
Seraph of the end Tome 23




Wang Keping. Edition bilingue français-anglais

Parmi les artistes chinois expatriés en France et aux Etats-Unis dans les années 1980, le sculpteur Wang Keping se distingue par l'invention d'un langage sculptural singulier aujourd'hui internationalement reconnu. Dans cette monographie qui met à l'honneur les oeuvres monumentales de la maturité, l'historienne d'art Virginie Perdrisot-Cassan analyse ce répertoire de signes au sein duquel l'universalité des motifs rencontre une éblouissante variété de formes, infinies variations autour de la féminité, de l'animalité, du couple, du désir, de la souffrance et de la finitude. Née d'un sensuel mariage entre la nature et le style, la générosité du bois et l'autorité de la main, l'oeuvre de Wang Keping incarne la quête de vérité d'un artiste au destin hors norme. Membre-fondateur du premier groupe d'avant-garde chinois, le "mouvement des Etoiles" , exilé politique, Wang Keping fait le choix à son arrivée en France d'emprunter le chemin ténu d'une radicale essentialisation des formes, dans la lignée de maîtres aussi divers que les artistes, cinéastes et écrivains Qi Baishi, Picasso, Matisse, Chaplin, Beckett, Zadkine, Brancusi. Le plasticien et activiste Ai Weiwei lui rend un vibrant hommage, témoignant de son admiration pour l'audace de son aîné au moment de l'exposition dissidente des Etoiles en 1979 et célébrant l'autonomie et l'intégrité de la création de celui que l'on surnomme "Le Maître du Bois" . Among Chinese artists who moved to France or the United States in the 1980s, sculptor Wang Keping stands out for his invention of a unique sculptural language, today recognized internationally. In this monograph, which gives pride of place to his mature monumental works, the art historian Virginie Perdrisot-Cassan analyzes this repertory of signs within which the universality of the motifs meets a dazzling variety of shapes, endless variations touching on femininity, animality, couples, desire, suffering, and finitude. Born of a sensual marriage between nature and style, the generosity of wood and the influence of the hand, Wang Keping's work incarnates the quest for truth of an artist with a destiny beyond the norm. A founding member of the first movement of Chinese avant-garde, "the Stars art group" and a political exile, Wang Keping followed the path of a radical essentialization of shapes upon his arrival in France, in the footsteps of masters as diverse as the artists, filmmakers and writers Qi Baishi, Picasso, Matisse, Chaplin, Beckett, Zadkine, and Brancusi. The artist and activist Ai Weiwei gives him a vibrant tribute, showing his admiration for his elder's audacity at the time of the Stars dissident exhibition in 1979, and celebrating the autonomy and integrity of creations by the man who is known as "The Master of Wood. "



Sciences de la terre et de la

LES TIQUES DU MONDE. Nomenclature, stades décrits, hôtes, répartition : THE TICKS OF THE WORLD. Nomenclature, described stages, hosts, distribution

