
the DS writer



Littérature française

Bad Writer

Jean Marc Flahaut (de son véritable nom "Kevin Smith", patronyme qu'il a dû abandonner dans une mine de sel sur les conseils de Jean-Pierre Siméon) n'a pas voté "Trump" aux dernières élections américaines. Pour plusieurs raisons. Déjà, il est Ch'ti, pas redneck. Puis, il a d'autres choses à faire. Jean Marc Flahaut collectionne les V. H. S. Les cassettes vidéo. Pas n'importe lesquelles. Il possède quelques pièces rares. Sur l'une d'elles, on voit Charles Juliet faire du surf avant de vanter une marque d'orange californienne. Sur une autre, comme filmé par un Wes Craven débutant, on reconnaît distinctement (le grand) Yves Martin en train de se branler au fond d'une salle porno des années 70. Jean Marc Flahaut dispose de quelques preuves : le faux suicide-véritable assassinat de Richard Brautigan filmé sous trente-six angles par Brian de Palma, un scopitone dans lequel Bukowski roule un patin à Patty Hearst, etc. Pour toutes ces raisons, "Jim" Flahaut ne compte pas que des amis dans le milieu poétique. Mais son nom ne pourra pas éternellement être passé sous silence. Frédérick Houdaer




Hardy's Wessex. The landscapes that inspired a writer

This fascinating book tells the story of Thomas Hardy's Wessex. Accompanying a multi-venue exhibition, it explores Hardy's life and work. Internationally-acclaimed writer Thomas Hardy (1840-1928) is best known for his evocative depictions of the West Country landscape and its people, a region that he called 'Wessex'. What is less well-known is that this landscape also inspired him in many other aspects of his life, from campaigning for animal welfare to questioning the way society viewed women. This publication accompanies a blockbuster, multi-venue exhibition of the largest collection of Thomas Hardy memorabilia ever to be displayed at once. Hardy was born in the West Country, a few years after Queen Victoria came to the throne, and spent most of the rest of his life among its landscapes and people. When he turned writer, these landscapes and people re-emerged as his 'partly-real, partlydream country' of Wessex, in novels like Tess of the d'Urbervilles, Far from the Madding Crowd and Jude the Obscure. 'Hardy's Wessex' now conjures up a range of mental images : from raging seas on the coast to haunting ancient monuments, Victorian towns packed with life to peaceful hillsides grazed by sheep. However, through Hardy's 87-year life span, the West Country changed dramatically. Ideas of the role of women, humans' responsibility to animals, the realities of war, love and courtship, superstition, social structure, religion and how people related to the world around them altered fundamentally. Through his stories and campaigning, Hardy was keen to show not only the rural idyll, but also the tensions and diffi culties that lay beneath these views. These dramatic landscapes were the lens through which Hardy presented his worldview to his readership. From the tragedy of a woman saying farewell to her sailorlover on the end of Portland Bill, to a shepherd losing his flock and facing ultimate ruin on the chalky hills. The landscapes shape his characters, whose stories in turn convey his messages of social change to his readers. This publication will explore the impact that Wessex had on Hardy's works, and how living there shaped his views on the often divisive social issues of the period. Uniting beautiful landscape imagery with a selection of personal items from Hardy's life, this book will show you the man behind the literature.



Non classé

The German Literary Achievements of Ola Hansson 1888-1893

As a member of the Berlin-Friedrichshagen writers' colony, the Swede Ola Hansson both stimulated and guided creative literary thought among the German authors of the 1890's. Hansson's role as an essayist, short story writer, and as a mediator of Scandinavian and wider European influences upon German literature of the times, particularly in its struggle with Naturalism, is documented and assessed.



Non classé

Oaths, Vows and Promises in the first Part of the French Prose Lancelot Romance

This book examines the narrative use made of oaths, vows and promises in a thirteenth-century work of fictional literature, reviewing the textual prominence accorded them by the writer in the light of legal texts of the Middle Ages that deal with the same subject. Medieval society had to deal with highly complex problems that arose out of the central importance accorded the given word. Jurists wrestled with the problems in an attempt to solve them ; the writer of a work of narrative fiction can explore such problems in terms of human drama. The writer of the prose Lancelot was clearly aware of the legal debate, and he used both the characters and plot of his fictional text to construct narrative sequences that allowed him to depict the moral and psychological perplexities that faced both society and individuals over these matters.




