
Aleing Authors



Non classé

Boethius and the Liberal Arts

This collection of essays by authors in a variety of specialities should demonstrate how, in the Middle Ages, Boethius' texts helped shape the essential concepts of the educated person who underwent a course of the Liberal Arts studies. These essays should be of interest to philosophers, logicians, musicologists, historians of mathematics and ideas and to literary scholars. Not only is each paper written by a known authority in his field, but the collection into one volume shows how closely related these various disciplines were in the principles which Boethius chose as his basis for the Study of the Liberal Arts.



Non classé

Brecht and France

The present study Brecht and France, (as distinct from "Brecht in France") addresses an area in Brecht Studies which has been rather unjustly neglected. The author attempts to assess Brecht's relationship with France, its impact on his creativity and the image of France as reflected in his works. A thorough examination of Brecht's own writings (including minor and lesser-known works), his private library, published as well as unpublished biographical, autobiographical and contemporary records reveals that France was an intellectual treasure-house from which he could derive great benefit in terms of source-materials, socio-political ideas, dramaturgical principles and, above all, artistic inspirations. Particularly those works based on what the author calls the "Matière de France" and dealing with France in crisis are vested with artistic conviction, emotional poignancy and universal message that well merit the pronouncement made by Jean-Paul Sartre that "Brecht est nôtre".




Disputes on human rights violation before the ecowas court of justice

Mandated to make judgments on human rights cases since 2005, the ECOWAS Court of Justice has undeniably acquired the reputation of a forum for human rights protection, in the manner of courts of justice as prestigious as the European Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights or the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights. With no systematic study of the Court's human rights jurisprudence having been undertaken till today, this work comes to fill the gap. Part I of the book presents the body of case law emerging after fifteen years of practice. Two feats must be acknowledged here. The feat of the Court itself, whose original mandate was, and is still in force any rate, that of a custodian of the norms of economic integration, not adjudication on human rights violation. The human rights case law of the Court was therefore born out of a sustained effort, not devoid of approximations and sometimes mistakes, all the more deserving of commendation, because unlike similarjudicial bodies, it had succeeded in ridding itself of what the author calls "a pointer of orientation for the norms relied upon", a single codified body of rules of reference. Then, the exploits of the author, who succeeded, in an effort of re-composition, in sustaining, by a consummate art of summary, a reconstitution of the various phases of the trial proceedings, and in retrieving and discussing in a systematic manner, the viewpoints of the Court. Part II is made up of a collection of studies whose themes centre on the major interrogations of international disputes on human rights : the status of the applicants, relations between the Court and other sister or rival courts of justice, the dialectics of relationship between the national judge and the international judge, etc. Part II closes up with a prospective reflexion on "The Future of the Court", where the author expresses his hopes, but also his serious concerns regarding what is to become of a court whose usefulness and cathartic function are not lost on him. The book is, as always, written in pure delightful language, and the analyses, nourished with the experience of the judge that the author was, are remarkable in richness, finesse and depth.




Encyclopédie du cinéma chinois. (Dé)Construction (dela déconstruction) des cinémas G-P

Raymond Delambre, curator-in-chief, longstanding specialist in Asian cinema, civilization, contemporary art, Zhou Xuan, Paul Claudel, Jules Verne. Author of numerous books, articles, which addressed major social concerns, on topics ranging from the legal system to the media, in order to unpack the complex rise as a global power. Also playwright.



Non classé

Labouring Lives

Labouring Lives unravels the huge changes which have so fundamentally altered the life courses of ordinary women over the past one hundred and fifty years, namely the changes in marriage and fertility patterns. Using dynamic data from Dutch population registers and analytical techniques from the life course approach, the book offers new evidence on women's changing position in the labour market, their role in pre-nuptial sexuality, and their contribution to marriage and fertility change in the Netherlands between 1880 and 1960. The author reconstructs the socio-economic and demographic worlds of different groups of working and non-working women, and by doing so she is able to locate the various groups driving the changes. Advanced statistical tools enable the author to analyse differences in fertility strategies, stopping versus spacing, employed by various social and cultural groups in the Netherlands. This book leads to conclusions which challenge a number of orthodoxies in the field.