CE CATALOGUE des Tiques du monde dresse la liste raisonnée et hiérarchisée de tous les noms valides et invalides de tiques rencontrés dans la littérature. Il traite ainsi des 4 210 noms scientifiques différents qui correspondent aux 869 espèces ou sous-espèces reconnues au 1er janvier 1996. Il ne se contente pas d'établir toutes les synonymies, dont certaines sont inédites, mais précise aussi, pour chaque espèce, les stades décrits, les hôtes majeurs des stades immatures et adultes et la répartition par zones biogéographiques. Il est par ailleurs l'occasion, pour les auteurs, de formaliser leur conception de la classification des Ixodida et de fournir une bibliographie prenant la suite de celle de Hoogstraal arrêtée au 31 décembre 1984. Au plan pratique, un index à 5 148 entrées renvoie, pour chaque nom scientifique, à la ligne du catalogue où il apparaît dans la classification. Cet accès immédiat permet d'en déduire son statut et de consulter toutes les informations bio-écologiques qui s'y rapportent. Cette somme, sans équivalent actuel, intéressera tous les scientifiques concernés par l'acarologie - zoologistes, vétérinaires ou médecins - qui éprouvent des difficultés à interpréter les noms de tiques utilisés dans les publications anciennes et récentes. Cet ouvrage trouve donc sa place dans le domaine de l'épidémiologie des nombreuses maladies causées par les tiques, telles que, chez l'animal, la paralysie à tiques, les babesioses, les theilerioses, la cowdriose, le Louping ill du mouton et des bovins, la maladie du mouton de Nairobi et la peste porcine africaine, et chez l'homme, la maladie de Lyme, la fièvre pourprée des Montagnes Rocheuses, la fièvre boutonneuse, l'encéphalite à tiques, la maladie de la forêt de Kyasanur et la fièvre hémorragique de Crimée-Congo. THIS CATALOGUE of the Ticks of the world offers an annotated and hierarchical list of all the valid and invalid latin tick names occurring in the literature. It deals with 4,210 names for 869 recognized species and subspecies described up to 1/1/1996. Besides giving all the accepted synonymies - some of them hitherto unpublished -, it specifies, for each species, the described stages, the main hosts for the immature and adult stages, and the biogeographical distribution. It follows the classification currently chosen by the authors. Moreover it contains an updated bibliography continuing Hoogstraal's which ended 31/12/1984. An efficient tool is given by an index of 5,148 entrances referring to the proper line of the catalogue where the name appears in the classification of the Ixodida. This allows the reader to be immediately aware of its status and of all the related bioecological data. This comprehensive book on tick nomenclature, hosts and biogeographil, concerns all scientists involved in acaralogy - zoologists as well as veterinarians and doctors - who have difficulties in interpreting the tick names used in old or recent publications. It can thus be useful in the field of the epidemiology of numerous tickborne diseases in animals such as Tick Paralysis, Babesiosis, East Coast Fever, Heartwater, Louping ill, Nairobi Sheep Disease, African Swine Fever, or in humans such as Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, Boutonneuse Fever, Tick Borne Encephalitis, Kyasanur Forest Disease and Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever.




MAXIMUM LINUX SECURITY. A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Linux Server and Workstation, CD-Rom included

Maximum Linux Security.- A Hackers Guide to Protecting Your Linux Server and Workstation is designed for system administrators, managers, or Linux users who wish to protect their Linux servers and workstations from unauthorized intrusions and other external threats to their systems' integrity. Written by an experienced hacker-someone who knows which systems are Vulnerable and how crackers get into them-this unique guide to Linux security identifies existing and potential security holes and faults, and then describes how to go about fixing them. • Learn in-depth configuration tips and techniques to help eliminate security threats to your Linux-based computer or network. • Discover common Linux System holes and cracking techniques. • Explore both commercial and open source programs and utilities that can help identify and solve security weaknesses. • Learn about the wide array of tools that crackers have at their disposal to penetrate your Linux system. • Find out how to safely configure and run many popular Linux-based applications and services, including Sendmail, Apache, FTPd, and many more. • Utilize technologies such as SSL and MD5 to create a secure computing environment for yourself and your users. CD-ROM includes A comprehensive collection of Linux security products: • Intrusion detection tools-including HortSentry and HostSentry from the Abacus Project • Sniffers and electronic monitors-including the Ksniff sniffer for K Desktop Environment and COLD • Network management tools-including Cistron RADIUS server and Linux Virtual Server toolkit • Scanners and host assessment tools-including SATAN and the saint network security scanner • Firewall tools-including EDGE Router Project tools and Mason • Encryption tools-including Linux FreeS/WAN Project.