Time paradox ghost writer Tome 2

A la suite des mystérieux messages qu'il a reçus, Teppei est désormais persuadé que la vie d'Itsuki dépend de la popularité de sa série. Le jeune mangaka se jette corps et âme dans l'écriture de la suite de White Knight , seul face à la planche car il ne reçoit plus les magazines Jump provenant du futur... Mais c'est compter sans le génie d'Itsuki, qui publie alors sa propre série dans le célèbre hebdomadaire, prenant ainsi la tête du classement ! Parviendra-t-il à surpasser sa talentueuse rivale afin de la sauver d'un destin funeste ?




Time Paradox Ghost Writer. Tome 1

Teppei Sasaki est un jeune auteur de manga qui rêve d'être publié dans le Weekly Shônen Jump. Depuis des années, il multiplie les efforts afin d'atteindre son but, mais en vain. Tous les projets qu'il propose sont refusés les uns après les autres. Il sombre peu à peu dans le désespoir. C'est alors qu'il découvre dans son micro-ondes un exemplaire du magazine Jump censé paraître dix ans plus tard, avec en couverture une série de génie ! Cet étrange événement va changer radicalement le cours de sa vie...




Living in Mexico. Edition français-anglais-allemand

Barbara & René Stoeltie both began their careers as artists and gallery owners. With René as photographer and Barbara as writer, they have been collaborating on interior design articles since 1984, contributing to such influential magazines as Vogue, The World of Interiors, AD, Elle, House and Garden, Country Living and House Beautiful. The editor : Angelika Taschen studied art history and German literature in Heidelberg, gaining her doctorate in 1986. Working for TASCHEN from 1987 to 2010, she has published numerous titles on art, architecture, photography, design, travel and lifestyle.




Epilepsy: the invisible pain

They say life is a long stretch of a calm river, but not for everyone ! She was for me until the day when everything rocked, the day my destiny was changed dramatically. People do not realize how life can be so sweet and so beautiful. They complain all day long for trivialities. They are not even aware that they have before their eyes the most beautiful wealth : the luck and happiness of living in good health. I was rich before. Now I am poor because my child has an incurable disease, that has currently no hope of being healed. As a parent, how can we accept that ? , How to continue living carrying the bundle of pain in my head ? , How to overcome this feeling of helplessness ? When I started speaking to my heart, I didn't know myself that this was the beginning of a new life : a rebirth as a poet. When I learnt that my 7-year-old daughter was suffering from the Dravet Syndrome, a rare genetic epileptic encephalopathy, this was like an earthquake in my life. Then, I needed to write in order to express my sorrow and my pain. Words and rhymes came naturally to my mind. This was obvious that poetry would be my survival weapon.



Non classé

The Search for Lyonnesse

Although Mme de Lafayette is acknowledged as the founder of the modern novel, her precise legacy has been understood only in relation to male-authored texts. However, she wrote as a woman, addressing issues that concerned women of her day, particularly the problem of the apparent incompatibility of sexual fulfilment and the institution of marriage. This study seeks to identify how La Princesse de Clèves was interpreted by three of Mme de Lafayette's most talented women successors and to show how their more sombre and subversive view of society was mediated in works of fiction which have strong affinities with the contes de fées for which they are well known. The novels of Mlle Bernard, Mme d'Aulnoy and Mlle de La Force are significant, not simply for what they tell us about themselves as women writers but also for what they reveal about the origins of the eighteenth-century novel.



