
Christine Bry



Non classé


In his early twenties Goethe wrote Proserpina for the Weimar court singer Corona Schröter to perform. His interest in presenting Weimar's first professional singer-in-residence in a favourable light was not the only reason why this monologue with music (now lost) by Seckendorff is important. Goethe's memories of his sister Cornelia, who had recently died in childbirth, were in fact the real catalyst : through this work Goethe could level accusations against his parents about Cornelia's marriage, of which he had not approved. Goethe used the melodramatic form to transform private and cultural issues for women of the time into public discourses and so to manipulate public opinion. His work reveals an astute understanding of musical melodrama and the important impact it had on the cultural dynamics of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Whatever the source of inspiration, it is clear that Goethe was very preoccupied with Proserpina. When he returned to this melodrama forty years later he collaborated closely with Carl Eberwein, the court, theatre, and church music director, who composed a new setting which accords with Goethe's clear understanding of musical declamation in 19th century melodrama. In the intensive collaboration which took place while the production was being prepared in January 1815, Goethe was already anticipating the idea of a Gesamtkunstwerk. He paid close attention to every aspect of the production, especially to its music and its staging. When discussing contemporary settings of the poet's works, scholars often lapse into regret that Goethe did not have someone of comparable rank at his side for musical collaborations. Yet Eberwein's willingness to go along with Goethe's wishes was an advantage here : the selfless striving of the young composer to satisfy the poet's intentions is everywhere apparent in the score and it is the nearest thing we have to a ‘composition by Goethe'. Despite critics' positive reception of the first performance on 4 February 1815, the work has never been published before. Musically and dramatically this unknown melodrama is a superb work for solo voice, choir, and orchestra, and deserves to be brought before the public today.




Paléorient 49.1

Dossier thématique/Thematic Issue Coordonné par/coordinated by A. Beshkani Le Paléolithique de la péninsule arabique : état de la recherche / The Palaeolithic of the Arabian Peninsula : State of Research Dossier thématique/Thematic Issue coordonné par/coordinated by A. Beshkani The Palaeolithic of the Arabian Peninsula : State of Research Le Paléolithique de la péninsule arabique : état de la recherche A. Marks, Introduction. A Personal Trip into Arabian Prehistory : Past, Present And Future O. Barzilai, M. Oron, E. Cohen-Sasson, G. Ragolski and Y. Avni, Handaxes and Cleavers on Flakes of Silicified Limestone at Nahal Barak, Southern Negev and Possible Connections to the Arabian Peninsula Acheulian A. Beshkani, T. Beuzen-Waller, S. Kim, M. Jean and M. Sauvage, Tracing Palaeolithic Populations across the Horn of Arabia : Northern Oman K. Bretzke and K. Herkert, Jebel Faya and the Middle to Late Pleistocene Transition : Settlement Continuity and Behavioural Flexibility J. I. Rose, V. I. Usyk, Y. Hilbert, R. Garba, A. Beshkani, D. Chlachula, M. M. Jaboob and A. E. Marks, Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in Southern Oman from the Lower Palaeolithic to the Neolithic S. Bonilauri, A. Beshkani, M. Pagli and E. Boëda, Production and Structural Tendency of Levallois Points in the Late Middle Palaeolithic of the Near East Steppe Zones and Arabia Y. H. Hilbert, M. López Correa, C. Mazzoli, R. Crassard, F. Negrino, M. Cremaschi, I. Clemente-Conte and T. Uthmeier, From Hunter-Gatherers to Farmers : Contributions of Traceology to the Study of Prehistoric Lithic Technology in Arabia J. I. Rose, Conclusion. Progress Report on the State of Palaeolithic Research in Arabia Varia R. Alcàntara, A. Sierra, L. Gourichon, M. Sana, J. Alejandre, L. Teira, J. Vardi and F. Borrell, Hunting at the Fringe of the Desert : Animal Exploitation at Nahal Efe (Northern Negev, Israel) during the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B M. Rousou, Vegetation History and the Exploitation and Use of Plant Resources in Aceramic Neolithic Cyprus : An Assessment of Recent Archaeobotanical Research L. Bender Jorgensen, A. Rast-Eicher and W. Wendrich, Earliest Evidence for Textile Technologies A. P. Agelarakis, L. M. DiFrancesco, L. Delasos, J. Samodulski, A. Kanta and P. G. Agelarakis, A Rare Case of Chondroblastoma from Neolithic Crete of the 7th Millennium BCE



