
Laurier The Fox



Français langue étrangère (FLE

12 000 french verbs. Complete guide to conjugating

Compete reference guide to French verb use. Conjugation tables for French verbs in all tenses. French-English index 12000 verbs; Consult the index to find the model for the verb you wish to conjugate.



Non classé

Studies in Slang, part 3

The Studies in Slang monographs are a forum for the detailed discussion of slang items, an activity of worth both in itself and for the insight it can bring to broader issues in linguistics ; we deal here in particular with the study of language in its social context.



Littérature française

Adieu, la compagnie - Livre 1.5. 1

Avertissement Ce récit contient des spoilers sur le dénouement du livre 1, intitulé Jusqu'à la fin du monde. Il est donc recommandé de lire ce roman avant de vous lancer dans Adieu, la compagnie. A moins que vous aimiez commencer un livre par la dernière page. Dans ce cas, faites-vous plaisir ! Après avoir vu disparaitre au loin la camionnette et sa nouvelle famille, Peter était sûr qu'il ne les reverrait jamais plus. Mais parfois la chance est au rendez-vous. Et maintenant, il est prêt à aller retrouver son clan. Sauf que parfois, aussi, la chance n'est pas au rendez-vous. Et parfois, la seule issue, c'est de croire dur comme fer que tout ira bien, même dans les situations les plus inextricables. "I was consumed by this series for 3 days and could not put them down ! I have to say I really did not like Peter in the beginning of Until the End of the World but he definitely grew on me. . kind of like mold. When he stayed behind to save his friends, he redeemed himself in my eyes and I even cried for him. Of course, I was stunned and elated when he showed back up at the end of the book. So Long, Lollipops is a great novella about everything Peter went through during his time away from his misfit family. I love Sarah's ability to weave a story and make you feel like you are smack dab in the middle of the action. This book was definitely a nice addition the the series and I highly recommend it ! " AMAZON READER -




Colour and meaning. Art, Science and Symbolism

'John Gage's Colour and Meaning... is full of ideas... He is one of the best writers on art now alive' - A.S. Byatt 'Magnificent' - The Independent on Sunday 'Erudite but accessible' - The Architect's Journal Is colour just a physiological phenomenon? Does it have an effect on feelings? This vividly written book, the sequel to Gage's award-winning Colour and Culture, is ultimately informed by the conviction that the meaning of colour lies in the particular historical context in which it is experienced and interpreted. John Gage explores the mysteries of themes as diverse as the optical mixing techniques implicit in mosaic, colour-languages in Latin America at the time of the Spanish Conquest and the ideas of Goethe and Runge, Blake and Turner. For students and lecturers in the history of art and culture, for artists and designers, and for psychologists and scientists with a special interest in the subject, John Gage has produced a compelling study of the meaning of colour through the ages.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Number from Ahmes to Cantor

We might take numbers and counting for granted, but we shouldn't. Our number literacy rests upon centuries of human effort, punctuated here and there by strokes of genius. In his successor and companion volume to Gnomon: From Pharaohs to Fractals, Midhat Gazalé takes us on a Journey from the ancient worlds of the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the Mayas, the Greeks, the Hindus, up to the Arab invasion of Europe and the Renaissance. Our guide introduces us to some of the most fascinating and ingenious characters in mathematical history, from Ahmes the Egyptian scribe (whose efforts helped preserve some of the mathematical secrets of the architects of the pyramids) through the modern era of Georg Cantor (the great nineteenth-century inventor of transfinite numbers). As he deftly blends together history, mathematics, and even some computer science in his characteristically compelling style, we discover the fundamental notions underlying the acquisition and recording of "number", and what "number" truly means. Gazalé tackles questions that will stimulate math enthusiasts in a highly accessible and inviting manner. What is a natural number? Are the decimal and binary systems the only legitimate ones? Did the Pythagorean theorem and the discovery of the unspeakable irrationals cost the unfortunate mathematician Hippasus his life? What was the Ladder of Theodorus of Cyrene and how did the ancient Greeks calculate square roots with such extraordinary proficiency? An original generalization of Euler's theorem is offered that explains the pattern of rational number representations. Later on, the field of Continued Fractions paves the way for another original contribution by Gazalé, that of cleavages, which sheds light on the mysterious nature of irrational numbers as it beautifully illustrates Dedekind's famous Schnitt. In the end the author introduces us to the Hilbert Hotel with its infinite number of rooms, guests, and an infinite number of people waiting to check in, where he sets the debate between Aristotle and Cantor about the true nature of infinity. This abundantly illustrated book, remarkable for its coherency and simplicity, will fascinate all those who have an interest in the world of numbers. Number will be indispensable for all those who enjoy mathematical recreations and puzzles, and for those who delight in numeracy.




