
I'm in Love with the Villainess Tome 7




I love you so I kill you Tome 7

Quand un virus pousse à massacrer l'être aimé, il est indispensable de résister à la tentation ! Car, si celui qui vous aime est infecté, une expression prend alors tout son sens : "Aimer à en mourir" . Kamishiro Taku aime prendre soin des plantes du lycée et son amie Mika aime le taquiner sur le sujet. Elle ignore tout des sentiments de son ami. Mais sa vie bascule le jour où il tente d'intervenir lors d'une agression dans la rue. Un curieux virus va ainsi le contaminer. Dès lors, de terribles envies de meurtre l'envahissent en présence de Mika. Chaque moment passé à ses côtés est l'objet de visions meurtrières d'une rare cruauté. Pourtant, il va devoir affronter ses instincts et trouver un remède au plus vite !!!



Livres 3 ans et +

Little Zebra is gifted

Little Zebra is at kindergarten. He reads and he has an amazing memory. The teacher wonders if Little Zebra is gifted. She talks to his parents. Then Little Zebra will meet a psychologist with whom he will make funny activities to determine if he is gifted. The psychologist will also explain to Little Zebra, his parents and the teacher what is intellectual precocity.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Concepts of Mass in Contemporary Physics and Philosophy

The concept of mass is one of the most fundamental notions in physics, comparable in importance only to those of space and time. But in contrast to the latter, which are the subject of innumerable physical and philosophical studies, the concept of mass has been but rarely investigated. Here Max Jammer, a leading philosopher and historian of physics, provides a concise but comprehensive, coherent, and self-contained study of the concept of mass as it is defined, interpreted, and applied in contemporary physics and as it is critically examined in the modern philosophy of science. With its focus on theories proposed after the mid-1950s, the book is the first of its kind, covering the most recent experimental and theoretical investigations into the nature of mass and its role in modern physics, from the realm of elementary particles to the cosmology of galaxies. The book begins with an analysis of the persistent difficulties of defining inertial mass in a noncircular manner and discusses the related question of whether mass is an observational or a theoretical concept. It then studies the notion of mass in special relativity and the delicate problem of whether the relativistic rest mass is the only legitimate notion of mass and whether it is identical with the classical (Newtonian) mass. This is followed by a critical analysis of the different derivations of the famous mass-energy relationship E = mc2 and its conflicting interpretations. Jammer then devotes a chapter to the distinction between inertial and gravitational mass and to the various versions of the so-called equivalence principle with which Newton initiated his Principia but which also became the starting point of Einstein's general relativity, which supersedes Newtonian physics. The book concludes with a presentation of recently proposed global and local dynamical theories of the origin and nature of mass. Destined to become a much-consulted reference for philosophers and physicists, this book is also written for the nonprofessional general reader interested in the foundations of physics.



XXe siècle

Triangle amoureux chez les Windsor. Dancing with the devil

L'une des histoires d'amour les plus médiatiques du XXe siècle tiendrait-elle du mensonge ? Cette enquête mondaine sur la vie privée du duc et de la duchesse de Windsor nous révèle le scandale des scandales. Décembre 1936. Le prince Edward VIII, dans un geste " d'amour fou ", renonce à son trône et abandonne l'empire britannique pour une Américaine doublement divorcée, Wallis Simpson. Ce coup d'éclat transforme les amants déchus en couple iconique du xxe siècle. Admirés. Intouchables. Mais, contre toute attente, Wallis Simpson s'entiche ensuite d'un jeune playboy homosexuel et richissime, avec qui elle partage de longues nuits aux quatre coins du globe. Blond et charismatique, Jimmy Donahue sait tout faire : piloter un avion, parler plusieurs langues, danser et jouer du piano. Doté de charme et d'esprit, adoré de tous, le petit-fils du milliardaire Frank W. Woolworth profite de sa position sociale et de sa fortune pour multiplier les frasques. Ses conquêtes sont exclusivement masculines jusqu'à sa rencontre, en 1950, avec le duc et la duchesse de Windsor. En dépit de leur différence d'âge, l'attirance physique entre Wallis et Jimmy est immédiate. Ils vont former, avec Edward, un trio inséparable, devenant les meilleurs amis du monde... Voici l'histoire scandaleuse d'un trio amoureux dont personne n'est sorti indemne. Une enquête inédite et méticuleuse menée par l'incomparable Christopher Wilson, qui ose lever le voile sur les désirs coupables d'un couple mythique. Avant, il y avait deux Windsor ; désormais, ils étaient trois. Jimmy était avec le duc et la duchesse à New York, à Palm Beach, à Paris - toujours à rire, maniéré, pétillant. Jimmy avec ses blagues, Jimmy avec son argent, Jimmy avec ses histoires et ses grossièretés - Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy... " Sulfureux " Paris Match " L'enquête la plus complète sur les secrets de la haute société britannique. " The Times " Les lecteurs vont adorer [... ] ce récit horrible et fascinant de la relation la plus étrange et nocive de l'histoire récente. " The Observer




