
Hokuto no Ken - Fist of the North Star Tome 5




Secret Mexico City

An indispensable guide for those who thought they knew the city well or who would like to discover its many other facets. The forgotten café where Fidel Castro and Che Guevara used to meet, a tribute to the city's ghosts, a mammoth in the metro, a cave transformed into a shrine, an underground parking lot with mosaics dating from 1930, a Baroque altarpiece made from papier mâché, a village based on the principles of Thomas More's Utopia, secret masterpieces of colonial art in rooms only open around two hours a week, the largest roof garden in Latin America, the photo on which the Oscar statuette is modelled, the first building in the world faced with a material that can trap urban smog, a road surface designed for praying as you walk ...



Non classé

Style and Rhetoric in Bertrand Russels's Work

A thorough examination of Bertrand Russell's language is the object of this study. Since this is the first major analysis of his writing style, examples taken from a wide spectrum of his writings are examined. Structurally the investigation begins by treating individual vocabulary and then moves on to larger structural units, covering such areas as figurative language and description. The final chapter deals with his rhetoric, discussing his methods of persuasion and the logic of his arguments. This careful analysis of his writings is significant in that it sheds new light on interesting aspects of Russell's character.



Guides étrangers

Top 10 Israel. Including Sinai & Petra

Whether you are travelling first class or on a Iimited budget, this Eyewitness Top 10 guide will lead you straight to the very best this region has to offer. Dozens of Top 10 lists - from the Top 10 cultural venues to the Top 10 museums, restaurants and children's attractions - provide the insider knowledge every visitor needs. And to save you Lime and money, there's even a list of the Top 10 Things to Avoid.



Non classé

Frontier and Utopia in the Fiction of Charles Sealsfield

This study examines the work of Charles Sealsfield (1793-1864), the Moravian-American writer, whose fiction marked the first serious literary treatment of America in the German language. More specifically, Sealsfield's work is discussed in the light of his experience in America and, above all, in the light of his change of identity from Karl Anton Postl - Moravian monk to Charles Sealsfield - American writer. It employs two concepts - frontier and utopia - to show how Sealsfield was influenced by the antebellum tradition in America, and how he, in turn, used the governing myths and symbols of his time to create an important statement about the relationship between ideology and power in the Age of Jackson.



Anglais apprentissage

Mark SaFranko: The Creative Itineraries of a "Renaissance Man". Textes en français et anglais

From October 2018 to January 2019, Mark SaFranko, an American writer, painter and musician from New Jersey, was the first author in residence at Université de Lorraine in Nancy. During his four-month residence, Mark took part in numerous academic, public and media events in Nancy and the Grand Est region. This volume provides insights into some of these events and displays various aspects of the work carried out during this very active period - from interviews about his literary creation and its critical reception, to personal or collective translation projects around his works, and an exhibition of his pictorial self-portraits. These variegated fragments of creative endeavours will allow readers of this volume to grasp the warm and open personality of a multitalented artist, a jack of all trades who offers first-hand testimony and candid reflections on the practice of his arts.



XXe siècle

Victory will be next ! A Diary, 6th June - 10th August 1944

The story takes place in Brittany, focussing on Rennes and Redon, i.e. about 200 kilometres (125 miles) from the D-Day landing beaches in Normandy, about fifteen minutes by plane as the crow flies. The months of June and July 1944 were very difficult for the allied troops. They relentlessly fought to block German reinforcements coming from the West and the South, which resulted in constant bombing and machine-gunning of the rear boundary of the front line, the area where we were living. As civilians, we did not take part in the fighting and everyday life alternated between calm periods, on the verge of being "normal", and tragic moments of great tension. ''Victory will be next ! " is a set of notes written at that moment in time, day by day, by a fifteen-year-old boy. They are, obviously, fragmented, even a little naive, But they are nonetheless a testimony of a snapshot of history within the larger picture of WWII. They should be taken as such.