Lürzer's Int'l Archive N° 3-4/2021

The second double issue this year, and no fewer than 101 print and 45 film campaigns are waiting for you. The main interview with Adam Hessel, EVP and CCO of the New York agency Harrison and Star is titled "At the end of the day, it's all about having vision and passion". The digital section was curated by Luis Gaitán, CCO of Grey Mexico. And responsible for the eerily intriguing cover is McCann Health Hong Kong.



Physique, chimie

Radiation chemistry. From basics to applications in material and life sciences

This book gives a progress report on the many and original contributions of radiation chemistry to the fundamental knowledge of the vast domain of chemical reactions and its applications. Radiation chemistry techniques indeed make it possible to elucidate detailed physicochemical mechanisms in inorganic and organic chemistry (including in space) and in biochemistry. Moreover, this comprehension is applied in materials science to precisely control syntheses by radiation, such as radiopolymerisation, radiografting, specific treatment of surfaces (textiles, paintings, inks, etc.), synthesis of complex nanomaterials, degradation of environmental pollutants and radioresistance of materials for nuclear reactors. In life sciences, the study of the effects of radiation on biomacromolecules (DNA, proteins, lipids) not only permits the comprehension of normal or pathological biological mechanisms, but also the improvement of our health. In particular, many advances in cancer radiotherapy, in the radioprotection of nuclear workers and the general population, as well as in the treatment of diseases and the radiosterilization of drugs, could be obtained thanks to this research. Abundantly illustrated and written in English by top international specialists who have taken care to render the subjects accessible, this work will greatly interest those curious about a scientific field that is new to them and students attracted by the original and multidisciplinary aspects of the field. At a time when radiation chemistry research is experiencing spectacular development in numerous countries, this book will attract many newcomers to the field.




Like Man, Like Woman

Modern scholarship often discusses Roman women in terms of their difference from their male counterparts, frequently defining them as ‘other'. This book shows how Roman male writers at the turn of the first century actually described women as not so different from men : the same qualities and abilities pertaining to the domains of parenthood, intellect and morals are ascribed by writers to women as well as to men. There are two voices, however : a traditional, ideal voice and an individual, realistic voice. This creates a duality of representations of women, which recurs across literary genres and reflects a duality of mentality. How can we interpret the paradoxical information about Roman women given by the male-authored texts ? How does this duality of mentality inform us about gender roles and gender hierarchy ? This work analyses well-known, as well as overlooked, passages from the writings of Pliny the Younger, Tacitus, Suetonius, Quintilian, Statius, Martial and Juvenal and sheds new light on Roman views of women and their abilities, on the notions of private and public and on conjugal relationships. In the process, the famous sixth satire of Juvenal is revisited and its topic reassessed, providing further insights into the complex issues of gender roles, marriage and emotions. By contrasting representations of women across a broad spectrum of literary genres, this book provides consistent findings that have wide significance for the study of Latin literature and the social history of the late first and early second centuries.




Anatomy of Style

Fashioning your signature style without losing your shirt has never been easier : just take your cue from the iconic looks of 120 celebrities. IN FOUR CHAPTERS YOU'LL FIND : - VIP style hacks to steal - clever tips and tricks for unforgettable looks - wardrobe essentials and how to spice them up - so-called "fashion faux pas" that you should dare to commit This highly illustrated book (354 photos)- a stylish accessory in its own right-reads like a mood board and has fresh inspiration for every occasion.




