
The Office




The poet assassin

Some mysterious graffiti on the walls of the Castillet, a crowned reptile in Saint Jean Cathedral, the Campo Santo defiled : these are some of the bizarre clues in Lieutenant Dominique d'Astié's latest investigation. Is there a link between their symbolism, the enigmatic poems strewn all over the streets of Perpignan and the bloody assassination of "King Arthur Pendragon" ? The young Parisian police officer, newest member of La Police Judiciaire de Perpignan, will need to brush up on the old Arthurian legends if she is to solve this very non-Catalan murder !




Office (versions 2019 et Office 365). Nouveautés et fonctions essentielles - Word, Excel, PowerPoint et Outlook

Ce livre est un aide-mémoire ; il vous présente de façon synthétique, les nouveautés et fonctions essentielles de Microsoft® Word, Excel, PowerPoint et Outlook ; il a été rédigé avec la version 2019 de la suite Office et intègre les nouveautés et différences de la version Office disponible avec un abonnement Office 365. La partie sur Excel décrit comment concevoir des tableaux divers, insérer des formules de calcul, mettre en forme le tableau avant de l'imprimer ; la conception de graphiques est également abordée. Vous verrez ensuite comment créer et mettre en forme un texte avec Word en appliquant thème, styles et modèle, comment rechercher du texte, corriger les fautes et insérer des tableaux. Avec PowerPoint, vous verrez comment créer des présentations, ajouter, mettre en valeur les diapositives, utiliser le mode Masque, insérer images, son et vidéos et créer une vidéo en enregistrant vos manipulations ; ce chapitre se termine pas les fonctions relatives aux effets d'animation, de transition et à la conception de diaporama. Vous verrez également comment envoyer et recevoir des messages avec Outlook, joindre et partager des fichiers avec d'autres utilisateurs et, pour les abonnés à Office 365, comment gérer la Boîte de réception prioritaire. Le dernier chapitre présente les fonctions qui sont communes à ces quatre applications ainsi que leurs nouveautés : création, ouverture et enregistrement de fichiers sur votre ordinateur ou sur l'espace de stockage en ligne OneDrive, mise en valeur du texte, gestion des images et des objets graphiques. Les nouvelles fonctionnalités de la version 2019 de chaque application vous sont présentées au début de chaque chapitre ; les titres correspondants sont mis en évidence à l'aide du pictogramme Nouveau.



Anglais apprentissage


When the vicar's wife went off with a young and penniless man the scandal knew no bounds. Her two little girls were only seven and nine years old respectively. And the vicar was such a good husband. True, his hair was grey. But his moustache was dark, he was handsome, and still full of furtive passion for his unrestrained and beautiful wife. Why did she go ? Why did she burst away with such an éclat of revulsion, like a touch of madness ? Nobody gave any answer. Only the pious said she was a bad woman. While some of the good women kept silent. They knew. The two little girls never knew. Wounded, they decided that it was because their mother found them negligible. The ill wind that blows nobody any good swept away the vicarage family on its blast. Then lo and behold ! the vicar, who was somewhat distinguished as an essayist and a controversialist, and whose case had aroused sympathy among the bookish men, received the living of Papplewick. The Lord had tempered the wind of misfortune with a rectorate in the north country. [...] "Lorsque la femme du pasteur s'enfuit avec un jeune homme sans le sou, le scandale ne connut pas de bornes. Ses deux fillettes n'avaient que sept et neuf ans respectivement. Et le pasteur était un si bon mari. Certes, il avait les cheveux gris, mais sa moustache était restée noire, il était bel homme et brûlait encore d'une passion furtive pour sa belle épouse immodeste. Pourquoi était-elle partie ? Pourquoi s'était-elle arrachée à lui, dans un tel éclat de dégoût, comme un grain de folie ? Personne n'apporta de réponse. Seules, les dévotes dirent que c'était une mauvaise femme. Cependant que certaines femmes de bien gardaient le silence. Elles comprenaient, elles. Les deux fillettes ne comprirent jamais. Blessées, elles jugèrent que c'était parce que leur mère les tenait pour quantité négligeable. Le vent du malheur qui est censé être bon à quelque chose balaya de son souffle les habitants de la cure. Puis, miracle, le pasteur, qui avait une certaine éminence comme essayiste et polémiste, et dont la situation avait su émouvoir certains intellectuels, fut nommé à la paroisse de Papplewick. Le Seigneur avait adouci l'ouragan du malheur par un bénéfice de recteur dans le nord du pays. " [...]