Critique littéraire

Correspondance croisée 1890-1917. Tome 4, 1913-1917

La correspondance croisée de Pierre Louÿs et de son frère Georges fait dialoguer un écrivain qui vivait au cœur des cercles littéraires et artistiques de Paris et un haut fonctionnaire qui occupa les postes diplomatiques les plus importants de son époque. Ces lettres nous fournissent d'intéressants commentaires sur les amitiés littéraires et artistiques de Louÿs avec Mallarmé, Heredia, Régnier, Gide, Valéry, Debussy, Oscar Wilde; les lettres de Georges donnent à cet échange une dimension historique et politique. Les grands événements de la fin du 19e siècle défilent devant nos yeux avec de savoureux commentaires souvent très informés : le scandale de Panama, le procès d'Oscar Wilde, l'affaire Dreyfus, Fachoda, la crise marocaine, la crise des Balkans et la Première Guerre mondiale. / The daily correspondence (1890-1917) between the writer Pierre Louÿs and his half-brother Georges, a high-ranking diplomat, provides insightful commentary on the major events and on the leading writers and artists of the time, from the Panama Affair to World War I and from Mallarmé to Debussy.



Non classé

Literary Marriages

A series of intertextual short stories by Joyce Carol Oates, published in 1972, constitutes the subject-matter of the present work. Having entered into ‘literary marriages' with beloved masters, such as Kafka, Joyce, Thoreau, Flaubert, James and Chekhov, Oates has ‘re-imagined' their classic masterpieces. This study aims at finding out whether Oates remains ‘faithful' to the original versions. What elements besides the titles are retained, or added ? Why does a young American woman writer undertake a dialogue with deceased authors and their texts ? Why the short story genre ? What is Oates's relationship to intertextuality, literary tradition, or the very aesthetics of her own art ? Grounded in theories of intertextuality, comparative analyses show that Oates remains ‘faithful' in some of her spiritual unions, while committing ‘infidelities' in others. For a woman writer in the 1970s transgression was a necessity for survival ; these stories thus belong to the revisionary movement. While assimilating and engendering a strongly Eurocentred male literary tradition, Oates manages to unlock energy from the original stories transforming them into expressions of her very own distinct literary voice.



Ecrits sur l'art

Seeing loud. Basquiat and music

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, New York City was financially and socially bankrupt, but the art and music scene was flourishing. During these years, the downtown New York music scene - no wave, hip-hop, disco funk and club culture - shaped Jean-Michel Basquiat as both a musician and an artist. This catalog for a traveling exhibition explores how Basquiat's painting has parallels in his music (sampling, cut-up, rapping), and takes a new look at his production as a writer and a poet in light of his connections with the then-emerging hip-hop culture. This beautifully illustrated exhibition catalog of rarely seen photographs and images sheds new light on Basquiat as a musician, exploring how his art and music are related, and how they reflect on his identity as a Black artist in the United States, the downtown New York music scene, and contemporary culture.



Littérature érotique et sentim

Write on my skin

Une blogueuse impitoyable et un écrivain sexy, balayés par le vent de la passion. Fiona ne manque pas de mordant. Abîmée par l'existence, elle a reconstruit sa vie autour d'un groupe d'amies avec lesquelles elle tient un blog littéraire. Leur cible favorite : les auteurs arrogants dont le mépris les hérisse. Lorsque Christopher Barrow, l'une des victimes dont elle a détruit la réputation un an plus tôt, refait surface pour une séance de dédicace, Fiona décide de s'y rendre pour le pousser à renoncer une fois pour toutes à l'écriture. Mais la rencontre ne se passera pas du tout comme prévu. Christopher est un homme charmant, bien loin de l'image qu'elle s'en était faite. Incapable de résister à son magnétisme, Fiona fond complètement pour le bel écrivain. Et sa vie s'en trouve complètement bouleversée. Les blessures de son passé, ses actes, ses amies, ses secrets, sont autant d'obstacles à son bonheur... Parviendra-t-elle à les surpasser sans se briser de nouveau ?