Hardy's Wessex. The landscapes that inspired a writer

This fascinating book tells the story of Thomas Hardy's Wessex. Accompanying a multi-venue exhibition, it explores Hardy's life and work. Internationally-acclaimed writer Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) is best known for his evocative depictions of the West Country landscape and its people, a region that he called 'Wessex'. What is less well-known is that this landscape also inspired him in many other aspects of his life, from campaigning for animal welfare to questioning the way society viewed women. This publication accompanies a blockbuster, multi-venue exhibition of the largest collection of Thomas Hardy memorabilia ever to be displayed at once. Hardy was born in the West Country, a few years after Queen Victoria came to the throne, and spent most of the rest of his life among its landscapes and people. When he turned writer, these landscapes and people re-emerged as his 'partly-real, partlydream country' of Wessex, in novels like Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Far from the Madding Crowd and Jude the Obscure. 'Hardy's Wessex' now conjures up a range of mental images : from raging seas on the coast to haunting ancient monuments, Victorian towns packed with life to peaceful hillsides grazed by sheep. However, through Hardy's 87-year life span, the West Country changed dramatically. Ideas of the role of women, humans' responsibility to animals, the realities of war, love and courtship, superstition, social structure, religion and how people related to the world around them altered fundamentally. Through his stories and campaigning, Hardy was keen to show not only the rural idyll, but also the tensions and diffi culties that lay beneath these views. These dramatic landscapes were the lens through which Hardy presented his worldview to his readership. From the tragedy of a woman saying farewell to her sailorlover on the end of Portland Bill, to a shepherd losing his flock and facing ultimate ruin on the chalky hills. The landscapes shape his characters, whose stories in turn convey his messages of social change to his readers. This publication will explore the impact that Wessex had on Hardy's works, and how living there shaped his views on the often divisive social issues of the period. Uniting beautiful landscape imagery with a selection of personal items from Hardy's life, this book will show you the man behind the literature.



Récits de voyage

Un hiver de coyote

Marie, jeune biologiste française, débarque au Québec pour effectuer son postdoctorat. Elle est affectée à un poste périlleux : assister Laurier, grand trappeur devant l'Eternel, dans l'étude de la prédation des coyotes sur les cerfs en Gaspésie. La voici projetée par -20 °C, dans la mal nommée baie des Chaleurs, elle qui n'a jamais conduit de motoneige. Heureusement, la chercheuse est tenace et Laurier connaît son métier. Durant des mois, dans une nature sauvage, le trappeur et la biologiste sillonnent la rivière gelée et son vallon, tendent des collets, collectent des crottes, analysent des empreintes à la recherche de carcasses. Peu à peu, Marie et Laurier apprennent à se connaître. Isolés du monde, ils goûtent au bonheur d'être pleinement eux-mêmes, le temps d'un hiver.



Instruments de musique

Musique d'enfants. 65. piano.

Sergei Prokofiev composed the twelve character pieces of the Musiques d'enfants in the summer of 1935. The pieces are an ideal introduction to the world of great piano literature of medium difficulty, especially for young musicians. Each piece in this suite has a different character : from the enchanting sunrise to the cheeky march, the result is an alternation of moods, a colorful sequence of images of a summer's day. Clever fingerings and imaginative tips for rehearsing guarantee success when practicing. Instrumentation : piano 65



Non classé

The Inculturation of Christianity in Africa

This book demonstrates that the encounter between Christianity and various African cultures gives rise to a number of problems for Africans who become Christians. It draws attention to certain traditional African beliefs and practices that seem to be incompatible with Christianity and create problems for Africans who embrace Christianity. Against this background it argues for the need to inculturate Christianity. It contends that in this exercise African Christianity can learn from the attempts at inculturation found in the New Testament times and in the early church. It offers examples of how the early church sought to make use of non-Christian categories of thought and elements in its articulation of the Christian message and in worship. It suggests a few areas of Ghanaian and African life where inculturation could and should take place. These include funeral rites, widowhood rites, child-naming rites, the rites of marriage, libation and christology. It concludes by offering some guidelines for use in the process of the inculturation of Christianity in Africa today.