Global Perspectives in Early Childhood Education

The idea for this book arose from presentations delivered at two conferences in Tartu and in Tallinn in Estonia. These conferences brought together many professionals and researchers working in early education, many from Europe, and also Australia and the USA. This book, written by 37 authors, consists of chapters about the development of early childhood education, children's developing skills and the early childhood curriculum, and about the role of early childhood teachers. Further topics are the role of parents in early childhood education, and the work with children with special needs in the preschool. The book will be of interest to those interested in early childhood practice and policy.



Non classé

Exiles in Print

The book provides a complementary view of modernism by investigating Anglo-American little magazines published in Europe in the 1920s and 1930s. Addressing symbolic and practical aspects of physical location and international themes in the little reviews, it highlights the infrastructure of modernism – networks, finances and genealogies. The authors link activities, strategies and negotiations with the creation of modernism as we know it, as magazine editors are shown to be highly conscious of their role as canon-makers. In this rendition, modernism is intrinsically linked with its agents and practices and pushes the dividing lines between narrow elite culture and wider readerships, as well as between cosmopolites and tourists.



Histoire internationale

Voyages to the "Spice Islands". The spice trade as a point of departure for European penetration into Asia

In order to describe the role played by spices during the late Middle Ages and the beginning of the Modern Age, the author Anna Unali focuses on the reports written by merchants, travellers, geographers and government officials. Their voices emerge powerfully and incisively in any recreation of this topic as the most important interpretative elements.



Non classé

The Peoples of the Jos Plateau, Nigeria

From an investigation of the way of life of the inhabitants of this little-known region, the author attempts to deduce and evaluate the system of thought which governs, at least implicitly, the life-style of the tribal people in question. The significance of the highly spiritual quality of their mental attitudes is discussed from the philosophical angle.




Work Capacity Restraints in Tropical Agricultural Development

Starting from the frequent observation that the work capacity of a tropical rural population is rather restricted, the author examines whether this may be attributed to the immediate influence of the tropical climate and/or the state of health of the working population, and what influence work capacity restraints per worker have on agricultural development and planning.



Critique littéraire

Etudes anglaises N° 1/2023 : No Future. Poetry of the Current British Crisis

Daniel Katz, No Future : Poetry of the Current British Crisis David Grundy, "The Arc of Struggle" : Poetry and Defeat in the Work of Sean Bonney Malachi McIntosh, Images of Transcendence : "Crisis Always" and the New Black British Poets Andrea Brady, The Anti-Austerity Poetics of the Archive : Jay Bernard's Surge and Holly Pester's go to reception and ask for Sara in red felt-tip Stephen Collis, "Things to address directly" : Border Politics and Contemporary British Poetry Michael Gardiner, Independence and Extinction in Scottish Wilderness Writing Shalini Sengupta, "Is the poet / An imperial dissident" : Migration and the Limits of Care in Bhanu Kapil's How to Wash a Heart Comptes rendus Notes on Contributors Guidelines for Authors




Nationalism in Education

The comparative Reader, with authors from 6 continents and 9 countries analyses, to what extent the nation concept is still at the heart of international organizations and agreements, under which circumstances nationalism rose in specific regions and cultures at different times, and, to what extent education was influenced by or used for nationalistic doctrines and policies. Case studies as well as systematic analyses illustrate, that education can hardly change its own socioeconomic and political context. However, education and educational policy can support a prevention of and balance to nationalism in the long run, if they counteract stereotyping and scapegoating, familiarize with overlapping and competing loyalties, and, encourage human rights, international cooperation and cultural relationalism.



