
Platinum End Tome 9



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

Charles Darwin's Zoology Notes & Specimen Lists from H.M.S. Beagle

Two long sets of scientific notes were made by Charles Darwin during the voyage of the Beagle. Those transcribed here are concerned with natural history, and although in 1839 he drew on them quite extensively in writing his famous " Journal of Researches ", neither they nor his geology notes have previously been published. He was a superb observer, and recorded vividly and accurately his first impressions of the appearance and behaviour of the wide range of animals, from ants to ostriches, encountered during his travels. Often he performed little experiments on the creatures that he captured, and he was never happy until he had exhaustively explored the why and wherefore of every one of his observations. During the long periods on board ship, he carried out a thorough analysis of hitherto unrecognised features of the internal anatomy of a variety of marine invertebrates, and made elegant pencil drawings of them under his dissecting microscope. The volume also includes his lists of 1 500 specimens preserved in Spirits of Wine, and some 3 500 not in Spirits, with impeccably accurate cross references to the main notes. Although his notes were made strictly for his own use, and were often highly technical, they were well written throughout, and contain many highly readable passages. Only towards the very end of the voyage were his first doubts about the immutability of species consciously pressed, but here are to be found the first seeds of his theory of evolution, and of the important new fields of behavioural and ecological study of which he was one of the principal founders.



Physique, chimie

Numerical Methods for Wave equation in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. With 93 illustrations

This scholarly text provides an introduction to the numerical methods used to model partial differential equations governing wave-like and weakly dissipative flows. The focus of the book is on fundamental methods and standard fluid dynamical problems such as tracer transport, the shallow-water equations, and the Euler equations. The emphasis is on methods appropriate for applications in atmospheric and oceanic science, but these same methods are also well suited for the simulation of wave-like flows in many other scientific and engineering disciplines. The text discusses finite-difference, spectral, finite-element, and finite-volume methods. Also included are additional chapters on semi-Lagrangian schemes, nonreflecting boundary conditions, and methods for the efficient solution of problems that include physically insignificant rapidly propagating waves. Throughout the book the author has followed a middle course between the theorem-proof formalism of a pure mathematics text and the highly empirical approach found in some engineering publications. Although there are no formal proofs, the essential characteristics of the various schemes are mathematically derived in a style familiar to physical scientists. Numerical examples illustrating the theoretically derived properties of the various methods are presented throughout the book to establish a concrete link between theory and practice. Both theoretical and applied problems are provided at the end of each chapter. Numerical Methods for Wave Equations in Geophysical Fluid Dynamics will be useful as a senior undergraduate and graduate text, and as a reference for those teaching or using numerical methods, particularly for those concentrating on fluid dynamics.



Non classé

The Quest for Constitutionalism in Africa

Since the wave for national rule and independence from the colonial powers during the 1960's Africa's struggle for democratic rule has often been frustrated by an uneasy relationship between civil society and the military. This relationship has brought about grave human right abuses and lack of respect for the democratic values enshrined in constitutional rule. The end result was political instability and a retarded process of political development. This book, therefore, examines constitutional development in selected East Africa countries, the role of the army, the nationality question and constitutional accommodation and political parties, elections and political instability.




Odilon Redon

Peintre et graveur relativement méconnu de la fin du XIXe siècle, Odilon Redon est pourtant un grand nom parmi les symbolistes français, au même titre que Gustave Moreau, dont il s'estimait néanmoins très différent. Ce qui est certain, c'est que Redon fut très tôt réfractaire au Naturalisme qui triomphait alors. Odilon Redon vous emmènera "aux confins du monde imperceptible", aux frontières du rêve et de l'ésotérisme. Languages : Fr. En. ---------- A relatively unknown painter and engraver at the end of the 19th century, Odilon Redon is nevertheless a great name among the French symbolists, in the same way as Gustave Moreau, from whom he nevertheless felt very different. What is certain is that Redon was very early on resistant to the Naturalism that was triumphant at the time. Odilon Redon will take you "to the borders of the imperceptible world", to the borders of dreams and esotericism.