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Number from Ahmes to Cantor

We might take numbers and counting for granted, but we shouldn't. Our number literacy rests upon centuries of human effort, punctuated here and there by strokes of genius. In his successor and companion volume to Gnomon: From Pharaohs to Fractals, Midhat Gazalé takes us on a Journey from the ancient worlds of the Egyptians, the Mesopotamians, the Mayas, the Greeks, the Hindus, up to the Arab invasion of Europe and the Renaissance. Our guide introduces us to some of the most fascinating and ingenious characters in mathematical history, from Ahmes the Egyptian scribe (whose efforts helped preserve some of the mathematical secrets of the architects of the pyramids) through the modern era of Georg Cantor (the great nineteenth-century inventor of transfinite numbers). As he deftly blends together history, mathematics, and even some computer science in his characteristically compelling style, we discover the fundamental notions underlying the acquisition and recording of "number", and what "number" truly means. Gazalé tackles questions that will stimulate math enthusiasts in a highly accessible and inviting manner. What is a natural number? Are the decimal and binary systems the only legitimate ones? Did the Pythagorean theorem and the discovery of the unspeakable irrationals cost the unfortunate mathematician Hippasus his life? What was the Ladder of Theodorus of Cyrene and how did the ancient Greeks calculate square roots with such extraordinary proficiency? An original generalization of Euler's theorem is offered that explains the pattern of rational number representations. Later on, the field of Continued Fractions paves the way for another original contribution by Gazalé, that of cleavages, which sheds light on the mysterious nature of irrational numbers as it beautifully illustrates Dedekind's famous Schnitt. In the end the author introduces us to the Hilbert Hotel with its infinite number of rooms, guests, and an infinite number of people waiting to check in, where he sets the debate between Aristotle and Cantor about the true nature of infinity. This abundantly illustrated book, remarkable for its coherency and simplicity, will fascinate all those who have an interest in the world of numbers. Number will be indispensable for all those who enjoy mathematical recreations and puzzles, and for those who delight in numeracy.



Tourisme étranger

Moroccan tracks Volume 11. The sagho djebel

The Sagho djebel is the eastern extension of the Anti-Atlas, a volcanic mountain with granitic mamelons, basaltic organs, chaos of black shales, pink sandstones... at the gates of the Sahara. As far as the eye can see, large wild, arid spaces. A desolate land made for the lonely DPM. And for a thousand miles around, silence is the only companion. Absolute plenitude and the desire to take to the track. From flat expanses to rolling hills, from sharp relief to steep canyons : pure, original nature. The character is strong, rustic but the heart is soft. The colours are soft and gentle. Ochre, pink, brown, violet, the colour chart stretches in a gradation of shimmering pastels, sometimes accompanied by an overwhelming heat. Eldorado in the heart of the desert, rare are the oases ; modest green spots in the infinitely large, they are the reminders that we are on African soil. The wild charm of the Sagho is due to its exceptional geology : high cliffs and steep peaks, tabular escarpments and deep canyons in the middle of which caravans of camels and mules circulate. When you arrive on these immense plateaus, the lunar horizon is so vast that you want to go everywhere at once to see if it is really as beautiful elsewhere ! The Sagho also surprises by the richness of its lights : limpid like those of the nearby Sahara, or sometimes in half-tone, as in the neighbouring Dades valley. The Sagho is also the Morocco of the last Berber nomads, descendants of the ancient lords Aït Atta. In autumn, after leaving the snows of the High Atlas, they set up their dark wool tents on the slopes of the jebel until spring. They can neither read nor write, but they are sure of their way through the Atlas Mountains and the Moroccan desert. In the Sagho, they have built houses of unbaked stone, dug wells, planted almond trees, grown wheat, barley and various vegetables. Others built herds of goats and sheep, and caravans of camels. Most of them are now sedentary, semi-nomadic or nomadic...




