
How to save a life




Ta foi t'a sauvé !

Auteur d'un premier ouvrage Le bonheur est avec Dieu, Pierre de la Chapelle nous présente le charisme de guérison des malades (1 Cor 12) que, "laïc anonyme", il a reçu à l'aube de la soixantaine. Des questions profondes ont habité cette prise de conscience : les laïcs peuvent-ils recevoir de tels charismes alors qu'ils ne sont pas en charge d'un ministère religieux ? Comment les accueillir, les vérifier et les cultiver ? De quelle façon peuvent-ils être mis au service de la communauté et de l'Eglise ? Pierre de la Chapelle relate ici de nombreuses guérisons psychologiques, spirituelles et physiques dont il a été le témoin direct, tant en France qu'au Chili, et les place à la lumière des récits bibliques. "La force guérissante de Jésus n'est pas seulement la réalité d'il y a deux mille ans, elle est pour aujourd'hui", écrit le Père Guy Lepoutre, s.j., dans la préface. "Un petit ouvrage qui va agir comme un levain dans la pâte": ces témoignages de vies renouvelées, guéries et sauvées, cette galerie de visages qui s'illuminent du Christ, c'est la diffusion de la vraie Bonne Nouvelle, stimulante et entraînante. Que du bonheur !"




Dirty Panties (English Edition)

Roxane is a young Parisian whose Bohemian life seems stuck in an endless loop of idle afternoons and wine-soaked nights with her roommate. Strapped for cash and novelty, she starts selling her used underwear online. Dirty Panties chronicles her first steps in this marketplace, from the creation of her online persona to the real-life rendezvous with shady customers. This new business soon impacts Roxane's daily life and the people around her. The world she has just stepped into might be much more bizarre than what she expected. Roxane's journey exploring her own appetite for transgression tackles such contemporary themes as sex work, consent and economic domination. How far will she go and where will this end ? Maybelline Skvortzoff's drawing is detailed and vivid and the story is in turn hilarious, awkward, touching and dark. Much like Phoebe Waller-Bridge's character in her TV series Fleabag, Roxane is at the same time completely clueless and determined to make it on her own in this world where everything can be bought and sold. Roxane vend ses culottes -- the original edition of Dirty Panties -- won the 2023 Artemisia award for best humor comic and has been shortlisted for many awards including the official selection of the 2023 Angouleme Festival.



Non classé

The Search for Lyonnesse

Although Mme de Lafayette is acknowledged as the founder of the modern novel, her precise legacy has been understood only in relation to male-authored texts. However, she wrote as a woman, addressing issues that concerned women of her day, particularly the problem of the apparent incompatibility of sexual fulfilment and the institution of marriage. This study seeks to identify how La Princesse de Clèves was interpreted by three of Mme de Lafayette's most talented women successors and to show how their more sombre and subversive view of society was mediated in works of fiction which have strong affinities with the contes de fées for which they are well known. The novels of Mlle Bernard, Mme d'Aulnoy and Mlle de La Force are significant, not simply for what they tell us about themselves as women writers but also for what they reveal about the origins of the eighteenth-century novel.



Anglais apprentissage

The Scarlet Letter

Scarlet is the colour of sin, and the letter " A " stands for " Adultery ". In the 1600s, in Boston, Massachusetts, love was allowed only between a husband and a wife. A child bore outside marriage was a child of sin. Hester Prynne must wear the scarlet letter on her dress for the rest of her tife. How can she ever escape from this public shame? What will happen to her child, growing up in the shadow of the scarlet letter? The future holds no joy for Hester Prynne. And what will happen to her sinful lover - the father of her child?




Corporatism and the Stability of Capitalist Democracies

This dissertation treats a problem which originally stems from Marxist political economic thinking : why do representatives of the working-class compromise with representatives of the capitalist class on major socio-economic topics on a national level, and what do such compromises look like ? The author establishes the claim that macro-economic compromises between organized classes are both likely to result and unstable in their nature. It is shown how the state may act as an actor supporting the establishment of an institutionalized class compromise and how it may try to prevent the breakdown of it. After elaborating these claims in a dynamic macro-economic model, the author describes developments of class compromises in post World War II Sweden, Austria and the Netherlands to illustrate the theory.