Guacamole vaudou

Stéphane Chabert est le looser des loosers. Dans l'agence de pub qui l'emploie, il est la risée de ses collègues. On l'ignore, on le méprise. Mais un jour, il tombe sur une annonce mystérieuse qui vante les mérites d'un stage de vaudou. Stéphane Chabert décide de s'y rendre. Après tout, il n'a rien prévu ce week-end. Ni les autres week-ends d'ailleurs. Voilà notre héros, incarné par Eric Judor, embarqué dans une série de situations plus absurdes les unes que les autres, dont Fabcaro a le secret. Guacamole Vaudou est un roman-photo écrit par Fabcaro et joué par Eric Judor. La rencontre au sommet de deux rois de l'absurde.



Antiquité - Généralités

The Italians on Delos

During the second century and into the early first century BC, the island of Delos was home to the largest port of transit in the eastern Mediterranean. As such, it welcomed many Italian traders who prospered among its cosmopolitan population for some fifty or so years. The many buildings, statues, paintings and inscriptions unearthed since 1873 by the French School at Athens have made it possible to trace out the life of this disparate yet influential community.




Lady and Butler Tome 9

Des élèves issus d'une école anglaise de majordomes, l'institut Keith Wards, arrivent à l'académie Sôseikan dans le cadre d'un programme de rapprochement. Très vite, la rivalité entre les deux écoles se fait sentir. Les élèves des classes B réagissent fortement lorsque ceux de Keith Wards tentent de se placer auprès des L en tant que futurs majordomes. Le conflit va se régler en une compétition de compétences pour savoir laquelle des deux écoles fournit les meilleurs majordomes. Ryô est alors désignée comme agent de liaison entre les L et les majordomes...




Sister and Vampire Tome 9

Ne nous soumets pas à la tentation... Après la mort de Richter, Elena n'est plus que l'ombre d'elle-même et est retenue prisonnière par l'Eglise sous couvert de soins. Tandis que Père Julius est assailli de doutes, les amis de la jeune soeur s'organisent secourir et la conduire manoir de Richter, un étrange phénomène... Que trouverai d Elena sur place ?



Anglais apprentissage

A multitude of Sins. Richard Ford

A sequel to Rock Springs and Women with Men, the collection of short stories entitled A Multitude of Sins was published in 2001 and immediately achieved worldwide recognition. If this series of ten short stories seems to feature adultery, it would be a major mistake to believe that the stories can be reduced to what is actually a side issue or a pretext to something else, sometimes of much greater importance. As often with great writers, Richard Ford tackles several other topics along with the sin of unfaithfulness which is a base camp from which to go further up into the knowledge of human deficiency, lack and want. Pondering these sins, Richard Ford lays them all bare while often unveiling the issue of the story right from the beginning, instead of cautiously preserving it as a last chance literary trick to pull it off at the fast moment. Showing insight through observation, his writing is deceptive in as much as it seems natural and easygoing when it requires close analysis and several successive readings to yield up its literary and humane secrets. The comparison some critics have made to Chekhov is not overblown and Agregation students, certainly among the most perceptive readers in the world, should naturally enjoy both reading and studying A Multitude of Sins, pleasure and scholarship being complementary, not antagonistic. The exclusive interview of Richard Ford at the end of the book will certainly be appreciated by Agregation students, who will thus be able to finish off their knowledge of Ford's works.



Anglais apprentissage

The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

You are walking through the streets of London. It is getting dark and you want to gel home quickly. You enter a narrow side-street. Everything is quiet, but as you pass the door of a large, windowless building, you hear a key turning in the lock. A man tomes out and looks at you. You have never seen him before, but you realize immediately that he hales you. You are shocked to discover, also, that you hale him. Who is this man that everybody hates ? And why is he coming out of the laboratory of the very respectable Dr Jekyll ?



Ecrits sur l'art

Family Portraits. Children in Impressionist Art

The impressionist masters were known for their close relationships ; peers, family, art dealers, and patrons all featured regularly in their artworks, and children were favored subjects. All aspects of childhood and family life at the end of the nineteenth century-motherhood, nannies, education, games, pets, adolescence-were depicted in the works of Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Claude Monet, Camille Pissarro, Mary Cassatt, Berthe Morisot, and others. Drawing an intimate portrait of the everyday lives of these artists and their families, this volume includes more than one hundred paintings, drawings, and sculptures alongside family photographs, juxtaposed with more contemporary photographic works that demonstrate the vibrant legacy of the impressionists.