Non classé

Jorge Semprún

Jorge Semprún is a leading writer from the first generation of Spanish Civil War exiles, yet studies of his work have often focused solely on his literary testimony to the concentration camps and his political activities. Although Semprún's work derives from his incarceration in Buchenwald and his expulsion from the Spanish Communist Party in 1964, limiting the discussion of his works to the autobiographical details or to the realm of Holocaust studies is reductive. The responses by many influential writers to his recent death highlight that the significance of Semprún's work goes beyond the testimony of historical events. His self-identification as a Spanish exile has often been neglected and there is no comprehensive study of his works available in English. This book provides a global view of his oeuvre and extends literary analysis to texts that have received little critical attention. The author investigates the role played by memory in some of Semprún's works, drawing on current debates in the field of memory studies. A detailed analysis of these works allows related concepts, such as exile and nostalgia, the Holocaust, the interplay between memory and writing, politics and collective memory, and postmemory and identity, to be examined and discussed.



Non classé

Political Economy and Fiction in the Early Works of Harriet Martineau

This book examines the early work of Harriet Martineau (1802-1876), writer, journalist and woman of letters. She became famous in the 1830s with her Illustrations of Political Economy, a series of 25 short novels popularizing the basic principles of Political Economy. Also discussed are her two shorter series of tales from that period, Poor Laws and Paupers Illustrated and Illustrations of Taxation. With these works Martineau took part in an intense debate about the role of economic theory in English society. Drawing on such authorities as Adam Smith Martineau offered her readers the possibility of understanding the impact of the Industrial Revolution and its concomitant changes.



Non classé

Frontier and Utopia in the Fiction of Charles Sealsfield

This study examines the work of Charles Sealsfield (1793-1864), the Moravian-American writer, whose fiction marked the first serious literary treatment of America in the German language. More specifically, Sealsfield's work is discussed in the light of his experience in America and, above all, in the light of his change of identity from Karl Anton Postl - Moravian monk to Charles Sealsfield - American writer. It employs two concepts - frontier and utopia - to show how Sealsfield was influenced by the antebellum tradition in America, and how he, in turn, used the governing myths and symbols of his time to create an important statement about the relationship between ideology and power in the Age of Jackson.



Anglais apprentissage

How to write in English

Si la qualité de l'anglais des étudiants laisse à désirer, c'est parce que non seulement ils maîtrisent mal les principes fondamentaux de la grammaire, mais aussi parce qu'ils n'ont à leur disposition qu'un vocabulaire limité. De plus, ils ignorent souvent que, pour bien s'exprimer, il faut d'abord avoir bien compris la question qui leur est posée. Cet ouvrage leur est destiné, ainsi qu'à tous ceux qui ont à s'exprimer en anglais sur les sujets d'actualité. Il se compose tout d'abord d'une partie méthodologique constituée de deux chapitres : le premier, rédigé en français, a pour but d'expliquer la nature des épreuves auxquelles les étudiants sont confrontés ; le second, rédigé en anglais, aborde les critères linguistiques sur lesquels ils sont jugés. Cette partie méthodologique est suivie d'un index des difficultés, d'un vocabulaire de l'argumentation et de listes de mots composées à partir des fautes commises par les étudiants, qu'ils soient anglicistes ou non. Des exercices d'entraînement avec leurs corrigés viennent compléter l'ouvrage.



Suspense romantique

Write Me a Love Song

Lena Anderson vient de fêter ses 18 ans. Elle vient aussi de perdre sa mère. Pour ne pas se morfondre tout l'été, elle décide de quitter Brooklyn et de suivre sa tante à Carmel, une petite ville de Californie au bord de l'océan. Là-bas, elle peut se réinventer et tenter de sortir de sa coquille, comme sa mère l'y a toujours encouragée. Mais pour une introvertie de sa trempe, n'est-ce pas un projet trop ambitieux ? Hunter Lowell vit à Carmel depuis son enfance. Abandonné et en colère contre le monde entier, il se contente de vivre de peu de choses : la musique et les filles. Sa seule règle ? Ne pas s'attacher. Mais quand il croise la route de Lena, il ne peut s'empêcher d'être intrigué. Pourtant, en décidant de se rapprocher d'elle, il risque bien d'alourdir sa réputation de salaud. Il ne veut pas tomber amoureux. Elle ne veut plus rien ressentir. Et si le destin décidait de leur jouer un mauvais tour ?