Prospective technologique et application sociale. Volume 4, La responsabilité sociétale de l'intelligence artificielle. Vers une IA éthique et écoresponsable

Le monde digital se caractérise par son instantanéité, sa densité d'informations et son omniprésence, en contraste avec le monde concret. Des changements significatifs vont apparaître dans notre société à mesure que les IA s'intègrent à de nombreux aspects de nos vies. C'est à partir de cette vision d'universalisation que cet ouvrage a été rédigé. Ce vade-mecum traite ainsi de l'élaboration et de l'encadrement de l'IA applicable à tous. Il développe un cadre moral basé sur une approche néodarwinienne — le concept d'Ethics by Evolution — pour accompagner les IA en observant un certain nombre d'exigences, de préconisations et de règles élaborées, vérifiées et discutées à chaque étape de conception, de mise en place et d'usage. La responsabilité sociétale de l'intelligence artificielle est une démarche essentielle pour tendre vers une IA éthique, écoresponsable et digne de confiance, visant à protéger et à servir de manière bénéfique les personnes et le bien commun.




Clashing Cultures. Annang Not(with)standing Christianity – An Ethnography

Clashing Cultures is an anthropological study of the Annang, an ethnic people of Southern Nigeria. The book provides a succinct historical and ethnographic description of the impacts of various cultural and religious influences upon the Annang people and the transformations that have taken place as a result. The consideration of Christianity's influence on the Annang is part of the broader historical and anthropological picture. Although it is an academic work, Clashing Cultures is also a living text. It reflects the evolving culture of the Annang regarding issues such as marriage, male/female roles and supernatural beliefs. The book deals with ritual as a practice that produces meaning, by means of images and metaphors in an unfolding drama. It looks at how the Annang extract meaning from themselves, their bodies, their gestures, their actions in social, spatial and historical contexts. The book creates a "time-oriented anthropology" in which local processes are mirrored in the context of larger ones.



Couple, famille

Miracles de communication pour les couples. Des outils efficaces pour créer plus d'amour et moins de conflit

Beaucoup de livres sur les relations de couple introduisent tout un jargon souvent nouveau et incompréhensible, ou une tonne de techniques "professionnelles" trop compliquées à utiliser dans le feu de l'instant. Rien de tel dans ce livre. Ici, Jonathan Robinson, psychothérapeute et auteur à succès, propose des méthodes éprouvées, simples et très efficaces, qui fonctionnent véritablement. En quelques minutes à peine, vous apprendrez à : Vous sentir totalement aimé ; Ne plus jamais vous quereller ; Amener votre partenaire à vraiment vous écouter et vous comprendre ; Restaurer la confiance brisée ; Créer une harmonie durable et maintenir votre amour vivace au fil des ans. Que vous cherchiez à renforcer une relation déjà forte ou que vous soyez noyé dans le conflit, ces techniques vous aideront à produire de véritables miracles ! "Le livre de communication pour les couples le plus simple, le plus pratique et le plus efficace qui existe." - Betty Eadie, auteure de Embraced by the Ught et The Awakened Heart



Littérature française

Terre d'Espagne (Éd.1895)

The letters of Cassiodorus : being a condensed translation of the Variae epistolae of Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus,... / with an introd. by Thomas Hodgkin,...Date de l'édition originale : 1886Le présent ouvrage s'inscrit dans une politique de conservation patrimoniale des ouvrages de la littérature Française mise en place avec la BNF.HACHETTE LIVRE et la BNF proposent ainsi un catalogue de titres indisponibles, la BNF ayant numérisé ces œuvres et HACHETTE LIVRE les imprimant à la demande.Certains de ces ouvrages reflètent des courants de pensée caractéristiques de leur époque, mais qui seraient aujourd'hui jugés condamnables.Ils n'en appartiennent pas moins à l'histoire des idées en France et sont susceptibles de présenter un intérêt scientifique ou historique.Le sens de notre démarche éditoriale consiste ainsi à permettre l'accès à ces œuvres sans pour autant que nous en cautionnions en aucune façon le contenu.Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur sur le site hachettebnf.fr



Littérature française

Terre latine (Éd.1898)

