
Platinum End Tome 9




Platinum End Tome 9

Mirai et Saki ont définitivement mis un terme à la menace que représentait Metropoliman, mais la disparition de Mukaidô a laissé un grand vide. Alors que la vie reprend son cours, un tout jeune candidat révèle subitement au monde entier tous les secrets de l'élection devant un parterre de caméras. Face au buzz planétaire suscité par cette intervention, Mirai et Saki doivent agir au plus vite !




Platinum End Tome 13

Mirai, un jeune homme qui a perdu tout espoir en la vie, décide de se suicider en se jetant du haut d'un building. Mais juste avant qu'il ne touche le sol, un ange, appelé Nasse, le rattrape au vol et lui sauve la vie. Elle lui offre alors la possibilité d'obtenir de puissants pouvoirs, promesses d'une vie meilleure... Mais en acceptant, Mirai découvre qu'il participe désormais à une compétition mortelle dont l'issue est à la hauteur de l'enjeu... prendre la place de Dieu.




Platinum End Tome 10

Mirai, un jeune homme qui a perdu tout espoir en la vie, décide de se suicider en se jetant du haut d'un building. Mais juste avant qu'il ne touche le sol, un ange, appelé Nasse, le rattrape au vol et lui sauve la vie. Elle lui offre alors la possibilité d'obtenir de puissants pouvoirs, promesses d'une vie meilleure... Mais en acceptant, Mirai découvre qu'il participe désormais à une compétition mortelle dont l'issue est à la hauteur de l'enjeu... prendre la place de Dieu.




Platinum End Tome 7

Avec une incroyable rapidité, Mirai est parvenu à annihiler le virus mortel de Fuyuko grâce à sa flèche blanche. Il doit désormais faire face à un dilemme : tuer son adversaire ou prendre le risque de laisser d'autres personnes mourir ! Quant à Metropoliman, ses folles ambitions et sa cruauté jettent un voile sombre sur l'issue de cet affrontement...




Platinum End Tome 8

D'un.côté, Mirai armé d'une flèche rouge, de l'autre, Metropoliman et sa flèche blanche. Les deux candidats se livrent un duel sans merci et la distance qui les sépare se réduit à chaque assaut. Le verdict va tomber. Pour vivre et accomplir leur rêve, Mirai et Saki semblent prêts à tout, mais iront-ils jusqu'à tuer celui qui se considère comme le nouveau Dieu ?



Littérature étrangère


" L'Enfer ne connaît pire furie qu'une femme humiliée " : proverbe britannique. Et quand trois femmes humiliées font alliance, il ne fait pas bon les avoir contre soi. Frankie Willis est une jolie blonde de vingt-cinq ans : pour fuir son Afrique du Sud natale et oublier un lourd passé, elle s'embarque comme hôtesse sur le yacht d'un milliardaire russe. Peaches Gold a presque quarante ans et c'est la maquerelle la plus influente de Los Angeles. Grâce aux noirs secrets qu'elle détient dans ses petits carnets, elle peut faire trembler Hollywood. Emma Harvey évolue dans les hautes sphères de la société britannique, prête à défendre bec et ongles les intérêts de son fort séduisant époux. La femme de chambre, la prostituée et l'aristocrate... Trois héroïnes très différentes parfaitement à l'aise dans un monde de luxe, de sexe et d'intrigues dont elles maîtrisent les codes. Et qui ont toutes les raisons de se méfier les unes des autres... Mais leur haine commune pour un homme va les rapprocher. Cet homme, c'est Yuri Khordinsky, un milliardaire russe un peu louche. Il ne recule devant rien pour obtenir ce qu'il veut. Mais cette fois, il va trouver ces trois femmes sur son chemin. L'heure de la vengeance a sonné. À la mode féminine...



Littérature française

Grand Platinum

Louise a fondé une petite agence de communication. Elle est jeune et démarre une brillante carrière, malgré les aléas du métier, liés en particulier à son fantasque et principal client, un célèbre designer, Stan. Elle doit aussi jongler avec les fantasmes déconcertants de son amant, Vincent. Mais elle a autre chose en tête : des carpes. De splendides carpes japonaises, des Koï. Celles que son père, récemment décédé, avait réunies au cours de sa vie en une improbable collection dispersée dans plusieurs plans d'eau de Paris.
Avec son frère, elle doit ainsi assumer un étrange et précieux héritage.