(Re)invent your business model. With the Odyssée 3.14 method

Innovation is the new business imperative. Every company, big or small, and regardless of its industry, is trying to find the magic formula for innovation. Odyssey 3. 14 offers an original approach through invitation to a real journey that combines innovation and strategy. Starting with the 3 pillars that make up the business model, this approach recommends 14 directions to consider for inventing or reinventing the business model. Odyssey 3. 14 is the result of over ten years of research, consulting and teaching by the three authors. They have thoroughly analysed over 80 companies that have successfully invented or reinvented their business models. 15 new business cases : Hello Fresh, Ticket restaurant - Endered, EdemMcCallum, Zample, Lemonade, Jonhson & Jonhson Velcade responses, Nickel account, Tesla, Recycle bank, Uber, Anticafé, Desso, Salesforce. com, Xiaomi, Redbus.



Non classé

Islam in the West

This book studies the historical, religious and political concerns of the Iraqi Shi‘i community as interpreted by the members of that community who now live in the United Kingdom and Ireland, following the 2003-2010 war and occupation in Iraq. It opens up a creative space to explore dialogue between Islam and the West, looking at issues such as intra-Muslim conflict, Muslim-Christian relations, the changing face of Arab Islam and the experience of Iraq in the crossfire of violence and terrorism – all themes which are currently emerging in preaching and in discussion among Iraqi Shi‘a in exile. The book's aim is to explore possibilities for dialogue with Iraqi Shi‘i communities who wish, in the midst of political, social and religious transition, to engage with elements of Christian theology such as pastoral and liberation theology.



Beaux arts

Klee. Edition en langue anglaise

Few artists of this century have exercised so wide an influence as Paul Klee (1879-1940). He was one of the most inventive and prolific of the modern masters, working in a dozen different styles, each of which he made uniquely his own, so that a work from his brush is unmistakable in any style. The forty-eight full-page colour plates in this book illustrate the unparalleled way in which he combined unrivalled imaginative gifts with supreme technical and formal proficiency, from the playfulness of such early pictures as Red and White Domes to the more threatening, bitter satire of the later work. Accompanying the plates are extensive notes and an authoritative introduction, which discusses Klee's life and the development of his thought and achievement. Douglas Hall is the former Director of the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art, Edinburgh and an acknowledged expert on the art of Paul Klee. His essay on the artist, first published in 1977, bas here been revised, expanded and updated, to make this an invaluable introduction to an extraordinary painter.




Translation, Reduction and Equivalence

Contemporary epistemology and philosophy of science devote a central place to questions of the following sort : When are two conceptual frameworks equivalent ? Under what conditions is one scientific theory reducible to another ? This essay attempts to reach a clearer grasp of these issues by providing a logical analysis of intertheory translation and reduction. Taking first order logic as a starting point, several classical theorems on definability and interpolation are generalised so as to obtain a model-theoretic characterisation of some basic types of reductive relations between theories. This account is later extended by adopting a very general and powerful semantical framework inspired by abstract logic. In this setting it is shown how a richer class of intertheoretic relations can be defined, and how the structuralist approach to reduction, developed by Sneed and Stegmüller, can be critically evaluated.



Non classé

Cognition and Image Formation in Literature

The credibility of the traditional psychoanalytic method of interpreting literature is lacking both within the field of literary and of psychoanalytic studies. In conjunction with a discussion of the untenable hypotheses and analogies that have formed the basis of traditional psychoanalytic involvement with literature, this work evaluates the psychoanalytic theory and conceptualizations that are relevant to the study of literature. Its premise is that the literary symbol functions in a reader's cognitive-affective responses to a text, which constitutes a psychological synthesis of text and reader identities.



Non classé

African Image of the Ultimate Reality

The question of human existence and its ultimate meaning demand doctrinal answers. Such answers depend on man's conception of the Ruler of the Universe ; and on the answers depends man's attitude to life. This study explores and expands the Igbo answer to the question of the ultimate meaning of human existence in relation to Chukwu-God. It also seeks to open up religious springboards which will be of value to the Gospel-carriers in Igboland and to the inter-faith dialogue.