The Maritime Alps and their seaboard / by the author of Véra", "Blue-Roses" etc.Date de l'édition originale : 1885Sujet de l'ouvrage : Alpes-Maritimes (France) -- Descriptions et voyages -- 19e siècleLe présent ouvrage s'inscrit dans une politique de conservation patrimoniale des ouvrages de la littérature Française mise en place avec la BNF.HACHETTE LIVRE et la BNF proposent ainsi un catalogue de titres indisponibles, la BNF ayant numérisé ces œuvres et HACHETTE LIVRE les imprimant à la demande.Certains de ces ouvrages reflètent des courants de pensée caractéristiques de leur époque, mais qui seraient aujourd'hui jugés condamnables.Ils n'en appartiennent pas moins à l'histoire des idées en France et sont susceptibles de présenter un intérêt scientifique ou historique.Le sens de notre démarche éditoriale consiste ainsi à permettre l'accès à ces œuvres sans pour autant que nous en cautionnions en aucune façon le contenu.Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur sur le site hachettebnf.fr"



Littérature française

Un voyage de vacances ou Une excursion de jeunes filles

Stories of the gorilla country : narrated for young people (New ed.) / by Paul Du ChailluDate de l'édition originale : 1890Sujet de l'ouvrage : Animaux -- AfriqueAfrique -- Descriptions et voyages -- 19e siècleLe présent ouvrage s'inscrit dans une politique de conservation patrimoniale des ouvrages de la littérature Française mise en place avec la BNF.HACHETTE LIVRE et la BNF proposent ainsi un catalogue de titres indisponibles, la BNF ayant numérisé ces œuvres et HACHETTE LIVRE les imprimant à la demande.Certains de ces ouvrages reflètent des courants de pensée caractéristiques de leur époque, mais qui seraient aujourd'hui jugés condamnables.Ils n'en appartiennent pas moins à l'histoire des idées en France et sont susceptibles de présenter un intérêt scientifique ou historique.Le sens de notre démarche éditoriale consiste ainsi à permettre l'accès à ces œuvres sans pour autant que nous en cautionnions en aucune façon le contenu.Pour plus d'informations, rendez-vous sur sur le site



Littérature étrangère


Sur un air de Ry Cooder... Après six années d'une drôle de vie menée au loin en solitaire, Troy Falconer retourne dans la petite ville où il a grandi. Il s'est tôt fait la promesse de ne jamais rien posséder et emprunte depuis la vie des autres : leurs porte-feuilles, leurs valises, leurs costumes et leurs voitures... Pourtant lorsqu'il apprend que la femme de son frère s'est enfuie avec le maigre pécule hérité du père, Troy met le cap sur New Cona (tableau miniature de l'Amérique rurale), bien décidé à aider Harlan à retrouver l'argent. Ils embarquent alors dans un road trip chaotique à travers les paysages austères du Texas. Seul hic, une passagère non déclarée est à l'arrière de la voiture : Martha, une gamine qui n'a pas froid aux yeux et une idée fixe en tête, retrouver son père au Mexique. Les frères Falconer ne sont plus simplement recherchés pour un banal vol de véhicule, mais pour kidnapping...




Relevés de mise en scène (1686-1823). L'Homme à bonne fortune, Le Joueur, Le Distrait (Comédie-Française)

Trois comédies sont éditées dans la présente édition accompagnées de deux relevés de mise en scène : L'Homme à bonne fortune de Michel Baron, Le Joueur et Le Distrait de Jean-François Regnard. Les différentes versions montrent le rapport à un texte ancien ainsi que les enjeux relatifs à la problématique de la remise ? c'est-à-dire d'une pièce entrée dans le répertoire qui n'a pas été jouée depuis un certain temps et qui peut bénéficier ou non d'une modification ou d'une nouvelle mise en scène. La superposition des relevés et les différentes strates de mise en scène formées par celle-ci, laissent apparaître clairement ce que peut être la génétique de la représentation. / This edition gathers three 17th-century comedies and two accounts of their productions by the Comédie-Française. It highlights how 18th-century theatre companies approached plays that had not been produced for a while – revealing the stage as a palimpsest and foreshadowing the inception of "modern" stage production.




