
Star Wars - War of the Bounty Hunters Tome 2




The silence of dogs in cars

De superbes photographies de chiens dans des voitures. Enfant, le photographe Martin Usborne a été une fois laissé dans une voiture. Ce ne fut pas pour longtemps, mais il se demanda si quelqu'un reviendrait. Vers le même âge, il est tombé amoureux des chiens - ils ne pouvaient pas parler, tout comme il se sentait silencieux dans cette voiture. Trente ans plus tard, les deux expériences se sont réunies dans ce projet cinématographique et humoristique sombre qui examine la façon dont les humains sont capables de faire taire les animaux qu'ils aiment le plus. Aucun chien n'a été blessé lors de la réalisation de ce projet.




Star wars, le retour de la philo. La saga décryptée, Tome 2

Après le succès public et critique de Star Wars, la philo contre-attaque, Gilles Vervisch poursuit son approche ludique et accessible de la philosophie à travers Star Wars. Cette saga est le fruit de la culture de son créateur, mêlant mythologie, psychanalyse et bouddhisme zen, et les questions philosophiques ne manquent pas : le bien et le mal, le destin et la liberté ou encore la solitude et la mort. Il semblait déjà difficile de trouver de la profondeur à la saga de George Lucas, alors que dire de ces "suites" peu inspirées, décevantes et ressemblant souvent à un copier-coller des premiers films ? Gilles Vervisch décrypte pourtant, avec humour et sagacité, les nouveaux thèmes philosophiques présents. Notamment ceux autour de l'Histoire, la mémoire et le passé. Comment faire du neuf avec du vieux ? Cette question hante les nouveaux épisodes. Si Star Wars est bien un mythe fondateur de la pop culture, ou du moins un monde "étendu" dont l'exploration est sans limite, on n'a jamais fini non plus d'en explorer la philosophie.



Histoire internationale

Violence and Atonement

Following the violence of Amritsar in 1919, Gandhi emerged as the leader of the Indian nationalist movement, and the missionary situation in India changed forever. Whilst most European missionaries lamented the loss of a friendly spirit between Englishman and Indian, a few took up Gandhi's challenge to make atonement for the wrongs of British imperialism. An American, Samuel Stokes, became a leading figure in the Indian National Congress and was imprisoned because of his pro-Gandhian activities. An Englishman, Verrier Elwin rankled officialdom with anti-British activities and was deported. This study repatriates Stokes and Elwin. It observes a continuity between their earlier missionary activities and their later careers as horticulturist and anthropologist respectively. It discerns in Stokes and Elwin and in other missionaries such as C.F. Andrews, Edward Thompson and Jack Winslow, a distinct strand of missionary thought and practice in the troubled inter-war years.



Anglais apprentissage

A multitude of Sins. Richard Ford

A sequel to Rock Springs and Women with Men, the collection of short stories entitled A Multitude of Sins was published in 2001 and immediately achieved worldwide recognition. If this series of ten short stories seems to feature adultery, it would be a major mistake to believe that the stories can be reduced to what is actually a side issue or a pretext to something else, sometimes of much greater importance. As often with great writers, Richard Ford tackles several other topics along with the sin of unfaithfulness which is a base camp from which to go further up into the knowledge of human deficiency, lack and want. Pondering these sins, Richard Ford lays them all bare while often unveiling the issue of the story right from the beginning, instead of cautiously preserving it as a last chance literary trick to pull it off at the fast moment. Showing insight through observation, his writing is deceptive in as much as it seems natural and easygoing when it requires close analysis and several successive readings to yield up its literary and humane secrets. The comparison some critics have made to Chekhov is not overblown and Agregation students, certainly among the most perceptive readers in the world, should naturally enjoy both reading and studying A Multitude of Sins, pleasure and scholarship being complementary, not antagonistic. The exclusive interview of Richard Ford at the end of the book will certainly be appreciated by Agregation students, who will thus be able to finish off their knowledge of Ford's works.