BREAKING THE ICE, GRENOBLE. Tips on adjusting to life abroad and becoming more French than the French

"Breaking the Ice, Grenoble" is the first of a series of Ice Breaker guides published by No Man's Land designed to help expatriates feel at home anywhere in France. It is the first time that a guidebook in English local information about daily life in a French town (Grenoble) with hints for developing intercultural skills. The book will help you understand how values, attitudes and behaviour are important for making the most of your stay in France both professionally and socially.



Littérature française

The Star of snows

Written during the black decade of Algeria, this narrative of apprenticeship is freely inspired by a real fact arisen in Kabylia during the childhood of the author. Its electrical wire is the friendship of a child and an eccentric whom some tolerate and whom others would want to send to the asylum. By his side, the child is going to learn to listen to the music of trees and to look at the world with the eyes of the heart. This tale, at the same time naive and grave, invites us to wonder about the cogs of the mechanics of the scapegoat. It is dedicated to all the children of the world who closely or remotely were next to the rejection and to the intolerance.




The McCarthy collection. Sculpture

This substantial catalogue explores a remarkable collection of medieval European sculpture. Richly detailed with plentiful illustrations and original research, it is a notable contribution to medieval scholarship. The McCarthy collection comprises more than 150 specimens of medieval European sculpture, produced over a period of nearly 600 years. A testimony to the comprehensiveness of Robert McCarthy's interest in the art and culture of the Middle Ages, its geographical, chronological and typological breadth place it among the most important of its kind in private hands. Including a few early examples from Merovingian France, Anglo-Saxon England and Visigothic Spain, its holdings have a strong focus on Romanesque art, with over fifty capitals and other architectural carvings from Iberia, France and the Italian Peninsula. Some of these pieces are associable with such notable workshops as those of Gislebertus, the Master of Agüero and Compostela's Master Mateo, while a great number can be closely compared to anonymous works in major and provincial sites. Notable monuments like the monastic powerhouse of Cluny or the abbatial churches of Autun and Savigny are represented through important sculptural fragments - most published here for the first time. The transition to the Gothic style and the period of its splendour, particularly in France, are witnessed by an ample selection of statuary and architectural fragments - some traceable to such important buildings as Noyon cathedral and Paris' Notre Dame, and others, more loosely, to the artistic circles that gravitated around the great projects of the age. Freestanding sculpture in stone or wood, including a small but precious nucleus of Virgin and Child statuary and some Spanish polychrome figures, constitutes an interesting subset of the collection's late medieval holdings, as do some especially fine examples of Italian trecento sculpture. Enriched with outstanding photography by Barney Hindle and Mark French, entries aim to provide detailed stylistic, iconographic and contextual analyses, with special attention paid to comparanda in public and other private collections. This approach, complemented in some cases by petrographic analysis, has allowed the. authors to connect much of the material presented in these pages with specific buildings, workshops or regional schools, contributing to a better understanding of the pieces themselves, their original settings and their cultural and artistic milieux. This catalogue follows the publication of three volumes dedicated to Robert McCarthy's vast collection of Western miniatures and manuscript leaves (2018-2021), and is part of an ambitious project to document the entirety of his holdings - which also include notable selections of medieval ivories, stained glass and East Christian Art.



Couple, famille

On fait quoi ce week-end avec les enfants ? Chaque week-end, un projet à réaliser de septembre 2019 à août 2020, Edition 2020

De septembre 2019 à août 2020. Avec le On fait quoi ce week-end avec les enfants ? , ne vous inquiétez plus de savoir comment occuper vos enfants ! Tous les week-ends, découvrez une activité de saison pour les distraire et passer d'agréables moments de complicité en famille. Activités manuelles, culturelles, sportives, en extérieur, en intérieur, pour se défouler, pour s'apaiser... il y en a pour tous les goûts ! Plus que jamais, vous aurez hâte que le week-end arrive !