Microsoft Office (versions 2019 et office 365) - . Coffret en 4 volumes : Word, Excel, Powerpoint et Outlook

Ce coffret comprend 4 livres de la collection Référence Bureautique : Word, Excel, PowerPoint et Outlook (versions 2019 et Office 365).



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

The Undergrowth of Science. Delusion, self-deception and human frailty

Walter Gratzer's themes in the stories he relates in The Undergrowth of Science are collective delusion and human folly. Science is generally seen as a process bound by rigorous rules, which its practitioners must not transgress. Deliberate fraud occasionally intrudes, but it is soon detected, the perpetrators cast out and the course of discovery barely disturbed. Far more interesting are the outbreaks of self-delusion that from time to time afflict upright and competent researchers, and then spread like an epidemic or mass-hysteria through a sober and respectable scientific community. When this happens the rules by which scientists normally govern their working lives are suddenly suspended. Sometimes these episodes are provoked by personal vanity, an unwillingness to acknowledge error or even contemplate the possibility that a hard-won success is a will o' the wisp; at other times they stem from loyalty to a respected and trusted guru, or even from patriotic pride; and, worst of ail, they may be a consequence of a political ideology which imposes its own interpretation on scientists' observations of the natural world. Unreason and credulity supervene, illusory phenomena are described and measured, and theories are developed to explain them - until suddenly, often for no single reason, the bubble bursts, leaving behind it a residue of acrimony, recrimination, embarrassment and ruined reputations. Here, then, are radiations, measured with high precision yet existing only in the minds of those who observed them; the Russian water, which some thought might congeal the oceans: phantom diseases which called for heroic surgery; monkey testis implants that restored the sexual powers of ageing roués and of tired sheep; truths about genetics and about the nature of matter, perceptible only to Aryan scientists in the Third Reich or Marxist ideologues in the Soviet Union; and much more. The Undergrowth of Science explores, in terms accessible to the lay reader, the history of such episodes, up to our own time, in ail their absurdity, tragedy and pathos.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

THE WOMAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH. Alice Stewart and the secrets of radiation

THE WOMAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH tells the engaging life story of the epidemiologist whose discoveries about radiation risk have revolutionized medical practice and challenged international nuclear safety standards. For more than forty years, Dr. Alice Stewart has warned that tow-dose radiation is far more dangerous than has been acknowledged. Although an outstanding scientist with more than 400 peer-reviewed papers to her name, her controversial work has only recently begun to receive significant attention, because it lies at the center of a political storm. In the 1950s when doctors would routinely x-ray pregnant women, she began research at Oxford that led to the discovery that fetal x-rays doubted a child's risk of developing cancer. When she was in her seventies, she again astounded the scientific world by showing that the U.S. nuclear weapons industry was far more dangerous than commonly believed, a finding that embroiled her in an international controversy over radiation risk. In recent years, she has become one of a handful of independent scientists whose work is a lodestone to the antinuclear movement. In 1990, the New York Times called her "perhaps the Energy Department's most influential and feared scientific critic." The Woman Who Knew Too Much traces Dr. Stewart's life and career from her early childhood in Sheffield and medical education at Cambridge to her research positions at Oxford and the University of Birmingham, where she still maintains an office. The book joins a growing number of biographies of pioneering women scientists such as Barbara McClintock, Rosalind Franklin, and Lise Meitner and will find a wide range of appreciative readers, including those interested in the history of science and technology and of the history of women in science and medicine. Activists and policymakers will also find the story of Alice Stewart compelling reading.