The gay's and lesbians's rights in an enlarged European Union

During the last few years, gay and lesbian rights have reached the European Union human rights agenda and different instruments to combat discrimination have been adopted, which have had major implications for the gay and lesbian communities all over Europe, This volume focuses on less known and less studied aspects of these accomplishments. Its originality lies both in the multidisciplinary nature and the international approach of this project ; researchers from different universities throughout Europe (Brussels, Leiden, Stockholm, Athens, Ljubljana, Budapest, Bucharest, Paris and Krakow) and from different disciplines (law, political science, sociology and journalism) have contributed to this volume. Through case studies and theoretical reflection, the articles collected here aim at reinforcing the existing interest for the topic as well as offering an academic look at the subject, with a view to fostering scientific dialogue and contributing to the development of this field of research. The book is structured in three different parts, covering a broad spectrum of issues, among which : legal achievements on outlawing discrimination on sexual orientation within the European Union, the evolution of same-sex partnership and marriage, the accomplishments in the candidate countries. By providing a comprehensive overview of the aforementioned topics, this book can be appreciated by different categories of readers, from those interested in human rights to those working in the specific field of non-discrimination or studying the evolution of norms.




Paléorient N° 48-2/2023

Paléorient 48. 2 - 2022 Sommaire/Contents In Memoriam Stefan K. Kozlowski (1938-2022) par O. Aurenche et E. Coqueugniot Articles Y. Nishiaki, Early Neolithic Chronology and Lithic Industry of Tepe Abdul Hosein, Central Zagros, Iran A. Gorzalczany, Adding to the Complexity of Documented Burial Customs in the Ghassulian Chalcolithic Cemetery at Palma ? im (North), Southern Levant N. Getzov, D. Shalem, G. Haklay, I. Milevski, A. Eirikh-Rose and G. Leyfirer, Three Types of Early Chalcolithic Prestige Stone Vessels from the southern Levant E. Baudouin, A. Decaix, E. Brunacci, F. Guliyev and G. Palumbi, Domed or Flat ? The case study of Building 21 at Kiçik Tepe (Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan) and a Reconsideration of the Neolithic Roofing Architecture in the South Caucasus A. Al-Hussainy, K. Abu Jayyab, H. Hadi, A. Fliah and A. Ali, An Early Uruk Site in Al-Qadisiya Governate (Iraq) : Exploratory Site Survey at Jemdat Zabi Recensions A. Tsuneki. , N. Hironaga et S. Jammo (éd.) 2022 - The Neolithic Cemetery at Aïn el-Kerkh. Oxford : Archaeopress (Al Shark 5 : University of Tsukuba Studies for West Asian Archaeology. Excavation Report of Tell el Kerkh, Northwestern Syria 2), 422 p. Par B. Chamel et E. Coqueugniot




Shakespeare, Hogarth and Garrick. Plays, Painting and Performance

In London in 1770 Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799) remarked, 'What a work could be written on Shakespeare, Hogarth and Garrick ! There is something similar in the genius of all three. ' Two-and-a-half centuries on, Robin Simon's highly original and illuminating book takes up the challenge. William Hogarth (1697-1764) and David Garrick (1717-1779) closely associated themselves with Shakespeare, embodying a relationship between plays, painting and performance that had been understood since Antiquity and which shaped the rules for history painting drawn up by the Académie royale in Paris in the seventeenth century. History painting was considered the highest form of art : a picture illustrating a moment drawn from just a few lines in a revered text. Hogarth's David Garrick as Richard III (1745) transformed those ideas because, although it looked like a history painting, it was also a portrait of an actor in performance. With it, Hogarth established the genre of theatrical portraiture, a new and distinctively British kind of history painting. This book offers a fresh examination of theatrical portraits through close analysis of the pictures and of the texts used in performance. It also examines the central role of the theatre in British culture, while highlighting the significance of Shakespeare, Hogarth and Garrick in the European Enlightenment and the rise of Romanticism. In this context another trio of genius features prominently : Lichtenberg, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Denis Diderot. Familiar paintings and performances are seen in an entirely new light, while unfamiliar pictures are also introduced, including major paintings and drawings that have never been published. The final chapter shows that the inter-relationship between plays, painting and performance survived into the age of cinema, revealing the pictorial sources of Laurence Olivier's legendary film Richard III.