Yaoi/homosexualité masculine

Platinum Blood

Alucard, surnommé "Al", est un vampire qui a été élevé par un prêtre humain, Kaname. Mais le temps où il n'était qu'un enfant est révolu, il est à présent un beau jeune homme qui au lieu de sucer le sang de Kaname, se nourrit de son sperme nuit après nuit !




Platinum End Tome 1 : Avec jaquette réversible édition limitée d'Yslaire

Mirai, un jeune homme qui a perdu tout espoir en la vie, décide de se suicider en se jetant du haut d'un building. Mais juste avant qu'il ne touche le sol, un ange, appelé Nasse, le rattrape au vol et lui sauve la vie. Elle lui offre alors la possibilité d'obtenir de puissants pouvoirs, promesses d'une vie meilleure... Mais en acceptant, Mirai découvre qu'il participe désormais à une compétition mortelle dont l'issue est à la hauteur de l'enjeu... prendre la place de Dieu.




Vestige of Memories. Bienvenue à Platinium

Nélia Gillen est une scientifique spécialisée dans les recherches sur les vies extérieures et les univers. Alors qu'inlassablement un rêve se répète ; la mort violente d'un homme dont elle ne connait pas le nom, cette dernière réussira à y établir un lien avec ses recherches. Elle prend ainsi la décision d'entreprendre un long voyage pour comprendre cette étrange vision et se retrouvera à Platinium, un monde bien différent du sien. Elle y rencontrera trois Gouverneurs, y compris l'homme qu'elle avait déjà perçut dans ses rêves, et mènera alors un lourd périple semé d'embuches à l'aide d'un homme renard qui lui sera d'une grande aide. Grâce à l'aide de ces personnes, Nélia devra affronter les différentes créatures qui arpentent ce monde et la population furieuse contre elle, étrangement dirigée par des forces supérieures.




Issues in the Philosophy of Language Past and Present

In the light of contemporary perspectives a good deal of traditional philosophical thought can be read as relating to the issue of 'Language versus Reality'. The chapters of this book vindicate this claim ; bringing together thinkers different both in temperament and interests like Plato, Aristotle, the Stoics, Aquinas, Heidegger and Gadamer they suggest that some of their major tenets reflect conceptual assumptions concerning linguistic meaning and reference. In trying to both identify and elucidate the assumptions at stake the author shows, both historically and systematically, that some of the problems experienced in the past as well as much of our contemporary concern with the same issue form a continuous line and a common endeavour ; and they have not yet come to an end.



Critique littéraire

To catch the sun in the water

Marie was born around the end of World War II in a small village near Chaveniac-Lafayette where General Lafayette lived. It is the mountainous region of Auvergne known as the heart of France. Take Marie's hand and she will guide you through her humble childhood. Through her eyes you will see what it was like to live in the country in France. With Marie's many brothers end sisters you will participate in hay making, harvesting... At this time, they used traditional methods and tools. Her parents will demonstrate the making of bread, butter and cheese... It's here that you meet Mathias, a boy her age, who becomes her best friend. Later, their love story unfolds... Just after the war, it was a time when the French countryside was populated with farmers that still lived in economic self-sufficiency. In the story, the author makes these peasants from depths of France come alive. The feeling, the candor, and the authenticity of the book will remind you of the Little House on the Prairie



Anglais apprentissage

"Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain (S.L. Clemens)

A central work in the national canon, an inspiration for some of the greatest American writers of our century, and the first literary masterpiece in multi-voiced, regional vernacular, Huckleberry Finn is, as Walter Blair observed, unique in being held in the highest esteem by critics and at the same time prodigiously popular in the United States and throughout the world . This study explores the peculiar dynamics of space and time in Huck Finn before shifting to an analysis of the fate of illusion, one of the enduring themes in Twain. Emphasis is placed throughout on the subtlety and complexity of Twain's artistic vision, which projects a world of doublings, reversals, instability, and paradox, drawing all the while on the tremendous evocative force of the river, which, like Huck himself in T. S. Eliot's words, has no beginning and no end .