Epilepsy: the invisible pain

They say life is a long stretch of a calm river, but not for everyone ! She was for me until the day when everything rocked, the day my destiny was changed dramatically. People do not realize how life can be so sweet and so beautiful. They complain all day long for trivialities. They are not even aware that they have before their eyes the most beautiful wealth : the luck and happiness of living in good health. I was rich before. Now I am poor because my child has an incurable disease, that has currently no hope of being healed. As a parent, how can we accept that ? , How to continue living carrying the bundle of pain in my head ? , How to overcome this feeling of helplessness ? When I started speaking to my heart, I didn't know myself that this was the beginning of a new life : a rebirth as a poet. When I learnt that my 7-year-old daughter was suffering from the Dravet Syndrome, a rare genetic epileptic encephalopathy, this was like an earthquake in my life. Then, I needed to write in order to express my sorrow and my pain. Words and rhymes came naturally to my mind. This was obvious that poetry would be my survival weapon.




Excel 2019. Versions 2019 et Office 365

Retrouvez dans cet aide-mémoire les fonctions essentielles de Microsoft® Excel il a été rédigé avec la version 2019 d'Excel et intègre les nouveautés et différences de la version Excel livrée avec Office 365. Après la description de l'environnement et des nouvelles fonctionnalités d'affichage. la gestion des classeurs. des modèles et des feuilles de calcul. vous découvrirez toutes les techniques de saisie et de modification de données (nombres, dates. séries de données...). Vous verrez ensuite comment effectuer toute sorte de calculs, des plus simples (pourcentage, statistiques) aux plus complexes (formule conditionnelle. calcul sur les dates. table à double entrée. consolidation de feuilles de calcul...). Une partie est consacrée aux outils d'analyses réalisation de scénarios, calcul de valeur cible et audit de vos feuilles de calcul. Vous exploiterez ensuite les nombreuses fonctions mises à votre disposition pour mettre en forme vos tableaux police de caractères. couleurs. bordures, mises en forme conditionnelles. styles.... Vous apprendrez à trier et filtrer vos données. à organiser vos tableaux sous forme de plans et les imprimer. Excel est un outil puissant en matière de représentation graphique , vous découvrirez les nombreux types de graphiques disponibles (graphiques linéaires, histogrammes, sectoriels. graphiques en 3D. courbes de tendance, graphiques sparkline) ainsi que les nouveaux types de graphiques (hiérarchique, cascade. Pareto, entonnoir...) et la création de cades 2D et 3D. Vous verrez aussi comment insérer des objets graphiques dans une feuille de calcul (formes. images. icônes. modèle 3D, diagrammes...). Mais Excel est aussi un outil très puissant en matière d'analyse de données vous verrez également comment créer et gérer des tableaux de données et des tableaux croisés et dynamiques Une partie de ce livre est consacrée au travail collaboratif et comprend donc de nombreuses informations sur la protection et le partage des classeurs et sur la co-édition. Les derniers chapitres abordent les macro-commandes et la personnalisation de l'interface.



Musique classique

Songs of Love. 12 Romances. 12 Lieder. Soprano (tenor) and piano.

Leokadiya Kashperova (1872-1940), hitherto consigned to a footnote in musical history as Stravinsky's piano teacher, is undergoing rediscovery. A double graduate of the St Petersburg Conservatoire, she emerged as a virtuoso pianist and composer in the romantic tradition. She was associated with some of the great musicians of her day, including Balakirev and Auer. She performed in both Germany and the UK in the 1900s, but her career petered out after 1920. Songs of Love was first published in 1904. No evidence survives of any public performance in Kashperova's lifetime although it is very likely that they were performed at her regular 'musical evenings at home on Tuesdays' mentioned in her Memoirs. The transparency of the piano writing strongly suggests that she would accompany herself singing. Kashperova, by all accounts, possessed a fine voice, and in the summer of 1906 she decided 'to learn from the artistry', as she put it, of the tenor Raimond von Zur-Mühlen who was widely celebrated for having developed (with Clara Schumann) the Lieder-Abend tradition. His summer-schools on the Baltic coast were frequented by aspiring singers from all over Europe, even Japan and India. Kashperova herself was responsible for the poetic lyrics of Songs of Love (in both Russian and German), which may well have emerged from her own bittersweet experience of life and love ; she was not to marry until 1916 at the age of forty-four. That Kashperova is the author of both the music and the lyrics of Songs of Love would suggest that they express very personal sentiments. Instrumentation : soprano (tenor) and piano