Non classé


The Weierstrass-Stone Theorem is one of the main tools of modern analysis, and several parts of functional analysis would not exist without it. The purpose of this monograph is to present its true nature by proving several increasing generalizations of this theorem, going from the classical case of subalgebras to submodules and to arbitrary subsets of continuous functions over compact spaces. Some closely connected results on uniform approximation which are important for many applications are also presented, namely the Choquet-Deny and the Kakutani Theorems for semi-lattices and for lattices of continuous functions, respectively. The beautiful variation of the Weierstrass-Stone Theorem due to von Neumann is also included with the proof due to R. I. Jewett. The monograph ends with several recent results on uniform approximation of bounded continuous functions over non-compact spaces.



Techniques instrumentales

Wild Swans Suite. for violin and piano. violin and piano.

"Being Russian born I have a strong connection to the ballet scores of Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev and Stravinsky, and as a result in the Wild Swans, more than in any other work of mine, I allowed myself the freedom to roam through 200 years of musical genres, ranging from Hungarian Operetta through folk music and even including the influences of jazz and popular music, " says Elena Kats-Chernin. The full-length work, which premiered in Sydney in 2003, was written for choreographer Meryl Tankard after the two artists had already worked together for the opening ceremony of the 2000 Olympic Games, and became one of the composer's greatest successes. Many excerpts in various arrangements have a concert life of their own today - including the world-renowned Eliza Aria. Arranged by the composer in 2004 for violin and piano after the original orchestral version, the half-hour suite comprises ten characteristic movements : Green Leaf Prelude, Eliza Aria, Brothers, Wicked Witch (piano solo), Magic Spell Tango, Glow Worms, Darkness of the Forest, Eliza and the Prince, Mute Princess, Transformation. Instrumentation : violin and piano




Death Games - (Looking for Sally II). (Looking for Sally II)

At the end of a deadly roadtrip, Charlie sets out on a frantic search for her father left for dead, following a trail of breadcrumbs laid by an increasingly vicious demon on the verge of incarnation. The countdown is on as Sally embarks on a dangerous experiment and the death toll keeps on rising... A gory, disturbing thriller that takes us deeper and deeper into the darkness of the human psyche. Readers discretion is advised.



Instruments de musique

Musical Postcards for Alto Saxophone. 10 pieces in 10 styles from around the world. alto saxophone.

From Rio to Red Square, Mike Mower's Musical Postcards features ten captivating pieces in different musical styles from around the world. Experience the thrill of Puerto Rican salsa, the magic of an Irish reel, the romance of French café music, and much more ... Available in editions for alto saxophone, flute, clarinet, trumpet and violin, each book contains melody lines with chord symbols to aid improvisation. Every piece is brought to life with a postcard of essential background information and playing tips. A book of keyboard accompaniments is available separately. Spectacular and authentic audio performances and backing tracks of every piece played by bands and musicians from all ten countries are available online. A professional musician for 40 years, Mike Mower has played in orchestras, big bands, chamber ensembles, shows, jazz bands, and recording sessions around the world in classical, jazz, Latin, and rock styles on flutes, saxophones, and clarinets. He has written concertos for international solo artists and orchestras and concert music for ensembles of all sizes - in addition to composing, arranging, and producing TV themes and commercial music albums. His fun but challenging educational music has been enjoyed by a generation of younger players. The Musical Postcards and Junior Musical Postcards series (with accompaniment by some international recording artists too famous to mention ! ) celebrates authentic music genres from all over the globe. Instrumentation : alto saxophone




L'architecture d'aujourd'hui N° 459, février-mars 2024 : Extra-ordinaire, Out of the box

"Extraordinaire : qui sort de la règle, de l'usage". Avec le tiret, le terme désigne une notion en philosophie et surtout, il sert à ce nouveau numéro de L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui à analyser non pas ce qui relève de l' "incroyable" mais plutôt ce qui "sort de la règle" . L'écart, le pas de côté, le chemin de traverse : nous avons analysé les différents mouvements de cette "déstandardisation" à l'oeuvre en France et ailleurs. Là, l'architecte se fait aussi promoteur, pour échapper aux normes qui imposent un cadre de vie contraire à la réalité des familles ; ici, les concepteurs proposent de "désassigner" le logement, et de laisser aux habitants la possibilité de réagencer les pièces en fonction de leurs parcours ; là-bas, on construit en terre, contrairement aux normes du pays... Il ne s'agit cependant pas de devenir "anarchitecte" pour autant : l'architecte "anarchiste" qui ferait fi des réglementations et des lois, mais de proposer des solutions qui partent de la norme, la déforme et l'adapte aux mesures du monde.