Réussite personnelle

To do list

Sonia est une jeune femme de vingt-quatre ans dont les journées sont partagées avec ses deux amies Julie et Alexie. Leur vie paraît stable jusqu'au moment où une lettre leur est envoyée de la part de l'employeur de Sonia : l'objet ? Un voyage d'un mois en Italie pour un travail de barmaid dans un camp de vacances. Peu optimiste, le trio s'envole pour l'étranger. De péripétie en péripétie, les trois colocataires attirent l'humour et la joie de vivre. Une fois installées, elles décident de créer une liste de choses à faire contenant toutes sortes d'actions aussi improbables que drôles.




Tao-tö king

Le Tao-tö king, "livre sacré de la Voie et de la Vertu" , réconcilie les deux principes universels opposés : le yin, principe féminin, lunaire, froid, obscur qui représente la passivité, et le yang, principe masculin, qui représente l'énergie solaire, la lumière, la chaleur, le positif. De leur équilibre et de leur alternance naissent tous les phénomènes de la nature, régis par un principe suprême, le Tao. "Tout le monde tient le beau pour le beau, c'est en cela que réside sa laideur. Tout le monde tient le bien pour le bien, c'est en cela que réside son mal".





Today's PC games look better, sound better, and play better than ever before. But, they can also push your PC to its performance limits-and beyond. Take a trip down technology road with Computer Gaming World Contributing Editor Loyd Case as he shows you how to wring out the maximum gaming performance from your PC. Along the way, you'll learn a little about the inner workings of computer games, become a smart shopper when upgrading your PC, and become adept at building a souped up gaming system with. the components of your choosing. • Learn the ins and outs of 3D graphics technology, positional audio, and DirectX • Get help choosing that new 3D graphics card, CPU, or other hardware • Discover how to build or upgrade your own hot rod gaming rig • Tune up your PC for maximum gaming punch • Learn how to use the Internet for adrenaline-pumping, multi-player games • See how to set up your own local area network for LAN gaming parties



Généralités médicales

How I stopped snoring.. Exercises to treat snoring and sleep apnea

We don't talk about it and avoid the tension generating subject. Snoring makes us laugh or even cry. We very much want to get rid of it. There are ways to fight it. You will find an inventory of them herein, complete with advice on how to improve them, but that's not all ! This book sets forth a natural and original manner of curing snoring and sleep apnea. It's an actively engaging method as opposed to others which confine the snorer to a passive role (drugs, surgery, etc.), proposing exercises by which the snorer strengthens and activates his oral cavity and refines its sensations. Validated by numerous doctors, physical therapists and practitioners of alternative medicine, this book can be read on different levels : by those who are just discovering their snoring problem as well as by those who are well aware of it but haven't yet found a satisfactory solution.



BD tout public

How to Stay Afloat. Surnager au quotidien, Edition bilingue français-anglais

Un plongeon dans le quotidien d'une spécialiste de la routine.



Actualité médiatique internati

Unboss the Boss. How to empower your team for more profitability

The contented boss of a flourishing group, Alexandre Gérard took a hit in the crisis of 2009. He promptly decided to revolutionize his management style by basing it on a fundamental principle : a contented employee is more effective than an infantilized one whose every move is scrutinized. Learning to trust, to share information and decision-making with his team members, he channeled the creativity of all and in the process did away with all marks of hierarchy. An important figure in the liberated business arena, here Alexandre Gérard tells the story of his "great leap, " of the people he met who inspired him and of the stages in the process-not forgetting its pitfalls... . Above all, there is the necessary and profound transformation of the boss himself. An inspiring book that aims to put people back at the center of the system.



Actualité et médias

Performance post-crise

Today's professional environment is dramatically different from that which existed just twenty years ago. The digital revolution is in full swing, and working practices are undergoing some of the biggest changes in history. In addition to this background of change, COVID 19 has had an unprecedented impact on every aspect of modern professional life. This background of change, combined with an additional sudden shock is generating novel challenges, which present difficult questions. What organisational structure is best placed to handle crises such as this ? What are the ingredients of successful remote work ? What is the best way to manage a team remotely ? How should leaders communicate in a crisis ? Beyond these critical issues—and perhaps even more importantly—leaders also need to prepare for the future. How do they ensure the success of an organisation in an uncertain future ? How are they going to secure the talent they need ? To address these questions, this collection brings together contributors from a rich variety of backgrounds, drawing on many combined decades of leadership experience. In addition to sharing answers to many contemporary questions and their personal experience of the recent crisis, they outline their vision of the future of the world of work.