Littérature française


Editor's Choice Nobel Committee of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the 11th Chinese author Mo Yan 2012 Nobel Prize for Literature. The Commission said that Mo Yan combination of reality and fantasy. historical and social perspective. He created the world reminiscent of the works of Faulkner and Marquez fusion while to find a point of departure in traditional Chinese literature and oral literature. Summary Pu Songling's hometown Zibo and Mo Yan's hometown density very close from. Mo Yan is to listen to the story of Purkinje child grew up. Pu Songling fantasy style to Mo Yan's fiction writing brought a very big impact. but also achievements in the magical style of Mo Yan. Learn Pu Songling is selected from the group consisting of Mo Yan two more than thirty ghost stories. ghost legend. and some weird God God Buddies ghost novels. with high-density the flapping gray Year pictures unique. to bring people look good. magical shock strong visual impact. Mo Yan (1955 catalog learning Pu Songling adventure night fishing genius good doctor iron child flying odor tribe carpenter the dog sandals scenting sub sins the the airship Zaomu stool motorcycle the three horses hype gale five pastry dry river Baekgu Swing frame of February 17 -). formerly known as tube mo. born in Gaomi County. famous contemporary Chinese writers. Honorary Doctor of the Open University of Hong Kong. visiting professor at Qingdao University of Science and Technology. His rise since the mid-1980s to a series of local works. filled with nostalgia and blame Township complex emotional. are classified as Seeking literary writers. The works are influenced by magic realism. to write out a legend in the of Gaomi northeast Township. Mo Yan subjective feeling of the world in his novel structure unique to dream-like narrative. unfamiliar process. shaping the mysterious transcendental object world. with Pioneer color. In August 2011. Mo Yan With novel frog was the eighth Mao Dun. October 11. 2012. won the Nobel Prize for Literature.



Non classé

A Life of Her Own

This study reconstructs Brittain's feminist theory, which mainly refutes assumptions made about women, supports companionate marriage, and demands the communal reorganization of child care and domestic work to enable a married woman to work outside her home. It compares her theory to her five novels. Doing so, it uncovers revealing feminist 'flaws', above all that marriage remains, the sine qua non for a woman's happiness. The study describes Brittain's way to the top as a formidable obstacle race, in which she constantly had to fight the men she loved, her children, her parents, and resulting domesticity in order to find time to write "the book of the decade". She reached her goal with the publication of Testament of Youth in 1933.



Littérature française

Tina shot me between the eyes and other stories

"Tidjani Alou's writing sketches the commonplace and the metaphysical, with heft, honesty, and audacity. The range is compelling, as she takes us through lives in places as diverse as Accra and Niamey. The prose is deft, her metaphors sting with accuracy. This is a writer to think and feel with". - Emmanuel Iduma, editor, Saraba Magazine. In fifteen formidable lyrical prose, Tina Shot Me Between the Eyes explores how the self is shaped and transformed by the knots we yearn to tie around ourselves : familial, spousal, parental, and societal. It tackles how we struggle in relationships for nourishment and fulfilment, and how connections could kill us and how we could kill to survive - a potent force for understanding humanity and the nuances of acts of violence, tolerance, faith and love.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Thinking about Physics