Histoire internationale

Knowledge and Symbolization in Saint John of the Cross

The works of Juan de la Cruz contains numerous passages dealing with human cognition both ordinary and mystical. This study traces San Juan's examination of the mystic's knowledge in and through God. The sixteenth-century Spanish thinker stresses that conditionality is a fundamental character of all human knowledge, and brings to light a complex movement of contiguity between one and another mode of cognitive activity. Also discussed is the expression, through the instruments of prose and poetry, of the mystic's supereminent and therefore ineffable experience of knowledge and love. Relying upon Juan de la Cruz's own texts, it is shown how a relative communication can be effected despite the barriers separating mystical from ordinary cognition.



Beaux arts

George Stubbs. "All done from Nature"

George Stubbs (1724-1806) produced exceptional images of animals and people throughout his career. These were a product of his keen scientific eye and uncommon sense of compassion. Rather than trust to history and the untested example of his precursors, he championed doing as a way of thinking and deployed picture-making in pursuit of reality. On the title page of The Anatomy of the Horse, his groundbreaking publication that rewrote our understanding of equine biology, Stubbs confirmed that everything that followed was "all done from Nature" - meaning that it all derived from his own painstaking analysis of the subject in front of him. This book accompanies a major exhibition of Stubbs's work at MK Gallery in Milton Keynes and the Mauritshuis in The Hague and includes new writing on the artist by Nicholas Clee, Martin Myrone, Martin Postle, Roger Robinson, Jenny Uglow and Alison E. Wright.



Gastronomie en langue étrangèr

Exquisite French Cuisine. The ABC to turn French in 60 recipes

EXQUISITE French Cuisine HOW TO MASTER FRENCH COOKING, AND BECOME AA CHEF WITH 60 ESSENTIAL RECIPES Discover how to prepare a caramel, a bechamel sauce or an onion confit, and experiment recipes such as cheese soufflé and filet mignon in a crust, or regional specialties such as bouillabaisse or gratin dauphinois. And for the gourmets, dive into the preparation of a mirabelle plum tart or à creamy chocolate mousse. What a way to combine quality with pleasure ! You will find everything you need to delight your guests in this book. Bring a little piece of France home with this book of traditional recipes for all lovers of French cuisine.



Non classé

Ambition and Reality

The first Five Year Plan (1976/77-1980/81) of the Yemen Arab Republic was designed to overcome the country's delayed social and economic development. Planning for and implementation of health services should consider past experiences and existing knowledge. In view of the numerous bottlenecks and constraints being of social, cultural, historical, political, economic and environmental nature any too ambitious plan should be avoided. Basic Health Services will be the mainstay for the delivery of health services to the rural population on the basis of community participation.



Sciences politiques

Assessing Urban Governance. The Case of Water Service Co-production in Venezuela

When examining the relationship between urban governance and improved service provision in the Global South, there is frequently a gap between the rhetoric and the reality. Informal, practice-based local governance processes that aim to produce better urban services often diverge from official governance prescriptions and mechanisms for service delivery within the institutional sphere. This book explores the complex area of urban governance assessment, focusing on the issue of sustainable water supplies for the urban poor. Adapting the UN-Habitat Urban Governance Index, the author explores the dual nature of urban governance, analyzing its formal dimension at the municipal level but also taking account of informal and locally specific governance arrangements aimed at improving access to basic services. Water service co-production strategies involving both public institutions and organized groups of citizens in Venezuela provide an excellent case study of this phenomenon. The book illustrates the limitations of official governance assessment tools in appreciating the extent and vibrancy of local practices and agreements, as well as investigating the discrepancies between normative prescriptions and governance arrangements on the ground.



