
Borges and Borges Illimited




Les graines du monde

His knowledge, tenacity and eloquence still resound in the corridors of the Institute which bears his name in Saint Petersburg and his spirit continues to inspire the hundreds of researchers pursuing his work. He had anticipated the disappearance of plant diversity, and, within the space of a few decades, he studied and travelled throughout the world and found the means of saving it. For political and idealogical reasons, Nikolai Vavilov was condemned to death and left to starve in the dungeon of a Soviet prison. Gradually, on both sides of the iron curtain, his memory began to fade. One hundred years after Vavilov's first expedition, the photographer Mario Del Curto retraced his footsteps. For four years he has been meeting those who, despite overwhelming obstacles, perpetuate Vavilov's seed prospec- tion, selection, and conservation work in order to save the planet's staple food crops. This book is the unprecedented story of his journey to the heart of the Vavilov Institute and its twelve research stations. International special- ists bring light to the huge scope of the work undertaken by Vavilov and his successors.



Critique littéraire

Ancient Greek by Its Translators

When not familiar with the language itself, most readers over the centuries have had access to the ancient Greek texts only or mostly through (Latin or vernacular) translations. Such an approach is not only indirect and mediated, but also distorted and even impoverishing : meaning then prevails over the linguistic form and substance of the texts themselves. What do later or modern readers read when they read translated texts written in an ancient so-called dead language ? They read a given meaning - sometimes unfaithful, often inaccurate - dictated by a genuine understanding, the blind continuation of tradition, or an untold hidden intention. The complex range of significances conveyed by meaning simultaneously reflects the time and space (called synchrony) of when and where a text has been translated, the historical learning and linguistic skills of the translators, as well as their ideas and style. As a contribution to the perennial debate about translation (mere literary transliteration vs. creative transposition), this volume aims at analyzing some striking cases of various (literary or not) texts translated from ancient Greek showing how much for the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries aesthetics and ideology matter as much as - and often even more than - rigorous philology.



Sciences politiques

Pass or Fail?. Assessing the Quality of Democracy in South Africa

In recent years, growing concerns over the strength of South Africa's democracy appear to indicate a population increasingly disillusioned and dissatisfied with the quality of its implementation. This book assesses the quality of democracy in South Africa after 20 years of democracy in order to ascertain whether or not this growing perception is valid. Since the inception of democracy in 1994 there have been countless procedural and substantive improvements in addressing historically entrenched political, social and economic problems ; however, there are serious issues that have emerged relating to the quality of democratic implementation in South Africa. Two existing analytical frameworks of democracy assessment, International IDEA's State of Democracy framework and Leonardo Morlino's tool for empirical research on democratic qualities, TODEM, are utilised to assess the quality of South Africa's rule of law and institutional capacity ; representative and accountable government ; civil society and popular participation ; and freedom and equality after 20 years of democracy. The book concludes cautiously that while South Africa faces many serious and threatening potholes in the road to a fully successful democracy, there is nevertheless much to applaud.



Littérature française

Essentials of Logistics et management. The Global Supply Chain.

The logistician plays a critical role in the growth of his or her company - in this third edition of Essentials of Logistics, the conceptual framework in which all the stakes and themes of logistics is systematically analyzed, with a strong focus on the role of the supply chain. Indeed, many elements are critical to the successful logistical strategy : customer relation management, interactive information support, production optimization and process development, vision, strategy and operations management, and human resources and resource allocation. Growing out of a successful course given by the International Institute for the Management of Logistics (IML) of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), in Lausanne, and by the Ecole des Ponts-ParisTech (ENPC), the purpose of this book is to present a methodology allowing the reader to understand and act based on the critical factors embedded in the design of strategy. Concepts are thus combined with practical examples. Transversal vision and detailed case studies highlight the main themes of modern logistics and daily preoccupations of logisticians. The book is addressed to all professionals of logistics : managers, planners and engineers ; as well as to graduate students specializing in the field.



