
Charles Hand




Soul Land Tome 13

Manga couleur qui se lit dans le sens de lecture occidentale. L'histoire suit une équipe de 7 personnages qui vont ensemble affronter l'adversité et essayer de changer leur monde. A l'intérieur du groupe s'entremêleront des romances et des découvertes troublantes.




Takane & Hana Tome 18

Takane et Hana sont désormais mariés ! Mais c'est loin de contenter le président qui manigance à présent pour les faire emménager seuls ensemble. Nos deux fortes bêtes, toujours prêtes à relever les défis, s'insballent donc dans leur nouveau nid d'amour : l'occasion pour le couple de renforcer leur lien et de relever leur quotidien d'une pincée de romantisme. Seulement, avant de pouvoir profiter pleinement de leur happy ending, il reste encore l'épreuve de l'annonce officielle du mariage et la cérémonie... Retrouvez également Takane, Hana et leurs amis dans des pages bonus exclusives. En avant pour le bouquet de roses final !




Soul Land Tome 14

L'équipe a gagné en puissance et c'est le bon moment pour un interlude drôle et léger avec notre équipe ! Une nouvelle aventure se dessine doucement avec des enjeux bien plus grands que les précédentes !




Takane & Hana - Pack Découverte

Hana, lycéenne de 16 ans, est contrainte de prendre la place de sa soeur lors d'une rencontre arrangée ! Présentée à l'héritier du grand groupe Takaba, le très séduisant Takane Saibara, la jeune fille déchante vite face à son arrogance. N'y tenant plus, elle lui jette ses quatre vérités à la figure, croyant se débarrasser ainsi de lui. Pourtant, dès le lendemain, Takane lui propose un nouveau rendez-vous, à croire qu'il en redemande ! Elle a un sacré caractère... et il aime ça !




Soul Land Tome 15

On en apprend plus sur le marteau des Tang et sur le père de Tang San. L'histoire autour de son père nous fait découvrir des zones d'ombres sur ce continent... Il est l'heure pour l'équipe de monter en puissance et de se préparer à l'action !




George Sand. L'indomptée

Quand la jeune Aurore arrive chez sa grand-mère au château de Nohant avec ses parents et son petit frère, elle se sent immédiatement chez elle. Malgré les tensions entre sa grand-mère, Marie-Aurore Dupin de Francueil, et sa mère, fille d'un oiseleur, elle profite de la nature et se lie d'amitié avec les enfants du village voisin. Mais quand son père meurt brutalement d'une chute de cheval, les tensions s'exacerbent entre sa mère et sa grand-mère qui veut assurer son éducation. Aurore doit se construire. Son imagination est vive, elle aime écrire et elle rêve d'indépendance. Comment y accéder ? L'enfance et l'adolescence d'une autrice qui s'imposa à une époque où les femmes avaient peu de droits.



Non classé

Emile moselly - george sand

Armandine-Lucile-Aurore Dupin vint au monde à Paris le 1er juillet 1804. ' Quand je suis née, dit une héroïne de Shakespeare, une étoile dansait. ' Pareille joie présida à sa naissance. Son père, un brillant officier de l'Empire, jouait une contredanse sur son violon ; Sa mère, Un peu souffrante, quitta la danse. Au dernier chassez-huit, une s ? ur de la jeune femme entra en coup de vent : ' Venez, venez, Maurice, dit-elle au mari, vous avez une fille. ' Puis elle ajouta : ' Elle est née dans le rose, et en musique : elle aura du bonheur. '




Soul Land Tome 12

L'équipe a gagnée que déjà elle repart pour de nouvelles aventures. Une simple visite de courtoisie va faire prendre conscience à tout le monde que le monde est grand et dangereux. L'équipe va devoir progresser car des ennemis et des complots se préparent !



Coloriage, gommettes et autoco

Les Trolls Band Together

Retrouve Poppy, Branche et tous leurs amis Trolls dans ce livre de coloriages. Choisis tes couleurs préférées et donne vie à près de 100 coloriages !