Non classé

Artificial Intelligence and the Sociology of Knowledge

A central topic of the latest research in the philosophy of science is the question of what kind of relationship there is between the cognitive and social factors which underlie scientific knowledge. At present, this problem has manifested itself in a heated and still unfinished controversy between the proponents of artificial intelligence research and the sociologists of knowledge. By resolving the antagonism of these two positions, the book aims at developing a modular approach to an integrated philosophy of science which can handle the interaction between cognitive and social factors in a way which differs considerably from all current proposals.




Classical Judaism: Torah, Learning, Virtue

This three-part anthology presents Classical Judaism in accord with its native categories, Torah, learning, and virtue. These correspond to the categories that a religious system will define for itself : world view, way of life, and theory of the social order that maintains the view and realizes it in its shared existence. By presenting substantial samples of the writings of that Judaism, the three volumes afford direct access to the way in which, in its own words, that Judaism makes its statement. Readers are introduced through extensive selections to the character of Judaism through the kinds of writing that serve as its medium - Midrash, Mishnah, Talmud, stories about sages. The first part of the anthology speaks of the Torah, meaning, the written Torah and how it is read in Scripture. The second addresses the Mishnah, that is, the first document of the oral Torah, and further introduces the Talmuds and explains how these are to be read. Both of these volumes begin with essays on hermeneutics. The third volume sets forth the way in which the sage is represented as a medium through which the Torah of Sinai is set forth.




Classical Judaism: Torah, Learning, Virtue

This three-part anthology presents Classical Judaism in accord with its native categories, Torah, learning, and virtue. These correspond to the categories that a religious system will define for itself : world view, way of life, and theory of the social order that maintains the view and realizes it in its shared existence. By presenting substantial samples of the writings of that Judaism, the three volumes afford direct access to the way in which, in its own words, that Judaism makes its statement. Readers are introduced through extensive selections to the character of Judaism through the kinds of writing that serve as its medium - Midrash, Mishnah, Talmud, stories about sages. The first part of the anthology speaks of the Torah, meaning, the written Torah and how it is read in Scripture. The second addresses the Mishnah, that is, the first document of the oral Torah, and further introduces the Talmuds and explains how these are to be read. Both of these volumes begin with essays on hermeneutics. The third volume sets forth the way in which the sage is represented as a medium through which the Torah of Sinai is set forth.



Non classé

Classical Judaism: Torah, Learning, Virtue

This three-part anthology presents Classical Judaism in accord with its native categories, Torah, learning, and virtue. These correspond to the categories that a religious system will define for itself : world view, way of life, and theory of the social order that maintains the view and realizes it in its shared existence. By presenting substantial samples of the writings of that Judaism, the three volumes afford direct access to the way in which, in its own words, that Judaism makes its statement. Readers are introduced through extensive selections to the character of Judaism through the kinds of writing that serve as its medium - Midrash, Mishnah, Talmud, stories about sages. The first part of the anthology speaks of the Torah, meaning, the written Torah and how it is read in Scripture. The second addresses the Mishnah, that is, the first document of the oral Torah, and further introduces the Talmuds and explains how these are to be read. Both of these volumes begin with essays on hermeneutics. The third volume sets forth the way in which the sage is represented as a medium through which the Torah of Sinai is set forth.