Histoire internationale

Strange Adventures

Strange Adventures examines portrayals of womanhood in the works of prize-winning French author Pierrette Fleutiaux. Fleutiaux's refreshing pictures of womanhood offer insights into how women can become more whole, substantial and free in themselves and in their relationships, as well as how they can contribute to the external world through their creativity and leadership. The study demonstrates how Fleutiaux's heroines navigate the external, bodily and inner situations of adolescence, early adult life, marriage, motherhood, maturity, leadership and death, in the process developing greater inner resources of wisdom, compassion and resilience. This volume considers selections from Fleutiaux's oeuvre, from her first short fiction Histoire de la chauve-souris to her recent Loli le temps venu, including Métamorphoses de la reine (Goncourt de la nouvelle) and Nous sommes éternels (Prix Femina). Using a theoretical framework which draws on Jungian concepts and the philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir, the study analyses women's individuation trajectories at each stage of life. Throughout, Fleutiaux's depictions are shown to pose a challenge to existing conceptions of womanhood and individuality, thus opening up new understandings of what it means to be a woman, and to be human.




Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2015

The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2015 provides a dynamic and up-to-date overview of the measures Italy has taken to adapt its legislation and policies to international human rights law and to comply with commitments voluntarily assumed by the Italian Government at the international level. The 2015 Yearbook surveys the activities of the relevant national and local Italian actors, including governmental bodies, civil society organisations and universities. It also presents reports and recommendations that have been addressed to Italy in 2014 by international monitoring bodies within the framework of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. Finally, the Yearbook provides a selection of international and national case-law that casts light on Italy's position vis-à-vis internationally recognised human rights. "Italy and Human Rights in 2014 : the Challenge of National/International Constitutional Synergism" is the focus of the introductory section of the Yearbook. The complex network of monitoring actions carried out by the supranational bodies, and the relative reporting requirements Italy must meet, can only be viewed in the context of reciprocal exchange and strengthening between the provisions enshrined in the national Constitution and international human rights law. The Italian Agenda of Human Rights 2015 represents an updated orientation tool intended to support the commitment taken by the Italian Government in the framework of the second Universal Periodic Review (October 2014) before the UN Human Rights Council.



Livres à toucher

Mes petites chansons. Un livre sonore à toucher

Des chansons à écouter et à toucher ! Avec ses puces sonores musicales et ses matières à toucher, ce recueil est unique. Sur chaque page, l'enfant recherche dans l'illustration le petit bouton qui déclenchera la musique et éveille ses sens en touchant des matières variées. Découvre le ventre tout doux du hibou en écoutant " Coucou hibou " ; danse le " rock and roll des gallinacés " ; " Vole, vole " sur les ailes scintillantes du papillon ; caresse sans crainte le dos bosselé du crocodile et touche le bonnet de " Mon âne ". Les illustrations de Mister Iwi, adaptées aux tout-petits accompagnent ce voyage musical et sensoriel.




Gossip Ladies

Deux vieilles copines chipies de 70 ans luttent ensemble jusqu'à la mort (qui approche) contre les préjugés sur l'âge, à coups de complicité amicale, de cocktails et d'insultes. Kiki, la grande gueule qui fait sursauter les jeunes filles en les traitant de petites putes, et Sosso, la grande élégante à la vie sexuelle débordante se connaissent depuis toujours. L'esprit rock and roll et le verbe haut politiquement incorrect, ces deux Gossip Ladies aiment la franchise et la fidélité, balancent du lourd au sujet des hommes, parlent de sexe sans complexe et profitent de la vie.



Littérature française

Le désir comme aventure

"On est en 1986, j'ai 19 ans. Je vais acheter des disques chez New Rose, je vais voir un concert de Siouxsie and the Banshees au Gibus ; et puis, un matin, je vais au Louvre et tombe en arrêt devant La Mort de Sardanapale de Delacroix". L'oeuvre ne s'explique pas, elle se vit, elle se sent, elle se désire. Car le désir chez Yannick Haenel est "plus grand que nous" , un désir fécond, un désir riche de son inassouvissement. Un désir qui sera la genèse de l'acte d'écrire et de la jouissance.