Physical scientists are problem solvers. They are comfortable "doing" science: they find problems, solve them, and explain their solutions. Roger Newton believes that his fellow physicists might be too comfortable with their roles as solvers of problems. He argues that physicists should spend more time thinking about physics. If they did, he believes, they would become even more skilled at solving problems and "doing" science. As Newton points out in this thought-provoking book, problem solving is always influenced by the theoretical assumptions of the problem solver. Too often, though, he believes, physicists haven't subjected their assumptions to thorough scrutiny. Newton's goal is to provide a framework within which the fundamental theories of modem physics can be explored, interpreted, and understood. "Surely physics is more than a collection of experimental results, assembled to satisfy the curiosity of appreciative experts," Newton writes. Physics, according to Newton, has moved beyond the describing and naming of curious phenomena, which is the goal of some other branches of science. Physicists have spent a great part of the twentieth century searching for explanations of experimental findings. Newton agrees that experimental facts are vital to the study of physics, but only because they lead to the development of a theory that can explain them. Facts, he argues, should undergird theory. Newton's explanatory sweep is both broad and deep. He covers such topics as quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, field theory, thermodynamics, the role of mathematics in physics, and the concepts of probability and causality. For Newton the fundamental entity in quantum theory is the field, from which physicists can explain the particle-like and wave-like properties that are observed in experiments. He grounds his explanations in the quantum field. Although this is not designed as a standalone textbook, it is essential reading for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, professors, and researchers. This is a clear, concise, up-to-date book about the concepts and theories that underlie the study of contemporary physics. Readers will find that they will become better-informed physicists and, therefore, better thinkers and problem solvers, too.



Religion jeunesse

The beautiful dolls of Julia are getting married. Numéro 22

"The LORD defends the rights of orphans and widows. The LORD cares for foreigners and gives them food and clothing". "You have to love the foreigner, because you were foreigners in the land of Egypt". Deuteronomy 10 : 18 - 19 HISTORY OF THE FRENCH AND INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY "CROIRE - SAVOIR - VOULOIR" " Julia's Beautiful Dolls - Holy Paris " represents the Universal name of a new linguistic and pedagogic method, to teach English, French and Spanish, to the children of the Kindergarten and Elementary school. The Collection of Multimedia Books, notebooks of writing, cultural and educational articles are to develop an education of PEACE, to teach the catholic faith with the Catholic History of Art and testimony of Julia. The Collection " JULIA'S BEAUTIFUL'S DOLLS- HOLY PARIS " is an INVENTION created by the Writer and Translator Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ Widow of RUIZ, after nine years of "SCIENCES RESEARCES", since the creation of the company, in 2008, in Paris. Julia created this Linguistic Method in French and she make the translation to English and Spanish. The Pedagogical Method of this Collection is to develop the Peace in the World, to make a transfer of the Catholic Faith, to teach the different Cultures, the Moral Universal values, the Interreligious Cooperation and the Harmony between the United Nations. This Collection has been realized religiously, intellectually and manually for Mrs. Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ ARELLANO Widow of RUIZ. Julia makes this Collection of Beautiful Dolls, since 1986, the year that she arrived to Paris, to study the French Civilization in the University "La Sorbonne". To have a Collection of Dolls from many countries of the world, was a dream that she has since she was a little girl of 5 years old. Mrs. Julia SANCHEZ works in Research since nine years ago, to develop, to create her Publishing International Company in Paris, she has never received a Subvention of the French Government, not either of the European Commission, or of the Mayor of Paris. In the year 2010, Mrs. Julia Sanchez appeared to the prize " The Don of Science " organized by the Department of the National Education, of the Higher Education and Researches of France and for not communication, she didn't obtain the Prize. In November, 2013, Mrs. Julia Sanchez has deposited the name of her trademark and in November, 2014, she deposited the Patent of her invention to the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to distinguish her invention from other inventions.



Religion jeunesse

The beautiful dolls of Julia are celebrating the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary. Numéro 15