Non classé

The Concept of Man in Igbo Myths

In the vast silence of their isolation, the traditional Igbos have learnt the ways of living in harmony with nature. From their origin in distant time, they have kept a sacred perspective on the natural world. In our age, there is the need for traditional wisdoms to retain their validity and be intrinsic to our philosophic and scientific perceptions of the cosmos. We cannot do without their knowledge, their spiritual perspective, and their deep faith in the harmony of all nature. Ignoring these qualities has profound environmental implications. Global warming, environmental pollution, and the exhaustion of nature's resources are but a few of the symptoms of the nature's experiences as we continue to mistreat it in order to satisfy our own ends. This work helps us to realise that wherever we are, we are a part of nature. All the things around us are as presences, representing forces and powers of life that are not ours and yet are all part of us. Then we find them reflecting in ourselves, because we are nature, though not identical with it.



BD tout public

Doctor Gachet's portrait

A picture named "Doctor Gachet's portrait" has been stolen a night from a museum. Immediately, the news offer the event and our heroes start the research after some clue that leads them to the thief. After travelling across some countries following his trace, they realize that a smuggling network is behind the robbery, led by minister Goring. Among their loot is an enormous amount of pictures stolen from private collectors, with the aim of transporting and hiding them beyond their frontiers.




Goebius' Strange Model

A company elaborates in great secrecy a project, vital to its very survival. As the project develops, it leads the protagonists far beyond the originally envisioned simple business strategy, and brings them close to the forefront of the physical laws governing the behavior of the universe. Two intrigues intertwine... will they meet ? Or do they form the single-sided face of a Möbius strip ? "This novel is as unexpected as a UFO, and refreshing..." Cédric Villani, Fields Medal 2010. "This book is fascinating, I read it all at once..." Etienne Ghys, Perpetual Secretary of the French Academy of Sciences.




VBA pour Excel. Versions 2019 et Office 365

Ce manuel d'autoformation est destiné aux utilisateurs avancés d'Excel souhaitant recourir au langage de programmation VBA pour développer des applications d'entreprise sous Excel version 2019 ou Office 365. La première partie présente sous forme de fiches pratiques le langage VBA et le modèle objet d'Excel. La deuxième partie fournit des conseils méthodologiques illustrés d'exemples réutilisables qui aideront le lecteur à améliorer sa productivité et la qualité de ses applications. La dernière partie propose sept cas pratiques de complexité croissante pour mettre en oeuvre ses connaissances et s'exercer au développement de véritables applications professionnelles. Les fichiers nécessaires à la réalisation des cas pratiques sont disponibles en téléchargement sur le site web




Le dessin et l'animation avec Libre Office

Quoi de plus agréable que de savoir bien dessiner ? Oui mais voilà, il faut un don, et ce n'est pas donné à tout le monde. Lorsque l'on n'a pas ce don, il est possible de passer outre. Simplement en utilisant libre office dessin, alors tout devient possible. On peut produire des dessins approchant la perfection. Ce didacticiel vous guide dans l'emploi des outils et des fonctions de libre office pour arriver à un travail de qualité. Dès la partie dessin appropriée, le module libre office présenta-tion permet d'animer, de déplacer, de présenter ces mêmes dessins. Et bien sûr, plus de possibilités encore. C'est fabuleux. Ce document contient des dizaines d'excercices.




Chief Bullshit Officer 2.0

Le deuxième volume des aventures rocambolesques de Léonce, cadre informatique désabusé ! Après avoir survécu à la prise de pouvoir d'une IA un peu trop zélée, Léonce espère un peu de repos au travail. Mais, entre l'accueil du nouveau stagiaire, une épidémie de burn-out et l'arrivée d'un ours lanceur d'alerte, il n'est pas au bout de ses surprises ! Ce nouvel opus de Chief Bullshit Officer reprend la formule gagnante de Fix : des animaux en costume-cravate à côté de la plaque, des gags courts (une page), et surtout des situations cocasses dans lesquelles nous retrouverons forcément nos collègues... ou nous-même.