Contes et nouvelles

L'énorme Handi'excès

Vous voulez savoir où vont nos impôts ? Je vous emmène à la découverte d'une mesure qui nous coute chaque année 2 000 000 000 ? : les travailleurs handicapés en réinsertion professionnelle. Ils sont parqués dans des dortoirs facturés, à l'Assurance M


Théâtre - Pièces

Bordel Land. L'épopée

A la suite d'une énième dispute, Persõn-e et Pentagõn-e, deux personnages inséparables, amis-ennemis depuis toujours, conviennent de partir en quête de l'essence de leur domaine ? : l'art. Chemin faisant, ils prolongent leurs controverses et croisent d'incroyables créatures ? : Demiourgos, Le Chîkh, Madame (qui fait son) cinéma, Cow-boy, le vieil homme dans sa cuisine... Trouveront-ils les réponses à leurs questions ?? L'un d'entre eux, n'ayant pas les moyens de semer le désordre dans la société, décide de le semer tout au long de leur périple...




Blissful Land Tome 2

Tibet, XVIIIe siècle, dans un village au milieu des montagnes. Même si Moshi Lati et Kang Zhipa sont fiancés, leur relation est pour l'instant plus amicale qu'amoureuse. L'apprenti médecin dévoué à ses patients est aussi un passionné d'herbes médicinales qui embarrasse un peu sa famille. Lati lui trouve néanmoins de plus en plus de charme. C'est alors que ressurgit une amie d'enfance très proche de Kang Zhipa...




Little Hands Tome 1

Certains sports sont considérés comme réservés aux personnes de grande taille, et le handball en est l'un des meilleurs exemples. Pourtant, Mikage Ishino rejoint le club de handball du lycée alors qu'il est aussi petit qu'un enfant de primaire. Son entraînement et sa détermination suffiront-ils pour lui permettre de se faire une place dans ce club et pour viser le top 1 national ?



Livres 3 ans et +

Le croco blues band

Bienvenue à la Ferme aux crocodiles, où les animaux ont le swing dans la peau ! Quand Igor sort ses percussions et Hector son saxophone, le Croco Blues Band entre en scène...




Land. Tome 1, Bizertland

Des milliers d'années après la fin de l'humanité, une nouvelle ère a émergé sur les ruines disparues de l'ancienne terre. La planète a englouti toutes les traces du passé et les civilisations se succèdent. Au commencement de cette ère nouvelle, d'étranges capacités régissent la vie sur Land. Les sages ont décidé de les diviser en runes porteuses de dix pouvoirs pour dix districts. Séfan et Erié, deux jeunes apprentis prélats, vont être confrontés à une terrible menace qui pourrait bien causer la fin de leur monde…





Do you like to learn by doing? Do manuals leave you craving for real-world examples? Are you looking for concrete training that goes beyond theory and reference materials? Learn Dreamweaver by following classroom-proven exercises that will teach you to build sophisticated web pages. This book is geared toward people who have never written HTML or those who would like to switch from coding by hand to a visual HTML editor. Complete with insider tips, illustrated with detailed graphics, and accompanied by a CD-ROM that's loaded with guided exercises, demo software and QuickTime movies, this book ensures that you'll learn all the key features of Dreamweaver 2.



Livres 3 ans et +

Contes de Noël

Voici rassemblés dans ce volume dix contes de Noël, sous la plume d'auteurs connus et moins connus, que chacun aura plaisir à découvrir dans une forme illustrée. Un livre des familles à s'offrir pour retrouver, en cette période de l'année, le caractère intemporel de ces textes, soutenus par une iconographie du XIXe, réhaussée d'une mise en page originale. L'arbre de Noël, Charles Dickens Conte de Noël, Guy de Maupassant La petite fille aux allumettes, Hans Christian Andersen Le louis d'or, François Coppée Le Noël du petit joueur de violon, Camille Lemonnier Les trois messes basses, Alphonse Daudet Un conte de Noël, Maxime Du Camp Nuit de Noël, Guy de Maupassant Le sapin, Hans Christian Andersen Un chant de Noël, Charles Dickens