The aumakua. The great white shark novel

Just as I finished grabbing it, a sharp pain suddenly was erupting on the inside edge of my lair ! Simultaneously, a tension as unbearable as it was horrifying blocked me trying to pull me towards the surface. The kanakäs had just intercepted me through this lethal decoy ! So, with all my mass and was arching my body with all my strength in the opposite direction, I was regained some slack on this terribly resistant link, feeling all the mass of the platform preventing me from probing like the dontokä before. However, I was determined to show them which of us would be most worthy of remaining in the Incompressible, when with a devastating lateral movement, I severed with a sharp blow the lethal and imperceptible tether ! By this counter blow, I was as if immediately ejected : the perfidious artifact still embedded in my lair lying painfully like a relic of this ubiquitous creature of the System.



Guides pratiques

Cycling the ruta via de la plata

2 weeks from Seville to Gijón ; 6-day option along Camino Sanabrés to Santiago ; road and off-road routes ; 8 UNESCO world heritage sites. The Ruta Via de la Plata is one of Spain's most important pilgrim routes. This 930km ride from the southern coarta plain, across the central plateau and over the Cantabrian Mountains to the north coast is the perfect way to sample the country. Along the way there is the chance to visit notable towns an, cities – such as Seville, Mérida, Cáceres Salamanca, Leon, Zamora, Oviedo an Santiago de Compostela. Mainly empty roads and gentle climbs make this rout accessible for a wide range of cyclists. With fantastic cycling, cultura and historic interest and great food, the Ruta Via de la Plata is sure to delight. This guidebook describes both road and off-road routes and how to combine the two for a perfect touring, hybrid or gravel cycling trip. Best cycled in spring and autumn ; suitable for touring, hybrid or gravel bikes ; advice on equipment, travel and transporting your bike.



Sciences de la terre et de la

CARDANO'S COSMOS. The Worlds and Works of a Renaissance Astrologer

GIROLAMO CARDANO was an Italian doctor, natural philosopher, and mathematician who became a best-selling author in Renaissance Europe. He was also a leading astrologer of his day, whose predictions won him access to some of the most powerful people in sixteenth-century Europe. In Cardano's Cosmos, Anthony Grafton invites readers to follow this astrologer's extraordinary career and explore the art and discipline of astrology in the hands of a brilliant practitioner. Renaissance astrologers predicted everything from the course of the future of humankind to the risks of a single investment, or even the weather. They analyzed the bodies and characters of countless clients, from rulers to criminals, and enjoyed widespread respect and patronage. This book traces Cardano's contentions career from his first astrological pamphlet through his rise to high-level consulting and his remarkable autobiographical works. Delving into astrological principles and practices, Grafton shows how Cardano and his contemporaries adapted the ancient art for publication and marketing in a new era of print media and changing science. He maps the context of market and human forces that shaped Cardano's practices-and the maneuvering that kept him at the top of a world rife with patronage, politics, and vengeful rivals. Cardano's astrology, argues Grafton, was a profoundly empirical and highly influential art, one that was integral to the attempts of sixteenth-century scholars to understand their universe and themselves.