Physique, chimie

CHEMISTRY IN CONTEXT. Applying Chemistry to Society, Third Edition

Chemistry in Context Online Learning Center New to the third edition is the Chemistry in Context Online Learning Center (OLC). This Internet-based resource, for both students and instructors, includes web-searching activities that are embedded right in the text as part of the Consider This and Your Turn exercises. End-of-chapter questions also include web-based activities. In addition, the OLC includes searching tips and information to help students evaluate the quality of web sites. Instructors can find links to useful source material for lectures and classroom discussions. Also available online are sections of the Instructors Resource Guide (IRG). Laboratory Manual to accompany Chemistry in Context: Applying Chemistry to Society, Third Edition This laboratory manual is specifically designed to support the concepts presented in Chemistry in Context. The experiments use simple chemical equipment and easy-to-follow procedures. Some are adaptations of traditional experiments; others are quite novel. The experiments require little mastery of traditional laboratory techniques, so maximum student time can be devoted to explorations and acquiring data.




Arts du Nigéria Central revisités. Mumuye et peuples environnants

In previous studies, Jan Strybol pointed out that sculpture in Northern Nigeria - contrary to what is generally assumed - flourished. Wood sculptures could be found just about everywhere, with the exception of a part of the Far North. In this study, the author first examines the sculptural traditions of a number of peoples in Central Nigeria, in particular from the Jos Plateau and from the valley of the Middle Benue to the source area of the Taraba River. These peoples can be described as non-centralized communities where mainly art in perishable materials was produced by part-time specialists, in contrast to the centralized empires in the South (Ife, Benin) where full-time specialists created complex works of art in durable materials (stone, bronze, iron). Perhaps the most well-known ethnic group in the Middle Benue region among aficionados of African art are the Mumuye. Since the end of the last century, the traditional rites of the Mumuye have rapidly disappeared as a result of the advance of the world religions and with them the Mumuye sculpture so much admired in Europe and America. In addition to wood sculpture, Jan Strybol also pays attention to objects in bronze, iron, terracotta and other materials. Until now, these art forms have been very underexposed and have now almost completely disappeared. Finally, the author also elaborates on some artistic achievements of a number of little-known residual groups within the Mumuye territory, which can boast a rich art tradition.




The Second Story of Creation (Gen 2:4-3:24)

The two creation stories in Genesis 1-3 have been subject of intense study since the beginning of critical research on the Pentateuch in the eighteenth century. Even today, they continue to vex the biblical commentators. This work attempts to study one of these creation stories, namely the Eden Story narrated in Gen 2 : 4-3 : 24. This story graphically describes the first couple's installation in the Garden of Eden and their expulsion from it. These two themes have prompted some scholars to consider this story as a summary of Israel's history until the tragedy of exile and a prologue to the literary composition commonly called Enneateuch (Genesis - 2 Kings). Such a hypothesis is based on the premise that both Eden story and Israel's history have the same end : expulsion. The reason for such an end in both is disobedience. The study takes up this hypothesis and examines its viability. Furthermore, this work attempts to bring out the biblical message of this story. Gen 2-3 is an expression of Israel's faith resulting from its history with Yahweh and from its encounter with the surrounding cultures, and it intends to articulate a religious and anthropological identity for Israel.




Triage X Tome 13

Des créatures devenues incontrôlables et mutantes après avoir été contaminés par le Platinum Lily plongent la ville de Tobioka dans le cauchemar. Le quotidien des habitants s'effondre, et le lycée lui-même devient un enfer. Dans une situation où il est impossible de distinguer le bien et le mal, Arashi, Mikoto et les Black Label ont-ils encore des ressources pour sauver la ville ?




GTO Paradise Lost Tome 10

Ayant appris que le commanditaire de l'assassinat d'Onizuka n'était autre qu'Inumaru, de Platinum Court, Araragi fait enlever le yakuza qui avait ordonné à Kagetora de l'exécuter. Ce dernier pourra-t-il exaucer son voeu de continuer à enseigner ?! Et un changement se profile aussi pour Onizuka. Fin de l'arc du prof tatoué, et début d'un nouveau chapitre !