A Year in the French Style. Interiors & Entertaining by Antoinette Poisson

Maison Lescop, a historic residence in Port-Louis, Brittany, has conserved its original eighteenth-century decor that was conceived for a French importer for the East Indian trading company. Today, it is the home and restoration project for the creative duo behind the Parisian design team Antoinette Poisson. Enchanted by the poetic beauty of hand-painted domino paper prints-from floral and fauna to geometric and ikat-they have appointed their new home with elegant decorative touches : handcrafted lampshades, wallpaper-lined cupboards, assorted table settings, and luxurious textiles. Celebrating a French lifestyle inspired by the charm of the eighteenth century-through its objects, gastronomy, and traditional savoir faire-the authors invite readers to share their art de vivre throughout the seasons- from gathering shellfish on the beach to shopping at the local market, from antiquing to foraging, and from indigo textile dyeing to block-printing on artisanal paper. This book is an ode to timeless pleasures and a life well-lived... à la française.



Couture, tricot

Tricot mosaïque. Châles & étoles, nouveaux modèles

Une collection de châles et d'étoles aux motifs originaux et aux combinaisons de couleurs tendance. Des modèles réalisés avec la technique du tricot mosaïque qui permet, par de simples mailles glissées, de composer des motifs bicolores en utilisant un seul fil de couleur par rang. Découvrez de nouvelles formes tricotées en rangs raccourcis, en demi-cercle, en style log cabin ou encore en introduisant la technique de l'intarsia. Vous serez guidé maille par maille par des instructions détaillées et des photos d'étapes. Place à la personnalisation ! L'autrice vous donnes les conseils et astuces pour combiner motifs et techniques afin que vous puissiez réaliser facilement le modèles de vos rêves.



Non classé

Widows in Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Britain

This volume provides a comprehensive study of widowhood in Medieval Britain based on literary and historical sources from the seventh to the fifteenth centuries. The book is divided into two parts : the first deals with the Anglo-Saxon period, the second with the Medieval period. Because widows shared certain preoccupations specific to their status, the two parts deal with similar topics : the fundamental role played by the Church in the doctrine of marriage, and the dominant male discourse about widows. Widows had a specific legal status : special laws affected their lives and their relationships with their children and other relatives. Much attention is consequently devoted to family structures and to the legal and social aspects of inheritance. The volume also explores the various options widowhood offered and the highly debated degree of independence widows had in their life choices.



Non classé

RoferonÎ-A in Chronic Viral Hepatitis

Chronic liver infection due to viral hepatitis B and C is a major public health problem. Worldwide, an estimated 750 million people are carriers of these two viruses. Alpha-interferons, such as RoferonI-A, are currently the therapy of choice in chronic viral hepatitis B and C. They are effective in preventing disease progression and life-threatening sequelae : liver cirrhosis, ascites, hepatic encephalopathy, and variceal hemorrhage and/or hepatocellular carcinoma. On the other hand, discussion has been raised on the potentially enormous cost impact of these genetically engineered drugs in the treatment of an already costly disease. This study identifies and evaluates the long-term clinical and economic effects of RoferonI-A treatment in chronic viral hepatitis B and C over a time period of 10 to 20 years. Clinical and epidemiological data, as well as the detailed health care resource use and cost assessment, reflect the clinical and economic reality in Germany in 1993. A Markov model is used to predict the long-term clinical benefits of RoferonI-A therapy in terms of reduced morbidity and mortality. Based on this, direct costs, savings, and cost-effectiveness are analysed, including : RoferonI-A therapy initiation and follow-up, physician services, laboratory services, medicotechnical services, drug therapy, hospitalization as well as surgical interventions (liver transplantations).




