océans, il faut s’en remettre au bon vouloir de la mer, partir en bateau, suivre l’itinéraire des grands voyageurs et des premiers marins explorateurs, afin d’apercevoir de temps en temps la queue d’une Baleine émergeant des profondeurs océanes, ou approcher d’une colonie de Lions de Mer. Et au bout de chaque traversée en bateau, il y a toujours une nouvelle terre, une nouvelle aventure, un nouveau Continent, des espèces animales inattendues. Les saumons remontent le cours des rivières afin de retourner frayer sur leurs lieux de naissance ; les Grizzlis les attendent au passage ; et tout au Nord sur la banquise en perpétuelle évolution, l’Ours Polaire règne encore en maître sur les étendues gelées de l’Océan Arctique. De l’autre côté de l’océan, sur le Continent Africain, la nature nous donne rendez-vous avec une débauche de couleurs et de démesure. Assister au lever du soleil sur les hauts plateaux de la Vallée du Rift, descendre à l’intérieur du Cratère du Ngorongoro, c’est la promesse d’observer la grande faune d’Afrique : Lions, Guépards, Eléphants, Girafes, Hippopotames, Zèbres et Gazelles. D’un Continent à l’Autre, ce livre de photographies animalières est un hommage à la Nature et à la diversité de la vie sur notre Planète. Chaque photo est en elle-même une nouvelle histoire à découvrir. Travelling, it is the best opportunity to live some unforgettable experiences. This book is the accomplishment of our dream …. Like a Fairy Tale, from Continent to Continent, an adventure in the wild places of the Planet. In the air, on earth, inside the oceans, everywhere the wildlife is surprising us, but you need to take your time and look with your kid’s eyes, you need to be here at the good moment for catching every movements of the nature. Far away from the busy life of humans, the cranes, the geese, the swans, are flying in the sky of our Planet since millions of years, going for their long migrations, sometimes from Pole to Pole like the Arctic Terns that are crossing the complete globe from North to South (20.000 miles back and forth each year). If you want to find the marine’s fauna, to see the tale of the whale coming from the deep mysterious waters, or approaching the Sea Lions colonies, you need to take a boat, to accept the conditions of the sea, to follow the itinerary of the first sailors going to discover the world. At the end of each boat’s trip, there is a new land, a new adventure to come, a new Continent, some unexpected animal’s species. Salmons are swimming against the rivers for going back to the place where they were born ; Grizzly Bears are waiting for them on the way ; and in the North on the frozen ice, the Polar Bears are still the kings of the Arctic Ocean. On the other side of the ocean, the African’s Continent is showing us a rainbow of colors and diversity. Early in the morning, looking at the sunrise waking up the savannah, or going down inside the Ngorongoro Crater, gives you the opportunity to meet Lions, Cheetahs, Elephants, Giraffes, Hippopotamus, Zebras and Gazelles. From Continent to Continent, this book of wildlife photography is a wonderful tribute to Nature and to the diversity of the life on our Planet. Each picture itself is a little story, a little fairy tale.




Chansons du figuier bleu / Songs of blue fig tree

Ce recueil rassemble quarante-sept chansons dont huit sont initialement écrites en kabyle. Elles sont toutes traduites du français en anglais. Quarante de ces chansons figurent dans la trilogie "Le murmure du figuier bleu". Elles évoquent tour à tour la nostalgie du pays natal, la solitude, la nature, l'amour, la tendresse, le jardin d'enfant, Venise, les voyages, la vieillesse, le temps perdu et bien d'autres thèmes encore. Ce sont des fenêtres, des lignes de fuite, des accès vers d'autres mondes quand celui dans lequel nous luttons ne nous apporte plus la bonne respiration. This collection gathers forty seven songs among which eight are initially written in Kabyle. They are all translated from French in English. Forty of these songs appear in the trilogy "The rustle of the blue fig tree". They evoke alternately the nostalgia for the native country, the solitude, the nature, love, tenderness, child's garden, Venice, journeys, old age, the lost time and many others themes still. They are windows, base lines, accesses towards other worlds when the one in which we fight does not bring us anymore the good breath.




Japanese Floral Stencil Designs

The exquisite floral motifs in this outstanding collection, selected from authentic Japanese sources, evolved through a centuries-old decorative-arts tradition. There are 135 designs, each reflecting the subtle mastery with which Japanese artists captured the freshness and delicacy of flowers, leaves and vines and composed them in a dense, masterfully balanced pattern. The flowers and leafy branches featured in the designs include those traditionally associated with Japanese art-the chrysanthemum, the peony, cherry and plum blossoms, bamboo, wisteria and maple leaves among them. Clearly printed in black and white, these beautiful copyright-free illustrations are ready to use as the basis for designs for wallpaper and textiles, batiks and woodblock prints, graphics, needlework and many other arts and crafts.