Chief Bullshit Officer 3.0

Le troisième volume des aventures rocambolesques de Léonce, cadre informatique désabusé ! Léonce est cadre en entreprise. Et sa vie est une suite d'aventures absolument trépidantes. Dans ces pages, vous trouverez de l'intelligence très artificielle, pas mal de management bancal, des innovations géniales et d'autres franchement moins, des leaders beaucoup trop visionnaires, des réunions beaucoup trop longues, des feedbacks beaucoup trop satisfaisants, des citations d'Einstein beaucoup trop récentes, de la cybersécutité ultraviolente, des vacances qui se passent mal et même Jacques Chirac...



Littérature française

Les inventeurs. Essai

What do Christopher Columbus, Reneke, Zénobe Gramme and Louis Pasteur have in common ? They were all inventors. Well fine, but who invented the crab's claw, the suction cups and the flight of squids or the proboscis of blood sucking insects ? Is invention intellectual fantasy, an industrial tool or a fundamental biological reaction ? How is this riddle to be solved ? Should we go through the list of inventions or inventors ? Is it a question of circumstances or motivations ? Who is in charge ? The Material or the Spirit ? In order to try to find a way of answering these questions, first a few very different inventors and their inventions will be presented. A few paradoxes emerge from this first part. Then we will devote an entire chapter to an exceptional inventor whose extraordinary work revolutionized how we now approach this topic. Finally, what can be said about all the inventions like the wings of birds or butterflies, the eyes of fish or insects, the leaves of trees or the social organization of beehives ? In these cases, man is not the inventor. There are countless marvels like these in the world around us. Can we explain them ? This will be the subject of the third part of this essay.



Histoire internationale

One Artist on Five Continents

Elisabet Delbrück (1876-1967) was one of a number of Germans who came to New Zealand in the late 1930s. Unlike most, she had not intended to emigrate but was touring the country when World War II broke out. She was at first forbidden to leave and then chose to remain in Wellington. Her thirty years in Mahina Bay on Wellington harbour had a profound effect on all who knew her. This study aims to discover why she was so remarkable. It explores her early life, her marriage into a prominent German family and her qualification as an artist. She turned this into a profession, teaching and exhibiting on five continents in the 1920s and 1930s. She always travelled alone, observing the customs and beliefs of the people she met. In Australia and New Zealand in 1938 and 1939 she was wrongly suspected of spreading Nazi propaganda. Her story is also the story of a heroic group of Wellingtonians who helped her in the 1940s and valued her friendship till her death.



BD tout public

I am GooGol - The Great Invasion

Their arrival was heralded as a new beginning for the human race. Humans were no longer alone in the cosmos. Instead, they were suddenly thrust into an arena much larger than they were ready to deal with. In an age of technological advancement, Toughware and the wiki implants were the culmination of the first successful blending of human and alien technology. Suddenly, anyone with a wiki implant could ride the data streams. Hackers became celebrities as the neural landscape became the world's playground. And for a special few, a startling side effect was discovered. Fearing the worst, the Lambda Initiative was created to police wiki infractions and to protect the fabled Lambda Time Travel Restrictions. Anyone, human or alien, attempting to bypass the Lambda Protocols was subject to prosecution under this new law. To enforce this law, the G-Men were created. Culled from specialists with military and law enforcement experience, the G-Men sought out Lambda Protocol violators with swift and violent response. With wiki crimes on the rise and a growing anti-alien movement gaining strength, something had to be done. The government needed a solution, but they weren't sure what to do. And then they discovered a teenage girl living in Brazil with a special affinity for traversing and moulding the data stream. They had discovered the first Googol. And the world was about to change.