Physique, chimie

What is energy?

The word 'energy' was used to confuse me. I know that energy is. It is the capacity of a physical system to perform work, the ability to do work. Work is moving something against a force. I also know that without energy life cannot exist. At the same time, I could not picture Energy in my mind to better understand what it is. This book is design to given you a concrete understandasing of that energy is. Remember in reallity, no one can see, touch or observe energy. We can only constact the presence of energy by mouvement, motion and mesure it by its speed. We shall use this opportunity to introduce you to a pattern, the geometric shape torus that holds the key to the fuel of the future, to the world that works for everyone - Clean and universal energy. I consider the torus to be the best ever explanation of our evolutionary process. Evolution means to enfold, to roll out. The question is what the universe is rolling out ? I realised that we are not a mistake, we are simply mistaken. We have been blended to our brilliance, ignorance to our genius, unaware of our true power and magnificence. The Torus, the Zero Point Energy Field = Creation Story



Sciences politiques

Child and Nation. A Study of Political Socialisation and Banal Nationalism in France and England

Where do feelings of national belonging come from ? Why is it that this belonging often seems both fundamental and banal, both intangible and omnipresent ? This book argues that the answers to these questions lie in childhood and the socialisation to the nation that we experience as children. It suggests that the banality of our own everyday nationalism is due to the fact that we have spent our lives learning to take it for granted. Just as our first understandings of reality are learned during childhood socialisation, so nationhood and national belonging are internalised as natural and necessary from the very beginning of our lives. The specific nature of this early socialisation is what confers upon banal nationalism its characteristic combination of omnipresence, inscrutability and self-evidence. To try and get around this self-evidence and explore this socialisation and its results, this study has adopted an innovative methodology involving semi-directive projective interviews with young children in France and England. This book presents an analysis of how this early socialisation to the nation plays out on young children's visions of national belonging and its justifications and implications. It also looks at what this transmission in childhood means for nationalism as an ideology and the power and pertinence of the nation today.




Like Man, Like Woman

Modern scholarship often discusses Roman women in terms of their difference from their male counterparts, frequently defining them as ‘other'. This book shows how Roman male writers at the turn of the first century actually described women as not so different from men : the same qualities and abilities pertaining to the domains of parenthood, intellect and morals are ascribed by writers to women as well as to men. There are two voices, however : a traditional, ideal voice and an individual, realistic voice. This creates a duality of representations of women, which recurs across literary genres and reflects a duality of mentality. How can we interpret the paradoxical information about Roman women given by the male-authored texts ? How does this duality of mentality inform us about gender roles and gender hierarchy ? This work analyses well-known, as well as overlooked, passages from the writings of Pliny the Younger, Tacitus, Suetonius, Quintilian, Statius, Martial and Juvenal and sheds new light on Roman views of women and their abilities, on the notions of private and public and on conjugal relationships. In the process, the famous sixth satire of Juvenal is revisited and its topic reassessed, providing further insights into the complex issues of gender roles, marriage and emotions. By contrasting representations of women across a broad spectrum of literary genres, this book provides consistent findings that have wide significance for the study of Latin literature and the social history of the late first and early second centuries.




Glimpses of african cultures. Echos des cultures africaines, Edition bilingue français-anglais