Littérature francophone

Ode pindarique à Monseigneur le Prince de Condé sur son heureux retour de Flandres

Ode pindarique à Mgr le Prince de Condé sur son heureux retour de Flandres. [Signé : J. Prévost. ] Date de l'édition originale : 1610 Le présent ouvrage s'inscrit dans une politique de conservation patrimoniale des ouvrages de la littérature Française mise en place avec la BNF. HACHETTE LIVRE et la BNF proposent ainsi un catalogue de titres indisponibles, la BNF ayant numérisé ces oeuvres et HACHETTE LIVRE les imprimant à la demande. Certains de ces ouvrages reflètent des courants de pensée caractéristiques de leur époque, mais qui seraient aujourd'hui jugés condamnables. Ils n'en appartiennent pas moins à l'histoire des idées en France et sont susceptibles de présenter un intérêt scientifique ou historique. Le sens de notre démarche éditoriale consiste ainsi à permettre l'accès à ces oeuvres sans pour autant que nous en cautionnions en aucune façon le contenu.




LEARN THE MFC C++ CLASSES. 2 Diskettes included

MFC, Microsoft Foundation Class, is the critical component of Microsoft's Visual C++ 4 compiler which allows programmers and developers to generate code compatible with all Windows applications. Knowing how to use the MFC library is critical for programmers of all levels who want to be successful learning C programming within the Microsoft Windows environment. Designed for introductory to intermediate programmers already familiar with object-oriented programming and C++, this book describes the most frequently used portions of the MFC library. In addition, Learn the MFC C++ Classes also covers the API (Application Programming Interface) functions needed for the example applications. Topics include graphics and text drawing, child windows, dialogs and button controls, edit controls, data transfer functions, document-view architecture, splitter windows, toolbars, custom. controls, status bars, modal and modeless dialogs, and more. The source code and executable programs for all examples used in the book are contained on the two companion diskettes. This Books Covers: > Menus and Message Maps > List Box, Combo Box, and Edit Controls > Data Transfer Functions > Communication Between Parent and Child for Modal and Modeless Dialogs > The Document-View Architecture > Document-View Applications with Filing and Printing > An MDI Application > Class Hierarchy, Data Types, and Hungarian Notation Prefixes



Livres 3 ans et +

Penelope at the Louvre

Penelope and Grandpa visit the Louvre Museum : the Mona Lisa, the mummies, the Venus de Milo... Penelope wants to see everything ! And what if she gives a pen to the Egyptian scribe... Penelope is full of good ideas... Would you like to help ? It's easy to do with the magic tabs.



Code pénal

Code essentiel - Code anti-blanchiment et financement du terrorisme. À jour au 1<sup>er</sup> octobre 2020

Les textes pertinents de droit belge, européen et international en matière de blanchiment de capitaux, financement du terrorisme et sanctions financières. Ce Code compile les textes de référence de droit belge, européen et international, qui touchent à la prévention du blanchiment de capitaux, du financement du terrorisme et aux sanctions financières internationales.




Marital Separation in Contemporary Ireland

This book is based on detailed interviews with a group of Irish women who have experienced marital separation. It links the women's accounts with literature on the values and beliefs about marriage, women and family which were prevalent when they were growing up in Ireland in the 1950s and 1960s. The book chronicles their young adult years, the early stages of their marriages and the events and processes which led to their separations. It explores the women's emotional reactions at the time of separating, the types of support which they found beneficial and the personal, social and financial consequences of having separated. Although the book is written from a sociological perspective, the combination of theory and practical insights make it accessible to a wide variety of readers. It aims to generate discussion and deepen understanding of an area into which there has been minimal research in Ireland and which poses a range of important questions for future researchers, practitioners and policy-makers.



Art contemporain

Hassan Khan. Catalogue de l'exposition, Edition bilingue français-anglais

Tell me about clowns. Once upon a time, there was a species that thought they were better than everyone and everything else. What is the difference between a clown and a joker ? Sometimes they're one and the same. And the knife ? Some humans can be kind, surprising even, while others can act out of fear and negative emotions. Really ?




The Wicked + The Divine Tome 5 : Phase impériale. 1/2

Les dieux ont le pouvoir de faire ce qu'ils veulent. Inévitablement, ils le font. Tous les 90 ans, douze dieux du panthéon se réincarnent en jeunes adultes. Ils sont aimés. Ils sont détestés. Dans deux ans, ils seront tous morts. C'est déjà arrivé. Cela arrivera encore. Alors que son secret a été découvert, Ananke prétend avoir tué les dieux pour repousser l'arrivée des forces des ténèbres. Les dieux ont donc décidé de l'emprisonner pour l'interroger... Mais Persephone, ne pouvant se résoudre à laisser la meurtrière de sa famille impunie, l'assassine à son tour. Et les dieux acceptent de couvrir l'affaire. Persephone et Cassandra décident désormais d'affronter Woden, ayant la preuve qu'il a comploté avec Ananke. Woden essaie de les faire chanter. Ca se passe mal. Et la vie continue. Découvrez le nouvel arc de la série phénomène de Kieron Gillen et Jamie McKelvie ! Sexy, torturé, trépidant et libérateur, un comics dopé à la pop-culture à la fois reflet de notre époque et révélateur d'enjeux intemporels.