12 ans et +

The Priest : The Priest annoys the King

Après son mariage avec Sasha, le roi Ragô était censé être heureux. Pourtant, depuis que ses sentiments ont réellement atteint son bien-aimé, la souffrance et le tourment l'envahissent. Il veut que Sasha soit à ses côtés à chaque seconde, et que personne d'autre ne pose les yeux sur lui. Ainsi, Ragô se retrouve prisonnier de la souffrance d'avoir enfin obtenu celui qu'il désirait. Au même moment, lui et Sasha n'ont d'autre choix que d'accepter l'invitation qu'ils ont reçue de Saiha, le pays voisin. Ragô va-t-il se mettre en colère au banquet organisé par le roi de Saiha, que la beauté de Sasha a rendu complètement fou... ? Voici le nouveau roman d'amour fantastique de la série du roi et du prêtre !




The City & the City

Deux villes, un seul territoire… Beszèl et Ul Qoma se partagent un labyrinthe de rues enchevêtrées, s'ignorant mutuellement. Le passage de l'une à l'autre, un simple regard même, implique l'intervention d'une milice transnationale et omnipotente. Côté Besz, l'assassinat d'une jeune étudiante en archéologie va mettre le feu aux poudres… En charge d'une enquête délicate, entre secrets d'histoire et brouillard juridictionnel, l'inspecteur Borlù avance en terrain miné…  Ce roman a reçu cinq prix en Grande-Bretagne et aux États-Unis. Il a été cité dans la liste des meilleurs livres de l'année par le Los Angeles Times, le Seattle Times et Publishers' Weekly.




Hilma af Klint. The Five Notebook 1

In 1896, Hilma af Klint and four other like-minded women artists left the Edelweiss Society and founded the "Friday Group", also known as "The Five". They met every Friday for spiritual meetings, including prayers, studies of the New Testament, meditation and séances. The medium exercised automatic writing and mediumistic drawing. Eventually they established contact with spiritual beings whom they called "The High Ones". In 1896, the five women began taking meticulous notes of the mediumistic messages conveyed by the spirits. In time, Hilma af Klint felt she had been selected for more important messages. After ten years of esoteric training with "The Five", aged 43, Hilma af Klint accepted a major assignment, the execution of The Paintings for the Temple. This commission, which engaged the artist from 1906 to 1915, changed the course of her life. In 1908, Rudolf Steiner, leader of the German Theosophical Society, held several lectures in Stockholm. He also visited af Klint's studio and saw some of the early Paintings for the Temple. In 1913, Steiner founded the Anthroposophical Society, which af Klint joined in 1920 and remained a member for the rest of her life.



Non classé

Ruling Class Men

What is it like to be a master of the universe ? The authors have researched the desires and fears of the world's most powerful men. The Murdochs, Packers, Kennedys, Agnellis and other men like them, directly determine the fates of thousands and influence the future of the world like no other people. Described as ‘sacred monsters' by one of their own, they are carefully created to be what they are and to enjoy shaping the world in their own likeness. To learn about these often reclusive men, the authors extended the life-history technique to interrogate autobiographies, diaries and biographies and have created a composite picture, a collective portrait, of tycoons over three generations. The book carefully explores the childhoods, schooling, work and play, sexual activities, marriages and deaths of the wealthiest men who have ever lived. It exposes the nature of ruling-class masculinity itself.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Thinking about Physics

Physical scientists are problem solvers. They are comfortable "doing" science: they find problems, solve them, and explain their solutions. Roger Newton believes that his fellow physicists might be too comfortable with their roles as solvers of problems. He argues that physicists should spend more time thinking about physics. If they did, he believes, they would become even more skilled at solving problems and "doing" science. As Newton points out in this thought-provoking book, problem solving is always influenced by the theoretical assumptions of the problem solver. Too often, though, he believes, physicists haven't subjected their assumptions to thorough scrutiny. Newton's goal is to provide a framework within which the fundamental theories of modem physics can be explored, interpreted, and understood. "Surely physics is more than a collection of experimental results, assembled to satisfy the curiosity of appreciative experts," Newton writes. Physics, according to Newton, has moved beyond the describing and naming of curious phenomena, which is the goal of some other branches of science. Physicists have spent a great part of the twentieth century searching for explanations of experimental findings. Newton agrees that experimental facts are vital to the study of physics, but only because they lead to the development of a theory that can explain them. Facts, he argues, should undergird theory. Newton's explanatory sweep is both broad and deep. He covers such topics as quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, field theory, thermodynamics, the role of mathematics in physics, and the concepts of probability and causality. For Newton the fundamental entity in quantum theory is the field, from which physicists can explain the particle-like and wave-like properties that are observed in experiments. He grounds his explanations in the quantum field. Although this is not designed as a standalone textbook, it is essential reading for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, professors, and researchers. This is a clear, concise, up-to-date book about the concepts and theories that underlie the study of contemporary physics. Readers will find that they will become better-informed physicists and, therefore, better thinkers and problem solvers, too.