This book covers various aspects of African traditional cultures that include: communication, marriage ceremonies, funerals, traditional rites, witchcraft, traditional cultural activities, and traditional beliefs. It will undoubtedly appeal to anyone who wants to understand better our African cultures. The reading of some of the stories will certainly raise existential questions about the nature of spirits, truth, and the place of God in the collective mind of the Africans. Some of the questions are the following: how is it possible that a human being has his double in an animal known as his totem ? How corne that, for people who do not believe in reincarnation, it is the chief who determines the future of the soul of the deceased ? In "Mourning habits in the West province of Cameroon," it appears that, if the soul is not taken care of, it will cause physical havoc in the society. Could there be a link between our souls and the physical elements of nature ? Is skull worshiping among the Bamileke merely a traditional practice or are they really able to communicate with their ancestors through the skulls ? What has led the Aghem people to firmly believe that lakes can physically move, that the dead live in their lakes, that children live in their pre-human state as caterpillars and may transform into reptiles when they are still babies ? What makes it possible for the human mind to communicate with animais, exchange messages as is shown in "How animais and things can speak and communicate in the Yambassa culture" ? Apart from the physical world as we know it, could there truly be a spiritual world that witches and wizards have access to and which system of values could this spiritual world be subjected to ? Every single paper of the more than 80 papers and squibs this book comprises is truly an invitation to explore further the untapped richness of African cultures.



Physique, chimie


FIND EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS TO MACHINE COMPONENT PROBLEMS! While focusing on the fundamentals of component design, this practical text helps readers learn how to solve engineering problems that involve mechanical components. A proven problem-solving methodology guides readers through the process of formulating machine component problems accurately and presenting solutions clearly. In addition, numerous solved examples and end-of-chapter problems help readers master the material. Graphical procedures help readers visualize the solution format, develop added insight about the significance of the results, and determine how the design can be improved. NEW FEATURES OF THE THIRD EDITION * Open-ended design problems have been added to most chapters. These problems are based on making decisions that involve materials, geometry, and operating conditions. * Material selection charts are now included as an aid in choosing appropriate materials for specific applications. * Finite element analysis is covered in several sections to provide an introduction to this useful tool. * Web site addresses are added throughout the text, providing access to additional information on topics ranging from industrial standards to properties of materials. * Innovative, web-based problems are integrated throughout the text, requiring use of the Internet to solve design problems. * The text has been completely updated with new illustrations and photographs. * A CD-ROM, included with the text, contains HiQ Software by National Instruments, three representative sample problems with solutions, and MathCAD and HiQ problems.




Cahiers du LLL n° 12 bis – Telepresence teaching (and learning). From the immersive to the virtual classroom

Hybrid or fully online ? Synchronous or asynchronous ? Unimodal, bimodal, comodal or multimodal ? The all-out development of distance learning has led to the creation of appropriate digital systems, either by using what was already in place (such as video conferencing classrooms and web conferencing software supporting virtual classrooms) or introducing innovative environments (such as immersive telepresence classrooms). To use these versatile, multi-functional technologies, teachers need to take a step back to enable them to adapt their teaching methods and offer learners a suitable environment that overcomes physical and geographical distances. As for students, the need to "be there" and "be together" while learning remotely has to be taken into account to maintain their commitment and ensure they continue to contribute, despite the fact they are apart. The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us the importance of the professional, collegial and friendship connections we have with those we usually meet face-to-face in a traditional classroom. Telepresence systems enable all these people to come together remotely (and synchronously) and make it possible to use active teaching methods, driven by the self-regulation of the learners. But what is telepresence ? Do teachers need any special training ? How do you attend lessons remotely ? How do participants learn in a telepresence setting ? What type of student assessment can be used in such an environment ? The result of international collaboration, this short guide looks at these questions from both a research and a practical perspective, inviting you to explore telepresence teaching and learning.



Non classé

Debating National Security

The nature of security in the contemporary world is changing rapidly. Superpower detente, the progress and further prospects of arms control, the collapse of East European communist regimes, and German unification, to name but the most spectacular features, present unprecedented challenges not only for political decision-makers, but also for the mass publics in democratic societies. What are the trends of public opinion on these issues and how do they reflect these changes ? By what factors are pertinent public attitudes shaped and what structures do emerge ? How can they be reliably assessed and meaningfully analyzed ? Which demands flow from the dynamics of public opinion that have to be taken into account in security policy making ? These are the key questions addressed by the twelve contributions to this volume. Combining longitudinal and comparative approaches they cover the public dimension of the national security debate in seven Western nations : Canada, Germany, Great Britain, Israel, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States.