French pâtisserrie

French pâtisserie from a flaky croissant in the morning to a raspberry macaron with tea or a layered Opéra cake after dinner provides the grand finale to every memorable meal. This comprehensive volume, from the professionals at the Ferrandi School of Culinary Arts dubbed "The Harvard of Gastronomy" by Le Monde newspaper offers everything the home chef needs to create perfect pastries for all occasions. 1500 skills and techniques Learn how to make pastries, creams, decorations, and more with step-by-step instructions and tips and tricks from Ferrandi's experienced chefs. 235 classic French recipes Recipes for the complete range of French pâtisserie also include variations that are rated according to level of difficulty so that home chefs can expand their skills over time. Created with the participation of France's award-winning pastry chefs : Ophélie Barès, Christelle Brua, Christine Ferber, Nina Métayer, Christophe Adam, Julien Alvarez, Nicolas Bacheyre, Nicolas Bernardé, Nicolas Boussin, Yann Brys, Frédéric Cassel, Gontran Cherrier, Philippe Conticini, Yann Couvreur, Christophe Felder, Cédric Grolet, Pierre Hermé, Jean-Paul Hévin, Arnaud Larher, Gilles Marchal, Pierre Marcolini, Carl Marletti, Yann Menguy, Christophe Michalak, Angelo Musa, Philippe Urraca.



Critique littéraire

My Fight

February 1997, a native of Italy patient is repatriated emergency in the intensive care unit where Claie works. This is a family reunion is the first cause of his transfer. Letting themselves be overwhelmed by his feelings, Claie she will live a fairy tale ? ... You will discover more of this story by browsing through the pages of this book. Love, passion, delusion, betrayal ... So many emotions !




Slow Life In Another World (I Wish!). Tome 3

La maison de mes rêves ! Objectif : une vie tranquille !! Itsuki a accepté un défi pour décider du droit de propriété de Wendy. Cependant, Dardaryl n'est pas satisfait du résultat et détruit la moitié de la guilde des alchimistes. Après cet incident, Reinrich obtient divers avantages suite aux négociations avec Darwin, un aristocrate et le père adoptif de Dardaryl qui s'est présenté afin de s'excuser. En compensation, Itsuki acquiert un énorme manoir ! Sa vie de famille commence, et Wendy et Shiro sont également de la partie ! Une nuit, Wendy le rejoint dans sa chambre...




Slow Life In Another World (I Wish !) Tome 4

Une belle demoiselle qui veut me tuer, adieu ma vie tranquille ? ! Itsuki a battu Dardaryl à la loyale et a obtenu Wendy ainsi que la maison de ses rêves. La vie à laquelle il aspire est toute proche, mais sa rencontre avec Renge va tout bouleverser. La jeune fille fait partie du même groupe qu'Aina et Solte et son but est de tuer notre héros ! Il essaie de dissiper le malentendu, mais Renge, trop en colère que ses amies aient été réduites en esclavage, ne veut rien entendre. La riposte de Shiro met le quartier sens dessus dessous !!