Rosa Bonheur. peintre et amie des animaux

A l'occasion du bicentenaire de la naissance de Rosa Bonheur Dans son château de By-Thomery, en lisière de la forêt de Fontainebleau, la peintre Rosa Bonheur vit entourée d'animaux et en compagnie d'une amie chère, Anna Klumpke. Un jour, sentant la fin de sa vie arriver, l'artiste demande à Anna d'écrire sa biographie. Ainsi débute le récit de sa vie. De son enfance heureuse mais difficile auprès de sa mère à la fortune, bien des obstacles se sont élevés sur le chemin de cette femme désireuse de se faire un nom dans un monde masculin. Sa persévérance et son talent ont fini par lui ouvrir les portes des plus grandes collections et à lui valoir les honneurs. Grande artiste, esprit libre et indépendant, elle s'est aussi assigné deux missions : démontrer l'égalité entre femmes et hommes et faire reconnaître l'égalité entre humains et animaux. Deux sujets qui trouvent aujourd'hui une résonnance particulière.



Spécialités médicales

Chirurgie bariatrique. Techniques, complications et perspectives

La chirurgie bariatrique est aujourd'hui une discipline incontournable en chirurgie digestive avec un nombre d'interventions annuelles supérieur à 45 000. Le nombre d'interventions a été multiplié par 3 en 10 ans. Trois techniques chirurgicales sont aujourd'hui pratiquées par les chirurgiens conformément aux recommandations de l'HAS. Ce sont ces techniques et leurs variantes qui sont détaillées dans cet ouvrage avec des critères d'orientation selon l'environnement chirurgical et médical et les caractéristiques pathologiques des patients. Pour chaque technique : l'anneau gastrique (AGA) la Sleeve gastrectomie (SG) et le by-pass gastrique (BPG) les variantes et les complications spécifiques sont abordées à l'aide de cas cliniques illustrés et commentés avec le recul nécessaire et un regard éclairé sur les complications. L'importance de l'environnement - gestion péri-opératoire - et la prise en charge pluridisciplinaire des patients sont aussi largement abordées et sont au coeur des bonnes pratiques. Un complément en ligne de 22 vidéos de techniques accompagne le livre.



Bijouterie, horlogerie

Le Guide de la joaillerie. Pour les vrais amateurs

With the promise of eternity, jewels bestow gifts of adornment and beauty on those who wear them. Their value is multifaceted : intrinsic, sentimental, magical, human. Since the dawn of time, these few grams of precious metals and gems have acted as distillations of the highest sentiments and catalysts of the lowest passions. Through its power and grandeur, jewelry has mirrored the human journey through the centuries, and French author and editor Fabienne Reybaud walks readers through all its facets while highlighting the world's most mythical stones and magnificent pieces, from the Hope Diamond to Elizabeth Taylor's La Peregrina pearl. Extensively illustrated with atelier images, original sketches and colorful photography, this volume covers everything jewelry enthusiasts need to know, including the club of five and the four Cs. It is accompanied by an essential glossary, the best museum collections to visit around the world as well as the budding designers to follow and a buyer's guide to investing in antique and vintage pieces.



Ethnologie et anthropologie

The Wolves Rise Again. New elites born out of chaos

The successive shocks that strike our time have acted as an indicator of men : the bland elites of yesteryear, suddenly rejected by the masses, went back silently into the void where they had first come from. This opportunist plutarchy, that maintained itself so far, thanks to the industry of lying, the targeted elimination of creative people, will soon be engulfed. Around these illusionists with no audience, the hidden alphas will begin to rise. Within a few months, alphas, forged in a new metal, invaded public space. How can it be explained ? In troubled times, the hierarchies of peacetime had left, suddenly, a place to the atomisation of individuals. Chaos then allows the individual alphas to rise to power. Like a pack of wolves, these alphas quickly take the lead of small human groups organising themselves into rival packs. The French Revolution is a striking example of this evolution : the masters of yesterday were relegated because of their unsuitability.