Histoire internationale

Charge of the Bull

Few will deny that 11th Bristish Armoured Division, the "Charging Bulls" of this story, was the finest armoured division on any side in the Normandy campaign in 1944. Soon after the end of the war, the history of the Division, Taurus Pursuant, was published in England in 1946. About 30 years later, Jean Brisset published his French-language book, La Charge du Taureau, about the same Division. It quickly went through two editions in France. What ensured its success was that it enlivened and humanized the well-know official accounts of the Division's battles in Operations EPSOM, GOODWOOD, BLUECOAT and others with the personal stories of participants in those battles who were often soldiers of humble but honourable rank. In addition, he paralleled the British military story with accounts of the experiences of French civilians caught up in the terror of thoses same battles, the anguish of theur tragedies and losses and the joy of their liberation. It is a history unique of its kind and deserves to be presented in this English translation. In addition to the story about 11th Armoured Division an Appendix telles about the battles in the Normandy bocage fought alongside the "Charging Bulls" by the hard-fighting 43rd (Wessex) Infantry Division and how the local civilians and Resistance fighters helped them. Another Appendix recounts, among other adventures, how a little 5-year-old French girl saved an Australian Spitfire pilot from recapture by the Germans after he had been shot clown in the bocage. Finally, an Epilogue brings the story up to date. It pays homage to those, both British and French, who strove to keep alive the flames of remembrance, mutual gratitude and friendship. Containing over 100 photographs and illustrated by 9 maps, specially draw for this edition, The Charge of the Bull is a nostalgic trip back for those who fought in Normandy in 1944 and an important addition to the litterature about that campaign.




Defaced! Money, Conflict, Protest

This fully illustrated catalogue is the first of its kind to examine the relationship between money, power, resistance and dissent. It accompanies major exhibitions at The Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge and the Art Gallery of Ontario in Toronto. War, revolution and protest are defining themes in all periods of world history, shaping national identities and influencing material and visual culture in myriad ways. The ubiquity of money makes it a powerful vehicle for diseminating the messages of the state to the public, but the symbolic and nationalistic iconography of currency could also be subverted or mutilated in powerful acts of defiance, rebellion and propaganda. Beginning in Britain in the wake of the American and French Revolutions, the exhibition explores the political and social tensions present in society, and communicated through the production or defacement of money, over the past 200 years. It contrasts the use of money by the radicals of the nineteenth and early twentieth century, such as Thomas Spence, and the Suffragette movement, with the money produced by European empires as they scrambled to dominate the rest of the world. The currency histories of the two World Wars reveal the subversion of the very nature of what money is, and highlight the role of money as the tool of occupation, imprisonment, resistance and remembrance. The coins countermarked during the Troubles in Northern Ireland hint at the polarised nature of political discourse and sectarian violence. The exhibition culminates with the work of contemporary artists and activists who use money to highlight the challenges of the modern world, both locally and globally - as a canvas, as a raw material, or as a powerful means of communication. From a unique coin commemorating the Peterloo Massacre of 1819 to a Syrian banknote refashioned to raise awareness of the refugee crisis, this publication showcases many newly acquired objects from the Fitzwilliam Museum collection, alongside materials from the Archive of Modern Conflict. These objects are enhanced by a number of important loans from museums and private collections, including the cannon used at the Battle of Mafeking, an exploded transit van and contemporary art works that take money, its authority and destruction as their theme. Each object constitutes a witness statement to its time and its conflict, and each section has its own story to tell. The chapters - by archaeologists, historians, curators, and artists - create a rich context for the more than 130 objects in the catalogue, most of which have never been studied in depth or published before.




Record of Grancrest War Tome 4

Theo, Siluca et leurs alliés font maintenant face à l'armée de Waldlind, la plus puissante du continent ! Faisant fi du danger, Aishela déchaîne ses redoutables pouvoirs de guerrière du Chaos et virevolte sur le champ de bataille telle une valkyrie. Le combat fait rage, piétinant sans pitié l'affection et la chaleur familiale qu'ont partagé par le passé Aubest Meletes et ses filles, désormais partisans de camps ennemis. Quelle issue espérer à ce conflit mené par des seigneurs aux convictions irréconciliables ?




Record of Grancrest War Tome 5

Acculés par l'armée de Waldlind, Theo et ses alliés sont sauvés de justesse d'un désastre certain par Villar Constance, le comte d'Altirk. Ce dernier avait pourtant refusé de répondre à l'appel à l'aide de Siluca auparavant ! Mises en déroute par le comte, les forces de Waldlind sont finalement contraintes de battre en retraite, et le vainqueur fait alors une offre surprenante aux assiégés. Il propose de nommer Theo gouverneur de Sievis et d'oublier l'affront que Siluca lui a fait pour enfin sceller le pacte qui devait les lier à l'origine ! Comment réagiront les deux jeunes alliés ?