Slow Life In Another World (I Wish !) Tome 1

Je veux profiter pleinement de ma seconde vie dans cet autre monde !! Les souhaits de ce bourreau de travail sont... De l'alcool !! De l'argent !! Une beauté !! Itsuki Shinomiya, un employé de bureau en burn out, est envoyé dans un autre monde où il cherche à obtenir la vie tranquille de ses rêves. Son atout est une compétence appelée " argent de poche " qui lui permet de recevoir une fois par jour une somme d'argent fixe. Cependant, c'est loin de suffire, et il se retrouve à devoir travailler. Il se fait employer par la guilde des alchimistes mais en vendant ses potions, il est la cible de railleries. Et ce n'est pas tout, puisqu'une magnifique jeune femme demande à devenir son esclave ! Que va devenir sa vie dans ce nouveau monde ? L'aventure ? Des compétences pétées ? Pas besoin de ça !




Slow Life In Another World (I Wish !) Tome 5

Cette nuit, je suis tout seul avec une belle femme ? ! Afin de libérer Renge qui s'est déchaînée suite à un malentendu, Itsuki n'a pas d'autre choix que de payer la somme demandée par Yasis. Il fait face à un obstacle de taille et semble sur le point d'échouer, mais avec la progression de ses compétences en alchimie et grâce à sa stratégie pour vendre de la marchandise, il se rapproche de son but ! Il finit par se réconcilier sans problème avec Renge et se retrouve à passer la nuit avec Wendy. Leurs sentiments respectifs confirmés, ils...




Slow Life In Another World (I Wish !) Tome 2

Je vais devenir riche en un claquement de doigts !! La seconde Je vais devenir riche en un claquement de doigts !! La seconde vie d'Itsuki, qui rêve d'une existence tranquille, vient de commencer ! Il passe ses journées à travailler, il mérite donc bien un peu de repos ! Grâce à Yasis, un marchand d'esclaves, il peut profiter de la compagnie de Wendy pendant une journée... "Cette demoiselle, je la protégerai !! " Malheureusement, une personne influente qui aime aveuglément Wendy les aperçoit, et Itsuki se retrouve à l'affronter pour déterminer qui la possèdera...



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Thinking about Physics

Physical scientists are problem solvers. They are comfortable "doing" science: they find problems, solve them, and explain their solutions. Roger Newton believes that his fellow physicists might be too comfortable with their roles as solvers of problems. He argues that physicists should spend more time thinking about physics. If they did, he believes, they would become even more skilled at solving problems and "doing" science. As Newton points out in this thought-provoking book, problem solving is always influenced by the theoretical assumptions of the problem solver. Too often, though, he believes, physicists haven't subjected their assumptions to thorough scrutiny. Newton's goal is to provide a framework within which the fundamental theories of modem physics can be explored, interpreted, and understood. "Surely physics is more than a collection of experimental results, assembled to satisfy the curiosity of appreciative experts," Newton writes. Physics, according to Newton, has moved beyond the describing and naming of curious phenomena, which is the goal of some other branches of science. Physicists have spent a great part of the twentieth century searching for explanations of experimental findings. Newton agrees that experimental facts are vital to the study of physics, but only because they lead to the development of a theory that can explain them. Facts, he argues, should undergird theory. Newton's explanatory sweep is both broad and deep. He covers such topics as quantum mechanics, classical mechanics, field theory, thermodynamics, the role of mathematics in physics, and the concepts of probability and causality. For Newton the fundamental entity in quantum theory is the field, from which physicists can explain the particle-like and wave-like properties that are observed in experiments. He grounds his explanations in the quantum field. Although this is not designed as a standalone textbook, it is essential reading for advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, professors, and researchers. This is a clear, concise, up-to-date book about the concepts and theories that underlie the study of contemporary physics. Readers will find that they will become better-informed physicists and, therefore, better thinkers and problem solvers, too.