Guides étrangers

Tokyo 13ed -Anglais-

Lonely Planet : Comprehensive and inspirational guides with thousands of detailed listings, reviews and recommendations for travellers with a sense of adventure and exploration Yoking past and future, Tokyo dazzles with its traditional culture and passion for everything new. Lonely Planet is your passport to Tokyo, with amazing travel experiences and the best planning advice. Explore Shinjuku's nightlife, shop for an outfit or two in Harajuku, escape the city for the calm of Meiji-jingu ; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Tokyo and begin your journey now !



Littérature érotique et sentim

The Affair Tome 1 : Séduction

Laurie a épousé son amour de jeunesse. Alors qu'elle croit vivre avec lui une idylle parfaite, elle découvre que James la trompe avec sa meilleure amie. Ses illusions volent en éclats, et elle n'est pas sûre de pouvoir lui pardonner cette trahison. Alors qu'elle part quelques jours pour prendre du recul, elle rencontre le séduisant Liam, et succombe au charme de son accent anglais. Soudain, elle n'est plus l'épouse délaissée, mais la femme fatale, capable de rendre un homme fou de désir. Cette liaison brûlante n'est-elle qu'une parenthèse ? Laurie est-elle capable de renoncer à l'homme qu'elle a aimé pendant des années ?



Non classé

Ambition and Reality

The first Five Year Plan (1976/77-1980/81) of the Yemen Arab Republic was designed to overcome the country's delayed social and economic development. Planning for and implementation of health services should consider past experiences and existing knowledge. In view of the numerous bottlenecks and constraints being of social, cultural, historical, political, economic and environmental nature any too ambitious plan should be avoided. Basic Health Services will be the mainstay for the delivery of health services to the rural population on the basis of community participation.




Porosités du droit. Textes en français et anglais

Comment penser un monde juridique transnational sinon comme composé de droits poreux ? Nous avons recueilli les réflexions de juristes qui sont professeurs, avocats et chercheurs de nombre de pays. Ils nous offrent des idées tantôt théoriques et abstraites, tantôt pragmatiques et concrètes. Nous les avons laissés parler en anglais ou en français plutôt que de les traduire, estimant que la compréhension de l'autre commence par l'écoute de sa voix. / How can one conceive of global legal transnationalism except as constituted by legal porosity ? This book brings together the perspectives of lawyers who are professors, practitioners and researchers from numerous countries. They offer ideas, as the case may be, theoretical and abstract, or pragmatic and specific. They speak in French or English rather than in translation, so that we may listen to them in their own voices.