Andrea Sacchi and Cardinal del Monte. The Rediscovered Frescoes in the Palazzo di Ripetta in Rome

This fascinating and beautifully illustrated book presents for the first time the rediscovered frescoes painted by Andrea Sacchi (1599-1661) for the loggia of Cardinal del Monte's Roman palace near via di Ripetta, Rome. Considered lost by generations of scholars, Andrea Sacchi's fresco cycle has survived in a private apartment in Rome. Largely unpublished and rarely mentioned in recent literature, the frescoes underwent a revelatory restoration in 2010-11. For the past three years, the author was granted exclusive access to study them thoroughly - resulting in this monograph. Accompanied by beautiful and full photographic documentation, this study aims to compare the painted images with the detailed description given by the biographer Giovan Pietro Bellori ; to shed light on the iconography and style, above all with respect to the sources used ; and to integrate this key commission within Sacchi's early career. The cycle's iconography is explored with careful verification of early sources that now allows us to resolve some particularly complex problems of interpretation - above all those relating to alchemy. Cardinal del Monte's Palazzo di Ripetta housed a fully equipped pharmacological laboratory. Research on this cycle of frescoes has also made it possible to discover new archival evidence regarding Sacchi's date and place of birth.



Instruments de musique

Suite Nr. 1. Für Blasorchester und Schlagzeug. Volume IX opus 7. wind band and percussion

Erich Schmid (1907 - 2000) was an orchestra conductor, choir director and university lecturer who promoted world premieres and radio broadcasts of contemporary music in Switzerland. He himself studied with Bernhard Sekles, among others, then with Arnold Schönberg and followed the aesthetics of the New Viennese School in his compositions. The historical-critical Erich Schmid Edition publishes for the first time all sixteen opus-numbered works as well as three additional piano works. Suite No. 1 is an interesting hybrid that conveys the most modern compositional structure in the genre of light music. Schmid composed it shortly after the end of his year as a master student of Schönberg in Berlin. Like his other works of the time, its unusual instrumentation already shows an effort to move on from classical "high forms" and compose in looser structures, with the free use of the twelve-tone technique providing inner coherence. "Dance", "Waltz", "March" are linked by two inserted "Intermezzi" and introduced by an "Introduction". Not all movements require full instrumentation and are designed for solo rather than group performance. Professional playing techniques such as flutter tonguing and alienating sound effects through damping and muting are used. Instrumentation : wind band and percussion op. 7




Logic: Mathematics, Language, Computer Science and Philosophy

In Logic Programming (25 and 26) the language of logic is used as a declarative programming language. Prolog uses resolution as its underlying proof mechanism. The logical structure of relational databases is explained (27) in set theoretical terms and it is shown how the language of set theory can be used as a Structured Query Language (SQL). Computability, Undecidability and Complexity are treated in sections 28, 29, and 30, respectively, in terms of Turing machines. The undecidability of the validity problem for predicate logic and the NP-completeness of the satisfiability problem for propositional logic are shown in a similiar way. Chomsky's notion of grammar and its relation to the notion of automation is presented in section 31. Both untyped and typed lambda calculus are treated in sections 32 and 33, respectively. The role epistemic logic can play in the description of distributed systems is explained (34). In section 35 and 36, temporal logic is used both for verification by hand and for automatic verification. A tableaux-based automated theorem prover for classical logic is elaborated in the Appendix. Each section ends with a number of exercises ; the answers can be found at the end of this book.




Orion Recall - Version anglaise

"Greetings, beloved peoples of the One. Welcome to the sacred and consecrated space from which I now address you : the space where the 12 An Master Crystals of Orion reside. The time has come for you to remember who you are and learn about your galactic heritage. Many of you have fought in the great wars that began on Orion. That's why you need to learn the truth-so you can free yourselves from the past and turn your full attention to the Plan that brought you here to this planet called Earth. These Memoirs will help you understand". Are you one of the volunteers living on this magnificent planet working to bring an end to the great conflicts between the evolved and devolved forces-conflicts that originated in Orion's solar systems and converged to Earth millenniums ago ? Find out how it all began, from when a Messenger from the 24 Elders first gave instructions to the High Council of Sirius to the moment when Plan Earth Rising was put into action. The path you take matters now more than ever because your conscious choices determine how your individual and collective solar beings are integrated. This integration is the key to activating your beloved planet as one of the twelve galactic libraries, the one on which everything depends. This book is a summons to the volunteer souls : Remember Mintaka. Remember the reason you are here at the start of a major new evolutionary cycle-for your sphere of life and for the entire Galactic Federation.