Milieux naturels

The Giant Clam - A priceless emblem of the Pacific. A priceless emblem of the pacific

Emblematic and mysterious, the giant clam has always inspired the curiosity of peoples ever since the first humans settled on the tropical shores of the Pacific and Indian oceans. A representation of the sacred or of power, but also, of course, a major food resource for many island communities, the giant clam is a token of influence in the culture of the peoples of the Pacific, a matrix for making tools, a currency ! Apart from its beauty and its role in art or beliefs, which have inspired human beings over the centuries, this group of species now interests the world of science in many of its aspects, whether in biology, ecology or its place in society : the giant clam still has a wealth of surprises in store. It is well worth being brought under the spotlights. The aim of the present work is precisely to describe the specificities of this outstanding group of species, and the broad range of issues that must be taken into account to ensure its conservation. We hope that once you have come to the end of these pages, which celebrate the giant clam in all its aspects, you will be convinced, as we are, that it is indeed... "a priceless emblem of the Pacific ! "



Littérature française

Illumination Hymn and Conferences

Illumination Hymn, Conferences Author : Dr. Shuddhananda Bharati The flame shining vibrations movement is the one person, the irremovable one, I am in all. The flame shining vibrations movement is the only one form enveloping and carrying human bodies and worlds in its illumination light. The flame shining vibrations movement is the only sound Aum. I bow to that flame illumination light. Our natural being, sending hope and help in this illumination hymn itself is liberation in life to all of us Sparks Intelligence - Individuals of the light, to put an end to our sufferings miseries and fears and to feed and make us enjoy here and now in the painless nectar bliss.




En scène ! Tome 9

C'est la fin des épreuves japonaises du Y.A.G.P. pour Kanade et ses amis. Et les surprises ne manquent pas quand tombent les résultats. Chacun va devoir faire des choix, parfois difficiles. Dans son désir de poursuivre la danse à l'étranger, Kanade ne sait comment procéder. Et a-t-elle la maturité nécessaire pour appréhender pareille expérience ? La figure protectrice d'Abigail Nicols continue d'inspirer Kanade, même si, dans les faits, la grande ballerine semble s'éloigner de la jeune fille...



Lectures graduées

Death of a Salesman

Willy Loman is a salesman who believes in the American Dream. He has spent his whole career on the road, going all over New England to sell products. At sixty, he is far from retiring : he needs to keep on working to earn money in order to pay his mortgage and loans. But he does not sell as much as he used to and struggles to make ends meet. His relationship with his elder son, Biff, is chaotic : he does not understand why his son does not live up to his expectations. Thus, they fight all the time. But at the heart of the tension between them lies a secret that only the two of them know... Death of a Salesman explores the depth and complexity of human relationships and shows what happens when a man gets lost in his own dreams.



Non classé


The Weierstrass-Stone Theorem is one of the main tools of modern analysis, and several parts of functional analysis would not exist without it. The purpose of this monograph is to present its true nature by proving several increasing generalizations of this theorem, going from the classical case of subalgebras to submodules and to arbitrary subsets of continuous functions over compact spaces. Some closely connected results on uniform approximation which are important for many applications are also presented, namely the Choquet-Deny and the Kakutani Theorems for semi-lattices and for lattices of continuous functions, respectively. The beautiful variation of the Weierstrass-Stone Theorem due to von Neumann is also included with the proof due to R. I. Jewett. The monograph ends with several recent results on uniform approximation of bounded continuous functions over non-compact spaces.




Honey come honey Tome 9

Redoutable combattante. Kumagaya, lui, est grand et son allure sombre effraie les autres. Cela lui a valu le surnom de "Grizzli enragé" . Mitsu va découvrir qu'en réalité, il est sensible et qu'il est le créateur des peluches qu'elle affectionne. Elle va alors tenter de se rapprocher de lui, contre l'avis de ses amis.




Putting an end to the reign of financial illusion. For real growth

"We all know that our world has become very indebted over the past decades and that its 'financialization' has reached proportions never observed before, at least in peacetime. But how serious is this phenomenon ? What are its consequences on the solidity of our financial system, on the functioning of our economy and on the future of our society ? Above all, we must understand how our world has surreptitiously changed its model for the past two decades. It has slipped to a strange paradigm, one in which the bulk of economic activity is now reflected in the rise in the value of financial assets at the expense of growth, wage income and productive investment. It is time to put an end to the reign of illusion and to reinstate the fundamental economic springs without which there can be no real growth. " J. de L. "No one alive today combines Jacques de Larosière's experience with an acuity about global finance. His sharp and cogent expression of alarm in this timely volume deserves and even demands the attention of the global financial community. " Lawrence Summers, Former Secretary of the United States Treasury and President Emeritus of Harvard "This is a must-read for those who want to understand the 'economic illusions' hiding in plain sight. And for those who are prepared to step-up to the benefit of a new generation. " Kevin Warsh, member of the Federal Reserve Board (2006-2018), and professor at Stanford "The book is a harsh criticism of the fairy tales that have guided monetary theory and the actions of central bankers in recent decades. " Vito Tanzi, Honorary President of the International Institute of Public Finance