"The LORD defends the rights of orphans and widows. The LORD cares for foreigners and gives them food and clothing". "You have to love the foreigner, because you were foreigners in the land of Egypt". Deuteronomy 10 : 18 - 19 HISTORY OF THE FRENCH AND INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY "CROIRE - SAVOIR - VOULOIR" " Julia's Beautiful Dolls - Holy Paris " represents the Universal name of a new linguistic and pedagogic method, to teach English, French and Spanish, to the children of the Kindergarten and Elementary school. The Collection of Multimedia Books, notebooks of writing, cultural and educational articles are to develop an education of PEACE, to teach the catholic faith with the Catholic History of Art and testimony of Julia. The Collection " JULIA'S BEAUTIFUL'S DOLLS- HOLY PARIS " is an INVENTION created by the Writer and Translator Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ Widow of RUIZ, after nine years of "SCIENCES RESEARCES", since the creation of the company, in 2008, in Paris. Julia created this Linguistic Method in French and she make the translation to English and Spanish. The Pedagogical Method of this Collection is to develop the Peace in the World, to make a transfer of the Catholic Faith, to teach the different Cultures, the Moral Universal values, the Interreligious Cooperation and the Harmony between the United Nations. This Collection has been realized religiously, intellectually and manually for Mrs. Julia-Josefa-Patricia SANCHEZ ARELLANO Widow of RUIZ. Julia makes this Collection of Beautiful Dolls, since 1986, the year that she arrived to Paris, to study the French Civilization in the University "La Sorbonne". To have a Collection of Dolls from many countries of the world, was a dream that she has since she was a little girl of 5 years old. Mrs. Julia SANCHEZ works in Research since nine years ago, to develop, to create her Publishing International Company in Paris, she has never received a Subvention of the French Government, not either of the European Commission, or of the Mayor of Paris. In the year 2010, Mrs. Julia Sanchez appeared to the prize " The Don of Science " organized by the Department of the National Education, of the Higher Education and Researches of France and for not communication, she didn't obtain the Prize. In November, 2013, Mrs. Julia Sanchez has deposited the name of her trademark and in November, 2014, she deposited the Patent of her invention to the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to distinguish her invention from other inventions.



Littérature française

What a prank life can be!. Novel

In this tragic narrative, the author makes you discover Peter's stunning story. Admixture of African and Western cultures, in this novel the writer lifts the veil on our new society sprinkled with vices. Perfidy, plot, deceit, dissimulation, stinginess are among so many other aspects of this new society, that the author describes and disapproved.



Pack office

LibreOffice 7. Calc, Writer et Impress : nouveautés et fonctions essentielles

Ce livre vous présente les nouveautés et fonctions essentielles de Writer, Calc et Impress, les trois principaux modules de LibreOffice. Avec Writer, vous verrez comment saisir puis mettre en forme le texte en appliquant attributs et styles, comment rechercher du texte, corriger les fautes, insérer des tableaux et imprimer votre document. Le chapitre sur Calc décrit comment concevoir des tableaux divers, insérer des formules de calcul, mettre en forme le tableau avant de l'imprimer ; la conception de graphiques et de tableaux d'analyse croisée est également abordée. Avec Impress, vous verrez comment créer des présentations, ajouter, mettre en valeur les diapositives, gérer les pages maîtresses et utiliser le mode Diapo maîtresse ; vous verrez également comment appliquer des effets d'animation et de transition afin de créer des diaporamas attractifs. Dans le chapitre Images et objets, vous découvrirez comment insérer et mettre en forme des images et des objets graphiques variés. Un chapitre traite des fonctions communes à Writer, Calc et Impress relatives à l'environnement (affichage des barres d'outils, zoom...), à la gestion des fichiers (ouverture, enregistrement en local ou en ligne, fermeture, utilisation des modèles...) et aux fonctions de copie et déplacement. Les nouvelles fonctionnalités de la version 7 de chaque application vous sont présentées au début du livre ; les points correspondants sont mis en évidence à l'aide d'un pictogramme. Ce livre a été rédigé avec la version 7. 5 de LibreOffice.



Littérature française

Sons of Fantasy

When we were children, we believed anything was possible... This book is a fantasy novel originally written for children. But, if you are a father or a mother, a teacher or a writer, if you still have some bits of fantasy in your soul... then, this novel is for you too. We all know how geniuses changed the world with their childlike Imagination, and how people use creative thinking to solve problems. This is a story about hope ; "Sons of Fantasy" shares the story of M. Alger, a father grieving for the loss of his dear wife, who left him with two beautiful kids. Norris and Socrates were adjusting to life without Mom... But things got more complicated when one of them was paralyzed because of a severe psychological trauma due to an overdose of fantasy... This family has a very interesting neighbor who lives a few feet away. He has a weird little hobby, reading books in the most unlikely places... He for example travelled to Romania and read "Dracula" by Bram Stoker in the Castelul Bran Castle, because it's said that the main character Dracula lived in it. And then all of a sudden he stopped travelling... He got a month ago a big long hat that belongs to the greatest witch that lived during the middle ages, "Moje Gayla". In fact, after being burned by the church, one of her relatives kept her belongings inside a wooden box... and in the twentieth century one of her grandchildren donated the box to "The Magic Square Museum" in London. Genius bought the hat at a public auction as an art relic to decorate one of his rooms. Could this weird neighbor be the reason of Socrates' psychological trauma ? Or maybe he is the one who will cure him ? And what has the hat to do with all this ?