Critique littéraire

Etudes anglaises N° 75/4, Octobre-décembre 2002 : Numéro spécial "Agrégation"

ARTICLES Claire GHEERAERT-GRAFFEUILLE et Aude DE MEZERACZANETTI : Emergence et transformation du puritanisme (1559- 1660) : quelques jalons historiographiques Claire BAZIN : Lockwood, le mal aimé (ou le mal aimant ? ) William BLAZEK : "My God, you're fun to kiss" : Love, Lust, and Liminality in Tender Is the Night VARIA Shelly CHARLES : Le roman comique du Dr Primrose ou l'art du travestissement dans The Vicar of Wakefield Bénédicte COSTE : La croyance dans le fumoir : "The Portrait of Mr. WH", l'éthique de la croyance de William Kingdon Clifford et l'assentiment selon John Henry Newman Comptes rendus Notes on Contributors Remerciements aux experts évaluateurs et auteurs de recensions Guidelines for Authors Table des matières - 2022.




The scarlet haze

The scarlet haze embody a door opening onto a world of sadness and joy, where everyone can find themselves. In this collection of poems written according to her inspiration and significant events, the author recounts the sorrow of a one-sided love, the angst felt during a deep depression or the happiness caused by the single view of her heart's desire.




Peace - A Topic in European History Text-Books?

War and violence are of eminent importance in the accounts of history in our school text-books. The author examines whether efforts to mitigate violence and to strengthen peace are given similar weight in standard history books used in the schools of the Federal Republic of Germany and other European countries such as England, France, Switzerland, the German Democratic Republic, and Poland.



Non classé

The German Molière Revival and the Comedies of Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Carl Sternheim

Although they have yet to be treated together in a comparative study, Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Carl Sternheim had a number of points of convergence in their respective searches for a modern form for the serious comedy. This study documents the collegial relationship between the two authors - in part with previously unpublished archival material -, analyses their respective treatments of Molière's comedies and places this in the context of Molière's reception in the German-speaking countries since the 17th century. What emerges is a new view of the comedies of Hofmannsthal and Sternheim, which sees both dramatists applying the same technique of countermodelling Molière's constellations of comedic figures - a modern critical re-appraisal of the traditional comedic type character.




The Christology of Hans Küng

No-one can read christology today without reference to the work of Hans Küng. But has Küng been widely misunderstood ? Alrah L.M. Pitchers maintains that he has, and offers a critique of Küng's christology against the background of the German and Anglo-Saxon traditions with particular emphasis on Küng's brilliant grasp of Hegel. The author concludes that Hans Küng is among the most significant contributors to the christological debate today.



Littérature anglo-saxonne


Il existe un envers à Londres : la " ville d'En Bas ", cité souterraine où vit un peuple d'une autre époque, invisible au commun des mortels. Un peuple organisé, hiérarchisé, à la tête duquel les rats jouent un rôle prépondérant... Roman inclassable, Neverwhere fourmille d'idées, de rebondissements et de personnages iconoclastes. Le voici pour la première fois en français dans la version author's cut revue et augmentée par l'auteur.



Non classé

Studies in Elizabethan Audience Response to the Theatre

The aim of this volume is to apply the findings of volume 1, the actor-character relationship in documentary evidence of Elizabethans, to a set of plays particularly teasing to the visual sense : the female page plays, in which a boy actor presents a female character in male disguise. The study concludes that such transformations were often intentionally deceiving. As a consequence, the homoerotic aspect deserves further consideration, which results in an analysis of the ways in which male sexual disguise and feminine men or boys were related in the power structure of Elizabethan society as expressed in (literary) texts. A detailed analysis of the individual plays points out where, when, and how authors used the device of the female page, distinguishing between the several theatres and groups in Elizabethan London.




(Re)invent your business model. With the Odyssée 3.14 method

Innovation is the new business imperative. Every company, big or small, and regardless of its industry, is trying to find the magic formula for innovation. Odyssey 3. 14 offers an original approach through invitation to a real journey that combines innovation and strategy. Starting with the 3 pillars that make up the business model, this approach recommends 14 directions to consider for inventing or reinventing the business model. Odyssey 3. 14 is the result of over ten years of research, consulting and teaching by the three authors. They have thoroughly analysed over 80 companies that have successfully invented or reinvented their business models. 15 new business cases : Hello Fresh, Ticket restaurant - Endered, EdemMcCallum, Zample, Lemonade, Jonhson & Jonhson Velcade responses, Nickel account, Tesla, Recycle bank, Uber, Anticafé, Desso, Salesforce. com, Xiaomi, Redbus.