Comics - Humour

Rick & Morty Intégrale Tome 1

Rick et Morty font peau neuve ! La série culte s'offre une édition intégrale en six tomes et se pare de couvertures exclusives inédites en France. Dans ce premier tome qui rassemble les opus 1 et 2 déjà parus chez HiComics, (re)découvrez les aventures intergalactiques et déjantées du scientifique le plus dingue du multivers et de son petit-fils Morty Smith. Venez pour les blagues, restez pour la dévastation de votre âme. " Ce genre de tome permet vraiment aux comics de se transcender et d'offrir bien plus qu'un produit dérivé à l'excellente série TV qu'est Rick and Morty. " CBR. com " Digne des meilleurs épisodes de Rick & Morty, sauf que Rick semble encore plus dingue que dans la série ! " Goodreads. com



Histoire ancienne

Pondera antiqua et mediaevalia II

The Pondera Online project aims to collect and study ancient and medieval weights. No attempt for such a global corpus has been successful since the end of the 19th century. Dispersed objects, disparate information and imprecise data together constitute a major obstacle to a comprehensive approach. Therefore, the Pondera Online project is intended to fill a gap in the collection, standardisation, and processing of these archaeological data, thanks to an open access database (https : //pondera. uclouvain. be/). In this framework, four annual workshops have been organised in Louvain-la-Neuve between 2016 and 2019, bringing together specialists in Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Islamic weights and measures. These meetings have led to a rich program of presentations and discussions, and to the preparation of several papers. Thirteen of them are gathered in this second collective volume.



Cinéastes, réalisateurs

L'oeuvre de David Fincher. Scruter la noirceur

We thought we had gone through the topic in the first volume, those two games opened new pists of reflexions. The in-depth analysis of Hidetaka Miyazaki's Dark Souls saga continues with this volume 2, decoding the Bloodborne and Dark Souls III episodes. An indinspensale ebook for all the fans of the game Dark Souls !EXTRACT"The project, christened Project Beast, began soon after the Astorias of the Abyss DLC was released in August 2012. At the time, FromSoftware was also beginning to build Dark Souls II, its cash cow. Miyazaki kept his distance from this sequel, which was handed off to Tomohiro Shibuya and Yui Tanimura, with support from the FromSoftware president and creator of King's Field, Naotoshi Zin, who supervised the game system. On his end, Hidetaka Miyazaki formed a trusted team of regular collaborators, such as lead programmer Jun Itô (who had already filled this role for Demon's Souls and Dark Souls), composer and lead sound designer Tsukasa Saitô (Armored Core games), and most of his regular artists: Daisuke Satake, Masanori Waragai and Hiroshi Nakamura. The success of Demon's Souls, and the even greater success of Dark Souls, allowed FromSoftware to grow its ranks significantly. In total, no fewer than fifty programmers participated in the project, along with around twenty game system designers and fifty people working on visual creation (animation, scenery, characters, etc.). Thanks to financial support from Sony, many Japanese, Chinese and Taiwanese studios were sub-contracted during the production to help with graphics and visuals."ABOUT THE AUTHORSPassionate about films and video games, Damien Mecheri joined the writers team of Gameplay RPG in 2004, writing several articles for the second special edition on the Final Fantasy saga. He continued his work with the team in another publication called Background, before continuing the online adventure in 2008 with the site Since 2011, he has come aboard Third Éditions with Mehdi El Kanafi and Nicolas Courcier, the publisher's two founders. Damien is also the author of the book Video Game Music: a History of Gaming Music. For Third Éditions, he is actively working on the "Level Up" and "Année jeu vidéo" collections. He has also written or co-written several works from the same publisher: The Legend of Final Fantasy X, Welcome to Silent Hill: a journey into Hell, The Works of Fumito Ueda: a Different Perspective on Video Games and, of course, the first volume of Dark Souls: Beyond the Grave. Curious by nature, a dreamer against the grain and a chronic ranter, Sylvain Romieu is also a passionate traveler of the real and the unreal, the world and the virtual universes, always in search of enriching discoveries and varied cultures. A developer by trade, he took up his modest pen several years ago to study the characteristics and richness of the marvelously creative world of video games. He writes for a French video game site called Chroniques-Ludiques, particularly on the topic of RPGs, his preferred genre.