Art du XXe siècle

Alberto Giacometti / Salvador Dalí - Jardins de rêves

"Jardins de rêves" associe de manière inédite le travail d'Alberto Giacometti et de Salvador Dalí autour de l'idée d'un jardin imaginaire. Ce livre met en lumière leur amitié ainsi que leur goût commun pour l'exploration d'espaces rêvés. Giacometti et Dalí, membres du groupe surréaliste, fréquentent alors les mêmes cercles. L'échange entre eux est vif, intellectuel, créatif, et leurs oeuvres entrent dans un dialogue fécond. Au début des années 1930, Giacometti et Dalí imaginent en commun un jardin extraordinaire pour le vicomte et la vicomtesse de Noailles. Ce projet à quatre mains, connu par des dessins, intègre des oeuvres surréalistes de Giacometti dans un vaste paysage onirique caractéristique du style de Dalí. Ce paysage fantasmé intègre aussi un environnement sculptural conçu par Giacometti pour un espace en plein air, le Projet pour une place, reconstitué pour la première fois à l'Institut Giacometti. Ce chef-d'oeuvre élaboré en 1931 illustre la conception du jardin que partagent Giacometti et Dalí et leur intérêt pour les formes ainsi que les images ambiguës. "Gardens of Dreams" brings together in a new and original fashion the works of Alberto Giacometti and Salvador Dalí around the idea of an imaginary garden. This book highlights their friendship as well as their common taste for the exploration of dreamed spaces. Giacometti and Dalí, members of the Surrealist group, have the same frequentations. Their conversation is bright, intellectual, creative and their works engage in a fruitful dialogue. At the beginning of the thirties, Giacometti and Dalí imagine together an extraordinary garden for the Vicomte and Vicomtesse De Noailles. This four-handed project, known through drawings, includes surrealist artworks by Albert Giacometti within a vast dreamlike landscape typical of Dalí's style. This phantasmatic landscape includes a sculptural environment conceived by Giacometti for an open-air space : the Project for a square, reconstructed for the rst time at the Institut Giacometti. This work illustrates the concept of the garden shared by Giacometti and Dalí and their taste for ambiguous forms and images.



Non classé

Has Bertrand Russell Solved the Problem of Perception?

The guiding spirit of the philosophical engagement of Bertrand Russell was to outline a scientific philosophy with the intention of introducing progress and continuity in the subject. With this aim in view, he developed the analytic method which has inspired one of the most influential philosophical currents of this century. Russell's confidence was confirmed by the result of his analysis of perception and physics. This book examines three different theories that Russell used in an effort to provide a lasting solution to the problem of perception and its relation with the external world. Despite the merits of Russell's attempts, the author is convinced that Russell failed to achieve his aim, but that his failure points the way to a better understanding of the nature and purpose of philosophy.



BD tout public

The 5000-year-long civilizationcomic-4 (manga en chinois)

This book is based on the 5, 000-year-long civilization, which is written in comics. It depicts many cute and individual figures in this book, which shows the evolution process of Chinese history. It is written in a humorous and interesting style with funny dialogues. Readers will learn history and have fun at the same time.



Physique, chimie


This book provides an accessible introduction to the fundamentals of civil and military aircraft design. Giving a largely descriptive overview of all aspects of the design process, this well-illustrated account provides an insight into the requirements of each specialist in an aircraft design team. After discussing the need for new designs, the text assesses the merits of different aircraft shapes from micro-lights and helicopters to super-jumbos and WSTOL aircraft. Following chapters explore structures, airframe systems, avionics and weapons systems. Later chapters examine the costs involved in the acquisition and operation of new aircraft, aircraft reliability and maintainability, and a variety of partially successful projects to see what conclusions can be drawn. Three appendices and a bibliography give a wealth of useful information, much not published elsewhere, that includes simple aerodynamic formulae; aircraft, engine and equipment data; and a detailed description of a parametric study of a 500-seat transport aircraft. Introduction to Aircraft Design is a useful text for undergraduate and graduate aeronautical engineering students and a valuable reference for professionals working in the aerospace industry. It will be of interest to aviation enthusiasts.