Religions orientales

Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie n° 30 (2021). Autour de Roberte Hamayon. Son apport aux études du religieux dans le monde chinois 2021

Sommaire / Contents Alain ARRAULT A nos lecteurs / To Our Readers Introduction Fiorella ALLIO & Béatrice DAVID La forêt et le champ. Dialogue avec Roberte Hamayon Contributions Gilles BOILEAU Nature dangereuse et logiques d'alliance dans la Chine archaïque Roberte HAMAYON Un certain rapport à la nature ? Réflexions sur le texte de Gilles Boileau Fiorella ALLIO "Quatre jours d'épuisement, trois ans sans accident ! " Relations d'échanges avec les esprits et fonction chamanique dans un "rituel donneur de vie" à Tainan (Taiwan) Roberte HAMAYON Un exemple de "chamanisme agraire" . Réflexions sur le texte de Fiorella Allio Aurélie NEVOT Danser par la voix de l'écriture. A propos des chamanes scripteurs des Yi-Sani (Chine) Roberte HAMAYON Que révèle d'une religion la conduite de ses spécialistes rituels ? Réflexions sur le texte d'Aurélie Névot Stéphanie HOMOLA Jeu, divination et cognition. La portée de Jouer de Roberte Hamayon Roberte HAMAYON Rien à deviner, mais de la chance à fabriquer. Réflexions sur le texte de Stéphanie Homola Benoît VERMANDER Jouer (et donner) à penser. Une lecture de Roberte Hamayon en contexte(s) chinois Roberte HAMAYON Ni fini de jouer, ni fini de penser. Réflexions sur le texte de Benoît Vermander Béatrice DAVID Des offrandes aux ancêtres et des jeux. Agir pour le bon déroulement du nouveau cycle annuel lors des rassemblements saisonniers sur les collines rituelles du twa en pays sui (Chine du sud-ouest) Roberte HAMAYON De la récupération comme voie d'adaptation. Réflexions sur le texte de Béatrice David VARIA Hsun CHANG The Body-Mind Practices and New Media Technologies : Two Taiwanese Walking Pilgrimages PAN Junliang Le médiumnisme wenzhou en contexte diasporique : continuité et adaptation Michela BUSSOTTI The Images of the Merits of Shi and Hu Families : Between Popular Prints and Genealogies. Narratives of Loyalty to the Song Empire and the Edifying Practices of Huizhou Lineages in the Ming-Qing Dynasties Marie PARMENTIER Du Noir cosmologique au bleu aérien : une brève histoire de la couleur du ciel dans le Japon d'Edo (1603-1868) COMPTES RENDUS / BOOK REVIEWS François Lachaud Muriel Jolivet, Les dernières chamanes du Japon. Rencontres avec l'invisible au pays du Soleil Levant Rainier LANSELLE Ng Emily, A Time of Lost Gods : Mediumship, Madness, and the Ghost after Mao Vincent GOOSSAERT Sébastien Billioud, Reclaiming the Wilderness : Contemporary Dynamics of the Yiguandao Stephan FEUCHTWANG Mayfair Yang, Re-enchanting Modernity : Ritual Economy and Society in Wenzhou, China Auteurs du présent volume / Contributors to This Volume



Ethnologie et anthropologie

Tulen Di Muna Dangan di Malbulen. Kite Blaan (Mindanao, Philippines)

This publication is the volume 10 of a series dealing with the culture, the history and the traditions of the Blaan of Malbulen (Little Baguio, Mindanao, Philippines). It is available in Blaan and in English. Elders share their stories to a group of youngsters who ask them questions on a variety of topics such as life of the ancestors, cosmogony, conflicts and social rules, spirits and animals, hunting, childbirth and marriage, burial practices, signs, dreams and religion. The book provides the verbatim accounts of these discussions recorded during a workshop that took place in Malbulen in 2015.