Record of Grancrest War Tome 6

Des soldats de l'infanterie lourde de Waldlind ont pris en chasse les lycanthropes dans les forêts d'Altirk. Quels sont les sombres desseins de la mystérieuse sorcière de la Forêt des Ténèbres Eternelles à l'origine de cette chasse aux loups ? Pendant qu'une équipe de reconnaissance menée par Irvin tente de retrouver les assaillants, Siluca, restée au village, cède face à l'insistance de Clara et accepte de lui parler de son passé. Qu'a-t-il pu lui arriver pendant son enfance pour qu'elle soit si réticente à la raconter ?




Record of Grancrest War Tome 3

Theo et Siluca sont parvenus à repousser l'assaut de l'ambitieux Lassic et à obtenir son allégeance. Mais le gouverneur de Sievis, qui voit d'un très mauvais oeil les succès de ces parvenus, marche sur leur domaine à la tête d'une grande armée. Alors que l'écart de puissance qui sépare les deux camps semble augurer de leur défaite, Siluca met en place un machiavélique stratagème...




Record of Grancrest War Tome 7

Seul le Cristal de l'Ordre délivrera Atlatan du Chaos. Les méthodes abjectes de Jana ont porté leurs fruits et ont eu raison de Clara. Folle de rage, Siluca s'avance, bien décidée à combattre la sorcière de front... Mais au château du monarque vampire, Adele, la démone, s'éveille ! Le monde sera-t-il bientôt englouti par un nouvel âge Chaotique ?




Record of Grancrest War Tome 1

Le continent mythique d'Atlatan est ravagé de longue date par le Chaos, source de calamités pour les peuples qui y résident. Pour le combattre, certains élus nommés les seigneurs ont été investis d'un pouvoir immense : le "Crest". Hélas, au lieu d'oeuvrer pour la paix, cette noblesse préfère désormais mettre les Crests au service de ses ambitions dans d'incessantes guerres territoriales. Mais la rencontre de Siluca, une jeune mage éprise de justice, et Theo, seigneur errant aux nobles idéaux, va perturber cette lutte de pouvoir...




The Empire of Corpses Tome 2

Alexeï Karamazov brise un des plus grands tabous de la nécromatique afin de montrer le terrible danger que fait peser cette nouvelle technologie sur l'humanité... C'est ainsi que Watson et Burnaby, à la recherche du mystérieux journal de Victor Frankenstein, embarquent pour le lointain pays du soleil levant...




Highschool of the dead Tome 2

Les morts vivants sont partout ! Pour leur échapper, Takashi et ses amis ont fui leur lycée, mais ils sont loin d'être tirés d'affaire pour autant ! L'égoïsme des survivants est encore plus dangereux que les cadavres ambulants décérébrés ! Les films de Romero vous ont terrorisé ? Les séries des Resident Evil et Dead Rising trônent en bonne place dans votre ludothèque ? Shaun of the Dead vous a fait mourir de rire ?Alors, vous allez adorer Highschool of the Dead !




The Kingdoms of Ruin Tome 2

Dans un monde où les avancées technologiques ont causé la perte des sorcières, Adonis, un jeune homme, s'est juré d'anéantir les humains pour venger la mort de Chloé, une sorcière qu'il aimait éperdument. Dix ans après ces terribles événements, une jeune fille du nom de Doroka délivre Adonis et lui révèle qu'il est possible de ressusciter sa bien-aimée. Qu'est censé accomplir le jeune homme pour y parvenir ? Et que comptent faire les sorcières qui ont survécu à la purge ?



Comics Indépendants

The Department of Truth Tome 2

Cole Turner a cru bien faire en rejoignant l'équipe de Lee Harvey Oswald. Mais à présent qu'il en apprend davantage sur les fonctions de son supérieur au sein du Département de la Vérité, le doute l'assaille... De plus en plus de tulpas ? les formes tangibles créées par les sphères complotistes ? s'incarnent dans le monde réel, et il est plus que temps de réagir et de choisir un camp. Une plongée au coeur des plus grands complots de l'Histoire moderne et d'aujourd'hui !