Domitianè - Kaiè Latomia (Umm Balad). Le praesidium et les carrières

Un fortin romain du désert Oriental d'Egypte au coeur de l'exploitation de la diorite verte. Les fouilles (ministère des Affaires étrangères/Ifao) menées à Domitianè/Kainè Latomia (Umm Balad) en 2001-2003 viennent préciser nos connaissances sur l'occupation du désert Oriental d'Egypte à l'époque romaine. Ce site, implanté dans le massif du Porphyritès, possède un gisement de "granito verde fiorito di bigio " (diorite), dont la tentative d'exploitation a entraîné, sous Domitien, la construction par l'armée d'un petit fortin qui a servi de base de vie aux ouvriers des carrières. Quoique très mutilée, l'inscription de la porte indique une date de construction vers 88-92. Ce premier état ne semble pas pouvoir aller au-delà du début du règne de Trajan. Le praesidium fut sans doute abandonné par la suite, jusque vers 146. Il ne fut réoccupé alors que pour une brève période de temps, avant d'être de nouveau abandonné. L'examen des deux carrières apporte quantité d'enseignements quant à l'organisation des travaux d'exploitation mais les scénarios que nous pouvons établir sur leur histoire respective restent en grande partie spéculatifs. La mise en service de Kainè Latomia se solda finalement par un échec, dû probablement à une mauvaise qualité de la pierre. Toutefois quelques blocs furent envoyés à Rome où ils furent d'abord employés pour la décoration de la domus Flavia sur le Palatin. -- The excavations (French Ministry of Foreign Affairs/IFAO) carried out at Domitianè/Kainè Latomia (Umm Balad) in 2001-2003 have added to our knowledge of the occupation of the Eastern Desert of Egypt in Roman times. This site, located in the Porphyrites massif, has a rock deposit of "granito verde fiorito di bigio" (diorite), the attempted exploitation of which led to the construction of a fortlet by the army under Domitian. It served as a base for the quarry workers. Although very mutilated, the gate inscription indicates a date of construction around 88-92. This early state does not seem to go beyond the beginning of Trajan's reign. The praesidium was probably abandoned thereafter, until around 146, when it was reoccupied only for a short period of time, before being abandoned again. The examination of the two quarries provides a lot of information about the organisation of the exploitation works, but the scenarios that we can establish about their respective histories remain largely speculative. The commissioning of Kainè Latomia finally ended in failure, probably due to the poor quality of the stone. However, some blocks were sent to Rome where they were first used for the decoration of the Domus Flavia on the Palatine.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Climbing the Mountain. The Scientific Biography of Julian Schwinger

Julian Schwinger was one of the leading theoretical physicists of the twentieth century. His contributions are as important, and as pervasive, as those of Richard Feymnan, with whom (and with Sin-itiro Tomonaga) he shared the 1965 Nobel Prize for Physics. Yet, while Feynman is universally recognized as a cultural icon, Schwinger is little known even to many within the physics community. This biography aims to describe Schwinger's life and research contributions to a wider audience. As a youth, Julian Schwinger began as a nuclear physicist, turning to classical electrodynamics after World War II. In the years after the war, he was the first to renormalize quantum electrodynamics. Subsequently, he presented the most complete formulation of quantum field theory and laid the foundations for the electroweak synthesis of Glashow, Weinberg, and Salam, and he made fundamental contributions to the theory of nuclear magnetic resonance, to many-body theory, and to quantum optics. He developed a unique approach to quantum mechanics, measurement algebra, and a general quantum action principle. His discoveries include, Feynman's, parameters and 'Glauber's' coherent states; in later years he also developed an alternative to operator field theory, which he called Source Theory, which reflected his profound phenomenological bent. His late work on the Thomas-Fermi model of atoms and on the Casimir effect continues to be an inspiration to a new generation of physicists. This biography describes the many strands of his research life, while tracing the personal life of this private and gentle genius.




Sarah Orne Jewett. The Country of the Pointed Firs

LA référence pour la littérature à l'agrégation externe d'Anglais Traitant d'un des sujets 2022 et 2023 de l'agrégation externe d'Anglais, cet ouvrage propose tout ce dont le candidat a besoin pour passer les épreuves. Comme tous les Clefs-concours de littérature anglophone, l'ouvrage est structuré en quatre parties : Repères : le contexte historique et littéraire ; Thématiques : comprendre les enjeux du programme ; Perspectives : ouvertures pour des pistes de réflexion ; Outils : pour retrouver rapidement une définition, une idée ou une référence.



Littérature érotique et sentim

The Midnight Demons Tome 2 : Straight to the heart

Judicaëlle a trouvé le job parfait ! Du moins, c'est ce qu'elle se dit en garant sa voiture devant une jolie bâtisse en bois rond, portant le nom de "Gates of Paradise" . Son expérience lui permet d'être embauchée immédiatement, mais lorsqu'elle découvre qu'elle se trouve au beau milieu d'un gang de bikers, elle préfère décliner. Est-ce leur pouvoir de persuasion ou de persécution qui la fait changer d'avis ? Cela étant, elle accepte de travailler avec eux, mais elle va devoir composer avec un biker aux allures de Viking nommé Thor, qui la percute en plein coeur. Entre esquive et uppercut, la belle ne sait plus où donner de la tête.