Chu Teh-Chun. In Nebula, Edition bilingue français-anglais

Chu Teh-Chun (1920-2014) est un acteur majeur de la peinture gestuelle abstraite. Né en Chine au sein d'une famille d'amateurs d'art, il est formé à l'Académie des beaux-arts mais subit la guerre sino-japonaise, des tragédies familiales, la disparition quasi totale de ses oeuvres de jeunesse puis l'exil - en 1949 vers Taïwan et en 1955 vers Paris, où il s'installe enfin. C'est dans ce cadre apaisé que son abstraction orageuse voit le jour. Excluant toute géométrie patente, celle-ci est constituée de nébuleuses et autres maelströms polychromes, modelés par de puissants effets de clair-obscur. Atmosphérique et hors échelle, chaque tableau est une matrice où notre vision se projette et s'abîme, nous faisant perdre tout repère spatial ou sémantique. Nourri de peinture tant classique que moderne, tant asiatique qu'occidentale, Chu formule la sensation mnésique du paysage, l'essence dynamique du geste et le surgissement de la lumière. La mise en perspective historique, au gré de parallèles, analogies et autres résonances, nous invite à cerner la singularité d'un régime abstrait sous-tendu par la logique organique du vivant, les formes et les forces de la nature, leurs phénomènes naturels, leur fluidité éruptive et leurs révolutions cosmogoniques. Car Chu s'est longtemps trouvé quelque peu en marge de son époque, en raison peut-être d'une personnalité réservée et d'un rejet de principe de toute stratégie commerciale. L'objet de cette monographie est donc, à l'aune du recul historique et du succès actuel de l'oeuvre, de qualifier certains de ses enjeux esthétiques et d'aider à dissiper quelques malentendus qui ont pu entourer sa réception. Chu Teh-Chun (1920-2014) is a major figure in the history of gestural abstract painting. Born in China into a family of art lovers, he trained at the Academy of Fine Arts in Hangzhou. Then came the Second Sino-Japanese war, family tragedy, the loss of nearly all his early work, and finally, exile-to Taiwan in 1949, then, in 1955, to Paris, where he settled. This peaceful home witnessed the emergence of his tortured abstraction, devoid of obvious geometry, in which polychrome nebulae and maelstroms clash with violent chiaroscuro effects. Atmospheric, impossible to scale, each painting is an arena into which vision is projected and submerged amid a loss of spatial and semantic bearings. Steeped in painting both classical and modern, Asian and Western, Chu's art recreates the memory of a landscape, the dynamic essence of gesture, and the brilliance of light. This study, by placing his work in its context, using parallels, analogies, and other resonances, focuses on the singularity of his approach to abstraction, underpinned by the organic logic of the living world, by natural phenomena, forms, forces, and by their eruptive fluidity and cosmogonic revolutions. For many years, Chu remained a somewhat marginal figure, perhaps because of his reserved personality and his principled rejection of commercial strategies. Making the most of historical perspective, and in light of the artist's current recognition, this monograph sets out to define some of the aesthetic themes shaping his work and to help dispel some of the misunderstandings that have surrounded its reception.



Beaux arts

GOYA. Edition en anglais

Goya (1746-1828) is one of Spain's most famous artists and is widely acknowledged as an outstanding painter in the European tradition, often called the last of the Old Masters and the first of the Modems. He is appreciated as a portrait painter; a creator of menacing and melancholy images in oils; a master of enigmatic, satirical and revolutionary drawing and etching; the champion of the Spanish people in their struggle against oppression and the recorder of their life and sufferings in war. This book brings out many of Goya's moods, from the gaiety and tenderness of the tapestry cartoons to the mysterious ferocity of the Black Paintings made in his old age. Enriqueta Harris, former Curator of the Photographic Collection of the Warburg Institute. University of London, is a world-renowned expert on Spanish art. She has curated numerous exhibitions and is the author of Velazquez (Phaidon, 1982).




The Recovery of Purpose

This book aims to remedy the breakdown in the intelligibility of ethical theory well charted by MacIntyre and others. This aim is pursued through analyses of the phenomenology of morality, of its relation to our generic nature, of the historical cultural divorce between secularism and inherited spirituality, of ways of overcoming this via renewed understanding of the role of love and benevolence in particular. There follows critical discussion of remedies proposed by J. Finnis and G. Grisez, and by P.T. Geach. The work concludes with a defence of human rights based on the worth of the person, finally buttressed by a defence of the need for an external ethical instance as pledge of society's commitment to the good life.



Non classé

A Concordance to Six Middle English Tail-Rhyme Romances

The six Middle English poems covered by this two-volume computerized concordance form a homogeneous group of non-cyclical tail-rhyme romances : Sir Eglamour of Artois, Le Bone Florence of Rome, Sir Isumbras, Octavian, The King of Tars, and Sir Tryamowr. In preparing the concordance, the relevant editions have been checked against the manuscripts and the texts re-edited according to a unified set of principles. In this KWIC (Key Word in Context) concordance the lexical material is given in full and homonyms have been distinguished. It can serve both literary (E.g. formulaic) and linguistic (e.g. syntactic) studies.



Non classé

Stages of Exile

This book brings together twelve specially commissioned essays that showcase current research on Spanish Republican exile theatre and performance, including work by some of the foremost scholars in the field. Covering a range of periods, geographical locations and theatrical phenomena, the essays are united by the common question of what it means to ‘stage exile', exploring the relationship between space, identity and performance in order to excavate the place of theatre in Spanish Republican exile production. Each chapter takes a particular case study as a starting point in order to assess the place of a particular text, practitioner or performance within Hispanic theatre tradition and then goes on to examine the case study's relationship with the specific sociocultural context in which it was located and/or produced. The authors investigate wider issues concerning the recovery and performability of these documentary traces, addressing their position within the contemporary debate over historical and cultural memory, their relationship to the contemporary stage, the insights they offer into the experience and performance of exile, and their contribution to contemporary configurations of identity and community in the Hispanic world. Through this commitment to interdisciplinary debate, the volume offers a new and invigorating reimagination of twentieth-century Hispanic theatre from the margins.