Upper Crust : Homemade Bread the French Way. Recipes and techniques

An introduction to the French art of baking bread-including ingredient selection, levain cultivation, and bread-making techniques-with more than one hundred illustrated recipes. The humble baguette is the quintessential staple of French cuisine, but the country has a vast and diverse bread-baking tradition. With an introduction to the history of French bread, guidelines to help the home baker select the right ingredients - grain and flour varieties, water, salt, and levain-this book details the step-by-step techniques and fundamentals of bread making : from feeding the levain, kneading and preparing the dough, and baking, to more than 100 recipes. Eighteen expert bakers and pastry chefs share the sweet and savory recipes that have forged the French bakery's enviable reputation-from rounds of rustic pain de campagne or loaves of olive and oregano bread to regional favorites like fougasse or the Basque taloas tortillas. A new generation of bakers has expanded the classic French repertoire to include original creations-such as charcoal-sesame baguettes ; matcha swirl bread ; buckwheat and seaweed rolls ; and fig, hazelnut, and honey rye bread. In their French style, they also reinterpret heritage breads from across the world-including pita, focaccia, bagels, cheesy Georgian khachapuri, Swedish crispbread, and Indian chapati. Additional bread-based recipes include "surprise bread" finger sandwiches, croque monsieur, onion soup with cheese croutons, and desserts such as French toast and kouign-amann. For each recipe, pictograms indicate the level of difficulty, time and material required, and whether a recipe is gluten-free. This is the ultimate reference book for baking homemade bread the French way.





Winston Smith lives in a society where the government controls people every second of the day. He fights this world with love. But it's dangerous: love for another person can be punished by death - and Big Brother is always watching. Orwell's classic story shows that there is no freedom unless ideas and beliefs can be questioned. This is as true today as when it was written more than fifty years ago.



Non classé

Dislocated Identities

This book offers a significant, original and timely contribution to the study of one of the most important and notorious Latin American authors of the twentieth century : Reinaldo Arenas. The text engages with the many extraordinary intersections created between Arenas' writing, the autobiographical construction of the literary subject and the exilic condition. Through focusing on texts written on the island of Cuba and in exile, the author analyses the ways in which Arenas' writing emblemises a complex process of identification with, and rejection of, his homeland – always an imagined place and which is, as the place of his origins, intrinsically related to the maternal. She examines how the maternal and the motherland are conflated and how the narrator-protagonists' identification is always in relation to, and dependent upon, this dominant motif. The book also explores the extent to which Arenas' writing is a tortuous attempt to escape from this dominance and to free himself and his writing from the ties that bind him to the mother and the motherland, and shows that Arenas suffered the exilic condition long before his move to the United States in 1980 as part of the Mariel exodus.




Dirty Panties (English Edition)

Roxane is a young Parisian whose Bohemian life seems stuck in an endless loop of idle afternoons and wine-soaked nights with her roommate. Strapped for cash and novelty, she starts selling her used underwear online. Dirty Panties chronicles her first steps in this marketplace, from the creation of her online persona to the real-life rendezvous with shady customers. This new business soon impacts Roxane's daily life and the people around her. The world she has just stepped into might be much more bizarre than what she expected. Roxane's journey exploring her own appetite for transgression tackles such contemporary themes as sex work, consent and economic domination. How far will she go and where will this end ? Maybelline Skvortzoff's drawing is detailed and vivid and the story is in turn hilarious, awkward, touching and dark. Much like Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character in her TV series Fleabag, Roxane is at the same time completely clueless and determined to make it on her own in this world where everything can be bought and sold. Roxane vend ses culottes -- the original edition of Dirty Panties -- won the 2023 Artemisia award for best humor comic and has been shortlisted for many awards including the official selection of the 2023 Angouleme Festival.



Anglais apprentissage

Commercially speaking. Workbook

Commercially Speaking is an elementary to pre-intermediate level course in language and communication skills for students on vocational courses. It will be especially useful to those working towards a qualification to help them find work in a commercial environment where they will need to use some English. There is a strong focus on commercial correspondence and telephoning skills, which are practised within a realistic framework designed to reflect the situations students will meet on entering the workplace. This Workbookfollows the syllabus of the Student's Book, with greater emphasis on reading and writing tesks, and activities which can be carried out for homework or as extension activities in the classroom. Material from authentic sources is included where appropriate. Answers to Workbook exercises are included at the end of the corresponding unit in the Teacher's Book. The complete course comprises the Student's Book, this Workbook, a Teacher's Bookwith a complimentary diskand photocopiable progress tests, and one audio cassette.