Shadow of the Ring Tome 2

Sur la voie de l'ombre, la moindre erreur peut sceller le destin d'un peuple... Le royaume de Keiju ne ressemble à aucun autre... C'est une véritable cité montée sur rails, qui suit constamment l'ombre portée de l'anneau entourant la planète. Son circuit, identique depuis des générations, le fait traverser de nombreux territoires. Pour cette raison, Keiju a développé une tradition de neutralité soutenue par une prouesse technique majeure : la création des hakukai, des armures surpuissantes qui améliorent les capacités physiques de ceux qui les portent. Aushi, fils de notable d'un pays ami, est fasciné par cette ville mouvante, habituellement fermée aux étrangers. Pourtant, grâce à ses relations et à son honnêteté désarmante, il parvient à se faire accepter à bord, où il se lie d'amitié avec Kamalu, l'intrépide petite soeur de la reine. Tout à sa joie de l'exploration d'un nouveau monde, il ne se doute pas qu'il arrive au moment où l'équilibre des alliances est sur le point de s'écrouler... Un assassin brise les défenses de Keiju, tuant sur son passage un membre de la famille royale et volant de précieux hakukai ! Quel est l'objectif de ce mystérieux agresseur ? ! Une ethnie nomade dotée d'une culture aussi étrange que fascinante, une route enveloppée par une nuit éternelle, d'étonnantes armes polymorphes... Après Route End et ses meurtres en série, le talentueux Kaiji Nakagawa est de retour dans un univers de fantasy unique en son genre ! Entre complots et conflits larvés, le peuple de l'ombre trouvera-t-il son chemin ?



Yaoi/homosexualité masculine

Lullaby of the Dawn Tome 2

"Dois-je lui dire ce que je ressens ? " "L'amour, ça ne me concerne pas." Arnór est tombé à la mer et s'est fait recueillir par Manieri, le shaman du sud. Elva est mort d'inquiétude pour Arnór, mats il doit attendre la nouvelle lune pour partir à sa recherche. Ils finissent tout deux par se retrouver et Arnór voit Elva verser des larmes pour la première fois. Arnór est submergé par ses sentiments et ne parvient plus à se retenir...




The World of Summoning Tome 2

Tokoyo et ses camarades continuent de suivre les cours quelque peu mouvementés de la classe des forces spéciales de l'Académie d'invocation. Mais le Prieuré de la non-réalité, une société secrète devenue l'ennemie jurée des invocateurs, semble s'intéresser à Tokoyo et va tenter d'entrer en contact avec le jeune homme. Face à une secte prônant la destruction et le changement, et d'étranges adversaires aux intentions mystérieuses, Tokoyo pourra-t-il garder la vie sauve ? !




The Haunt of Fear Tome 2

The Haunt of Fear, publié par EC Comics au début des années 50, fait partie d'une trilogie célèbre de magazines horrifiques avec Tales from the Crypt et The Vault of Horror. Akileos est fier de vous présenter les numéros 8 à 14 dans cette réédition inédite en français. Préparez-vous à frissonner de terreur en lisant ces histoires de cadavres ressuscités, de momies meurtrières et autres monstruosités. Des histoires rendues encore plus terrifiantes par le trait d'artistes de légende tels que Jack Davis, Graham Ingels, Jack Kamen, Johnny Craig ou Wally Wood. Alors n'hésitez plus, rejoignez la vieille sorcière et découvrez les récits qui mijotent dans son chaudron fumant...




Call of the night Tome 2

En une rencontre, la vie peut reprendre du mordant ! La ville s'est endormie. La nuit commence et, avec elle, la liberté totale ! Le baiser impromptu de Nazuna la nuit précédente a laissé Kô plus chamboulé que d'habitude... Et Akira, qui ne cesse de l'inciter à retourner à l'école, décide cette fois de répondre avec lui à l'appel de la nuit ! Les nuits bleues de Kô et de sa bande se font plus profondes et enchantées. Laissez tomber tout ce que vous faites et savourez une fantastique nuit blanche !