Lido. Feathers, Jewels, and Thrills

A glamorous gem in the crown of paris : discover the star-studded history of the famous Lido cabaret !



Actualité et médias

Performance post-crise

Today's professional environment is dramatically different from that which existed just twenty years ago. The digital revolution is in full swing, and working practices are undergoing some of the biggest changes in history. In addition to this background of change, COVID 19 has had an unprecedented impact on every aspect of modern professional life. This background of change, combined with an additional sudden shock is generating novel challenges, which present difficult questions. What organisational structure is best placed to handle crises such as this ? What are the ingredients of successful remote work ? What is the best way to manage a team remotely ? How should leaders communicate in a crisis ? Beyond these critical issues—and perhaps even more importantly—leaders also need to prepare for the future. How do they ensure the success of an organisation in an uncertain future ? How are they going to secure the talent they need ? To address these questions, this collection brings together contributors from a rich variety of backgrounds, drawing on many combined decades of leadership experience. In addition to sharing answers to many contemporary questions and their personal experience of the recent crisis, they outline their vision of the future of the world of work.



Généralités médicales

How I stopped snoring.. Exercises to treat snoring and sleep apnea

We don't talk about it and avoid the tension generating subject. Snoring makes us laugh or even cry. We very much want to get rid of it. There are ways to fight it. You will find an inventory of them herein, complete with advice on how to improve them, but that's not all ! This book sets forth a natural and original manner of curing snoring and sleep apnea. It's an actively engaging method as opposed to others which confine the snorer to a passive role (drugs, surgery, etc.), proposing exercises by which the snorer strengthens and activates his oral cavity and refines its sensations. Validated by numerous doctors, physical therapists and practitioners of alternative medicine, this book can be read on different levels : by those who are just discovering their snoring problem as well as by those who are well aware of it but haven't yet found a satisfactory solution.




Foundation Course for Advanced Computer Studies

In the modern world, computer systems are playing a greater and greater part in everyday life. From office work, to entertainment, to providing information, the personal computer is quickly becoming a more integral part of the home. However, most PC users have no idea how most of the parts which make up their computer work internally. I am one of those who find that the framework provided by the school curriculum in the United Kingdom is of great assistance in planning lessons and learning plans but the curriculum does not plan out the work for us. We therefore need to invest a lot of time and effort into developing schemes of work that will suit the people we are going to teach. For me, it is a fantastic opportunity to employ our imagination and creativity to make lessons useful and interesting for children of different abilities. It is why I wrote this book. This book is a foundation course for Advanced Computer Studies and designed as a blueprint to teach users with a basic knowledge of computer science. Computer science is a subject that combines the use of technology which is ICT (Information Communication Technology) and the creation of technology. To use ICT (the subject about how to use technology to communicate information) more effectively, we need to know how technology works. Computing or computer science will create a generation of young people able to work at the forefront of technology change. It is the umbrella term for the subject that comprises 3 elements : computer science, information technology and digital literacy. It is helpful to think of these as the foundations, applications and implications of digital technology. The new focus on computer science will provides a well-defined and rigorous academic discipline and a unique lens through which pupils can understand the world. Children must therefore be taught computing if they are to be ready for tomorrow technology challenges. Our ingenuity to invent new means of communicating with each other, our very human compulsion to communicate have driven the technological innovations of the past two centuries however still a lot remain to be done with the arrival of quantum computing. A more rigorous approach to computer science teaching will help compete across the full spectrum of digital industries. This can only be achieved by equipping ourselves with the foundation skills, knowledge and understanding of computing do the necessity to introduce "computational thinking" at school via the new national curriculum (programmes of study and targets), the 2014 national curriculum that introduces computing which will replace ICT.