Logic: Mathematics, Language, Computer Science and Philosophy

In Logic Programming (25 and 26) the language of logic is used as a declarative programming language. Prolog uses resolution as its underlying proof mechanism. The logical structure of relational databases is explained (27) in set theoretical terms and it is shown how the language of set theory can be used as a Structured Query Language (SQL). Computability, Undecidability and Complexity are treated in sections 28, 29, and 30, respectively, in terms of Turing machines. The undecidability of the validity problem for predicate logic and the NP-completeness of the satisfiability problem for propositional logic are shown in a similiar way. Chomsky's notion of grammar and its relation to the notion of automation is presented in section 31. Both untyped and typed lambda calculus are treated in sections 32 and 33, respectively. The role epistemic logic can play in the description of distributed systems is explained (34). In section 35 and 36, temporal logic is used both for verification by hand and for automatic verification. A tableaux-based automated theorem prover for classical logic is elaborated in the Appendix. Each section ends with a number of exercises ; the answers can be found at the end of this book.



Instruments de musique

Afterwards. for bassoon and piano. bassoon and piano.

Elena Kats-Chernin wrote Afterwards for the 18th birthday of a young acquaintance, Guy Knopke, who had just started playing the bassoon. The title refers to "the new adventures and changes that can lie ahead after a significant milestone", according to the composer. She created a solo [also duo] piano version for herself, which is published in the anthology Piano Village (BB 3409). The final version of the original for bassoon and piano, which is no longer quite suitable for beginners, was recorded on CD by Elena Kats-Chernin together with the soloist Lorelei Dowling on Chromart Classics in 2017. Instrumentation : bassoon and piano




Shakespeare, Hogarth and Garrick. Plays, Painting and Performance

In London in 1770 Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799) remarked, 'What a work could be written on Shakespeare, Hogarth and Garrick ! There is something similar in the genius of all three. ' Two-and-a-half centuries on, Robin Simon's highly original and illuminating book takes up the challenge. William Hogarth (1697-1764) and David Garrick (1717-1779) closely associated themselves with Shakespeare, embodying a relationship between plays, painting and performance that had been understood since Antiquity and which shaped the rules for history painting drawn up by the Académie royale in Paris in the seventeenth century. History painting was considered the highest form of art : a picture illustrating a moment drawn from just a few lines in a revered text. Hogarth's David Garrick as Richard III (1745) transformed those ideas because, although it looked like a history painting, it was also a portrait of an actor in performance. With it, Hogarth established the genre of theatrical portraiture, a new and distinctively British kind of history painting. This book offers a fresh examination of theatrical portraits through close analysis of the pictures and of the texts used in performance. It also examines the central role of the theatre in British culture, while highlighting the significance of Shakespeare, Hogarth and Garrick in the European Enlightenment and the rise of Romanticism. In this context another trio of genius features prominently : Lichtenberg, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing and Denis Diderot. Familiar paintings and performances are seen in an entirely new light, while unfamiliar pictures are also introduced, including major paintings and drawings that have never been published. The final chapter shows that the inter-relationship between plays, painting and performance survived into the age of cinema, revealing the pictorial sources of Laurence Olivier's legendary film Richard III.



Non classé

Practice and Problems in English Grammar and Usage

This book aims to bridge the gap between theoretical and didactic grammar by familiarizing students with traditional terminology and notorious problem areas of English grammar - often otherwise ignored or neglected - and presenting them with a range of carefully chosen practice questions including challenging translation exercises for German students. Because it is often not simply ungrammaticality, but a certain un-Englishness, oddness, or awkwardness that marks students' English, this book is also a workbook on usage and style. A grammatical workbook and textbook in one, it has the unique advantage that almost all practice questions can be answered on the basis of information provided within the book and as a result can be used for individual study as well as school and university work. It will greatly help reinforce students' knowledge of grammar and give students the much needed practice and training in not only grammatically correct, but stylistically appropriate and natural English usage.