Non classé

The Search for Lyonnesse

Although Mme de Lafayette is acknowledged as the founder of the modern novel, her precise legacy has been understood only in relation to male-authored texts. However, she wrote as a woman, addressing issues that concerned women of her day, particularly the problem of the apparent incompatibility of sexual fulfilment and the institution of marriage. This study seeks to identify how La Princesse de Clèves was interpreted by three of Mme de Lafayette's most talented women successors and to show how their more sombre and subversive view of society was mediated in works of fiction which have strong affinities with the contes de fées for which they are well known. The novels of Mlle Bernard, Mme d'Aulnoy and Mlle de La Force are significant, not simply for what they tell us about themselves as women writers but also for what they reveal about the origins of the eighteenth-century novel.



Romans policiers

The tears of the mysterious forest

At the start of the school year in Massata, Galia, an enticing young lady showed up in one of the university classes. Her homeric intelligence and her magical beauty would make her the focus, the subject of monologues and desire. Her allure enticed lecturers and mates, the brightest of the class included. They found her interesting and desirable but mysterious and reluctant about her life. The day before her birthday, the young lady decided to open up to the one she was already falling for. That night, something heart-rending happened.




Les inventions mises en oeuvre par ordinateur. Enjeux, pratiques et perspectives, Textes en français et anglais

Au coeur de l'économie de la connaissance, la question des inventions mises en oeuvre par ordinateur est un sujet passionnant mais complexe du droit de la propriété intellectuelle. L'exclusion de la brevetabilité des programmes d'ordinateur par la Convention sur le Brevet Européen rend l'appréciation de leur brevetabilité problématique. Si les décisions des chambres de recours de l'Office européen des brevets sur la question sont nombreuses, leur compréhension n'est pas toujours aisée ; de plus, celles-ci se situent parfois en contradiction avec les décisions des tribunaux nationaux, entraînant une insécurité juridique. On se souviendra d'ailleurs qu'une directive sur le sujet, visant à harmoniser les pratiques, a été rejetée avec force en 2005 par le Parlement Européen, preuve que le sujet est également sensible. Et alors que la démonstration de la contrefaçon ou encore la coexistence avec le droit d'auteur des logiciels suscitent également des interrogations, les développements récents de la jurisprudence américaine et la résolution de l'AIPPI lors du Congrès de Sydney ravivent les débats. Prenant comme point de départ les contributions présentées lors d'un colloque organisé par l'AACEIPI et le CEIPI le 24 novembre 2017 à la Grand' chambre de la Cour de cassation sur la question, cet ouvrage y ajoute de nombreuses autres études fondamentales avec pour objectif d'offrir une compréhension aussi complète que possible de cette problématique devenue fondamentale pour la pratique actuelle et à venir du droit des brevets. At the heart of the knowledge economy, the protection of computer-implemented inventions is a fascinating yet complex topic in intellectual property law. The exclusion of computer programs from patentable subject-matter by the European Patent Convention renders an assessment of their patentability particularly problematic. Although, numerous decisions have been delivered on this topic by the Boards of Appeal of the European Patent Office, they are not always easy to comprehend ; more so because they are sometimes contradictory to decisions delivered by national courts, thereby giving rise to legal uncertainty. In 2005 a proposed EU Directive which aimed at harmonizing national patent laws and practices of Member States was rejected by the European Parliament by an overwhelming majority, yet again demonstrating the sensitivity of this subject. While the demonstration of infringement and the co-existence of patent protection with protection granted to software under copyright law also raise questions, recent developments in US jurisprudence and the resolution of the AIPPI at the Sydney Congress has revived the debate surrounding this topic. This book amalgamates contributions made at a symposium organized by AACEIPI and the CEIPI on November 24, 2017 (held at the Grand Chamber of the Court of Cassation) with many other fundamental studies on this topic, with the objective of offering a comprehensive understanding on this issue which is critical for both present and future patent law practice.