Beaux arts

New worlds

"New Worlds" presents a selection of five outstanding nautical atlases known as portolan charts, or "portalans".These historic documents are the work of eminent scholars from Majorca, Lisbon, Le Havre, and Amsterdam. Cartographers by trade, and sometimes also skilled illuminators, they mapped what was the most probable imago mundi for their time, each exemplar crafting a fascinating visual chronicle. Jean-Yves Sarazin, head of Charts and Maps at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, scrutinizes thèse charts or atlases, and situates them in the great history of European discoveries and voyages from the early 14th to the late 17th century, from the Portuguese reconnaissance of the coasts of Africa, through the adventures of Columbus,Vespucci, and Magellan, to the Dutch voyages in the Pacific and Australia.The book's many colour reproductions are alive with picturesque details: camel caravans in the heart ofAsia, Portuguese andArab ships sailing in the Indian Ocean, wild beasts or chimaera, countless exotic plants, naval battles, and not least the frequent strangeness of the indigenous people.



Littérature étrangère

The unparalleled invasion / Une invasion sans précédent / La invasión sin paralelo. A political anticipation short story from Jack London (1910) / Une nouvelle d'anticipation politique de Jack London (1910), Edition français-anglais-espagnol

The Unparalleled Invasion is a rare political anticipation short story written by Jack London and first published in McClure's in July 1910 and later in the book The Strength of the Strong (New York, Macmillan, 1914). The story begins in 1910s China. Under the influence of Japan, China modernizes and has its own Meiji Reforms. In 1922, China breaks away from Japan and fights a brief war that culminates in the Chinese annexation of the Japanese possessions of Korea, Formosa, and Manchuria. Over the next half century, China's population steadily grows, and eventually migration overwhelms European colonies in Asia. The United States of America and the other Western powers launch a biological warfare campaign against China, resulting in the decimation of China's population. China is then colonized by the Western powers.



Histoire ancienne

THE ROMAN CAVALRY. From the First to the Third Century AD

The cavalry was a vital part of the army of Rome and played a significant role in the expansion and success of the Roman Empire. Karen R. Dixon and Par Southern describe the origins of the mounted units of the Roman army and trace their development from temporary allied troops to the regular alae and cohorts. They have drawn together evidence from a wide variety of sources: archaeological, epigraphic and literary, as well as comparing ancient testimony with more recent experience of the use of cavalry. Now available in paperback, the book covers the subject from the perspective of both the men and the horses. How were the horses selected and disposed of; how they trained, stabled and fed? How were the men recruited, organized and equipped; and what were the conditions of service for a Roman cavalryman? The authors provide a comprehensive and unique examination of the Roman cavalry, which includes lavish and original illustrations, drawn by Karen R. Dixon.



Non classé

Mass Culture Criticism and «Dissent»

Mass Culture Criticism and 'Dissent' by Lou Anne Bulik offers a provocative new look at the debate over mass culture in American magazines during the post World War II years. Bulik traces the influence of the Frankfurt School's analysis of mass culture on American intellectuals ; explores the course of the mass culture discussion in Politics, Partisan Review, Daedalus, Diogenes, and Dissent ; and suggests that Dissent's approach to the issue differed substantially from that of other magazines. Because Dissent focused on the impact of mass culture on the mind, Bulik suggests that the debate in Dissent was actually an attempt to articulate the presentiment that mass culture, particularly through the paradigm of television, would change patterns of thought and understanding. The study concludes with a look at recent criticism which lends newfound weight to Dissent's discussion of mass culture in the 1950s and early 1960s.




Mindful places to stay. Sublime destinations for yoga and meditation

Fresh summer air, leaves rustling at the backdrop of beautiful sunset, subtle wind caressing your skin as you quietly meditate -- if this feels anything like a perfect vacation, Mindful Places to Stay is just the book for you. Through captivating photography and easy reads, the visual pages unveil the most astonishing yoga and meditation retreats and stories behind them. Join Mindful Places to Stay in the discovery of peace and quiet in breathtaking spots scattered across the world.