Narratives of the Past in Malbulen. Blaan Perspectives (Mindanao, Philippines)

This publication is the volume 10 of a series dealing with the culture, the history and the traditions of the Blaan of Malbulen (Little Baguio, Mindanao, Philippines). It is available in Blaan and in English. Elders share their stories to a group of youngsters who ask them questions on a variety of topics such as life of the ancestors, cosmogony, conflicts and social rules, spirits and animals, hunting, childbirth and marriage, burial practices, signs, dreams and religion. The book provides the verbatim accounts of these discussions recorded during a workshop that took place in Malbulen in 2015.



Non classé

«America's my Home»- Interviews with Young Blacks from Georgia

This book presents six interviews with young, upwardly mobile blacks from the state of Georgia, USA, as a contribution to American oral history and culture. The time span covered comprises the years 1960 to 1975, a period which marked a transitional phase in race relations. The interviewees state their experiences with and feelings on desegregation, their political and ethnic loyalties, their aspirations in life, and their value systems. Despite a varied socio-economic background, they show a heightened sense of racial and cultural identity and an integrationist orientation with Martin Luther King as a culture hero.



Thèmes photo

Michel Bönan. Signature Details

An architect and interior designer, Michele Bönan translates and transmits the Italian lifestyle in a very specific way, with strong cosmopolitan connotations. His ability to create refined, timeless environments using exquisite materials-always treated and often transformed in an unconventional way-makes him unique both in Italy and on the international scene. Designed to showcase the architect's latest projects, Michele Bönan : Signature Details features an array of exclusive interiors, from Milan to Paris and from London to Forte Dei Marmi, highlighting Bönan's signature interior-design concepts based on a passion for heritage, innovation and his beloved, native Florence.



Littérature française

The Secrets of Shiva, Aum Namah Shivaya, unquestioned deity of human knowledge

The Secrets of Shiva A gorgeous presentation written by Shuddhananda Bharati on Shiva, unquestioned deity of human knowledge. Lord Shiva has the gift and power to unite us to his spiritual strength, cleanse our past, to teach us and guide us in our evolution and personal development. His creative and destructive energy of the ego leads us into the light. As the alchemist according to our progress, He heals our wounds, removes our worries and sows in us the joy and happiness of being, while leading us in our inner quest for the divine in us. He offers us the chance to find out. Second part is a work about Sri Muthuswami Dikshitar and Rishi Dayananda. Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget



Non classé


This book on macrodynamic theories of growth, (in-)stability and cycles shows that the debate between Keynesians, Monetarists and New Classical economists can be reformulated from the perspective of a further and quite different approach to macroeconomic model building. Basis of this reformulation is the growth cycle model of Goodwin which is extended in various ways in the pursuit of this aim. Besides this central theme, the book also introduces into Keynesian, Marxian and Neoclassical models of short-, medium- and long-run macroeconomics in its part I, II. Models which synthesize these approaches and which thus provide a (deterministic) framework for the investigation of the adequateness of the various explanations of cyclical growth and inflation are considered in part III.



Sciences politiques

Organizing after Crisis. The Challenge of Learning

How do actors organize after crisis ? Do they "simply" return to normal ? The post-crisis phase is anything but a linear process. Actors and their practices may be transformed by learning from crises and by implementing the lessons. In this volume, 19 contributors from 7 countries analyse how learning happens after crisis in a dynamic political environment where framings, strategies, discourses, interests and resources interact. Exploring various policy sectors, they ask whether and in what ways organizations in charge of crisis management perform well. Where political responsibility is located ? What changes do lessons trigger at political, organizational and individual levels ? The book answers these questions by addressing issues like blame and responsibility but also the influence of communication, social dynamics and the institutional environment.