Transport and Risk Communication

The process of transnationalization in Europe is reflected in the growth of transport flows and the rapid development of new infrastructure facilities. The highly transport sector confronts policy makers with pressing challenges because some major environmental problems are attached to transport. Decision making in the field of transport and the environment is very complicated because of the complexity of the infrastructures themselves and because of the involvement of local actors in the decision making process. The central task of this book is to show how regions and countries deal with this complexity and the new challenges, different ways in which three small European countries face the many uncertainties and controversies surrounding infrastructural policies. Economical constraints, institutional and cultural factors are shown to interfere with the debates on transport-issues and the environmental risks attached to them. Each case-study describes the national characteristics of the transport sector and analyses in some detail one of the major controversies which recently arised around infrastructural projects.




The power of the Dark Crystal Tome 2

Un univers culte de la fantasy refait surface Les pires craintes de Jen et Kira se sont réalisées : le Crystal a été brisé une fois de plus. Les terribles Skeksis sont de retour, prêts à récupérer leur tyrannique dominance sur le monde. Mais alors qu'une guerre s'engage entre eux et les Gelfing, Jen tente de retrouver les responsables de la destruction du Crystal. De leur côté, Thurma et Kensho, en fuite et livrés à eux-mêmes, doivent se serrer les coudes alors que leur voyage les mène aux contrées sauvages de Thra. De nombreuses menaces les attendent avant l'arrivée à Fireling, loin sous la surface de la planète. Alors que Dark Crystal refait surface à travers une nouvelle série diffusée sur Netflix, ce comics vous propose de continuer à explorer le monde merveilleux imaginé par Jim Henson : probablement l'un des plus fascinants univers de fantasy jamais créés.



Littérature érotique et sentim

The Elements Tome 4 : The gravity of us

J'obéissais à mes émotions, il était apathique. Je rêvais. Sa vie était un cauchemar. J'étais capable de pleurer, il était dépourvu de larmes. En dépit de son coeur gelé et de ma propension à fuir, il nous arrivait de partager de brefs instants. Des instants qui nous laissaient entrevoir nos secrets mutuels. Des instants où le goût de mes peurs s'attardait sur ses lèvres et où le parfum de ses souffrances s'insinuait en moi. Des instants où nous imaginions être amoureux l'un de l'autre. De brefs instants où nous flottions, comme sur un petit nuage, mais quand la réalité nous heurtait de plein fouet, elle nous forçait à redescendre sur terre. Graham Russell était un homme qui ne savait pas aimer. Cependant, si l'occasion m'était accordée de tomber, une fois encore, je tomberais avec lui pour toujours... même si nous devions, inéluctablement, nous écraser au sol. Nous n'étions pas faits l'un pour l'autre...



By the grace of the gods Tome 1

Grâce à l'intervention de trois divinités, Ryôma Takebayashi, un employé japonais ordinaire, se retrouve réincarné après sa mort dans le monde étrange de Seilfall. Redevenu un jeune garçon, il décide de vivre en ermite dans la forêt et de se consacrer à l'étude des slimes, des petites créatures rondes dévorant tout ce qu'elles trouvent. Pour Ryôma, c'est le début d'une nouvelle vie calme et paisible dans ce monde de fantasy, entouré de ses slimes aux capacités insoupçonnées !




By the grace of the gods Tome 2

Après un accord passé avec trois divinités, Ryôma Takebayashi, un salarié japonais, se retrouve réincarné en enfant dans un autre monde. C'est alors qu'il commence à étudier les slimes qu'il a apprivoisés et met à profit leurs capacités pour savourer pleinement sa nouvelle et paisible existence. Mais les expériences de sa vie antérieure vont également lui être très utiles ! Voici le récit de son quotidien tranquille et amusant entouré de gens bienveillants dans un monde de fantasy !




The Rising of the Shield Hero Tome 20

Trahison, monstres et rivalités : comment survivre dans un RPG avec juste un bouclier ? "C'est aux héros qu'il revient de régler les conflits entre héros !" Après avoir maîtrisé Yomogi, l'assassin qui les avait pris pour cibles, Naofumi et ses compagnons se précipitent au château où se trouvent Lark et Tellis, eux-mêmes assaillis par un groupe de tueuses qui se révèlent être des mutantes ! Lorsque Yomogi voit par elle-même les dégâts causés par les pratiques délictueuses de Kyo, la confiance qu'elle lui accordait vacille irrémédiablement. . .