Intersection Theory. 2nd edition

1996 Steele Prize Winner for Mathematical Exposition " Intersection Theory... introduced a new order into a field that had been in disarray, by introducing a new and simpler approach that gave all the old results and more. Moreover it gave clarifying expositions of many classical computations in intersection theory, often reducing lengthy old arguments to a few lucid paragraphs. By its very clear exposition and the high quality of its content, this book has had an enormous impact on the field. " - Citation for the Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition August 1996



Histoire internationale

Charge of the Bull

Few will deny that 11th Bristish Armoured Division, the "Charging Bulls" of this story, was the finest armoured division on any side in the Normandy campaign in 1944. Soon after the end of the war, the history of the Division, Taurus Pursuant, was published in England in 1946. About 30 years later, Jean Brisset published his French-language book, La Charge du Taureau, about the same Division. It quickly went through two editions in France. What ensured its success was that it enlivened and humanized the well-know official accounts of the Division's battles in Operations EPSOM, GOODWOOD, BLUECOAT and others with the personal stories of participants in those battles who were often soldiers of humble but honourable rank. In addition, he paralleled the British military story with accounts of the experiences of French civilians caught up in the terror of thoses same battles, the anguish of theur tragedies and losses and the joy of their liberation. It is a history unique of its kind and deserves to be presented in this English translation. In addition to the story about 11th Armoured Division an Appendix telles about the battles in the Normandy bocage fought alongside the "Charging Bulls" by the hard-fighting 43rd (Wessex) Infantry Division and how the local civilians and Resistance fighters helped them. Another Appendix recounts, among other adventures, how a little 5-year-old French girl saved an Australian Spitfire pilot from recapture by the Germans after he had been shot clown in the bocage. Finally, an Epilogue brings the story up to date. It pays homage to those, both British and French, who strove to keep alive the flames of remembrance, mutual gratitude and friendship. Containing over 100 photographs and illustrated by 9 maps, specially draw for this edition, The Charge of the Bull is a nostalgic trip back for those who fought in Normandy in 1944 and an important addition to the litterature about that campaign.




The Policies and Politics of Pope Pius XII

The Policies and Politics of Pope Pius XII delves into the diplomacy of the most controversial pope of the twentieth century : Pius XII (pontificate, 1939-1958), "Advocate of Appeasement" to some and "Apostle of Peace" to others. Disagreement prevails on his quest for peace, recourse to impartiality during the Second World War, and relative public silence during the Holocaust. His abandonment of impartiality to play a prominent role in the Cold War has contributed to the charges and counter-charges leading to what has been deemed the "Pius War." Unfortunately, a good deal of the literature published by the defenders and denigrators of this papal diplomacy has shed more heat than light. In this book, Frank J. Coppa, who has written on numerous controversial figures including Pius IX (pontificate,1846-1878), seeks to objectively explore the origins and rationale of Pius XII's diplomacy during the war, the Nazi genocide, and its aftermath.



Littérature française

Ceci (n')est (pas) l'Amérique 4

Sommaire : e. e. cummings - Le personnel amour [anthologie] (extraits) T. S. Eliot - La terre mise à nu [Première traduction de The Waste Land, 1926, revue et approuvée par l'auteur] Marcia Nardi - Huit poèmes Charles Sheeler - Dessins Kay Boyle - Jour heureux pour L. V.



Non classé

Efficiency of Income Redistribution through Agricultural Policy

Since government can use manifold policy instruments at various levels, which influence various social groups, the evaluation of the efficiency of income redistribution is not straight forward. The study in hand contributes to the literature by first applying a multimarket framework to recent theoretical developments in transfer efficiency analysis. A three-stage vertically-structured model including the bread grains market as well as agricultural input industries and the food processing industry is developed and econometrically estimated. This model and standard welfare measures are used to judge the Austrian agricultural policy. It is revealed that in addition to farmers, downstream and upstream industries benefit considerably from agricultural policy. Using nonlinear optimization procedures, it is shown that the applied policy is not Pareto efficient. Applying an optimal policy instead of the current one could Pareto improve the social state by 1.7 billion Austrian Shilling.