Physique, chimie


The widespread use of the first edition of Physical Properties of Polymers as a textbook encouraged the authors to expand and update this introduction to polymer science. All of the original topics have been enriched with the latest developments in these fast-moving areas. Two new topics have been added to provide comprehensive treatment. The contents have been divided into sections on physical states of polymers and characterization techniques. Chapters on physical states include discussions of the rubber elastic state, the glassy state, melts and concentrated solutions, the crystalline state, and the mesomorphic state. Characterization techniques described are molecular spectroscopy and scattering techniques. In addition to academic use, this volume offers a well-rounded source of basic information needed by polymer physical chemists, polymer physicists, polymer engineers, and all scientists whose work involves polymers.



Non classé

Education and the Values Crisis in Central and Eastern Europe

Fundamental educational reform is one of the central elements of the social transformation taking place in the former socialist countries of Central and Eastern Europe. In this volume selected experts and eye witnesses of the radical change taking place in the region provide detailed and graphic presentation of the problems and controversies surrounding reform. They explore how the educational systems have responded to the collapse, and they explain the source of new models, ideas, and values on the part of educational policy makers, researchers and teachers. A focus of attention is the values crisis among the youth. The authors explore the values the socialist systems attempted to convey, the manner in which the youth have responded to the collapse, and the possible sources of new values and ideals.



Non classé

Margery Kempe

Traditionally, the feminist movement in England is dated at the threshold of the eighteenth century. A close reading of The Book of Margery Kempe has revealed irrefutable evidence of much earlier roots. To her reputation as a minor mystic and the author of the first autobiography in the English language can be added a greater claim. The Book, Margery Kempe's record of her struggle for self-definition, demands inclusion among the serious contributions to feminist literature.




Gérontologie et société N° 165/2021 : Vieillir chez soi : apport des expériences étrangères et des comparaisons internationales

Vieillir chez soi, plutôt qu'en établissement, tel est l'idéal le plus souvent exprimé, qui rejoint celui des gouvernements. Mais les logements sont-ils adaptés aux handicaps susceptibles de survenir aux vieux jours et à la fourniture de l'aide et des soins nécessaires en cas de perte d'autonomie ? Et qui finance ces dépenses, comment ? Le projet de recherche ODESSA (Optimising care delivery models to support ageing-in-place : towards autonomy, affordability and financial sustainability) pluridisciplinaire et international a été l'occasion de réfléchir à ces questions, puis a donné l'idée de ce numéro spécial comportant 17 articles de chercheurs de trois continents, bien au-delà du projet de départ. Du co-housing intergénérationnel californien, au Village Alzheimer néerlandais en passant par des quartiers pauvres de Dakar, comment les logements peuvent-ils s'adapter aux vieux jours ? Comment optimiser les financements et réduire les inégalités ? Aménager en amont les logements comme en Allemagne ? Intégrer les soins localement comme au Japon ? Réformer les financements pour inciter à rester chez soi comme aux Pays-Bas ou au Luxembourg ? Faut-il rémunérer les aidants familiaux ? Ou au contraire les remplacer ? Faire appel aux bénévoles ? Est-ce finalement si rationnel que de vouloir rester chez soi ? Ne faut-il pas déménager pour adapter le chez soi ?



Sciences de la terre et de la

The Biomechanics of Insect Flight. Form, Function, Evolution

From the rain forests of Borneo to the tenements of Manhattan, winged insects are a conspicuous and abundant feature of life on earth. Here, Robert Dudley presents the first comprehensive explanation of how insects fly. The author relates the biomechanics of flight to insect ecology and evolution in a major new work of synthesis. The book begins with an overview of insect flight biomechanics. Dudley explains insect morphology, wing motions, aerodynamics, flight energetics, and flight metabolism within a modern phylogenetic setting. Drawing on biomechanical principles, he describes and evaluates flight behavior and the limits to flight performance. The author then takes the next step by developing evolutionary explanations of insect flight. He analyzes the origins of flight in insects, the roles of natural and sexual selection in determining how insects fly, and the relationship between flight and insect size, pollination, predation, dispersal, and migration. Dudley ranges widely - from basic aerodynamics to muscle physiology and swarming behavior - but his focus is the explanation of functional design from evolutionary and ecological perspectives. The importance of flight in the lives of insects has long been recognized but never systematically evaluated. This book addresses that shortcoming. Robert Dudley provides an introduction to insect flight that will be welcomed by students and researchers in biomechanics, entomology, evolution, ecology, and behavior.