From Vine to Wine.. Domaine Ponsot’s Vineyards: 150 Years of History (1872–2022)

Inspired by the microhistory trend, this book sets out to illustrate how 150 years of the unique history of a family of winegrowers is embedded in-and contributes to-the larger history of Burgundy crus. The book will explore the developments in techniques and knowledge about grapevines and wine that have taken place between 1872 to 2022, providing readers with a better understanding of the issues relating to designations of origin (appellations) and the notion of terroir. Readers will see how things were done in the past and how they are done today, and the approaches that will be adopted in the future by 'climatic' winegrowers, and will conclude that sometimes everything must change in order for everything to remain the same.



Méthodes FLE

Listen, play & learn french

Want to have fun while learning French ? Meet Ludivine and Antoine. She's a soccer fan and he's a guitarist. You'll discover their daily lives as children living in France - their friends, their school, their hobbies - and you'll pick up the language as you follow their adventures. As you advance through the book, you'll meet Zouzou le hibou, a wily owl who'll provide instructions and explanations, give you challenges to solve, and introduce you to classic French poems and songs. You'll also meet Léon le dragon, who'll give you some great games to play. Last but not least, Kiki la chauve-souris is a brainy bat who'll translate the dialogues for you and give you the answers to our puzzles. With the help of this tip-top trio, you'll progress without difficulty - and, above all, without getting bored.



Non classé

Ruling Class Men

What is it like to be a master of the universe ? The authors have researched the desires and fears of the world's most powerful men. The Murdochs, Packers, Kennedys, Agnellis and other men like them, directly determine the fates of thousands and influence the future of the world like no other people. Described as ‘sacred monsters' by one of their own, they are carefully created to be what they are and to enjoy shaping the world in their own likeness. To learn about these often reclusive men, the authors extended the life-history technique to interrogate autobiographies, diaries and biographies and have created a composite picture, a collective portrait, of tycoons over three generations. The book carefully explores the childhoods, schooling, work and play, sexual activities, marriages and deaths of the wealthiest men who have ever lived. It exposes the nature of ruling-class masculinity itself.





Oriented matroids are a very natural mathematical concept which prescrits itself in many different guises and which has connections and applications to many different areas. These include discrete and computational geometry, combinatorics, convexity, topology, algebraic geometry, operations research, computer science and theoretical chemistry. This is the first comprehensive, accessible account of the subject. It is intended for a diverse audience: graduate students who wish to learn the subject from scratch, researchers in the various fields of application who want to concentrate on certain aspects of the theory; specialists who need a thorough reference work; and others at points in between. A list of exercises and open problems ends each chapter. For the second edition, the authors have expanded the bibliography greatly to ensure that it remains comprehensive and up-to-date, and they have also added an appendix surveying research since the work was first published.




Third World Tourism Research 1950-1984

Since the early fifties tourism to developing countries has dramatically increased and in many a developing country it is now a sector of vital importance. This increase has been reflected in an equally impressive rate of growth in scholarly output. Despite this, there are as yet no indexed guides providing in a single volume easy access to the rapidly expanding body of knowledge. This bibliography seeks to fill the gap. It covers a period of 35 years and comprises more than 2000 titles in English, French, German and Dutch, on tourism in the Third World and in richer countries such as Greece, Yugoslavia, Portugal and Spain. The titles are chronologically arranged according to the year of publication, and for each year in alphabetical order. To assist readers the titles are catalogued by three indexes : an author and editor index, a geographical index and a subject index.




Fra Angelico. Painter, Friar, Mystic, Edition français-anglais-italien

Fra Angelico offers a unique encounter with the celebrated painter, seen through the eyes of Monsignor Timothy Verdon. As an art historian and (like Angelico) a Catholic priest, Monsignor Verdon approaches the work of the only artist ever beatified through the theological lens it deserves, bringing together Fra Angelico's art and his faith. Praised by his contemporaries, by later art historians, and by generations of viewers, Fra Angelico's art is known for its exceptional combination of piety and painterly skill. In this book, Monsignor Verdon explores the spiritual and mystical foundations of the friar-painter's work, and traces his artistic evolution from his early work, to the frescoes for the covent of San Marco in Florence, his Annunciations, and the chapel for Pope Niccolò V.Lavishly illustrated with over 200 high-quality images, Beato Angelico illuminates Fra Angelico's art and his faith.