Beaux arts

Walls of change : the story of the wynwood walls

L'histoire de Wynwood Walls est celle du changement par la passion, l'art et la communauté. Lorsque Tony Goldman est tombé sur l'étendue des bâtiments d'entrepôt dans le quartier de Wynwood à Miami, il a vu une toile vierge. En 2009, le célèbre visionnaire a entrepris de transformer la région en un centre d'exploration culturelle - avec l'aide des artistes de rue les plus innovants et reconnus du monde. Walls of Change : The Story of The Wynwood Walls est une redécouverte d'une décennie d'art, d'inspiration et d'innovation, avec les peintures murales les plus célèbres de Wynwood, avec des photographies inédites du développement de The Walls et des commentaires spéciaux des plus emblématiques du street art. figures, dont Shepard Fairey, Maya Hayuk, Kenny Scharf, Ron English et les conservateurs actuels Jessica Goldman Srebnick et la famille Goldman, entre autres. En seulement dix ans, The Wynwood Walls est devenu un phénomène à part entière, connu comme un jalon dans la carrière des artistes, avec une capacité à catapulter des inconnus et des vétérans. Sous la direction de la PDG Jessica Goldman Srebnick, The Wynwood Walls est devenue l'une des destinations d'art de rue les plus en vue au monde, accueillant plus de trois millions de visiteurs par an.




Réussir en anglais 4e. The Hound of the Baskervilles

Démarre en trombe l'année de 4e en lisant en anglais le chef-d'oeuvre de Arthur Conan Doyle : The Hound of the Baskervilles. Seras-tu à même de comprendre l'intrigue de cette mystérieuse histoire, présentée ici en VO et dans un anglais adapté à la classe de 4e ? Pour t'aider, tu trouveras sur chaque page un lexique, des illustrations et de nombreuses questions de compréhension sous forme de QCM.



Mondes fantastiques

The Remnant Chronicles Tome 1 : The Kiss of Deception

La princesse Lia, première fille de la Maison Morrighan, est promise au prince de Dalbreck, un homme qu'elle n'a jamais rencontré. Une union aussi cruciale pour son royaume que terrifiante pour Lia. Pour échapper à ce destin tout tracé, la jeune fille s'enfuit le matin de ses noces. Aux confins de Morrighan, là où personne ne devrait la reconnaître, Lia croit avoir mis assez de distance entre elle et les intrigues de la cour. Alors, quand deux hommes font irruption dans sa nouvelle vie, elle ne se doute pas un instant que l'un deux est le prince éconduit et l'autre, un assassin envoyé pour la tuer. Car on n'humilie pas deux royaumes impunément, et la fugue de Lia a déclenché une crise qui pourrait bien s'étendre au-delà de Morrighan... Lia réussira-t-elle à éviter le pire sans y perdre son âme ?



Littérature française

The Avenue in the Rain. Raconte-moi une photo

L'image est celle de la femme éternelle. Une image qui se fiche des controverses sur la réalité ou le fantasme de cette " féminité " idéale : de la place de chaque sexe sur le vaisseau de la vie. Cette femme, c'est celle qui naît de la vision d'un homme ; il ne cherche pas en elle son semblable, son égale : en elle, il voit l'espérance, l'amour qui l'attend, un jour, quelque part, en dépit du temps qui passe et des aléas de la vie. Ou bien l'amour qu'il a perdu, manqué. Femme, soeur, marraine, mère... elle est là jusque dans la défaite : jusqu'à la fin. Fixée en une seule et belle image, cette femme éternelle est l'allégorie de la vie. Force et douceur. Attirance. Respect. Mystère. Elle est notre désir. En quatre textes, sur une photo emblématique, c'est cette figure de proue, cette égérie qui est illustrée, espérée, fantasmée. Remerciée. " Tout est sauvé, une femme est avec nous ", écrivait Victor Hugo, dans sa correspondance, en 1853. Ainsi soit-il.