Education in Mission / Mission in Education

The dissertation investigates the work of the Project in Partnership between Black and White which is based in Birmingham, England. The focus of this experiment in theological education is dialogical and intercultural within the British socio-cultural setting. This programme is compared with the Alternative Theological and Staff Development Experiment of Colgate Divinity School in Rochester, New York ; and the Black Church Experience, the Research in Black Church Studies and Research Study in Oral History at Garrett-Evangelical Seminary, Evanston, Illinois in USA. This study further probes into the trends in general education in South Africa and their influence on the socio-political dynamics and how these in turn influence education for mission. The research analyses these approaches in the light of the work done by the Programme on Theological Education of the World Council of Chruches. The enquiry points to the need to re-think our approach to theological education in all our pluralistic societies.



Droit international privé

International Economic Law. Text, Cases and Materials

Reconciling all fields of international economic law (IEL) and creating bridges between disciplines in a conceptual as well as practical manner, this book stands out as the first modern, comprehensive international economic law textbook. Containing a technically solid yet critically rich body of knowledge that spans disciplines from trade law to investment, from trade finance to fisheries subsidies, from development to the digital economy and other new-age topics, the book offers the widest possible coverage of issues in current international economic law. Positioning IEL as a truly global practice, the comprehensive coverage includes various treaty texts, landmark cases and new materials, and is supplemented by case studies, real-life examples, exercises and illustrations. The case extracts and legal texts are selectively chosen, with careful editing and serious deliberation to engage modern law students. Mini chapters show examples of interdisciplinary interactions and provide a window into the future disciplines of international economic law.



Instruments de musique

Compilation of 4 pieces from "Wild Swans Suite". for piano trio. piano trio. Partition et parties.

"Being Russian born I have a strong connection to the ballet scores of Tchaikovsky, Prokofiev and Stravinsky, and as a result in the Wild Swans, more than in any other work of mine, I allowed myself the freedom to roam through 200 years of musical genres, ranging from Hungarian Operetta through folk music and even including the influences of jazz and popular music, " says Elena Kats-Chernin. The full-length work, which premiered in Sydney in 2003, was written for choreographer Meryl Tankard after the two artists had already worked together for the opening ceremony of the 2000 Olympic Games, and became one of the composer's greatest successes. Many excerpts in various arrangements have a concert life of their own today - including the world-renowned Eliza Aria. Arranged by the composer for piano trio after the original orchestral version, the ten-minute suite comprises further characteristic pieces of the ballet music : Green Leaf Prelude, Brothers, and Mute Princess. Instrumentation : piano trio



Mouvements artistiques

From scribble to cartoon. Drawings from Bruegel to Rubens

In this exhibition, the Museum Plantin-Moretus shows the 80 most beautiful old master drawings from Flemish collections. From scribble to cartoon : Drawings from Bruegel to Rubens in Flemish Collections (Van Crabbelinge tot Carton : Tekeningen van Bruegel tot Rubens in Vlaamse Collecties) gives an astonishing and representative overview of the art of drawing in our regions in the 16th and 17th centuries. In 2020, the Flemish government placed a large number of old master drawings on their masterpiece list, including rare artworks by Frans Floris, Peter Paul Rubens, Anthony Van Dyck, Jacques Jordaens, Otto van Veen, Jan Fijt and many more. The majority of these masterpieces are kept in the Museum Plantin-Moretus. The museum takes the official recognition of these drawings as masterpieces as an opportunity to put its unique collection in the spotlight. The exhibition presents an overview that illustrates who, why and how people drew in our regions in the 16th and 17th centuries




Cahiers du Monde russe N° 62-1 : Les milieux dissidents et le système

Dossier Les milieux "dissidents" et le système Les milieux "dissidents" et le système Avant-propos par Maike Lehmann "Dissident" Milieus and the System Foreword by Maike Lehmann Galina ZELENINA "Nothing to do with melukhe" ? Two Jewish alternative milieus under the late Soviet regime : Between defiance and cooperation Thuc Linh NGUYEN VU Affective pedagogy and caring community : Jacek Kuro ? 's political milieu in 1970s socialist Warsaw Natacha WILSON Young and socialist at Moscow State University : Dissident subjectivities in the last Soviet generation Articles Pëtr S. STEFANOVI ? Russkaja/rossijskaja identi ? nost´ rannego staroobrjad ? estva : ot "svetloj Rossii" k "? -preslavnejshej i vses ? astlivoj Rossijskoj imperii" (seredina XVII - pervaia tret´ XVIII v.) Dmitrij A. HITROV Reforma administrativnogo delenija Ekateriny II v moskovskom regione Vladislav BOJAR ? ENKOV Nezelatel´nye blagotvoriteli : kupe ? eskie premii, moskovskoe issledovateli stariny i osobennosti oborota simvoli ? eskogo kapitala v Rossii serediny XIX v. Oleg BUDNICKIJ "Pisatel´skaja rota" : K istorii stalinizma voennogo vremeni