Non classé

The Inculturation of Christianity in Africa

This book demonstrates that the encounter between Christianity and various African cultures gives rise to a number of problems for Africans who become Christians. It draws attention to certain traditional African beliefs and practices that seem to be incompatible with Christianity and create problems for Africans who embrace Christianity. Against this background it argues for the need to inculturate Christianity. It contends that in this exercise African Christianity can learn from the attempts at inculturation found in the New Testament times and in the early church. It offers examples of how the early church sought to make use of non-Christian categories of thought and elements in its articulation of the Christian message and in worship. It suggests a few areas of Ghanaian and African life where inculturation could and should take place. These include funeral rites, widowhood rites, child-naming rites, the rites of marriage, libation and christology. It concludes by offering some guidelines for use in the process of the inculturation of Christianity in Africa today.



Beaux arts

Grotesques. Fantasy Portrayed, édition bilingue anglais-néerlandais

At the end of the 15th century, the underground ruins of Emperor Nero's famous palace were discovered in Rome : the Domus Aurea. The walls were painted with sumptuous symmetrical decorations teeming with a host of bizarre animals and mythical creatures. This was the beginning of a new visual language, which was known as 'grotesque' after the site found in 'grotto-like' ruins. Hans Vredeman de Vries and Cornelis Floris spread the grotesque style with its endless variations through their printed designs. In the 16th century, grotesque ornaments became popular not only in painting and architecture, but also in glass painting, metalsmithing and book printing. Today we still link the term 'grotesque' to the capricious, bizarre, monstrous - but also to the caricatural and laughable. Bosch and Bruegel were the great pioneers of the grotesque in printmaking with their fantastic drolleries. James Ensor, Fred Bervoets, René De Coninck, Carll Cneut and others are part of a long tradition of artists who were, and still are, inspired by the grotesque : both as a concept and as a figural style.



Non classé

Migrant Memories

Migrant Memories provides an innovative perspective on the power of cultural memory and the influence of cinema on the Italian diaspora in Britain. Based on extensive interviews with Southern Italian migrants and their children, this study offers a fresh understanding of the migrants' journey from Italy to Britain since the early 1950s. The volume examines how the experience of contemporary Italian identity has been mediated through film, photography and popular culture through the generations. Beginning with an analysis of the films of Frank Capra and Anthony Minghella, the book goes on to address the popular melodramas of Raffaello Matarazzo and ultimately argues that cinema, and the memory of it, had a significant influence on the identity formation of first-generation Italians in Britain. Coupled with this analysis of cinema's relationship to migration, the cultural memory of the Italian diaspora is explored through traditions of education, religion, marriage and cuisine. The volume highlights the complexities of cultural history and migration at a time when debates about immigration in Britain have become politically and culturally urgent.



Guides pratiques

Cycling the ruta via de la plata

2 weeks from Seville to Gijón ; 6-day option along Camino Sanabrés to Santiago ; road and off-road routes ; 8 UNESCO world heritage sites. The Ruta Via de la Plata is one of Spain's most important pilgrim routes. This 930km ride from the southern coarta plain, across the central plateau and over the Cantabrian Mountains to the north coast is the perfect way to sample the country. Along the way there is the chance to visit notable towns an, cities – such as Seville, Mérida, Cáceres Salamanca, Leon, Zamora, Oviedo an Santiago de Compostela. Mainly empty roads and gentle climbs make this rout accessible for a wide range of cyclists. With fantastic cycling, cultura and historic interest and great food, the Ruta Via de la Plata is sure to delight. This guidebook describes both road and off-road routes and how to combine the two for a perfect touring, hybrid or gravel cycling trip. Best cycled in spring and autumn ; suitable for touring, hybrid or gravel bikes ; advice on equipment, travel and transporting your bike.