Manga guides et revues

AnimeLand N° 237, Janvier-mars 2022 : Belle, le nouveau conte magique de Mamoru Hosoda

Cet AnimeLand est consacré à la nouvelle merveille de Mamoru Hosoda qui entre sans aucun doute dans une dimension nouvelle, avec la sortie attendue de Belle. Retrouvez dans ce numéro un dossier complet sur les coulisses du film avec une interview et un portrait de Mamoru Hosoda mais également un entretien avec la chanteuse Louane qui prête sa voix au personnage de Belle ! AnimeLand c'est aussi un reportage unique sur le tournage en Provence de la série live des Gouttes de Dieu ainsi qu'une visite au coeur du plus important festival professionnel des séries d'animation, Cartoon Forum. On revient sur une actu anime très très alléchante avec Lupin III part 6, on a vu le dernier film du studio Disney : Encanto, mais aussi Ranking of kings, Fena Princesse Pirate, Platinum End et tellement d'autres ! Nous avons également eu à coeur de dire tout le bien que l'on pensait d'Arcane, série dérivée de League of Legends, qui fait sensation sur Netflix. Sans oublier les mangas dans notre rubrique : ça ferait un bon anime avec Léviathan, Denjin N, Zombie from now on... Enfin, nous devions rendre un hommage à la reine des génériques télé Claude Lombard qui nous a malheureusement quittés cette année. La vie animée est belle !



Littérature française

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba)

Mehersthan Memoir (Meher Baba) This book is dedicated to the unique One who has assumed a form and name to lead the play of universal existence. He throbs in our loving heart ; He breathes in our living soul. He sings in our fervent spirit and he thinks in our purified mind. That infinite Ancient One from his supernal height, bends towards us to embrace us in his love, and to feed our soul with the nectar of his bliss. Blessed are they that have the mind to know him, the heart to feel him and the love to live in his consciousness ! He may have been born to human parents in Poona, studied in a college, played cricket, left home, have seen great souls, sat alone silent, spoken in gestures, written books - but that is not his history. Many live such a life ; many scholars write books ; many saints sit in contemplation ; many monks leave home for mountain resorts ; but they cannot be one like him. Millions of bulbs challenge in vain the darkness of night. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. One sun rises and the night dissolves into his golden light. We have seen monks, yogins and saints. Some live alone for peace. Some open Ashrams and collect donations to run them. Some comercialise their name and form. Some display miracles to surprise human minds ; some offer boons ; some predict the future ; some curse you when you do not offer them what they want. Some seek pleasure and treasure. But who seeks God and finds God in the self to awaken God-awareness in other men and women ? Who says "I am God and you are God too"? Who rises above the prattle of words, the rattle of weapons and battle of ideologies to the lofty peace of supersonic silence and pours his blessings from the dizzy height of the soul in tune with God ? Who is he that embraces all in the heart and awakens the soul which has none of the human creations of caste, religion, race, pedigree nor colour ? Editions ASSA, Christian Piaget



Art contemporain

Hassan Khan. Catalogue de l'exposition, Edition bilingue français-anglais

Tell me about clowns. Once upon a time, there was a species that thought they were better than everyone and everything else. What is the difference between a clown and a joker ? Sometimes they're one and the same. And the knife ? Some humans can be kind, surprising even, while others can act out of fear and negative emotions. Really ?



Non classé

Rethinking East-Central Europe: family systems and co-residence in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

This book reconstructs fundamental aspects of family organization across historical Poland-Lithuania, one of the largest political entities in early modern Europe. Using a plethora of quantitative measurements and demographic microsimulation, the author captures and elucidates the complex patterns of leaving home and life-cycle service, marriage and household formation, along with domestic group structures and living arrangements among different subpopulations of Poland-Lithuania, highlighting a variety of ways in which these patterns were nested in their respective local and regional contexts. By showing that at the end of the 18th century at least three distinct family systems existed in the Polish-Lithuanian territories, Szo ? tysek challenges a number of orthodoxies in the ‘master narratives' on the European geography of family forms of F. Le Play, J. Hajnal, P. Laslett, and their followers. Volume two of the book contains an extensive bibliography along with a thorough archival documentation of the census-like microdata used in the book, and provides detailed information on their quality and further technicalities pertaining to data analysis.