Lore Olympus Tome 3

Le stage de Perséphone aux Enfers se déroule à merveille. Ce serait parfait si Menthe ne faisait pas tout pour l'éloigner d'Hadès... Mais peut-on venir si facilement à bout de l'attraction puissante qui unit le dieu de la Mort et la déesse du Printemps ? Pour Perséphone, après le déni, le temps des révélations est venu : oui, elle craque pour Hadès, mais comment lui faire comprendre son attachement ? Il n'en faut pas plus à Eros pour l'aider avec enthousiasme dans cette quête, au grand désarroi d'Artémis. Bientôt, Perséphone est amenée à apprendre l'inimaginable au dieu de l'Amour : sera-t-il à la hauteur de cette confession ? Perséphone décide de regarder ses démons en face et de gagner en indépendance, un moment déterminant pour elle et l'Olympe... Un récit qui passionne tant par son histoire que par ses planches magnifiques. Life by Girls. com. Addictif. Planète BD. Traduit de l'anglais (Nouvelle-Zélande) par Robyn Stella Bligh.



Littérature anglo-saxonne

FranKISSstein. Une histoire d'amour

Un roman audacieux sur l'avenir de l'être humain, par l'autrice du best-seller international. Pourquoi être heureux quand on peut être normal ? Dans une Angleterre post-Brexit, le chirurgien transgenre Ry Shelley fournit des membres humains à Victor Stein, chef de file de l'intelligence artificielle. De l'autre côté de l'Atlantique, en Arizona, des milliers de corps humains cryogénisés attendent le retour à la vie. Aux racines de cette histoire, on trouve l'imagination d'une jeune fille de dix-neuf ans, Mary Shelley, qui invente en 1816 une créature hybride, vivante et morte à la fois. Qu'adviendra-t-il d'Homo sapiens, quand il ne sera plus l'être le plus intelligent de la planète ? Où se situe la frontière entre la fiction et la réalité, entre la conscience et l'idée ? Autant de questions pour ce roman fou et brillant qui dissèque avec acuité notre époque et notre vision de l'amour.




The aumakua. The great white shark novel

Just as I finished grabbing it, a sharp pain suddenly was erupting on the inside edge of my lair ! Simultaneously, a tension as unbearable as it was horrifying blocked me trying to pull me towards the surface. The kanakäs had just intercepted me through this lethal decoy ! So, with all my mass and was arching my body with all my strength in the opposite direction, I was regained some slack on this terribly resistant link, feeling all the mass of the platform preventing me from probing like the dontokä before. However, I was determined to show them which of us would be most worthy of remaining in the Incompressible, when with a devastating lateral movement, I severed with a sharp blow the lethal and imperceptible tether ! By this counter blow, I was as if immediately ejected : the perfidious artifact still embedded in my lair lying painfully like a relic of this ubiquitous creature of the System.



Histoire internationale

After The Last Ship

After the Last Ship illustrates the author's own history, as well as its connection to the history of other women and children who left India and made the journey across the Kala Pani, the Indian Ocean, and lived as migrants in other countries. In this book the author brings greater understanding of how subjectivities are shaped through embodied experiences of ‘mixed race'. She bears witness to the oppressive policies of the fascist government in Portugal in the 1960's and 1970's and the effects of displacement and exile, by reconstructing her own passage from India to Mozambique and finally to Australia. Further, the author shows the devastation that labels such as ‘half-caste', ‘canecos' and ‘monhe' can cause, when they eat at your flesh, your being, and your body. She sheds light on how identity and culture can serve as vehicles of empowerment, how experiences of belonging can germinate and take root post-diaspora.