The Rising of the Shield Hero Tome 22

Un nouveau volet de l'épopée du héros au bouclier s'ouvre ! "Tu es de connivence avec la reine ? C'est le pompon, ça ! " Naofumi et ses alliés sont enfin parvenus à mettre définitivement Kyo hors d'état de nuire. Après cette victoire, c'est le moment de dire adieu à Kizuna et à regagner Melromarc. Le royaume de la reine Mirelia ainsi que ses voisins ont énormément souffert des dégâts causés par la tortue spirituelle. Bientôt, ils devront faire face à une nouvelle menace, car le phénix ne devrait pas tarder à se réveiller ! Pour être prêt à l'affronter et mieux repousser les vagues, Naofumi décide de rendre une petite visite au marchand d'esclaves local...




By the grace of the gods Tome 6

Ryôma Takebayashi, un salarié japonais trentenaire, travaillait dans une entreprise abusive. Désormais réincarné en tant qu'enfant dans le monde de Seilfall, il décide de monter sa propre entreprise ! Ses slimes sont utiles en combat, mais également pour construire sa laverie. Grâce à son entourage bienveillant, il parvient à trouver un bon emplacement pour se lancer !! Les liens qu'il noue à Gimul seront la base qui lui permettra de créer sa nouvelle vie. Voici l'histoire de son quotidien tranquille dans un monde de fantasy !



Littérature érotique et sentim

The elements Tome 4 : The gravity of us

C'est une histoire de deuil et d'amour. Ce sentiment qui embrase les êtres humains et réduit leur coeur en cendres. L'alpha et l'oméga de chaque voyage. Lucy perd sa mère à 18 ans, la laissant elle et ses deux soeurs aînées orphelines. Lorsqu'elle emménage, quelques années plus tard, avec la cadette Mary et son époux, à Wauwatosa dans le Wisconsin, elle rencontre, Graham, mi-écrivain mi- artiste, qui vient lui, de perdre son père. Ils n'étaient pas faits l'un pour l'autre. Moi je rêvais. Pour lui la vie n'était qu'une succession de cauchemars. Il nous arrivait de partager de brefs instants au cours desquels nous étions sur un petit nuage, quand la réalité nous heurtait de plein fouet, et nous forçait à redescendre sur terre. Cependant, si l'occasion m'était accordée de tomber, une fois encore, je tomberais avec lui pour toujours. Même si nous devions, inéluctablement, nous écraser au sol.



The Rising of the Shield Hero Tome 19

Trahison, monstres et rivalités : comment survivre dans un RPG avec juste un bouclier ? "L'épée a fait preuve d'un grand discernement en choisissant Raphtalia... " Naofumi et sa compagnie se faufilent dans la ville où est conservé un Sablier du Dragon. C'est là qu'ils retrouvent Raphtalia, qui a entretemps été choisie comme nouvelle détentrice de l'épée clanique. Mais les réjouissances sont de courte durée, car ils sont aussitôt attaqués par des clones du grand tigre blanc... Lark, Tellis et Glass se précipitent alors à leur secours ! Les héros de deux mondes unissent leurs forces pour affronter des ennemis communs !




The Rising of the Shield Hero Tome 21

Trahison, monstres et rivalités : comment survivre dans un RPG avec juste un bouclier ? "C'est aux héros qu'il revient de régler les conflits entre héros ! " Après avoir maîtrisé Yomogi, l'assassin qui les avait pris pour cibles, Naofumi et ses compagnons se précipitent au château où se trouvent Lark et Tellis, eux-mêmes assaillis par un groupe de tueuses qui se révèlent être des mutantes ! Lorsque Yomogi voit par elle-même les dégâts causés par les pratiques délictueuses de Kyo, la confiance qu'elle lui accordait vacille irrémédiablement...




By the grace of the gods Tome 3

Ryôma Takebayashi, un salarié japonais trentenaire, s'est réincarné dans un autre monde grâce à l'aide de trois divinités. Maintenant qu'il est inscrit à la guilde des aventuriers, c'est l'occasion pour lui d'aider toutes sortes de personnes en utilisant à la fois le savoir de sa vie antérieure et les capacités de ses slimes ! Voici le récit de sa vie tranquille dans un monde de fantasy, où il profite du bonheur simple d'avoir la reconnaissance et la gratitude des gens !