Beaux arts

Grotesques. Fantasy Portrayed, édition bilingue anglais-néerlandais

At the end of the 15th century, the underground ruins of Emperor Nero's famous palace were discovered in Rome : the Domus Aurea. The walls were painted with sumptuous symmetrical decorations teeming with a host of bizarre animals and mythical creatures. This was the beginning of a new visual language, which was known as 'grotesque' after the site found in 'grotto-like' ruins. Hans Vredeman de Vries and Cornelis Floris spread the grotesque style with its endless variations through their printed designs. In the 16th century, grotesque ornaments became popular not only in painting and architecture, but also in glass painting, metalsmithing and book printing. Today we still link the term 'grotesque' to the capricious, bizarre, monstrous - but also to the caricatural and laughable. Bosch and Bruegel were the great pioneers of the grotesque in printmaking with their fantastic drolleries. James Ensor, Fred Bervoets, René De Coninck, Carll Cneut and others are part of a long tradition of artists who were, and still are, inspired by the grotesque : both as a concept and as a figural style.



BD tout public

Naguère les étoiles Tome 5 : Avant Naguère

Parodie de Star Wars sous forme de quête drolatique, Naguère les étoiles revient dans une seconde trilogie pour nous conter la jeunesse du célèbre Arlekin ! Arlekin le gentil petit apprenti est devenu un adolescent boutonneux et insolent. Mais malgré une qualité de peau discutable, la jeune reine Amygdale tombe amoureuse de lui lors d'un week-end à la montagne. Dans ce cinquième tome de Naguère les étoiles, on rit une nouvelle fois de bon coeur avec nos amis, même si la guerre éclate et que Jean- Michel l'escargot bave toujours autant.



Objets d'art, collection

The Wider Goldsmiths' Trade in Elizabethan and Stuart London

The Wider Goldsmiths' Trade in Elizabethan and Stuart London is the first book to study all aspects of the Goldsmiths' trade. It challenges the assumption that the manufacture of silver plate and gold jewellery was the company's only activity during the seventeenth century. It considers allied trades such as refining, wiredrawing, and the making of small-swords and watches, as well as the development of the modern banking system. On Elizabeth I's accession, England was essentially a 'third world economy', with exports mainly of wool, unfinished woolen cloth and some minerals, whilst imports consisted of a great range of goods including luxuries such as silks, fine linens, and even scissors. By the end of the seventeenth century, the situation was transformed : a burgeoning maritime trade with many parts of the world enabled the import of raw materials as well as some luxury goods and a wide range of exports which included certain goods produced in London with an international reputation for quality, such as beaver hats and mathematical instruments. Throughout the period, religious refugees and economic migrants brought their skills and knowledge to England. At the Restoration, Royalists returning to London from the Continent introduced French and Low Country fashions in dress, manners, cuisine and dining practice. Refining, wiredrawing, and the making of plate, smallwares and jewellery were at the heart of the trade and of concern to the Goldsmiths' Company that had responsibility for ensuring that the correct alloys were used for silver and gold wares. This was not always the case for clocks, watches and swords. Nevertheless, they are included in this study as several members of the Company were instrumental in the development of clock and watch making in the city. Towards the end of the seventeenth century, the great increase in the sale of watches with gold and silver cases forced the Company to become involved in the control of this trade. Similarly, after the Civil Wars, the wearing of the small-sword by all those with aspirations to gentility gave rise to a demarcation dispute between the Goldsmiths' and Cutlers' Companies. Further, during the Commonwealth, goldsmith-bankers developed the clearing system which led to modern retail banking. This book considers the wider Goldsmiths' trade against dynamic changes : the organization and control of its branches and the design, manufacture and sale of its wares. The twelve chapters cover a range of topics - from history and context, to the various branches of the trade.




Chronos - La drogue quantique. Tome 1

Titulaire d'une licence de physique de recherche et désabusé par la vie, je gagne ma vie en tant que serveur occasionnel. Je me rends, en compagnie d'un ami, à un week-end organisé par une ancienne connaissance qui se déroule dans sa luxueuse propriété de Mayotte, non loin de Biscarosse. Tombé en panne sur la route ; je rencontre fortuitement une femme qui semble me connaître... Arrivé à destination, durant ce week-end orgiaque, j'apprends que cette ancienne connaissance a inventé une nouvelle drogue quantique aux effets insoupçonnés. Après de nombreuses péripéties, je redécouvre cette femme, gisante et agonisante dans mon lit : elle est en train de mourir lentement d'une maladie de la moelle osseuse... Sentant que sa fin est proche, je lui injecte et m'injecte la nouvelle drogue quantique : CHRONOS. Et alors... Prochain tome : DEUS, l'ordinateur quantique.