Non classé

Philip Freneau- Tomo Cheeki, the Creek Indian in Philadelphia

Philip Freneau (1752-1832) was one of the first Americans to gain wide recognition as a writer. He is generally remembered as the "father of American poetry," but his prose writings have not always received the attention they deserve. As the editor of three important papers in the late 18th century (The National Gazette. The Jersey Chronicle, and The Time-Piece and Literary Companion) and as a contributor to many others, Freneau produced a large number of political and literary essays. The "Tomo Cheeki Essays", which were published in 1795 and in 1797, constitute an excellent example of Freneau's prose work. These pseudo-autobiographical accounts of an Indian visiting a city of the Whites are based upon the model of the European "oriental tale," while simultaneously incorporating American subject matter. The essays are representative of a decisive period of American literary history, since they reveal both Freneau's indebtedness to European culture and his role in the process of overcoming this indebtedness in the beginning creation of an independent national literature. The present edition provides the first complete and separate modern collection of the essays, which gives the reader an opportunity to get acquainted with an important example of early American prose writing that has been virtually inaccessible up to now.




Reading Life / Writing Fiction

Studies of the American novel of the 20s and 30s have tended to concentrate either on works by men (Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Steinbeck), or on those written in the tradition of experimental modernism (Stein, Faulkner, Djuna Barnes). Based on the conviction that women writers of the period fictionalized their own private and public experiences and concerns, the present study offers an analytical introduction to some hundred novels by more than thirty writers. Its aim is to recover a significant corpus of forgotten or ignored texts, which will make a reconsideration of the centers of interest of American modernism unavoidable.



Tourisme étranger

Moroccan tracks Volume 11. The sagho djebel

The Sagho djebel is the eastern extension of the Anti-Atlas, a volcanic mountain with granitic mamelons, basaltic organs, chaos of black shales, pink sandstones... at the gates of the Sahara. As far as the eye can see, large wild, arid spaces. A desolate land made for the lonely DPM. And for a thousand miles around, silence is the only companion. Absolute plenitude and the desire to take to the track. From flat expanses to rolling hills, from sharp relief to steep canyons : pure, original nature. The character is strong, rustic but the heart is soft. The colours are soft and gentle. Ochre, pink, brown, violet, the colour chart stretches in a gradation of shimmering pastels, sometimes accompanied by an overwhelming heat. Eldorado in the heart of the desert, rare are the oases ; modest green spots in the infinitely large, they are the reminders that we are on African soil. The wild charm of the Sagho is due to its exceptional geology : high cliffs and steep peaks, tabular escarpments and deep canyons in the middle of which caravans of camels and mules circulate. When you arrive on these immense plateaus, the lunar horizon is so vast that you want to go everywhere at once to see if it is really as beautiful elsewhere ! The Sagho also surprises by the richness of its lights : limpid like those of the nearby Sahara, or sometimes in half-tone, as in the neighbouring Dades valley. The Sagho is also the Morocco of the last Berber nomads, descendants of the ancient lords Aït Atta. In autumn, after leaving the snows of the High Atlas, they set up their dark wool tents on the slopes of the jebel until spring. They can neither read nor write, but they are sure of their way through the Atlas Mountains and the Moroccan desert. In the Sagho, they have built houses of unbaked stone, dug wells, planted almond trees, grown wheat, barley and various vegetables. Others built herds of goats and sheep, and caravans of camels. Most of them are now sedentary, semi-nomadic or nomadic...