Histoire internationale

Each Child Is My Only One

In Each Child Is My Only One : Lotte Carlebach-Preuss, the Portrait of a Mother and Rabbi's Wife, Miriam Gillis-Carlebach, the daughter of Rabbi Dr. Joseph Zvi Carlebach (1883–1942), last Chief Rabbi of Hamburg and its surroundings, describes her childhood in the lively household of a rabbi's family with nine children, focusing on the special personality of her mother, Lotte Carlebach, née Preuss (1900–1942). The book starts with the history of the Preuss family, goes on to describe the marriage of Lotte to Joseph Carlebach, and portrays in detail their dynamic family life – until their deportation with their four youngest children to a Latvian concentration camp in 1942. The book is composed of two main parts. In the first section the reader learns about the events up to 1938, both inside and outside the Carlebach home ; the second section covers the years 1938–1941, in which there was a lively correspondence mainly between the mother and those of her children who succeeded in emigrating from Nazi Germany. This part concludes with several testimonies portraying the special personalities of Rabbi Carlebach and his wife and their devotion to the unfortunate who benefited from their unbounded assistance and altruism during the Holocaust. Many photographs are included in the book, several of them taken by Lotte Carlebach herself. The book is a unique and personal testimony about Jewish life in Germany during the years of persecution that relentlessly led to the conflagration of the Holocaust.




Arguing about justice. Essays for Philippe Van Parijs

"A book of quick and sharp thoughts on a grand theme is a novel way of paying tribute to a leading philosopher. But it has worked beautifully here, both as a stimulating book of ideas on justice, and as a fitting recognition of the intellectual contributions of Philippe Van Parijs, who is one of the most original and most creative thinkers of our time". Amartya Sen, Harvard University, 1998 Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences This book brings together fifty of today's finest thinkers. They were asked to let their imaginations run free to advance new ideas on a wide range of social and political issues. They did so as friends, on the occasion of Philippe Van Parijs's sixtieth birthday. Rather than restricting themselves to comments on his numerous writings, the authors engage with the topics on which he has focused his attention over the years, especially with the various dimensions of justice, its scope, and its demands. They discuss issues ranging from the fair distribution of marriage opportunities to the limits of argumentation in a democracy, the deep roots of inequality, the challenges to basic income and the requirements of linguistic justice. They provide ample food for thought for both academic and general readers.



Sciences historiques

From Paris with love. Paris à travers la carte postale ancienne

Paris en 1900, c'est la naissance de la tour Eiffel, la folie des cabarets, la gloire des garçons de café, l'aménagement des premiers métros, l'invention des grands magasins, les petits métiers de rue, les dernières hippomobiles et les premières automobiles. Paris en 1900, c'est l'Exposition universelle, le Moulin Rouge, le Café de la Paix, Saint-Michel éventré par Bienvenüe, le Bon Marché de Boucicaut, les colleuses d'affiches et les tondeurs de chiens, la cohue sur les Champs-Élysées. From Paris with Love est une déclaration d'amour au Paris flamboyant et intemporel de la Belle époque.




The Ghost in the shell Tome 1

Le cyberpunk à son paroxysme ! Dans un univers futuriste où la majorité des individus sont connectés au réseau, le major Kusanagi et son équipe traquent les criminels les plus tenaces. Force d'enquête tout autant que d'intervention, ils doivent chaque jour affronter des menaces civiles et politiques dans un régime tentaculaire gangrené par la corruption. Intelligence artificielle, cyborgs et réalité connectée ne sont que les premières difficultés. La trilogie de Shirow Masamune, popularisée par le film d'animation de Mamoru Oshii et le long-métrage mettant en scène Scarlett Johansson, s'offre à vous dans sa forme la plus complète, avec une nouvelle traduction et une nouvelle maquette, supervisées par l'auteur lui-même.