Littérature française

You don't have to be irish

"Teagan est guitariste et enchaîne les concerts dans les pubs de Dublin. La précarité de sa situation ne lui permet pas d'envisager la vie au-delà du lendemain. Un jour il fait la rencontre de Maya, une Française, venue travailler dans un call center. Sans souci de l'avenir, la jeune femme s'amuse et profite de la vie. Le musicien va alors découvrir le monde des expatriés et petit à petit, appréhender les choses différemment... " "You don't have to be Irish" emmène le lecteur dans un monde réel qui révèle parfois des parts sombres de notre humanité. Ce roman guide le lecteur à travers les méandres de la vie d'expatriés dans un pays étranger, l'Irlande. Pays qui marquera les protagonistes tant par ses belles contrées que par les rencontres et les aventures qu'il leur aura permis de faire et de vivre.




Stories and Reflections

Eminent tastemaker Axel Vervoordt recounts the pivotal moments in his life that formed the foundation of his guiding philosophy and signature aesthetic. Axel Vervoordt is one of the world's foremost tastemakers. Revered for his discerning eye in art and interior design through a career that has spanned more than fifty years, he is renowned for his captivating minimalist interiors. An iconic figure at the most prominent international art fairs and exhibitions, he incarnates a singular philosophy for how to live with style. In Stories and Reflections, Vervoordt recounts stories about the people who have influenced him most throughout his life - his family, friends, artists, colleagues, clients, and unforgettable mentors - in this memoir that is personal, funny, insightful, and permeated with humility, wisdom, and lessons learned. He reflects on the key moments in his life from childhood to the present - Rudolf Nureyev's visit to the Vervoordt's new castle, his youthful acquisition of a Magritte, discovering Japanese Gutai art, his legendary Venice exhibitions, and insights gained from artists such as Cy Twombly, Anish Kapoor, and musician Mstislav Rostropovich. He details his greatest successes, as well as his personal regrets, while offering first-hand insight into the work that has forged his reputation. A larger-than-life and inspiring man, this book offers snapshots from his life, which paint an overall portrait of his guiding philosophy.



Non classé

From the village to presidential suite, my life journey

I did not intend to write a scholarly book, for I did not want to intellectualize my life. Nor did I wish to romanticize it. I wanted to describe it as I lived it, with emphasis on people. I wanted to express in this book the joy I experienced in giving generously of myself, my time, and my modest material possessions, to make others happy and to share the many gifts of life. I wanted also to share with those who aspire to become academic leaders the myriad lessons my upbringing, education, and professional life have taught me. I thought they might find these lessons learned useful, as they strive for successful careers and, more importantly, for rewarding personal and professional lives. Again, this book is a story, the story of my life, wherein the personal and the professional have intermingled and strengthened each other, making a better whole of my person, personality, aspirations, and talents. This unique alliance between the professional and the personal dimensions of my life, I am happy to say, always triumphed and accounted for the successes that so many good people helped me achieve. Without the guidance, advice, cooperation, and support of others, I am sure my life would not have been as fulfilling.



Développement personnel


« Quand je suis dans l'acceptation et sans jugement, je m'ouvre au pardon et à l'amour. » Ho'oponopono permet d'effacer les mémoires, sources de perturbations, et d'apporter paix intérieure et harmonie en soi. Pour cela, il suffit d'adopter différents comportements bienveillants et porteurs de sens. De façon ludique et à l'aide de citations à méditer, vous ferez vôtre cette célèbre sagesse hawaïenne qui vous accompagnera au quotidien. Laissez-vous imprégner par le sens des phrases de Jean Graciet tout en coloriant votre mandala, et travaillez ainsi votre pratique d'Ho'oponopono en devenant l'acteur de votre méditation !



BD tout public

Oncle Ho

Après L'Atelier de Jojo et Yvan, c'est l'autre rubrique que tenait Jean-Yves Duhoo dans Capsule cosmique qui est recueillie aujourd'hui dans cette MIMOLETTE. Les fiches encyclopédiques en "O" de l'Oncle Ho permettent à Duhoo de donner libre cours à ses trouvailles graphiques et ses associations d'idées imprévisibles. Si vous croyiez tout savoir sur le Fayot, le Turbot, l'Artichaut, le Banjo, Calimero ou le Yoyo, vous vous fourriez le doigt dans l'Ho.