With its simplicity in presentation, this new book makes the difficult concepts of soil mechanics and foundations much easier to understand! The author explains basic concepts and fundamental principles in the context of basic mechanics, physics, and mathematics. From Practical Situations and Essential Points to Practical Examples and Questions to Guide Your Reading the book is packed with helpful hints and pedagogy that make the material crystal clear. This book also includes a CD-ROM that offers readers hands-on learning. The CD contains interactive animations of basic concepts, interactive problem solving, electronic quizzes, interactive computer programs for special topics, virtual labs and much more. With the help of this CD and text, anyone can quickly master the key principles behind soil mechanics and foundations. KEY FEATURES * A What you should be able to do list at the beginning of each chapter alerts readers to what they should learn after studying each chapter. * The author maintains a solid level of technical rigor despite the simplicity in presentation. * A large number of examples are worked out step-by-step to illustrate problem-solving techniques. * The CD-ROM includes The Virtual Soils Laboratory, which allows readers to do sophisticated soil testing at their own convenience.




Quatre ans d'études aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique. L'expérience d'une jeune malienne, Edition bilingue français-anglais

Cet ouvrage retrace l'histoire d'une jeune malienne de 17 ans partie étudier à Richmond, en Virginie. Le long de son récit autobiographique, l'autrice décrit les difficultés qu'elle a rencontrées aux USA ainsi que les belles expériences vécues sur place. This autobiographical work retraces the story of a 17 years-old Malian girl who went to study in Richmond, Virginia. Throughout her story, the author describes the difficulties she encountered living in the USA as well as her beautiful experiences.



Non classé

German Elements in the Fiction of George Eliot, Gissing, and Meredith

George Eliot, Gissing and Meredith are the nineteenth-century British novelists who, in their fiction, made the most significant and substantial use of German material. The function of this material is twofold, relating both to the life presented and to the presentation. An elucidation of the German references adds not only to a fuller understandig of the individual novels, but also of the author's theory and practice of fiction, and of one of the experimental tendencies in the "wide" tradition of the English novel.



Non classé

Studies in Elizabethan Audience Response to the Theatre

The aim of this volume is to give an analytic description of how Elizabethan Spectators in documentary evidence responded to the theatre performances they watched or knew to be about. It also considers why they responded in that way. Opposing dual consciousness to the reification of the character (its 'ideal presence'), the author concludes that Elizabethan spectators were predominantly interested in the characters' 'ideal presence'. Why they were, is explained by relating their statements to the Renaissance theory of visual perception, (demonic) transformation, and ideas on acting.



Non classé

«In the Interest of Democracy»

Until recently, there has been little concrete evidence linking the American Federation of Labor (AFL) to the U.S. government's Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the late 1940s and early 1950s. In this book, based upon recently opened archival collections, the author investigates this controversial and complicated early Cold War relationship. Contrary to arguments that the AFL's international activities were entirely controlled by the U.S. government to the detriment of the independent international labor movement, or that the AFL acted on its own without government involvement to foster legitimate anti-communist trade unions, the author's examination of the archival sources reveals that the AFL and the CIA made an alliance of convenience based upon common goals and ideologies, which dissolved when the balance of power shifted away from the AFL and into the hands of the CIA. In addition to tracing the complicated historical threads which resulted in an apparently unlikely relationship, three specific examples of how the AFL worked with the CIA are investigated in this book : the development of the anti-communist trade union federation Force Ouvrière in France ; the AFL campaign against the Soviet Union's use of "slave labor" at the UN ; and labor's role in the activities of the National Committee for a Free Europe, including Radio Free Europe and the Free Trade Union Center in Exile.