I love Elizabeth II

La défunte reine Elizabeth comme on ne l'a jamais racontée. Alors qu'elle vient tout juste de nous quitter, ce livre est une déclaration d'amour à la femme la plus célèbre du monde. Mais la plus secrète aussi. Une femme pas comme les autres. Une reine. La reine des reines. La reine du monde. Du ciel et de la terre. Une légende. Une icône. Ce livre est une déclaration d'amour à feue Elizabeth II. Etait-il vraiment possible de tomber in love de Sa Gracieuse Majesté ? Bertrand Deckers va prouver que oui ! Ecrits comme un roman, ces mots d'amour déclinés en thématiques délicieusement rock'n'roll nous entraînent au plus près d'Elizabeth II. Côté cour, côté jardin, côté corgis. Travaillez avec la reine. Voyagez avec la reine. Dînez, dormez, riez avec la reine. Ironisez avec la reine. Remontez le temps avec la reine. Pleurez, haïssez. Aimez avec la reine. Pleurez la reine ! L'expérience est passionnante. Suivre Lilibet dans son dressing, sa chambre-forte, ses appartements privés. Avec elle, à côté d'elle, s'assoir à sa coiffeuse, son bureau, sur son trône, sur la banquette arrière de sa Rolls-Royce, dans son carrosse de verre. Embarquer à bord du Royal Train et du Britannia. Sans jamais oublier que sous la robe guimauve ourlée de plomb, sous le chapeau fruité et le parapluie transparent coulait un sang aussi bleu que glacé. Le sang d'une femme de devoir et de sacrifices. D'une femme grave, consciencieuse, raide, conventionnelle, hors du temps. D'une reine dure, mais humaine. D'une reine diamant. D'une héroïne en fait. Qu'il est important, maintenant qu'elle est entrée définitivement dans l'Histoire, de découvrir autrement et, peut-être, regretter amèrement !



Littérature française

Gardens of Oceania

Oceania, particularly in Vanuatu, gardens are the evidence of an ancestral rural tradition in which food plants are at one and the same time an indispensable resource, the symbols of a community and the objects of baiter or trade. The ni-Vanuatu devote themselves with true passion to their gardens, within which they collect, select and diversify a rich botanical heritage. Perusing this abundantly illustrated work, the reader will discover the full diversity of Oceanian food plants as well as the many exotic species introduced by the great explorers of the 16th century. Each species is the subject of a detailed dossier that describes amongst other things the variability, morphology, mode of cultivation and production of the plant as well as its different uses. The CD-ROM that accompanies the book provides information in greater detail for the specialist : bibliographic references, details and descriptors of yams and taros, photos illustrating the morphological variability, and much more. With the aim of preserving this exceptional plant heritage to the greatest possible extent, this work will draw the attention of a wide public' to the gardens of Vanuatu, and to this Oceanian agriculture that combines a variety of multicultural contributions with great originality.




BREAKING THE ICE, GRENOBLE. Tips on adjusting to life abroad and becoming more French than the French

"Breaking the Ice, Grenoble" is the first of a series of Ice Breaker guides published by No Man's Land designed to help expatriates feel at home anywhere in France. It is the first time that a guidebook in English local information about daily life in a French town (Grenoble) with hints for developing intercultural skills. The book will help you understand how values, attitudes and behaviour are important for making the most of your stay in France both professionally and socially.



Littérature française

Saint Shuddhananda Bharati A visionary

Foreword To my friend, to my guide, to the mahatma of my heart, to the visionary of a united world living in peace and harmony in the earthly paradise that God has given us. Life and destiny is like an iceberg ; most of us is hidden, and for some, this is the start of the long path of questioning... For souls that are searching, the time then comes when the seeker finds what is being sought : the precursor, the one that has opened the path, cleared it out and illuminated the way. Thus in the deepest part of our Selves, at the centre of our soul, Joythi, the Divine Light is revealed and works on meeting all those who seek it. Kavi Yogi Maharshi Shuddhananda Bharati was a scholar, linguist, scientist, seer poet, saint and the sage of the Cosmic Age. He was ever agile and active, writing, singing, doing good and observed silence for 30 continuous years. He was a universalist, who was not bound to caste, religion, colour and race or geographic bounds. He was an apostle of Sama Yoga, which seeks for a synthesis of science and yoga, West and East, the actual and the ideal in life. Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati is the author of creative and literary works with ­diverse writing styles : epic and lyric writings, melodramas, operas, comedies, pastoral theo­logies, novels, short stories, biographies, notes on famous works, essays. Bharata Shakti Kavi Malayam is his magnum opus. Editions ASSA, Christianananda Bharati