Histoire et Philosophiesophie

The Undergrowth of Science. Delusion, self-deception and human frailty

Walter Gratzer's themes in the stories he relates in The Undergrowth of Science are collective delusion and human folly. Science is generally seen as a process bound by rigorous rules, which its practitioners must not transgress. Deliberate fraud occasionally intrudes, but it is soon detected, the perpetrators cast out and the course of discovery barely disturbed. Far more interesting are the outbreaks of self-delusion that from time to time afflict upright and competent researchers, and then spread like an epidemic or mass-hysteria through a sober and respectable scientific community. When this happens the rules by which scientists normally govern their working lives are suddenly suspended. Sometimes these episodes are provoked by personal vanity, an unwillingness to acknowledge error or even contemplate the possibility that a hard-won success is a will o' the wisp; at other times they stem from loyalty to a respected and trusted guru, or even from patriotic pride; and, worst of ail, they may be a consequence of a political ideology which imposes its own interpretation on scientists' observations of the natural world. Unreason and credulity supervene, illusory phenomena are described and measured, and theories are developed to explain them - until suddenly, often for no single reason, the bubble bursts, leaving behind it a residue of acrimony, recrimination, embarrassment and ruined reputations. Here, then, are radiations, measured with high precision yet existing only in the minds of those who observed them; the Russian water, which some thought might congeal the oceans: phantom diseases which called for heroic surgery; monkey testis implants that restored the sexual powers of ageing roués and of tired sheep; truths about genetics and about the nature of matter, perceptible only to Aryan scientists in the Third Reich or Marxist ideologues in the Soviet Union; and much more. The Undergrowth of Science explores, in terms accessible to the lay reader, the history of such episodes, up to our own time, in ail their absurdity, tragedy and pathos.



Documentaires jeunesse

Einstein en BD

On ne présente plus Albert Einstein, physicien si influent et révolutionnaire que son nom est aujourd'hui synonyme de génie. Qui ne connaît pas sa célèbre formule E=mc2 ? Cette biographie en BD du physicien se divise en dix chapitres : -Un enfant curieux -La vie à l'école polytechnique -A la recherche d'un emploi -Une année miraculeuse -Relier l'espace et le temps -Einstein devient une star -La montée du nazisme -Le projet Manhattan -La vie après la bombe -L'héritage d'Einstein.



Non classé

The Concept of Man in Igbo Myths

In the vast silence of their isolation, the traditional Igbos have learnt the ways of living in harmony with nature. From their origin in distant time, they have kept a sacred perspective on the natural world. In our age, there is the need for traditional wisdoms to retain their validity and be intrinsic to our philosophic and scientific perceptions of the cosmos. We cannot do without their knowledge, their spiritual perspective, and their deep faith in the harmony of all nature. Ignoring these qualities has profound environmental implications. Global warming, environmental pollution, and the exhaustion of nature's resources are but a few of the symptoms of the nature's experiences as we continue to mistreat it in order to satisfy our own ends. This work helps us to realise that wherever we are, we are a part of nature. All the things around us are as presences, representing forces and powers of life that are not ours and yet are all part of us. Then we find them reflecting in ourselves, because we are nature, though not identical with it.



Français langue étrangère (FLE

French intermediate. Workbook

This easy-to-use workbook has been designed specificallyfor intermediate learners in French. It includes 180 fun-filled exercises (with answers) which follow a logical progression. You will be able to self-assess your level at the end of each chapter. Every aspect of the language has been covered, including grammar, spelling, vocabulary, syntax, pronunciation and accentuation. 180 fun-filled exercises (with answers) to learn French ; Tasks include : matching, fill the blanks, find the odd one, unscrambling exercises, crosswords, riddles and more ; Grammar, conjugation, spelling, pronunciation and accentuation ; Test yourself with our self-assessment tasks.




Death Games - (Looking for Sally II). (Looking for Sally II)

At the end of a deadly roadtrip, Charlie sets out on a frantic search for her father left for dead, following a trail of breadcrumbs laid by an increasingly vicious demon on the verge of incarnation. The countdown is on as Sally embarks on a dangerous experiment and the death toll keeps on rising... A gory, disturbing thriller that takes us deeper and deeper into the darkness of the human psyche. Readers discretion is advised.