The Policies and Politics of Pope Pius XII

The Policies and Politics of Pope Pius XII delves into the diplomacy of the most controversial pope of the twentieth century : Pius XII (pontificate, 1939-1958), "Advocate of Appeasement" to some and "Apostle of Peace" to others. Disagreement prevails on his quest for peace, recourse to impartiality during the Second World War, and relative public silence during the Holocaust. His abandonment of impartiality to play a prominent role in the Cold War has contributed to the charges and counter-charges leading to what has been deemed the "Pius War." Unfortunately, a good deal of the literature published by the defenders and denigrators of this papal diplomacy has shed more heat than light. In this book, Frank J. Coppa, who has written on numerous controversial figures including Pius IX (pontificate,1846-1878), seeks to objectively explore the origins and rationale of Pius XII's diplomacy during the war, the Nazi genocide, and its aftermath.



Non classé

The Search for Lyonnesse

Although Mme de Lafayette is acknowledged as the founder of the modern novel, her precise legacy has been understood only in relation to male-authored texts. However, she wrote as a woman, addressing issues that concerned women of her day, particularly the problem of the apparent incompatibility of sexual fulfilment and the institution of marriage. This study seeks to identify how La Princesse de Clèves was interpreted by three of Mme de Lafayette's most talented women successors and to show how their more sombre and subversive view of society was mediated in works of fiction which have strong affinities with the contes de fées for which they are well known. The novels of Mlle Bernard, Mme d'Aulnoy and Mlle de La Force are significant, not simply for what they tell us about themselves as women writers but also for what they reveal about the origins of the eighteenth-century novel.



Non classé

The Gay Agenda

The "gay agenda" is a rhetorical strategy deployed by the religious right and other social conservatives to magnify fear and hostility of queers. Queers are accused, among other things, of strategizing to recruit children into sexually deviant lifestyles ; dismantling family and marriage as cornerstones of civilization ; and forcing the entertainment industry and court systems to do their bidding. Queers certainly do have an agenda but it is not the one that the religious right claims it is. It is to assert their presence in the public space ; claim and name their identities ; and strategize for social justice in law, schools, and workplaces. The Gay Agenda : Claiming Space, Identity, and Justice claims and reclaims the language of "agenda" and turns the rhetoric of the religious right on its ear. The contributors provide insightful and sharp commentary on gay agendas for human rights, marriage and family, cultural influences, schooling and education, and politics and law.





This one-of-a-kind, class-tested textbook introduces the possibilities arising from the convergence of computing and communications technologies to students who don't have an information technology background. By combining the appropriate technical detail with illustrative examples, nontechnical issues, review sections, discussion items, and exercises, it empowers students to envision how networked computing applications con support individuals, groups, and organizations. Whether students are preparing for careers in business, information management, education, low, or public policy, no other book equips them with the broad understanding needed to effectively exploit these powerful technologies. Features. Thoroughly explains the use of networked computing in collaboration, information retrieval, education, business, and e-commerce. Covers a brood range of subjects including applications - their acquisition, the supporting technical infrastructures (architecture, security, databases, middleware, network, and communications), and performance - as well as important industry, economic, and policy issues. Provides supplementary materials via a companion Web site, links to other relevant Web sites, and additional resources for instructors.



Histoire ancienne

THE ROMAN CAVALRY. From the First to the Third Century AD

The cavalry was a vital part of the army of Rome and played a significant role in the expansion and success of the Roman Empire. Karen R. Dixon and Par Southern describe the origins of the mounted units of the Roman army and trace their development from temporary allied troops to the regular alae and cohorts. They have drawn together evidence from a wide variety of sources: archaeological, epigraphic and literary, as well as comparing ancient testimony with more recent experience of the use of cavalry. Now available in paperback, the book covers the subject from the perspective of both the men and the horses. How were the horses selected and disposed of; how they trained, stabled and fed? How were the men recruited, organized and equipped; and what were the conditions of service for a Roman cavalryman? The authors provide a comprehensive and unique examination of the Roman cavalry, which includes lavish and original illustrations, drawn by Karen R. Dixon.