Beaux arts

Pissaro. Edition en langue anglaise

Camille Pissarro (1830-1903) was not only a central figure in the Impressionist movement, but a major influence on the development of modern art. He was the only artist to exhibit at ail eight of the Impressionist exhibitions between 1874 and 1886, and his letters are a fascinating and invaluable source of information on the theoretical aspects and practical implications of Impressionism. Pissarro's career touched that of an extraordinary number of his contemporaries, to whom he was often a teacher and always a friend. In his early years he worked with Monet; in the 1870s he painted in close friendship with Cézanne; he was a guide for Gauguin, whom he introduced to the Impressionist group; and in the 1880s bc flirted with Neo-Impressionism with Seurat. This marvellously illustrated book charts the evolution of his painting, and celebrates his compositional brilliance, technical skill and innovatory approach. Forty-eight full-page colour plates illustrate the extraordinary quality of Pissarro's work from ail periods, and these combined with Christopher Lloyd's illuminating text constitute a superb introduction to the artist. Christopher Lloyd is the Surveyor of the Queen's Pictures. His essay on Pissarro, first published in 1979, bas been revised and updated, with the addition of commentaries to each plate, written by Amanda Renshaw, and a wide selection of comparative illustrations.



Histoire internationale

Marriage as Political Strategy and Cultural Expression

Marriage as Political Strategy and Cultural Expression is the first comprehensive study of Mongolian royal marriages from World Empire (1206-1279) to the Yuan dynasty (1279-1368) in Asia. This study examines the Mongolian royal family's marriage strategies and the political implications of these royal marriages, specifically, the intermarriages between the Mongolian royal house and its allies, including the Onggirat, the Oirat, and other Mongol peoples as well as the Uighur State and Korea in Central and East Asia. This book concludes that the short lifespans of Mongol royalty after Khubilai Khan were the result of consanguineous marriage and inbreeding – genetic factors that contributed to the collapse of the Mongol dynasty.




The Stutter of History

This French-language catalogue accompanies a major retrospective exhibition of Thomas Demand's work at Jeu de Paume, Paris, as part of a worldwide tour. Thomas Demand has spent the last two and a half decades bringing together his talents as both a sculptor and a photographer to capture the feedback loop between the world we inhabit and the photographic documents of it which lie at the root of our contemporary image culture. Bringing together a wide-ranging survey of photographs that span the arc of his career, The Stutter of History provides both an overview of the artist's way of seeing the world and lesson in how we might approach the onslaught of historical events that we consume through the world of images. This extensive book displays the breadth and depth of Demand's artistic accomplishment, demonstrating in one volume why he is considered one of the world's foremost contemporary artists. Includes new short stories by award-winning authors Ali Smith and Maylis de Kerangal written in response to a work by Demand, as well as illuminating essays by Douglas Fogle, curator of the exhibition, and critic Margaret Iversen. All texts published in French language. Co-published with Jeu de Paume




Global Perspectives in Early Childhood Education

The idea for this book arose from presentations delivered at two conferences in Tartu and in Tallinn in Estonia. These conferences brought together many professionals and researchers working in early education, many from Europe, and also Australia and the USA. This book, written by 37 authors, consists of chapters about the development of early childhood education, children's developing skills and the early childhood curriculum, and about the role of early childhood teachers. Further topics are the role of parents in early childhood education, and the work with children with special needs in the preschool. The book will be of interest to those interested in early childhood practice and policy.



Non classé

Race and Realpolitik

German colonisation in Samoa from 1900 to 1914 was characterised by the interplay of conflicting definitions of race. The central question this study asks is to what extent, and in which ways, ideologies of race shaped German colonial policy in Samoa. It analyses the administration's paternalist development policies, debates over white settlement, the introduction and treatment of indentured labourers, and the legal classification of mixed marriages and half-castes. The author argues that rather than uniting the colonising community in a racist mission of domination, racial thought amplified the fissures in German Samoa's population and supported the administration's Realpolitik.