Littérature française

Les derniers jours du Tullianum. The last days of Tullianum

Je vis dans une pièce. A moins que ce ne soit elle qui vive en moi. Régulièrement quelqu'un vient. Raclement de ferraille, craquement d'os, gémissements rauques, autant de bruits annonçant sa venue à chaque fois. Ses passages sont brefs. Il ne reste pas. Derrière lui, j'entends la porte qui se referme. Après sept années d'une guerre sanglante contre les légions romaines, Jugurtha mourut en prison, à Rome, vers l'an 104 avant Jésus-Christ. Avec lui s'éteignit la lignée des "Aguellid amokrane", ces grands rois numides qui ont écrit en lettres d'or l'Histoire ancienne de l'Afrique du Nord. Live in a room. Unless it is the room which lives in me. Regularly somebody comes. Scraping of scrap, crackle of bones, hoarse groans, so many noises announcing his coming every time. His passages are brief. He does not stay. Behind him, I hear the door which closes. After seven years of a bloody war against the Roman legions, Yugurthen died in prison, in Rome, at about the year 104 before Christ. With him went out the lineage of "Aguellid amokrane", these great kings Numides who wrote in gold letters the ancient History of North Africa.



Non classé

Oaths, Vows and Promises in the first Part of the French Prose Lancelot Romance

This book examines the narrative use made of oaths, vows and promises in a thirteenth-century work of fictional literature, reviewing the textual prominence accorded them by the writer in the light of legal texts of the Middle Ages that deal with the same subject. Medieval society had to deal with highly complex problems that arose out of the central importance accorded the given word. Jurists wrestled with the problems in an attempt to solve them ; the writer of a work of narrative fiction can explore such problems in terms of human drama. The writer of the prose Lancelot was clearly aware of the legal debate, and he used both the characters and plot of his fictional text to construct narrative sequences that allowed him to depict the moral and psychological perplexities that faced both society and individuals over these matters.



Non classé

The best Approximation and Optimization in Locally Convex Spaces

This book presents several new results on the best simultaneous approximation in locally convex spaces. The concept of nuclear cone is systematically used to establish some interesting relations with Pareto optimization and the duality for vectorial optimization programs with multifunctions.



Chanson française

Live from the moumoune

Quand on écoute Atomic Ping Pong, la gravité est optionnelle et l'absurde est le seul dialecte à bord. Avec l'album Live from the Moumoune, enregistré sur trois concerts en mai 2023, le groupe franco-canadien marie plaisir et pensée critique et allie flow et collapsologie dans un son entier et chaleureux. De l'écologie à l'amour gay en passant par la mise en orbite d'un raton laveur transgenre, les 5 musicien.nes y brassent une musique aux influences multiples pour créer un univers euphorisant, atomique et lunaire. Refrains hypnotisants à triple sens, nappes de synthé enveloppantes et clarinette basse explosive montée sur pédalier tentaculaire, chaque nouveau morceau est l'occasion de changer de costume comme de style. Entre l'humour de Philippe Katerine, le groove d'Abraham Inc et la sensibilité de Sages Comme Des Sauvages, Atomic Ping Pong invite le public à danser sur un sentier surréaliste, politique et plein d'auto-dérision.



Non classé

Philip Freneau- Tomo Cheeki, the Creek Indian in Philadelphia

Philip Freneau (1752-1832) was one of the first Americans to gain wide recognition as a writer. He is generally remembered as the "father of American poetry," but his prose writings have not always received the attention they deserve. As the editor of three important papers in the late 18th century (The National Gazette. The Jersey Chronicle, and The Time-Piece and Literary Companion) and as a contributor to many others, Freneau produced a large number of political and literary essays. The "Tomo Cheeki Essays", which were published in 1795 and in 1797, constitute an excellent example of Freneau's prose work. These pseudo-autobiographical accounts of an Indian visiting a city of the Whites are based upon the model of the European "oriental tale," while simultaneously incorporating American subject matter. The essays are representative of a decisive period of American literary history, since they reveal both Freneau's indebtedness to European culture and his role in the process of overcoming this indebtedness in the beginning creation of an independent national literature. The present edition provides the first complete and separate modern collection of the essays, which gives the reader an opportunity to get acquainted with an important example of early American prose writing that has been virtually inaccessible up to now.