Sciences de la terre et de la

Destiny or Chance. Our solar system and its place in the cosmos

Written by a leading planetary scientist, this book tells the remarkable story of how our solar system came into existence. It provides a fast-paced and expert tour of our new understanding of the Earth, its planetary neighbours and other planetary systems. In a whirl-wind adventure, we are shown how the formation of mighty Jupiter dominated the solar system, why Mars is so small, where comets come from, how rings form around planets, why asteroids exist and why Pluto isn't a planet at all. En route we discover that chance events have shaped the course of the history of our solar system. Dramatic collisions, for example, have caused the tilts and spins of the planets, the extinction of the dinosaurs and the rise of man. Finally, we look at how suitable Earth is for harbouring life, what other planetary systems look like and whether we are alone in the cosmos. For all those interested in understanding our solar system and its place in the cosmos, this is a lucid and compelling read.




Soul of Barcelona. A guide to 30 exceptional experiences

Soul of Barcelona brings together the 30 best experiences the city has to offer - which alone make it well worth the trip. Groove to jazz on Gaudi's rooftops, taste tapas prepared by a grandmother who is inspiring all the young Spanish chefs, discover how to get to a secret beach, sink your teeth into the ultimate churros, take a hot bath at a spa beneath the city ...



Littérature française

Togo or not to go (to help)

Comment résumer 6 mois intenses au Togo en une phrase ? Je ne sais pas mais en 2 mots, je dirai : " A vivre " ! Si on pouvait se brancher directement sur mon cerveau dans le compartiment de la mémoire sensorielle, cela ressemblerait aux vibrations ressenties lors d'une chute livre avec un parachute douteux. Mathilde, française de 32 ans, partie pendant 6 mois en mission humanitaire au Togo nous fait part de ses aventures via ses relations épistolaires avec ses proches, expérience enrichissante malgré des moments de doute et de découragement. " Je m'épanouis lorsque je suis utile ". Au travers de cette mission, l'auteur a découvert une source vive de plénitude dans l'accomplissement de ses objectifs.




Employment, Well-Being and Gender

This book examines welfare effects of gender-related inequalities in Korean households and labor markets. It uses subjective well-being data to show that reductions of excessive levels of working hours did improve family well-being in the past decade. Moreover, benefits from major life events like marriage can differ greatly by sex if traditional gender roles dominate and women contribute much less than men to household earnings. Furthermore, the study examines dynamics in rural East Asian economies and their impact on individual welfare outcomes. Both land redistribution and productivity-enhancing reforms are found to have been highly beneficial for Korean development. The Indonesian case study demonstrates the importance of cash-crop decisions and the growing non-farm sector for rural development.




The Fakir's Travels

Advising people to take this attitude or that are a waste of time. Those who see or/and are aware realise also that it is none of their business to goad and advise others. Our job at best can be to answer questions by the light of our knowledge but in no way can anyone be dogmatic about it. Let us all be first aware of - Do we know ? What do we know ? How do we know that we know ? To me it is the part where we first accept that there is room for change for the better in us. Then we observe ourselves. And finally we try to bring in the change in ourselves with our will with sincerity and objectivity.



Droit européen des affaires

Lobbyst. Revelations from the EU Labyrinth, 2e édition

I feel the need to enlighten the public on the way the European Union functions, or rather malfunctions. For most readers, this could come as a great shock : how can one imagine that the legislator no longer legislates and that he delegates his legislative power to obscure cenacles called "trilogues" ? Today, being a lobbyist is considered to be bad. A defender of business, of multinationals, of capitalism, ... and by extension of pesticides, intensive agriculture and junk food. That is the image ! The aim of this book is not to correct this image, but to provide elements of appreciation and to give a form of objectivity to the debate. Daniel Guéguen is the longest serving EU lobbyist. He is the former head of the European sugar lobby and then of the European farmers unions. Now a consultant, he is at the heart of the lobbying issues that make the news. Longtime professor in the United States, notably at Georgetown and Harvard. Now at the College of Europe. Multi-author, editorialist, blogger, Daniel Guéguen remains a convinced pro-European, but fiercely critical of an opaque, bureaucratic and, to put it bluntly, anti-democratic system.