Excel (versions 2019 et Office 365). Fonctions de base

Ce livre vous présente dans le détail les fonctions à connaître pour créer vos premiers tableaux et graphiques avec Excel, le célèbre tableur de Microsoft® ; il s'adresse à toute personne débutante dans l'utilisation d'Excel. Il a été rédigé avec la version 2019 d'Excel et intègre les nouveautés et différences de la version Excel livrée avec Office 365. Après la description de l'environnement comprenant le ruban et l'onglet Fichier, vous apprendrez à créer, enregistrer, ouvrir vos classeurs y compris sur l'espace de stockage en ligne OneDrive. Vous découvrirez toutes les techniques de saisie et de modification des données (nombres, dates, séries de données, remplissage instantané...). Vous verrez ensuite comment effectuer des calculs simples (somme, pourcentage, statistiques, date d'échéance) en exploitant les nombreuses fonctions de calcul d'Excel. Vous apprendrez à modifier le contenu des cellules, à copier/déplacer des données, à trier le tableau, à modifier sa structure en ajoutant ou supprimant des lignes et colonnes et en gérant les feuilles de calcul qui le composent. Vous exploiterez ensuite les nombreuses fonctions mises à votre disposition pour mettre en forme vos tableaux (polices de caractères, formats des nombres et dates, couleurs, bordures, styles...) avant d'en modifier la mise en page (marge, en-tête et pied de page) en vue de l'imprimer. Excel est un outil puissant en matière de représentation graphique ; vous verrez comment créer et mettre en forme les principaux types de graphiques disponibles : graphiques linéaires, histogrammes, sectoriels, graphiques de cartes en 2D. La dernière partie est consacrée aux objets graphiques et détaille l'insertion et la mise en forme d'objets graphiques, de diagrammes (organigrammes), d'images (icônes, modèles 3D) à l'aide des nombreux effets à votre disposition.




Travaux pratiques Excel. De Excel 2013 à Office 365

Cet ouvrage tout en couleurs est un recueil de travaux pratiques pour découvrir et maîtriser Excel, de sa prise en main à la mise en oeuvre de ses fonctions avancées : - Découverte de l'interface, création et gestion d'un classeur, navigation dans une feuille de calcul, importation des données... - Utilisation des formules, des fonctions et des opérateurs, référencement d'une cellule ou d'une plage de cellules... - Mise en forme d'une feuille de calcul, emploi des styles et personnalisation, insertion d'objets... - Création et modification d'un graphique, tri de données, utilisation des filtres, mise en oeuvre des tableaux et des graphiques croisés dynamiques, partage de segments... En bonus sur www. dunod. com, réservés aux lecteurs de l'ouvrage : - 7 travaux pratiques pour apprendre à utiliser les macros : rédaction, édition et enregistrement d'une macro, exécution à l'ouverture d'un classeur... - les fichiers du livre pour refaire, pas à pas, tous les exercices.




Le nouveau siège de l'Office National des forêts

L'encombrement du bâtiment des archives de l'Isère et la difficulté à créer sur place un extension demandait la création d'un nouveau bâtiment. Dessiné par l'agence CR&ON, le nouveau bâtiment s'intègre parfaitement dans l'urbanisme du site : volumes denses flottant sur des pilotis offrant une transparence au sol. Le signal architectural est fort et fait écho à la géologie du site et département : les blocs de magasins sont texturés à la couleur du paysage minéral avoisinant. Le béton est majoritairement utilisé en écho à l'essor industriel du département. La programmation intérieure répond aux fonctions que demandes des archives : médiations et consultations pour le grand public, et conservation documentaire.