Non classé

Preventive Action for Refugee Producing Situations

This book provides an empirical analysis rather than a theoretical framework of refugee situations during the Cold War. It focuses on potential refugee-producing situations with a view to prevent occurances where refugees are exploited as a weapon in political strife. In order to forestall the violation of individual rights, the book proposes measures to prevent refugee situations from arising, however, not to prevent persecuted individuals from seeking protection. This second edition shows in its revised parts that the proposals for prevention, including on mediation, early warning, and information-sharing are all being implemented. Developments since the publication of the first edition have entirely changed the international political climate. Prevention has moved to the top of the agenda of the United Nations and individual states alike. Progress achieved in the area of human rights and political climate. Prevention has moved to the top of the agenda of the United Nations and indivivual states alike. Progress achieved in the area of human rights and development, humanitarian assistance and intervention, peacekeeping and peacemaking offer new possibilities and challenges for prevention and peace. The international community should move forcefully now while almost global cooperation is possible to institutionalize new prevention and intervention approaches to save lives and to prevent future abuses of human rights and forced population displacement. The Cold War may have finished but war, internal and crossborder, is still alive.



Histoire de France

The Borders of Schengen

Currently, we are witnessing a "border game" with participants on a global scale. The massive movement of illegal immigrants and refugees who have arrived in Europe over the last few months has led political leaders, activists' movements and anonymous citizens to rethink practices and discourses. The media have multiplied news stories about mobilization initiatives that go well beyond the sphere of the state and even operate on the fringes of the law. Nationalism and identity issues have found their way onto the EU and its member-states' agenda while the international community argues about the urgency to collaborate to address one of the greatest problems seen in Europe since the Second World War. Schengen borders have been suffering reconfigurations on an almost daily basis and Schengen has even been temporarily suspended in some countries, with the ghost of the end of the Union hovering over Europe. The series of multidisciplinary texts collected in this book offer the reader a variety of perspectives on the understanding of the Schengen area. Broadly speaking, this volume includes reflections on subjects that embrace the debates on the concept and practices of the free movement of persons within Europe, the security dimension of the European Union, illegal immigration and migration management, human rights and the role of various players and interests. This is the book to read if you wish to understand the latest developments in the Schengen area on its 30th anniversary.



Histoire de la philosophie

Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism

The twelve lessons forming this volume were originally issued in the shape of monthly lessons, known as "The Advanced Course in Yogi Philosophy and Oriental Occultism" during a period of twelve months beginning with October 1904, and ending September 1905. We have been told, so often, that we must take certain things "on faith, " and that it was "no use bothering our minds concerning them, " but this is only a partial statement of truth, for the Intellect does give us a reliable report concerning the real nature of things. . ". New Thought proponents at the turn of the twentieth century sought to use mysticism to unleash the forces of the universe in themselves. One of the most influential thinkers of this early "New Age" philosophy promises here, in this 1904 book, to show the reader "to see with the clear vision of the Spirit" and how to "achieve the peace of the awakened and conscious soul". As the yogi reminds us, "No occult teaching is ever wasted-all bears fruit in its own good time". With this significant document of the New Thought movement back in print, now may be the time. Content : Lesson I. Light On The Path Lesson II. Some More Light On The Path Lesson III. Spiritual Consciousness Lesson IV. The Voice Of Silence Lesson V. Karma Yoga Lesson VI. Gnani Yoga Lesson VII. Bhakti Yoga Lesson VIII. Dharma Lesson IX. More About Dharma Lesson X. Riddle Of The Universe Lesson XI. Matter And Force Lesson XII. Mind And Spirit American writer WILLIAM WALKER ATKINSON (1862-1932)-aka Yogi Ramacharaka-was born in Baltimore and had built up a successful law practice in Pennsylvania before professional burnout led him to the religious New Thought movement. He served as editor of the popular magazine New Thought from 1901 to 1905, and as editor of the journal Advanced Thought from 1916 to 1919. He authored dozens of New Thought books-including The Philosophies and Religions of India, Arcane Formula or Mental Alchemy and Vril, or Vital Magnetism-under numerous pseudonyms, some of which are likely still unknown today.




«Phädon», or «On the Immortality of the Soul»

This is the first modern translation of Moses Mendelssohn's classic work of 1767, the Phädon. It includes Mendelssohn's own introduction and appendix, as well as footnotes and explanatory introduction by David Shavin. (Charles Cullen's translation of 1789 is the only other extant translation.) The "modern Socrates" of the German classical period, Mendelssohn has created a beautiful translation and elaboration of Plato's Phädo led to a revolution in thought, and a subsequent renaissance in Germany. The debt of the German classical period to ancient Greece is embodied in Mendelssohn's Phädon, as is the promise of the American Revolution. The translation and accompanying notes recapture Mendelssohn's unique marriage of depth of thought and breadth of appeal.