Beaux arts

Pissaro. Edition en langue anglaise

Camille Pissarro (1830-1903) was not only a central figure in the Impressionist movement, but a major influence on the development of modern art. He was the only artist to exhibit at ail eight of the Impressionist exhibitions between 1874 and 1886, and his letters are a fascinating and invaluable source of information on the theoretical aspects and practical implications of Impressionism. Pissarro's career touched that of an extraordinary number of his contemporaries, to whom he was often a teacher and always a friend. In his early years he worked with Monet; in the 1870s he painted in close friendship with Cézanne; he was a guide for Gauguin, whom he introduced to the Impressionist group; and in the 1880s bc flirted with Neo-Impressionism with Seurat. This marvellously illustrated book charts the evolution of his painting, and celebrates his compositional brilliance, technical skill and innovatory approach. Forty-eight full-page colour plates illustrate the extraordinary quality of Pissarro's work from ail periods, and these combined with Christopher Lloyd's illuminating text constitute a superb introduction to the artist. Christopher Lloyd is the Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures. His essay on Pissarro, first published in 1979, bas been revised and updated, with the addition of commentaries to each plate, written by Amanda Renshaw, and a wide selection of comparative illustrations.




Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2014

The Italian Yearbook of Human Rights 2014, the fourth in the series, provides a dynamic and up-to-date overview of the measures Italy has taken to adapt its legislation and policies to international human rights law and to comply with commitments voluntarily assumed by the Italian Government at the international level. The 2014 Yearbook surveys the activities of the relevant national and local Italian actors, including governmental bodies, civil society organisations and universities. It also presents reports and recommendations that have been addressed to Italy by international monitoring bodies within the framework of the United Nations, the Council of Europe and the European Union. Finally, the Yearbook provides a selection of international and national case-law that casts light on Italy's position vis-à-vis internationally recognised human rights. "Italy and human rights in 2013 : the challenges of social justice and the right to peace" is the focus of the introductory section of the Yearbook. With a view on the second Universal Periodic Review of Italy before the Human Rights Council, the Italian Agenda of Human Rights 2014, intended to be an orientation tool with regards to immediate and longterm measures that should be taken to ensure human rights for all in the Country, is integrated by an analysis of the status of implementation of the recommendations made to Italy during the first Universal Periodic Review (2010).



Livres 3 ans et +

Three Friends... Not Quite Like The Rest !

Agathe, Clémentine et Sophie sont trois carottes inséparables pas tout à fait comme les autres... Sous le regard bienveillant de leur ami le grand chêne, elles mènent une vie paisible en attendant d'être mangées mais pas avant d'avoir voyagé ! Le destin s'invite alors et entraîne nos trois carottes vers la plus belle histoire de leur vie... Prendre son destin en main, accepter la différence et croire en ses rêves, voilà ce que nous réservent nos amies carottes. Accompagnées de trois navets avides de liberté et d'une famille lapin anticonformiste, elles nous prouvent que tout est possible et que la vie nous appartient... A nous d'en faire une aventure extraordinaire ! A partir de 6 ans. Agathe, Clementine and Sophie are three inseparable carrots not quite like the rest. Under the benevolent care of their friend the big oak tree, they live happily waiting to be eaten but certainly not before going on a journey ! Destiny calls, guiding our three carrots for the best time of their lives. Taking control of our destiny, accepting differences and believing in our dreams, this is what our carrot friends offer us. Accompanied by three turnips, eager to be free, encountering a rabbit family also not quite like the rest, they demonstrate that everything is possible and life belongs to us... It is up to us to turn it into an extraordinary adventure. Suitable for children from 6 years upwards..
